House of Commons Journal Volume 4: 19 August 1646

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 4, 1644-1646. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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'House of Commons Journal Volume 4: 19 August 1646', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 4, 1644-1646( London, 1802), British History Online [accessed 24 October 2024].

'House of Commons Journal Volume 4: 19 August 1646', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 4, 1644-1646( London, 1802), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024,

"House of Commons Journal Volume 4: 19 August 1646". Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 4, 1644-1646. (London, 1802), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024.


Die Mercurii, 19 Augusti, 1646.


Ordered, That Colonel Wayte, a Member of this House, shall have Leave to go into the Country.

Ordered, That Colonel Wayte be referred to the Committee of Accompts, to state and certify his Accompts.

Ordered, That Mr. Beddingfield, a Member of this House, shall have Leave to go into the Country.

An Ordinance for Appointing of William Durham Master of Arts to be Rector of the Church of Burfield in the County of Berks, in the place of Walter Clarke, late Incumbent there, deceased, was this Day read the First and Second time; and, upon the Question, passed; and ordered to be sent unto the Lords for their Concurrence.

Ordered, That Mr. Weston, a Member of this House, shall have Leave to go into the Country.

Ordered, That the Reports from the Committee of the Army be made on Friday Morning next.

Ordered, That Mr. Nathanael Stephens, a Member of this House, shall have Leave to go into the Country.

Ordered, by the and Commons, assembled in Parliament, That these Seven Preachers be forthwith sent to Oxford; that is to say, Mr. Harrys of Hanwell, Mr. Renolds, Mr. Wilkinson, Mr. Cheynell, Mr. Corbett, Mr. Cornish, and Mr. Langley: And that they may have Power to preach in any Church in Oxford: And that the Combinations of the University be respited, that it may be left to them to preach when and where they may think to make most for Edification: And that they repair thither with all convenient Speed.

The Lords Concurrence to be desired herein.

A Message from the Lords, by Doctor Aylett and Doctor Heath;

The Lords have commanded us to bring you this Paper from the Committee of Lords and Commons of the Admiralty and Cinque-Ports, concerning the Winter-Guard: Which they recommend to this House; and therein desire your Concurrence:-Two other Papers from the same Committee; the one concerning the Corporation of Shipwrights; the other concerning Foreign Plantations for the Merchant-Adventurers: To which they desire your Concurrence; and that the last, which concerns the Plantations, may be printed. They have sent you the Lady Moore's Petition; the Petition of the Lord Blaney's Daughter; and the Petition of Dorothy Bingham Widow: All which are especially recommended. They have commanded us to put you in mind of Christian Painter's Business, of Plimouth.

Resolved, &c. That Captain Riche, and his Ship, be, from this House, especially recommended unto the Committee of the Admiralty and Cinque-Ports.

A List of such Ships as were presented to the Approbation of both Houses, from the Committee of Lords and Commons for the Admiralty and Cinque-Ports, for the Winter-Guard 1646, was this Day read; and were as followeth; viz.

King's Ships and Frigates. Men.
Leopard 170
Lion 170
Entrance 160
Swallow 150
Mary-Rose 100
Expedition 100
Providence 100
John 110
Warwick Frigate 90
Globe 100
Adventure Frigate 110
Great Frigate at Deptford 120
Lesser Frigate 110
Hector 80
Crescent Frigate 50
Swan Frigate 45
Tenth Whelp 60
Cygnett 70
Sampson 60
Hind Frigate 60
Star Frigate 60
Greyhound 50
Roebuck 45
Dove Pink 25
Kentish Frigate 45
Robert Frigate 40
Welcome Pink 40
Weymouth Frigate 50
Hart Frigate 50
Increase Frigate 40
Tryal Pink 40
Margaret Galloit 25
Peter Frigate 40
William and John 20
Charles Trewe 20
Three Swans 45
Merchants Ships. Men.
Constant Warwick 110
Discovery 103
Samuel 75
Charles Frigate 20
Green Frigate 20

The total Number of Men amounts unto Two thousand Nine hundred Seventy-and-eight Men.

Resolved, &c. That this House doth agree with the Lords; and doth approve of this List, together with the Number of the Men, amounting unto Two thousand Nine hundred Seventy-and-eight Men, to be fitted for the Winter-Guard.

Resolved, &c. That this House doth nominate and approve of Captain Beddall to be Captain of the Adventure Frigate.

The Lords Concurrence to be desired herein.

An Ordinance for the better Regulation of the Mystery and Corporation of Shipwrights, this Day sent from the Lords, was this Day read the First time; and ordered to be read the Second time on Thursday next come Sevennight.

Resolved, &c. That this House doth nominate and approve of Captain Abraham Wheeler to be Captain of the Cignet Frigate.

The Lords Concurrence to be desired herein.

An Ordinance concerning Foreign Plantations, this Day sent from the Lords, was this Day read the First and Second time; and, upon the Question, committed unto the Committee of the Navy. And

It is Ordered, That it be reported on Thursday next come Sevennight.

Ordered, That the Report concerning the East-India Company be made on Thursday next come Sevennight.

The humble Petition of Christian Painter, of Plimouth, Widow, sent formerly from the Lords, was this Day read. And

It is Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee of the Navy, to give effectual and speedy Order, That the Petitioner may forthwith receive the Monies due for the Service of the Ship Amity of Plymouth, taken up and employed in the Service of the Parliament, for the Time the said Ship hath been so employed, and according to such Rates as other Ships of like Condition are allowed.-

Mr. Greene carried to the Lords, for their Concurrence, the Order for Captain Beddall to be Captain of the Adventure Frigate: An Order for Captain Abraham Wheeler to be Captain of the Cignet Frigate: An Order for Sending of Seven Ministers to preach at Oxford: An Ordinance for a Pardon to Sir Wm. Walter, for his Delinquency: An Ordinance for a Pardon to Mr. James Cole, for his Delinquency: An Ordinance for a Pardon to Mr. John Harvy, for his Delinquency: And the Ordinance for Mr. Durham to be Minister of Burfield in the County of Berks.-[ (fn. 1) ]

The humble Petition of Mary Blaney, Daughter of the Right Honourable Edward Lord Blaney of Monaghan, was this Day read. And

It is Ordered, That the Sum of One hundred Pounds be allowed and paid unto the Petitioner, for her present Subsistence, and Fifty Pounds per Annum for her future Maintenance, until the Houses take further Order: And that this One hundred Pounds for her present Subsistence, and the Fifty Pounds per Annum for her future Maintenance, be allowed and paid, out of the Sequestration of the Estate of the Lady Duchess of Buckingham in Rutlandshire: And the Sequestrators of the said Estate are hereby required to make due and orderly Payment, as well of the said One hundred Pounds, as of the said Fifty Pounds per Annum: And that an Acquittance, under the Hand of the Petitioner, or her Assigns, shall, from time to time, be a sufficient Discharge to the said Sequestrators, for the Payment thereof accordingly.

The Lords Concurrence to be desired herein.

The humble Petition of the Lady Jane Blaney was this Day read. And

It is Ordered, That the Sum of Three hundred Pounds be forthwith allowed and paid unto the Petitioner, for her present Subsistence, and Two hundred Pounds per Annum for her future Maintenance, to continue during the Pleasure of the Houses; to be deducted out of the Arrears due to her Husband, for his Entertainment: And that this Three hundred Pounds, and Two hundred Pounds per Annum, be paid unto the Lady Blaney, or her Assigns, out of the Sequestration of the Estate of the Lord Brudenall: And the several and respective Sequestrators in the Counties of Northampton and Leicester, where Part of the said Estate lies, are hereby required to make due Payment of the said Three hundred Pounds, and Two hundred Pounds per Annum: And that an Acquittance, under the Hand of the Petitioner, or her Assigns, shall be, from time to time, a sufficient Discharge to the said respective Sequestrators, for the Payment thereof accordingly.

The Lords Concurrence to be desired herein.

Answer returned by the same Messengers;

The House hath considered your Message: And, as to the List of the Winter-Guard, they do agree. They have taken the rest of the Particulars into Consideration; and will send Answer thereunto by Messengers of their own.

Ordered, That the Ordinance concerning the Printing of the Holy Bible, &c. be read on Friday Morning next, the first Business.

Ordered, That the Ordinance for Ordination of Ministers be reported on Friday Morning next.

Mr. Crewe reported, from the Committee, a Paper from the Commissioners of Scotland, of 19 Augusti 1646, in Answer to the Order Yesterday made, concerning the Scottish Army: The which was read.

Mr. Crewe further reported, by Word of Mouth, That, in Discourse, the Scotts Commissioners said, "That they expected Six hundred thousand Pounds, Three hundred thousand Pounds to be paid presently, and Three hundred thousand Pounds at such Times as shall be agreed on; but that, considering the Necessities of this Kingdom, and the State of Ireland, they are content to take Two hundred thousand Pounds presently, and Three hundred thousand Pounds within a Year.

Resolved, That the Debate of this whole Business, reported by Mr. Crewe, be taken into Consideration Tomorrow Morning, the first Business.


  • 1. Here follows an Entry, which is erased; and against it, in the Margin, is written "Vacatur per ordinem de 23 Decembris, 1646."