House of Commons Journal Volume 4: 9 May 1646

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 4, 1644-1646. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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'House of Commons Journal Volume 4: 9 May 1646', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 4, 1644-1646( London, 1802), British History Online [accessed 23 October 2024].

'House of Commons Journal Volume 4: 9 May 1646', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 4, 1644-1646( London, 1802), British History Online, accessed October 23, 2024,

"House of Commons Journal Volume 4: 9 May 1646". Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 4, 1644-1646. (London, 1802), , British History Online. Web. 23 October 2024.


Die Sabbati, 9 Maii, 1646.


A Letter from Colonel-General Pointz, from the Leaguer before Newarke, of 6 Maii 1646, about Twelve at Night, was this Day read.

A Letter from the Commissioners of both Houses, from Balderton, of 6 Maii 1646, at Midnight, with a Copy of the Articles for Surrender of the Garison of Newarke; were this Day read.

Two other Letters from the Commissioners of both Houses, from Balderton, of 6 Maii 1646, were this Day read.

Another Letter, from the Commissioners of both Houses, from Balderton, of 7 Maii 1646; together with the Order of the Committee of both Kingdoms for Delivering up of Newarke into such Hands as the Commissioners of the Parliament of England shall appoint, for the Use of the Parliament of England; were this Day read.

Ordered, That the Articles for the Surrender of Newarke be forthwith printed and published.

Ordered, That, on Tuesday next, being the Twelsth of this instant May, and, by former Order, set apart for a Day of Publick Thanksgiving for several Mercies on the Forces of the Parliament in divers Parts of the Kingdom, Thanks be likewise given to Almighty God, for his great Blessing in the Surrender of the Garisons of Newarke and Banbury-Castle: And that the Lord Mayor of the City of London is desired to give notice hereof to the several Ministers within the respective Limits and Parishes where the said Day is appointed to be observed and kept. And

It is further Ordered, That this great Blessing of the Surrender of Newarke and Banbury-Castle be likewise commemorated, on Tuesday the Nineteenth of this instant May, in the several Counties and Places where the said Day is appointed to be observed and kept as a Day of Thanksgiving for several other Mercies to the Forces of the Parliament in divers Parts of the Kingdom: And that the Knights and Burgesses of the said several Counties and Places do take care, that timely Notice hereof may be given to the respective Ministers within the said several Counties and Places accordingly.

Ordered, That Lieutenant-Colonel Carleton, who brought the first News of the Surrender of Newarke, shall have One hundred Pounds bestowed upon him for this and other Services, and paid unto him by the Committee of Lords and Commons for Advance of Monies, at Haberdashers-Hall.

The Lords Concurrence to be desired herein.

Ordered, That, on Monday Morning next, the first Business, the Report concerning Colonel-General Pointz be made.

Resolved, &c. That Wednesday Morning next, peremptorily, be appointed for the Making of Reports of Compositions from Goldsmiths-Hall: And that no other Business do intervene.

Resolved, &c. That the House do sit on Thursday next, in the Afternoon, to read the Ordinances that are to pass upon Compositions already made and agreed on by the House; and to do no other Business.

A Message from the Lords, by Doctor Aylett and Doctor Heath;

The Lords desire a present Conference, at Ten of the Clock this Morning, by a Committee of both Houses, in the Painted Chamber, concerning Letters from the Commissioners of the Parliament in the Army at Newarke; Letters from the Commissioners of the Estates of Scotland, in the same Army; a Paper, sent in this Morning to their Lordships, from the Scottish Commissioners at London; and concerning the Votes last brought up, touching the King.

Resolved, &c. That this House will grant a present Conference, as is desired.

Sir Henry Vane, Mr. Reynolds, Sir John Evelyn of Wiltes, Sir William Waller, Mr. Nathanael Fiennes, Mr. Samuel Browne, are appointed Reporters of this Conference.

Answer returned by the same Messengers;

The House hath considered your Message; and will grant a present Conference, as is desired.

The House being informed, That Mr. Rowe, Secretary to the Commissioners of both Houses at Newarke, was at the Door;

He was called in; and related to the House, what he heard concerning the Manner of the King's coming into the Scotts Army.

Resolved, &c. That Mr. Rowe shall have the Sum of Fifty Pounds bestowed upon him: And that the Committee of Lords and Commons for Advance of Monies, sitting at Haberdashers-Hall, do pay the said Fifty Pounds to him accordingly.

The Lords Concurrence to be desired herein.

The House being informed, That Lieutenant-Colonel Carleton was at the Door;

He was called in; and related what he had heard concerning the King's coming into the Scotts Army.

Ordered, That Mr. Noble, one of the Members of this House, shall have Leave to go into the Country.

Ordered, That the Committee of the Revenue do forthwith make Payment of the Monies bestowed upon Mr. Rowe, for his Pains and Service in his Journey upon his Employment from the Parliament to the Parliament of Scotland at Edenburgh.

Ordered, That the Committee of Lords and Commons for Advance of Monies, sitting at Haberdashers-Hall, do forthwith pay unto Captain Bedford, that brought News of the Surrender of Newarke, the Sum of Twenty Pounds for his Pains.

The Lords Concurrence to be desired herein.

Resolved, &c. That the Sum of Thirty Pounds be bestowed upon Mr. Samuel Harlewyn, the Messenger that brought the News of the Surrender of Banbury-Castle: And that the Committee of Lords and Commons for Advance of Monies, at Haberdashers-Hall, do pay unto him the said Thirty Pounds accordingly.

The Lords Concurrence to be desired herein.

Mr. Reynolds reports the Conference.

He first read a Letter from the Lord Mountague, from Balderton, of 6 Maii 1646; then another Letter from the Lord Mountague, from Balderton, of 6 Maii 1646, at Midnight, with the Articles for the Surrender of Newarke.

Next he read a Letter from the Committee of Estates of the Kingdom of Scotland, to the Committee of both Kingdoms, of 6 Maii 1646, from Southwell.

He next read a Paper, from the Scotts Commissioners residing here, of 8 Maii 1646.

He then reported a Vote of the Lords concerning the Communicating of the Letters from the Commissioners of the Parliament at Newarke, and from the Committee of Estates of Scotland; and that he should not send any Forces to Newarke.

He then reported, That, to the First and Second Votes concerning the Disposal of the King's Person, that the Earl of Manchester said, That the Lords cannot agree unto them.

The Question was propounded, For Adhering to the former Vote concerning the Disposal of the King's Person:

And the Question being put, Whether this Question shall be now put;

It passed with the Affirmative.

It is thereupon Resolved, &c. That this House doth adhere, That it be desired of the Commissioners of the Parliament of Scotland, residing with the Scotts Army before Newarke, and also of the General of the Scotts Army there, That the Person of the King may be disposed of to such a Place within this Kingdom, as the Two Houses of Parliament shall appoint.-

Ordered, &c. That Mr. Westrowe shall have Leave to go down to the General's Army, to speak with the Governor of Borstall-House; according to the Directions of the General, and the Desire of the Governor.-

The Question was propounded, Whether the House will adhere to the Vote for Warwick-Castle to be the Place to which the Person of the King shall be disposed:

And then the Question being put, Whether this Question shall be put;

It passed with the Negative.

Resolved, &c. That the Vote of Adhering be communicated to the Lords at a Conference.

Resolved, &c. That a Committee be appointed to prepare Reasons, to be offered to the Lords at the Conference, Why this House doth adhere to the First Vote concerning the Disposing of the Person of the King.

Mr. Sollicitor, Sir Henry Vane, Mr. Prideaux, Mr. Samuel Browne, Mr. Natha. Fiennes, Mr. Holles, Mr. Whitelocke, Sir Wm. Strickland, Sir Jo. Evelyn of Wiltes, Mr. Lisle, Sir Wm. Lewes, Mr. Marten, Mr. Millington, Sir Wm. Waller, Sir Tho. Widdrington;

This Committee, or any Three of them, are to prepare Reasons, to be offered to the Lords at a Conference, Why this House doth adhere to the First Vote concerning the Disposing of the Person of the King: And are to meet upon it this Afternoon at Five of the Clock, in the Queen's Court: And Mr. Lisle is to take care hereof.

Resolved, &c. That, in case the Scotts Commissioners shall give way, that Mr. John Cheislie shall be examined, that the Committee, or any Five of them, appointed Yesterday, by Order, to desire the Scotts Commissioners, that he may be examined, shall have Authority, and are hereby authorized and required, to examine him concerning the Letter mentioned in the said Order.