House of Commons Journal Volume 6: 12 March 1649

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 6, 1648-1651. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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'House of Commons Journal Volume 6: 12 March 1649', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 6, 1648-1651( London, 1802), British History Online [accessed 24 October 2024].

'House of Commons Journal Volume 6: 12 March 1649', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 6, 1648-1651( London, 1802), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024,

"House of Commons Journal Volume 6: 12 March 1649". Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 6, 1648-1651. (London, 1802), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024.


In this section

Die Lunæ, 12 Martii, 1648.



COMMISSARY General Ireton, Sir William Allanson, Mr. Dove, Colonel Venne, Mr. Weaver, Mr. Blackston, Mr. Allen, Sir Wm. Masham, Mr. Nelthorp, Mr. Scott, Mr. Corbett, Colonel Hutchinson, Mr. Prideaux, Mr. Edward Ash, Mr. James Challenor, Mr. Lysle, Mr. Pury, Mr. Leman, Colonel Harvey, Mr. Robinson;

This Committee, or any Three of them, are to examine the State and Condition of the Anticipations on Goldsmiths Hall, and the Excise; and consider, Which of them are sit to be continued, and what to be transferred on some other visible Security: And this Committee have Power to send to the Commissioners of Excise, and also the Treasurers of Goldsmiths Hall, for the several Ordinances, whereby the several Receipts are charged, and the Assignments, for their Information: And to make their Report forthwith to the House. And

It is Ordered, That, in the mean time, the Payment of all Principal Monies out of the said Receipts of Goldsmiths Hall be forborn, until the Committee make their Report, and this House give further Order; except such Monies as are to be paid for the Supply of the Navy or Army, or for Widows, and maimed Soldiers.


Ordered, That the Committee for the Act touching Delinquents be injoined to meet this Afternoon: And that they have Power to receive what Propositions shall be further offered to them for the better Regulating of the Compositions of Delinquents: And that the same Committee do meet, To-morrow, with the Committee of Goldsmiths Hall; and to take into Consideration the Obstructions in the Proceedings of the Committee of Goldsmiths Hall; and consider of such other Ways for the Compositions of Delinquents, and the bringing in the Money upon the said Compositions, for the Advantage of the State, as they shall think fit; and report it to the House on Wednesday Morning.

Ordered, That Sir Arthur Haslerigg, Commissary General Ireton, Sir Thomas Wroth, Sir Henry Myldmay, Mr. Fenwick, Mr. Robinson, Mr. Carey, Colonel Rich, Colonel Ludlowe, Sir Wm. Masham, be added to the former Committee for the Bill touching Delinquents.

Prisoners of War.

Ordered, That it be referred to the former Committee, to take into Consideration, upon the Debate this Day in the House, Whether, of the Prisoners of War English, now in Custody, there be any more fit to be proceeded against for Life, besides those who are appointed to be tried, or are tryable, by a Court Martial for Revolts by Land or Sea; and likewise to consider, What other of those Prisoners, are fit to be kept Prisoners, or banished, and their Estates confiscated; and what other Delinquents, in reference to the late Wars, that were formerly excepted from Pardon, or others, are fittest to continue excepted and proscribed; and to report their Opinion to the House.

Seymour's Composition.

Ordered, That it be referred back to the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall, to examine and state the Business touching the Review of Mr. Edward Seymour's Composition; and to report the same to the House.

Interest of Money.

The Question being propounded, That the Interest of Money shall be brought down from Eight Pounds per Centum, to Six Pounds per Centum;

Resolved, &c. That these Words; viz. "from and after the Twenty-ninth of September next;" be added to this Question.

It passed with the Affirmative.

And the Question, with that Addition, being propounded, That the Interest of Money should be brought down from Eight Pounds per Centum to Six Pounds per Centum, from and after the Twenty-ninth of September next;

And the Question being put, That that Question be now put;

It passed with the Affirmative.

And the main Question being put;

It was Resolved, &c. That the Interest of Money shall be brought down from Eight Pounds per Centum to Six Pounds per Centum, from and after the Twenty-ninth of September next.

And Mr. Love is to bring in an Act to that Purpose.

Deans and Chapters Lands.

Ordered, That the Committee to whom the Act touching Deans and Chapters Lands is referred, do sit this Afternoon: And that they bring in the Act on Wednesday next.

Walmer, &c. Castles.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Council of State, to consider of the three Castles in Kent, viz. Walmer, Deale, and Sandowne Castles; and of the Estimate and Charges of repairing the Breaches, and supplying the Defects, in the said Castles; and also to consider of the Surveys taken, touching the same; and to consider, Where Monies may be had to supply the said Defects; and to report the same to the House.

Walloone Church.

Ordered, That the Petition touching the Walloone Church be read on Wednesday next.

Cowlinge's Petition.

The humble Petition of Nicholas Cowlinge, of Birslington in the County of Somersett, was this Day read,

Ordered, That the said Petition be referred to the Committee of Indemnity; to hear the said Business, and to determine the same; and to stay the Proceedings of Robert Paradine Gentleman, at the Common Law, against the Petitioner, in the mean time.

Alured's Petition.

The humble Petition of Colonel Matthew Alured was this Day read.

Ordered, That the said Petition be referred to the Committee of the Revenue; to examine the whole State of the Business; and to certify the same to the House, for the Gratification of the Petitioner.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee touching Prisoners in the Tower, That they, or any Three of them, do take sufficient Security, on the Behalf of Mr. Walter Mountague, not to act any thing against this Commonwealth: And that, upon such Security given, the said Mr. Walter Mountague have Liberty to go beyond the Seas.

Receivers of Taxes.

The humble Petition of Richard Abbott, eldest Son, and Administrator of the Goods and Chattels, of Richard Abbott, late Receiver, deceased.

Ordered, That the Office or Place of Receiver of the publick Revenues, in the Counties of Middlesex, Hertford, Essex, and London, being void, by the Death of Richard Abbott, late Receiver, deceased; be conferred upon Richard Abbott, eldest Son of the late Richard Abbott, deceased; he giving Security, as other Receivers have usually done: And that Mr. Garland do bring inan Act to that Purpose.

Justices of Peace.

Ordered, That the Lords Commissioners for the Great Seal be hereby enabled and authorized to give the Oath of a Justice of Peace to such Members of this House as are now in Town, being in Commission of the Peace, in several Counties.

Fitz James.

Ordered, That Mr. Trenchard do make the Report touching Mrs. Fitz James, on Thursday Morning, the first Business.

Thornehough's Arrears.

The humble Petition of Elizabeth Thornehaugh Widow, late Wife of Colonel Francis Thornehaugh, was this Day read.

Ordered, That the Committee of Nottingham be required to certify the State of the Arrears of Colonel Thornehaugh, before he came into the Establishment of the Army: And that Mr. Millington be desired to write a Letter to the Committee of Nottingham, for that Purpose: And that it be referred to the Committee of the Army, to audite the Accompts of the said Colonel Thornehaugh, since he came into the Establishment: And that it be referred to the Northern Committee, or any Three of them, to present to the House some Part of the Earl of Newcastle his Lands, not already engaged by this House, for the Satisfaction of the said Arrears: And that an Act be brought in for that Purpose.

Feilder's Accompt.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee for the Soldiery, at Worcester House, to audite the Accompt of Colonel Feilder.

The Form of an Oath for the Masters of the Chancery.

Oath of Masters of Chancery.

YOU shall well and truly serve the Commonwealth, in the Office of a Master of the Chancery, according to the best of your Skill and Knowledge. So help you God.