House of Commons Journal Volume 4: 25 June 1646

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 4, 1644-1646. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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'House of Commons Journal Volume 4: 25 June 1646', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 4, 1644-1646( London, 1802), British History Online [accessed 24 October 2024].

'House of Commons Journal Volume 4: 25 June 1646', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 4, 1644-1646( London, 1802), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024,

"House of Commons Journal Volume 4: 25 June 1646". Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 4, 1644-1646. (London, 1802), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024.


Die Jovis, 25 Junii, 1646.


ORdered, That Francis Rivett Esquire shall be, and is hereby nominated and appointed to be, Master and Governor of the Alms-house and Hospital of St. Nicolas in the County of Wiltes; to hold and exercise the said Place of Master or Governor of the said Alms-house and Hospital, according to the Orders and Constitutions thereof, as amply as any other late Master or Governor of the said Alms-house and Hospital hath heretofore lawfully had and enjoyed, until such time as this House shall take further Order: And all Dispositions of the said Place, by any Committee, are hereby revoked: And the Rights, Profits, and Advantages, belonging to the said Hospital, are hereby granted and confirmed to the said Francis Rivett accordingly.

Ordered, That Mr. Gracious Franklyn, Minister, shall be, and is hereby nominated and appointed to be, Master and Governor of the Alms-house and Hospital of Heytesbury in the County of Wiltes; to hold and exercise the said Place of Master or Governor of the said Alms-house and Hospital, in as ample Manner, and with like Power, as Doctor Barnestone, or any other late Governor or Master there had, or ought to have had: And this to be done by the said Mr. Franklyn, until this House take further Order.

Ordered, That Sir Dudley North, a Member of this House, shall have Leave to go into the Country.

Two Letters from Carnarvon, from Colonel Mitton, the one of 15, the other of 17 Junii 1646, concerning the Surrender of the Castle of Bewmauris, and the Reducing of the whole Island of Anglesey, were this Day read.

Resolved, &c. That this House doth nominate and approve of Colonel Thomas Mitton to be Governor of the Town and Castle of Bewmauris, and of the Island of Anglesey: And that the Members of both Houses that are of the Committee of both Kingdoms, do grant him a Commission or Commissions to be Governor of the said Town, Castle, and Island, accordingly.

The Lords Concurrence to be desired herein.

Ordered, That a Letter of Thanks be sent to Mr. Thomas Glynn, for his good and faithful Service in Assisting of Colonel Mitton, in the Reducing of NorthWales.

Ordered, That it be recommended to the Committee of the Admiralty and Cinque-Ports, to continue Captain Rich, and his Ship, in the Service of the Parliament, to be employed about the Island of Anglesey, and those Parts.

And it is further Ordered, That it be referred to the said Committee, to consider of fitting Shipping for that Coast, to be there employed for the better Securing thereof.

Ordered, That the Sum of Three thousand Pounds be paid, upon Account, unto Colonel Thomas Mitton, to be raised and provided out of the Estates, Fines, or Compositions of such Delinquents in Wales, and those Parts, as he shall nominate and present.

An Ordinance for granting unto Mr. Robert Fogge, Minister, and his Heirs, after the Death of Dorothy his Wife, the Reversion of the Manor of Little-Saredon in the County of Stafford, and of a Water-Mill, and divers other Lands, late the Possessions of Francis Congreve Esquire, deceased, lying and being in the Parishes or Precincts of Little-Saredon, Shareshull, Great-Saredon, Great-Wirley, and Hatherton, or some of them, in the said County, and was lately purchased by Sir Edward Littleton, a Delinquent, was this Day read the First and Second time; and, upon the Question, committed unto Mr. Recorder, Mr. Swinfen, Sir Ralph Ashton, Sir Wm. Brereton, Mr. Dennis Bond, Sir Henry Cholmeley, Sir Anthony Irby, Mr. Knightley, Sir William Lewes, Mr. John Ashe, Mr. Roger Hill, Sir Charles Egerton, Mr. John Stephens, Sir Robert Pye, Mr. Fell, Mr. Francis Allen;

This Committee are to consider of the said Ordinance: And are to meet upon it To-morrow in the Afternoon, at Two of the Clock, in the Star-Chamber.

Ordered, That the Reports from the Committee at Goldsmiths-Hall be made To-morrow Morning, the first Business.

An Extract of a Letter from Colonel Birch, to the Committee of both Kingdoms, of 18 Junii 1646, from Gooderich-Castle, was this Day read.

Resolved, That Eighty Barrels of Powder be forthwith provided to be employed for the Service against Gotherich-Castle, and Ragland-Castle: And that it be referred to the Committee of the Army, to provide this Powder for the Service aforesaid, out of any Stores in Oxford, or elsewhere, if it may be had.

A Message from the Lords, by Sir Edward Leech and Mr. Page;

The Lords have commanded us to deliver you this Report from the Committee of both Kingdoms; and this Paper sent unto them from the Scottish Commissioners; and to let you know, that they have appointed a Committee of Twenty, of their House, and desire you will appoint a proportionable Number of this House, to meet this Afternoon at Two of the Clock, in the Painted Chamber, if it may stand with the Conveniency of this House, to hear what the Marquis of Argile hath to deliver to both Houses.

The Report from the Committee of both Kingdoms was read; and was, That a Paper, given in to the said Committee, by the Commissioners of Scotland, might be reported to both Houses.

The Paper from the Commissioners of Scotland was of 22 Junii, 1646; and was, That the Lord Marquis of Argile being lately come hither to communicate some things to both Houses, that it may be done at such Time, and in such Manner, as they shall think fit; and was read.

Resolved, &c. That a proportionable Number of the Members of this House be named to join with the Lords, and meet this Afternoon at Two of the Clock, in the Painted Chamber, as is desired, to hear what the Marquis of Argile hath to deliver to both Houses.

Sir William Armyn, Sir Martin Lumley, Mr. Holles, Major-General Browne, Sir John D'Avers, Mr. Pierpoint, Sir Walter Erle, Sir John Evelyn of Surrey, Sir John Holland, Sir Wm. Brereton, Sir Henry Cholmeley, Mr. Ashurst, Mr. Holland, Colonel Stapeley, Mr. Francis Allen, Mr. Boys, Mr. Robert Goodwyn, Sir Wm. Lewes, Mr. Nathanael Fiennes, Sir Thomas Wroth, Sir Henry Vane, junior, Mr. Lisle, Sir Gregory Norton, Mr. Trenchard, Sir Benjamin Rudyard, Sir Gilbert Gerard, Mr. Knightley, Mr. Rose, Colonel Venn, Sir Thomas Dacres, Mr. Bingham, Sir Roger North, Sir Arthur Hesilrige, Mr. Walter Long, Colonel Wilson, Sir John Hobarte, Mr. Whittacre, Mr. Tate, Sir Charles Egerton, Mr. Swinfenn;

This Committee is appointed to join with a proportionable Number of the House of Peers, to meet this Afternoon at Two of the Clock, in the Painted Chamber, to hear what the Marquis of Argile hath to deliver to both Houses.

Answer returned by the same Messengers;

The House hath considered your Message; and doth agree to a Meeting in the Painted Chamber, this Afternoon, as is desired; and have appointed a proportionable Number of their Members to join with the Lords accordingly.

Ordered, That the Report from the Committee of the West, concerning Mr. Swanton, be made on Saturday Morning next.

Ordered, That the Letter from the Town of Dantzick, be read To-morrow Morning.

Sir Robert Pye went to the Lords, to put them in mind of the Letter, formerly sent from this House to their Lordships, to be sent to the Prince to Jersey.

He likewise carried to the Lords, for their Concurrence, an Ordinance for granting a Pardon unto Sir John Cotton, for his Delinquency.

An Ordinance for the Payment . . the Sum of One thousand Pounds, and Interest for the same, at the End of every Six Months, out of the Receipts of the Excise, for the Use of the Garison of Henley, was this Day read; and, upon the Question, assented unto; and ordered to be sent unto the Lords for their Concurrence.

Mr. Whitelock is appointed to carry it to the Lords.

A Letter from the Scotts Commissioners, from Worcester-House, of 25 Junii 1646, with a Paper inclosed concerning the Propositions, was this Day read; and, upon the Question, committed unto Mr. Samuel Browne, Mr. Selden, Mr. Holles, Mr. Marten, Mr. Nathanael Fiennes, Mr. Whitelock, Sir Philip Stapilton, Mr. Grimston, Mr. Lisle, Sir Henry Vane junior, Sir Thomas Widdrington, Sir Wm. Lewes, Mr. Pierpont: And they, or any Four of them, are immediately to withdraw; and to consider of the said Letter and Paper, and of the Propositions; and to report the same, with all convenient Speed, to the House.

Sir Robert Pye brings Answer from the Lords, That they will take the Message, delivered by him to their Lordships, into Consideration; and will send Answer by Messengers of their own.

A Message from the Lords, by Sir Edward Leech, and Mr. Page;

The Lords have commanded us to bring you this Letter from the Scotts Commissioners, with this Paper, concerning some Additions, and the rectifying some Mistakes in the Propositions: Which the Lords have agreed unto; and think fit to refer them to the Committee that is to meet with them this Afternoon, to be rectified, according as is desired: Wherein they desire your Concurrence:- This Pass, for Monsieur Sabran, which the Lords have granted: He is to return, and leaveth his Wife and Family here: Wherein they desire your Concurrence. They have commanded us to put you in mind of the King's Letters; one hath rested with you almost Five Weeks; the other, about Ten Days: And the Lords desire you will communicate them to the Scottish Commissioners, or send the Originals back to them, that they may communicate them.

The Pass for Monsieur Sabran was read.

And the Question being put, to agree with the Lords in the said Pass;

It passed with the Negative.

Resolved, &c. That a Pass be granted, under the Hands of the Speakers of both Houses, to Monsieur Sabran, for himself, Seven Servants, and Nine Horses, with his ordinary and necessary Baggage belonging to himself, and his Attendants, to go into France; the said Horses to be embarked at any one Port which he shall desire, convenient for Transportation for France, to be inserted in his Pass, and at one time.

The Lords Concurrence to be desired herein.

Sir Henry Mildmay carried to the Lords, for their Concurrence, the Pass for Monsieur Sabran to go into France: And was to desire a Conference with the Lords, by Committees of both Houses, in the Painted Chamber, so soon as it might stand with their Lordships Conveniency, concerning the Isle of Jersey.

Ordered, That the Members of this House that are of the Committee of both Kingdoms, do forthwith communicate the Two last Letters, sent from Newcastle from the King, unto the Scotts Commissioners: And that they do deliver unto them Copies of the said Two Letters.

Mr. Whitelock brings Answer from the Lords, That they do agree to the Ordinance for One thousand Pounds, and Interest, out of the Excise, for the Garison of Henley.

Answer returned by the same Messengers;

The House hath considered your Message: And, as to the Letter and Paper from the Scotts Commissioners, and the Pass for Monsieur Sabran to go into France, they will send Answer by Messengers of their own: And they have resolved to communicate the King's Letters to the Scotts Commissioners.

An Ordinance for granting a Pardon unto Mr. Thomas Tregonnell, for his Delinquency, and to discharge the Sequestration of his Estate, was this Day read; and, upon the Question, passed; and ordered to be sent unto the Lords for their Concurrence.

Resolved, &c. That the Sum of Three hundred Pounds be forthwith provided, and paid unto Captain Bonithon, late Commander of St. Mawes-Castle: And that this Three hundred Pounds be paid unto the said Captain Bonithon out of Mr. Thomas Tregonnell's Fine.

The House being informed, That one Mr. Cullme, a Delinquent; hath a Mortgage of the Lands of Mr. Chieslett, in Taunton, for the Sum of Five hundred Pounds; and that the said Mr. Chieslett hath done very good Service for the Parliament, and suffered much from the Enemy;

It is Resolved, &c. That the Sum of Five hundred Pounds be paid to the said Mr. Chieslett, out of the Fine or Composition of the said Mr. Cullme: And that, in the mean time, the Sum of One hundred Pounds be paid unto the said Mr. Chieslett, out of the Fine for Mr. Tregonnell's Delinquency, for his present Subsistence.

Ordered, That the Committee of Accompts do forthwith certify what Monies Sir William Lewes, a Member of this House, hath received of any Collector or Collectors of the Poll-Money or Subsidy-Money, and accounted for before the said Committee; to the end the said Collectors, who have paid the same to the said Sir Wm. Lewes, may be discharged thereof.

Mr. Sollicitor, Sir William Waller, Mr. Holland, Sir Arthur Hesilrige, Mr. Wallopp, Mr. Prideaux, Mr. Dennis Bond, Sir John D'Avers;

This Committee, or any Four of them, are to consider of some present Maintenance for Mr. Hartlibb; who hath done very good Service to the Parliament; and also of some Place at Oxford for him, for his future Support.

Resolved, &c. That the Sum of One hundred Pounds be forthwith advanced, and paid, by the Committee at Goldsmiths-Hall, unto Mr. Hartlibb, without Account, for his present Maintenance and Subsistence.

Resolved, &c. That the Sum of One hundred Pounds be forthwith advanced, and paid, by the Committee of Lords and Commons sitting at Haberdashers-Hall, for Advance of Monies, unto Mr. Hartlibb, without Account, out of the first Monies that shall come into the said Committee.

The Lords Concurrence to be desired herein.

Ordered, That, the Report concerning the Endeavour of Mr. Tully to arrest the Prince Elector, be made on Tuesday Morning next.

Sir Henry Mildmay brings Answer, That the Lords do agree to the Pass for Monsieur Sabran: And that they will grant a Conference To-morrow Morning, in the Painted Chamber, concerning the Isle of Jersey, as is desired.

The Question being propounded, Whether Leave should be given to the Two Princes, Rupert and Maurice, and their Company, who came with them out of Oxford, to reside at Oatlands;

The Question was put, Whether this Question should be put or no:

The House was divided.

The Noes went forth.

Tellers for the Yea, Mr. Holles, With the Yea, 63.
Sir Arthur Hesilrige:
Tellers for the Noe, Sir Rich. Onslowe, With the Noe, 75.
Mr. Sollicitor:

So as the Question passed with the Negative.

Sir Thomas Widdrington reports, from the Committee, this Day appointed to withdraw, upon the Scotts Letter and Paper, and the Propositions, the State of the Matter of Fact upon the said Letter and Paper, and upon the Propositions. And

It is Resolved, That this Report be taken into Consideration, the first Business, To-morrow Morning: And that no other Business do intervene.