House of Commons Journal Volume 6: 13 January 1649

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 6, 1648-1651. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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'House of Commons Journal Volume 6: 13 January 1649', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 6, 1648-1651( London, 1802), British History Online [accessed 24 October 2024].

'House of Commons Journal Volume 6: 13 January 1649', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 6, 1648-1651( London, 1802), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024,

"House of Commons Journal Volume 6: 13 January 1649". Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 6, 1648-1651. (London, 1802), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024.


In this section

Die Sabbati, 13 Januarii, 1648.


City Officers.

AN Ordinance authorizing the Common Councilmen, elected according to the Ordinance of the Twentieth of December last, to perform the Duty of Common Councilmen, and impowering the Lord Mayor to give further Order for Electing of subordinate Officers in the City of London, was this Day read; and, upon the Question, passed.

Col. Whitchcote, &c.

Ordered, That the Committee of Sequestrations, in the County of Bucks, be authorized, and they are hereby authorized and impowered, to sell, or cause to be selled, and sold, so many of the decayed Trees and Pollards, and no other, growing in and upon the Grounds and Woods of the Duke of Bucks, in the County of Bucks, in Places where they may best be spared, and do least Damage, to the Value of Three thousand Pounds, and not above: Whereof the Sum of Fifteen hundred Pounds is to be paid to Colonel Whitchcote, Governor of Windsore Castle, in Satisfaction of the Sum of Fifteen hundred Pounds ordered him, and charged upon the Sequestrations of Berkshire and Bucks: And the Residue of the said Three thousand Pounds is to go towards the Pay of the Horse Forces in the County of Bucks: And Henry Beck Esquire, Mr. Wm. Russell, Major Thomas Shilborne, and Captain John Deverell, or any Two of them, are hereby required to take care of the Felling of the Trees, so as it may be without Prejudice to the State.


Ordered, That the Treasurers for Sequestrations at Guild Hall, London, do forthwith send out their Messengers to all the Treasurers, Collectors, and Solicitors, or any other employed in the Matter of Sequestrations, that have not, according to former Ordinances of Parliament, sent up their Accompts, or have not sent up perfect Accompts, or not brought up the Monies to the said Treasurers, remaining in their Hands, due to the State, upon just Accompt by them made, as by the said Ordinances is required, and under the said Penalties therein expressed more at large appeareth: And that the said Treasurers do forthwith give in a perfect Account of all their former Doings, concerning Sequestrations, to this House, or such as they shall appoint; that so the State may receive such Satisfaction therein, as to Right appertaineth.


Resolved, &c. That these Words following: viz. "Ye shall be true to our Sovereign Lord the King, that now is, and to his Heirs and Successors, Kings of England, and;" be from henceforth omitted out of the Oath to be taken by the Common Council, and other subordinate Officers in the City of London, already chosen, or to be chosen.


A Letter from Captain Andrew Ball, from aboard the Adventure, in Margett Road, the Twelfth of January instant, was this Day read.

Ordered, That the Dover Pink, now taken, shall be added to the Winter Guard.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee of the Navy, to confer with the Lord Admiral, if he be in Town, that speedy Course be taken, for Ships to be forthwith sent Northward, and to Goree; and, if his Lordship be not in Town, then the said Committee, advising with such Persons as they shall think fit, do give Directions therein, What Ships shall go forth; and which of them shall go to Goree, and which of them to the Northward: And that all Captains, Officers, and Mariners, in the said Ships, are hereby required to yield Obedience to such Order and Direction of the said Committee; and to pursue the same.

Ordered, That the said Committee of the Navy do consult with Captain Moulton; and consider, How, and in what convenient Way, the Ship George and Ship Leopard may go forth to Sea together, upon the said Service.

Ordered, That Lieutenant General Cromwell, Mr. Alderman Wilson, and Mr. Dove, be added to the Committee of the Navy.

Ordered, That the Committee of . . Navy be ordered to pay Two Months Pay to the Seamen that are come in, in Captain Moulton's Ship.

Ordered, That the Committee of the Navy do send to Sir George Aiskew, to go forth on this present Service, for this Time, under Captain Moulton.

Ordered, That the Committee of the Navy do examine, and report to this House, the State of the Business touching the Monies due to the Isle of Ely: And that they do likewise confer with Merchants, and others, as they shall think fit, touching the Loan of Monies for the Navy, for the better guarding the Sea.

Ordered, That the Ship Constant Warwick be forthwith seized into the Hands of the State.

Ordered, That the Ship Constant Warwick be forthwith employed as the State's Ship, in this present Service of the State, for the Winter Guard: And that the Committee of the Navy do treat with Merchants, for the present victualing and manning the said Ship.

Ordered, That Captain Ingle be recommended to the Committee, to be the Commander of the said Ship: And that the Lord Admiral be required to grant him a Commission accordingly.


Ordered, That the Clerk of this House be required not to permit any Person to peruse or look into the Book of Entries of the Orders and Proceedings of this House, but in the Presence of the Clerk of this House.

Ordered, That the Clerk of this House do not henceforth suffer any Copies to be made out, of any of the Proceedings of this House, until the same be resolved by the House.


Mr. Miles Corbett reports Amendments to the Ordinance for settling the Affairs of the Navy.

Which were twice read; and, upon the Question, assented unto.

Ordered, That the said Ordinance be ingrossed; and brought in, on Monday Morning.

Expence of High Court of Justice.

Ordered, That the Sum of One thousand Pounds be charged upon the Revenue; and be forthwith paid to Captain Blackwell, for the Service of the High Court of Justice: And that the Committee of the Revenue do pay the same accordingly.