House of Commons Journal Volume 4: 23 May 1646

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 4, 1644-1646. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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'House of Commons Journal Volume 4: 23 May 1646', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 4, 1644-1646( London, 1802), British History Online [accessed 22 October 2024].

'House of Commons Journal Volume 4: 23 May 1646', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 4, 1644-1646( London, 1802), British History Online, accessed October 22, 2024,

"House of Commons Journal Volume 4: 23 May 1646". Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 4, 1644-1646. (London, 1802), , British History Online. Web. 22 October 2024.


Die Sabbati, 23 Maii, 1646.


A Message from the Lords, by Doctor Aylett and Doctor Heath;

The Lords have commanded us to acquaint you, That they do agree to a free Conference, concerning the Words which were said to be spoken at a late Conference by Sir John Evelyn; also to a Conference, concerning the Vote which the House of Commons hath made for the Disposing of the King as both Houses of the Parliament of England shall think fit, and likewise concerning the Business of Captain Maisey, at Ten of the Clock in the Morning, this Day, in the Painted Chamber, by a Committee of both Houses:-To return to you this Ordinance, for securing the Lenders of Monies, for the Service of Ireland; to which they agree, with these Amendments; and desire your Concurrence: This Ordinance, for Disposing of Ely-House to the Serjeant at Arms attending on the House of Commons; to which they agree, with these Amendments; to which they desire your Concurrence. They have commanded us to put you in mind of Philip Nitesbridge's Ordinance. They have sent you Mrs. Hall' Petition; which they refer to your Consideration: And have commanded us to put you in mind of Sir Peter Ricaut's Petition; and of the Lady Inglesbye's Petition; of the Lords added to Goldsmiths-Hall. They have sent you a Pass for Six Horses into Holland, for Colonel Cromwell; a Pass for Sixteen Nags into France, for the French King; and a Pass for Two Horses, for Lieutenant-Colonel Killegrew, into Holland; in all which they desire your Concurrence: Also a Report from the Committee of Admiralty and Cinque-Ports, concerning Wm. Morton to command the Hunter Frigate; to which they desire your Concurrence.

Mr. Nathanael Fiennes, Mr. Samuel Browne, Mr. Rigby, Mr. Tate, are appointed Managers and Reporters of this free Conference; and of these Conferences.

The Amendments to the Ordinance concerning Ireland were read; and, upon the Question, assented unto.

The Amendments to the Ordinance for disposing ElyHouse for the Serjeant at Arms attending this House were read. And

It is Resolved, &c. That this House will adhere to the Ordinance, as it went from hence.

Resolved, &c. That the Sum of Twenty Pounds be forthwith advanced and paid, by the Committee of Lords and Commons for Advance of Monies, sitting at Haberdashers-Hall, unto Mrs. Mary Hall, Sister to Captain John Hall, deceased, upon Account, in Part of Payment of his Arrears, to be employed for the Interring and Burial of the said Captain John Hall.

The Lords Concurrence to be desired herein.

Answer returned by the same Messengers; That this House doth agree to the Time for the free Conference, and the Conferences; to the Amendments to the Ordinance concerning Ireland: They have taken the Petition of Mrs. Mary Hall into Consideration: And, as to the rest, they will send Answer by Messengers of their own.

An Expedient offered to the House, instead of the Commissioners appointed to determine of scandalous Offences not enumerated, was twice read; and was in bæc verba; viz. "If any scandalous Sin, not enumerated, be committed, and so determined to be by the Eldership, the said Eldership shall certify the Cause, with the Proofs, to the Committee of Parliament at Westminster; who shall forthwith determine the same: And, if they shall not determine it within Fourteen Days after Certificate to them made, the Party convicted shall abstain, until the same shall be determined by the said Committee of Parliament: And, if the Party be convicted by the Eldership the Week before any Sacrament appointed, so that they cannot certify the same to the Committee of Parliament before such Sacrament, the Party so convicted shall abstain from the Sacrament for the next Time only, unless the said Committee of Parliament do adjudge the Offence a scandalous Sin, for which he ought to be kept away from the Sacrament."

The Question being propounded, That the Substance of this Proposition shall be framed into an Ordinance;

The Question was put, Whether this Question should be now put:

It passed with the Affirmative.

And then the Question itself being put;

It is Resolved, &c. That the Substance of this Proposition shall be framed into an Ordinance.

Mr. Sam. Browne, Mr. Selden, Mr. Sollicitor, Mr. Grimston, Sir Jo. Clotworthy, Mr. Holles, Sir Philip Stapleton, Mr. Martyn, Mr. Crew, Mr. Holcroft, Sir Gil. Gerrard, Sir Robert Harley, Mr. Greene, Mr. Gott, Sir Edw. Boyse, Mr. Prideaux, Mr. Morley, Mr. Jesson, Sir Wm. Lewes, Sir Wm. Strickland, Mr. Recorder, Sir Arth. Haslerige, Sir John Evelyn of Wiltes, Sir John Temple, Mr. Serjeant Wilde, Mr. Gourdon, Sir Tho. Wroth, Mr. Millington, Mr. Edw. Stephens, Mr. Whitehead, Sir Wm. Waller, Mr. Swinfen, Mr. Bacon, Mr. Nath. Fiennes, Mr. Ashhurst, Mr. Rose, Mr. Den. Bond, Mr. Whitlocke, Sir Gilbert Pickering;

This Committee is to consider of this Proposition; and to frame the Substance thereof into an Ordinance: And are to meet upon it on Monday next, at Two of the Clock in the Afternoon, in the Star-Chamber: And the Care hereof is referred to Mr. Samuel Browne.