House of Commons Journal Volume 4: 14 August 1646

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 4, 1644-1646. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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'House of Commons Journal Volume 4: 14 August 1646', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 4, 1644-1646( London, 1802), British History Online [accessed 24 October 2024].

'House of Commons Journal Volume 4: 14 August 1646', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 4, 1644-1646( London, 1802), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024,

"House of Commons Journal Volume 4: 14 August 1646". Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 4, 1644-1646. (London, 1802), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024.


Die Veneris, 14 Augusti, 1646.


ORdered, That Mr. Rose, a Member of this House, shall have Leave to go into the Country.

Ordered, That Colonel Hutchinson, a Member of this House, shall have Leave to go into the Country.

Ordered, That the Marchioness of Hertford shall have Liberty freely to repair to any of her Houses in the Country, and to have the free Use of them to lie down in, without the Lett or Interruption of any; she being ready to be delivered.

Ordered, That, on Wednesday next, peremptorily, the House do take into Consideration the great Business of spreading the Gospel, by settling and providing Maintenance for learned and able Preaching Ministers through the whole Kingdom.

Upon Mr. Nicholl's Report from the Committee of the West;

It is Resolved, &c. That the Garisons of Bridgwater and Taunton in the County of Somerset, the Garisons of Malmesbury and Highworth in the County of Wiltes, and the Garison of Lyme-Regis in the County of Dorsett, be forthwith slighted and dismantled.

Resolved, &c. That the Forces of the said several Garisons be either disbanded, or disposed for the Service of Ireland: And that the Counties do pay unto the said Forces, upon their Disbanding, or Taking on upon the Irish Service, One Month's Pay.

Resolved, &c. That the Forces of the Garison of Bristoll be forthwith reduced to Eight hundred Foot, and One Troop of Horse, to be under the Command of MajorGeneral Skippon: And that the supernumerary Forces there be either disbanded, or disposed for the Service of Ireland.

Resolved, &c. That the Garison of Exeter be forthwith reduced: And that the Castle in the said City be kept with Two hundred Soldiers, to consist of Two Companies; one to be a Major's, and the Major to have the Command thereof, and be allowed no other than a Major's Pay; the other a private Captain's.

Resolved, &c. That the Committee for Irish Affairs, and the Committee of the West, do meet together; and advise about the sending away the supernumerary Forces in the Western Association, that are to be disbanded and reduced, into Ireland.

Whereas the Citizens of Exeter do offer to inlist and maintain Five hundred Soldiers, for the Safety of that City, to be paid weekly One hundred Pounds, out of the Receipt of the Excise; this Offer is thought to be very reasonable: And it is Ordered, That One hundred Pounds per Week be allowed to the City of Exon, out of that Part of the Receipt of the Excise granted to the Western Associated Counties, for the Maintenance of their Garisons, towards the Maintenance of Five hundred listed Soldiers, for the Maintenance of that City, as aforesaid.

An Ordinance for the Payment of Interest, after the Rate of Eight Pounds per Centum, at the End of every Six Months, to any Person or Persons that shall advance the Sum of Ten thousand Pounds, or any Part thereof, charged upon the Receipts of the Excise, for the Service of the Forces designed for North-Wales, was this Day read; and, upon the Question, passed; and ordered to be sent unto the Lords for their Concurrence.

Resolved, &c. That this House doth nominate and approve of Thomas Bulkeley, Thomas Glynn, Hugh Owen, Owen Wood, Pierce Lloyd, and Henry Owen, Esquires, to be Deputy-Lieutenants for the County of Anglesey.

The Lords Concurrence to be desired herein.

Resolved, &c. That this House doth nominate and approve of Sir William Williamson Baronet, Henry Williams, and Thomas Williams, Esquires, to be Deputy-Lieutenants for the County of Caernarvon.

The Lords Concurrence to be desired herein.

Ordered, That Mr. Speaker shall have Power to send Warrants for the Apprehending, Seizing, and Bringing up of such Bishops, and other Persons, in the Counties of Anglesey and Caernarvon, as the Gentlemen of those Parts shall represent to be dangerous, and desire to be secured.

Mr. Holles reports the Conference Yesterday had with the Lords, concerning the Proceedings of the Commissioners employed to present the Propositions to the King at Newcastle.

A Journal or Narrative of their daily Proceedings was read, being the same with That which the Reporter of this House made.

The Return which the King gave the Commissioners, in Writing, was read, bearing Date 1 Augusti 1646, at Newcastle.

The Earl of Pembroke acquainted Them, That he was commanded to give an Account of the Carriage of the Scotts Commissioners, that did attend his Majesty with the Propositions, and of the rest of the Scotts Lords, and of the whole Nation there: That they did express much Zeal, and Faithfulness, and Affection, to the Cause; very much Love and Respect to the Commissioners; Faith, Honour, and Honesty, in all their Carriage; Earnestness and Freedom towards the King; Freeness and Clearness towards our Commissioners; would do nothing without them; and were never from them, when their Presence could do them any Service.

A Letter from the Scotts Commissioners read, of 11 Augusti 1646, and a Paper inclosed; and the Lords Sense and Opinion upon the several Parts of the said Paper.

An Ordinance for punishing the Printers and Contrivers of all scandalous Pamphlets or Papers against the Kingdom of Scotland, or their Army residing here, was this Day read: And

The Question being put, Whether it shall be now read the Second time;

The House was divided.

The Yeas went forth.

Mr. Holles, Tellers for the Yea: 130.
Sir Walter Erle, With the Yea,
Sir Arthur Hesilrige, Tellers for the Noe: 102.
Sir John Evelyn of Wiltes, With the Noe,

So that the Question passed with the Affirmative.

An Ordinance for punishing the Printers and Devisers of all scandalous Pamphlets, as shall be made against the Kingdom of Scotland, and their Army residing here, was, upon the Question, read the Second time; and committed unto Sir Henry Vane, Mr. Prideaux, Mr. Marten, Sir Philip Stapilton, Sir Arthur Hesilrige, Mr. Holles, Mr. Liegh, Mr. Selden, Sir William Lewes, Lieutenant-General Cromwell, Mr. Boys, Sir Wm. Constable, Mr. Lisle, Mr. Miles Corbett, Mr. Challenor, Mr. Samuel Browne, Sir Gilbert Gerard, Mr. Greene, Mr. Strode, Colonel Thompson, Mr. Grimston, Sir Robert Harley, Mr. Crewe, Mr. Salwey, Mr. Scott, Mr. Recorder, Mr. Nathanael Fiennes, Sir John Evelyn of Wiltes, Mr. Swinfen, Sir Thomas Wroth, Mr. Tate, Mr. Bainton, Sir William Allenson, Mr. Walter Long, Mr. Nathanael Bacon: And all that will come are to have Voices: And are to meet upon it upon Tuesday next, at Two of the Clock, in the Star-Chamber: And the Care hereof is referred to Mr. Nathanael Bacon.

The Question being propounded, That the Sum of One hundred thousand Pounds be forthwith provided for the Scotts Army, and paid unto them, upon the Marching of their Armies and Forces out of this Kingdom;

The Question was put, Whether this Question should be now put: And

It passed with the Affirmative.

And then the Question itself being put;

It is Resolved, &c. That the Sum of One hundred thousand Pounds be forthwith provided for the Scotts Army, and paid unto them, upon the Marching of their Armies and Forces out of this Kingdom.

Ordered, That the Members of this House that are of the Committee of both Kingdoms, or any Four of them, do communicate this Vote to the Scotts Commissioners; and receive their Answer thereunto: And that they do acquaint them, That, upon the Adjusting of the Accompts of their Armies and Forces, whatsoever shall appear to be due to them shall be paid them, according to the Treaty: And are to meet upon it To-morrow in the Afternoon at Five of the Clock; and report the same on Tuesday Morning next.

Ordered, That, on Tuesday, Morning next, the House do proceed to take into further Consideration the Paper from the Scotts Commissioners, the first Business.

Resolved, &c. That the House be adjourned until Tuesday Morning next, at Eight of the Clock. And

The House was adjourned accordingly.