House of Commons Journal Volume 6: 26 April 1649

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 6, 1648-1651. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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'House of Commons Journal Volume 6: 26 April 1649', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 6, 1648-1651( London, 1802), British History Online [accessed 24 October 2024].

'House of Commons Journal Volume 6: 26 April 1649', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 6, 1648-1651( London, 1802), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024,

"House of Commons Journal Volume 6: 26 April 1649". Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 6, 1648-1651. (London, 1802), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024.


In this section

Die Jovis, 26 Aprilis, 1649.


The Mint.

ORDERED, That it be referred to the Council of State, to consider of the Indentures touching the Mint; and to present to the House a Master of the Mint.

Officers of Customs.

Resolved, &c. That the several Officers, not named in the last Model to be Officers for the Custom-house, be discharged from officiating in the Custom-house: And that they do forbear to execute the said Offices.

Duchy of Lancaster Debts.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee of the Revenue, they calling to them Mr. Attorney General and Mr. Rigby, to consider together of an Act to enable the Court of Exchequer to levy the Debts incurred in the Duchy of Lancaster; and to present the said Act to this House.

Fee Farm Rents.

Sir Henry Vane senior reports from the Committee touching Fee Farm Rents, the Opinion of the said Committee, That the Arrears of Fee Farm Rents, due for the Years 1646, 1647, and 1648, be forthwith levied: which this House did approve of.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Barons of the Exchequer, and Committee of the Revenue, to confer together, concerning the Process that issues out against Recusants Lands; and what Arrears are due from Recusants; and present their Opinions thereupon, with all Speed, to this House.

Lancaster Justices of Peace.

An Act for constituting Justices of Peace in the County of Lancaster was this Day read; and, upon the Question, passed.

Ministers Maintenance.

An Act for settling Twenty thousand Pounds per Annum for Maintenance of preaching Ministers, and other charitable Uses, was this Day read the Second time; and, upon the Question, committed to the former Committee: And Mr. Trenchard, Mr. Pury, Sir James Harrington, Mr. Gurdon, Mr. Whittacre, Colonel Rich, Sir Wm. Masham, Sir Henry Vane senior, Sir William Brewerton, Sir Wm. Allanson, Mr. Holland, Mr. Rowse, Mr. Long, Lieutenant General Cromwell, Commissary General Ireton, Colonel Martyn, Colonel Venn, Colonel Temple, Mr. Lister, Colonel Stapeley, Mr. Scott, Colonel Boswell, Mr. Garland, Mr. Rigby, Mr. Reynolds, Mr. Dove, Colonel Jones, Mr. Lechmere, Earl of Pembroke, Mr. Masham, Sir Wm. Armyn, Mr. Feilder, Mr. Skynner, Mr. Gardiner, are added to that Committee: And the said Committee, or any Five of them, are to meet this Afternoon at Two of the Clock, in the Exchequer Chamber. And the special Care hereof is referred to Mr. Garland, and Mr. Pury.

Ordered, That it be referred to this Committee, to take Mr. Hartley and Mr. Hake into their Consideration for Maintenance; and what shall be further offered unto them, for the Advancement of Arts and Learning.

Grant to the Speaker.

An Act for settling the Rectory or Parsonage House of Burford in the County of Oxon, and some of the Glebe Lands, upon William Lenthall Esquire, now Speaker, and his Heirs, was this Day read the Second time; and, upon the Question, committed to the same Committee to whom the Act for settling Maintenance upon Preaching Ministers is committed: With Power to consider of the Price, what is fit to be given for the said House and Lands. And the special Care hereof is referred to Mr. Garland.

Popham's Claims.

Resolved, &c. That this House doth approve and allow of the Sum of Four thousand Five hundred and Eleven Pounds Seven Shillings and Two-pence, to be a Debt from the State due unto Colonel Alexander Popham, for Monies disbursed for the States, as appeareth by Certicate of the Committee of Accompts.

Ordered, That it be referred to Sir Henry Mildmay, Colonel Bosvile, Colonel Morley, Sir Peter Wentworth, Sir Henry Vane senior, Mr. Rigby, Mr. Gurdon, Mr. Carew, Colonel Ludlow, Mr. Feilder, Mr. Edwards, or any Three of them, to consider of the readiest and speediest way, how this Sum of Four thousand Five hundred and Eleven Pounds may be paid unto Colonel Alexander Popham; and to confer with the Committee of the Revenue for that Purpose.

Relief from Forfeitures.

Ordered, That an Act be brought in, to give Power to the Chancery to relieve such Persons as they shall find to have been ruined in their Estates, against such Extremities, Forfeitures, and Payments, as are exacted during the Time of the War, as they shall find agreeable with Equity: And that Mr. Say do take care to prepare the same, and bring it in To-morrow Morning.

Proceedings against Lilborne, &c.

Ordered, That Mr. Attorney General do attend the Council of State, to advise with, and receive Directions from them, how, and in what Way, the Proceedings shall be had against Lieutenant Colonel John Lilborne, Mr. William Walwyn, Mr. Thomas Prince, and Mr. Overton: And that the Council of State do appoint Counsel to assist and advise with Mr. Attorney in that Business, and a Solicitor to prosecute the same.

Marten's Claims.

Ordered, That the Sum of Three thousand Six hundred Pounds, due unto Henry Marten Esquire, a Member of this House, for Money formerly lent, and long since payable, be charged upon the Revenue; And that the Committee of the Revenue be required to take care for the speedy Payment thereof accordingly.

Fenwick's Petition.

Ordered, That the Petition of Sir John Fenwick Knight and Baronet be read To-morrow Morning, the First Business.

Wither's Claims.

Ordered, That the Three hundred Pounds, paid by Major George Wither for Interest for the Sum of Seven hundred Pounds, being the Remainder of a greater Sum heretofore due to him from the State, which Seven hundred Pounds is charged upon the Excise the Two-and-twentieth of March 1647, together with Interest for the said Seven hundred Pounds from the Two-and-twentieth of March 1647, be charged upon Haberdashers Hall, or out of such Delinquents Estate that he shall discover to that Committee; or out of such Delinquents Estates as have compounded under the Value, as he shall discover to Goldsmiths Hall.

Speaker to sign Letters.

Ordered, That Mr. Speaker be, and is hereby, authorized and impowered to sign such Letters as are to be sent into the several Counties, which shall be presented to him by the Committee of the Army.

Martyn's Accompts.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Auditors at Worcester House, to state the Accompts of Colonel Martyn.

The Mint.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee of the Mint, to consider of the List of the Officers for the Mint, delivered in by Mr. Attorney General; and to consider, who are fit to be continued in their Offices; and which are fit to be displaced; and to present their Opinions therein to the Council of State, for their Approbation.

Suits against Members.

An Act touching the Explaining of the Vote of the Fourteenth Day of this instant April, giving Licence to proceed at Law against Members of this House, was this Day read the First and Second time; and, upon the Question, committed unto the former Committee appointed, touching Colonel Popham's Business.

Discovery of Forfeitures.

Upon Information made, That there is a great Sum of Money discovered to have been collected, for the Effecting of some Design against the Parliament and Commonwealth; whereby the same is become forfeited;

It is Ordered, by the Commons assembled in Parliament, That the Persons, who are the Discoverers thereof, shall have a full Sixth Part of the said Monies so discovered, for a Recompence for their Pains and Service therein, in case the same shall appear forfeited or forfeitable to the State; and the Residue of the said Monies shall be employed for the present Service of Ireland; And that Mr. Holland and Mr. Scott be impowered and authorized to take care, and give Order for the Seizing of the said Money where it shall be discovered to be; and to secure the same: And that such Guards as they shall find necessary and require, be injoined to attend that Service, as they shall appoint.