House of Commons Journal Volume 4: 18 June 1646

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 4, 1644-1646. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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'House of Commons Journal Volume 4: 18 June 1646', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 4, 1644-1646( London, 1802), British History Online [accessed 24 October 2024].

'House of Commons Journal Volume 4: 18 June 1646', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 4, 1644-1646( London, 1802), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024,

"House of Commons Journal Volume 4: 18 June 1646". Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 4, 1644-1646. (London, 1802), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024.


Die Jovis, 18 Junii, 1646.


ORdered, That Mr. Henry Marten, a Member of this House, shall have Leave to go into the Country for Four or Five Days.

Ordered, That Mr. Nathanael Bacon and Mr. Francis Bacon, Members of this House, shall have Leave to go into the Country.

Ordered, That, on Wednesday next, being the Day appointed for Publick Humiliation, there shall be a Collection made in all the Parish-Churches in and about the Cities of London and Westminster, that are mentioned in the weekly Bills of Mortality, as also in the several Chapels within the said Limits, by the Churchwardens, and other Officers of the said Parishes and Chapels, for and towards the Relief of the visited, and other poor distressed People of the Town of Abingdon: And the Monies, so collected, they are to pay unto Wm. Greenhill, John Pocock, John Randall, and Richard Hutchinson, Citizens of London, appointed to be Treasurers for the sick and maimed Soldiers and Widows, at their Office in Warwicklane, on Friday next, being the Twenty-sixth of this instant June.

And it is likewise hereby Ordered, That all Ministers of the said several Parishes and Chapels shall earnestly persuade the People to contribute to this so pious and charitable a Work, for those whose Sufferings and Services have been eminent for the State.

It is further Ordered, That the Monies, so collected and paid in to the said Treasurers, shall be by them paid over to Wm. Ball Esquire, Burgess for the said Town of Abingdon, to be by him disposed to the Use and Purpose afore-mentioned.

Mr. Hill reports, from the Committee at HaberdashersHall, the whole State of the Case concerning the Discovery of Sir John Pennington's Estate, a Delinquent, in the Hands of Mr. Alderman Pennington, a Member of this House.

And it is thereupon Ordered, That the Estate of the said Sir John Pennington, in the said Mr. Alderman Pennington's Hands, be paid in to the said Committee: And that the said Report be re-committed; to consider of the Time, and the Ways of Payment of the Monies so discovered accordingly.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee of Goldsmiths-Hall, to appoint unto Sir Thomas Soame a Day for the Payment in of the Monies remaining in his Hands, due unto one Gibson, a Delinquent; and to consider of a fitting Security to be given to Sir Thomas Soame, to save him harmless, and keep him indemnisied, against the Delinquent.

Mr. Samuel Browne reports Doctor Hudson's Letter to his Brother Crosse, and Mr. Stevens, from Sandwich, of Junii 7 1646.

Doctor Francis Crosse his Examination read.

The Examinations of Robert Barham, of Sandwich, Innholder; of Arthur Carington, Ostler; of Henry Rastall, of the Isle of Ely, sometimes a Butcher, sometime Servant to Mr. Michael Hudson; taken by Sir Henry Heyman, Lieutenant-Colonel Oxenden, and Captain John Nutt, Members of this House, 9 Junii 1646; were read.

The Confession of Mr. Michael Hudson, while he was Prisoner in Newcastle, voluntarily set down by himself, in Writing, and subscribed by him; and by him delivered in to the Committee appointed to examine him.

The Copy of a Letter written by Mr. Michael Hudson, while he was Prisoner in Newcastle, directed to the Lord Dumfirmeling; and sent by Mr. Archibald Hay to the King; with a Desire to the King, That it might be delivered to the Lord Dumfirmeling, if his Majesty so thought fit: That the King read it; and then delivered it to the Lord Dumfirmeling.

Mr. Samuel Browne, the Reporter, read all the Particulars of Mr. Michael Hudson's First Examination.

The Examination of John Bellassis Esquire was likewise read by the Reporter.

An Extract of a Letter from the King to Mr. Bellassis, Governor of Newark; and likewise the Copy of a Letter from the King to Mr. Bellassis, after he was come to the Scotts Army, concerning the speedy Surrender of Newark; were read.

A Second Paper, delivered in by Mr. Michael Hudson, was read, bearing Date 12 Junii 1646.

The Second and other Examinations of Mr. Hudson were read by the Reporter.

The Second Examination of Pitman was read.

A Letter from Doctor Francis Crosse Prisoner, directed to Mr. Samuel Browne, and the rest of the Committee.

Doctor Crosse's Second Examination was read.

Mr. Stevens' Examination was read.

Mr. Hudson' further Examination was read.

Resolved, &c. That the several Papers and Informations, this Day reported by Mr. Pury, Mr. Samuel Browne, and delivered in by Sir Wm. Constable, be committed to the Committee unto whom the former Report made by the Commissioners late residing with the Forces before Newark, and from the Northern Committee, was referred.

Resolved, &c. That Doctor Crosse, now in safe Custody with the Serjeant at Arms attending on this House, be bailed.

Resolved, &c. That Doctor Hudson, now in safe Custody with the Serjeant at Arms attending on this House, be forthwith committed to London-House.

Ordered, That the Sum of Thirty Pounds be forthwith paid, by the Committee of the Revenue, to Mr. Samuel Browne; to be by him issued for the Defraying of the Charges of the Members of this House in their Journey to Sandwich, for the Examining of Doctor Hudson; and of the Monies and Charges expended by the Town-Clerk of Sandwich, or any others, in the Apprehending and Bringing up of the said Doctor Hudson.

Ordered, That, To-morrow, the first Business, the House proceed to the Conference to be desired with the Lords upon the Propositions; and to the Consideration of the Report of the late Conference with the Lords made by Mr. Holles and Mr. Samuel Browne.

Ordered, That the Committee, formerly appointed to examine Doctor Hudson, do go on in their Examinations, and examine the Lord Saltern, and such others as they shall see Cause to examine.

Ordered, That Mr. Speaker do signify unto the Commissioners of Scotland, That he is commanded, by the House, to desire of them their Answer to the Paper, sent to them by the Command of this House, inclosed in a Letter from him, touching the State of their Arrears, and Accompts of the Monies due to their Armies.

Sir Thomas Hammer was called in: And his Examination, subscribed by his own Name, was shewed unto him: The which he did avow to be his own Hand; and that he would justify the Truth thereof.

Whereupon he was injoined to attend the Pleasure of the House, when he should be thereunto required.