House of Commons Journal Volume 6: 9 February 1649

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 6, 1648-1651. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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'House of Commons Journal Volume 6: 9 February 1649', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 6, 1648-1651( London, 1802), British History Online [accessed 24 October 2024].

'House of Commons Journal Volume 6: 9 February 1649', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 6, 1648-1651( London, 1802), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024,

"House of Commons Journal Volume 6: 9 February 1649". Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 6, 1648-1651. (London, 1802), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024.


In this section

Die Veneris, 9 Februarii, 1648.

Records of King's Tryal.

ORDERED, That the Narrative of the Proceedings, and Declaration, and Records of the High Court of Justice, for Tryal of the late King, be forthwith brought into this House.

King's Trial not to be published.

An Act for restraining and preventing the Printing and Publishing of the Passages and Proceedings of the High Court of Justice, was read the First and Second time; and, upon the Question, committed unto Mr. Garland, Mr. Corbett, Mr. Love, Mr. Frye, Colonel Jones.

Cyrencester Election.

Mr. Pury reports from the Committee of Privileges, their Proceedings touching the Election of Burgesses for Cyrencester.

Resolved, &c. That this House doth agree with the said Committee, That the Return of the Bailiff to the Sheriff, wherein Sir Thomas Fairefax and Colonel Rich are named, is a good Return.

Ordered, That the Clerk of the Crown be commanded to attend this House, with all the Records touching this Business.

London Militia.

Alderman Penington reports from the Committee of the Militia of the City of London, the Names of divers Persons to be added to that Militia.

Resolved, &c. That Alderman Edmonds, Mr. Maurice Gethin, Colonel Robert Manwaring, Colonel Wetham, Captain Lacy, Captain Waring, Colonel Geo. Laugham, Mr. John Langley, Colonel John Owen, Lieutenant Colonel Charles Doyley, be added to the Committee of the Militia for the City of London.


Mr. Corbett reports from the Committee of the Navy, the Names of Commanders for several Ships to go out for the Summer Guard, with the Number of Men in the several Ships.

Which was read; and, upon the Question, assented to, except the Commander of the Ship Warwick.

Ordered, That Colonel Lydcott be made Commander of the Ship Garland: And that the said Ship Garland be sent forth in the Summer Fleet.

Ordered, That the Naming of John Ingle to be Commander of the Warwick be respited for the present: And that it be referred back to the Committee of the Navy, to take further Consideration thereof; and report it to the House.

Resolved, &c. That it be left to the Committee of the Navy, to place Commanders in the Ketches in the said List.

Ordered, That the Ship taken by Captain Peacock, from the Irish, shall be employed in this Summer Service.


An Act for repealing several Clauses and Branches in the Acts of the First Year of Queen Elizabeth, and in the Third Year of King James, touching the Oaths of Allegiance, Obedience, and Supremacy, was this Day read the First and Second time; and, upon the Question, passed.

Judges Oath.

The Form of an Oath to be taken by the Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, and by the rest of the Judges and Barons of the Exchequer, mutatis mutandis, was this Day read; and, upon the Question, assented unto, in hæc verba, viz.

You shall well and truly serve the Commonwealth, in the Office of Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, according to the best of your Skill and Knowledge. So help your God.

Declaration for Maintaining Laws.

A Declaration of the Parliament of England, touching the Maintenance of the fundamental Laws of this Nation, &c. was this Day read; and, upon the Question, assented unto.

Ordered, That this Declaration be forthwith printed and published: And that the Members of this House do take care to disperse the said Declaration in the several Counties, with all Speed.

Ordered, That the Serjeant at Arms attending this House do forthwith proclaim the said Declaration in Westminster Hall.


Ordered, That the Debate touching Commissioners, to go in the Fleet, be taken up, so soon as the House sits.

Dissents to Vote of 5 Dec.

Colonel Purefoy reports from the Committee appointed to take the Dissents or Disapproval of the Members of this House to the Vote of 5 Decembris last.

* * * * (fn. 1).

Member Admitted.

Ordered, That Mr. Edmund Wylde be admitted into the House.

Members may be examined.

Ordered, That the High Court of Justice shall have Leave to examine the Lord Grey and Colonel Wayte, Members of this House, by way of Evidence, upon the Tryal of James Earl of Cambridge.

Sealing Writs.

Ordered, That Mr. Corbett and Mr. Love do bring in an Act To-morrow, to authorize the Sealing of the Writs taken out the last Term: And that the Great Seal of England, be made use of for the Sealing of those Writs; as also for the Writs of the other Courts: And to send for Parties; and confer with them thereupon, to see how the same may best be done.

Trying Earl Cambridge, &c.

An Act for Supplement to the Act for erecting an High Court of Justice, for Trying of James Earl of Cambridge, and others, was this Day read; and, upon the Question, passed.

Proceedings not to be published.

An Act to prevent the Printing of any the Proceedings of the High Court of Justice, erected for Trying of James Earl of Cambridge, and others, without Leave of the House of Commons, or the said Court, was this Day read; and, upon the Question, passed.

Ordered, That this Act be forthwith printed and published.

Expences of High Court of Justice.

Whereas Captain John Blackwell is appointed to receive, and issue forth, One thousand Pounds for the Service of the present High Court of Justice: It is Ordered, by the Commons of England, assembled in Parliament, That a Warrant, under the Hands of any Five of the said Court, with the Receipts of the Parties to whom the said Money, or any Part thereof, shall be assigned, shall be a sufficient Warrant and Discharge of the said Captain Blackwell, for any Sum or Sums of Money which he shall issue forth thereupon, for the Use abovesaid.


  • 1. Here is an Entry erased; and, in the Margin, is written "Nulled by Order of Feb. 22. 1659."