House of Commons Journal Volume 6: 1 February 1649

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 6, 1648-1651. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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'House of Commons Journal Volume 6: 1 February 1649', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 6, 1648-1651( London, 1802), British History Online [accessed 24 October 2024].

'House of Commons Journal Volume 6: 1 February 1649', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 6, 1648-1651( London, 1802), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024,

"House of Commons Journal Volume 6: 1 February 1649". Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 6, 1648-1651. (London, 1802), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024.


In this section

Die Jovis, 1 Februarii, 1648.

Vintners Company.

THE humble Petition of the Masters, Wardens, and Company of Vintners in London was this Day read.

Ordered, That the said Petition be referred to the Committee of Indemnity; to examine the Business, and make Report thereof to the House: And that the Sum of Three hundred Forty-five Pounds Six Shillings and Eight-pence, for which Thomas Syms, in the Petition named, hath obtained a Judgment at Law against John Gregory, Jacob Bonamy, George Griffith, and George Stanley, which Money is now in the Sheriff of London's Hands, be stayed in the said Sheriff's Hands, until further Order.

Weavers Company.

An Act for the Election of the Bailiffs, Wardens, Assistants, and other Officers of the Company of Weavers, was this Day read the Second time: and, upon the Question, committed unto Mr. Anlaby, Lord Grey, Mr. Martyn, Alderman Penington, Mr. Robinson, Lord Mounson, Mr. Garland, Mr. Pury, Colonel Jones, Serjeant Thorpe, Mr. Whittacre, Sir Gregory Norton, Sir Michael Livesey, Mr. Weaver, Mr. Blagrave, Colonel Ludlow, Colonel Wayte, Colonel Lassels, Mr. Hodges, Mr. Pelham, Sir Henry Mildmay, Mr. Lisle, Mr. Say, or any Eight of them: And all that come to have Voices: And are to meet at Two of the Clock this Day in the Afternoon, at the Queen's Court.

Navy, &c.

Ordered, That it be referred to a Committee, to revise the Act, intituled, An Act of the Commons, assembled in Parliament, touching the Regulating of the Officers of the Navy and Customs; and to make Report to the House: Viz. unto Mr. Martyn, Alderman Penington, Mr. Say, Colonel Jones, Mr. Garland, Mr. Robinson, Mr. Dixwell, Sir John Danvers, Sir Michael Livesey, Mr. Love, Mr. Clement, Mr. Humphry Edwards, Lord Munson, Sir John Burchier, Mr. Robinson, Mr. Pelham, Lord Grey; or any Three of them: And they are to meet on Saturday next, at Three of the Clock in the Afternoon, in the Queen's Court.

Carter's Accompts.

The humble Petition of Edward Carter, Surveyor of the Works was this Day read.

Ordered, That the said Petition be referred to the Committee of the Revenue; to audit the Accompts of the said Edward Carter, and to pay him what remains due to him thereupon.

London Common Council.

Mr. Garland reports the Amendments to an Act for removing Obstructions in Proceedings of the Court of Common Council of the City of London.

Which Amendments were twice read; and, upon the Question, assented unto.

And the said Act, so amended, upon the Question, was ordered to be ingrossed.


An Act touching Delinquents was this Day read the Second time; and, upon the Question, committed:

Mr. Scott, Mr. Trenchard, Mr. Robinson, Mr. John Corbett, Mr. Serjeant Thorpe, Sir Thomas Widdrington, Sir Henry Vane junior, Lord Mounson, Lord Grey, Colonel Moore, Mr. Weaver, Mr. Pury, Colonel Bosvile, Mr. Lister, Mr. Say, Mr. Garland, Sir John Bourchier, Sir James Harrington, Colonel Venn, Alderman Penington, Mr. Love, Mr. Martyn, Sir John Danvers, Colonel Purefoy, Mr. Whitlock, Mr. Miles Corbett, Mr. Wylde, Colonel Stapeley:

This Committee are to meet on Saturday next, in the Afternoon, in the Exchequer Chamber: And the Care hereof is recommended to Mr. Trenchard and Mr. John Corbett.

Colonel Bosvile reports from the Commissioners for compounding with Delinquents, That many Gentlemen of the Northern Counties do attend about the Town, to make their Compositions; and that Committee desire to know the Pleasure of this House, Whether that Committee shall proceed with any of the Four Northern Counties, for their new Delinquents; and to set Rules (the Committees in the said Counties having no Power to proceed, nor Rule to proceed by, whereby the said Gentlemen are very much endamaged); and how such Compositions as shall be made here, if any such shall be allowed to be made, shall be disposed of, whether to be returned into the respective Counties, or continued in that Treasury:

1. How they shall proceed with new Delinquents that have made former Compositions, and paid their Fines, and have Discharges:

2. Which have Fines set, and paid in none;

3. Which have formerly come in, and petitioned, but not prosecuted to their Fines set;

4. That have continued their old and new Delinquency till now, and done nothing in any Order to any Composition.

Ordered, That this be referred to the Committee to which the Act touching Delinquents is committed; to take the same into Consideration. And the Committee are to peruse the former Ordinances, whereby the Delinquents Estates in the North were given to the Northern Counties: And the same Committee are likewise to consider of the Obstructions that hinder the Compositions at Goldsmiths Hall; and the Proceedings upon those Compositions.

Settling the Government.

Ordered, That To-morrow be appointed for taking into Consideration the Business for settling the general Government of the Kingdom,

Sheriff of Norfolk.

Colonel Wawton reports the Names of several Persons, for one of them to be elected Sheriff for the County of Norffolke.

Ordered, That Gregory Gawsell Esquire is nominated and approved of to be High Sheriff of the County of Norfolk: And that the Commissioners of the Great Seal of England do issue a Commission to him to be Sheriff of the said County accordingly.

Ordered, That Hugh Awdley Esquire be discharged from being High Sheriff of the County of Norffolke.

Publick Revenue.

Ordered, That, from henceforth, the Name or Title of that Committee formerly called the Committee of the King's Revenue, shall be the Committee of the Publick Revenue.

Prisoners of War.

Ordered, That it be referred to Mr. Martyn and Colonel Wawton, to consider of a Way, How the Prisoners taken at Willoughby, and now in the Custody of Colonel Wawton, may be disposed of: And that they be disposed of as they shall think fit.

Canterbury Assessment.

Whereas, by Ordinance of Parliament, of 6 Octobris last, the monthly Assessment of Sixty thousand Pounds per mensem, on the several Counties in this Kingdom, and Dominion of Wales, is to be continued for Six Months longer, from 29 Septembris last; and the several Persons named in an Ordinance of 23 Junii 1647, and another Ordinance of 16 Februarii 1647, are appointed Commissioners for Levying and Getting in of the said Assessments in the respective Counties, Cities, and Places of the Kingdom: And whereas several Persons nominated in the said several Ordinances to be Commissioners for the Service aforesaid, in the County of Kent, City and County of Canterbury, were in the late Insurrection in the County of Kent, or Aiders or Abettors thereof; and, by Order of Parliament of 2Augusti last, several Persons therein mentioned are authorized to act in the said County of Kent, upon the Ordinances for Levying of Monies in the said County, and other Ordinances therein named: It is now Ordered, by the Commons, in Parliament assembled, That the Persons nominated in the said Order of 2 Augusti last, and every of them, be and are hereby authorized to put in Execution the said Ordinance of the Sixth of October last, in the County of Kent, and City and County of Canterbury, according to the several Powers and Authorities, in any the Ordinances above mentioned, given and appointed: And that all Persons nominated in any the said Ordinances, who were in the last Insurrection, or Abettors thereof, be and are hereby disabled to act upon any the said Ordinances; any Order or Ordinances of Parliament to the contrary notwithstanding.

King's Goods.

Ordered, That Mr. Holland, the Lord Grey, Mr. Humphry Edwards, Mr. Love, do take care of all the Goods that lately belonged to the King; and also of the Crown and Sceptre, and other Jewels.

Mr. Foxley.

Ordered, That the Report touching Mr. Foxley be brought in on Saturday next.

* * * * [a.]

Tryal of Delinquents.

Mr. Lisle reports an Act for erecting an High Court of Justice, for Hearing, Trying, and Adjudging of divers Delinquents: Which was this Day read the First and Second time.

Ordered, That it be referred to a Committee to present the Names of Commissioners in the said . . .

The same Committee, and Mr. Lisle, to have Care of it.

Resolved, &c. That James Earl of Cambridge shall be one of the Persons to be named in this Act, to be tried.

Resolved, &c. That Henry Earl of Holland be another of the Persons to be named in this Act, to be tried by this Court.

Resolved, &c. That George Lord Goring be one other of the Persons to be named in this Act, to be tried by the said Court.

Resolved, &c. That Arthur Lord Capell be one other Person to be named in this Act, to be tried by the said Court.

Resolved, &c. That Sir John Owen be one other of the Persons to be named in this Act, to be tried by the said Court.

Hilary Term.

The Question being propounded, That the Residue of this present Hilary Term be adjourned from Crastino Purificationis unto Octab. Purificationis;

And the Question being put, That That Question be now put;

It passed in the Affirmative.

The Question being put, That the Residue of Hilary Term be adjourned from Crastino Purificationis unto Octab. Purificationis;

The House was divided.

The Yeas went forth.

Mr. Martyn, Tellers for the Noes: 10.
Colonel Hutchinson, With the Noes,
Comm. Gen. Ireton, Tellers for the Yeas: 36.
Lord Grey, With the Yeas,

So it passed in the Affirmative.

Ordered, That an Act be brought in, To-morrow Morning, with such a Clause, that all the Judges of the Bench, and Barons of the Exchequer, be required to be present in the several and respective Courts, at the Adjournment: And that Mr. Love do bring in an Act accordingly.

Duke of Gloucester.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee that are to consider of the King's Body, &c. to provide Two Chambers, to be hung with Black, for the Duke of Gloucester.

Surrey Petition.

The House being informed, that there were divers Gentlemen of the County of Surrey at the Door;

They were ordered to be called in: And, being come to the Bar, one of them spake to this Effect;

Mr. Speaker, I am desired by divers, in the Name of themselves and other, in the County of Surrey, to present this Petition to this most honourable House: And we are exceedingly encouraged thereto, having considered the late and just Care of this honourable House for the Relief of Petitioners.

The Petition being received; the Petitioners were ordered to withdraw.

Ordered, That the Petition be referred to the Committee for Consideration of Petitions of like nature.

Ordered, That Thanks be given to the Petitioners, for their good Affections expressed in their said Petition.

The Petitioners being again called in, Mr. Speaker told them;

Gentlemen, The House hath read your Petition; and referred it to be taken into Consideration: They have commanded me to take Notice of the Time when this Petition was delivered, being this Day: And they have taken Notice of your good Affections therein expressed: And have commanded me to give you hearty Thanks.

Crown, Sceptre, &c.

The Lord Grey reports, That the Committee appointed for securing the Crown, Sceptre, and Jewels, and other Things, late the King's, have disposed of them in a Room, under several Doors, now locked up.

Ordered, That the same Committee do take special Care that the Crown, Sceptre, and other Things, so secured, be safely kept; and bring in a Particular of them To-morrow.


  • 1. [a] Here are divers Entries erased; and, against them, in the Margin, is written severally, "Nulled by Order of Febr. 22, 1659;" and, "Nulled by Order of Febr. 21, 1659."