House of Commons Journal Volume 6: 7 May 1649

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 6, 1648-1651. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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'House of Commons Journal Volume 6: 7 May 1649', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 6, 1648-1651( London, 1802), British History Online [accessed 24 October 2024].

'House of Commons Journal Volume 6: 7 May 1649', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 6, 1648-1651( London, 1802), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024,

"House of Commons Journal Volume 6: 7 May 1649". Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 6, 1648-1651. (London, 1802), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024.


In this section

Die Lunæ, 7 Maii, 1649.


Grant to the Speaker.

AN Act for the settling the Rectory and Parsonage House of Burford in the County of Oxford, and some of the Glebe Land, on Wm. Lenthall Esquire, and his Heirs, was this Day read the Third time; and, with one Amendment at the Table, upon the Question, passed.

Ordered, That the Forty Pounds, mentioned in the said Act to be paid by the said Wm. Lenthall Esquire for the said Parsonage House and Lands, be paid to the Treasurers for Bishops Lands: Whose Acquittance shall be a sufficient Discharge to the said Wm. Lenthall, for the same.

London Poor.

An Act for the Relief and Employment of the Poor, and Punishment of Vagrants, and other disorderly Persons, within the City of London, and Liberties thereof, was this Day read the Third time; and, upon the Question, with some Amendments at the Table, passed; and ordered to be forthwith printed and published.

Admission of a Member.

Colonel Ludlow reports from the Committee touching absent Members, That they have received Satisfaction touching Francis Pierpoint Esquire, a Member of this House.

Ordered, That Francis Pierepoint Esquire be admitted to sit in the House.


Sir Henry Vane junior reports a Letter to be signed by the Speaker, and sent to the several Ambassadors and Agents of foreign States, with the Act, intituled, An Act declaring the Grounds and Causes of making Prize the Ships and Goods that shall be taken from time to time by the Parliament's Ships at Sea; and for the Encouragement of Officers, Mariners, and Seamen: Which was read; and, upon the Question, agreed unto.


Colonel Wauton reports the State of the Credit, and of the Debt of the Navy, per Estimate March 1. 1649.

Ordered, That such of the Persons to whom the Sum of Seventy-six thousand Pounds, or any Part thereof, is due for Freight, as shall come in, and double the Sum so owing unto him or them, as Part of the said Sum of Seventy-six thousand Pounds, upon the Security of the Dean and Chapters Lands, shall have the like Benefit that any other Person or Persons, by the Act of Parliament touching the Sale of Deans and Chapters Lands, upon Doubling, may and are to have.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee of the Navy, to view the Particulars of the said Sum of Seventy-six thousand Pounds; and to whom the same are due; and, examining the Justness of those Debts, and such of them as they shall find just, and certify under the Hands of any Five of them, the Trustees and Treasurers appointed by the Act for the said Dean and Chapters Lands be required to admit them, upon Doubling accordingly.

Ordered, That James Ansdale, Master of the Patience, be admitted to come in upon the Security of Deans and Chapters Lands, upon Doubling, for a Debt of Six hundred Fifty-five Pounds Four Shillings and Sixpence, certified by the Commissioners of the Navy, to be due for the said Ship and Company's Service, on the Coast of Ireland; and have the like Benefit as other Persons comprised in the Act, upon Doubling, may or ought to have: And the Trustees and Treasurers in that Act are hereby authorized and required to admit him accordingly.

Samuell's Debt.

Ordered, That the Committee to whom the Business touching Mr. * Samuell is referred, be injoined to meet this Afternoon; and to report the State thereof to the House, with Speed.

Committee of Merchants.

Ordered, That the new Commissioners of the Customs be added to the Committee of Merchants in Mincinglane.


Colonel Moore reports from the Committee where Mr. Doddridge had the Chair, concerning the Losses of the Town of Liverpoole, the Votes of that Committee; viz.

Resolved, &c. That Ten thousand Pounds be allotted for Satisfaction of the Losses of the Town of Leverpoole, in the County of Lancaster, out of Sir Wm. Gerard of the Brin, Mr. Blundell of Crosby, Mr. Blundell of Ince, Mr. Chorley of Chorley, Mr. Fazakerley of Walton, Mr. Scasbrick of Scasbrick, Estates, Papists in Arms, and whose Estates are not otherwise disposed of, and at Leverpoole at Taking of it; and were Commissioners of Array, and Colonels and Captains, for the King.

Ordered, That it be especially recommended to the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall, to consider of the former Orders; and to state the Matter of Fact touching the Town of Leverpoole; and to certify the same, with their Opinions therein, to the House; and how the said Town may be relieved for their Losses, according to the Vote of the Committee in that behalf.


Sir Henry Vane junior reports from the Council of State, an Estimate of the Charge in setting forth to Sea, in warlike Manner, for Six Months Service, Forty-five of the State's Ships and Pinnaces, to be manned with Three thousand Five hundred Seventy-five Men, as a Guard for this Summer's Expedition.

Distribution of Money.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Council of State, to consider, and appoint, How, and in what manner, the Three hundred thousand Pounds, to be raised by Sale of Dean and Chapters Lands, may be distributed in such Proportions as may best carry on the Publick Service of the Commonwealth this Year, both by Sea and Land.

Pass granted.

Ordered, That Sir Walter Vane, Lieutenant Colonel, have a Pass to go into Holland; and have Leave to transport Six Horses, Custom and Impost free: And that Mr. Speaker do grant him a Pass accordingly.

Lady Capell.

Mr. Garland reports from the Committee of Complaints touching the Lady Elizabeth Capell, a Schedule of the Manors, Lands, and Tenements of the Right honourable the Lady Elizabeth Capell; which were settled upon her for Life, for her Jointure; and also of all such other Manors, Lands, and Tenements, as came unto her by Conveyance and Descent, after the Death of her late Father Sir Charles Morison Knight and Baronet, as followeth;

1. Imprimis, the Manor of Rayne, otherwise called Rayne Hall, and the Advowson of the Parish Church of Rayne in the County of Essex, and the Grounds there called Bocking-wood.

2. The Scite and Demesnes of the Manor of Gooderston in the County of Norfolk, with the Mills, Fouldcourse, and Warren of Conies, to the said Manor belonging.

3. The Scite, Demesnes, Liberty of Foldcourse, and Mills of the Manor of Icklingham Berners, in the County of Suffolk.

4. One Annuity or Rent-charge of Two hundred Pounds per Annum, out of the Manors of Little Hadham and Walkerne in the County of Hartford.

The Premises above mentioned were settled upon her for Life, by Sir Arthur Capell, Grandfather to the Lord Capell, by Conveyance, dated the Fifth Day of November, in the Third Year of King Charles, 1627.

5. There was likewise settled upon her, by the said Conveyance, the Scite and Demesnes of the Manor of Burghe Margarett in the said County of Norfolk, with the Marishes called Winckle Marishes: But the joining in the Sale thereof, in lieu of the same, by Conveyance, dated the Twenty-fourth of May, 11 Caroli, 1635, the Scite and Demesnes of the Manors of Great and Little Fraimsham in Norfolk, and the Farm called Blake End Farm in Essex, were settled upon her for her Life.

All these Manors and Lands following came to her by Conveyance or Descent, after the Death of the said Sir Charles Morison her Father.

1. The Manor of Parkebury, alias Meryden, in the County of Hertford, was settled by the said Sir Charles Morison, by Conveyance, dated 6 Maii, 6 Jacobi, to himself, and the Lady Mary his Wife, for their Lives; and after to the right Heirs of the said Sir Charles.

2. The Rectory and Parsonage impropriate of Watford in the said County of Hertford, and the Advowson of the Vicarage there, were settled by the said Sir Charles, by Indenture, dated 6 Maii, 6 Jacobi, upon himself, and his said Wife, for Life; and after to his right Heirs.

3. The Manor of Cayshoe, alias Cayshoebury, with the Appurtenances, Whippenden Grove, and Cashobury Grove, in the said County of Hertford, were settled by the said Sir Charles, by Conveyance, dated 20 Octobris, 16 Jacobi, to himself, and his said Wife, for Life; and after to his Right Heirs.

4. The Manor of Greisly Brevall, and Selston, in the County of Nottingham; and a Rent of Sixteen Pounds per Annum, out of the Town of Darby; were settled by the said Sir Charles, by Conveyance, dated 5 Novembris, 3 Caroli, upon himself, for Life; and after to his Daughter Elizabeth Moryson, for Life, &c.

5. The Scyte, Circuit, and Precinct of White Fryers, London, with divers Houses and Wharfs thereto belonging; the Third Part of the Manor of Bushy Tooleis Farm, and Levesden Wood, in the County of Hertford; were all settled by the said Sir Charles, by Conveyance, dated 13 Novembris, 3 Caroli, upon himself, and his said Wife, for their Lives; and after to Elizabeth Morison his Daughter.

6. The Park Grounds called King's Langley Park, in the County of Hertford, was found, by Office, to descend and come, after the Death of the said Sir Charles, to Elizabeth his Daughter and sole Heir.

7. The House and Scite of the late Abby of Wardon in the County of Bedford, with divers Lands thereto belonging, being a Lease for divers Years yet to come, was, by Conveyance, dated 13 Novembris, 3 Caroli, settled upon Feoffees in Trust, to the Use of him the said Sir Charles, for Life; then to the Lady Mary, his Wife, for Life; and after to Elizabeth Moryson, his Daughter, and the Heirs of her Body, during the whole Term therein then to come.

By Two Offices, found after the Death of the said Sir Charles, 6 Caroli, the said Elizabeth was found to be his sole Daughter and Heir, and of the Age of Seventeen Years and more, at the Time of his Death; and all the said several Conveyances and Descents found in the said Offices, except the Indenture of Tr . . . . . of the Lease of Wardon.

Resolved, That the said several Lands be discharged from Sequestration, according to her Petition: And that the said Lady Capell do enjoy them, and every of them, accordingly.

Dighton's Discovery.

Ordered, That it be specially recommended to the Committee of Revenue, to take Consideration of the Information given to the House, touching the Sum of NinetyPounds, in the Hands of a Receiver, discovered by Nathaniel Dighton; and to take some Course for the Satisfaction of the said Nathaniell Dighton, for his Services.

Essex Delinquents.

Mr. Garland reports Amendments to an Act, giving Power to the Committee of Essex to discharge such Delinquents in Essex, as the Committee hath Power to compound with, by that Act: Which Amendments were twice read; and, upon the Question, agreed.

And the Act, so amended, upon the Question, passed.

Ordered, That the Committee of Essex do take care forthwith to satisfy unto Colonel Rich, out of those Monies, the Sum due to him upon his Accompt stated in the Service of the Earl of Manchester.

Bodevile's Petition.

The humble Petition of Anne Bodevile, Wife of John Bodevile, in the County of Carnarvon, Esquire, was this Day read.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee of Complaints, to consider of this Petition; and present their Opinions to the House; and not to bring in their Report till the Second of June next.

Francklyn's Arrears.

Colonel Ludlow reports from the Committee of the West, touching Mrs. Deborah Francklyn, of Marleborough in the County of Wiltes, That, according to an Order of the Seventh of October 1646, they thought fit, and did order the Committee of Wiltes to pay unto her, out of the Estates of Sir Edward Hyde, and Mr. Bodenham, of Rainsbury in the said County, the Sum of Four Pounds per Week.

Ordered, That the Committee of Wiltes be required forthwith to pay unto Mrs. Francklyn, the Arrears of the Four Pounds a Week, formerly allowed to her: And that they do assign the same to be paid unto her, for the future out of the Estate of Sir Edward Hyde, and Mr. Bodenham, according to the Order of the Committee; and, if those Estates be not sufficient, then out of some other sequestred Estates in that County; and to take care the same be paid accordingly.

Report deferred.

Ordered, That the Report from Goldsmiths Hall, touching such Persons whose Cases are ordered to be particularly reported by that Committee, be made on Monday next: And that the same Persons, nor any of them, shall receive any Prejudice in the mean time.

Crown Lands.

Ordered, That the Committee for Parks be joined to the Committee of the Revenue, for this Purpose, to lett the Parks for the Benefit of the Commonwealth.

Ld. Goring, &c. pardoned.

The humble Petition of George Lord Goring, and Sir John Owen Knight, was this Day read.

Resolved, &c. That the said George Lord Goring, and Sir John Owen, be pardoned for their Lives; and be forthwith enlarged from Imprisonment: And that such Person and Persons as have the Guard and Custody of the said George Lord Goring, and Sir John Owen, are hereby required to set them forthwith at Liberty; and are hereby discharged of the Charge of them, and either of them.

Langherne, &c. pardoned.

Resolved, &c. That Major General Langherne, and Colonel Powell, being condemned by a Court Martial, be pardoned for their Lives; and be forthwith enlarged from Imprisonment: And that such Person and Persons as have the Guard and Custody of the said Major General Langherne, and Colonel Powell, are hereby required to set them at Liberty; and are hereby discharged of the Charge of them, and either of them.