House of Commons Journal Volume 4: 8 July 1646

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 4, 1644-1646. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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'House of Commons Journal Volume 4: 8 July 1646', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 4, 1644-1646( London, 1802), British History Online [accessed 24 October 2024].

'House of Commons Journal Volume 4: 8 July 1646', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 4, 1644-1646( London, 1802), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024,

"House of Commons Journal Volume 4: 8 July 1646". Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 4, 1644-1646. (London, 1802), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024.


Die Mercurii, 8 Julii, 1646.


ORdered, That Mr. Dallison, Clerk to the Committee at Haberdashers-Hall, do, To-morrow in the Afternoon, attend the Committee that sits in the Star-Chamber, where Mr. Sandys hath the Chair.

Ordered, That the Committee, appointed, by Order of the Sixteenth of March 1645, to sit in the Star-Chamber, to consider what Members of this House, or any in Trust for them, do hold any Offices Military or Civil, &c. shall have Power to send for Parties, Witnesses, Papers, Records.

A Letter from Michael Hudson, of 24 Junii 1646, from London-House, was this Day read. And

It is Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee appointed for Examining of Mr. Hudson, presently to send away, and to employ their best Endeavours for Recovering of the Letter mentioned in the said Letter of 24 Junii 1646, to be delivered to one Bignall, a Baker in Woodstock; and to send to Mr. Cole, a Servant to Mr. Speaker, now in those Parts, to be assisting to the Messenger employed upon that Service: And that they do likewise send for Bignall to attend this Committee: And that the Committee do preserve this Letter from Hudson safe, to be returned, and made use of by the House, upon Occasion.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee of the Revenue, to allow and pay, out of the Revenues of the Archbishoprick of Canterbury, the Sum of Two hundred Pounds, for the Maintenance of Four godly and orthodox Ministers, to be sent to Oxford: And that the said Committee do likewise pay for the Directories that are to be sent thither.

The humble Petition of Colonel Owen Rowe was this Day read. And

It is Ordered, That Colonel Owen Rowe shall have forthwith paid unto him, in respect of his long and faithful Service to the Parliament in their Employment, the Sum of One thousand Pounds, out of the Compositions of such Delinquents, as he shall nominate and bring to Goldsmiths-Hall: And that One other thousand Pounds be allowed unto him upon the Publick Faith, to be passed in his Accompt by the Committee of Accompts.

Ordered, That, out of the first Monies that shall be paid in to the Committee at Goldsmiths-Hall by Sir John Menns, Sir Francis Anderson, and Mr. Ralph Cole, for their Fines or Compositions, the said Committee do pay unto Sir Arthur Hesilrige Baronet, a Member of this House, the Sum of Six thousand Six hundred Sixty-three Pounds Sixteen Shillings and Seven-pence, in full of all Sums of Money due, or claimed to be due, to the said Sir Arthur Hesilrige, for any Service to the Parliament, or otherwise, respited upon the Publick Faith, and certified by the Committee of Accompts, the Sixth Day of May 1646, and allowed of this Day by this House.

And it is further Ordered, That, in case the Fines and Compositions of the said Sir John Menns, Sir Francis Anderson, and Ralph Cole, not yet paid in, shall not satisfy the said Sum of Six thousand Six hundred Sixty-three Pounds Sixteen Shillings and Seven-pence, to the said Sir Arthur Hesilrige, that then what shall be wanting thereof shall be paid to the said Sir Arthur Hesilrige, out of the Fines or Compositions of any such other Delinquent or Delinquents, which have not compounded, as shall be named and presented to the said Committee by the said Sir Arthur Hesilrige.

Ordered, upon the Question, That Colonel Norton do detain in his Hands, upon Account, and pay to the Garison of Portsmouth, the Nine hundred Pounds which is to be paid in to Goldsmiths-Hall, for the Composition of the Delinquencies of James May and Edward Norton, Esquires: And that Ordinances be brought in for taking off the Delinquencies, and Granting of Pardons to the said Mr. May and Mr. Norton, as if the said Nine hundred Pounds had been paid in to Goldsmiths-Hall.

The House being informed by Sir Martin Lumley, a Member of this House, That his Park was broken up by one Browne, and others, his Deer destroyed, and one of his Servant's Hands cut off, to the Endangering of his Life;

It is Resolved, &c. That * Browne be forthwith sent for in safe Custody, to answer his Contempt and Breach of the Privilege of this House.

Resolved, &c. That the Committee of Examinations shall be, and is hereby, from henceforth dissolved.

Ordered, That the State of Sir William Waller's Accompts be reported to the House, on Saturday Morning next.

Sir Robert Harley carried to the Lords, for their Concurrence, the Order for the Marquis of Argile to be admitted to the Assembly of Divines: The Establishment for the Castle of Pontefract: And the Ordinance for One thousand Pounds out of the Excise, for the Yorkeshire Forces.

He was to desire, That, at the Conference this Day, this House may impart-something concerning the Amendments sent from their Lordships to the Ordinance for Ten thousand Pounds for the Forces in Yorkeshire, &c.

Ordered, That, To-morrow Morning, the first Business, the Letter from the Committee of Litchfield be read.

Ordered, That the Report concerning Cheshire be made To-morrow Morning: And that the Gentlemen of Warwickshire and Leicestershire be added to the Committee of Cheshire, as to this Business.

A Message from the Lords, by Sir Edward Leech and Mr. Page;

The Lords have commanded us to let you know, That they think fit, That Mr. Morray shall be inlarged from his Imprisonment; he having undergone his Tryal, and being cleared by the general Vote of the Court-Martial: And herein they desire the Concurrence of this House.

The humble Petition of William Morray Esquire, desiring to be discharged out of Prison, was this Day read: And likewise the Act of the Court-Martial sitting in GrocersHall 2 Julii 1646, before whom the said William Murray, by virtue of an Ordinance of Parliament of 10 April 1646, was tried for a Spy, and, by Sentence of the said Commissioners, absolved and acquitted from the Crime and Imputation of a Spy, was this Day read. And

It is Ordered, That this Petition be taken into Consideration on Monday Morning next: And that the Restraint of his close Imprisonment be forthwith taken off.

An Ordinance, sent from the Lords, for appointing Mr. Giles Nokeman and Mr. John Nelme, Masters of Arts, and Ministers, to preach the Word of God, the one in the Parish-Church of St. Nicolas within the said City, and the other to preach God's Word in the Parish-Church of St. Michael's within the same City: And that each of them shall have Eighty Pounds per Annum, out of the Lands and Revenues of the Dean and Chapter of the Cathedral-Church of Peter's in Gloucester; and for appointing Mr. William Russell to be Schoolmaster of the Grammar-School of the Cathedral-Church of Gloucester; and to have Thirty Pounds per Annum, to be paid out of the said Lands; was this Day read; and, upon the Question, passed.

Sir Robert Harley brings Answer, That the Lords do agree, That, at this Conference, the House may confer upon the Amendments to the Ordinance for Ten thousand Pounds for the Northern Forces; and do agree to the Admittance of the Marquis of Argile to the Assembly of Divines here: And, as to the other Two Ordinances, they will send Answer by Messengers of their own.

Ordered, That, as soon as the House shall return from the Conference, the Business of Ireland be taken into Consideration.

Ordered, That Sir Norton Knatchbull, a Member of this House, shall have Leave to go into the Country for a Fortnight.

There was delivered, at this Conference, the Agreement of this House to Three of the last Alterations, sent by the Scotts Commissioners, to be made in the Propositions; and the Dissent of this House to the First Alteration concerning Conservators of Peace: The Addition which this House desires to be made to the Fifteenth Proposition, after the Word "Treaties," concerning Conservators of Peace: The Instructions for such as are to go with the Propositions to the King: The Resolutions of this House, touching the Amendments to the Ordinance for Ten thousand Pounds for the Northern Forces.

Ordered, That Mr. George Fenwick, Mr. Blakiston, Mr. Corbett, Mr. Love, Mr. Walter Long, Mr. Recorder, Mr. Nicholls, Mr. Ball, Mr. Rous, Colonel Venn, Sir John Clotworthy, Sir Robert Harley, Sir Henry Vane senior, Sir Philip Stapilton, Mr. Edward Stephens, Mr. Samuel Browne, Mr. Pelham, Sir John Burgoyne, Sir William Waller, and Mr. Salwey senior, be added to the Committee Yesterday appointed to prepare some Declaration concerning sequestred Ministers: And that whatsoever shall be prepared by the said Committee, be brought in between the Hours of Ten and Twelve.

Ordered, That Sir William Brereton, a Member of this House, be referred to the Committee of Accompts, to have his Accompts stated: And that he have the like Allowance for his Entertainment, as other Major-Generals have had, who have been employed in the Service of the Parliament.

A Letter from the Commissioners of both Houses, from Belfast, of 17 Junii 1646, directed to Mr. Speaker, representing the sad Condition of the Forces and Affairs of those Parts, was this Day read.

A Letter likewise from the said Commissioners, from Belfast, of 17 Junii, directed to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, representing more fully the great and sad Losses at the late Battle at Benburb, of 5 Junii 1646, was this Day read; and likewise a List of the Prisoners taken and slain at the said Battle.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee for Irish Affairs, to consider of the several Letters and Intelligences concerning the miserable Estate of Ireland; and that the same, together with the Letters and Intelligence from thence, this Day read, be communicated to the Lords at a Conference: And the said Committee are to consider, this Afternoon, of something to be offered to the Lords at this Conference concerning the same; and are to report the same To-morrow Morning.

The House proceeded in the Consideration of the sad Condition of the Forces and Affairs in Ulster, represented in the said Letters.

Resolved, &c. That Fifty thousand Pounds be forthwith borrowed and advanced, upon the Credit of the Receipts of the Excise, in Course, together with Interest after the Rate of Eight per Cent. every Six Months, to the Advancers and Lenders of the said Sum, or any Part thereof, upon the said Credit, to be employed for the present Service and Relief of Ireland: And that an Ordinance be forthwith prepared for the Sale of Delinquents Estates, according to the Propositions, as they now stand: And that, out of the Monies that shall arise upon the Sale of the said Delinquents Estates, already assigned for Ireland, the said Fifty thousand Pounds, together with the Interest, shall be repaid to the said Receipts of the Excise.

Sir John Clotworthy is to bring in an Ordinance to this Purpose.

Resolved, &c. That an Ordinance be brought in, on Friday Morning, for the Sale of Delinquents Estates, according to the Propositions, as they now stand: And that Care be had in this Ordinance for charging and securing, upon the Monies that shall arise upon the Sale of Delinquents Estates, the Monies already charged upon the Sale of Delinquents Estates: And that it be declared in the said Ordinance, That (after that the Remainder of the Two hundred thousand Pounds, charged upon the Moiety at Goldsmiths-Hall for the Armies of England, that is not yet paid in from that Committee, shall be satisfied, and that the Value of Twenty thousand Pounds per Annum, assigned for Ireland, shall be raised out of the Sale of Delinquents Estates) the Remainder of the Monies, that shall be raised out of Delinquents Estates, shall be employed towards the Satisfying of the publick Debts and Damages of the Kingdom: And that it be referred to Sir John Clotworthy, Mr. Reynolds, Mr. Hill, Mr. Ball, Sir Henry Mildmay, or any Two of them, to prepare and bring in this Ordinance on Friday Morning next.

Resolved, That this House shall adjourn for Two Days in a Week, for One Month ensuing.

Resolved, &c. That the Two Days, whereupon the House shall be adjourned for weekly, shall be Saturdays and Mondays; and that this Adjournment do begin on Monday next: And that the Lords be acquainted with these Votes.

Ordered, That the Report of the Business, concerning Mr. Skinner, be made To-morrow Morning.

Sir John Clotworthy reports, from the Committee for the Affairs of Ireland, the State of the whole Proceedings between the Houses, and the Parliament of Scotland, and their Commissioners, concerning the Demand of the Delivery of the Town of Belfast: The which was read, and allowed of; and ordered to be communicated to the Lords at a Conference to be desired with the Lords, that, from both Houses, it may be represented to the Scotts Commissioners here; to the Intent that the said Town, that so much imports the carrying on the Affairs of that Kingdom, may be immediately delivered up: 1. By Order of the Lords and Commons, assembled in Parliament, of the Thirteenth of November 1645, the Commissioners resideing in Ulster for the Parliament of England, are directed to require, from the Officers that keep the Town of Belfast, the Delivery thereof to such as shall be appointed, by the Parliament, or any Committee authorized by them, to receive the same: 2. By a Letter from both Houses of the Parliament of England, of the Twenty-ninth of November 1645, the Parliament of Scotland is desired, lest there should be any Failure in the former Order, whereupon so much of the good Conduct of that Affair dependeth, that their Directions and Orders may be sent to the Officers commanding in Ireland, That the Town of Belfast be delivered, according to the former Order, by the Eleventh of January following, for the Accommodation of that Service: 3. In Answer to the Order of the Thirteenth of November 1645, Colonel Home, that commanded Belfast, in the Name of himself, and the rest of the Officers, taking notice of the aforesaid Order, craves Patience, until such time as they acquaint the State of Scotland, and their General: This Answer bears Date the Twenty-sixth of December 1645: 4. In Answer to the Letter, dated the Twenty-ninth of November 1645, from the Parliament of England, the Earl of Crawford, Lindesey, President of Parliament, by his Letter of the Eighth of January 1646, Stilo Scotico, and directed to the Speakers of both Houses of the Parliament of England, after taking notice of the Letter from the Parliament of England, of the Twenty-ninth of November 1645, gives Answer, That they might return a speedy and full Answer immediately to the Parliament of England: They had dispatched an Express to Ireland, to know from them that commanded the Scotts Army, the Ground whereupon that Town was first inserted, and since fortified, and kept by them; and so rest confident, that when the Houses consider the Season of the Year, and uncertain Passage 'twixt Scotland and Ireland, they will not mistake the Delay of their Answer, which they will labour to hasten to the Parliament of England with all Diligence.

The Parliament of England hath received no other Answer from the Parliament of Scotland since that time: But, understanding, by the Commissioners from the Parliament of England, that one of the Captains of the Town of Belfast was dispatched thence, to acquaint the State of Scotland with the Order of Parliament sent into Ireland, they patiently expected that Return; and, about the Twentyeighth of February 1645, they received a Second Answer from Colonel Home, dated the Seventeenth of February; which mentions, That the State of Scotland had written back to the Commissioners of Scotland at London so satisfactory an Answer to be given to the Parliament, that, they doubt not, but will give them all Content; and, until he hears from thence, desires to be excused.

Now, for as much as the Town of Belfast is not yet delivered according to the several Orders of both Houses of the Parliament of England; and that the Commissioners of Scotland, residing here at London, have been so far from giving any such satisfactory Answer to the Parliament, as is mentioned in the Letter of Colonel Home, of the Seventeenth of February last, that they have not given any Answer at all; therefore it is the Desire and Demand of both Houses of the Parliament of England, That the Commissioners of the Kingdom of Scotland do immediately send Order to Colonel Home, or whosoever else is the Commander of Belfast, presently to deliver that Town to such Persons as the Parliament of England shall appoint to receive the same.

Ordered, That a Warrant shall issue forth, under Mr. Speaker's Hand, directed to the Clerk of the Crown in Chancery, to issue forth a Writ, for the new Election of Two Burgesses for the Borough of Tavistock in the County of Devon, in the rooms and places of John Pym Armiger, deceased, and of John Russell Esquire, disabled to sit as a Member of this House, during this Parliament.