House of Commons Journal Volume 6: 18 November 1648

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 6, 1648-1651. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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'House of Commons Journal Volume 6: 18 November 1648', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 6, 1648-1651( London, 1802), British History Online [accessed 23 October 2024].

'House of Commons Journal Volume 6: 18 November 1648', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 6, 1648-1651( London, 1802), British History Online, accessed October 23, 2024,

"House of Commons Journal Volume 6: 18 November 1648". Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 6, 1648-1651. (London, 1802), , British History Online. Web. 23 October 2024.


In this section

Die Sabbati, 18 Novembris, 1648.


Sprye's Claims.

THE humble Petition of Mary Sprye was this Day read.

Ordered, That the Sum of Fifty Pounds be forthwith paid unto the said Mary Sprye, upon Account, in Part of her Husband's Arrears: And that the same be charged upon, and paid out of the Ten thousand Pounds granted to the Regiment of Reformadoes under Colonel Sanderson, being Part of the Forty-two thousand Pounds appointed by Ordinance to be paid unto the said Regiment, and divers reduced Officers, Soldiers, and Widows: And it is especially recommended to the Treasurers at Guildhall, appointed for those Monies, to see the said Sum of Fifty Pounds paid forthwith to the said Mary Sprye accordingly, towards the Burial of her Husband, and for her present Subsistence: Which said Treasurers are to defalk the said Sum out of the Pay that shall be found due to Lieutenant Spry, as one of the Reformadoes of that Regiment.

Lewes' Arrears.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee at Haberdashers Hall, forthwith to pay unto the Executors or Administrators of Cornet Lewes, deceased, the Sum of Two hundred Pounds, upon producing his Debenture before the said Committee, if it shall thereby appear so much is due and owing unto him; in full Discharge of all his Arrears and Monies lent by him: And the Acquittance or Acquittances of the Executors or Administrators of the said Cornet Lewes, testifying the Receipt thereof, shall be a sufficient Warrant and Discharge to the said Committee, and their Treasurer, for Payment thereof accordingly.

The Lords Concurrence to be desired herein.

Colonel Rosseter, &c.

Whereas, 8 Julii 1648, it was ordered, That the Sum of Two thousand Pounds be forthwith paid and advanced unto Colonel Edward Rosseter, upon Account; and that the Sum of One hundred Pounds be bestowed upon Captain Charles Norwood, and forthwith paid unto him, upon such Sequestrations as were not then engaged: It is now Ordered, That the said several Sums of Two thousand Pounds, and One hundred Pounds, be forthwith paid unto the said Colonel Edward Rosseter, and Charles Norwood, or their Assigns, respectively, out of the Sequestrations in the County of Lincolne: And the Committee for Sequestrations of the said County, and the Treasurer for Sequestrations there, and the Sequestrators of the said County, and all other Persons whom it may concern, are hereby required and injoined to make Payment of the said several Sums of Two thousand Pounds, and One hundred Pounds, respectively, unto the said Colonel Edward Rosseter, and Captain Charles Norwood, or their Assigns, respectively: And the respective Acquittance or Acquittances of the said Colonel Edward Rosseter, and Captain Charles Norwood, or their Assigns, testifying the Receipt thereof, shall be a sufficient Warrant and Discharge unto the said Committee for Sequestrations, and to their Treasurer, and unto the said Sequestration, and to all and every such other Person or Persons as shall pay the same.

The Lords Concurrence to be desired herein.

Scandalous Pamphlets.

Whereas it is informed, That one Crouch hath written and published divers scandalous Pamphlets: It is referred to the Committee for Printing, where Mr. Challoner hath the Chair, to examine the said Business; with Power to the said Committee to commit the said Crouch, if there be Cause.

Rewards to Messengers.

Ordered, That the Committee of the Navy do forthwith distribute and pay the Fifty Pounds, Yesterday ordered to be paid to the Messenger that brought the Letters from the Fleet; Forty Pounds thereof to Captain John Edwyn, that brought the Letters from the Lord Admiral to the Committee at Derby House; the other Ten Pounds to the Messenger that brought the Letters from Mr. Alexander Bence.

Westlowe Writ.

Ordered, That a Warrant shall issue forth, under Mr. Speaker's Hand, directed to the Clerk of the Crown in Chancery, to issue forth a Writ for the new Election of a Burgess to serve in this present Parliament for the Borough of Westlowe in the County of Cornwall, in the place of Thomas Arundell Esquire, formerly chosen to serve for that Place, and since deceased.

Droitwich Writ.

Ordered, That a Warrant shall issue forth, under Mr. Speaker's Hand, directed to the Clerk of the Crown in Chancery, to issue forth a Writ for the new Election of a Burgess to serve in this present Parliament for the Borough of Droitwich in the County of Worcester, in the place of Thomas Rainsborough Esquire, formerly chosen to serve for that Place, and since deceased.

East Redford Writ.

Ordered, That a Warrant shall issue forth, under Mr. Speaker's Hand, directed to the Clerk of the Crown, in Chancery, to issue forth a Writ for the new Election of a Burgess to serve in this present Parliament for the Borough of East Redford in the County of Nottingham, in the place of Colonel * Thornhagh, formerly chosen to serve for that Place, and since deceased.

Canterbury Writ.

Ordered, That a Warrant shall issue forth, under Mr. Speaker's Hand, directed to the Clerk of the Crown in Chancery, to issue forth a Writ for the new Election of a Burgess to serve in this present Parliament for the City of Canterbury, in the place of Sir Edward Masters Knight, formerly chosen to serve for that Place, and since deceased.

Portsmouth Writ.

Ordered, That a Warrant shall issue forth, under Mr. Speaker's Hand, directed to the Clerk of the Crown in Chancery, to issue forth a Writ for the new Election of a Burgess to serve in this present Parliament for the Town of Portsmouth in the County of Southampton, in the place of Edward Douse Esquire, formerly chosen to serve for that Place, and since deceased.


1a vice lecta est Billa, An Act concerning the Raising, Settling, and Maintaining of the Militia and Forces, by Sea and by Land, within the Kingdoms of England and Ireland, and Dominion of Wales, the Isles of Guernesey and Jersey, and the Town of Berwicke upon Tweede.


1a vice lecta est Billa, An Act of Explanation, for preventing all future Misinterpretations of the Statute of 25 Edw. III. Chap. 2, and other Acts concerning Treason; and of 11H. VII. Chap. 18, concerning Subjects aiding the King in his Wars; for the better Settling and Securing of the Kingdom's Peace, and Subjects Lives and Estates.


1a vice lecta est Billa, An Act concerning the Peers of this Realm, lately made, or hereafter to be made; and for the Nulling and Revoking of all Honours and Titles lately conferred by the King, without Consent of both Houses of Parliament.

Observation of Sunday.

1a vice lecta est Billa, An Act for the due Observation of the Lord's Day.

Conference with Lords.

A Message from the Lords, by Sir Edward Leech and Mr. Page;

The Lords desire, That, at this Conference, which is now appointed to be between both Houses, they may offer something unto you, of an Abuse committed in the Proceedings of the Houses.

Resolved, &c. That this House doth agree, That the Lords may offer some Things, at this Conference, of an Abuse committed in the Proceedings of the Houses.

Answer returned by the same Messengers: That this House has considered their Lordships Message; and do agree, That, at this Conference, the Lords may offer something of an Abuse committed in the Proceedings of the Houses, as is desired.

Mr. Serjeant Browne, Mr. Recorder, Mr. Nath. Fiennis, Mr. Annesley, are appointed Reporters of this Conference.

Mr. Annesley reports, That the Conference consisted of Two Particulars: The one, concerning the Persons to be excepted from Pardon; the Lords do adhere to their Alteration, That Sir John Byron may be excepted from Pardon, in the place of the Earl of Newcastle; and Sir George Ratcliffe, in the place of Sir John Wyntour; and gave their Reasons for it: The other Particular was concerning an Alteration made in an Amendment returned by the Lords to an Ordinance of Parliament, concerning the Contractors, after it was agreed unto by the Lords, and sent to this House: Which, because it concerns the Clerks of this House, they thought sit to communicate it to this House.

Resolved, &c. That this House doth adhere to the Vote for excepting the Earl of Newcastle from Pardon.

The Question being put, For adhering to the Vote for excepting Sir John Wyntour from Pardon;

It passed with the Negative.

The Question being put, For concurring with the Lords, in excepting Sir George Ratcliffe from Pardon, in the stead of Sir John Wintour.

It passed with the Negative.

Resolved, &c. That Sir John Byron be excepted from Pardon, in the stead of Sir John Wintour.

Resolved, &c. That a free Conference be desired with the Lords, upon the Matter of the last Conference, touching those Delinquents that are to be excepted from Pardon; and to give Reasons for this House's Adhering, and Alteration.

Sir Anthony Irby is appointed, on Monday Morning next, to go to the Lords, to desire this Conference.

Treaty with the King.

Resolved, &c. That the Treaty be continued till Saturday next, at Night, the Five-and-twentieth of this Instant November.

The Lords Concurrence to be desired herein.

Sir John Clotworthy is appointed to carry this Vote to the Lords.

Ordered, That a Letter be prepared and signed by Mr. Speaker, and sent to the Members of this House, Commissioners in the Isle of Wight, to give them notice of the Vote of this House, for continuing the Treaty till Saturday next, at Night, the Twenty-fifth of this Instant.

Colonel Copley is appointed to prepare this Letter.

Answer from Lords.

Mr. Swynfen brings Answer, That the Lords do agree to the Letter, by him carried to the Lords, to be sent to the Lord Admiral.

Sir J. Wintour.

Ordered, That the Members of this House, of the Committee of Lords and Commons for Sequestrations, do report to this House, Upon what Ground the Sequestration of Sir John Wintour's Estate was taken off.

Mr. Ellis and Mr. Pelham are particularly required to make Report thereof.


Ordered, That the Committee, that has had under Examination the Business concerning the Abuse that has been put into an Ordinance, touching Salt, relating to the Kingdom of Scotland, do, on Tuesday next, make Report of that Business.

Alteration in Lords Message.

Whereas, upon the Report of that Part of the Conference, That an Alteration hath been make, in a Message sent from the Lords, by some of the Clerks of this House: The said Clerks, having been examined thereupon, do positively deny, that they made any Alteration at all in That, or any other Message, sent at any time from the Lords; neither do they know of any Alteration made in this, or any other Message: The Business being of very dangerous Concernment in the Consequence of it, it is Ordered, That a Message be sent to the Lords, to desire them to appoint a Committee of their House, that may join with a Committee of a proportionable Number of this House, to examine this Business throughly, upon Oath; and that may examine all Parties that may be any way concerned therein.

Siege of Pontefract Castle.

Ordered, That the Officers of the Ordnance do deliver, out of the Stores, the Two Cannons of Seven, with their Equipage, desired by the Committee of the Army for the Siege of Pontefract Castle.