House of Commons Journal Volume 4: 12 August 1646

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 4, 1644-1646. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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'House of Commons Journal Volume 4: 12 August 1646', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 4, 1644-1646( London, 1802), British History Online [accessed 24 October 2024].

'House of Commons Journal Volume 4: 12 August 1646', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 4, 1644-1646( London, 1802), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024,

"House of Commons Journal Volume 4: 12 August 1646". Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 4, 1644-1646. (London, 1802), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024.


Die Mercurii, 12 Augusti, 1646.


REsolved, &c. That Mr. Speaker do issue a Warrant to the Clerk of the Crown in Chancery, for the issuing a Writ, for electing a Burgess to serve in Parliament for the Town of Launceston in Cornewall, in the place of Ambrose Mannaton Esquire, formerly elected to serve for that Place, and sithence disabled.

Resolved, &c. That Mr. Speaker do issue a Warrant to the Clerk of the Crown in Chancery, for issuing a Writ, for electing Two Burgesses to serve in Parliament for the Borough of Saltashe in the County of Cornewall, in the place of George Buller Esquire, formerly chosen to serve as a Burgess for that Place, and since deceased, and in the place of Edward Hide Esquire, formerly chosen to serve as a Burgess for that Place, and since disabled.

Sir Walter Earle reports the Proceedings of the Commissioners employed from both Houses to Newcastle, to present the Propositions of both Kingdoms to his Majesty; viz. That, the Time of their Arrival at Newcastle being Thursday the Three-and-twentieth of the last Month, about Nine of the Clock in the Forenoon, immediately upon their coming thither (because they would lose no Time), they desired the Lord Chancellor of Scotland, and the Marquis of Argile, who were joint Commissioners with them, to move the King, That He would be pleased to appoint a Time when they might attend Him with the Propositions, which they had brought from the Parliament: And they, going to the King, brought them back Word, That His Pleasure was, They should attend him the next Day at Two in the Afternoon. Which accordingly they did. On Friday, the Earl of Pembroke, after a short Declaration of what they had in Command, desired the Propositions might be read: Which, the King assenting unto, was accordingly done: That, a little while after they were begun to be read, He demanded of them, Whether they had any Power to treat or debate upon them, or that He might ask them any Questions for the Explaining of them: That they answered, They had no such Power: That the King then said, "Your Business is but to bring them; and a good, honest Trumpeter might have done as much, but for the Honour of it." The Propositions being read through, and delivered unto Him, they again, as at the First, humbly demanded His positive Answer and Consent unto them; the Commissioners for Scotland seconding the same, on the Behalf of that Kingdom. The King answered, He was sure they could not expect a present Answer from Him in a Business of that Consequence. This being done upon the Friday (and they having heard nothing from Him Saturday or Sunday), the Monday following, they made their Address unto Him the same Way as before; and, being appointed to attend Him on Tuesday, came unto Him accordingly, and put Him in mind of their former Desires of a positive Answer and Consent to the Propositions; alleging, They had but little Time to stay there. The King told them, He knew their Time limited; and, against that time, would prepare his Answer: But, no Answer being given the next Day, or the Day following, Thursday in the Afternoon, they desired those Two Lords to move the King again for their Dispatch: Which, on Friday Morning, they did; and told them, The King would have put it off till Saturday Night; but they had prevailed with Him to grant Saturday Morning; yet, if they thought fit (for the more Surety) to go, they would go with them that Evening: Which being resolved, they went unto Him, and humbly craved His Answer and Consent, as before: Then the King told them, He would give them His Answer the next Morning betwixt Ten and Eleven of the Clock. Accordingly, on Saturday Morning, they attended; and humbly craved His positive Answer and Consent to the Propositions, as they had formerly done; the Earl of Pembroke humbly beseeching Him to consider with Himself the dangerous Consequence that would follow to Himself, His Kingdoms, and Posterity, if He should not now do it. Then the King told them, He had drawn up His Answer in Writing: Which, after He had caused it to be read, He offered to deliver unto them: But they, conceiving it not to be satisfactory, after some private Consultation amongst themselves, came unto Him, and desired to be excused; pressing Him to a positive Answer and Consent, and telling Him, They must take the Boldness to continue so doing till the last Period of their Time; and therefore prayed Him to give them Admittance again before their Departure. He asked, When? They answered, That Afternoon, if he pleased. He said, That could not be; for He had other Business to do. So the next Morning was appointed; and they accordingly came unto Him on the Lord's Day, before Prayers; and pressed Him, as they had done before, with Importunity; but He told them, He could not give them any other Answer, than what He had set down in Writing, and tendered unto them before: Which He caused again to be read, urging them, with much Importunity, to receive it. They thereupon craving Leave to withdraw, and considering with themselves, that they had used all the Means they could for the Obtaining of a positive Answer and Consent; and that no other Answer could be gotten, but that which He had now the Second time offered unto them in Writing; they returned back, and spake these Words; viz. "They receive this Paper, now offered by Your Majesty, with this humble Protestation; viz. That it is without their Approbation or Consent, as to the Taking of it for an Answer; and that it shall be no Engagement to them the Commissioners in any Kind whatsoever."

A Copy of that Return, which was put in Writing by the King, and delivered unto the Commissioners, was read by the Reporter; but not admitted to be read by the Clerk.

A Letter from the Scotts Commissioners, from Worcester-House, of 11 Augusti 1646, was read.

And a Paper inclosed, upon the Matter and Occasion of the King's not giving his Consent to the Propositions, was twice read.

Resolved, &c. That Sir Walter Earle, Sir John Hippisley, Mr. Robert Goodwyn, and Mr. Luke Robinson, appointed Commissioners to present the Propositions of both Houses to his Majesty, at Newcastle, shall have the Thanks of this House, for their faithful Pains, Care, and Prudence, in this Service.

Mr. Speaker gave them Thanks accordingly.

Resolved, &c. That the Thanks of this House be given to the Earl of Pembroke and Earl of Suffolke, employed, as Commissioners from both Houses, to present the Propositions to his Majesty, for their faithful Pains, Care, and Prudence, in that Service. And

It is Ordered, That the Members of this House, employed as Commissioners to Newcastle, do return the Thanks of this House to the said Lords accordingly.

Resolved, &c. That the Thanks of this House be given to the Commissioners of the Parliament of Scotland, that were employed, with the Commissioners of both Houses, in Presenting of the Propositions of both Kingdoms, to his Majesty at Newcastle, for their good Affections, Care, and Zeal, expressed in that Service. And

It is Ordered, That Mr. Samuel Browne, Mr. Holles, Sir Henry Vane, Sir Phil. Stapleton, Mr. Rous, Mr. Charles Rich, or any Three of them, do return the Thanks of this House to the Commissioners aforesaid accordingly.

Resolved, &c. That, To-morrow Morning, the first Business, the Paper, this Day sent from the Scotts Commissioners, be taken into Consideration.

Ordered, &c. That, after the Business of the Scotts Paper, Sir John Clotworthy do report the Business of the Lady Blaynie, and of Colonel Jones.

Ordered, &c. That the House do take the Business of Religion into Considerationon Friday next: And that the Ordinance concerning Delinquent Ministers be then reported.