House of Commons Journal Volume 3: 15 May 1643

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 3, 1643-1644. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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'House of Commons Journal Volume 3: 15 May 1643', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 3, 1643-1644( London, 1802), British History Online [accessed 23 October 2024].

'House of Commons Journal Volume 3: 15 May 1643', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 3, 1643-1644( London, 1802), British History Online, accessed October 23, 2024,

"House of Commons Journal Volume 3: 15 May 1643". Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 3, 1643-1644. (London, 1802), , British History Online. Web. 23 October 2024.


In this section

Die Lunæ, 15 Maii, 1643.


Suits against Lenthall.

UPON the humble Petition of Sir Jo. Lentoell Knight, informing this House, that Mr. Jo. Dolbier, a Prisoner in Execution in the King's Bench for Six hundred Pounds, is become a great Officer in the Parliament's Army, and cannot be got back again; whereupon, an Action is commenced against the Petitioner for his Escape, though his Service in the Army is most necessary: The Petition likewise informs the like concerning Captain Rob. Tomson: Whereupon it is Ordered, That the Suits commenced against Sir Jo. Lenthall, in respect of Mr. Dolbier, or Captain Rob. Thompson, formerly his Prisoners, and now in the Parliament's Service, be stayed, until the House take further Order: And that the Examination of the State of these Two Cases be referred to the Committee for Examinations.

Noell's Petition.

The humble Petition of Henry Noell Esquire, Second Son of the late Lord Viscount Campden, a Prisoner in Peter House, was this Day read; and nothing done upon it.

Officers of Customs.

The humble Petition of Edw. Watkins, Tho. Aleway, Head Searchers of London, Esquires, and Sir David Watkins Knight, concerning the Disposal of the Places of the Under Searchers, was this Day read.

And it is Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee for the Customs; to consider in whom the Right of the bestowing the Places of the Under Searchers is; and to report it to the House.

Cholmeley's Impeachment.

Ordered, That Serjeant Wilde do, To-morrow, bring the Impeachment against Sir Hugh Cholmeley.


Ordered, That where any Ships, in the Service of the King and Parliament, are riding or coasting the Deputy Lieutenants, and Committees of Parliament, in the several Counties, shall have Power to require the Captains, Commanders, and the Ship's Company, to give their Assistance, by landing their Men, or otherwise, for settling and preserving the Peace of those Counties, in such manner as from time to time they shall be directed and appointed by the said Deputy Lieutenants and Committees of Parliament, or any Three of them.

It is further Ordered, That this Order be forthwith sent to the Earl of Warwick; to be left unto his Direction for the better Execution of it.

Disfranchising Walker, &c.

Resolved, That Mr. Walker, and such others of the Citizens of the City of Exon that are, or have been, in actual War against the Parliament, shall be disfranchised from the said City.

It is further Ordered, and Declared, That such other Citizens and Inhabitants of any City or Corporation, within the Kingdom of England and Dominion of Wales, that have been, or are, in actual War against the Parliament, shall be disfranchised.

Ordered, That Mr. Prideaux do bring in an Ordinance to this Purpose; and likewise, concerning such Justices of the Peace as have been or are in actual War against the Parliament.

Peace of Linne.

Upon a Letter, this Day received, from the Town of Linne, concerning the composing the Jealousies, and securing and settling the Peace of that Town, it is Ordered, That the Pieces of Ordnance, formerly assigned for the Defence of that Town, shall be forthwith sent down, according to the former Directions. (fn. 1)

Scandal on Purefoy.

A Letter from Lincolne, of May the Twelfth, for the acquitting of Serjeant Major Purefoy from a Scandal laid upon him by a Pamphlet, intituled, "A perfect Diurnal of the Passages in Parliament, from Monday the First of May, till Monday the Eighth," was this Day read:

And it is Ordered, That this Letter be printed; and that the Examination - Who printed this, be referred to the Committee for Examinations.

Subscriptions for Shropshire, &c.

Mr. Jo. Moore, Mr. Ashherst, Mr. Cage, Mr. Serjeant Wilde, Mr. Darley, Mr. Blakiston, Mr. Millington, Mr. Rich. Moore, Mr. Ashton, Mr. Tate, Sir Tho. Middleton, Mr. Pierrepont;

This Committee is appointed to call before them the Gentlemen that have subscribed any Monies for the Service of Shropshire; and to examine the Reasons why they bring not in their Monies, according to their Subscriptions; and to report the Obstructions, that Course may be taken for the removing of them: They are likewise to consider of the Propositions for advancing of Monies upon the Welsh Cloths: And are to meet this Afternoon, at Two of Clock, in the Court of Wards.

Resolved, &c. That all such Monies, as have been subscribed by any Members of the House, and not paid in; and likewise all such Monies as have, or shall be set upon the Members of the House; shall be all forthwith levied and paid in, for the Service and Benefit of the Forces under the Command of the Lord Fairefaxe.

And it is Ordered, That the Committee where Mr. Trenchard has the Chair, shall have Power to assess the Members, according to the Ordinance.

Ordered, That, whereas it was formerly ordered, that the Ten thousand Pounds assigned for my Lord Fairefaxe, should be paid out of the first Monies, that shall come in upon the Ordinance for the Twentieth Part, which is assigned for Security already for the City of London;

It is therefore this Day Ordered, That the said Ten thousand Pounds be paid out of such Monies as are come in, and undisposed of, or shall come in, upon the Ordinance for Sequestrations; and until that Sum be made up, not to be disposed of to any other Use.

Message to Lords.

The Draught of a Letter, to be sent to the State in Scotland, desiring Justice against the Six Scotts Lords, that subscribed the Letter to her Majesty, was this Day read; and ordered to be sent unto the Lords for their Concurrence.

He carried up likewise the Letter intercepted from Serjeant Major Rosse, to Sir Hugh Cholmeley.

He was likewise to move the Lords, that, in regard they have consented to send Committees from both Houses, that they will nominate Committees; that this House may nominate and appoint a Committee of a proportionable Number.

Messenger to Scotland.

Ordered, That the Messenger appointed to go into Scotland shall acquaint the State of Scotland with the Course and Means both Houses took, that their Commissioners, according to their Safe Conduct might come to the Parliament; and where the Obstructions were.

Langham's Currans.

Resolved, &c. That the Business concerning Sheriff Langham's Currans shall be taken into Consideration To-morrow Morning.

Answer from Lords.

Sir Wm. Armyn brings Answer, that as to the Letter, the Lords do fully agree unto it; and, as for the Committees to be sent into Scotland, they will send Answer by Messengers of their own.

Kendall's Petition.

Ordered, That the humble Petition of Tho. Kendall be referred to the Consideration of the Committee for the Safety of the Kingdom.

Declaration on the Treaty.

A Message from the Lords, by Sir Rob. Riche and Mr. Page;

The Lords have agreed unto the Declaration upon the Treaty, and have appointed it to be printed.


Ordered, That Mr. Glyn shall require the Clerks of the Records of the Tower to attend him with some Records that are to be cited in a Declaration, upon the Result of the Treaties, ordered by the Lords and Commons to be set forth; and recommended to Mr. Glyn, to take the Care of the printing of it, and to provide, that those Records may be truly and rightly cited.

Conspiracy at Bristoll.

Ordered, That the Papers and Informations delivered in concerning the Conspiracy at Bristoll be referred to the Perusal and Consideration of the Committee for the Safety of the Kingdom.

Great Seal.

The Question being put, Whether a Great Seal of England shall be forthwith made, to attend the Parliament, for Dispatch of the Affairs of the Parliament and Kingdom;

The House was divided:

The Yeas went forth.

Sir Jo. Clotworthy, Mr. Arth. Goodwyn, Tellers for the Yea: With the Yea, 86
Mr. Holles, Sir Jo. Evelyn, Tellers for the Noe: With the Noe, 74

Resolved, upon the Question, That a Great Seal of England shall be forthwith made, to attend the Parliament, for Dispatch of the Affairs of the Parliament and Kingdom.

Ordered, That the Lords Concurrence be desired in these Votes, concerning a Great Seal.

Raising Money.

Ordered, That To-morrow Morning, at Ten of Clock, the House take into Consideration the Report made by Mr. Noble, concerning Monies to be raised by laying a Charge upon Commodities.

Seizing Horses.

Whereas Thomas Browne, Maxamilian Bard, Wm. Dodson, Nicholas Alvie, Robert Norwood, John Styles, Wm. Both, Thomas Mason, Wm. Barton, Mr. Williamson, Thomas Flower, Richard Overton, George Day, John Hynd, Daniel Waldoe, Walter Story, and Samuel Harsnett, and their Substitutes, were first by Order of the House of Commons, and then by Ordinance of both Houses of Parliament, authorized and commanded Commissaries, to search for, seize and take, Horses, Mares, and Geldings, with Saddles and Bridles; and to deliver them away upon Warrants from the Lord General Essex; which Ordinance is since revoked: It is now declared, by the Commons assembled in Parliament, that the said Maxamilian Bard, Thomas Browne, and the rest of the Commissaries, have, in Execution of the said Order and Ordinance, done an acceptable Service to the Commonwealth: And it is ordained, That the said Commissaries, and their Substitutes, shall, for all Things done in pursuance of the said Order and Ordinance, and other Orders, and also for their former seizing of the Horses, by Warrant from the Committee for the Defence of the Kingdom, or by Authority derived from both or either House of Parliament, have the Protection of this House for their Indemnity: And if any Person shall molest, traduce, or falsely defame, the said Commissaries, or any of them, for any thing done in Observance of the Command of both or either the Houses of Parliament: such Person, upon Complaint thereof made, shall receive condign Punishment: And the Examination of such Defamation and Abuse is referred to the Committee for Examinations; who, after Examination, are required to make Report thereof to this House.

Relief of Ireland.

Whereas, by an Ordinance of both Houses of Parliament, dated the Thirtieth Day of January last, for a new Loan and Contribution towards the Relief of Ireland, it is, amongst other Things which conduce to the Advancement of that Service, Ordered, That the Churchwardens of every Parish, or the Overseers of the Poor, where there are no Churchwardens, having collected and gathered the free and charitable Benevolence of all the Inhabitants thereof, and all Sum and Sums of Money, Victual, Arms, Ammunition, Goods, Wares, Commodities, that any the said. Parishioners shall be willing to lend and disburse, as in the said Ordinance is expressed; shall cause to be written down, in a Schedule thereof, indented, as well the Name and Names of the several Givers, as of the Lenders, with the several Sum and Sums of Money which shall be by every of them lent or given; and, having subscribed their Names at the Foot of one Part of the said Schedule indented, shall deliver that Part, together with all such Sum and Sums of Money, Victual, Arms, Ammunition, Goods, Wares, and Commodities, unto such Person or Persons, as shall be therefore employed and entrusted, by Order of the Committee of Parliament, mentioned in the said Ordinance to be appointed to take care of the Affairs of Ireland, or any Eight of them; and that the said Person and Persons, so entrusted, shall, upon Receipt thereof, subscribe the other Part of the said Schedule, to remain with the Churchwardens, or Overseers and Parishioners, as is expressed in that Ordinance; and, receiving the Money, Victual, Arms, Ammunition, Goods, Wares, and Commodities, in the several Parishes; shall, with all convenient Speed, after the Receipt thereof, return the same in to the Treasurers appointed by that Ordinance at the Guildhall, London: Now forasmuch as, in the Directions that have been already given in to the several Counties of this Kingdom to the Commissioners named in the late Act of Parliament for raising the Subsidy of Four hundred thousand Pounds (to whose Care and good Endeavours the managing of this Affair is specially recommended) no Person or Persons are particularly named to receive such Money, Victuals, Arms, Ammunition, Goods, Wares, and Commodities, from the Churchwardens and Overseers, in such manner as the Ordinance of Parliament doth seem to require, and as may be for their Indemnity and Discharge; The Lords and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, to avoid all Ambiguities and Hindrances, that may retard the Service, which is of so great Necessity at this present; and to give the best Furtherance they may, to so pious and charitable a Work, which is so well begun in divers Parts of the Kingdom already; do hereby authorize and appoint the before-mentioned Commissioners, named in the late Act of Parliament for raising the Subsidy of Four hundred thousand Pounds in the several Counties of this Kingdom, and the Dominion of Wales, within the several Divisions of each County, as well within Liberties as without, to receive and take, either by themselves, or such Persons as they shall depute, from the Churchwardens, Collectors, and others that are employed for such Collections, all such Monies, Victuals, Arms, Ammunition, Goods, Wares and Commodities, as they have, or shall from time to time have collected by virtue of the said Ordinance; together with the Schedule thereof, so to be signed as aforesaid; and to subscribe and deliver back unto those Churchwardens or Collectors, the other Part of such Schedules, indented, for their Indemnity and Discharge. And the said Churchwardens and Collectors of every Parish, as well within Liberties as without, are hereby required to deliver, without Delay, all such Money, Victual, Arms, Ammunition, Goods, Wares, and Commodities, with the Schedules beforementioned, unto those respective Commissioners, or such as they shall appoint to receive the same; who are, in all other Respects, to observe the former Directions given them for the disposing thereof, according to the Tenor of the said Ordinance, and Letters given them in that Behalf.


  • 1. In the Margin, opposite to this Order, is wrote. "Respited."