House of Commons Journal Volume 4: 27 August 1646

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 4, 1644-1646. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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'House of Commons Journal Volume 4: 27 August 1646', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 4, 1644-1646( London, 1802), British History Online [accessed 24 October 2024].

'House of Commons Journal Volume 4: 27 August 1646', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 4, 1644-1646( London, 1802), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024,

"House of Commons Journal Volume 4: 27 August 1646". Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 4, 1644-1646. (London, 1802), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024.


Die Jovis, 27 Augusti, 1646.


AN Ordinance to enable the Committee of the Lords and Commons, of the Revenue, to issue Warrants to the Attorney or Sollicitor-General, for preparing Grants of all such Things as have been, or shall be, disposed by the Committee of the Revenue, to be passed under the Great Seal, was this Day read the First and Second time; and, upon the Question, committed unto Sir Anthony Irby, Sir William Lewes, Mr. Walter Long, Mr. Gourdon, Mr. Robinson, Sir Edward Aiscough, Mr. Scott, Sir John Hobarte, Mr. Henry Pelham, Mr. John Ashe, Mr. Trenchard, Mr. Lisle, Mr. Swinfen, Mr. Samuel Browne, Mr. Serjeant Wilde, Mr. Tate, Mr. Mountague, Sir John Hippesley, Sir Arthur Hesilrige, Mr. Selden, Mr. Harvey, Mr. Sayer, Mr. Strode, Sir Charles Egerton, Mr. Rous, Mr. Gell, Mr. Sollicitor, Sir Robert Harley; and unto the Committee of the Revenue, and the Committee of the Navy, joined as to this Business: And are to meet upon it To-morrow in the Afternoon at Two of the Clock, in the Exchequer-Chamber: And have Power to send for Parties, Papers, Witnesses, Records, &c.

Ordered, That the Ordinance for disfranchising divers of the Aldermen of the City of Lincolne, and for settling the Government of that City, be reported To-morrow Morning.

An Ordinance for Ordination of Ministers was this Day read the First and Second time.

And the Question being put, For the Commitment;

It passed with the Negative.

And then the Ordinance, upon the Question, passed: And

Ordered, That the Lords Concurrence be desired herein.

Mr. Rous is appointed to carry it to the Lords.

Ordered, upon the Question, That Colonel Henry Sanderson do forthwith march to London, with his Regiment of Reformadoes; where he is to receive Pay, and Orders for his further Service, or Disbanding, from the Committee of the Three Counties of Berks, Bucks, and Oxon: Who are also hereby appointed to state their Accompts, and give them Certificates thereof.

Ordered, upon the Question, That the Treasurers at Goldsmiths-Hall, London, be, and are hereby, required, injoined and authorized to pay the Monies charged upon them by this House, to be by them issued for Colonel Sanderson's Regiment of Reformadoes, and all other Sums of Money that are, or shall be, by this House, charged upon them, or required to be issued out by them, notwithstanding any Order or Orders of the House of Lords to the contrary: And this House doth Declare, That the said Treasurers shall, for any Sums, that, at any time, they shall issue upon Order of this House, be, by this House, saved harmless, and kept indemnified.

The humble Petition of Thomas Foote and John Kendrick, Aldermen and Sheriffs of the City of London, concerning Sir Thomas Glemham, their Prisoner upon several private Actions, was read.

Ordered, That the Sheriffs of London and Middlesex be hereby required to bring the Body of Sir Thomas Glemham, their Prisoner, to the Bar of this House To-morrow Morning at Nine of the Clock, together with the particular Causes of his Detainer.

Ordered, That Captain Robert Sydney shall have Leave to ship and transport Three Horses from any one Port of this Kingdom, and at one time, into any the Parts beyond the Seas: And that all Officers of the Custom-house, and others whom it may concern, belonging to such Port or Place where the said Horses shall be shipped, do permit the said Captain Sidney to ship and transport the said Three Horses accordingly.

Ordered, That Mr. Speaker do grant a Pass unto Colonel Blague, late Governor of Wallingford, for the Shipping and Transporting of Six Horses from any one Port of this Kingdom, and at one time, into any the Parts beyond the Seas: And that all Officers of the Custom-house, and others whom it may concern, belonging to such Port or Place where the said Six Horses shall be shipped, do permit the said Colonel Blague to ship and transport the said Six Horses accordingly; he paying the Customs and other Dues for the same.

The most humble Petition of William Goodman and Richard Hanson, condemned Prisoners in the Gaol of Aylesbury, was this Day read. And

It is Ordered, That the Justices of Assize and Gaol-delivery, that went the Circuit for the County of Buckingham, by whom the said Prisoners were condemned, do grant a further Reprieve to the Petitioners; this House having ordered, That they shall have their Pardon for the Offences for which they were so condemned.

Ordered, That William Goodman and Richard Hanson, now Prisoners in the Gaol of Aylesbury in the County of Buckingham, and convicted, and condemned to die, at the last Assizes and Goal-delivery held at Aylesbury aforesaid, for the said County, for Felony and Robbery, shall have their Pardon for their said Offences, and for every other Offence, for which they, or either of them, were and are then and there so condemned: And his Majesty's Sollicitor-General is hereby authorized and required to prepare a Bill, containing a Pardon unto the said William Goodman and Richard Hanson, and either of them, for all Offences, whereof they, or either of them, were convicted, and are condemned, at the Assizes and Gaol-delivery aforesaid; together with a Grant unto them, and either of them, of their Estates real and personal, forfeited by reason thereof: Which said Pardon, so prepared, the Commissioners for the Great Seal of England, for the Time being, are hereby likewise authorized and required to cause to be passed in usual Form, under the said Great Seal, accordingly.

The Lords Concurrence to be desired herein.

Ordered, That the Reports from the Committee at Goldsmiths-Hall be made To-morrow Morning, the first Business.

Ordered, That the Lancashire Petition be received Tomorrow Morning.

Ordered, That the Petition from the Committee of the County of Derby be read To-morrow Morning.

A General Estimate of the Accompts of the Scottish Army, since their coming into England.

Debitor Side. £. s. d.
For the Charge of levying, arming, and bringing the Forces together, furnished, being Eighteen thousand Foot, Two thousand Horse, One thousand Dragooners effective, and upwards, and for fitting the Train of Artillery in Readiness to march into England, according to the Fourth Article of the Treaty, whereof an Accompt was given to the Commissioners of England, amounts to 87415 6 8
For 31000 £. monthly allowed to the Army and Garison of Berwick, towards the Charge thereof for Thirty-two Months, from the Eighteenth of January 164¾, to the Eighteenth September 1646 next ensuing, there is due, according to the Fifth Article of the Treaty for Assistance, and the First Article of the Treaty for settling a Garison in Berwick, 992000 0 0
By the said Fifth Article, it is provided, That the Kingdom of England shall make due Recompence to the Kingdom of Scotland, by way of brotherly Assistance, for what they shall have just Cause to demand when the Peace of the Two Kingdoms are settled, over and above the 31000 £. monthly; whereupon is demanded, as Surplusage of the monthly Charge of the Army, over and above the 31000 £. abovesaid, for the First Twelve Months, at the Rate of 25000 £. per Month 300000 0 0
For Surplusage of the Charge of the Army, from January 1645, Stilo Scotiæ, to the Eighteenth of September next ensuing, being Twenty Months, according to the Muster-Rolls 330000 0 0
For the Levying of the Earl of Calender's Army, being near the Half of the Strength of the First Army 40000 0 0
For their monthly Maintenance for Six Months, at the Rate of 20000 £. per Month 120000 0 0
For Interest of Monies not paid at their due Time, according to the Fifth Article of the Treaty 60000 0 0
The Estimate of the great Losses of the Kingdom of Scotland, sustained through our Engagements for this Kingdom, and the Invasion of the Irish, which they are bound to prevent or suppress, which, we are confident, is more than any other of the Articles, is left to the Consideration of the Honourable Houses 1929415 6 8
Creditor Side. £. s. d.
Received by the Armies, in Monies and Provisions, from Goldsmiths-Hall, Turners-Hall, from the Commissioners of Parliament, the Mayor of Yorke, out of the Profits of Coal, Custom, and Excise in the North, by way of Assessment; as also by quartering in Northumberland, Bishoprick of Durham, Yorkeshire, and Nottingham, whereof the Accompts have been made 464063 0 0
Rests due for Quarterings of the Army, whereof the Accompts are not yet made, as may be conjectured by Proportion with the monthly Quarterings, whereof the Accompts have already been made 219937 0 0

Mr. Stockdale reports the State of the Accompts with the Scotts Army, by way of Estimate: The which was read: And likewise several Exceptions to the General Estimate of the Accompts of the Scottish Army, sent in by the Commissioners of Scotland: The which were both read.

The State of the Accompt with the Scotts Army, by way of Estimate.

The Kingdom of England is Debtor,

£. s. d.
For the Entertainments of the Scotts Army, and the Garison of Barwick, from the Eighteenth of January 1643, to the Eighteenth of September 1646, being Thirty-two Months, after the Rate of 31000 £. per mensem, in case they did come in and continue in England the Numbers of Eighteen thousand Foot, Two thousand Horse, and One thousand Dragoons, effective, according to the Treaty of Assistance, and the Treaty for Barwick, the Sum of 992000 0 0
The Kingdom of England is Creditor,
For Monies paid towards the Entertainment to the Scotts Army, by the Committee at Goldsmiths-Hall, from the Sixth of October 1643, to the First of November 1645 220629 0 0
For Money and Lead delivered to them, by the Commissioners of both Kingdoms, at Yorke, after Rendition of that Place 9000 0 0
For Provisions and Monies assessed upon the County of Yorke, by Order of the Commissioners of both Kingdoms, and the Committee of that County, within the Space of Four Months during the Siege of Yorke, and afterwards, until they marched away to the Siege of Newcastle, after the Rate of 22000 £. per mensem 88000 0 0
For Cloth delivered to them by the Inhabitants in and about Leeds, presently after the Siege of Yorke, by Order of the Commissioners of both Kingdoms 10000 0 0
For Monies arising by the Profits of Coals in Newcastle and Sunderland, received by the Scotts Army within the Space of One Year after the Takeing of that Town, which was in October 1644 53000 0 0
For Monies, Cloaths, Arms, and Provisions furnished to them during the Siege of Newarke, by the Committee of Lords and Commons residing with the Army, the Committee at Notingham, and the Committees of Goldsmiths-Hall and Turners-Hall 99054 12 11
£. s. d.
For Monies paid them by the Lord Mayor of Yorke, in June, July, and October, 1645 1700 0 0
For Monies paid to them out of the Excise, besides 629 £. included in the 1700 £. paid by the Lord Mayor of Yorke, as . . . Certificate from the Excise, 16385 12 4
For Monies arising out of the Profits of Coals at Newcastle, and other Northern Parts, from October 1645, to the 18th of September 1646, which is all paid, and to be paid to the Scotts Army; and, by Estimate made upon former Receipts, are proportioned to be 50000 0 0
For Monies received by them, by way of Composition, for Coals, and other Goods, belonging to Delinquents, and other Persons, within and about the Town of Newcastle, since they entred and placed their Garison there, by Estimate, 20000 0 0
For Free-Quarter and Billet taken by them in the Kingdom of England, from the 18th of January 1643, to the 18th of September 1646, admiting it no more than half their Pay, which is the least Proportion usually in Armies; and then in case they were, and always continued the Numbers, contracted for by the Treaty, and the same Proportion of Pay ariseing to them, as by the Treaty is appointed, their Free-Quarter and Billet, besides the Four Months above charged within the Sum of 80000 £. whilst they lay at the Siege of Yorke, will, by Estimate, amount unto 452000 0 0
For several great Sums of Money, assessed and levied upon particular Persons, for the Fifth, and Twentieth-Part, and otherwise, and also assessed upon Townships, Constableries, and Parishes, within the Kingdom of England, and levied by them, by their own Power, without Consent of Parliament, besides the Free-Quarter and Billet before-mentioned; which though some Persons do estimate at much more, yet here are valued no higher than 403000 0 0
For several great Proportions of Arms, Ammunition, and Provisions of War, delivered to the Scotts Army, and estimated at 40000 0 0
Sum Total of the Particulars aforesaid, 1462769 5 3

Besides what the Scotts Army hath taken from the People of England, by Plunder of Merchandize, Housholdstuff, Horses, Sheep, and other Cattle and Goods; which in Value doth amount unto, if not exceed, any Two of the Sums above-mentioned.

Whereas, by the Estimate sent in by the Scotts Commissioners, the Kingdom of England is charged with several other Sums of Money, amounting, in all, to 937415 £. 6 s. 8 d.: We conceive the same ought not to be demanded of the Kingdom of England in such Manner as is expressed in their Paper; much less that the Kingdom of England is Debtor to them for the same; for the Reasons following:

First, As to the Sum of 87415 £. 6s. 8 d. for the Charge of levying, arming, and bringing together their Forces, furnished with the Train of Artillery, in Readiness to march; by the Fourth Article of the Treaty, it is to be done at the same Rates, as if the Kingdom of Scotland were to raise the Army for their own Affairs: And therefore, until a particular Account be delivered in to the Parliament of England, by which it may appear, what Rates are usual in the Kingdom of Scotland in such Cases; and that the Sum demanded in the Estimate doth not exceed those Rates, the same cannot be charged upon the Kingdom of England.

Secondly, As to the Sums of 300000 £. 130000 £.; by the Fifth Article of the Treaty, it is provided, That if the Scotts shall have just Cause to demand further Satisfaction for their Pains, Hazards, and Charges (the 30000 £. per mensem being not a full monthly Pay for that Army), that then they shall have due Recompence for the same from the Parliament of England, to whom the Justice of the Demand is to be made appear; and then their Pains, Hazards, and Charges, are to be recompensed in a general Way, from the good Will and Kindness of their Brethren of England: But the Surplusage of the said monthly Pay is not to be charged upon the Kingdom of England as Debt to that Army, or to our Brethren of Scotland.

Thirdly, As to the Sums of 40000 £. and 120000 £. demanded for the Levy and Pay of the Earl of Calander's Army; although those Forces were invited, by Order of Parliament, to come in for their Assistance, yet no Treaty nor Establishment being concluded on for settling a particular Pay for them, and their Numbers not increasing the Earl of Leven's Army above the Number of Twenty one thousand Men, contracted for by the Treaty, therefore that Sum ought not to be charged upon the Kingdom of England.

Fourthly, As to the 60000 £. demanded for Interest; there can be no such Demand made, because the Money advanced and paid by the Parliament of England, and the Free-Quarter and Billet, with other Monies taken by the Scotts Army, from time to time, hath supplied their Pay in due Season, according to the Treaty.

Resolved, &c. That this House doth appoint this Paper to be communicated to the Commissioners of Scotland, by the Members of this House that are of the Committee of both Kingdoms, not as an exact Accompt, but as an Estimate.

Resolved, &c. That this House doth appoint, that these Exceptions shall be communicated to the Commissioners of Scotland, by the Members of this House that are of the Committee of both Kingdoms; with a Saving, of makeing further Exceptions hereafter, if Occasion shall be.

The Question being propounded, That the Members of this House that are of the Committee of both Kingdoms, shall have Power to offer unto the Commissioners of Scotland One hundred thousand Pounds, more than the Two hundred thousand Pounds already voted; to be paid unto them at the End of Twelve Months, to be accounted from the End of the Nine Months, whereon the last Fifty thousand Pounds, Part of the said Two hundred thousand Pounds, is ordered to be paid; and to be accounted for Discharge of all Demands from this Kingdom, expressed in their Paper of the Eighteenth of August, if they shall be content therewith; or otherwise, to offer them to come to an Accompt upon the Two hundred thousand Pounds to be paid;

And the Question being propounded, That the Sum of Two hundred thousand Pounds should be inserted into this Question;

The Question was put, That this Question should be now put:

The House was divided.

The Noes went forth.

Mr. Holles, Tellers for the Yea: 101.
Sir Phil. Stapleton, With the Yea,
Sir Arthur Haselrige, Tellers for the Noe: 108.
Sir Jo. Evelyn of Wiltes, With the Noe,

So as the Question passed with the Negative.

The Question being put, That the Sum of One hundred thousand Pounds shall stand in this Question; And

It passed with the Affirmative.

And the Question itself being put;

It is thereupon Resolved, &c. That the Members of this House that are of the Committee of both Kingdoms, shall have Power to offer unto the Commissioners of Scotland One hundred thousand Pounds, more than the Two hundred thousand Pounds already voted; to be paid unto them at the End of Twelve Months, to be accounted from the End of the Nine Months, whereon the last Fifty thousand Pounds, Part of the said Two hundred thousand Pounds, is ordered to be paid; and to be accounted for Discharge of all Demands from this Kingdom, expressed in their Paper of the Eighteenth of August, if they shall be content therewith; or otherwise, to offer them to come to an Accompt upon the Two hundred thousand Pounds to be paid.

Ordered, &c. That the Members of this House that are of the Committee of both Kingdoms, or any Four of them, do confer with the Scotts Commissioners concerning the Estimate and Exceptions this Day read, and ordered to be communicated to them; the Votes made on Friday last, for the Payment of Two hundred thousand Pounds to their Army and Forces; and the Vote made this Day, for Payment to them of One hundred thousand Pounds more than the said former Two hundred thousand Pounds: And that they do desire their Answers thereunto; and report the same To-morrow Morning.

Ordered, &c. That Mr. Giles Greene, a Member of this House, shall have Leave to go into the Country for a Fortnight.

Ordered, &c. That Mr. Armyn, a Member of this House, shall have Leave to go into the Country.

Ordered, &c. That the Ordinance for the County of Chester shall be read To-morrow Morning.