House of Commons Journal Volume 4: 20 June 1646

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 4, 1644-1646. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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'House of Commons Journal Volume 4: 20 June 1646', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 4, 1644-1646( London, 1802), British History Online [accessed 24 October 2024].

'House of Commons Journal Volume 4: 20 June 1646', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 4, 1644-1646( London, 1802), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024,

"House of Commons Journal Volume 4: 20 June 1646". Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 4, 1644-1646. (London, 1802), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024.


Die Sabbati, 20 Junii, 1646.


AN Ordinance for the Payment of the Sum of Five hundred Pounds, out of the Excise, in Course, with Interest for the same, for the reimbursing such Person and Persons, as have advanced the said Five hundred Pounds, for the Payment of some Officers that went off upon the Reducement by Sir Thomas Fairfax, was this Day read; and nothing done upon it.

Resolved, &c. That the Five hundred Pounds, advanced and lent by the Committee of Essex, upon the Order of this House of 10 Aprilis 1645 (and, by the said Order, charged to be paid, with Interest, upon the Excise, in Course, in case it could not be paid out of the Arrears of the weekly Assessments, Fifth, and Twentieth-Parts, and Third-Part of the Sequestrations due before January then past, in the said County of Essex), shall be now paid, with Interest for the same, out of the Third-Part of the Sequestrations of the said County of Essex.

Ordered, That the Matter in Difference between the Committee of Kent and the Committee named in the Ordinance for the Maintenance of the Prince Elector, concerning the Lord Roper's Lands in the said County, be referred to the Committee of Lords and Commons for Sequestrations.

Ordered, That Mr. Oldisworth, a Member of this House, shall have Leave to go into the Country.

Upon the Desire of the Gentlemen of the County of Essex;

It is Resolved, upon the Question, That the Restraint laid upon Sir Thomas Bendish Baronet, in the Ordinance, whereby he was discharged of his Delinquency and Sequestration, be taken off.

The Lords Concurrence to be desired herein.

Ordered, That Mr. Wm. Whittacre, a Member of this House, shall have Leave to go into the Country.

The House took into Consideration that Part of the Report of the late Conference with the Lords, made by Mr. Holles, which was concerning the Propositions.

The Fifth Article of the Propositions, for Settling of Religion in the Kingdom of England, was read.

The Second Branch of the Fourteenth Proposition, concerning Ireland, was likewise read. And

It is Resolved, &c. That the Proposition, for settling Religion in the Kingdom of Ireland, shall be the same with the Proposition for Settling of Religion in the Kingdom of England.

Mr. Speaker acquainted the House, That the Quartermaster-General to the Marquis of Ormond, and one Joshua Carpenter, were apprehended, with divers Letters and Papers, going into Ireland: And that they were in Custody at the Door.

Mr. Whittacre, Sir Walter Erle, Mr. Robinson, Mr. Reynolds, Mr. Ball, Sir Arthur Hasilrigge, Mr. Thorpe, Colonel Moore, Mr. Tate;

This Committee, or any Three of them, are immediately to withdraw; and examine the said QuartermasterGeneral, and Joshua Carpenter, and the Letters and Papers taken with them: And have Power to commit them, in safe Custody, to any Place or Prison which they shall think fit; and likewise to send for, and examine, any other Person or Persons, whom they shall find Cause to examine; and to secure them, or any of them, as Occasion shall require.

The Question being put, Whether this House should agree with the Lords, That a Proposition, for the disbanding the King's Armies in the Kingdoms of England and Scotland, shall be sent to his Majesty;

It passed with the Negative.

The Question being put, Whether this House should agree with the Lords, That, at this time, there be a Proposition for an Act of Oblivion for the Kingdoms of England and Scotland;

It passed with the Negative.

Sir John D'Avers went to the Lords, to desire a free Conference, by Committees of both Houses, in the Painted Chamber, as soon as it might stand with their Lordships Conveniencies, concerning the Propositions.

He likewise carried to the Lords, for their Concurrence, the Order for the Sheriff of the County of Hereford; and for Captain Batten to be Captain of Holy-Island.

Ordered, That the Clerk do look out the Names and the Proceedings of this House, in the Business concerning Conservators of the Peace, against Monday Morning next: And that the House do then take the same into Consideration.

Ordered, That the Letters and Papers from the Committees in the North, and the Report made by Mr. Holles from the late Conference with the Lords, be taken into Consideration on Monday Morning next.

It is this Day Ordered, That the Ministers of the several Parishes in and about London, and the Lines of Communication, do earnestly recommend, in their Prayers on the Lord's Day next following, and also on the General FastDay on Wednesday next, the languishing Condition of the Remainders of the poor Protestants in Ireland, ready to be over-run, and wholly destroyed, through the Fury of the bloody Rebels there; who, taking the Advantage of their late Success in Ulster, use their utmost Endeavours totally to root them out of that Kingdom; and do exercise very great Cruelties upon them: And that the Lord Mayor be desired, That timely Notice hereof be given to the respective Ministers within the Limits and Places aforesaid: And that this Order be published also on the next Fast-Day.

Sir John D'Avers brings Answer, That the Lords do agree to a free Conference, in the Painted Chamber, presently: And, as to the Order for the Sheriff of the County of Hereford, they do agree: And, as to the Order for Appointing of Captain Batten to be Governor of Holy-Island, they will send Answer by Messengers of their own.

Mr. Nath. Fienis, Sir Arth. Hasilrig, Sir Phil. Stapilton, Sir Thomas Widdrington, and Sir Wm. Lewes, are appointed Managers of this free Conference.

The Proposition concerning settling Religion in Ireland was read.; and was in hæc verba; viz.

"That Reformation of Religion, according to the Covenant, be settled in the Kingdom of Ireland by Act of Parliament; in such manner as both Houses of the Parliament of England have agreed, or shall agree upon, after Consultation had with the Assembly of Divines here."

Resolved, &c. That the Lords be acquainted, at this free Conference, That this House doth agree to the Proposition concerning the Settling of Religion in Ireland, as in the preceding Proposition is set down: That they do not agree to send a Proposition for Disbanding of the King's Armies in England and Scotland, nor to send a Proposition for an Act of Oblivion, at this time: And that this House will take the Business concerning Conservators of the Peace into speedy Consideration; and will give them an Answer concerning the same.

Mr. Sollicitor, Sir John Holland, Sir Arthur Hasilrig, Sir Philip Stapilton, Sir Martin Lamley, Sir John Temple, Mr. Lisle, Sir Wm. Lewes, Sir John Burgoyne, Sir Gregory Norton, Sir Thomas Widdrington, Mr. John Trenchard, Mr. Recorder, Sir John Clotworthy, Mr. John Ashe, Mr. Stephens, Mr. Nath. Fienis, Mr. Ellys, Mr. Reynolds, Mr. Hussey, Mr. Samuel Browne, Mr. Serjeant Wilde, Mr. Prideaux: And all that will come are to have Voices;

This Committee are to consider of, and bring in, an Ordinance concerning Committees, for their Regulation, or Taking of them away; and are likewise to consider of Instructions to be given to the Judges; and report the same on Tuesday Morning next: And the Care of the Instructions for the Judges is especially referred to the Members of this House that are of the Commissioners for the Great Seal: And are to meet upon it this Afternoon, in the Exchequer-Chamber; and so from time to time.

Resolved, &c. That Sir John Seymor, John Codrington, Philip Langley, Samuel Codrington, Wm. Stafford, Matthew Huntley, Vincent Gookin, and Anthony Kingscott, Esquires, shall be, and are hereby, added to the Committee of Gloucester.

The Lords Concurrence to be desired herein.