House of Commons Journal Volume 6: 24 October 1648

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 6, 1648-1651. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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'House of Commons Journal Volume 6: 24 October 1648', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 6, 1648-1651( London, 1802), British History Online [accessed 23 October 2024].

'House of Commons Journal Volume 6: 24 October 1648', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 6, 1648-1651( London, 1802), British History Online, accessed October 23, 2024,

"House of Commons Journal Volume 6: 24 October 1648". Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 6, 1648-1651. (London, 1802), , British History Online. Web. 23 October 2024.


In this section

Die Martis, 24 Octobris, 1648.


Dr. Bastwicke.

AN Ordinance, formerly sent from the Lords, for making Reparations and Satisfaction to John Bastwicke, Doctor in Physick, for his Damages and Sufferings by Two illegal Sentences in the Courts of Star Chamber, and High Commission, by raising the Sum of Four thousand Pounds out of the Estates, real and personal, of the Duke of Lenox, Earl of Dorsett, Lord Cottington, and Sir Francis Windebancke, by equal Portions, proportionably, was this Day read the First and Second time; and, upon the Question committed unto Mr. Lane, Sir John Maynard, Sir John Temple, Sir Gilbert Gerard, Mr. Edward Ashe, Mr. Rigby, Colonel Harvey, Mr. Jennour, Colonel Leigh, Mr. Thomas, Mr. Thorpe, Colonel Copley, Mr. Swynfen, Colonel Bosevile, Mr. Gell, Sir Walter Erle, Mr. Wheeler, Mr. Ashhurst, Mr. Walker, Mr. Gurdon, Sir Symonds D'Ewes, Mr. Gott, Mr. *, Sir Robert Harley, Mr. Bond, Sir John Evelyn of Surrey, Mr. Annesley, Mr. Whittacre, Mr. James Ashe, Mr. Drake, Sir Wm. Waller, Mr. Wroth, Sir John Heppisley, Sir John Curson, Mr. Boys, Mr. Crouther, Mr. Chaloner: And are to meet this Afternoon at Three of Clock, in the Exchequer Chamber; and so de die in diem: And have Power to send for Parties, Witnesses, Papers, Records: And are to give notice to the Persons concerned.

Ordered, That the Sum of Five hundred Pounds be paid unto Doctor Bastwicke, or his Assignee, out of Goldsmiths Hall, in Course, with Interest for the same, after the Rate of Eight Pounds per Centum per Annum, payable every Six Months, until the said Principal Money of Five hundred Pounds be paid: And the Treasurers at Goldsmiths Hall are required to make Payment thereof accordingly: And the Acquittance or Acquittances of the said Doctor Bastwicke, testifying the Receipt thereof, shall be a sufficient Warrant and Discharge to the said Committee, and to the said Treasurers of Goldsmiths Hall, for Payment of the said Five hundred Pounds, when it shall become due, and the growing Interest for the same, from time to time.

Prynne's, &c. Claims.

Ordered, That the Reports and Business concerning Mr. Wm. Prynne and Mr. Foxley, and their Petitions, be read, and taken into Consideration, on This-day-sevennight, the first Business.

Bennett's Petition.

Ordered, That Mrs. Bennett's Petition be read on Tuesday Morning next, after the Business concerning Mr. Prynne and Mr. Foxley.

Grant to the Lord General.

Ordered, That the Ordinance for settling Lands, to the Value of Four thousand Pounds per Annum, upon the Lord General, and his Heirs, be reported on Monday Morning next, the first Business.

Loan by the City.

Ordered, That Captain Falconbridge be hereby authorized and required to receive and to pay all the Remainder of the Ten thousand Pounds assigned for the Expences of the Treaty, unto Mr. Cressett: And the Gentlemen, to whom the Care of bringing in the said Monies is referred, are desired to employ their Care and Endeavours to bring in the said Monies, and to apply themselves thereunto this Afternoon.

Treaty with the King.

Mr. Wheler is appointed to prepare a Letter to convey, inclosed, to the Commissioners in the Isle of Wight, the declaratory Vote touching the Lord's Days, and publick Fast Days, not to be accounted within the Forty Days limited for the Treaty.

A Letter from the Commissioners in the Isle of Wight, from Newport, of 21 Octobris 1648, was this Day read; with divers Papers, containing and giving an Account of the Commissioners Proceeding, in the Treaty, upon the Propositions concerning the Church, the Nomination of Officers, the City of London, the Great Seal, and Court of Wards; and the King's final Answer to the said Propositions.

Resolved, &c. That this whole Business be taken into Consideration on Thursday Morning next, peremptorily, at Nine of Clock; and no other Business to intervene: And all the Members of the House are injoined to attend the House at that time.

Sir H. Cholmely.

A Letter from the General, from St. Albans, of 23 Octobris, in Answer to a Letter of this House to him, touching Sir Henry Cholmeley, and the Command in Chief of the Forces at the Siege of Pontfract Castle, was this Day read.

Ordered, That a Letter be written to Sir Henry Cholmeley, to require him, and all others, to obey the Commands they shall receive from the General in this Business, touching the Siege, and reducing the Castles of Pontfract and Scarborough.

Colonel White and Colonel Copley are appointed to prepare this Letter.

Treaty with the King.

Mr. Wheler reports a Letter to be sent to the Commissioners in the Isle of Wight, for conveying the Vote, declaring, That the Lord's Days, and publick Fast Days, shall not be accounted any of the Forty Days limited in the Treaty: The which was read; and, upon the Question, assented unto; and ordered to be sent to the Lords for their Concurrence: And that the said Vote may be inclosed; and the Letter signed by the Speakers of both Houses.

Lord Lisle's Accompts.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee for the Affairs of Ireland, in the Star Chamber, to state the Accompt of the Lord Lisle's Entertainments, as Lieutenant of Ireland, and for his Commands in the Army, according to the Establishment, from the Time that he was voted Governor of Ireland by both Houses, to his coming out of the Kingdom; and to report their Opinions to the House, How the Monies that shall appear, upon the stating the said Accompts, to be due unto the said Lord Lisle, may be satisfied unto him.

Coventry Forces.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Committees of the County of Warwicke, and City of Coventry, to disband the Forces of the City and County of the City of Coventry, according to the Order Yesterday made for disbanding the Forces of Warwickshire: And that the Order, Yesterday made, be inlarged to the Disbanding of the Forces of the City and County of the City of Coventry, accordingly.

General Skippon.

Ordered, That on Saturday Morning next, the first Business, Mr. Miles Corbett do report the Ordinance in his Hands concerning Major General Skippon.

Abolishing Deans and Chapters.

Ordered, That on Friday Morning next, the ingrossed Ordinance for abolishing of Deans, Deans and Chapters, be read the First Business.

Mildmaye's Composition.

Mr. Wheeler carried to the Lords the Order concerning Sir Humphry Mildmaye's Composition.

Transporting of Forces.

The humble Remonstrance of Colonel Anthony Weldon was this Day read, touching the great Mischiefs arising to the State by the Transportation of Forces into foreign Services.

Resolved, &c. That this Remonstrance be referred to the Committee for Prisoners where Colonel Moore has the Chair; to consider and examine the Matter of Fact laid down in the said Paper; and likewise to take into Consideration the Desires of the said Colonel Anthony Weldon, next after the Desires of Colonel Robert Montgomery, formerly recommended by divers noble and wellaffected Personages of the Kingdom of Scotland.

Kent Forces.

Resolved, &c. That all the new-raised supernumerary Forces of the County of Kent, of Horse and Foot, be forthwith disbanded by the Committee of the said County, except Two Companies of Foot, to secure Sandwich; one Company to lie at Rochester, and one Company to lie at Dover Castle; which are to be kept up, till so many may be spared from the Army, for the Security of those Places.

Grant to Weldon.

The House, taking notice of the very good and faithful Services performed to the Parliament and Kingdom, by Sir Anthony Weldon, of the County of Kent, Knight, to the great Advancement of the Affairs of the Parliament, and to his great Damage in his own Particular, do Order. That the Sum of Five hundred Pounds be paid unto the said Sir Anthony Weldon, or his Assignee, by the Committee of the said County, out of the Sequestrations of the new Delinquents, in the late Insurrection in that County: And that the Acquittance of the said Sir Anthony Weldon, or his Assignee, shall be a sufficient Discharge to the Committee, and their Treasurers, for the Payment of the said Five hundred Pounds, accordingly.

Lancaster Forces.

Resolved, &c. That all the Officers and Soldiers, both Horse and Foot, within the County of Lancaster, be forthwith disbanded: And that the Lord General be desired to see the same put in Execution.

Payment of Forces.

Resolved, &c. That Three thousand One hundred Fiftyfive Pounds Fifteen Shillings and Ten-pence, payable, in Course, to the Lord Francis Willoughby of Parham, out of the Receipts of Goldsmiths Hall, by the Ordinance of 5 Martii 1646, be paid to Mr. Alexander Norris, of Boulton, or his Assigns, for the Use of the Forces of Lancasheire, to be disbanded: And a Receipt, under the Hand of the said Alexander Norris, shall be a sufficient Discharge to the Treasurers at Goldsmiths Hall, for Payment thereof.

An Ordinance to be brought in to that Purpose.

Ordered, That the Sum of Four thousand Pounds, out of the first Monies arising out of the Sequestrations of Cumberland, do go towards Payment of the Forces of Lancasheire, that served in the said County, towards their Disbanding.

An Ordinance to be brought in to that Purpose.

Ordered, That the Forces in the County of Lancaster be forthwith disbanded: And that each Troop and Company of the said Forces do choose Two or more of their own Number to receive their Proportions of the said Three thousand One hundred Fifty-five Pounds, and Four thousand Pounds, which shall be provided and paid to them with all Speed.

Ordered, That the Committee of Accompts in Lancasheire do audite the Accompts of the said Soldiers in Lancasheire, according to the Ordinance and Rules passed both Houses, 27 Maii 1646, and certify the same to the Committee of Accompts here: And that the Arrears appearing, upon the Foot of the said Accompts, so stated, be satisfied out of the Sequestrations of the said County of Lancaster, in Course, next after the Engagements formerly charged on the said Sequestrations, for the former Arrears of the Soldiers of the said County, shall be first satisfied.

Mildmay's Composition.

Mr. Wheler brings Answer; That, as to the Letter and Vote, and to the Order for Sir Humphry Mildmay, by him carried to the Lords, the Lords do agree.

Lancashier Ordinance.

Ordered, That the Knights and Burgesses that serve for Lancashier do prepare and bring in an Ordinance, to repeal the Ordinance of 29 Augusti 1645, for the County of Lancaster; and present the same to the House for their Consideration thereupon to be had.