House of Commons Journal Volume 4: 1 June 1646

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 4, 1644-1646. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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'House of Commons Journal Volume 4: 1 June 1646', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 4, 1644-1646( London, 1802), British History Online [accessed 24 October 2024].

'House of Commons Journal Volume 4: 1 June 1646', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 4, 1644-1646( London, 1802), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024,

"House of Commons Journal Volume 4: 1 June 1646". Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 4, 1644-1646. (London, 1802), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024.


Die Lunæ, 1 Junii, 1646.


REsolved, &c. That Major Slater be committed Prisoner to the Tower for High-Treason, for levying and being taken in actual Arms against the Parliament.

Ordered, That the Lord Fitzwilliams, a Member of this House, shall have Leave to go into the Country.

Ordered, That the Information concerning Sir Poynings Moore, a Member of this House, his sending of Monies to the King to Oxon, be referred to the Examination of the Committee of Examinations.

The House took into Consideration the Report of the Conference with the Lords, concerning the Proposition touching Delinquents, of 24 Martii 1645.

And it is Resolved, &c. That this House doth agree with the Lords, to leave John Lord Pawlett out of the First Qualification of Exception from Pardon.

Resolved, &c. That this House doth adhere to continue the Earl of Derby in the First Exception from Pardon.

Resolved, &c. That this House doth adhere to continue Sir John Byron in the First Exception from Pardon.

Resolved, &c. That this House doth adhere to continue Sir John Strangewaies in the First Exception from Pardon.

Resolved, &c. That this House doth agree with the Lords, That Sir Richard Lane be put in the First Qualification to have no Pardon.

Resolved, &c. That this House doth agree with the Lords, to leave John Bodevile Esquire out of the First Qualification or Exception from Pardon.

Ordered, That John Bodevile Esquire be comprised within the Qualifications concerning such Delinquents as were Members of either House of Parliament, that have deserted the Parliament, or adhered to the Enemy.

Four several Votes of this House, of 12 Decembris 1645, concerning the Coming in of Delinquents before the Five-and-twentieth Day of March last, were this Day read.

And it is Resolved, &c. That the Lords Concurrence be desired to the several Votes of this House, of 12 Decembris 1645, concerning Delinquents: And that the Five-and-twentieth Day of March, in the said several Votes, be inlarged unto and made the First Day of May now last past.

The Vote of this House, of 12 Decembris 1645, declaring, That the Rendering and Coming in of Persons to the Parliament shall be understood, of such Persons only as shall testify their Affections to the Parliament, by taking the National Covenant, and the Negative Oath, made in April 1645, was this Day read.

An Order for further Explanation of the said Vote was read, in hæc verba; viz. That all such Persons who have tendered themselves before the First of May last, 1646, to the Committee at Goldsmiths-Hall, or any other Committee, or to the General, or to any Governor of any of the Parliament's Garisons, or to any Commander in Chief of any of the Parliament's Forces, and shall tender themselves to the Committee of Goldsmiths-Hall to take the National League and Covenant, and the Negative Oath, before the last Day of July, shall be admitted to his Composition at Goldsmiths-Hall, according to the Propositions: And all Persons which have any Conditions granted unto them upon the Surrender of any Garison, or otherwise, shall have the Benefit thereof, according to the Articles and Agreements made in their Behalf: And was, upon the Question, committed to the Committee at GoldsmithsHall: Who are to consider of it; and to report it to the House.

Resolved, &c. That all such Persons as were in the Garison of Newarke, and are comprised within the Articles for Surrender thereof, and shall, within Two Months after the Date of the said Articles, effectually prosecute their Compositions, shall be admitted to make their respective Compositions, as if they had come in before the First Day of May now last past.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee of Lords and Commons for Irish Affairs, to consider of any such Horses or Men as there is no further Use or Employment for in this Kingdom: And have Power to contract with them, and send them over into Ireland, for the Service of that Kingdom, under the Command of the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, or such as he shall appoint.

A Message from the Lords, by Sir Edward Leech and Mr. Page;

The Lords have commanded us to bring you this Letter: It came from the Scotts Commissioners; and is directed to the Speaker of their House: And they have thought fit to communicate it unto you.

Sir Anthony Irby is appointed to go to the Lords, to desire them to expedite their Answer to the Ordinance for enabling the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland to raise Men for the Service of Ireland: And was to put them in mind of the Vote concerning the Demand of the Person of the King, to be disposed by both Houses of the Parliament of England; and to desire their Answer.

He likewise carried to the Lords, for their Concurrence, an Order for Ten Pounds to John Taylor Messenger, out of Haberdashers-Hall: An Ordinance for Discharge of the Delinquency of Robert Betton: An Ordinance for discharging the Delinquency of James Dockwra Esquire: An Ordinance for discharging the Delinquency of Mr. Stephen Soame, of Thurlowe: And an Ordinance for Discharge of the Delinquency of Mr. Inigo Jones: And was to put them in mind of Captain Maisey's Release.

Sir Anthony Irby brings Answer, That, to all the several Messages carried by him to the Lords, they will send Answer by Messengers of their own.

The Letter sent from the Lords, being from the Scotts Commissioners, from Worcester-House, of 30 Maii, concerning Quartering and Supply of their Forces, was this Day read.

Sir Arthur Haselrige reported, from the Committee of both Kingdoms, Two Letters from the Committee at Yorke, of 19 Maii, to that Committee; together with a Copy of their Letter to the Commissioners of Scotland at Newcastle, of 15 Maii 1646; with the Answer of the Commissioners of Scotland returned thereunto: The which were this Day read.

A Letter from the Committee at Yorke, of 29 Maii 1646; with a Letter inclosed, from General Leven, and the Commissioners of the Parliament of Scotland, at Newcastle, of 25 Maii 1646; and divers Informations presented to the Committee for the North-Riding of the County of Yorke; a Letter from Colonel-General Sednham Poynts, from Yorke, of 29 Maii 1646; together with a Letter from the Lord General Leven, and the Scotts Commissioners, at Newcastle, of 25 Maii 1646, to Colonel-General Points; were this Day read.

A Letter from Colonel-General Sednham Poynts, from Yorke, of the Twenty-ninth of May 1646, concerning the Fortifications of the City of Yorke, was likewise this Day read.

Ordered, &c. That these several Letters and Papers be referred to the Committee where Mr. Stockdale hath the Chair: Who are to make their Report concerning the same on Wednesday Morning next: And they are further to consider of, and examine, what new Forces are come, or about to come, out of Scotland, into any of the Northern Parts of this Kingdom. And

It is further Ordered, That Mr. Challenor, Mr. Richard Darley, Mr. Thorpe, and Mr. Robert Goodwyn, and that all the Members of this House that are of the Northern Association, be added to this Committee: And have Power to send for Parties, Witnesses, Papers, Records, &c.

The Votes of this House, of 19 Maii last, whereby this House did declare, That this Kingdom hath no further Use of the Continuing of the Scotts Army within the Kingdom of England; that the Sum of One hundred thousand Pounds should be forthwith provided for their Army, and concerning the Accompts of the Arrears of their Army, and for Payment of the same; were this Day read.

Resolved, &c. That a Committee be appointed to consider of the speedy Raising and Providing of the One hundred thousand Pounds for the Scotts Army; and how, and in what Manner, and by what Means and Ways, the same may be forthwith raised and provided to be paid to them, according to the Votes of 19 Maii last. And

It is further Ordered, That this Business be especially referred to the Care of the Committee at GoldsmithsHall.

Sir John Evelyn, Mr. Sollicitor, Mr. Scawen, Sir Tho. Widdrington, Mr. Marten, Mr. Ball, Mr. Nath. Fiennes, Mr. Sallway junior, Mr. Scott, Mr. Allen;

This Committee, or any Three of them, are appointed to prepare an Answer to the Letter from the Scotts Commissioners, of 20 Maii 1646, concerning their Answer to the Demand of this House to have a State of their Accompts and Arrears: And they are, in this Answer, to consider of the Debate this Day had in the House hereupon; and of the Clause in the Letter from the Parliament of Scotland, of 3 Februarii last, concerning their Demand of their Arrears, and of the Monies justly due unto them, and their Armies, by the Treaty: And they are to meet this Afternoon at Two of Clock, in the ExchequerChamber: And the Care of this Business is more particularly referred to Mr. Scawen.

Ordered, &c. That Mr. Samuel Browne do, To-morrow Morning, the first Business, report the Expedient to be considered of, instead of Commissioners.

Resolved, &c. That the Lords Concurrence be desired to the Vote of 19 Maii last, declaring, That there is no further Use of the Continuing of the Scotts Army within this Kingdom: And that the Lords be, at the same time, acquainted with the other Two Votes; the one concerning the One hundred thousand Pounds for the Pay of the Scotts Army; and the other concerning the Accompts of their Arrears.

Resolved, &c. That the Vote, declaring, That there is no further Use of the Continuing of the Scotts Army within this Kingdom, be communicated to the Estates of the Kingdom of Scotland, by express Messengers from both Houses.

Resolved, &c. That this House doth continue in their former Resolutions for Sending of Commissioners to reside in the Kingdom of Scotland: And that the Ordinance for authorizing the Commissioners, formerly named in this House for that Service, be brought in on Wednesday Morning next.

Resolved, &c. That the House do now rise.

And Mr. Speaker adjourned the House accordingly.