House of Commons Journal Volume 6: 17 January 1649

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 6, 1648-1651. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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'House of Commons Journal Volume 6: 17 January 1649', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 6, 1648-1651( London, 1802), British History Online [accessed 24 October 2024].

'House of Commons Journal Volume 6: 17 January 1649', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 6, 1648-1651( London, 1802), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024,

"House of Commons Journal Volume 6: 17 January 1649". Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 6, 1648-1651. (London, 1802), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024.


In this section

Die Mercurii, 17 Januarii, 1648.


Deans and Chapters Lands.

ORDERED, That the Quorum of the Committee for Deans and Chapters Lands be reduced to Five: And that the said Committee, or any Five of them, be, and are hereby, impowered to sit and act in the said Committee accordingly.

Hilary Term.

It being informed, that there were some Mistakes and Omissions in the Act, passed Yesterday, for Adjournment of Part of Hilary Term next; which Omissions being supplied, and Mistakes amended, the same were read; and, upon the Question, assented unto: And

It is Ordered, That the said Omissions and Mistakes be supplied and amended: And that the said Act be perfected and amended accordingly.

Navy Supply.

Mr. Miles Corbett reports Reasons given by the Treasurers at Goldsmiths Hall, Why a Stop is made of the Payment of Forty thousand Pounds to the Use of the Navy: Which were this Day read; and was in hæc verba; viz.

The Reasons why there is a Stop in Payment of the Forty thousand Pounds, for the Use of the Navy, &c. are these; viz.

That, of the Two hundred thousand Pounds then due for the Scotts Arrears, there was only the First Fifty thousand Pound, of the Third Hundred thousand Pounds charged on the Treasury at Goldsmiths Hall; and no more upon that Treasury: And That was by Ordinance of Parliament, dated 4 Februarii 1646. And the said Fifty thousand Pounds, so charged, was to be paid unto the Marquis of Arguile, Sir Wm. Dick, and others, as is expressed in the said Ordinance, which is now come in Course: And the said Earl of Arguile is paid his Proportion, being Ten thousand Pounds; and the rest expect daily the remaining Forty thousand Pounds.

That, the Seventeenth of June 1648 (as we are lately given to understand), there was an Ordinance of Parliament passed, for Payment of Thirty-five thousand Pounds, unto the Marquis of Arguile, and the Heritors of the Sheriffdom of Arguile, as Part of the Second Fifty thousand Pounds, the remaining Part of the Third Hundred thousand Pounds; but this Thirty-five thousand Pounds was not then, nor at any other time, charged on the Treasury at Goldsmiths Hall; and, if now should be charged, then it cannot be paid, but in Course, from the Time of its being so charged: Because that, February Twenty-sixth 1646, there was an Ordinance of Parliament passed, in these Words: "That all Sums which shall be charged upon the Receipts of Goldsmiths Hall, after the Passing of this Ordinance, shall be paid in Course, and not otherwise." So that unless Sir Wm. Dick, and the rest to whom the remaining Forty thousand Pounds of the First Fifty thousand Pounds, being the only Sum charged upon Goldsmiths Hall, and is now due, in the present Course, be content to stay till the Second Fifty thousand Pounds shall come in Course, from the time it shall be now charged, or otherwise satisfied, we cannot pay the Monies for the Navy, as is expected, without an absolute Breach of Ordinance of Parliament, for Payment in Course; as also another Ordinance of Parliament, engaging the Receipts at Goldsmiths Hall, for Payment of the Monies lent on the Sale of Bishops Lands; as also divers other Ordinances passed for Payment of other Monies, lent by several Persons; and for other Considerations.

Upon all which it doth plainly appear, that the Houses were misinformed, and went upon a great Mistake, when they passed this Ordinance for the Navy; for that the Second Fifty thousand Pounds, Part of the said Hundred thousand Pounds for the Scotts, was not, by Ordinance of Parliament, charged upon the Treasury at Goldsmiths Hall: And, if it had been charged, it must have been paid in its Course, and not otherwise. All which we recommend to the Wisdom and Justice of the Parliament.

Goldsmiths Hall, Rich. Waring, Treasurers.
this 17th of Jan. 1648. Mich. Herring,

Ordered, That the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall be required to give Warrant to the Treasurers at Goldsmiths Hall, forthwith to make Payment of the Remainder of the Forty thousand Pounds, to the Use of the Navy, according to the former Order of this House.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall, to state the Matter of Fact touching the Monies that were to be paid to the Kingdom of Scotland, and the particular Assignments thereof; and present their Report thereof to this House, on This-day sevennight.

And the Care of this Business is especially referred to Mr. Frye.

Scotch Assairs.

Resolved, &c. That Commissions be sent into Scotland, to the Parliament in Scotland.

Mr. Marten, Lieutenant General Cromwell, Mr. Salwey, Mr. Scott, Mr. Holland, Sir Thomas Widdrington, Sir John Danvers, Mr. Boone, Mr. Challoner, Mr. Solicitor, Mr. Allen, Commissary General Ireton, Colonel Harrison, Sir James Harrington;

This Committee, or any Three of them, are to consider of fit Persons to be sent to the Parliament of Scotland, to continue a good Understanding between the Nations, and to present their Names and Instructions to be given them to this House; and also to consider of other fit Persons to be sent into other Kingdoms: And the said Committee are to meet To-morrow at Two of Clock in the Afternoon, in the Queen's Court.

Portsmouth, &c. Garisons.

The House being informed, that divers Officers and Soldiers of the Garison of Portesmouth, South-sea Castle, Southampton, and other Places, were at the Door;

They were called in: And Captain Baskett acquainted the House, That he was desired, on the Behalf of the Counties of Dorsett, Southampton, and Wiltes, and the Soldiery, and well affected Party, of the said Counties, to present this their humble Petition to this House: And thereupon presented a Petition.

Which (after the Petitioners were withdrawn) was read; and was intituled, The humble Petition and Representation of the Officers and Soldiers of the Garison of Portesmouth, Southsea Castle, Southampton, Hurst Castle, Poole, and Brownsea Castle, Weymouth, the Castles, Forts, and Forces in the Isle of Wight, and the Garison of Malmsbury, together with many thousand public-spirited Persons of those Places and Parts adjacent.

The Petitioners being again called in; Mr. Speaker, by Command of this House, gave them this Answer:

Gentlemen, The House has read your Petition; and find it of great Weight: And they also find your good Affections and Care of the Commonwealth; and have commanded me to give you Thanks: And, in their Names, I do return you very hearty Thanks: And, as to the Particulars of your Petition, they do intend to take the same into Consideration in due time.

Ipswich Ministers.

The humble Petition of divers the Well-affected of the Town of Ipswich in the County of Suffolk was this Day read.

Ordered, That Mr. Kiffyn, and Mr. Hanserd Knowles shall have Liberty to preach, and exercise their Gifts, in the Town of Ipswich, without Molestation or Disturbance, in such Places, and at such Times, as they are not supplied by any other Men.

Portsmouth, &c. Garisons.

Mr. Scott, Lieutenant General Cromwell, Commissary General Ireton, Mr. Holland, Sir Gilbert Pickering, Mr. Say, Mr. Allen, Mr. Lisle, Alderman Wilson, Sir James Harrington, Colonel Jones, Mr. Solicitor, Mr. Leman, Mr. Anlaby, Mr. Richard Salwey, Sir Thomas Widdrington, Mr. Corbett, Mr. Fry, Colonel Purefoy, Mr. Carey, Mr. Marten, Mr. Blackiston, Sir Wm. Constable, Mr. Boone, Colonel Ludlow;

This Committee, or any Five of them, are to take the said Petition, and Representation of the Officers and Soldiers of the Garison of Portesmouth, &c. and other Petitions of that Nature, into Consideration: And are to present to this House their Opinion, What is fit to be done touching such of the Particulars in the said Petitions as they shall think fit; and in what Method it is fit for this House to proceed therein: And are to meet at Two of Clock, To-morrow in the Afternoon, in the Speaker's Chamber.

Restraining Ministers.

Ordered, That Mr. Boone do bring in the Ordinance touching the Restraint of Ministers from Preaching, Tomorrow Morning.

London Militia.

An Act for settling the Militia of the City of London was this Day read.

And a Clause being offered to be added to the said Act; the said Clause was read.

And the said Act, with the said Clause, being put to the Question, passed.

Gloucester, &c. Militia.

Ordered, That Mr. Love do bring in an Ordinance Tomorrow Morning, for repealing an Ordinance for settling the Militia in the Counties of Gloucester, Monmouth, and Hereford.

King's Property.

An Ordinance for the Discovery, Inventorying, and Preserving, of the Goods in the King's several Houses, was this Day read the First and Second time; and, upon the Question, committed unto Colonel Martyn, Mr. Lisle, Colonel Venne, Mr. Frye, Mr. Scott, Lord Mounson, Mr. Hill, Mr. Love, Sir James Harrington, Mr. Leman, Mr. Allen, Mr. Thomas Challoner; or any Five of them-Are to meet To-morrow Morning at Eight of Clock, in the Speaker's Chamber; and to bring it in To-morrow Morning.

Weavers Company.

Ordered, That the Act touching the Weavers be read, the first Business, To-morrow.

Bishops Lands.

Mr. Lisle, Mr. Leman, Mr. Holland, Mr. Say, Colonel Jones, Mr. Valentyne, Mr. Boone, Mr. Solicitor, Colonel Ludlow, Mr. Nelthorp, Sir James Harrington, Mr. Browne, Mr. Hallowes, and Mr. Smyth, are added to the Committee for removing Obstructions in the Sale of Bishops Lands.