House of Commons Journal Volume 6: 2 November 1649

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 6, 1648-1651. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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'House of Commons Journal Volume 6: 2 November 1649', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 6, 1648-1651( London, 1802), British History Online [accessed 24 October 2024].

'House of Commons Journal Volume 6: 2 November 1649', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 6, 1648-1651( London, 1802), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024,

"House of Commons Journal Volume 6: 2 November 1649". Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 6, 1648-1651. (London, 1802), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024.


In this section

Die Veneris, 2 Novembris, 1649.


Preachers thanked.

ORDERED, by the Parliament, That the Thanks of this House be given unto Mr. Marshall, for his great Pains taken in his Sermon Yesterday preached before the Parliament, at Margarett's Westminster, being a Day set apart for Publick Thanksgiving: And that he be desired to print his Sermon: And he is to have the like Privilege in Printing, as others in like Case have usually had.

Ordered, That Sir William Masham do give him the Thanks of this House accordingly.

Ordered, by the Parliament, That the Thanks of this House be given unto Mr. Sterrey, for his great Pains taken in his Sermon Yesterday preached before the Parliament, at Margarett's, Westminster, being a Day set a part for Publick Thanksgiving: And that he be desired to print his Sermon: And he is to have the like Privilege in Printing, as others in like Case have usually had.

Ordered, That Mr. Holland do give him the Thanks of this House accordingly.


Ordered, by the Parliament, That Mr. Salway do inquire who hath the Bill against Whoredom: And that he bring in the same on Wednesday next.

Reports deferred.

Ordered, by the Parliament, That Alderman Penington do make the Reports, in his Hands, from the Council of State, This-day-sevennight.

Claims on Publick Faith.

Ordered, by the Parliament, That the Petition touching Monies lent upon the Publick Faith be read on Wednesday next.

Report deferred.

Ordered, by the Parliament, That the Report touching Potter's List be made on Wednesday next.

Publick Registers.

Ordered, by the Parliament, That the Bill touching registring Incumbrances be reported on Thursday next.

Mr. Stringer.

Ordered, by the Parliament, That Mr. Stringer's Report be made This-day-sevennight.

Ship Sancts Clara.

Ordered, by the Parliament, That the Business touching Sancta Clara be taken into Consideration This-day-sevennight.

Northern Officers.

Ordered, by the Parliament, That the Report touching the Monies for the Northern Officers, transferred from Goldsmiths Hall, upon Deans and Chapters Lands, be made on Thursday next.

Sabbathbreaking, &c.

Ordered, by the Parliament, That Mr. Attorney General be required to prepare a Proclamation for the more vigorous and effectual putting in Execution the Laws against Sabbath-breaking, Swearing, Drunkenness, and Whoredom, with the greatest Severity: And that the Lords Commissioners for the Great Seal of England be authorized and required to give Order for the Printing of a convenient Number of them; and to issue out Writs, under the said Great Seal, to the Sheriffs, &c. respectively, to proclaim the same in common Form; and to send forth the same accordingly.

Ordered, That it be referred to a Committee, to consider of some further Course to be taken for convicting of Persons for Swearing and Cursing, and for some further Penalties to be imposed on such Offenders, for the better Suppressing thereof; and present the same to the House with Speed: Viz. unto Mr. Hill, Alderman Atkins Mr. Gurdon, Sir Thomas Wroth, Alderman Penington, Mr. Blagrave, Mr. Robinson, Alderman Hoyle, Mr. Challoner, Mr. Long, Mr. Bond, Mr. Leman, Colonel Birch, Mr. Aldworth, Mr. Rowse, Colonel Purefoy, Sir Richard Lucy, Mr. Millington; or any Three of them: And this Committee are to meet this Afternoon at Two of the Clock, in the Exchequer Chamber; and so to sit de die in diem; and to report with Speed.

Ordered, That it be referred to the same Committee, to take into Consideration, upon the Debate of this House, the Days in every Term which are not juridical; and how those Days may be altered to some such other Days as shall be convenient and necessary, as may have no Foundation on any superstitious Grounds; and to present an Act for that Purpose; providing therein, That the Fifth Day of November be observed duly, and not to be a juridical Day: And that it be done with all Speed.

Goldsmiths Hall Revenue, &c.

The House did resume the Debate upon the Report from Goldsmiths Hall.

Ordered, That the Lords Commissioners of the Great Seal, and Mr. Attorney General, do, upon Conference with the Lord Chief Baron, and Barons of the Exchequer, or any other of the Judges whom they shall think sit, consider how the Laws and Ordinances for Conviction of Papists may be effectually put in Execution; and, if there be any Defect therein, to bring in an Act for Supply thereof.

Ordered, That it be referred to the said Lords Commissioners, and Mr. Attorney General, upon Perusal of former Laws, to consider how such Papists as shall be so convicted, may be secluded from this Town, and consined to their Places of Abode, and Dwellings, so as may be most for the Security of the Commonwealth.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall, to consider, as well in the particular Cases of the Lord Deincourt, the Earl of Chesterfield, and John Scroope Esquire, deceased, as likewise any other Cases that are before them, how the Fines and Compositions of Delinquents, and the Penalties incurred by Non-payment of them, may be raised, and brought in, for the Benefit of the Commonwealth, by Sale of their Lands, Woods, or by leasing the same, or otherwise; and present it speedily to the House.

Ordered, That it be referred to the same Committee, to examine the State of the Business touching the Lands and Estates made over by Ordinance of Parliament, for the Raising of the Fifty thousand Pounds for Ireland; and what Charge is now upon that Estate; and how the Profits thereof have been employed; and also how the same may for the future be disposed of for the best Advantage of the Commonwealth, in order to the Abatement of the Assessments; and report the same to the House.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee of Goldsmiths Hall, to make an Estimate what may arise out of that Revenue, for the certain Pay of the Army, in order to abate the Assessments: And that they meet To-morrow Morning at Eight of the Clock: and prepare a Report to be made therein on Tuesday next.


Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee of the Navy, to prepare an Act for settling the same Customs in Ireland as are now in England, for the Advantage of the Navy.

Deans and Chapters Lands.

Ordered, That the Committee for Obstructions in Sale of Deans and Chapters Lands do consider and present an Act for taking off such Charges to Officers for Sale of Bishops Lands, as now lie upon the Commonwealth; and for transmitting the Employment of such Officers unto such as now serve in the Sale of Dean and Chapters Lands for the Ease of the Charge of the Commonwealth.

Army Pay.

Resolved, That the House do, on Tuesday next, take into Debate the most effectual Way for carrying on and settling the Pay of the Army, for preventing Free Quarter, before the Determining of the other Act for Assessments.

Goldsmiths Hall Committee.

Ordered, That Sir John Danvers, Colonel Ludlow, Mr. Robinson, Mr. Millington, Alderman Pennington, Mr. Cawley, Mr. Moyle, Mr. Myles Corbett, Colonel Fielder, Sir Thomas Wroth, Mr. Henry Nevill, Sir Michael Livesey, Mr. Tho. Challoner, Colonel Venn, Colonel Birch, be added to the Committee of Goldsmiths Hall.

Ordered, That the said Committee of Goldsmiths Hall do, after Tuesday next, adjourn to the Rooms where the House of Lords did usually fit; and so from time to time to sit there.

Regulating the Laws, &c.

Ordered, That Sir Arthur Hesilrig, Colonel Fenwick, Sir Thomas Wroth, Mr. Lechmere, and Mr. Love, be added to the Committees for regulating the Laws, and touching equal Representatives: And that Mr. Garland do take care thereof; and report to the House on Thisday-sevennight.

Relief of Debtors.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Lords Commissioners for the Great Seal, with Advice with the Judges, to bring in an Act for Explanation of the Doubts in the former Act for Redres of the poor Prisoners.

Relief of Creditors.

Ordered, That Mr. Say do, on Thursday next, report the Act for Relief of Creditors, the first Business.


Ordered, That the House be adjourned unto Tuesday next, Eight of Clock.

And the House adjourned itself accordingly.