Index - A-J

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 7, 1651-1660. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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'Index - A-J', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 7, 1651-1660( London, 1802), British History Online [accessed 22 October 2024].

'Index - A-J', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 7, 1651-1660( London, 1802), British History Online, accessed October 22, 2024,

"Index - A-J". Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 7, 1651-1660. (London, 1802), , British History Online. Web. 22 October 2024.


A. 1651, 1652, & 1653.

ABBOTT, Joseph, 1652, to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Lands, 1 July.

Abraham. Vide Eleazer.

Accounts, 1652, Representation of the Commissioners for them referred to the Committee of Accounts, 27 Aug.

Aclam, George, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 Nov.

Acton, Thomas, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 28 Oct.

Acts, 1651, a Committee to give Order for printing a Book, intituled, "A Collection of several Acts of Parliament, published in the Years, 1648, 1649, 1650, & 1651," 12 Feb.

Adams, Thomas, 1651, Petition read; Resolution for pardoning him and discharging him of all Sequestration and Delinquency; Order for passing his Pardon under the Great Seal, 30 Aug.
-, - Major, 1652, upon Report from the Council of State representing his good Services and Sufferings; referred to them to consider what is fit to be done, 11 June.-Report touching settling Lands in Ireland of 200£. per Annum on him and his Heir, and for advancing 100£. to transport himself and Family thither, 10 Aug.-Agreed to; Commissioners there to settle them, and put him in Possession.

Adamson, Robert, 1652, to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 1 July.
-, - John, 1652, to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 Nov.

Adderley, Ralph, 1652, his Case referred back to the Commissioners for compounding, 3 Nov.

Admiralty, 1651, Report touching the Determination of their Power, and the Power of the Judges, 19 Nov.-Resolution for placing it in the Council of State; Order for them to present Names of fit Persons to be Judges. Names presented; Question that they may be during Pleasure, Neg. Resolution that they be for a Year; Judges appointed; Former Salary to be continued; Order for the Payment of Arrears-Act for reviving and continuing the Act enabling the Council of State to exercise the Powers belonging to the Office of Lord High Admiral; Continuance thereof; Question for Ingrossment, Neg. Act passed, 4 Dec.- Act appointing special Commissioners for the Admiralty and Navy, read, 26 Nov.-Committed, 10 Mar.-1652, A Committee to consider how the executive Part of the Admiralty and Navy stands upon the Bill, and what is fit to be done for carrying on the Business, 27 July-Bill to be reported; the Committee to present Names of Persons to be intrusted; Question, that they be no Members, Neg. 1 Oct. -Resolution for settling the Admiralty in the Council of State, as formerly; Bill for that Purpose ordered, 23 Nov. -Resolution for naming six Persons to order and manage the Affairs of the Admiralty and Navy; Four Members appointed, with Power to name two fit Persons not Members to be joined with them: Bill for that Purpose ordered, 4 Dec. Read twice and committed; Names to be presented to the Committee. Bill reported; Names to be added; Question for Ingrossment, Neg. Act passed-Previous and main Questions for appointing three Judges of the Court, severally Affirmative, 25 Nov. Three chosen by Ballot. Act constituting them Judges, read twice; Question for Ingrossment, Neg. Act passed and to be printed.-Amended; Declaration that all Powers not contained therein, remain in the Council of State.-Commissioners to use the Seal of the Anchor-Power given them to appoint Officers and allow fit Salaries-To order the Sale of unserviceable Stores, 14 Dec. -Their Proceedings related, 11 Jan.

Aiskew, Sir George, 1652, his Letter reported and read; Order for Letter of Thanks, Speaker to sign it, 6 July-Another from him read; the Committee of the Navy to consider his Sufferings by making the River Wey navigable, 3 Aug.- Report; Order for bestowing 500£. on him-For settling Lands in Ireland of 300£. per Annum on him and his Heirs; Commissioners there to set them out, and put him in Possession; Speaker to write to them for that Purpose, 25 Dec. Order for paying the 500£. out of the Sugar Prizes, 8 Feb. -Report from the Council of State of Intelligence received touching an Engagement between him and the Dutch, 20 Aug.

Alalyas, Hermannus, 1651, his Letter of Credence from the Earl of Oldenburgh read; the Council of State to give him Reception, 15 Oct.-Report, that he had attended and delivered a Paper; Council of State to prepare an Answer, 26 Nov.- Business concerning him to be considered, 13 Feb.-Safeguard to be granted to the Earl reported and read; Question for an Amendment, Neg. Speaker to sign it, and put the Parliament Seal thereto; Letter to him reported, read, and agreed to; Order for translating it into Latin, the English Letter to be sealed with the Parliament Seal, and signed by the Speaker.

Alban's, St. 1651, Act for better Maintenance of preaching Ministers there, ordered, 20 Aug.-To be read, 3 Sept.- Read twice, and committed.

Alder, Cornelius, 1652, Pardon for him read and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 20 July.

Aldus, Robert, 1652, his Case referred to the Council of State, with Power to determine it, and dispense with his Forfeiture and Consiscation, 17 Feb.

Ale and Beer, 1651, Previous and main Questions that none be exciseable, unless brewed to be sold again, severally Affirmative; Commissioners and Officers of Excise to see the Vote put in execution, 12 Dec. Order for printing it.

Alford, Joseph, 1651, his Petition read; Order for pardoning him, and discharging his Sequestration, 30 Aug.

Algiers. Vide Captives.

Allain, Robert. Vide Ramsay, Joseph.

Allein, Francis, 1652, Appointed One of the Council of State, 25 Nov.

Allen, Thomas, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 Nov.

Allenson, William, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 28 Oct.

Allured, Colonel John, 1651, Report touching him recommitted; Committee revived, 28 Aug.-His Widow's Petition and Case referred to the Committee of the Army, 20 Nov.
-, -Colonel Matthew, 1651. Resolution for settling Lands in Scotland of 100£. per Annum on him and his Heirs; Bill for that Purpose ordered, 9 Sept.-Commissioners there to set them out; Speaker to write to them for that Purpose, 23 Jan.

Ambassadors, Foreign, 1651, Council of State to consider how they may be fitly received and entertained, 28 Nov.-A Committee to consider what Addresses may be permitted to be made by them to Ministers or others, and how improper Applications may be prevented, 8 Jan.

Ambrose, Dr. 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 Nov.

Amies, Mr. 1652, desired to preach, 27 Jan.

Amsterdam, 1652, Extracts of several Letters from thence, read, and returned to the Council of State, 14 Oct.-Copies of others read, 28 Dec.

Anderson, William, 1651, State of his Case touching a Ship taken and carried into Calais, reported; Report referred to the Council of State, 30 Dec.-Their Report; Order for restoring the Ship and Lading, without any Seizure or Confiscation, 9 Jan.
-, -James, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 1 July.
-, -Sir Henry, 1652, Petition and other Papers read;- Question for inserting his Name in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Lands; Neg.-Committee to consider his Case, and peruse the Proceedings of the House against him, 2 Nov.
-, -1653, Report 6 Apr. Considered; Commissioners at Haberdashers Hall to consider how the State has been abused in respect of the Profits of his Sequestration; Sir Henry to attend them and make good his Information-Order for discharging his Sequestration, 7 Apr.

Anderson, James and Hugh, 1652, their Names to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 1 July.
-, -William, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 July.

Andrew, Elizabeth, 1651, Petition and Case referred to the Committee of the Navy, 20 Nov.

Andrew's, St. Vide Scotland.

Anguish, Richard, 1652, his Name to be iuserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 28 Oct.

Anne, Mr. 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 Nov.

Antony, Bonadventure, a Ship, 1652, Report from Council of State, touching Satisfaction to the Owners, 29 Dec. Considered; referred to them to make Satisfaction to them, and the Owners of all Merchant Ships honourably lost in the State's Service, 30.

Appleby, Cuthbert, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 1 July.

Archbold, Catharine, 1652, Petition and Case referred to the Committee of the Army, 20 Nov.

Argyle, Earl of, 1652. Vide Scotland.

Armitage, Lady, 1652, her Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 Nov.

Army. Vide Cromwell, Lord General.

Arnold, Solomon, 1652. Vide Privileges.
-, -William, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 28 Oct.

Arran, Isles of. Vide Scotland.

Articles, 1651, Act for reviving the Act for Relief of Persons concerned therein, ordered, 28 Jan.-Read twice and committed, 24 Mar.
-, -1652, to be reported, 27 & 28 Apr.-Reported; Question, that any Member be Commissioner, Neg. Previous and main Questions, that the Quorum be nine, severally Affirmative; Clause recommitted, 5 May-Order for making Report, 3 June. Amendments reported; Previous and main Questions for agreeing thereto, severally Affirmative; Act to be ingrossed.-Order for third Reading, 2 & 9 July. Read; Continuance thereof; Commissioners and Quorum appointed; Proviso rejected; Previous Question for passing, Neg. Debate adjourned.-Resumed; Provisoes added; Act passed and to be printed.-Place appointed for the Commissioners to fit in, 5 Oct. Another Place appointed.-Council for the Commonwealth to attend them; Order for 50£. to defray incident Charges 22. Commissioners impowered to adjourn from Time to Time, and from Place to Place.

Arundell, Lord, of Wardour, 1652, Question for inserting his Name in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Lands, Neg. 21 July-his Petition read; Order for inserting it, 27 Oct.
-, -Sir John, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 20 Oct.

Arundell, Richard, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 27 Oct.
-, - Joseph, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 16 Nov.
-, -Castle, 1651, Establishment for it reported and agreed to; Commencement thereof, 5 Dec.

Ascham, John, 1652, Petition read; the Council of State to consider how he may be preferred to a Place befitting his Condition and Abilities, 29 June.
-, -George, 1650, Order for bestowing 100£. upon each of his Sisters, 29 June.

Ashton, Henry and Richard, 1652, their Names to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 1 July.

Aspinall, Anne, 1651, Petition and Case referred to the Committee of the Army, 20 Nov.

Assessments, 1651, Draughts of Letters to the Commissioners in the several Counties, reported, read, and agreed to; Speaker to sign them, 2 Sept.-26 Dec.-Order to the Committee of the Army to hear Complaints concerning the Inequality of Assessments, revived 16 Dec.
-, -1652, Report touching the Deficiencies thereof, 28 Apr.-The Committee of the Army to hear Complaints touching them, 8 June-Draughts of Letters to be sent to the Commissioners in the several Counties, read and agreed to; Speaker to sign them, 16 June-17 Dec.-Act for compelling Receivers and Assessors to pay in the Money in their Hands, read twice and committed, 9 July. Reported; Question for Ingrossment, Neg.; Act passed, and to be print.

Astley, Walter, 1652, Petition read and referred to the Commissioners for compounding, 8 July-Order for inserting his Name in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Lands, 28 Oct.

Aston, Sir Thomas, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 26 Oct.

Atkinson, Thomas, 1652, Pardon for him read and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 9 Mar.

Atturton, Ralph, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 28 Oct.

Augmentations, 1652, Report touching them to be made, 3 Feb. -Made; Previous and main Questions that the Power formerly given to the Committee of the Universities be transferred to the Committee of plundered Ministers, severally Affirmative.

Austwick, Thomas, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 Nov.

Awdbrough, Arthur, 1652, to be admitted to his Composition at One third Part of his Omissions and Undervaluations, 3 Nov.

Aylesbury, 1652, Order for settling a competent Maintenance for the Minister, out of the impropriate Parsonage, 3 Feb.

Aynsworth, Edward, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 1 July.

A. 1653.

ACCOUNTS, Upon Report from the Council of State, Commissioners for them to attend the Committee for Treasuries with their Instructions, 16 July.

Admiralty and Navy, Commissioners added, 14 & 26 July- Bill for constituting Commissioners, ordered. Read twice; Continuance thereof; Bill committed. Reported, and to be ingrossed, . Passed and to be printed, 28-Council of State present Names of two Persons to be Judges of the Court of Admiralty; Question for agreeing thereto, Neg. referred back, 22 July. Report that they cannot find fitter Persons; One agreed to, another added; Resolution that there be three; Questions for more-For one to be a Civilian, severally Neg. Debate adjourned. Resumed; Third Judge appointed; a Committee to prepare Bill for constituting them Judges. Bill read. Read second time; Name of One to be inserted; Question for inserting the other, Neg. Debate adjourned. Resumed; two other Names to be inserted; Continuance of the Act; Quorum appointed; Question for Ingrossment, Neg. Act passed and to be printed.-A Committee to consider of a fit Person to be Solicitor; Members to offer Names to them, 25 July-Regulation of the Court referred to a Committee-Additional Bill for Administration of Justice in the Court read twice and committed, 9 Sept.- Council of State to prepare Bill for constituting Commissioners of the Admiralty and Navy, with Names of Persons and Powers, 2 Dec. Bill read twice; Commissioners appointed; Quorum; Continuance of the Act; Question for Ingrossment, Neg. Act passed and to be printed-Power given them to use the Seal of the Anchor-To appoint Officers and allow fit Salaries-To order the Sale of unserviceable Stores-To put in Execution Votes concerning Encouragement to Seamen.

Alban's, St. Petition of Inhabitants; Order for a Patent under the Great Seal for Collections in several Counties, 22 Aug.

Ambassadors, Council of State to take Care that the Attendance and Retinue of all sent from this State shall be such as they approve, 14 Sept.

Ancram, Lady, her Petition reported; Order for allowing her 5£. per Week, 19 Sept.

Andrews, Samuel, appointed Minister of Southam, 26 Nov.

Anlaby, Mr. appointed One of the Council of State, 1 Nov.

Army. Vide Cromwell, Lord General.

Arrowsmith, Dr. Joseph, appointed Master of Trinity College, Cambridge, 28 Nov.

Arundell, Joseph and Son, Petition reported and read; Order for selling so much of their Estates, as will satisfy their Fines, 3 Oct.

Askwith, Captain Simon, Petition reported and read; Order appointing him Master of Gresham Hospital, 3 Oct.

Audley, Hugh, a Committee to examine what Moneys are in his Hands, belonging to Idiots, Lunatics, or Wards, and what he has in Trust, as Officer of the late Court of Wards, 3 Oct.

A. 1654.

ACCOUNTS, Representation of the Committee of Publick Accounts, with a State of the Matter of Fact annexed thereto; a Committee to consider of discovering and perfecting the Accounts of Monies received, 22 Nov.

Acts and Ordinances, a Committee to consider all made from 3 July, 1653, to 10 Dec. following, 10 Oct.

Adjournment, till Afternoon, 22. 24. 27. 29, & 30 Nov.-2. 4, 5, 6, 7. 9. 11. 15. 18, 19, 20, 21, 22. 28, 29, & 30 Dec.- 1, 2, 3. 6. 13. 15, 16. 18, 19, & 20 Jan.

Administrations. Vide Wills.

Akehurst, Mr. Articles against him referred to a Committee, 15 Jan.

Alexander, Henry. Vide Stirling, Countess of.

Amerciaments. Vide Forfeitures.

Andover new Writ, 5 Oct.

Army. Vide Government and Protector.-A Committee to consider of retrenching the Forces, and to attend the Lord Protector from Time to Time; Impowered to consider the Revenue for Maintenance thereof, 26 Sept.-Report; Resolution for calling in Twenty-eight Ships now at Sea; Committee impowered to send for Persons, & c. 5 Oct. Committees added-Lord Protector's Letter with Schedule annexed, read, 5 Oct. Read again; Power given to him and the Council of State to order Monies for the Army and Navy to be issued till further Order-Further Report that they had applied to the Lord Protector for his Directions, but had received no Answer; Order for them to attend him, 15 Nov. His Answer reported; Committee impowered to conser with him from Time to Time, #x2014;Resolution for keeping up 20,000 Foot, and 10,000 Horse and Dragoons, 16 Dec. Vide Government.

Articles, all given to the Enemy to be confirmed, 15 Dec.- Vide Government.

Assessments. Vide Supply. A Committee of the whole House, to consider how the Proportions may be laid equally, 5 & 13 Dec.-16 Jan.

A. 1656, & 1657.

ABERCORNE, Earl of, 1656, Petition read, 2 Feb.

Abergavenney, Lord, 1656, Bill enabling him to alien Lands and Tenements for Payment of Debts, and Advancement of his Brothers and Sisters, read 25 Feb.-Committed; Petition of several Heirs Male in Remainder, read and referred, 10 Mar.
-, - 1657, Committee revived; Order for their Meeting, 9 June.

Accounts, 1656, of the Public Debts on Account of the Navy, Army, and Charges of carrying on the Government reported; Account touching the Debt of the Navy, the Debt of the Army, and the Debt for carrying on the Government, ordered, 14 Oct. Estimate of the Navy Debt on the 16th Oct. 1656.-Of the present State of the Pay of the Forces in England, Scotland, and Ireland, and what they are in Arrear till 29th Sept. 1656-Account of Monies due, and charged upon the Exchequer by Letters Patent, and Letters of Privy Seal, severally presented; House goes into a Committee thereupon; Report. Vide Excise.-Account of what will probably be necessary for carrying on the Spanish War One Year, ordered; Protector to be desired to cause it to be returned, 25 -Report of Message delivered; Estimate of the Charge from 1st Nov. 1656; and of the Revenue coming in towards defraying it, to be considered in a Committee of the whole House, 7 Nov.

Achlam, Thomas, 1656, Question for reading a Bill to enable him to sell Lands for Payment of Debts, and Provisions for younger Children, Neg. 12 Dec. Bill read, 13. Committed, 17. Committees added, 18.

Actions, 1656, Bill for laying and trying them in their proper Counties, and restraining Jurors from travelling out of their Counties for Tryal thereof, read, 11 Nov. Order for second Reading, 14 & 20 Nov.-1 & 3 Dec.

Acts, 1656, Previous and main Questions for appointing a Committee to examine all Acts, Ordinances, and Statutes, and consider which are fit to be continued, and which repealed, severally Affirmative. Question for referring it to a Committee of the whole House, Neg. Select Committee appointed, 27 Sept.
-, - 1657, Paper touching continuing and confirming several, read-Another touching those made since 1642, read, 24 Apr.-Act for Confirmation of several Acts and Ordinances made since 20th April, 1653, read 15 June. Read second Time; Clauses added; Question for Commitment, Neg. Bill to be ingrossed. Proviso and other Clauses added; Bill passed; Protector's Consent to be desired.- Protector's Consent; Order for printing all public Acts passed this Session, every Member to have a Copy.

Adjournment, till Afternoon, 8 & 9 Dec.-12, 13. 16, 17. 19. & 24 Mar. 1656.-26 & 27 Mar.-7. 24. 28, & 29 Apr. -8, 9, 10, 11, 12. 15, 16. 18, 19, 20. 22, 23, 24, 25, & 26 June-25 Jan.

Admiralty, 1656, Bill declaring the Jurisdiction of the Court in foreign Contracts, and to be of Record, to be read, 26 Nov. Read and rejected.

Adultery. Vide Bastardy.

Aiscough, Robert and Edward, 1656, Bill enabling them to convey two Annuities, notwithstanding they are under the Age of Twenty-one Years, read, 21 Feb.

Alehouses, 1656, A Committee to consider of Abuses therein, and to revise Laws touching them, and made against Drunkenness, and reduce them into One Bill, 29 Sept.-Impowered to offer something for ascertaining and disposing to the Use of the Poor, the Forfeitures and Penalties, 16 Oct.

Aliens Goods, 1657, Bill concerning colouring them tendered; Question, that it be now read, Neg. Day appointed for it, 17 June.

Alimony. Vide Divorce.

Allum, 1657, Petition of Makers read and referred to the Grand Committee touching the Excise, 2 Apr.

Andrew's Holborn, 1656, Bill for dividing the Parish, read, 28 Feb.-Committed, 4 Mar. Committees added.

Annand. Vide Dumfreeze.

Antholine's, London, 1656, Petition of Parishioners read, 31 Oct.

Arthur, John, 1656, Petition read and referred to a Committee, 22 Dec.-Order for making Report, 11 Mar. Report; re-committed; the Committee impowered to bring in a Bill for his Satisfaction. Order for making Report.
-, - 1657, Like Order, 1 Apr.-Report; Bill read, 21 May; read second Time; Debate thereon adjourned. Resumed; Bill committed. Reported, and to be ingrossed.-Protector's Consent to be desired, 2 June. Protector's Consent, 9.

Artificers, 1656, a Committee to consider the Laws touching Wages of Artificers, Labourers, and Servants, and present a Bill for Redress herein, 7 Oct.

Arundell, Mrs. 1657, Petition to be read, 23 June.

Ashdowne Forest. Vide Forests.

Ashe, James, 1656, Exceptions taken at his Words, as charging several Members; desired to explain himself, but put off till the End of the main Debate, 22 Jan. Business to be considered. The Words contained in Paper, read; explains himself; House satisfied therewith.

Aston, Mr. 1656 & 1657. Vide Privileges.

Attorneys, 1656, a Committee to consider the Number and Quality of them, and their Abuses, 13 Oct. Impowered to send for Witnesses, & c. 14.

Aubin, John St. Vide Mohun, Lord, and Gorges, Thomas.

Avon, River, 1656, Bill for making it navigable between Bath and Bristol, ordered, 24 Mar.
-, - 1657, Read, 1 Apr.-Order for second Reading, 26 Jan.

Axholme, Isle of, 1656, Petitions concerning it to be read, 1 Dec. Read and referred to a Committee.-Committees added, 21 Mar.

A. 1658, & 1659.

ACCOUNTS, of the State of the Treasury, ordered, 3 Feb. To be delivered by Member in whose Hands they are. Presented and referred to a Committee. Upon Motion from them, Speaker to sign all their Dispatches to the Commanders in Chief in Scotland and Ireland, and others. Order for a more convenient Room for them to meet in. -Brief View of the Public Revenue, certain and casual; with the ordinary Expence of the Three Nations for One Year; and a State of the Public Debts, reported; Further Report, touching Arrears due to the Forces in Flanders; Committees thanked; Debate, adjourned, 7 Apr. Account to be redelivered to the Committee, to review and clear some Particulars doubted of. Order amended; Account reported, read, and referred to a Committee of the whole House; Same Committee to consider of retrenching the Public Expences, and satisfying the Debts of the Armies and Navies. Paper of Debts due to the Commonwealth, reported, and referred, 19; Committee sits, 19 & 20 -Account of the present Charge and Debt of the Navy, ordered, 3 Feb. To be delivered by the Member in whose Hands it is. Presented, and referred to a Committee; List of the Navy to be delivered to them.-Establishment of the Army in the Three Nations, ordered, 3 Feb. To be delivered by the Member in whose Hands it is. Presented, and referred to a Committee; Muster-roll to be delivered to them.-State of an Account for three Months Pay to be forthwith paid to the Army, out of the Assessments and Excise, reported, and read-Farmers of the Excise upon Beer, Ale, & c. to give Account why Arrears, due upon their Farm, are not paid; Commissioners for Appeals to give them Notice, 9 Apr. Account of Order served; several Farmers and Brewers heard; Days appointed for paying the Money; Speaker's Speech to them; other Farmers to attend. Heard; Order for their Attendance; Paper presented. Read; Petition of Subcommissioners, read; Time appointed for paying their Arrears; Speaker's Speech to them-A Committee to prepare Declaration concerning the Excise. Declaration reported; Debate thereon. adjourned. Resumed; Declaration re-committed.-A Committee to consider how these Debts, and those due from the Compounders for new Buildings, may be satisfied.

Adjournment, till Afternoon, 24 Feb.-7. 11. 17 & 18 Mar.

Agmondesham new Writ, 31 Jan.

Aldborough new Writ, 5 Mar.

Armstrong, Sir Thomas, upon Report from the Grand Committee of Grievances, the Governor of Jersey or his Deputy to bring him, with the Causes of his Imprisonment, 16 Mar.

Army. Vide Accounts.-Representation and Petition of the General Council of Officers, read, 8 Apr. Previous and main Questions, that there shall be no General Council, without the Leave and Authority of Protector and Parliament, severally affirmative. Resolution, that no Person shall have any Command or Trust in the Armies or Navies, who shall refuse to subscribe, that he will not disturb nor interrupt the free Meetings in Parliament of any Members of either House, or their Freedom in Debates and Councils; Concurrence of the other House to be desired; their Answer, reported, 19.

Arundell, Earl of, a Committee to examine why he is detained in Foreign Parts, and his Inheritance withheld from him, 8 Apr.

Audley, Major Louis. Vide Privileges.

A. 1659.

ABINGDON, Business concerning the proclaiming a County Election there, referred to the Council of State, 25 Jan.

Accounts, of the Debt of the Navy and Army; of the unusual Issues; of Monies charged upon the Three Nations; and of Arrears of Customs and Excise, presented; Resolution and Orders thereupon. Vide Customs.-A Committee to prepare Declaration, how Affairs stood when this House was interrupted; and how they stand at present, 20 May- Declaration to be reported, 24 June-Reported, and read; Order for Second Reading, 5 Aug.-Of the present Debts of the Army and Navy, 8 June-A Committee to state the Accounts of the Commissioners of the Customs and Excise, 17 Aug.-Account of the Receipts and Issues of the Public Revenue, reported, 2 Feb.-Of Monies charged upon the Assessments for the Navy, 3 Mar.
-, - Estimates, of the Charge of carrying on the Affairs of the Armies and Navy to 1st Dec. and what may probably be expected towards them, presented, 8 June.-Of the Debt of the Navy, and of the Growing Service, 6 Feb.

Ackland, William, Pardon for him, and Judges Certificate read; Pardon agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 25 Feb.

Acts, and Ordinances; Committee for considering them, revived; Order for their meeting, 15 Aug. Quorum reduced.

Adderley, Mr. desired to assist in carrying on the Work of Humiliation, 20 May.-Thanked.

Adjournment, till Afternoon. 16. & 18 May-14. & 28 June.-5. 7. 9. 11. 13. 15. 19. 21. 26. & 30 July.-1. 3. 9. 16. 22. 28, & 29 Sept.-10 & 11 Oct.-2. 7. 12. 22, 23, 24. 26, 27, & 28 Jan.-1. 9, 10, 11. 21. & 24 Feb.- 2. 8. 10. 13, 14, 15, & 16 Mar.

Administrations. Vide Wills.

Admiralty, and Navy, Report from the Committee of Safety of Names of Persons to be Commissioners for managing the Affairs thereof; and Act, constituting them, read twice, and committed, 18 May. To be reported. Reported; Question, that the Commissioners have Salaries, Neg. Number of them; further Debate adjourned; Resumed; Question, that they consist of Members, Neg. Seven appointed; referred to them to name the other two. Bill to be ingrossed. They name them; Quorum appointed; One of them to be a Member. Bill read Third Time; a Committee to withdraw, and consider how it may be amended; Amendments reported, and laid aside; Bill passed, and to be printed.-Report from the Commissioners, to be considered, 2 June.-Books of Orders, and Letters of the Admiralty, to be presented, 9 Jan. To be redelivered, 6 Feb. - Bill for constituting Commissioners of the Admiralty and Navy, read, 9 Jan. Committed; the Committee impowered to present Names of Commissioners and other Officers, 12. Names reported, and agreed to. Bill to be reported. Reported; Commissioners appointed; Bill to be ingrossed.-Read Third Time; Continuance thereof; Bill passed, and to be printed.-Commissioners to present Names of four Persons, out of which the House may elect two to be Treasurers, 2 Feb.-Commissioners added, 3 Mar.-Report from the Committee of Safety, touching constituting Judges of the Admiralty; Names of fit Persons reported from another Committee; Bill for constituting them, ordered, 18 May. Read twice, passed, and to be printed.-The Committee of Safety, to consider of a fit Salary for the Register.-Upon Report from the Council of State, touching Inconveriences for want of due Process in the Court; Bill for settling it, and the former Powers thereof, ordered, 14 July. Read twice; Blank filled up; Bill passed, and to be printed, 19.-Bill appointing Judges, read, 28 Dec.-A Committee to present Names, 11 Jan. Names presented; Order for Patents under the Great Seal. Speaker to sign Dockets for passing them; their Salaries to be considered.-Agreed to; Residue of the Fees and Perquisites to be answered to the Commonwealth, 3 Feb.-Obstructions to passing their Patents, reported; Matter touching the Charter Party, to be omitted, 8 Mar.

Albans, St. Commissioners for the Assessment, added, 2 Mar.

Ale. Vide Wine.

Alehouses. Vide Taverns.

Alexander, Sir Sigismund, Order for granting him 20 s. per Week, 28 Sept.

Alured, Colonel Matthew, Petition read, and referred to a Committee, 9 June. Report; Sentence against him voted unjust, and with all Proceedings thereupon, to be vacated and cancelled.-Resolution, that he have a Regiment of Horse; Commissioners for nominating Officers, to see the Vote put in Execution, 10.-Appointed Captain of the Parliament's Life Guard, with the Pay of a Colonel of Horse, till a Regiment is provided for him; his Commission delivered to him, 9 July. List of Officers for a Regiment of Horse, reported, and read; Previous and main Questions, that he be Colonel thereof, severally Affirmative, 5 Aug. His Commission delivered to him.-List of Officers in his Regiment, reported, and read, 7 Jan. Read again, and approved, 12. Their Commissions delivered.

Andrewes, Alderman, Petition read, and referred to a Committee, 30 June.-Committees added, 5 July.

Ansley, Arthur, appointed One of the Council of State, 23 Feb.

Apprentices, a Committee to prepare a Bill, for saving such as served the Parliament in the late War their Time; and to compel Masters to grant them their Freedom, as if they had been in their Service, 11 Oct.

Archer, Serjeant, constituted a Justice of the Common Pleas, till 30th June next. Order for a Patent under the Great Seal, 14 May. For continuing him, and renewing his Patent till 20th Nov. next, 16 June.

Armstrong, Sir Thomas, Report from the Committee of Safety, that he has brought Prisoner from Jersey, and in Serjeant's Custody; State of his Case, reported to the Council of State; Order for continuing him in Custody, in the mean Time, 16 May. Report; Order for discharging him upon his Parole, and Security, not to act any Thing prejudicial to the Commonwealth; the Council of State to take the Security, 15 June.

Army, Declaration of the Officers, inviting the Members of the long Parliament, who continued sitting till 20th April 1653, to return to the Exercise and Discharge of their Duty, tendered by Speaker, and read; a Committee to prepare Declaration thereupon; Declaration touching their Meeting, and Purpose to secure the Property and Liberty of the People, both as Men and Christians, and that without a single Person, Kingship, or House of Peers, reported, read at large, then by Parts, and agreed to, with Amendments; a Committee to deliver Lord Fleetwood a Copy thereof, and acquaint him with the Parliament's good Acceptance of the Officers Affections, 7 May-Referred to the Committee of Safety, to raise Auxiliary Forces for a Month, and issue 5,000£. for paying them; Report from them, touching appointing Commissioners for nominating Officers; Debate thereon, adjourned.-Resumed; Report, recommitted-Names of Commissioners reported, and agreed; Continuance of their Power. Bill constituting them, and directing the granting Commissions in England and Scotland, to them, read twice, and committed, 4 June. Reported; Clause, touching signing the Commissions, added; Bill to be ingrossed. Passed.-Commander in Chief, approved; to receive his Commission from the Parliament. Vide Fleetwood, Lieutenant General.-Petition of Address of Officers, read; Petitioners thanked, 13; Petition to be considered. Considered; Votes for a free Commonwealth, without a single Person, or House of Lords; and for maintaining Magistracy and Ministry; and regulating Law and Equity; several Paragraphs of the Petition referred to a Committee of the whole House. Committee sits, 28 & 30 May.-1, 2. 15. 17. 23, 24. 27, 28, & 29 June.-Report from the Committee of Safety, touching paying the Arrears of the Army; Resolution, that speedy and effectual Care shall be taken for Payment thereof, and for certain Payment from Time to Time for the future; the Committee of Inspections to consider how these Votes may be made effectual, 16 May. Treasurers to pay what Money they were ordered to pay before the 7th Instant. -Order for additional Pay to the Forces about London. -Commissions to be made out Gratis; Clerks of the Council of State to write them; Order for bringing them into the House to be signed and delivered, 6 June. Form of a Colonel's Commission read, and agreed to, with Amendments. Same Commission, mutatis mutandis, to be given to inferior Officers. Several receive their Commissions, 8, 9, 10, 11. 13. 24. & 30 June.-1, 2. 7. 9. 11. 13, 14, 15. 19. 25, 26. & 30 July.-2. 4, 5, 6. 20. & 24 Aug.-A Committee to consider how they may be delivered to Officers in remote parts, 11 June.-Manner of delivering them, 25 July. The Commissioners for nominating Officers to take Care they be delivered.-To rank Officers according to their Seniority, notwithstanding the Dates of their Commissions, 28. -Judge Advocate appointed-Report touching the Want of the Soldiery; the Council of State to borrow Money to supply them, 28 June.-Upon Report from the Council of State that there are auxiliary Horse in readiness, referred to them to consider how they may be paid, 16 July. Report; Commissioners for nominating Officers, to consider upon what Musters they shall be paid.-The Council of State to consider from what Time the Pay of the Army shall begin.-Order of the Council of State for seizing 600 Horses for Dragoons, and giving the Owners the Publick Faith; and for referring it to the Committee of Safety to consider how they may be raised, severally reported and agreed to.- Adjutant Generals and Commissary General for Musters, approved.-Their Commissions delivered, 5 & 24 Aug. -Engineer General and Comptroller of the Artillery, approved.-House informed of an intended Address from the Army; Original Paper to be presented; Lieutenant General Fleetwood to bring in the Copy in his Hands; Paper intituled "The Petition and Proposals of the Officers under the "Command of Lord Lambert in the late Northern Expedi"tion," presented, Debate thereon, adjourned, 22. Resumed, and to be kept under Secrecy; Vote, that to have any more General Officers in the Army than are already settled by the Parliament, is needless, chargeable, and dangerous to the Commonwealth; to be communicated to the Officers.- Previous Question, that some Matters contained in the Proposals are unseasonable, and of dangerous Consequence, Neg.-Speaker to give Commissions to Officers formerly approved, 27 Sept.-To sign all that pass the House, 11 Jan. Commissions delivered, 11. 13. 18. 20. 23.-Order touching Payment of Arrears, 4 Oct.-Petition and Representation of the Officers to be considered; Petitioners thanked. Considered; Answers to the two first Proposals agreed to; a Committee to prepare an Answer to the third, 10. Answer reported, read, and agreed to; Answers to the fourth and fifth Proposals, agreed to; Sixth read, Debate thereon, adjourned. Resumed; Letter to Colonel John Okey, and printed Representation, with the Parliament's Answers, read; several principal Officers who subscribed the Letter, discharged; Order for next Officers to succeed them; Previous and main Questions, that the Army be governed by Commissioners, severally affirmative; Number agreed to; Commissioners appointed; Quorum; Bill for constituting them, read twice, and committed: reported, and passed-A Committee to consider of Answers to the 6th, 7th, and 8th Proposals.-Colonel Popham and others appointed to direct and order the Forces; Order for a Month's Pay for the private Soldiery; Order for mustering them, 26 Dec. Extended to Non Commission Officers, and Officers under the Degree of Captains. Order for issuing 15,000£. for that Use-For issuing 5,000£. more, 2 Jan. Troops that come from Portsmouth to be included in the Votes.-Forces in the Northern Counties to repair to such Quarters as the Commissioners shall appoint, and observe their Orders from Time to Time-Commissioners to remand Arms and Ammunition out of the Hands of Persons who are not in Obedience to the Parliament-No Forces to be raised without the Authority of Parliament-All that have been or shall be raised to be disbanded, except as excepted, 27; Order to be printed-Committee of the Army and Treasurers at War to be continued, with the former Powers and Instructions. A Committee to present Names-Bill for constituting them, read, 11 Jan. Committed. Reported; Committee and Treasurers appointed; Quorum of the Committee; Continuance of both; Bill to be ingrossed-Passed, and to be printed; Order for sitting of the Committee, 2 Feb.-Commissioner for the Army added, 28 Dec.-Proceedings of three of the Commissioners approved; Thanks thereupon; Officers appointed by them, confirmed. Power given them to call a Court Martial- Referred to Sir Arthur Haslerigg and others, to appoint Officers till further Orders.- Order for indemnifying all Officers and Soldiers who shall submit to the Parliament; Lambert to be included; Vote to be printed; the Council of State to see it put in Execution, 2 Jan.-Order for a Fortnight's Pay for the Forces that came out of Oxfordshire; the Committee of Inspections to see how the Money may be raised-Order for paying it forthwith, 6 Mar.-For paying them as the rest of the Army.-Commissioners to give Account to the Council of State, what Forces they have raised, and the Council of State to dispose of them, 4 Jan.-Commissary General of the Musters appointed.-Several Officers to be confined at their Houses furthest distant from London; the Council of State to send others to their Houses in the Country.- Commissioners of the Army to seize such as have not obeyed the Order, 9 Feb.-Order for a Month's Pay to the Forces come to London, 19 Jan.-Renewed, 13 Feb. Report, that the Money is unpaid; referred to the Committee of the Army-Judge Advocate and Adjutant appointed, 20 Jan.-General Moncke's List of the Distribution of the Soldiers into Quarters, read, and agreed to; Commissioners of the Army to see them distributed; Order touching paying for those drawn out of London, 30 Jan.-2 Feb.-For a Month's Pay for those quartered in and about London, 31 Jan.-1 Feb.-Order for those in Town to go to their Quarters.-Speaker to deliver Commissions to Officers after the Rising of the House; delivers them, 31 Jan.-To deliver them before the Sitting or after the Rising of the House, 1 Feb. Delivers them .- Commissary General of the Musters appointed; his Commission delivered.-The Committee of the Army to consider of the Form of an Oath to be taken by him and his Deputies, 1 Feb. -Bill for continuing Commissioners for the Government of the Army, ordered. Read. Previous and main Questions for settling the Commissioners, severally affirmative; Bill read Second Time; Commissioners appointed; Quorum; Continuance of their Powers; Bill passed, and to be printed. Act read; their Power to cease; Bill to repeal the Act, ordered. Bill to be presented. Read twice, and passed; Title thereof; Bill to be printed.-Order for paying all the Forces that came out of Scotland with General Moncke, 14 Feb. Order appointing him Captain General of all the Forces in the Three Nations. For a Commission to him. Vide Moncke.-Proclamation for the Officers to continue with their Soldiers, and for the Regiments to continue in their Quarters, without Special Order from Lord General.

Arundel, Martha, Petition read, and referred to the Commissioners for Irish Affairs; previous and main Questions, for giving her 20£. for her present Relief, severally affirmative, 18 July.

Arundell, Earl of, to be sent for, and safely brought over into England at his own Charge, 16 Sept.-Order for securing his Estate to his own Use till his Return-For a Letter to the Duke of Venice to secure him.

Ashfield, Colonel, appointed Colonel of a Regiment of Foot, 30 June-List of Officers therein, reported, 4 July. Read, and agreed to.-Order for discharging him from all Military Employments; Serjeant to carry it to him; Name of the next Superior in his Regiment to be presented, 12 Oct.-Order for consining him to his House furthest distant from London, 9 Jan. The Council of State to secure him, if he disobeys the Order.

Assessments, Draughts of Letters to the Commissioners to quicken the bringing them in, reported, read, and agreed to; Speaker to sign them, 20 June-3 & 23 Feb.-The Council of State to consider how the Assessments may be brought in, 29 July.-Report from them touching Obstructions; Bill to prevent them, ordered, 12 Mar. Read twice, and passed.-Bill declaring in what Cases it shall be high Treason to levy any Assessment, but by Consent of Parliament; and to make void all Patents, Grants, Acts, and Ordinances, since 19th April 1653, not made by this Parliament, read twice, and committed; reported, passed, and to be printed, 11 Oct.

Atkins, Serjeant, constituted One of the Justices of the Common Pleas till 30th June next, 14 May-His Petition to be read, 15 June. Order for continuing him, and renewing his Commission till 20th November next.

Atkinson, John, Petition read; Order for pardoning him, upon Security never to speak or act against the Parliament or Commonwealth, 9 Aug.

Attorney General, a Committee to present the Name of a fit Person for that Office, 9 Jan. Names of Attorney and Solicitor, reported, and agreed to; Order for Patents under the Great Seal.

Attorneys. Vide Bailiffs.

Aylesbury, Petition of the baptized Congregations assembled there, read; Petitioners thanked, 26 May.-Petition and Address of well-affected Inhabitants read; Petitioners thanked, 9 June.

A. 1651, 1652, & 1653.

BACKHOUSE, Thomas, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 1 July.

Bacon, Clipesby, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 28 Oct.

Bagg, George, 1652, Certificate from the Commissioners for compounding, read: Order for inserting his Name in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Lands, 16 Nov.

Bagshaw, Charles, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 28 Oct.

Bail, to be taken, 23 Mar. 1651.-20 May-15 Dec. 1652.

Barnes, Thomas, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 28 Oct.

Bainton, Sir Edward, 1653, Petition read, and referred to a Committee, 19 Apr.

Baker, Robert, 1652, a Committee to examine the Manner touching his Debt, 17 Nov.
-, - 1653, Debt of 1,782£. 13s. 4d. allowed; Liberty given him to double Part thereof, 6 Apr.

Balcarres, Earl of. Vide Crafurd, Earl of.

Ball, George, 1651, State of the Case upon the Charge of Delinquency against him, Rich. Coventrye and Robert Leen, reported; Order for discharging their Sequestrations, and restoring their Goods, and the Profits of their Lands, 1 Jan.
-, -Captain Andrew, 1652, Council of State to consider the Condition of his Relations, 8 Apr.
-, -1653, Report; Order for allowing 1,200£. One third to his Widow, Remainder to her Children; Commissioners of the Admiralty to see the Money allotted to the Children secured for their Use, 15 Apr.

Bamber, Edward, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 1 July.
-, -Joseph, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 28 Oct.

Bamster, Anne, 1651, Petition and Case referred to the Committee of the Navy, 20 Nov.

Barbadoes, 1651, Letters from thence, with Sir George Aiskew's Declaration to the Inhabitants; several Letters between him and Lord Willoughby, with Sir George's Summons, and Lord Willoughby's Answer, read, 17 Feb.
-, -1652, Letters touching the Rendition of the Island; Articles thereupon, and other Papers read, and referred to the Council of State, 23 Apr.-Order for making Report, 3 Aug. Articles agreed to, with a Proviso.

Barker, Alexander, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 1 July.
-, -Matthew, 1652, desired to preach, 28 Oct.
-, - John, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 28 Oct.

Barkstead, Colonel John, 1652, Previous and main Questions for appointing him Lieutenant of the Tower, severally Affirmative, 12 Aug.

Barnardi, Francis. Vide Genoa.

Barnes, Thomas, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 28 Oct.

Barnett, John, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 26 Oct.

Barrett, Edward, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 Nov.

Barriere, Sieur de. Vide Conde, Prince of.

Barton, Edward, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 Nov.

Bartram, George, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 Nov.

Basse. Vide Scotland.

Bastian, James, 1651, his Information against Sir Peter Temple read, 21 Jan. Vide Temple, Sir Peter.

Bawd, William, 1652, Commissioners for compounding to state his Case; inserting his Name in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, respited, 13 July.
-, -Thomas, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 Nov.

Baxter, Colonel, 1651, Order for reducing his Regiment to 1,000 Men, 10 Sept.

Baynes, Mr. 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 1 July.

Beake, Arnold. Vide Moore, Samuel.
-, -Margaret, 1652, Order for giving her 20£. to the Use of her Child, 28 May.

Beare, Nicolas, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 27 Oct.

Beasley, Thomas, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 28 Oct.
-, -George, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 Nov.

Beauchamt, Mr. 1652, a Committee to examine the Charge of Corruption against him, as Clerk to the Trustees for Sale of the late King's Goods, 25 Jan.

Beaumont, Lady, 1652, her Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 13 July.
-, -Richard, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 27 Oct.

Bedford, County, 1651, Order appointing a High Sheriff, and for a Commission under the Great Seal, 4 Nov.-Misnomer to be amended; Leave given him to go out of the County from Time to Time, 10 Dec.-Commissioners for the Assessments, added.
-, - 1652, Order appointing a High Sheriff, and for a Commission under the Great Seal, 12 Nov. Leave given to come out of the Country.

Beer. Vide Ale.

Bellingham, Henry, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 Nov.

Belzees Manor, 1651, Upon Report from the Committee of Obstructions, Resolution for discharging it from several Rents, with the Arrearages thereof; Act for that Purpose ordered, 31 Dec.
-, -1652, Read twice; Question for Ingrossment, Neg. Act passed, 7 Apr.

Benbow, Captain, 1651, Resolution that he is a sit Person to be brought to Trial-That he be tried by a Court Martial; Council of State to see the Vote put in Execution, 11 Sept.- Letter with the Resolutions of the Court upon him, read, 7 Oct.

Bennett, Robert, 1651, Order for admitting him into the House upon his Election for Westlowe, 28 Oct.
-, -Captain William, 1652, Petition of his Widow read; Order for paying her 200£. for her own Use, and 50£. to each of her Children, in full Discharge of Sums formerly granted them, 27 Aug.
-, -Thomas, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 Nov.
-, -Ephraim, 1653, Certificate touching him; Order for passing his Pardon under the Great Seal, 15 Apr.

Benson, Colonel Gervase, 1652, Petition of Officers; Care of his Regiment referred to the Committee of Petitions, 27 Aug. -Another read and referred to the Committee of the Army, 14 Jan.

Berks, County, 1651, Order appointing a High Sheriff, and for a Commission under the Great Seal, 4 Nov.-Liberty given him to come to London, 3 Feb.-Commissioners for the Assessments added, 19 Dec.
-, -1652, More added, 15 July-Order appointing High Sheriff, and for a Commission under the Great Seal; Leave given him to live out of the County during the Year, 12 Nov. -Order for discharging him and appointing another, 2 Dec.
-, -Earl of, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 Nov.

Berry, John, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 1 July.

Beventon, Judith, 1651, Petition and Case referred to the Committee of the Army, 20 Nov.

Bible, 1652, Members to prepare a Bill for a new Translation thereof, and present Names of fit Persons to be employed in that Service, 11 Jan.-Bill read, 4 Mar.

Biddulph, John, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 21 July.
-, -Francis, 1652, Petition; Order for inserting his Name in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 21 July.

Bidlake, Henry, 1652, Certificate from the Commissioners for compounding touching him; Order for inserting his Name in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 16 Nov.

Biggs, Richard, 1653, Petition read; Previous and main Questions that his Execution be staid for a Month, and that the Judges certify the true State of the Matter of Fact, severally Affirmative, 8 Apr.

Bingham, Colonel John, 1651, Petition read; Question for allowing him the Pre-emption of certain Lands, Neg. 9 Dec.

Birch, Colonel Thomas, 1651, his Letters with Letter inclosed, read, 29 Aug.-Another read, 1 Sept.-Order for admitting him to double upon the Purchase of Delinquents Lands, 28 Jan.

Bircles, Ellen, 1651, Upon Lord General's Certificate that her Husband was slain at Worcester, Order for paying her 50£. for her present Subsistence, 16 Dec.

Birtnisle, Thomas, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 1 July.

Bishops, 1651, State of the Matter of Fact touching the Sale of their Lands, reported; Order thereupon; Report referred to the Committee of Obstructions to consider why the Sales have not been perfected, 1 Oct.
-, -1652, Petition of Contractors for Sale thereof, read, and referred to a Committee, with Power to consider what Lands are unsold, and how Monies due for those sold may be speedily brought in; same Committee to prepare Bill for Confirmation of the Sale thereof, 6 Apr.-Report, 27 Aug. Vide Ireton, John-Salaries to the Officers suspended, 2 June- Order touching Payment of Arrears due upon Purchasers, 10 Nov.

Blagrave, Sir John, 1652, Petition read, and referred to the Committee on the Bill for enabling Infants to suffer Recoveries, 26 Aug.
-, -Mr. 1652, Information against him read; O'Neale examined, Mr. Blagrave to have Notice to attend; 9 Feb. Attends; Information read; heard thereupon; Information referred to a Committee, with Power to examine upon Oath.

Blake, Colonel Thomas, 1651, Report from Council of State, that he is a fit Person to be made an Example of, and to be tried by the High Court of Justice, 6 Nov.
-, -Colonel Robert, 1651, Resolution for continuing his Command at Sea nine Months longer; Council of State to present the Names of two fit Persons to be joined with him, 25 Feb.
-, -1652, Persons appointed; 26 Nov. His Letter read, and referred to the Council of State; his Transactions approved; Letter of Thanks ordered-Council of State to give Account why the Fleet is so ill provided with Victuals, and to take a speedy Course for Supply of all Necessaries, 21 May. Other Letters read, 8 & 10 June. Council of State to give him such farther Directions as they shall think fit.- Other Letters read, 6 July.-3 & 5 Aug.-5 Oct.- Appointed One of the Council of State, 25 Nov. Council of State to send him a Commission for present governing the Fleet.-Order for bestowing upon him 500£. 8 Feb.

Blakeston, Mr. 1652, his Case referred back to the Commissioners for compounding, 3 Nov.

Bland, Adam, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 Nov.

Blaney, Lady, 1651, Order for continuing her weekly Pension six Months longer, 21 Nov.
-, -1652, her Petition referred to the Committee of Petitions, 27 Aug.-Order for making Report, 8 Mar. Report; Resolution for paying her 300£. to pay her Debts, and transport her into Ireland.

Blasphemies and Heresies, 1651, Ordinance for punishing them to be read for further Consideration, 8 Oct.

Blundell, Susannah, 1652, Petition read; Resolution for settling Lands in Ireland of 300£. per Annum, on her and her Children, and their Heirs; Commissioners to set them out and put her in Possession, 27 Aug.

Blunt, Sir Walter, and Walter, 1652, their Names to be in serted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 Nov. -The Name of Sir Charles to be inserted of Walter.

Boderham, Sir Francis, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 28 Oct.
-, -Sir Wingfield, 1652, Question for inserting his Name in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Lands, Neg. 10 Nov.

Bond, Mr. 1651, desired to preach, 20 Aug. Thanked, and to print his Sermon.
-, -John, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 28 Oct.
-, -Dennis, appointed One of the Council of State, 24 Nov. 1651.-25 Nov. 1652.

Bonnell, Monsieur Benjamin, 1652. Vide Sweden.

Boone, Richard, 1651, his Case referred to Council of State, with Power to determine it, and dispense with his Forfeiture and Confiscation, 17 Feb.

Booth, Sir George, 1651, his Letter read, 12 Sept.

Boothby, Colonel, 1652, Commissioners for compounding to certify the State of his Case, with the Proofs, and Judgment given by them, 3 Nov.

Bootle, Robert, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 1 July.

Borlace, Lady, 1651, Order for continuing her weekly Pension six Months longer, 21 Nov.
-, -1652, her Petition read, and referred to the Committee of Petitions, 27 Aug.-Order for paying her the Remainder of the Money collected upon the last Fast, 9 Feb.

Borradale, John, 1652, his Certificate reported, 9 Nov.

Borrington, Humphrey, 1652, Order for accepting his Fine, if paid with Interest by a Day appointed, and for discharging his Sequestration upon Payment thereof, 10 Nov.

Bostock, Edward, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 26 Oct.

Bovett, Lieut. Colonel, 1652, Petition referred to Committee of Petitions, 27 Aug.

Bourchier, Sir John, 1652, appointed One of the Council of State, 25 Nov.

Bordeaux, 1651, Petition of Merchants trading thither, read and referred to the Council of State, 30 Dec.-State of their Case reported; Question for ordering the Ship and Lading to be restored free from Seizure or Confiscation, Neg. 9 Jan.

Bourdeaux, Sieur de. Vide France.

Bower, Mrs. 1652, Order for paying her 40 s. out of the last Collection, 9 Feb.

Bowes, Richard, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 Nov.

Bowles, Mr. 1652, desired to preach, 15 Mar. Excused, 24.

Bradley, John, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 1 July.
-, - James, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 28 Oct.
-, - Colonel John, 1653, Petition to be read, 5 Apr.

Bradock, Castle, 1652. Vide Scotland.

Bradshaw, Richard, 1651, Petition read; Order for admitting him to double upon the Purchase of Delinquents Estates, 23 Jan.
-, - Richard, 1652, his Letter from Hamburgh with Paper inclosed, read, 28 Apr.-Another read, 30 July.- Another reported from Council of State, read, and returned, 14 Oct.-Another read, 13 Jan.-Another with Papers inclosed, read, and referred to Council of State, 28.
-, - 1653, Another read, 7 Apr.
-, - John, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 1 July.
-, - Serjeant, appointed One of the Council of State, 24 Nov. 1651 & 1652.

Bragge, John, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 Nov.

Brailesford, George, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 28 Oct.

Brand, William, 1652, Commissioners for compounding to state his Case; Inserting his Name in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, respited, 13 July.-Order for inserting it, 3 Nov.

Brathwaite, Antony, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 27 Oct.

Bray, Captain William, 1651, Report from Council of State concerning him; referred to them to do as they shall think fit in his Business, 5 Sept.
-, - 1652, Order for discharging him from his Imprisonment; Speaker to issue a Warrant for that Purpose, 30 Oct.

Brentford, New, 1652, Former Augmentation to be continued to the present Minister, 10 Feb.

Brereton, Sir William, 1652, Petition read; the Committee on the Bill for Adventurers in Ireland, to prepare a Clause for his Relief, 6 Aug.-Appointed One of the Council of State, 25 Nov.

Bretland, John, 1652, Petition read; Order for inserting his Name in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 26 Oct.

Brewster, Captain Humphrey, 1651, the Committee of Accounts at Worcester House to examine and state his Accounts for his Arrears and Disbursements, 31 Oct.
-, - 1652, Order amended, 8 Sept.

Bridges, James, 1651, Resolution that he is a fit Person to be brought to Trial.-That he be tried by a Court Martial; the Council of State to see Vote put in Execution, 11 Sept.

Brigham, William, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 Nov.

Bristol, 1651, Letter from the Commissioners of the Militia, read; Order for Letter of Thanks, Speaker to sign it, 29 Aug.
-, - 1652, Petition of Merchants Adventurers, read; Report touching their transporting Calves Skins and Welsh Butter; the Committee of the Navy to hear and determine the Business; Order for stay of Proceedings at Law, 8 Feb.- Letter from Mayor, & c. read; Order for Letter of Thanks for their Care of sick and wounded Soldiers and Seamen, Speaker to sign it, 1 Mar.
-, - 1653, Petition of Mayor, & c. read; Order for discharging the Arrears of Fee-farm Rents due for the Castle; -Castle to be dismantled and disgarisoned; -The Committee of the Revenue to pay the City 100£. for the Use thereof, 5 Apr.

Brockhall, Thomas, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 1 July.

Broghill, Lord, 1651, Act for settling certain Lands and Tenements on him and his Heirs, read twice, and committed, 1 Oct.-Committees added, 11 Dec.
-, - 1652, his Petition read, and referred to the Committee on the Bill for Adventurers in Ireland, to consider how Lands of 1,000£. per Annum may be settled on him and his Heirs, 6 Aug.

Brooke, Thomas, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 Nov.

Broughton, Edward, 1651, Report from the Council of State that he is a fit Person to be made an Example of, and tried by the High Court of Justice, 6 Nov.
-, - John, 1652, Previous Question, for nominating him High Sheriff for Flintshire, Neg. 12 Nov.

Browne, John, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 28 Oct.
-, - George, 1652, Commissioners for compounding to hear and determine his Appeal, 3 Nov.
-, - Lieutenant, 1651, his Widow's Petition and Case, referred to the Committee of the Navy, 20 Nov.

Brudenell, Lord, 1652, Commissioners for compounding to state his Case-Inserting his Name into the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, respited, 13 July.

Buckingham, Nicholas, 1652, Pardon for him read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 9 Mar.

Bucks, County, 1651, Order appointing a High Sheriff, and for a Commission under the Great Seal, 4 Nov. Misnomer, amended.-Commissioners for the Assessments, added, 19 Dec.
-, - 1652, Order appointing a High Sheriff, and for a Commission under the Great Seal, 12 Nov. Leave given to go out of the County.

Budding, William, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for the Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 Nov.

Buildings, 1651, Bill for reforming them ordered, 11 Mar.

Bull, Frances, 1651, Petition and Case referred to the Committee of the Army, 20 Nov.

Buller, Colonel, 1651, Report from the Council of State that he is a fit Person to be made an Example of, and tried before the High Court of Justice, 6 Nov.

Bulmer, William, and Antony, 1652, their Names to be inserted in the Bill for the Sale of Delinquents Estates, 1 July.

Burdon, Mary, 1651, Petition and Case referred to the Committee of the Army, 20 Nov.

Burlace, Nicholas, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for the Sale of Delinquents Estates, 26 Oct.-Question for striking it out, Neg. 18 Nov.

Burleton, Edward, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 27 Oct.

Burrell, Abraham, 1651, appointed one of the Council of State, 25 Nov.

Burscoe, Gilbert, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 1 July.

Burslam, Cornet, 1651, his Widow's Petition and Case referred to the Committee of the Army, 20 Nov.

Burton, William, 1651, Order for pardoning him and discharging his Sequestration, 30 Aug.
-, - Major William and others, 1651, their Narrative reported and read; Resolution for dispensing with the Forfeiture and Confiscation of two Ships and their Lading, 17 Feb.
-, - Sarah and Henry, 1651, Petition read; Resolution for settling Lands of 100£. per Annum, on each of them; Clause for that Purpose in the additional Act for Sale of Delinquents Lands, ordered, 17 Feb.

Busby, John, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 13 July.

Butler, William, 1652, Petition read; Order for inserting his Name in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Lands, 1 July.
-, - Robert and Richard, 1652, their Names to be inserted in the Bill for the Sale of Delinquents Estates, 1 July.
-, -Edward and Henry, 1652, their Names to be inserted in the Bill for the Sale of Delinquents Estates, 28 Oct.
-, -Mrs. 1652, her Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 Nov.

Butter, 1652, Act to repeal the Statute restraining the Transportation thereof, ordered, 30 Apr.-To be read, 26 May. -Read twice, and committed, 3 June.

Button, Captain Edmund, 1653, upon Report that he was slain in the late Engagement with the Dutch; Order for paying his Widow 400£. One half to herself, and the other to her Children, 15 Apr.

A. 1653.

BALDWIN, Mr. appointed Minister of Pembry, 16 Nov.

Bamford, Captain James, upon Report from the Committee of the Navy, Order for allowing his Widow and Child 250£. for their Maintenance, 28 Nov.

Barking, Petition of Inhabitants referred to the Committee of Petitions, 7 Sept.-Report; Order for setting out Ground to build a House for a Meeting Place, and for Timber towards building it; Bill for that Purpose ordered, 9.

Barton, Colonel, appointed One of the Council of State, 1 Nov.

Bedford County, Order appointing High Sheriff, and for a Commission under the Great Seal, 10 Nov. Leave given him to dwell out of the County.

Bendish, Sir Thomas, Letters to him, the Grand Seignior and Grand Vizir, reported, read and agreed to, 16 Aug.

Bennett, Colonel, appointed One of the Council of State, 9 July -1 Nov

Berks, County, Order appointing High Sheriff, and for a Commission under the Great Seal, 10 Nov.-for discharging him; and appointing another.

Bicks, Richard, Petition read; Order for reprieving him; Sheriff to forbear Execution, 22 Aug.

Biddeford, Petition of the Church there, read, 26 Aug. Vide Religion.

Bidlake, Henry, Petition reported and read; Trustees to proceed in the Sale of his Estate, 3 Oct.

Bingham, Colonel, appointed One of the Council of State, 1 Nov.

Birkhead, Mr. a Committee to consider his Claim and Qualification for the Office of Serjeant; Quorum, appointed, 7 July. Report; previous Question for allowing his Patent, Affirmative, main Question, Neg. Resolution that he shall be Serjeant. Vide Serjeant.

Births. Vide Marriages.

Blackford, Mr. Question for appointing him Clerk Assistant, Neg. 12 Aug.

Blake, General Robert, Order for presenting him with a Gold Chain; Vote to be communicated to him, 8 Aug.-Takes his Seat as a Member; thanked for his great and faithful Services, 10 Oct.-Appointed One of the Generals of Sea, 2 Dec.

Borlace, Lady, Order for continuing and paying her Pension and Arrears out of Haberdashers Hall, 24 Aug.-for charging it upon Goldsmiths or Haberdashers Hall, and either of them, 19 Sept.

Bradshaw, Mr. his Letter read; the Council of State to consider of continuing him Resident at Hamburgh, with such Instructions as they shall think fit, 30 July.

Bremen, Copy of Credentials from the Consul and Senators to their Deputy, read; Question, that he have Audience by Commission, Neg. the Council of State to give him Audience; Master of the Ceremonies to acquaint him therewith, 29 July.

Briefs, Information of counterfeited Briefs; the Council of State to suppress them, and prevent the like Abuses for the future, 9 Sept.

Bristol, Petition of Inhabitants, and Mayor's Certificate, read; Resolution for enquiring into a Riot mentioned therein, 15 Aug.

Broghill, Lord, Order for settling a House and Lands, in Ireland of 1,000£. per Annum on him and his Heirs; Commissioners to cause a Survey upon Oath, set them out, and settle them accordingly, 8 Sept.

Broughton, Mr. appointed One of the Council of State, 14 July.

Brownlow, Sir William, appointed One of the Council of State, 1 Nov.

Bucks, County, Order appointing High Sheriff, and for a Commission under the Great Seal, 10 Nov. Leave given him to dwell out of the County.

Buller, Colonel Antony, his Petition and Proposals, read, and referred to the Commissioners for Scottish and Irish affairs, 4 Aug.

Bungay, Petition of poor distressed Inhabitants; Order for a Patent for Collections in several Counties; Continuance thereof, 15 Aug.

Burials. Vide Marriages.

Burton, Sarah, Order for settling Lands in Ireland of 200£. per Annum on her, her Son, and his Heirs; Commissioners there to set them out, and settle them accordingly, 3 Sept.

A. 1654.

BAIL to be taken, 5 Oct.

Barley. Vide Corn.

Barton, Colonel Nathanael, House informed that he is returned as a Member, tho' in Italy; Orders for the Committee of Elections to consider the Business, and all other Cases of the like Nature, 9 Oct.

Bastwick, Susannah, Petition read; a Committee to consider how the Money mentioned therein may be satisfied, 16 Nov.

Bath new Writ, 6 Oct.

Beans. Vide Corn.

Bedford Town new Writ, 5 Oct.

Beer, a Committee to consider of the Transportation thereof, and of the Prices fit when it shall be transported, 31 Oct.

Biddle, John, a Committee to consider of two Books; One intituled, " The Apostolical and True Opinion concerning "the Holy Trinity revived and asserted, or Twelve Argu"ments out of Scripture; wherein the commonly-received "Opinion touching the Deity of the Holy Ghost is clearly "and fully resuted;" the other intituled, " A Two-fold "Catechism;" both by John Biddle; with Power to restrain the Author, suppress his School and the Books, and send for Printer and Publisher; Former voted to contain Impious and Blasphemous Opinions against the Deity of the Holy Ghost, and to be burnt by the common Hangman; Sheriffs to seize Copies, and see them burnt; Biddle ordered into Custody, 12 Dec.-Examined; Order for committing him close Prisoner to the Gatehouse, without Pen, Ink, and Paper-Report touching his, Moones, and Cotterells, Contempt of the Committee; Order thereupon. Vide Privileges.-Further Report; Parts of the Books read; Resolution, that they are full of Horrid, Blasphemous, and Heretical Opinions; The Two-fold Catechism to be burnt by the common Hangman; Stationers Company to seize the Copies, and deliver them to Sheriffs; Sheriffs to see them burnt, 15 Jan.

Bills, Previous Question for considering the Manner of presenting them to Lord Protector, Neg. 18 Jan.

Birch, Colonel, Order for paying his Debt, with Interest, 3 Nov.

Birkhead, Mr. chosen Serjeant, 4 Sept. Vide Serjeant.

Bishops, Resolution, that all Sales of their Lands shall be valid, 15 Dec. Vide Government.

Brewer, John, appointed Register for Sale of Bishops Lands, 7 Nov.

Butter. Vide Corn.

A. 1656, & 1657.

BAIL, 1657, to be taken, 26 June.

Barker, Mr. 1656, desired to assist in carrying on the Work of Humiliation, 1 Jan.-Thanked, and to print his Sermon.

Barley. Vide Corn.

Barnes, Harman and Mary, 1656, their Names to be inserted in a Naturalization Bill, 6 Oct. Vide Tanturier.

Barnesley, Charles and Son, 1656, Bill enabling their Trustees to sell Lands, & c. read, 12 Dec.-Committed, 9 Feb.- Committee revived; Order for their meeting; Committees added, 6 Mar.

Bastardy, 1656, a Committee to revise Acts touching Bastardy, Adultery, and Fornication, and reduce them into One Law, 4 Oct.

Bastwick, Susannah and Children, 1656, Petition read, and referred to a Committee, 9 Feb.-Order for making Report, 11 & 24 Mar.
-, -1657, Like Order, 30 Mar.-1 Apr.-Report; Bill for settling Lands in Ireland on her, her Children, and their Heirs, ordered-To be read, 2 May; Read, 11; Order for Second Reading. Bill committed. To be reported. Reported, and to be ingrossed; Passed; Protector's Consent to be desired-Protector's Consent, 9 June.

Beavor, Michael, 1657. Vide Privileges.

Bedford, Earl of, 1657, Petition read, and referred to the Committee on the Bill for Buildings, 9 May-His Case reported, and read; Question, that there is sufficient Ground to admit a Proviso for exempting his Buildings out of the Bill, Neg.-Resolution, for abating him and his Brothers 7,000£. out of their Fines, 5 June.

Benson, Colonel, 1657, Protector's Letter for Confirmation of Orders touching his Regiment; Debate thereon; to be recommended to Protector, and the Council of State to determine the Business, 26 June.

Bermondsey and Rotherhith, 1657, Petition of Inhabitants, read, and referred to the Committee on the Bill for Buildings, 9 May. Vide Buildings.

Berwick, North. Vide Pebles.
-, - upon Tweed, 1657, new Writ, 26 Mar.

Bibles, 1656, Report from the Grand Committee for Religion about false Printing them to be made, 20 Nov.
-, - 1657, Made; Order for seizing 7,900 Copies in the Hands of the Company to prevent the Sale thereof-For Field to get in such Books as have been sold of that Impression, and attend, 11 June.

Bickley, Anne, and Francis Burghill, 1656, Petition read; Bill for pardoning them, ordered, 24 Apr.

Bills, 1656, a Committee to consider of the Way of Address to Lord Protector, with Bills, 26 Sept.-Manner reported, 1 & 14 Oct. Same Committee to attend him with the Votes thereupon-House acquainted he is ready to give his Answer; same Committee to receive it, 15 Nov. His Consent signified, with an Amendment.-Bills rejected, 2, 3. & 29 Oct.-2 & 29 Nov.-19, 20. & 27 Dec. -29 Jan.-Bill delivered back without opening, on account of Erasements and Interlineations, 20 Oct.-Question, for rejecting a Bill, Neg. 1 Nov.-Bills before Committees to be dispatched-Receive Protector's Consent-Public to be printed, -Bill laid aside without a Question upon the general Sense of the House, 18 Dec.
-, - 1657, a Committee to consider what Public Bills are necessary to be passed before Adjournment or Prorogation, 27 May-Bill of Supply committed to a particular Committee, with Proviso that it be be not drawn into Precedent 1 June-Bills amended after passing-Receive Protector's Consent-Bill read thrice, and passed.

Births. Vide Marriages.

Bishops, 1656, Bill for settling Advowsons, Right of Patronage and Presentations belonging to late Bishops, Deans, and Deans and Chapters, read; Question, for second Reading, Neg. Bill rejected, 2 Oct.-A Committee to require an Account of the Trustees and Contractors for Sale of their Lands touching Obstructions, and what Monies are in those Treasuries, or due from the Purchasers.

Blackwell, John, 1656, Bill for establishing Lands in Ireland on him and his Heirs, and for confirming Letters Patents to him made, read, 26 Dec. Committed-Committees added, 2 Jan.-Committee revived; Order for their meeting, 15 Mar.
-, - 1657, Bill reported, and to be ingrossed, 2 Apr.-Protector's Consent to be desired, 2 May-Protector's Consent, 9 June.

Blake, Admiral Robert, 1657, Order for Letter of Thanks to him and his Officers for their eminent Services in the late Action against the Spanish Fleet-For presenting him with a Jewel of 500£. Value; Protector's Consent to be desired, 28 May; Signified, 29-Protector to be desired to issue his Privy Seal for paying him 3,815£. 16s. out of the Prize Office, in Satisfaction for his personal Pay in the Land Service, 18 June.

Bonds, Vide Suits unnecessary.

Bourchier, Mary, 1656, a Committee to consider a Bond given her, and examine what Interest or Title any Person has to the Money, and whether it does not belong to the State, 30 Dec.-Report; Resolution, that it was given for the Use of the State; Order for delivering it up-Petition of her Executrix, read, and referred to the Committee, 6 Mar.

Brecon County, 1656, new Writ, 2 Oct.

Brick-kilns. Vide Buildings.

Bridges, Colonel John, 1656, Petition read; Commissioners for Accounts to state his Accounts, and give him Debentures for Arrears due to him; Trustees for Sale of the late King's Lands to give him Bonds thereupon, 7 Mar.

Bridgewater, 1656, new Writ, 25 Sept.

Brimslade and Severnock Parks, 1656, Bill for erecting a Church, settling a Ministry, and establishing a Parish there and in Parts adjacent, read, 14 Feb.

Bristol, 1656, Petition of Mayor, & c. read, 18 Dec. Vide Quakers.-Bill explaining a former Act for Maintenance of Ministers there, to be read, 25 Dec. Read 30.
-, -1657, Order for Second Reading, 1 Apr. Bill committed-Reported, and to be ingrossed, 1 June; Passed; Protector's Consent, 26.

Broghill, Lord, 1657, Bill for settling Lands in Ireland of 1,000£. per Annum on him and his Heirs, read, 2 Apr.- Committed, 22 May-Reported, and to be ingrossed, 1 June; Read Third time; Clause read twice, and committed, 5. Reported; other Clauses added; Bill passed, and to be printed, 24-Protector's Consent.

Brokage, 1656, Debate touching it referred to a Committee, 24 Dec.

Brooke, Sir William, 1656, Petition of his Daughters read, and referred to a Committee, 12 Dec. Vide Cobham, Lord.

Browne, John, 1657. Vide Privileges.

Buck, John, 1656, Petition read, and referred to a Committee, 19 Jan.-Report touching Persons refusing to attend them, 21 Feb. Vide Privileges.
-, -Mrs. 1657. Vide Privileges.

Buildings, 1656, Bill to prevent the Multiplicity of them in and about the Suburbs of London, and within ten Miles thereof, ordered, 13 Feb.-Read, 14 Mar.
-, -1657, Order for Second Reading, 1 Apr.-Bill committed, 9 May; Committee to prepare the Bill, so that Commissioners may be named by Lord Protector; Power given to fill up Blanks-Bill to be reported, 2 June; Reported, and recommitted, 11; Bill to be ingrossed, 12; Read Third time; Provisoes added; One recommitted, 19; Others added; Bill passed; Protector's Consent to be desired, 20; Protector's Consent.

Bullion, 1657, Bill for encouraging the Importation thereof, read, 8 June; Committed, 9; Reported and recommitted, 22

Bullock, Edward, 1656, Petition to be read, 16 & 24 Mar.
-, -1657, read, and referred to a Committee, 30 Mar. Committees added, 9 May.-1 June.

Burbridge, John, 1656, Petition reported; Resolution for banishing him; Protector to be moved for a Reprieve, 6 Oct.

Burghill, Francis. Vide Brickley, Anne.

Burgoine, Lewis, 1656, his Name to be inserted in a Naturalization Bill, 6 Oct. Vide Tanturier.

Burials. Vide Marriages.

Burton, Thomas, 1656, Speaker acquaints the House he had received Articles against him; Hilary examined; Certificates on Mr. Burton's Behalf, read; Articles and Certificates referred to a Committee, 16 Oct. Report; Question, that Mr. Burton is Guilty, Neg. Hilary to be committed to Newgate; Serjeant to take him into Custody, and deliver him over to the Keeper; Form of Speaker's Warrant for that Purpose.-Hilary's Petition read; Order for his Discharge, 19 Feb.

Busby, Richard, 1656, Petition reported; Resolution for banishing him; Protector to be moved for a Reprieve, 6 Oct.

Butler, Colonel Robert, 1656, Petition read, and referred to a Committee, 21 Feb.

Butter. Vide Corn.

Byron, Ernestus, and Sir Edward Lucy, 1656, Petition to be read, 23 Dec.-6 Jan.-4 & 7 Feb. Read, and referred to a Committee. Committee empowered to send for Persons, & c. 11. Order for making Report, -Report; Commissioners for Sequestered Estates to compound with him, 6 Mar.

A. 1658 & 1659.

BAMPFIELD, Thomas, desired to take the Chair during Speaker's Indisposition, 16 Mar.-Chosen Speaker upon his Death, 15 Apr. Vide Speaker.

Berealston new Writ, 2 Mar.

Birkhead, Serjeant, Exception taken at his coming into the House before chosen; withdraws; chosen; Clerk Assistant calls him in, 27 Jan. Vide Serjeant.

Bish, Mr. Vide Privileges.

Bossiney new Writ, 23 Feb.-Election and double Return; Report; One Return to be withdrawn, 8 Apr.

Boteler, Major General, Previous and main Questions, that he be put out of the Commission of the Peace, severally affirmative; a Committee to prepare Impeachment against him, 12 Apr.

Boulton, Thomas. Vide Privileges.

Bramber new Writ, 11 Feb.

Brecon County new Writ, 12 Feb.

Browne, Major General, Information that a Debt appointed by former Parliament to be paid him, with Interest, is fill unpaid; a Committee to consider thereof-Vote for discharging him from all his Places in London vacated; Order for restoring him; Lord Mayor, & c. to see the Order put in Executiou, 26 Mar.

Buckingham, Duke of, Petition read; Resolution, that he be discharged from his Imprisonment, upon engaging upon his Honour and Lord Fairfax's Security, that he will demean himself peaceably hereafter, 21 Feb. Speaker's Speech to him; his Answer; engages himself; Order for his Discharge.

A. 1659.

BACON, Nathanael and Francis, their Cases referred to the Committee touching absent Members, 5 Jan.

Bail to be taken, 22 Feb.

Bailiffs and Juries, the Council of State to take Care People are not wronged by them in the next Circuit; a Committee to prepare a Bill for preventing Mischief from them, Solicitors, Attornies, and Under Sheriffs, 20 June.

Baker, James, his Letter read, 1 Aug.
-, -John, ordered into Custody as a Delinquent and Debtor to the State, 21 Sept. Commissioners for bringing in the Arrears, to send for and treat with him.

Balfore, Christian, her Case reported; Order for continring her Pension, and paying the Arrears thereof, 15 Mar.

Ballast, Petition of Masters and Owners of Ships touching the Monopoly thereof, read, and referred to a Committee with Power to consider other Monopolies, 7 June-Committees added, 5 July; Report; Patent voted a Monopoly, and illegal, and null and void; Order for taking it off the File, or erasing it.

Bampfield, Sir Coppleston, to be sent for in Custody, 7 Feb. Order for his Discharge.

Barker, Jervase, Order for reprieving him for a Fortnight, 19 Aug.

Barners, Josiah, appointed One of the Council of State, 16 May -2 Jan.

Barnes, Mr. Report from the Council of State touching his Commitment for sending Arms into the Country, and denying several Suits hidden in his House; Commitment approved; referred back to them to do as they shall think fit with him; Sir Arthur Hasslerigg to acquaint the House with the whole Business, 23 May.

Barnstaple. Vide Blague, Martin.

Barr, Adam, Order for reprieving him for three Months-For a Certificate of the Matter of Fact, and the Discovery he shall make, 30 May-For sending him from Scotland to Lancaster Gaol; Justices of Peace to examine what Discoveries he has made, and certify them, 15 July.

Barrett, William, Order for keeping him in Prison, 30 June.

Barrow, Colonel Robert, Order for discharging him from all military Employments; Serjeant to carry it to him; Name of the next superior Officer in his Regiment to be presented, 12 Oct.-Order for confining him to his House farthest distant from London, 9 Jan. Council of State to secure him if he disobeys it.

Barton, Major, Order for discharging him from his Imprisonment, 27 Dec.-Commissioners for the Army to take Care he be preferred according to his Merit, 6 Jan. Appointed Major of a Regiment.

Basnett, Thomas, and Thomas Hobson, ordered into Custody, as Delinquents and Debtors to the State, 21 Sept. Commissioners for bringing in Arrears to send for and treat with them.-Report, that their Security has deposited more Money than they owe; Order for their Discharge, 1 Oct.

Bastwick, Susannah, Order for continuing her Pension, and paying the Arrears thereof, 14 Mar.

Bates, Augustine, Petition read, and referred to the Committee of Prisoners for Conscience sake, 21 May.

Beane, Humphrey, ordered into Custody as a Delinquent and Debtor to the State, 21 Sept. Commissioners for bringing in Arrears to send for and treat with him.-His Propositions reported and agreed to; Order for his Discharge upon Security to render himself to Serjeant, when required, 7 Oct.

Bedford County, Petition of well-affected Freeholders and others, read; Petitioners thanked, 15 June. Another of well-affected Justices and others, read; Petitioners thanked.-Custos Rotulorum appointed; Commissioners for the Assessment added, 6 Mar.

Beer, Vide Wine.

Bellingham, Thomas, and Richard Potter, Bill for Sale of their Lands read twice and committed, 5 Aug.

Bennett, Colonel, injoined to attend, 24 Jan.

Benson, Mr. Question that he be sent for in Custody, Neg. 7 Feb.

Berks County, Custos Rotulorum appointed, 25 June.- Commissioners for the Militia added, 15 Aug.

Berrye, Colonel James, appointed a Commissioner for nominating Officers, 13 May-List of Officers in his Regiment, read, and approved.-The Council of State to present a Commission for him, with a Blank for the Continuance. Vide Army. Commissions delivered to him and his Officers, 10 June.-Order for discharging him from all military Employments; Serjeant to carry it to him; Name of the next superior Officer in his Regiment to be presented, 12 Oct.- Order for confining him to his House furthest distant from London, 9 Jan. The Council of State to secure him if he disobeys it.

Berwick upon Tweed, Petition of Mayor, & c. Petitioners to be thanked, 25 June. Another from them, read; Order for a Brief under the Great Seal for their Relief, 4 July.

Best, Richard, Bill for Sale of his Lands for Satisfaction of Monies due from him to the State, ordered, 17 Aug.-To be sent for in Custody as a Delinquent and Debtor to the State, 21 Sept. Commissioners for bringing in Arrears to send for and treat with him.

Bethell, Colonel, List of Officers in his Regiment reported, and read, 10 Feb. Read again, and approved.-Slingsby apointed One of the Council of State, 2 Jan.

Birch, Colonel Thomas, Bill for Sale of his Lands, ordered, 4 July-His Letters read, 5 & 22 Aug.
-, Colonel John, appointed One of the Council of State, 23 Feb.

Birkinsha, John, ordered into Custody as a Delinquent and Debtor to the State, 21 Sept. Commissioners for bringing in Arrears to send for and treat with him.

Biscoe, Colonel, List of Officers in his Regiment, read, and agreed to, 13 June; Their Commissions delivered Chaplain appointed, 9 July.

Blackwell, John, pretended Warrants for Payment of Money to him, and Tallies struck thereupon, voted illegal; Order for repaying the Money into the Exchequer; A Committee to examine what has been paid to him and his Son, in Satisfaction of the pretended Debt, 2 Feb.

Blagrave, Mr. his Letter, discovering the Enemies of the Commonwealth, read, 30 July.

Blague, Martin, the Committee of Plundered Ministers to send for and examine him touching an Information against him, 7 Feb.-Order for restoring him to his Living. 16 Mar.

Blandford, Petition of Inhabitants referred to a Committee, 28 Jan.

Bludworth, Mr. the apprehending him approved, 9 Feb. Order for his Discharge.

Blunham, Petition of poor Inhabitants, with a Certificate of Justices of Peace, read; Order for a Brief under the Great Seal for their Relief, 22 June.

Bodley, Jeremy, ordered into Custody as a Delinquent and Debtor to the State, 21 Sept. Commissioners for bringing in Arrears to send for and treat with him.

Booth, Sir George, Colonel Randolph Egerton, Robert Warden, and Sir Thomas Middleton, voted Rebels and Traitors, and to be proceeded against accordingly; a Committee to withdraw and prepare a Proclamation against them and their Adherents; Lord Mayor, & c. to attend the Council of State in the Afternoon, and have Notice of this Vote; Proclamation reported, read, agreed to, and to be printed; Serjeant to publish it in Westminster, at Whitehall, and other public Places; the Council of State to acquaint the Lord Mayor, & c. with the Proclamation, 9 Aug. Report, that they were acquainted; Proclamation to be published in all Market Towns, and read in every Church. Mr. Gibbs gives the House Account, that Sir George was apprehended at Newport Pagnell; Order for committing him to the Tower, without the Use of Pen, Ink, or Paper; None to visit him without Leave; Lieutenant to send a Guard to conduct him; Order for a Reward to the Persons who seized him For securing those taken with him, and seizing their Papers; Members to examine him, 24; Examinations reported, 25 & 27 Aug. 22, 23, & 24 Sept. Letters to him signed C. R. and other Letters, with a Paper, intituled, " A Copy of the whole Engagement," and Examinations of several other Persons, reported. The Council of State to examine who of his Adherents have been released, since the late Interruption of Parliament, 9 Jan.-Lieutenant of the Tower to give Account of the Cause of his Imprisonment, 21 Feb. Warrant for his Commitment, read; Order for his Discharge, upon Security to answer what shall be objected against him; Lieutenant to take Bail; his Sequestration to be suspended-Examinations of him, his Lady, and Servants, to be taken off the File and delivered to him, 12 Mar.

Botolph without Bishopsgate, Petition of Parish Wardens, & c. read, and referred to a Committee, 13 May-Report; another Petition read; Order for restoring Mr. Simpson to the Rectory, 29 Aug.
-, -without Aldgate, Petition of Parish Wardens, & c. read, and referred to a Committee, 20 May.

Boyer, Ralph, Judges Certificate on his Behalf to be considered, 15 July.

Boys, Sir John, to be discharged from his Imprisonment, 23 Feb.

Bradshaw, Serjeant John, appointed One of the Council of State, 13 May His Letter read; his Attendance, as Commissioner of the Great Seal, dispensed with during his Indisposition, 9 June.
-, Abraham, his Letter reported, read, and re-delivered to the Council of State, 3 Aug.

Brandenburgh, Marquis of, Letters of Credence to him, read, and agreed to; Order for passing them under the Great Seal, 28 June.

Brecon County, High Sheriff appointed, 24 Feb. Commissioners for the Assessment, added, 2 Mar.

Brett, Michael, Order for discharging him, and suspending his Sequestration, 27 Feb.

Briscoe, John. Vide Privileges.

Bristol, Commissioners for the Militia added, 5, 6. & 9 Aug.- Matters concerning the City referred to the Council of State, 27 Feb.-A Committee to examine the Abuse in adding Commissioners for the Militia not inserted in the Bill, and crossing out some passed by the House, 13 Mar.

Broadripp, John, Pardon for him, and Judges Certificate, read; Pardon agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal- For transporting him, 25 Feb.

Bromfield, Lawrence, the apprehending him approved, 9 Feb. Order for his Discharge.

Brooke, Peter, to be sent for in Custody, and brought to the Bar; Brought and heard; discharged from being a Member, and committed to the Tower; Sentence pronounced, 13 Sept. Lieutenant of the Tower to give Account of the Cause of his Imprisonment; Order for Mr. Brooke to attend- For discharging him, and suspending his Sequestration.
-, -Henry, Order for discharging him, 21 Feb.-For suspending his Sequestration.

Browne, Major General. Vide Northampton, Earl of-Proclamation for him to render himself to the Council of State, read, and vacated; Order for clearing him, and re-admitting him into the House, 22 Feb.-For paying him Money formerly ordered him, 15 Mar.
-, -Thomas, the apprehending him approved, 9 Feb.- Order for his Discharge.

Brunswick, Duke of, Speaker to sign a Pass for transporting a Stone Horse to him, 30 June.

Buckingham County, Representation and Petition of divers Asserters of the Good Old Cause, read; Petitioners thanked, 28 May-Commissioners for the Assessment, added, 15 Feb. -High Sheriff appointed, 12 Mar.
-, -Duke of, Letter on his Behalf and his Petition, read; the Council of State to take Security for his Submission to the Government, and give him Liberty to continue here longer, 18 July.

Buildings, new, a Committee to examine what Cash is in the Hands of the Commissioners or Collectors, 18 June-Report.

Bull-baitings. Vide Horse-races.

Bullion, a Committee to examine what has been transported, and put in Execution the Order for preventing the Transportation thereof, and seize any ready to be transported, 11 July.

Bulstrode, Thomas, Petition read, and to be considered, 20 May.

Burgesse, Mr. desired to assist in carrying on the Work of Humiliation, 20 Dec.-Thanked, 4 Jan.

Burrough, Edward, Paper signed by him to be considered, 5 Sept.

Bury, Colonel James, appointed One of the Council of State, 13 May.
-, -St. Edmond's, Commissioners for the Assessment added, 17 Feb.-2 Mar.

Butler, William, Report nominating him Quarter Master General of the Army; Paper concerning him, read; Questions, that the Report be re-committed-That he be Quarter Master General, severally Neg. 4 July.-Previous and main Questions, that he be Quarter Master General, severally affirmamative, 9.

Byron, Ernestus, Order for discharging him-For suspending his Sequestration, 27 Feb.

A. 1651, 1652, & 1653.

CALVERT, John and Richard, 1652, their Names to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 1 July.

Cambridge University, 1651, Information that the Chancellor had not taken the Engagement, referred to the Committee for regulating the Universities, 4 Nov.
-, -1652, Petition of well affected Doctors, & c. 11 June.
-, -County, 1651, Order appointing High Sheriff, and for a Commission under the Great Seal, 4 Nov.-Commissioners for the Assessments added, 19 Dec.
-, -1652, Order appointing High Sheriff, and for a Commissioner under the Great Seal, 12 Nov.

Camera, Roderico Comes de. Vide Portugal.

Cansfield, John, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 Nov.

Captives, 1651, Report from the Council of State, touching sending Money for redeeming them, approved; the Committee of the Navy to consider how to prevent the Taking our Men by the Turks, 28 Nov.-Report; Resolution touching Cruisers in the Streights, and Convoys for Ships bound thither; the Committee of the Navy to see this Vote put in Execution, with Power to add three Ships, 14 Jan.
-, -1652, Act for continuing the Act for Redemption of Captives, read twice; Question for Ingrossment, Neg. Act passed and to be printed, 31 Mar.-Act for further Continuance thereof, read twice, and passed, 21 Dec.

Cardenas, Don Alonso de. Vide Spain.

Cardigan County, 1651, Order appointing High Sheriff, and for a Commission under the Great Seal, 4 Nov.
-, -1652, Like Order, 12 Nov.

Carew, John, 1651, appointed One of the Council of State, 24 Nov.

Carleton, Mr. 1652, intercepted Letter to him, read, 3 Aug.
-, -Edward, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 Nov.

Carmarthen County, 1651, Order appointing High Sheriff, and for a Commission under the Great Seal, 4 Nov.- Commissioner for the Assessments added, 9 Jan.
-, -1652, Order for appointing High Sheriff, and for a Commission under the Great Seal, 12 Nov.

Carmen, 1651, Act for incorporating them to be a distinct Company from the Woodmongers to be read, 21 & 28 Aug.
-, -Read twice and committed; Petitions referred; the Committee impowered to consider other Petitions referred to them, 3 Sept.-Act to be reported, 5 Feb.
-, -1652, Like Order, 11 Jan.-1Feb.

Carnaby, Francis, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 Nov.

Carnarvon County, 1651, Order appointing High Sheriff, and for a Commission under the Great Seal, 4 Nov.
-, -1652, Like Order, 12 Nov.

Carre, Stephen and Lewis, 1652, their Names to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 Nov.

Carter, Richard, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 1 July.
-, -Joseph, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 28 Oct.

Carterett, Sir Philip, 1651, Question for admitting him to compound for the Island of Sarke, Neg.-Trustees for Sale of Delinquents Estates to forbear contracting for any Lands of his in Jersey, 2 Jan.

Caryll, Mr. desired to preach, 20 Aug.-27 Sept. 1651.- 1 June,-27 Jan. 1652.-Thanked, 23 Sept. 1651.- 10 June 1652.

Case, Thomas, 1651, Petition read; Resolution for pardoning him; Order for passing the Pardon under the Great Seal-For discharging his Imprisonment and Bail, and taking off his Sequestration, 15 Oct. Speaker to sign a Warrant for his Discharge, 16.

Castles, Colonel, 1652, Commissioners in Ireland to allow 80£. per Annum for the Maintenance and Education of his Children, and to settle Lands of 100£. per Annum on them and their Heirs, 8 Apr.

Cathedrals, 1652, Order touching pulling them down. Vide Faith, public.-Previous Question for applying the Bells to make Ordnance, Neg. 9 July.

Cawfield, Lady, 1651, Order for continuing her weekly Maintenance fix Months longer, 21 Nov.
-, -1652, her Petition referred to the Committee of Petitions, 27 Aug.-Order for bestowing 300£. on her to pay her Debts and transport her into Ireland, 15 Mar.

Cawley, William, 1652, appointed One of the Council of State, 25 Nov.

Chaces. Vide Forests.

Chaffey, Richard, Edward, and Samuel, 1652, their Names to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 Nov.

Challenges and Duels, 1652, Act against them read twice, and committed, 13 May.

Challoner, Thomas, appointed One of the Council of State, 24 Nov. 1651 & 1652.
-, James, 1652, Order for paying him 200£. in Satisfaction for his Disbursements, 31 Dec.-Amended, 1 Jan.

Chamberlain, William, Thomas, and Sir Thomas, 1652, their Names to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 Nov.

Chambers, Dr. Richard, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 Nov.

Chancey, Thomas, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 Nov.

Channer, William, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 July.

Chapman, John, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 Nov.

Charleton, Edward, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 14 July.

Charnock, Thomas, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 1 July.

Charterhouse near Hull, 1652, Commissioners of the Great Seal to consider the State thereof, 20 May.

Chatham, 1652, Order against selling Lands belonging to the Dock, 2 Sept. Letter from thence with Examinations of two Persons, read, 23 Mar.

Chauntrell, Robert, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 1 July.

Cheltenham, 1652, Petition and Cries of the Inhabitants of that and other adjacent Parishes, read, 6 May.

Chester County. Vide Lancaster, Duchy of, 1651. Order for paying Ships taken up for the Service thereof, 29 Aug. Order appointing High Sheriff, and for a Commission under the Great Seal, 4 Nov.-Petition of Justices and Juries read, and referred to a Committee, with Power to indemnify the Petitioners in the mean Time-Petition of the Officers of the Brigade of Foot raised in the County, read and referred, 11 Dec.
-, -1652, Report touching the Gentlemens Engagement; Debt allowed; the Committee to consider in what Manner, and out of what it may be satisfied, 16 July Report referred to the Committee on the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 22 Sept.-Their Report; Power of giving Satiffaction transferred to the Committee on the Bill for Adventurers in Ireland, 14 Jan.-Order appointing High Sheriff, and for a Commission under the Great Seal, 12 Nov.
-, -City, 1651, Alderman appointed without Prejudice to the Charter, 15 Aug.-Recorder discharged; another appointed, 5 Sept.

Chesterfield, Earl of, 1652, Order for suspending his weekly Allowance, 31 Dec.

Cheyney, Charles, 1652, Previous Question for appointing him Sheriff of Northamptonshire, Neg. 12 Nov.

Chilcott, William, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 Nov.

Cholmley, Henry and Marmaduke, 1652, their Names to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 Nov.

Chorley, Robert and Richard, 1652, their Names to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 1 July.

Christmas Day, 1652, Order prohibiting the Observation thereof, and the Use of any Solemnities in the Church; Lord Mayor, & c. to see the Order duly observed To take Care that Persons opening their Shops be protected from Violence, and Offenders punished-A Committee to see the Shops in Westminster Hall be kept open, 24 Dec.

Cinque Ports, 1652, Act for settling the Power of the Lord Admiral, and Lord Warden thereof, in the Council of State, read twice; Commencement and Continuance; Act passed, 23 Nov.

Circuits, 1651, Commissioners of the Great Seal to take Care for sending the Judges, 3 Feb.
-, -1652, Like Order, 24 June-To appoint Judges to go them from Time to Time, 2 Feb.

Clanrickard, Earl of, 1652, Information that he is come from Ireland with the Commissioners Pass; referred to Council of State, 7 Jan.

Clare, Earl of, 1651, Petition read; State of his Case touching his Payment of a twentieth Part, reported; Resolution thereupon, 30 Dec.

Clark, John, 1652, Petition read; Commissioners for compounding to see him paid according to his Agreement, out of his Discoveries-to examine the Truth of his Debt, and pay the unsatisfied Part thereof, 26 Aug.
-, -Thomas and Samuel, 1652, their Names to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 28 Oct.

Clavering, Sir John and Thomas, 1652, their Names to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 Nov.

Clein, Francis, 1651, Petition reported; Draughts and Designs touching the Tapestry Manufacture at Mortlake to be left in his Hands-Trustees for Sale of late King's Goods to forbear selling them, 10 Oct.

Clement, George, 1651, Information against him referred to a Committee, with Power to examine upon Oath, 19 Feb. -Order for their Meeting; all that come to have Voices, 23 Mar.

Clent, Littleton, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 10 Nov.

Clerk, James, and Edward Warger, 1651, their Case referred to the Council of State, with Power to determine it, and dispense with Forfeiture and Confiscation, 17 Feb.
-, -Anne, 1651, Petition and Case referred to the Committee of the Army, 20 Nov.
-, -James, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 28 Oct.

Clerke, Dr. William, 1651, appointed One of the Judges of the Admiralty, 28 Nov.
-, -Colonel, 1651, Order for continuing six Companies of his Regiment three Months longer-For advancing three Months Pay to the Regiment, 5 Dec.
-, -Ralph, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 28 Oct.

Cleveland, Earl of, 1651, Resolution that he is a fit Person to be brought to Trial-That he be committed to the Tower, 11 Sept.-Report from the Council of State that he is a fit Person to be made an Example of, and tried by the High Court of Justice-His Petition; previous Question for reading it, Neg. 6 Nov.

Cleypole, John, 1651, Report from the Council of State touching authorizing him to raise a Troop of Horse, 20 Aug.

Cleyton, Colonel Randolph, 1652, Order for restoring his Lands, and passing his Pardon under the Great Seal, 6 July.

Clift, John, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 28 Oct.

Clifton, Thomas, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 1 July.
-, -Jervoice, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 July.
-, -John, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 Nov.

Cloathing Trade, 1652, Report from the Council of State of Abuses therein, and in transporting Wool and Fullers-earth to be considered-A Committee to send for Papers prepared by them relating thereto-Persons appointed to consider the Inconveniences in Law; to make Abstract of all the Laws in force concerning Cloathing, 13 Apr.- Petition of Clothiers read, and referred to the Committee of Excise, 28 Jan.

Clotworthy, Sir John, 1652, Charge against him referred to the Committee of Accounts, 16 July.

Coals, 1651, a Committee to examine what Imposition is laid thereupon without Authority of Parliament, 28 Jan.
-, -1652, Act for continuing the Imposition on Coals, read twice; Continuance thereof; Question for Ingrossment, Neg. Act passed, and to be printed, 22 Mar.

Coatsworth, Ralph, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 1 July.

Cobbe, William, 1652, Commissioners for compounding to state his Case, 13 July.-Certificate on his Behalf, read; Question for inserting his Name in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Lands, Neg.-Order for discharging his Sequestration, 2 Nov.

Cobbett, Major John, 1651, Order for bestowing 100£. on him-Act for settling a House and Lands in Scotland of 100£.per Annum on him and his Heirs; ordered, 6 Sept.- Commissioners there to cause a Survey upon Oath, set forth the House and Lands, and put in Possession, 15 Oct.

Cockson, George, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 Nov.

Coke, Thomas, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 22 June.

Colchester, 1652, Petition of poor Inhabitants referred to the Committee of Petitions, 27 Aug.

Coleman, Walter. Vide Sherwin Richard.

Collier, Francis, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 Nov.

Collingwood, Cuthbert, 1652, Petition read; Question for inserting his Name in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Lands, Neg. 1 July. Order for it, 27 Oct.

Collins, George, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 26 Oct.

Committees, 1651, a Committee to offer to the House Business of the most Importance, 19 Nov.-Order amended- Report to be made, 5 Dec. Made touching the Excise on Ale and Beer. Vide Ale-Touching the Judges Salaries.-The publick Revenue-The Bill for a publick Register, 23 Jan. Vide Judges; Revenue publick, and Register publick-Adventurers for Lands in Ireland to attend them-Previous and main Questions that no Person be in the Chair of a Committee longer than a Month at one Time, severally affirmative, 26 Nov.-Order for transferring the Power of Committees to Persons out of the House 12 Dec.
-, -1652, a Committee to examine the Misdemeanors of Officers to any Committee in taking Bribes and Fees not allowed by Parliament, 25 Jan.

Commonwealth. Vide Revenue, publick.

Conde, Prince of, 1652, his Letter of Credence to Sieur Barniere read, and referred to the Council of State, with Power to hear his Proposals, 31 Mar.-Their Transactions with him; his Paper and Letter to them reported and read, 8 Apr.-Prince's Letter read, and referred to them, with Power to hear and debate the Agents Proposals, 4 May. -Another Letter from the Prince read, and referred to the Council of State, with the same Power, 27 Jan.

Coney, William, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 28 Oct.

Coningsby, Thomas, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 26 Oct.
-, -Fitzwilliam, 1652, Commissioners for compounding to examine and state the Case of him and his Son, 16 Nov.

Constable, Sir William, 1651, his Letter read, 28 Aug.
-, -1652, appointed One of the Council of State, 25 Nov.
-, -Philip, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 13 July.
-, -Sir Philip, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 28 Oct.
-, -Sidney, William, Matthew, and John, 1652, their Names to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 Nov.

Conwel, George, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 July.

Convoys, 1652, Council of State to settle them, 23 Nov.

Conyers, Catharine, 1652, her Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 27 Oct.

Cooke, James, 1651, his Case reported; Order for restoring his Goods free from Seizure and Confiscation, 3 Feb.
-, -Colonel George, 1652, Order for paying 300£. to his Widow out of Monies appointed for the Irish Service- For settling Lands in Ireland of 200£. per Annum on her, her Children, and their Heirs; Commissioners upon a Survey to settle them in such proportion as they shall think fit, and put them in Possession-Letter for that Purpose ordered; Speaker to sign it, 22 Oct.-Order for paying the 300£. out of the Composition Monies for North Wales-Former Order discharged.
-, Thomas, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 Nov.

Copleston, John, 1652, his Son's Petition read; Order for inserting his Name in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Lands, 27 Oct.

Copyholds. Vide Fines.

Corbett, John, 1651, appointed One of the Council of State, 25 Nov.

Corke, Earl and Countess of, 1651, Report from the Committee of Complaints; his Petition and Certificates read; Articles upon the Surrender of York read-Resolution that they are comprised therein-That their Goods ought to be restored, in Kind or Value, 21 Nov.

Corporations, 1652, the Committee for them to consider how they may be settled, and their Charters altered and renewed to be under the Commonwealth, 14 Sept.-All that come to have Voices-Member for any Corporation to have Notice before the Committee send for the Charter, 10 Feb.

Corsuch, Mr. 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 July.

Cottam, Richard, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 1 July.

Coventry, 1651, Committees Letter read, 21 Aug.

Coventrye, Richard. Vide Ball, George.

Coulson, Fairely, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 Nov.

Council of State, 1651, Report touching the Determination of the Time of their Power-Resolution for re-electing only Twenty-one of the present Members-For electing the whole by Ballot-Day appointed-Their Names to be set up in the House-Instructions for them to be considered, 19 Nov. Considered, 20 & 21; further Debate adjourned till after the Election. The Council of State elected, 24 & 25. Instructions touching the Disbursements of the Publick Money-Touching the Encouragement of the Fishery, agreed to-Previous and main Questions that no Person be in the Chair longer than a Month at once, severally agreed to.-Act for constituting a Council of State, read, Commencement and Continuance thereof; Act and Instructions passed-Oath of Secrecy to be taken by them, read, and agreed to; Secretary appointed; Oath to be taken by him, read and agreed to-Oath to be taken by their under Officers read and agreed to.
-, -1652, Power given them to elect a Clerk, in the Room of Mr. Frost, deceased.-Resolution for taking the same Order in the Election this Year as last-Day appointed for it-Last Instructions to be considered, 16 Nov. -Considered and agreed to, with Amendments.-Council of State elected -Act constituting a Council of State from 30th November 1652 to 1st December 1653, and impowering them to put their Instructions in Execution, read twice; Question for Ingrossment, Neg.-Act with the Instructions passed-Order for them to take an Oath of Secrecy, and administer the usual Oath to their under Officers- Power given them to license the Importation of Goods useful to the Commonwealth, 10 Dec.

Courland, Duke of, 1652, his Letter read; Council of State to prepare Answer, and treat with the Commissionate, 5 Jan.

Cowper, Sir Anthony Ashley, 1652, pardoned of his Delinquency, and made capable of all other Privileges, 17 Mar.

Cox, Thomas, 1651, his Case referred to the Council of State, with Power to determine it, and dispense with Forfeiture and Confiscation, 17 Feb.
-, -John, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estate, 27 Oct.

Cradock, Mr. desired to preach, 24 Mar. 1652.-Excused, 1 Apr. 1653.

Crafurd, Earl of, 1651. Vide Scotland.

Crainglington, Robert, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 Nov.

Cramlington, John, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 14 July.

Craven, Lord, 1651, States General's Letter touching him, read, 22 Aug.
-, -1652, his Petition read, 10 June.-Previous and main Questions for inserting his Name in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Lands, severally Affirmative.-Petition of Commissioners for managing his Estate, read; Resolution that he stand in the Bill, 3 Aug.-His Petition read; Question for proceeding further in the Debate thereon, Neg. 29 Dec.
-, -Robert, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 28 Oct.

Crofton, Richard, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 July.

Crompton, Thomas, 1651, his Letter read, 22 Aug.

Cromwell, Lord General, 1651, his Letter, with a Letter inclosed. -upon Report from Council of State, Resolution for paying the Troops that were recruited, according to the Establishment; the Committee of the Army to pay them, 19 Aug.- Another Letter from him read; referred to Council of State to effect what is therein desired, -Another read, - Another, with intercepted Letters inclosed, read, 1 Sept.- Another read, 2.-Act for the Continuance of the Committee of the Army, and Treasurers at War, read twice; Question for Ingrossment, Neg. Act passed, and to be printed.-State of the several Forces ordered. List of the Forces in Field and Garison in England and Wales, with an Estimate of the monthly Charge of them, and of the Forces within the Establishment in Ireland and Scotland; Council of State to consider what Forces and Garisons are necessary to be kept up, and how they and the Train of Artillery may be lessened. Order for disbanding 4000 Horse and Dragoons, and the Foot lately taken into Pay, 10 Sept.-Report concerning the Forces to be continued, and what to be reduced in England and Scotland, with the Charge of the whole; Order for disbanding three Regiments of Horse, five of Foot, and 30 single Companies; Lord General to take Care the Horse be disbanded, 2 Oct. Order for disbanding Money-Establishment of the Artillery agreed to.-Officers and Persons added to the Establishment of the Army; the Committee of the Army to pay them, 4 Nov.-Establishment of the several Forces in the Field in England and Scotland, reported from the Council of State, and agreed to-The Committee of the Army to consider of the Act prohibiting free Quarter, 5 Dec.-Paper touching Monies to make up the Pay of the Armies in England and Scotland; Estimate of the Charge from 25th December 1651, to 25th June 1652; Resolution thereupon. Vide Supply; Act for settling the Treasurers at War, and impowering the Committee of the Army to proceed in the last Act of Assessment, as formerly ordered. Read twice and committed; Petition referred. Reported; Resolution that there be only two Treasurers at War, Question, that any of the old Treasurers be named in the Bill, Neg. Previous and main Questions that Members be named, severally Affirmative. Treasurers appointed; Committees added to the Committee of the Army; Debate adjourned.-Resumed; Question, that the Bill be ingrossed, Neg. Act passed and to be printed; other Committees added to the Committee of the Army, 1 Jan.-Act to be printed.-Explanatory Act read twice; Question for Ingrossment, Neg. Act passed.-Petition of Treasurers at War read, and referred to a Committee, 26 Dec.-Report; their Accounts referred to the Committee of Accounts, a Jan.-Council of State and Lord General to order and dispose of all the Forces, and the Charge of them, not exceeding the Establishment.-Petition of the Council of Officers at Whitehall, read-To be considered, 27 Jan.-2 Mar. Referred to a Committee.-Papers concerning Arrears due to the Army that was in Scotland, reported, and referred to the Committee of the Army, 17 Feb.
-, -1652, Report, 7 Apr.-Power given them to discharge all free Quarter due 25th March 1648, out of the Arrears of the Assessments for 1648 and 1649-Lord General's Regiment to be recruited to 1,200 Men besides Officers, for three Months, the Committee of the Army to pay them. 21 May.-Council of State with Lord General and others, to consider the Forces in England and Scotland, and how a Retrenchment may be made of the public Charge, 2 June, -Resolution for continuing the former Committee of the Army, and Treasurers at War; Act for that Purpose ordered; Read twice and committed. Reported; Committee added; Act passed and to be printed.-Report from Council of State touching recruiting several Regiments whose Men have been sent aboard Ships, referred back, 9 July-Upon Report from Council of State that the Lord General's Regiment has been recruited from 1200 to 1600 Men; Order for paying them for three Months.- Council of State to give Account touching the Retrenchment of the Forces, 12 Aug.-Petition of Officers read, and referred to a Committee; Petitioners thanked- Order for making Report, 9 Sept. State of the Proceedings of the Committee on the Bill for settling a certain Time for the Sitting of this Parliament, reported; Petition referred to another Committee.-Petition of the Train of Artillery, read; a Committee to consider how the Petitioners may be satisfied for Ground they contracted for, 15 Oct.- Council of State to present Estimate of the Charge of the Army for the next Year, with the incident Charges, 10 Nov. Estimate reported.-Charges of the Forces in England, Scotland, and Ireland, according to the Establishment, for 13 Months, reported, 2 Dec.-80,000£. per Month allotted for their Support. The Committee of the Army upon Conference with Lord General and Officers, to consider how the Vote may be made practicable without free Quarter. -Report touching the Abatement of the Charge of the Land-forces, by disbanding so many as may consist with Safety, Agreed to; the Committee of the Army to see it put in Execution-Council of State to see several Garisons dismantled-Power given them with the Advice of the Lord General, to make Alterations in Horse and Foot, with a certain Restriction, 1 Jan.-Bill for appointing a Committee of the Army, and Treasurers at War, ordered. Read twice; Questions for Commitment and Ingrossment, severally Neg. Act passed, and to be printed.
-, -1651, A Committee to consider of some fit Testimony of the Parliament's thankful Acceptance of his great and faithful Services; and order a proper Accomodation for him at Hampton Court for the present; Person appointed to provide Necessaries; a Committee to be sent to him, 6 Sept. Instructions for them reported.-Their Letter read; Resolution for settling 4,000£. per Annum on him and his Heirs; a Committee to consider of particular Lands to be settled and prepare Bill for that Purpose. Bill to be presented, 12 Dec. Read twice and committed; the Committee impowered to find out a convenient House for him; and insert it in the Bill. Bill reported; Question for Ingrossment, Neg. Act passed.-Appointed one of the Council of State, 24 Nov.
-, -1652, Upon Report from Council of State, Resolution that the Act constituting him Captain General and Commander in Chief of the Forces raised, or to be raised in England, shall extend to the Forces raised and to be raised in Ireland, 15 June.
-, -Major General Oliver, 1651, Petition and Case of his Executrix referred to the Committee of the Army, 20 Nov.

Crosby, Lady Anne, 1651, Petition and Case referred to the Committee of the Army, 20 Nov.

Crossland, Jordan, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 28 Oct.

Crowe, Sir Sackville, 1652, Speaker to issue Warrant to the Lieutenant of the Tower to deliver him over to the Serjeant; Serjeant to take Bail, 10 Mar.

Crowle, George, 1651, his Case referred to Council of State, with Power to determine it, and dispense with Forfeiture and Confiscation, 17 Feb.

Cullen, 1652, Letters from the Senate to be translated and presented, 27 Jan.

Cumberland, 1651, Order appointing High Sheriff, and for a Commission under the Great Seal, 4 Nov.
-, -1652, Like Order, 12 Nov.-24 Mar.

Customs, 1651, Bill for payment of 150,000£. charged upon the Farmers, reported and recommitted, 19 Nov.-Their Petition read, 12 Mar.
-, -1652, Bill to be reported, 19 Jan.-4 Mar. Bill for renewing the Customs ordered.-Act for Continuance thereof till 26th March, 1653, read twice; Question for Ingrossment, Neg Act passed, and to be printed.

A. 1653.

CAMBRIDGE and Huntingdon Counties, Order appointing High Sheriff, and for a Commission under the Great Seal, 10 Nov.-Question for discharging him, Neg. 15. Order for it-For appointing another.

Captives, Council of State impowered to issue Money for redeeming them, 5 Sept.-Power transferred to the Committee for regulating the Customs, 14 Nov.-Bill for continuing the Act for redeeming them, and transporting, maintaining, and educating Irish Children in the Protestant Religion, read and laid aside; new Bill ordered, 19 Oct.

Cardigan County, Case as to the Magistracy read, and referred to the Committee for Justices of Peace, 10 Aug. Report; Commissioners for the Assessments added.-Order appointing High Sheriff, and for a Commission under the Great Seal, 10 Nov.-For discharging him and appointing another.

Carew, John, appointed one of the Council of State, 9 July -1 Nov.

Carmarthen, County, Order appointing High Sheriff, and for a Commission under the Great Seal, 10 Nov.

Carnarvon, County, Order appointing High Sheriff, and for a Commission under the Great Seal, 10 Nov.

Carter, Richard, Petition with Schedule annexed, read; Bill for enabling him to sell Lands for Payment of Debts, ordered, 14 Nov.

Carterett, Dr. Philip, Petition read, and referred to the Committee of the Army, 7 Nov. Report; Order for admitting his Father to a Composition, deducting Money formerly paid to Colonel Heane.

Chancery, Business thereof to be considered, 4 Aug.-Resolution for taking away the Court; Bill for that Purpose, ordered; a Committee to consider how Causes depending may be determined-Resolution for suspending Proceedings therein for a Month; Commissioners of the Great Seal to issue forth Original Writs, and Writs of Covenant and Entry, 15 Oct.-Bill for Stay of hearing Causes and making Orders in Chancery, from 15th of October 1653, to 12th of November following; Questions for Commitment and passing, severally Neg. Bill for appointing a Way to determine the present Causes depending, ordered. Read twice, and committed.-Bill for constituting Commissioners for hearing and determining Causes of Equity in Chancery, read; Question for second reading, Neg.- the Committee of the Law to sit upon the Bill formerly committed.-Bill for taking away the High Court of Chancery, and appointing Commissioners and Judges to hear and determine, as well as Causes now depending, as also future Matters of Equity, and putting in Order other Matters of Law, which were within the Jurisdiction of that Court, and regulating divers Abuses in Courts of Common Law, read twice, and committed, 3 Nov.

Chapman, Capt. Edmund, Upon Report from the Committee of the Navy, Order for allowing his Widow 300£. for her Maintenance, 28 Oct.

Charing Cross, Proclamation touching a Tumult there, reported, read, and to be printed, 28 Oct.

Chester County, Petition of divers well-affected Inhabitants reported and read, 19 Sept.-Order appointing High Sheriff, and for a Commission under the Great Seal, 10 Nov.-Commissioners for the Assessments added.
-, -City, Petition of divers well-affected Inhabitants, reported and read, 19 Sept.

Clanrickard, Earl of, State of his Case reported, and referred to the Committee for Irish Affairs, 2 Aug.-Report; Order for paying him 1,200£. in full of all Demands-For allowing Conveyances and Grants made by him, 20 Sept.- For paying him 600£. in Part, 7 Oct.

Clark, Dr. appointed one of the Judges of the Admiralty, 30 July.

Clarkson, David, appointed Minister of Crayford, 17 Nov.

Clerk, of the House, appointed, 5 July-A Committee to see an Entry made by him of the Meeting and Proceedings of the House-Order for him to license the Printing them. Vide House.-Assistant appointed; Member undertakes for his Sufficiency and Integrity, 12 Aug.

Coals, Proposals touching the Discovery of a Mine in New Forest, and Letters concerning the same, reported, read and referred to the Council of Trade, 15 Sept.

Committees, a Committee to consider of the right Order and disposing of the Business of the House by them, 14 July. Report; several appointed-The Committee to name a Committee for Advancement of Learning. Report; Committee agreed to.-None to fit after Eight o'Clock; 22 Oct.

Constable, Sir William, upon Report from Council of State, Order for recruiting his Regiment to 1,000 Men-For taking the Recruits into the Establishment, 8 Aug.-For continuing and paying them Three Months longer, 28 Oct.

Constantinople. Vide Bendish and Lawrence.

Cook, Colonel Charles, appointed one of the Judges of the Admiralty, 30 July.

Cooper, Sir Anthony Ashley, appointed One of the Council of State, 14 July, 1 Nov.

Coriton, Philippa, Petition reported and read; Order for admitting her to compound for the unsold Part of Henry Killegrew's Estate, 31 Oct.

Corn, a Committee to consider touching the Transportation thereof, 16 Sept.

Cornwall, Order appointing High Sheriff, and for a Commission under the Great Seal, 10 Nov. For discharging him and appointing another-Commissioners for the Assessments added.

Council of State, Former Instructions to them to be considered, 7 July. Read; Debate thereon adjourned, 8. Resumed; One omitted; Others added; Number and Quorum agreed to; Fourteen elected; Question for filling up the Number, Neg. Those elected to proceed according to the Instructions; Day appointed for nominating the rest; a Committee to present Names. Names presented and agreed to; Continuance of their Power; Bills for constituting them, ordered. Quorum reduced-Order for charging 10,000£. upon Goldsmith's Hall, for their Contingencies, 1 Oct.-Against their sitting after Eight o'Clock- Debate touching settling the Council of State; Votes for continuing 16 of the present Members, and electing 15 new Ones; Day appointed-Council chosen; Continuance of their Powers; Bill for constituting them, ordered, 1 Nov. Read twice; Blanks filled up; Act passed-Instructions for them read and agreed to, with Amendments-Forms of Oaths to be taken by them, their Secretary, and other Officers. Courtney, Mr. appointed One of the Council of State, 14 July. Cox, Thomas, Petition and Certificate annexed, reported; Order for a Patent for a Collection in Kent, 22 Aug.
-, -Dr. Thomas, appointed Master of Katharine's Hospital; Order for a Patent under the Great Seal, 31 Oct.

Cradock, Mr. desired to preach; appointed to preach every Sunday in Margaret's Church, 8 Aug.

Crayford, Petition of Inhabitants read; Minister appointed, 17 Nov.

Crispe, Captain Roger, upon Report from the Committee of the Navy, Order for allowing his Widow and Child, 300£. for their Maintenance, 28 Oct.

Cromwell, Lord General, Persons summoned by him to take the supreme Authority, appear in the Council Chamber at Whitehall, 4 July-Form of the Summons under his Hand and Seal, presented-A Committee to be sent to desire his Presence and Assistance in the House, 5. Instrument read; Misnomers amended-Resolution that he fit as a Member; a Committee to communicate the Vote to him.-Appointed one of the Council of State, 9 July-1 Nov.- Order for offering him Hampton Court in Exchange for Newhall, with a proportionable Value-For staying the Sale thereof, 20 Sept. His Answer reported-A Paper intituled, a Charge of High Treason against Oliver Cromwell, Esq; for several Treasons by him committed, with Informations and Examinations, reported and read; Business referred to the Council of State, 11 Oct.-Report, that they had ordered 500 Men to be added to his Regiment; Order for taking them into the Establishment for Three Months, 26 Aug.-For continuing and paying them Three Months longer, 28 Oct.
-, -Colonel Henry, appointed One of the Council of State, 1 Nov.

Cumberland, Order appointing High Sheriff, and for a Commission under the Great Seal, 10 Nov.

Customs, Bill for compelling the late Farmers, and their under Sharers to pay a proportionable Part of 150,000£. formerly paid to the Use of the Commonwealth, by some of the Farmers, read, 21 July. Committed-Bill for compelling them to pay 15,000£. formerly paid to the same Use, read twice, and committed; Committee impowered to hear all Parties, and present Commissioners Names, 2 Aug,- Petition of late Farmers reported and read, 20 Sept.- Their Proposal for paying, 276,146£. upon the Security of Forest Lands, agreed to, with Amendments; Application thereof-A Committee appointed for the preservation of the Customs, and preventing Abuses therein. Report.

A. 1654.

CAMBRIDGE University, Petition from thence read, and referred to a Committee, 22 Dec. Vide Law Civil.

Candles ordered 10 Nov.-7. 11 & 16 Dec.-Question for bringing them in, Neg. 24 Nov.-2 Dec.

Caterlaugh, Wexford, Queen's County and Kilkenny Election; Petition reported, and referred to the Committee, 27 Sept. -Report touching referring the Matter of Fact to the Lord Deputy and the Council of State of Ireland, disagreed to 5 Oct.

Certiorari, and Habeas Corpus, a Committee to consider of redressing the Abuses thereof, 3 Nov. Petition referred, 4.

Chancery, Ordinance for regulating and limiting the Jurisdiction thereof, referred to a Committee, with Power to consider whether it be fit to suspend it in Part, or in the Whole, 5 Oct. Order for making Report, 12. Order for suspending it till 28th November next; the Committee before that Day to bring in a Regulation of the whole.-Order for suspending it till 25th December next, 28 Nov.-For suspending it till 1st March next, 10 Jan.-Bill for regulating the Chancery, to be presented 15 & 25 Nov.-Read, 4 Dec. Order for Second Reading.

Cheese. Vide Corn.

Chester, A Committee to consider of the Arrears of Lord Chief Justice's Salary, 19 Dec.

Cheynell, Dr. Francis, desired to preach, 4 Sept. Thanked, and to print his Sermon.

Church, Government. Vide Government.

Civilians, Petition read, and referred to the Committee for Certioraris and Habeas Corpus, 4 Nov.

Clanrickard, Earl of, has Leave to stay in England for six Months under the Privileges he had by his Articles, 29 Sept.

Clerk of House, upon Exception taken to his coming in before he was chosen; withdraws; called in; Speaker acquaints him the House had chosen him; desires Leave to speak; heard; and commanded to come to his Place; his Election to be entered, 4 Sept.
-, -Assistant approved, 10 Oct.

Clerke, Thomas Petition read, and referred to a Committee; Trustees for Sale of Delinquents Lands to forbear selling a Farm mentioned therein, 15 Jan.

Common Pleas, Lord Protector's Letter read; Lord Chief Justice approved, 24 Oct.

Confiscation. Vide Forfeitures.

Corn, a Committee to consider of Encouragement for Transportation thereof, and of Butter and Cheese, and what Customs are fit to be paid upon transporting them; and of the Statutes against Engrossers, 6 Oct. Report; Debate thereon; adjourned. Resumed; Resolution, that Natives may transport Wheat, when the Price does not exceed 36s. per Quarter, paying 4d. per Quarter Custom-Rye, when it exceeds not 24s. per Quarter, paying 3d. per Quarter-Barley or Malt, when it exceeds not 20s. per Quarter, paying 2d. per Quarter-Beans and Peas, not exceeding 24s. per Quarter, paying 3d. per Quarter. The Corn to be transported in Vessels of this Commonwealth.-Butter, not exceeding 6d. per Pound, paying 2s. 6d. per Barrel, containing 124 Pounds-Aliens to pay 5s. per Barrel-Liberty given to buy, keep, and sell Corn again in the Markets, when the Prices do not exceed these Rates; Bill for that Purpose ordered.-To be presented, 11 Nov.

Cotterell, John. Vide Biddle and Privileges.

Council. Vide Government.

Craven, Lord, Petition to be read, 2 Nov. Read, and referred to a Committee. Counsel to attend the Committee in Behalf of the Commonwealth. Commissioners for several Halls, and other Persons to attend them; Solicitor for the State appointed. Petition of Purchasers of his Estate read, and referred. Counsel for the State appointed, 22 Dec.

Creditors and poor Prisoners, Report touching Inconveniences from the Act, and Ordinances for their Relief; Order for suspending them-A Committee to prepare Act for their Relief, 25 Oct. Committees added, 27-The Committee to fit de die in diem, and present the Bill, 2 Nov.

Cromwell, Lord General Oliver, appointed Lord Protector, 16 Nov. Vide Government.

Crooke, Sir Robert. Vide Sterling, Countess of.

1656 & 1657.

CALAMY, Mr. 1657, desired to assist in carrying on the Work of Humiliation, 20 Jan. Thanked, and to print his Sermon.

Calender, Earl of, and Lord Cranston, 1657, Bill for Confirmation of their Pardon according to the Order of Protector and the Council of State; ordered, 29 Apr.-Read twice, and committed, 15 June. Reported, and to be ingrossed.

Captives, 1656, Petition on behalf of several in Tunis, read, and referred to a Committee, with Power to prepare Bill for their Redemption, 14 Mar.
-, -1657, the Committee on the Bill for Tonage and Poundage to prepare Clause for redeeming them, 1 June. Vide Supply.

Cardell, Widow, 1656, Order for bestowing Part of the last Collection on her, 7 Mar.

Cardigan County, 1656, new Writ, 2 Oct.

Carlisle, 1656, Question for appointing a Day to read the Bill touching the Market, Neg. 5 Feb.-Bill for changing it from Saturday to Tuesday, read, 9 Mar. Committed.
-, -1657, reported and to be ingrossed, 30 Mar.-Passed; Protector's Consent to be desired, 25 May.-Protector's Consent, 26 June.
-, -Earl of, 1656, Bill for confirmation of an Improvement made by him in certain Lands, and for settling them on him and his Tenants, respectively, read, 5 Dec. Committed. To be reported. Reported and to be ingrossed.- Passed; Protector's Consent to be desired, 4 Feb.-Protector's Consent, 9 June.

Carmarthen County, 1656, new Writ, 4 Oct.

Carter, Richard, 1656, Bill enabling him to sell Lands for Payment of Debts, read, 3 Dec. Committed, 9. Reported, and to be ingrossed. Passed; Protector's Consent to be desired.
-, -1657, Protector's Consent, 9 June.
-, -Colonel John, 1657, Petition read, and referred to a Committee, 2 June. Protector to be desired to issue his Privy Seal for paying him 3,000£. out of the Prize Office, in Part of Satisfaction for his Arrears and publick Faith.
-, -Mr. 1657, desired to preach, 27 May.-Thanked, and to print his Sermon, 4 June.

Caryl, Joseph, 1656, desired to assist in carrying on the Work of Humiliation, 18 Sept.-1 Jan.-Thanked, and to print his Sermons, 25 Sept.-12 Jan.
-, -1657, desired to assist in carrying on the Work of Thanksgiving, 2 Oct. Thanked, and to print his Sermon, 9.

Catechism, 1656, Bill enjoining Ministers and others to perform the Duty thereof, read, 27 Jan.-Order for second Reading, 11 Feb. Bill committed; Catechism to be inserted therein, offered, Title read; Catechism referred.-Bill to be reported, 12 Mar. Reported, and re-committed. To be reported from Recommitment.
-, -1657, reported and to be ingrossed, 26 Mar.-Order for third Reading, 4 Apr.-Read, debate thereon, adjourned, 20 May. Resumed; Bill passed; Protector's Consent to be desired, 21.-Protector's Consent, 9 June.

Certioraris, 1656, a Committee to consider Abuses in granting them, and in what Cases they are fit to be granted, and to prepare Bill therein, 25 Sept.

Chaces. Vide Forests.

Chadwick, Mr. 1656, Petition against him read, and referred to a Committee, upon divers Members affirming that he desired it might be referred, 13 Feb.

Chancery, 1657, Ordinance for regulating and limiting the Jurisdiction of the Court, to be continued in Force till the End of this Parliament, and no longer, without further Order from them, 29 Apr. A Committee to consider the Regulation thereof, with Power to prepare Bill in that behalf.

Chandos, Lady, 1657, Petition to be read, 30 Mar.

Chester County, 1656, Petition of Justices of Peace, & c. read, and referred to the Committee on the Bill for Probate of Wills, 27 Oct.-Another from them, and the Attestation of the Mayor of the City, & c. read. Vide Quakers- Protectors Letters on the Behalf of the Brigade of the County; Officers Petition read, and referred to a Committee, 22 Dec. -Order for making Report, 31 Jan.-Report; Resolution for paying those that were at Worcester two Months Pay for that Service; the Committee to consider how they may be satisfied, 21 Feb.

Chidley, Samuel, 1657. Vide Privileges-Information of a printed Book delivered at the Door, intituled, "Thunder from the Throne of God against the Temples of Idols; with an Epistle in it, & c." Previous and main Questions for calling Chidley to the Bar, severally Affirmative; he owns the Book; Order for taking him into Custody; Book referred to a Committee, with Power to suppress private Presses, and regulate the Press, 23 Oct. His Petition read; Order for his Discharge.

Chitmill, William, 1656. Vide Privileges.

Clanebois, Lord Viscount, 1656, Bill for confirming his Composition read, 7 Mar. Committed, 10.
-, -1657, reported, and to be ingrossed, 27 Mar.-Passed; Protector's Consent to be desired, 2 Apr.-Protector's Consent, 9 June.

Clare, Earl of, 1657, Petition read, and referred to the Committee on the Bill for Buildings, 11 May.-His Case reported, 5 June. Read; Questions, that there is sufficient Ground for excepting his Buildings out of the Bill-That an Allowance be made him out of the Fines arising from Members; severally Neg. 9 June.

Clarehall. Vide Johnson, Samuel.

Clements Inn Fields, 1656, Bill for establishing a common, open and free Market therein, read, 13 Mar. Order for second Reading.

Clerk, 1657, chosen; called in; Speaker acquaints him therewith, 20 Jan.-A Committee to search what Oath hath been formerly taken by him, and whether any ought to be taken, and consider of the Form of an Oath to be taken by him and Clerk Assistant. Report-Late Clerk to deliver the Journal Books, & c. to him-Order for keeping them in the Room over the House. Vide Scobell.
-, -Assistant, 1656, approved upon Clerk's Request, 18 Sept.
-, -His Petition read; Order for settling 200£. per Annum on him; Protector to be desired to give Warrant for Payment thereof, and of his Arrears, 30 Dec.
-, -1657. Vide Privileges.

Clerke, John, and Wife, 1656, Bill for disposing and settling their Estates read, 5 Feb. Committed.-Reported, and to be ingrossed, 3 Mar.
-, -1657, Order for third Reading, 26 Mar.

Cloth, 1657, a Committee to consider of regulating the Manufacture thereof, 26 Jan.

Cobham, Lord, 1656, Bill to enable him to pass a Fine of his Lands, read, 16 Nov.-Order for second Reading, 1 Dec. Bill committed. Reported, and to be ingrossed. Petition against the Bill read; Counsel to be heard; Order for third Reading. Bill read; Counsel heard; Question for passing; Neg. Bill rejected.

Cockayne, Bryan, 1656, Petition to be read, 2 Nov. Read.

Cockrayne, Lord. Vide Privileges.

Coeliho, Peter. Vide Pereira.

Colchester, 1657, Petition of Inhabitants read; Question for referring it to a Committee; Neg. 9 May.

Cole, John, 1656, Petition and Remonstrance against him read, and referred to a Committee, 22 Nov.-Order for making Report, 24 Dec.-Matter of Fact, with the Resolutions of the Committee thereupon, reported, and agreed to; Commissioners of the Great Seal to be required forthwith to put the Votes in Execution, 5 Jan. Upon Information of some Obstructions thereto, Resolutions that the Extent and Decree in Chancery, with the Proceedings thereupon, be vacated-That the Commissioners of the Great Seal be required to issue a Writ to the Sheriff, to restore Possession of the House, Lands, & c. remaining in specie to Mr. Rodney-To inquire into the Value of the Goods sold, and Damages, and cause the same to be satisfied.-Account touching the Execution thereof, ordered; Commissioners of the Great Seal, and Judges who are Members, to attend, 11 Feb. Commissioners to give an Account; Defects in former Votes supplied.
-, -1657, Petitions of Rodney and Cole read, and referred to the same Committee; Committee revived, 26 May.

Collingword, Sir Robert, and Daniel, 1657, Information against them read; Order for taking them into Custody, 11 June; Daniel examined and discharged-Further Time allowed for Sir Robert's Appearance.-Information read again, 28 Jan. Read to Sir Robert; examined and discharge.

Collivaux, David, 1656, his Name to be inserted in a Naturalization Bill, 6 Oct. Vide Tanturier.

Committees, 1656, Grand, appointed, with Power to receive Petitions, 18 Sept.-Serjeant to take care that all Committees are supplied with Pens, Ink, and other Necessaries-He or his Deputies to attend them, 6 Oct.-None to fit on any Day while a Grand Committee ought to fit. -Committees joined, 21 Oct.-13 Nov.-None to fit on private Business for four Days in a Week, 1 Jan.-All to fit, notwithstanding the Adjournment of the House, 8 & 23.
-, -1657, like Order, 5 & 15 May.-Chairman appointed by the House, 1 June.-Sitting of particular Committees suspended.-A Committee concerning publick Affairs revived-Their Names to be set up at the House Door, 21 Jan.-Committees united.

Commons and commonable Lands, 1656, Bill for Improvement thereof, and preventing Depopulations, read; Question for Second Reading, Neg. Bill rejected, 19 Dec.

Coney, Edward. Vide Cooke.

Conway, Widow, 1656, Order for bestowing part of the last Collection on her, 7 Mar.

Cooke, Colonel Edward, and George Coney, 1656, Petition to be read, 21 Feb.-Read, and referred to a Committee, 16 Mar. Committees added.
-, -1657, Committee revived, 1 Apr.-Previous and main Questions for moving the Barons of the Exchequer to put off the Trial; severally Neg. 4 June.-Order for making Report; Proceedings to be stayed in the mean Time, 26 June. -28 Jan.

Cooper, Edmund, 1656, Order for bestowing Part of the last Collection on him, 7 Mar.
-, -James. Vide Henley, Robert.

Copyholds. Vide Fines.

Cork, County, 1656, new Writ, 2 Oct.

Corn and Meal, Bill for repealing some Clauses in the Act for them, to be read, 23 Dec.-Read, 3 Jan.

Cornwall, 1656, Petition of well affected Gentlemen, Ministers, & c. read, 18 Dec. Vide Quakers.

Corporations, 1656, a Committee to prepare Bill to prevent the Election of Delinquents, and Men of scandalous Lives to Offices therein, and to displace such out of their Places, 28 Nov.

Corpus Christi College, Oxford, 1656, Petition of President and Scholars, read, and referred to a Committee, 30 Dec.- Committee revived; Order for their Meeting, 22 Jan.- Report; Bill for settling the perpetual Advowson, Patronage, and Right of Presentation of the Rectory of Marston Mesey on them, read, 3 Mar. Committed.

Cosh, Joseph, 1656, Information against him referred to a Committee, 31 Oct.-Order for making Report, 2 Dec.

Courts of Justice, 1656, Grand Committee appointed, with Power to receive Petitions, 18 Sept.

Cranston, Lord. Vide Calender, Earl of.

Craven, Lord, 1656, Petition to be read, 19 & 24 Mar.
-, 1657, Read, 1 Apr.-Business to be heard at Bar, 1 Apr.-2. 13. 19. 26. & 29 May-his Counsel heard; Petition of several Purchasers of his Lands, read; Counsel for the State and Purchasers to attend, 23 Jan.

Creditors. Vide Debtors.

Cremer, Tobias, 1656, his Name to be inserted in a Naturalization Bill, 20 Mar.

Crew, Sir Thomas, 1656, a Committee to prepare Bill for reversing a Decree in the Exchequer Chamber against him and other Trustees for buying in Impropriations, with Power to send for the Decree, & c. 31 Oct.

Crewes, Sarah, 1656, her Name to be inserted in a Naturalization Bill, 7 Feb.

Crispe Edward, 1657, Petition read, and referred to the Committee on the Bill for Buildings, 5 June. Vide Buildings.

Cromwell, Mr. 1656, Exceptions taken to his Words, as charging some Major Generals; desired to name them, but put off till the main Debate was ended, 21 Jan.

Crowe, Sir Sackvile, 1656, his Petition read, 27 Jan. Vide Levant Company.

Customs, 1657, All Acts and Ordinances touching them to continue in Force till further Order, 29 Apr.

A. 1653, & 1659.

CAMELFORD New Writ, 2 Mar.

Candles ordered, 14 & 24 Feb.-7 & 18 Mar.-Question for bringing them in, Neg. 11 Mar.

Carmarthen Town, Election; Report to be considered; Sheriff's Petition to be read at the same Time, 10 Mar. Report and Petition read; Return to be amended; Sheriff ordered into Custody. Vide Privileges.

Castleriseing Election and double Return; Report; One Return to be withdrawn, 3 Feb.-Report touching the Merits of the Election; Election declared void-New Writ ordered, 6 Apr.

Chute, Chaloner, chosen Speaker, 27 Jan. Vide Speaker.

Clerk of the House, appointed, 27 Jan.
-, -Assistant appointed, 27 Jan.

Colchester, Election, and double Return; Report on Return, to be withdrawn, 22 Mar.

Cole, John, State of the Case concerning him and Sarah Rodney, eported from the Grand Committee of Grievances; Day appointed for hearing it; Report re-delivered, 4 Mar. Hearing deferred, 11 & 15.

Committees, Grand, appointed, with power to receive Petitions, 2 Feb.-All to fit, notwithstanding Adjournment of the House, 2 & 14 Mar.

Coney, George, Petition concerning a Purchase of Lands, & c. belonging to the late Marquis of Winchester-Another of Lord Charles St. John, touching his Claim and Title thereto, severally read, and referred to a Committee, 11 Apr.

Cooper, Mr. desired to pray with the House every Morning, 31 Jan.-Order for bestowing 50£. on him; a Committee to desire Protector to grant his Privy Seal for Payment thereof, 22 Apr.

Courts of Justice, Grand Committee appointed with Power to receive Petitions, 2 Feb.-Leave given them to fit two Days in a Week, 8 Mar.

Craven, Lord, Petition read; Leave given him to come and reside in England, for Six Months, to prosecute a Petition, upon Security to act nothing prejudicial to the Commonwealth, 11 Apr.

Customs. Vide Excise.

A. 1659.

CALAMY, Mr. desired to assist in carrying on the Work of Thanksgiving, 23 Feb. Thanked, and to print his Sermon.

Calvard, Thomas, ordered into Custody as a Delinquent, and Debtor to the State, 21 Sept. Commissioners for bringing in Arrears; to send for and treat with him.

Cambridge, County, Commissioners for the Militia added, 5 Aug. -List of Officers for the Militia, read and approved; Order for Commissions.

Campfield, Colonel Jeremiah, List of Officers in his Regiment, reported and read, 7 Jan. Read again and recommitted.

Can, John, authorized to write the Weekly Intelligencer, 13 May-Referred to the Council of State for a Pension or Employment, 15 Aug.

Candles ordered, 11 Feb.-15 Mar. Question for bringing them in, Neg. 13 Mar.

Canterbury, Recorder impowered to appoint a Deputy, 25 July -Commissioner for the Militia added, 1 Aug.

Caracena, Marquis of, Letter from him read, 2 July.

Cardell, John, Question for reading his Petition, Neg. 21 Sept.

Cardiffe, Lists of Officers for the Garison, reported and read, 25 July-18 & 30 Aug.-Letter from thence read and referred to Committee of Inspections, 7 Jan.

Cardigan County, Commissioners for the Assessment added, 2 Mar.

Carmarthen County, List of Officers for the Militia read and approved, 16 Aug.-High Sheriff discharged; Order appointing another, and for a Commission under the Great Seal, 27 Feb.-Commissioners for the Assessment added, 2 Mar.

Carre, Lady Elizabeth, Petition read and referred to the Council of State, 18 July.

Cartwright, Dr. appointed Judge Advocate of the Army in England, 28 Jan.

Caryll, Mr. desired to assist in carrying on the Work of Fasting, 26 July-Thanked, 3 Aug.-Desired to assist in carrying on the Work of Thanksgiving, 24 Sept.-Thanked, and to print his Sermon, 7 Oct.

Cary, John, ordered into Custody as a Delinquent and Debtor to the State, 21 Sept. Commissioners for bringing in Arrears to send for and treat with him.

Cash, William. Vide Privileges.

Castles. Vide Garisons.

Chabnor, John, ordered into Custody, as a Delinquent and Debtor to the State, 21 Sept. Commissioners for bringing in Arrears to send for and treat with him.

Chaces. Vide Forests.

Challoner, Thomas, appointed One of the Council of State, 14 May-31 Dec.
-, -James, Order for setting him at Liberty, that he may attend the Service of the House, and for delivering up all his Writings, & c. 27 Dec.

Chamberlayne, Major, the apprehending him approved, 9 Feb. Order for his Discharge.

Chancery, Resolution that the Court throughout be reformed and regulated, 31 May-Order for a Commission under the Great Seal, to the Master of the Rolls, Judges, and other Masters in Chancery, to hear Causes in the Rolls and Chancery; Oath to be administered to them, 4 June.

Chapman, John, Judges Certificate on his Behalf to be considered, 15 July.

Chester County. Vide Lancaster County. Person recommended to be Justice Assistant to the Chief Justice, 27 July-Approved; Order for a Patent under the Great Seal, 5 Aug.- Commissioners for the Militia added, 1 & 8 Aug.-Previous and main Questions for bringing the County Seal into the House to be cancelled, and for sequestering the Profits thereof to the Use of the Commonwealth, severally Affirmative-Petition of well-affected Inhabitants read; Council of State to prepare a Declaration according to the Substance thereof-Major General Lambert's Letter, with a Letter inclosed from Sir George Booth and Sir Thomas Middleton, and his Answer thereto, read; Answer approved; Council of State to give him Notice thereof-Order for Money for his Forces-For buying or hiring Waggons to send it down-For paying part of the Money forthwith-Relation of his Success in this County, by giving a total Rout to the Enemy; Order for a Reward to the Messenger.-Another Letter from him read; Messenger's Relation of the late Defeat; Order for a Reward to him-For Letter of Thanks to the Major General. Letter read and agreed to; Speaker to sign it-His Letter touching the Surrender of the City-Another to the President of the Council of State, severally read; Order for presenting him with a Jewel of 1,000£. Value; Messenger gives a full Relation of the Proceedings in the Defeat, and touching the Surrender; Order for a Reward to him- Another Letter with List of Prisoners read-Substance of a Letter from Chester, read; Order for seizing the Arms and Ammunition of Persons who did not assist in suppressing the late Rebellion, 27-Commissioners for Sequestrations to appoint Sub-commissioners, 2 Sept.-Petition of Ministers read, 8 Oct.-Commissioners of the Great Seal to grant Commissions to Justices, as in other Counties, 24 Jan.
-, -City, Petition of Inhabitants read; Corporation to be dissolved and disincorporated; Charter declared void; City to be no longer a distinct County; a Committee to consider how these Votes may be put in Execution, 17 Sept.- Votes vacated4Chamberlain appointed, 27 Feb.-Bill for that Purpose read; Lord Chief Justice appointed; Order for a Patent under the Great Seal-Justice Assistant appointed, 14 Mar.

Chester, Henry, to be sent for in Custody, 7 Feb. Order for his Discharge.

Children, Bill for executing Persons who have murdered them, and been reprieved on Account of Pregnancy, 15 July.

Chirke Castle, Letter, and Articles of Surrender thereof, read; Articles approved; Order for demolishing and making it untenable, 27 Aug.

Christ Church, Oxford, Question between Dr. Owen and Dr Reynolds about the Deanery, referred to a Committee, 3 Mar. Order for making Report. Report; Dr. Owen discharged, Dr. Reynolds restored-Previous Question for referring the Business between Dr. Mills and Mr. Upton to a Committee, Neg. Mr. Upton discharged, Dr. Mills restored to a Prebend.

Christophilus, Richard, Order for granting him 40s. per Week, with the Arrear of 40s. per Week since the 7th of May last, 8 Sept.

Church Government, the Committee for Protection of Persons in the public and private Worship of God revived; and to present the Bill forthwith; Committee added, 7 Oct.-A Committee for Religion appointed, 9 Feb.-Order for receiving Reports every Morning, 1 Mar.-Consession of Faith of the Assembly of Divines on the 25th of September, reported, read, and in part agreed to; 30th & 31st Chapters referred back; the Committee to prepare Act declaring this to be the public Consession of Faith of the Church of England, 2 Mar. Bill read thrice, passed, and to be printed; Ministers to examine it at the Press, and insert Proofs from Scripture in the Margin.

Cinque Ports, Bill for settling them, ordered, 25 July-To be read, 24 Aug.

Circuits, Council of State to consider how to proceed with them this Summer, 7 June-To present Names of Judges to go them. Names presented, and to be considered. Agreed to; Resolution, that they go in the Capacity of Judges; Council of State to confer with the Commissioners of the Great Seal and them to settle the Circuits.- Commissioners Letter read; Judges to take the Oath appointed by Act of Parliament; Council of State to supply the Places of such as refuse to take it.-To present the Names of Persons to go in their Stead, 2 July. Names presented, and agreed to, 9-Judges Letter from Gloucester read, and referred to the Council of State; their Commissions to keep an Assize at Monmouth, to be renewed.-Left to them to hold the Assize in other Counties if they find it safe, otherwise to forbear, 5 Aug.-House to consider of appointing Judges for the Lent Circuit, 31 Jan.-Council of State to appoint three Serjeants to go with the rest of the Judges, 6 Feb. Judges for Two Circuits appointed.-All the Circuits put off; a Committee to prepare Declaration of the Grounds thereof; Proclamation reported-Order for Commissions of Oyer and Terminer under the Great Seal, to the Justices of the respective Counties, 25 Feb.

Clements Inn Fields, Bill for establishing a common, open, and free Market there, read, 8 Aug. Committed. Committees added.-Petition referred, 2 Sept.

Clerk of the House, appointed for a Week, 7 May. Order for 50£. for his Pains-Another Clerk appointed; Order for his Attendance , .-A Committee to prepare Bill for repealing the Act formerly granted to Henry Scobell for settling on him the Office of Clerk, and the House belonging thereto, and to settle the Office and House on Thomas St. Nicholas, ordered-Read, 9 Aug. Read second Time; Salary; Bill committed; Petition read and referred-Bill to be reported, 13 Sept. 7 Jan. Reported, and to be ingrossed-Order for paying his Salary, and the Arrears thereof, 25 Feb.- For present Payment, 15 Mar.
-, -Assistant appointed, 13 May; Order for his Attendance- Keys of Presses where the Records are kept, to be delivered to him.-His Complaint, 7 July. Vide Privileges-Bill for settling the Office on him, read, 18 Jan. Order for second Reading-For Payment of his Salary, and the Arrears thereof, 25 Feb.-For present Payment, 15 Mar.

Clerks, Under, the Committee of Inspections to examine their Cases, 14 May.

Cobbett, Colonel Ralph, List of Officers in his Regiment read, and approved; Their Commissions delivered, 30 July.- Order for discharging him from all military Employments; Serjeant to carry it to him; Name of the next superior Officer in his Regiment to be presented, 12 Oct.- Order for confining him to his House furthest distant from London, 9 Jan. Council of State to secure him, if he disobeys it, 14.

Cock, Charles George, appointed Judge of the Admiralty and for Probate of Wills, 19 May.
-, -William and Timothy, Order for discharging them, and suspending their Sequestrations, 27 Feb.

Cockmatches. Vide Horseraces.

Cockraine, Sir Brice, Petition of Officers of three Regiments under his Command in Flanders, read; Order for a Reward to the Messengers-For Thanks to the Petitioners, 19 July.

Colchester, Petition of Burgesses and Inhabitants, read, and referred to a Committee, 26 May-Another to be read, 7 June. Referred to the Council of State to consider their Offer of raising a Troop of Horse, at their own Charge, and to present Names of a Commander, 30-Letter from Mayor, & c. read, and referred to the Committee of Inspections; Order for Letter of Thanks; Speaker to sign and seal it, 7 Jan.

Comely, Mr. Vide Privileges.

Committee of Safety, appointed, 7 May. Vide Safety.

Common, Pleas, Custos Brevium appointed; Order for a Patent under the Great Seal, 6 Mar.

Connell, Theodorus. Vide Poland.

Cooper, Sir Antony Ashley, his Case referred to the Committee concerning the settling of Members who sat not since 1648, 9 May-Appointed One of the Council of State, 13 May- 2 Jan.-23 Feb.-Letter and Examination concerning him, read; the apprehending him approved; Council of State to examine the Business, 25 Aug.-Order for making Report, 13 Sept. Report; voted Not guilty of the Accusation against him.-His Case referred to the Committee touching absent Members, 5 Jan. Report; admitted upon his Election, -Appointed Colonel of a Regiment. His Commission delivered; List of Officers in his Regiment, read. Read again, and approved. Their Commissions delivered.
-, -Mr. desired to assist in carrying on the Work of Fasting, 26 July-Thanked, 3 Aug.

Corbett, Miles, to be Serjeant at Law, 1 July-Grant of the Office of Register in Chancery to him and Robert Goodwin, declared void, 15 Mar.

Cornwall, Commissioners for the Militia added, 5 & 6 Aug.

Covenant, to be set up in Churches and in the House; Order for reading it once every Year, 5 Mar.

Council of State, a Committee to inform themselves of the Powers of the late Council of State, and present Names of Persons of which this may consist, 9 May.-Bill for constituting a Council of State, and the Number of them, with Instructions, reported, and recommitted.-New Bill read, Instructions read by Parts, and agreed to, with Amendments; Continuance and Number of the Council of State; Previous and main Questions, that ten be not Members, severally Affirmative; Quorum appointed; six of them to be Members. Council chosen. & .-Order for a Seal for them. Seal produced and approved; Inscription thereon; Order for them to use it.-A Committee to prepare a Bill, constituting the Council of State, with the Names of the Members chosen-Form of an Oath to be taken by them, read, and referred; to be brought in again in the Bill, 16 May.-Bill read twice, and committed, 18. Reported, and passed-Members scrupling to take the Oath to be admitted to act, upon their Promne to perform Things contained therein, -Power given them to issue Monies for carrying on the Public Affairs for a Month. 26 -Power continued for a Month longer, 23 June-23 July-26 Aug.-4 Oct.-Power given them to command all Books and Papers of public Concernment out of any Person's Hands, and dispose of them as they shall think fit, 11 Oct.-Proceedings of divers of the Members during the late Interruption of the Parliament approved; Thanks thereupon-Resolution, for nominating a Council of State; Number of them; ten not to be Members, 29 Dec. Chosen, 30 & . Names reported, 31 Dec.-2 Jan.-Bill, with Instructions for them, read; Quorum appointed; six of them to be Members; Continuance of their Power; Addition to their Oath; Blanks filled up; Bill read a Second time; additional Instructions; Bill passed, 2.-Bill for them to take an Engagement instead of the Oath of Renunciation, ordered, 14 Feb. Read twice, and committed. Reported and passed. Their Powers suspended; Member to give them Notice; Report of Notice given-New Council of State to be chosen-Bill for constituting them, ordered; former Instructions read; Bill read twice, and with the Instructions, committed; Committee impowered to consider them, and present others. Instructions read twice, and agreed to, with Amendments; Bill reported; Question, for limiting a Time for their Continuance, Neg. To be continued till further Order; Bill to be ingrossed. Title thereof; Bill passed-General Moncke to be One of the Council of State; the rest to be chosen, 21 Feb. Chosen.-Oath to be taken by their Under Officers, reported, read, and agreed to; any three impowered to administer it-Power given them to secure any Persons, tho' Members, to prevent public Danger, -To dispose of the Care and Custody of Houses, Forests, Chaces, and Parks belonging to the State, 1 Mar.-Order for them to proceed vigorously in securing dangerous Persons, 6; Power given to issue Proclamations against them till 25th April next.-Bill for giving them Power during the Interval of Parliament, in order to the public Safety, read, and passed-Further Power to issue Warrants for passing under the Great Seal such Commissions as they shall grant to Ministers employed to Foreign States from this Commonwealth-To discharge Persons imprisoned for any Crimes against the State.

Courland, Prince of, his Agent to have a Pass for himself and Family into Holland, 26 Aug.

Courtney, Sir William, to be sent for in safe Custody, 7 Feb. Order for his Discharge.

Courts of Law and Equity, Bill concerning Proceedings therein, read; Debate adjourned, 9 May. Resumed; Question, for Second Reading, Neg. Bill rejected.

Cox, Major, the apprehending him approved, 9 Feb. Order for his Discharge.

Craven, Lord, Petition read, and delivered back on account of several Particulars therein, 12 May-Another read, and referred to the Council of State, to consider whether it be fit to license him to stay in England, with Power to grant a Licence, 13 July-Another Petition read, and referred to a Committee, 11 Aug.-Trustees to forbear selling any more of his Lands; no Wastes to be committed, 15 Mar.

Crawford, Earl, Keeper of Windsor Castle to certify the Causes of his Imprisonment, 21 Feb.-Warrant for his Commitment read; Order for discharging him, upon Security not to act any thing prejudicial to the Commonwealth, 3 Mar.

Creditors. Vide Debtors.

Creed, Major Richard, his Letter read, 12 Aug. Order for giving him 250£. -For discharging him from all military Employments; Serjeant to carry the Order to him; Name of the next superior Officer in his Regiment to be presented, 12 Oct.-Order for confining him to his House furthest distant from London, 9 Jan. Council of State to secure him if he disobeys it.

Crew, John, appointed One of the Council of State, 23 Feb.

Crompton, Luke, Petition and Certificates on his Behalf, read, 27 July-Another Petition read; Order for pailing his Pardon under the Great Seal, 11 Aug.

Crompton, Colonel, his Letter read, 16 Aug.-Speaker acquaints the House with another Letter from him; Commissioners of the Army to prepare Answer, Speaker to sign it, 2 Jan.
-, -Sir William. Vide Northampton, Earl of.

Cromwell, late Lord General, a Committee to examine what is due for Mourning for him, and consider how it may be paid, 4 July.
-, -Richard, a Committee to know of him whether he will acquiesce in the Government declared by Parliament, and inform themselves of his Estate and Debts, 16 May. Answer under his Hand that he would acquiesce, with a Schedule of his Debts, reported; Declaration that the House take his Acquiescence in good Part, and will satisfy his Debts, and put in Oblivion all that is past, and that he retire from Whitehall; the Committee of Inspection to state his Debts, and consider how they may be paid; Order for advancing him 2,000£.-Vote to exempt him from all Arrests for Debt for six Months, 4 July-Previous and main Questions for appointing a Committee to consider of settling an honourable Subsistence upon him, severally Affirmative, 25 May -Order for making Report, 12 July-Question for receiving it, Neg Another Day appointed, 13. Report; Order for a Way to pay his Debt of 29,640£. Bill for that Purpose, ordered.
-, -Colonel Henry, his Letter read, 24 May. Vide Ireland. -Order for recalling him, 7 June. Letter for that Purpose ordered, 27-House informed he is in Town; Council of State to hear touching the Management of Affairs in Ireland, 4 July.

Croke, Unton, a Committee to prepare Bill to settle Lands late belonging to Thomas Mompesson upon him; Commissioners of Sequestrations to forbear sequestering them, 27 Aug.- List of Officers in his Regiment, reported and read, 7 Jan. Read again and approved; his Commission delivered to him.

Croxton, Colonel Thomas, his Letter reported, read, and redelivered to the Council of State, 3 Aug.-His Account from Chester reported-Order for giving him 300£. 17 Sept.

Cumberland, Commissioners for the Militia added, 8 Aug.

Customs, a Committee to prepare Bill for levying and recovering Monies due upon the Customs, Excise, and Prize Goods, 20 May. Bill read; the Committee of Inspection to present Names of Commissioners. Bill and Names committed. Reported; Names agreed to, and to be inserted; Bill passed. Title read, and agreed to; Act to be printed.-A Committee to prepare Bill for managing the Customs and Excise from Midsummer next, 20 May. Bill for levying and paying Arrears of the Customs, new Impost, Subsidies, and Prize Goods, and other Revenue before May 1659, read twice, and committed, 8 June. Reported; Title agreed to; Bill to be ingrossed. Read a Third Time; Debate thereon adjourned; a Committee to look upon the Paper Draught, and see what is fit to be amended. To withdraw; Amendments reported; Bill passed and to be printed.-Bill to enable Persons to bring in Monies due by Customs and Excise, by Sale of Lands, Sequestration, or otherwise, ordered.-Order for taking the Farms of the Customs and Excise into the State's Hands, where it shall be adjudged necessary, 8 June.-Report of Farmers, whose Farms are adjudged to be entered upon; Declaration, that they ought to pay their Rents, and the Arrears thereof, till 1st October next-A Committee to prepare Proviso to exempt such as do not pay their Arrears out of the Act of Indemnity-Bill for Sequestration of their Estates, ordered, 4 July; to be presented.-Petition of several Officers of the Customs read, and with the Account, referred to a Committee, 14 June.-A Committee to prepare Bill touching the Customs and Excise, 28 July-Another Committee to prepare Bill for settling them, 17 Aug.- Another Committee to prepare Bill for reviving Acts and Ordinances, made before the late Interruption of Parliament, touching the Receipts of the Customs and Excise, 19 Sept. -Same Committee to prepare Bill for continuing them Three Months longer, as they have been paid since 7th May last. Bill read twice, and committed. Reported; Continuance thereof; Salaries; Names of Commissioners for bringing in the Arrears, and for Appeals; Number of Commissioners for the Customs and Excise; Quorum appointed; Blank filled up; Bill to be ingrossed. Commissioner of the Customs excused at his own Request; another appointed; Title agreed to; Bill passed, and to be printed.-Report, touching the Expiration of the Duties-Bill for continuing them, ordered; read Twice, and committed; Reported; Continuance thereof; Commissioners appointed; former Salaries continued; Commissioners of Appeals continued; Bill passed, and to be printed, 27 Dec. -Commissioner excused, 3 Jan.-Bill for settling the Customs and Excise, ordered, 18 Feb. Committed. Reported, and to be ingrossed. Passed and to be printed.-Commissioners Letter, with a Case inclosed, read, 1 Mar. A Committee to consider of the Queries thereon. Order for making Report. Explanatory Bill reported, read Twice, and passed.

Custos Brevium, previous and main Questions for appointing a Person to execute the Office, severally Affirmative; a Committee to consider of the Office, and all other ministerial Offices in the Disposal of the Commonwealth, 21 Jan. Commissioners of the Admiralty impowered to improve the Office for the Benefit of the State, 6 Feb.

Cyder. Vide Wine.

A. 1651, 1652, & 1653.

DACRE, Sir Thomas, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 16 Nov.

Dalton, Mr. 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 Nov.

Danly, Thomas, John and Edmund, 1652, their Names to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 Nov.

Daniel, George, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 Nov.

Darcy, Lady Elizabeth, 1651, Petition read, 20 Nov. Vide Haughton, Lady Sarah.

Darvyn, William, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 28 Oct.

Duvers, Anne. Vide Hartopp, Mary.

Daugnion, Count, 1652, his Letter read, and referred to the Council of State, 19 May.
-, -1653, his Minister to have Liberty to transport Three Horses for his Use, 13 Apr.

Davis, Edward, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 Nov.

Daulman, Marmaduke, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 13 July.

Deane, Major General, 1652. Order for Letter of Thanks to him for his extraordinary Care and Pains in managing the Affairs in Scotland; Speaker to sign it, 14 May.

Deans and Chapters, 1652, Salaries to all Officers for Sale of their Lands, suspended, 2 June-A Committee to consider what Lands remain unsold, and prepare Act for Sale thereof, 30 Dec.
-, -1653, Bill for further doubling, read; Question, that it be now read second Time; Neg. 31 Mar.

Debentures, 1652, Report from the Council of State, that several Persons have counterfeited them and Public Faith Bills, and are now in the Gatehouse; Order for continuing their Commitment; Council of State to examine the Business, and prepare Act to make Offences of the like kind Felony for the future, 2 June-The Committee for the Army to receive Propositions for Discovery of forged Debentures, and for preventing Deceit thereby, 28 Dec.-Report of Abuses therein, re-committed; Petition referred, 14 Jan.

Debtors, Insolvent, 1652, Act for their Relief read twice; Previous and main Questions for filling up the Blanks, severally Affirmative; Question for Ingrossment, Neg. Act passed, and to be printed, 27 Apr.

Debts, 1652, Bill for more easy Recovery of Debts not exceeding 4£. read twice, and committed, 22 Apr.

Deffell, Thomas, 1652, his Case referred back to the Commissioners for compounding, 3 Nov.

Degennis, Grace, 1651, Petition and Case referred to the Committee of the Army, 20 Nov.

Delavall, Ralph, 1652, Petition read, with a Certificate from the Commissioners for compounding, 10 Nov.

Delinquents, 1651, Report from the Committee of Obstruction in the Sale of their Lands, touching Incumbrances upon them; Time appointed for putting in Claims-Further Report touching particular Cases upon Incumbrances; Three impowered to give an Oath-Order for issuing 1,000£. for carrying on the surveying their Estates; Council of State to see it paid, 26 Sept.-Additional Bill for Sale of their Estates ordered, 20 Nov. To be presented, 26 & .-Read twice and committed; the Committee to present Names of Persons declared incapable of Composition, to be put into the Bill, 3 Dec. Further Instructions to them-17 Feb.- 2 Mar.-Upon Report from the Committee of Obstructions, Time for determining Claims enlarged; Act for that Purpose ordered, 27 Nov.-Order for an Allowance for incident Charges in the Sales, 2 Jan.-For Payment thereof, 3 Feb.-The Committee of Obstructions to prepare Act for preventing the Inconveniences of calling up Copyholders and Leaseholders to make their Claims before them-Act for continuing the Commissioners for compounding, ordered, 13 Jan. To be presented. Read twice; Continuance thereof; Act passed.-Vote touching Compositions; to be sent to the Sub-commissioners in the several Counties, 17 Mar.
-, -1652, List of Delinquents Names read, and referred to a Committee, 31 Mar.-Act for allowing the Claims of Copyholders and Leaseholders that have or shall make their Titles appear to the Surveyors, read, 4 June.-Committed, 12 Oct.-To be reported, 11 Jan.-Additional Act for Sale of Delinquents Lands to be reported, 4 June, Reported. Proceedings thereupon, 22 June-1, 2. 8, 9. 13, 14, 15. 20 & 22 July-18 & 20 Aug.-8. 10. 17. 22, 23 & 24 Sept.-6. 20. 26, 27 & 28 Oct. -2, 3. 20, 17 & 18 Nov.-Bill to be ingrossed, 24 Sept.-Act passed and to be printed, 18 Nov.-Order for Money for carrying on the Business of surveying, 18 June -A Committee to consider of the Power of the Commissioners for compounding touching Appeals, 14 July.- A Committee to present the Names of Thirty Delinquents whose Estates may be forthwith sold for the Use of the Navy, 20. Names of Twenty-eight reported, and agreed to; the Committee to prepare Act for that Purpose, and consider whether Two of them are the same Persons whose Estates are exposed to Sale in the former Bill, and supply the Bill with other Names. Four Names reported; One disagreed to, another added; Bill read twice and committed; Proviso added; Petition referred. Bill reported and re-committed. Reported from Recommitment, and to be ingrossed.-Read third Time, 3 Aug. Provisoes added, others rejected; Act passed and to be printed-Question, that the Parliament intended the Tenants of those Lands should have Pre-emption, Neg. 15 Oct.-Treasurers to pay Monies arising by the Act upon Warrants from the Committee of the Navy, 4 Dec.-Same Committee to receive Petitions touching Discoveries, and consider what Allowance is fit to be given to the Discoverers, 21 July-Report of Queries from the Commissioners for compounding referred to a Committee; another Report touching Allowance to Informers, and punishing vexatious Prosecutors, referred- Commissioners Petition with Proposals annexed, read, and referred to a Committee, 10 Sept.-A Committee to consider how Delinquents Lands in Scotland and Ireland granted by Parliament, may be conveyed, and prepare Bill for that Purpose-Bill disabling Delinquents to bear Office, or have any Voice in Elections of any public Officers, read twice and committed, 30-Reported; Question for Ingrossment, Neg. Act passed and to be printed, 8 Oct.-Act for further impowering the Commissioners for Obstructions to hear and determine Claims, read twice, passed and to be printed-Act for continuing the Commissioners for compounding, read twice,; Question for Ingrossment, Neg. Act passed and to be printed, -State of Receipts and Payments out of the Monies arising by Doublings, reported; Resolution for doubling 100,000£. more; Clause for that Purpose ordered, 9 Nov.-Act ordered. Gentlemen appointed to prepare it.-Read twice and committed, 2 Dec. Reported; Question for Ingrossment, Neg. Act passed and to be printed; Trustees Certificates read. Debate thereon adjourned-Resumed; Petition read, 13 Jan. -Upon Report from the Commissioners for Obstructions, Resolution that there be a Time limited for determining all Claims; Act for that purpose ordered-Resolution, that the Purchasers of Delinquents Estates claiming the Benefit of Articles, shall hold and enjoy them according to Directions contained in the respective Acts for Sale, notwithstanding such Articles, 24 Feb.-Petition of Trustees; Order for Money for carrying on that Service, 17 Mar.

Dell, Mr. 1652, Previous Question for desiring him to preach, Neg. 28 Jan.

Denmark, 1651, King's Letters of Credence read; Day appointed for giving Audience to his Agent; Master of the Ceremonies to acquaint him therewith, 10 Mar. House informed that he is in the Court of Wards; a Committee appointed to give him Audience; Letters of Credence and Papers of what he delivered by Word of Mouth, reported and referred to Council of State, with Power to treat with him.
-, -1652, Draught of a Letter to the King reported, read, and agreed to; Order for sending it; Speaker to sign it, and put the Parliament Seal thereto-House informed that two Ambassadors Extraordinary are come from him; Council of State to take Care for their Reception and Entertainment, 19 May-Copies of their Letters of Credence read; Day appointed for giving them Audience; Master of the Ceremonies to acquaint them therewith; Serjeant to prepare all Things necessary; Members appointed to attend them to their Audience. Manner of receiving them; Ambassador presents the Credentials, with a Copy of his Speech; Business to be considered. Considered; Council of State to hear and treat with them; Master of the Ceremonies to give them Notice thereof.-Their Letter; Day appointed for giving them Audience; Master of the Ceremonies to acquaint them therewith; Members appointed to attend them to their Audience, 29 June. Orders annulled; another Day appointed; Master of the Ceremonies to give them Notice-Manner of receiving them; Lord Reete's Oration read; Council of State to give them Thanks, with a civil Answer thereto, and to give them a summary Account of the present Difference with the States General, and the Necessity of the Parliament's Proceedings, 2 July-Letter from the King read, 10 Sept. Translate thereof read, and referred to Council of State-Paper delivered to the Council of State, by the Ambassadors, read and referred to them-Their Letter read; Council of State to report their Proceedings with them, 12 Oct. Several Papers reported and returned; Ambassadors to be acquainted with an Information of the Stay of English Ships at Copenhagen, and desired to answer therein. Order for making Report. Several Papers reported; Proceedings of the Council of State approved; Ambassadors Letter read. Effect of a Conference with them, reported; Resolution for an Address to the King concerning the safe Return of the English Ships; Council of State to consider in what Manner the Address shall be made-To appoint a fit Person, and prepare Instructions for him, and bring in a Letter with a Blank; Speaker to sign, and seal it with the Parliament Seal, the Name being inserted-To prepare Answer to the Ambassadors last Paper. Answer reported, read, and agreed to, with an Amendment; Order for sending it to them, with a Narrative of the Fact-Papers reported Yesterday to be returned-Ambassadors Letter read; Day appointed for their Audience; Master of the Ceremonies to acquaint them therewith. Members appointed to attend them to their Audience. Manner of receiving them; Lord Reete's Speech read; some Members to accompany them to the Tower Stairs.
-, -1653, Council to report the whole Matter of Fact in Relation to Denmark, 14 Apr.

Denbigh County, 1651, Order appointing High Sheriff, and for a Commission under the Great Seal, 4 Nov.
-, -1652, Like Order, 12 Nov.

Denny, Lady, 1651, Order for continuing her weekly Pension Six Months longer, 21 Nov.
-, - 1652, Petition referred to the Committee of Petitions, 27 Aug.
-, -Robert, 1652, Previous and main Questions for nominating him Sheriff of Staffordshire, severally Affirmative, 12 Nov.

Dent, Robert, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estate, 2 Nov.

Denton, John and Edward, 1652, their Names to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 July.

Derby County, 1651, Order appointing High Sheriff, and for a Commission under the Great Seal, 4 Nov.-Commissioner, for the Assessments added, 14 Jan.
-, -1652, Order appointing High Sheriff, and for a Commission under the Great Seal, 12 Nov.
-, -Earl of, 1651, Papers taken in his Hampers referred to Council of State to see what there is of Importance, 30 Aug.-Several reported and read, 1 Sept. Resolution that he is a fit Person to be brought to Trial-That he be tried by a Court Martial; Council of State to see the Votes put in Execution speedily and effectually-Letter with Resolutions of the Court upon him, read, 7 Oct.-His Letter and Petition inclosed, read.

Desborow, Major General, 1651, his Letter read, 1 Sept.

Devon County, 1651, Order appointing High Sheriff, and for a Commission under the Great Seal, 4 Nov. Commissioners for the Assessments added, 19 Dec.
-, -1652, Order appointing High Sheriff, and for a Commission under the Great Seal, 12 Nov.

Dew, Edward. Vide Gildar, Robert.

Dexter, Margaret, 1652, Pardon for her read and agreed to; Order for passing under the Great Seal, 20 July.

Dickens, Anne, 1651, Petition read, and referred to the Committee of the Revenue, 30 Aug.

Digby, Sir Kenelme, 1651, Barons of the Exchequer to proceed in his Case according to Justice in the ordinary Course, 31 Dec.

Disney, Joan, 1651, Petition and Case referred to the Committee of the Army, 20 Nov.

Dixwell, John, 1651, appointed One of the Council of State, 25 Nov.

Dobbins, Nathanael, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 28 Oct.-Order from the Barons of the Exchequer touching discharging his Sequestration, read; Question, that his Name stand in the Bill, Neg. 17 Nov.

Dobson, Hugh, 1652, Question for inserting his Name in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, Neg. 2 July.-Order for it, 28 Oct.

Dodd, Peirce, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 26 Oct.

Dodsworth, Timothy, 1651, to be sent for as a Delinquent, 25 Feb.-His Petition read; Order for bringing him to the Bar, 11 Mar.-For bailing him.

Doleman, Marmaduke, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 26 Oct.
-, -William, Philip, and Thomas, 1652, their Names to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 Nov.

Domvile, Richard, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 28 Oct.

Donolt, Lieutenant Christopher, 1651, Petition and Case of his Widow referred to the Committee of the Army, 20 Nov.

Dorset County, 1651, Order appointing High Sheriff and for a Commission under the Great Seal, 4 Nov.
-, - 1652, Like Order, 12 Nov.

Dover, 1651, Order for making Report touching the Pier, 14 Jan.
-, - 1652, Like Order, 26 Mar.-Letter and Petition of the Assistants reported and read; Order for allowing 4,000£. for Repair thereof, 6 Apr.-Mayor's Letter read, and referred to Council of State, 8 Dec.
-, -1653, Commissioners for inspecting the Treasuries, to consider how the 4,000£. may be paid, and order the Payment thereof, 6 Apr.

Doughtie, Anne, 1651, Order for paying her 4£. out of the Box Money, 28 Aug.
-, -Henry, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 28 Oct.

Dowdall, Milicent, 1651, Petition and Case referred to the Committee of the Army, 20 Nov.

Downes, John, 1651, appointed One of the Council of State, 25 Nov.
-, - Colonel, 1651, Report concerning him to be made, 26 Dec.-Order for paying him 300£. for his Pains and Service for the Public, 1 Jan.
-, -Lawrence, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 Nov.

Drake, Sir Roger, 1651, Order for pardoning him-For discharging his Imprisonment and Sequestration, 15 Oct. Speaker to sign a Warrant for his Discharge.

Dreydon, Sir John, 1652, Previous and main Questions for admitting him to fit as a Member severally affirmative, 21 Apr.

Drury, Elizabeth, 1651, Petition and Case referred to the Committee of the Army, 20 Nov.

Duckenfield, Colonel Robert, 1651, his Letter read, 29 Aug.- The Committee of the Army to examine the Truth of a Suggestion touching 1,000£. lent by him to the Use of the Commonwealth, and still unsatisfied, 6 Nov.
-, -1652, Report, 7 Sept.

Dudley, Dudd, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 Nov.

Duels. Vide Challenges.

Dukeson, Abigail, 1651, Upon Lord General's Certificate that her Husband was slain at Worcester, order for paying 150£. for her Subsistence, 16 Dec.

Dunbarre, Lord Viscount, 1652, Question for inserting his Name in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, Neg. Commissioners for compounding to consider his Case, and state the Matter of Fact, 29 July.

Dunbarton Castle, 1651. Vide Scotland.

Dundee, 1651. Vide Scotland.

Dunnotter Castle, 1652, Colonel Morgan's Letter, with a Copy of the Governor's Inclosed, and Articles of Surrender read; Articles approved, 5 June.

Dunwich, 1651, Petition o Inhabitants read, and referred to the Committee on the Bill for Sale of Fee-farm Rents, 11 Mar. Report; Resolution for remitting the Rent due for a Feefarm, and reserving the Rent only to the Commonwealth.

Duresme, Newton, 1652, his Case referred back to the Commissioners for compounding, 3 Nov.

Durham, 1651. Vide Lancaster, Duchy of. Order appointing High Sheriff, and for a Commission under the Great Seal, 4 Nov.-Petition of divers Inhabitants who have paid their Compositions; Previous and main Questions for discharging their Sequestrations severally Affirmative.
-, - 1652, Act for holding an Assize there read twice; Questions for Commitment and Ingrossment, severally Neg. Act passed and to be printed, 10 Aug.-Order appointing High Sheriff, and for a Commission under the Great Seal, 12 Nov.

Dutton, Richard, 1652, Question for inserting his Name in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, Neg. Commissioners for compounding, if upon Inquiry they find he has paid his Composition in Wales, to discharge his Sequestration, 10 Nov.

A. 1653.

DAWES, Sir Thomas, Bill for quiet Enjoyment of certain Manors, & c. late Parcel of his Possessions, read, 4 Aug.-Petition of several of his Creditors read, and referred to the Committee for public Debts, 24 Sept.

Deane Forest, a Committee to consider Wastes committed therein, 21 Oct.

Deans and Chapters, Bill for Sale of the remainder of their Lands, ordered, 12 Sept.

Debts, Public, a Committee to consider of them, and receive Accusations of Bribery and Frauds, 20 July-Report, 6 Aug. Vide Dick, Sir William-Report; Bill for clearing of Public Debts, and Discovery of Frauds or Concealments, with Clause for a Reward to the Discoverer ordered. Bill read and committed-Other Clauses ordered; Committees added, 5 Sept. Bill reported and recommitted; Resolution touching the Reward to the Discoverer. Bill reported; Commissioners appointed; Place for their Sitting; Bill to be ingrossed-Passed, 7 Oct. Amended.

Delinquents, Further additional Bill for Sale of their Lands, read twice and committed, 17 Aug. Reported, and to be ingrossed; Clause added. Bill read third Time; Debate thereon, adjourned. Resumed-Votes touching Compositions; Bill for Sale of Privileges and Powers of Persons whose Estates by former Acts are exposed to Sale, ordered, 3 Sept. Read twice and committed-A Committee to prepare Bill to sell Delinquents Estates, since 30th January 1648, and for a Reward to the Discoverers. Bill for continuing the Commissioners for compounding, & c. Advance of Money, and for Indemnity, read twice; Commissioners appointed; Question for Ingrossment, Neg. Act passed and to be printed, 29 Oct.-Act concerning the Determination of Claims depending before the Commissioners for Obstructions, read twice; Blanks filled up; Question for Ingrossment, Neg. Act passed and to be printed, 4 Nov.

Denbigh County, Order appointing High Sheriff, and for a Commission under the Great Seal, 10 Nov.

Derby County, Order appointing High Sheriff, and for a Commission under the Great Seal, 10 Nov.
-, - Earl of, Petition and Case annexed, reported; Order for allowing him 500£. per Annum out of his Father's Estate; Act for that Purpose ordered; Trustees to forbear Sale of the Remainder in the mean Time, 1 Aug.-Act read, 12 Nov. Order for second Reading. Read; Question for Ingrossment, Neg. Act passed.
-, -Countess Dowager of, Petition reported and read; Previous and main Questions for admitting her to a Composition severally Affirmative; Rates thereof, 27 Sept.-Bill for that Purpose, and for giving Robert Massey 1,000£. for his Losses, read twice; Day of Payment; Question for Ingrossment, Neg. Act passed, 8 Oct.

Desborow, Major General, previous and main Questions for calling him to fit as a Member, severally Affirmative, 5 July -Appointed One of the Council of State, 1 Nov.-One of the Generals at Sea, 3 Dec.

Devon, Order appointing High Sheriff, and for a Commission under the Great Seal, 10 Nov.

Dick, Sir William, Petition and State of his Case reported, read; and referred to the Committee for Public Debts, 25 July, Report; Order for paying him 1,000£, out of Goldsmiths Hall, 6 Aug.-Further Report; Order for continuing his whole Debt; deducting the 1000£. upon the former Security; 1 Oct.

Dorset, Order appointing High Sheriff, and for a Commission under the Great Seal, 10 Nov.

Duck, Nicolas. Vide Scarborough.

Durham, Act for holding the Assizes there, read twice, and committed, 27 July-Order appointing High Sheriff, and for a Commission under the Great Seal, 10 Nov.

A. 1654.

DARNALL, Ralph, approved to be Clerk Assistant, 10 Oct. Deans and Chapters, Resolution that all Sales of their Lands shall be valid, 15 Dec. Vide Government.

Debentures, forged, a Committee to consider how Reparation may be made to State for them, 22 Nov.

Debtors. Vide Creditors.

Debts, Public, a Committee of the whole House to consider of satisfying them, 22 Dec.-3 & 10 Jan.

Derby County, Petition of Inhabitants read, and referred to a Committee, 14 Dec. Vide Northern Counties.

Dick, Sir William, Petition read; Order for paying part of his Debt; a Committee to examine the Truth of the Debt, 18 Jan.

Dingley, Edward, Bill for settling upon him Manors and Lands late belonging to Samuel Dingley, upon paying several Sums to his Wife and Daughters, read, 15 Jan.

Durham, Petition of Tenants of the late Dean and Chapter to be read. 2 Nov. Read and referred to a Committee.

A. 1656 & 1657.

DARNALL, Ralph, 1656, approved to be Clerk Assistant at the Clerk's Request, 18 Sept.

Dartmouth, 1656, New Writ, 23 Mar.

Deane, John, 1656, Petition reported; Resolution that he is a fit Object of Mercy and Pardon, to be offered to Protector, 30 Sept.-Bill for Pardon and Restitution in Blood of him and others, read, 23 Oct. Committed. Reported, and to be ingrossed-Passed; Protector's Consent to be desired, 11 Nov. Protector's Consent.
-, - Martha, 1656, Bill for naturalizing her and others, read, 10 Nov. Committed; Committee impowered to insert Names-Bill reported, and to be ingrossed, 2 Dec. Passed; Protector's Consent to be desired.
-, - 1657, Protector's Consent, 9 June.

Deane Forest, 1656, a Committee to consider of Satisfaction to the Inhabitants touching their Rights and Grievances, 16 Oct. -Bill for Mitigation of the Rigour of Forest Laws therein, and for Preservation of Wood and Timber, read, 21 Nov. Order for second Reading-Bill committed, 6 Dec. Reported, and to be ingrossed-Passed; Protector's Consent to be desired, 14 Mar.
-, - 1657, Protector's Consent, 9 June.

Debtors, 1656, a Committee to prepare Bill to compel those in Prison that are of Ability, to pay their Debts, and for Relief of such as are not able, 25 Sept.-Bill read and rejected-Same Committee to prepare another, 29 Oct.-Bill to be read, 26 & 29 Nov.-Read, 3 Dec.-Order for second Reading, 19 Feb. Question for ingrossing, Neg. 23.
-, - 1657, Order for second Reading, 27 Apr.-5. 14 & 21 May-6 June.

Debts, small, 1656, Bill for Recovery thereof, and for relieving Persons in Cases of small Trespasses, read, 16 Oct. Order for second Reading-Read; Question for rejecting it, Neg. Bill committed, 1 Nov. To be reported.
-, - 1657, Like Order, 18 June.-Bill for Recovery of certain just Debts, read, 27 Mar.

Delinquents. Vide Corporations.-A Committee to consider of the Estates of such as have not compounded, and touching the Payment of the second Moieties, and the Cases of Children whose Parents have not compounded, 22 Oct.

Dendy, Edward, 1656, Petition read, and referred to the Committee for Irish Affairs, 22 Dec.

Denham, Thomas, 1657. Vide Privileges.

Denne, Mr. 1657. Vide Privileges.

Deptford Strand, 1657, Petition of Inhabitants read, and referred to the Committee on the Bill for Buildings, 5 June. Vide Buildings.

Derby, Earl of, 1656, Petition to be read, 9 Dec. Read, and referred to a Committee, with Power to prepare a Bill as is desired. Committees added-Order for making Report, 21 & 24 Feb.-Bill for settling certain Manors, Lands, & c. on him, read-Committed, 9 Mar. To be reported.
-, - 1657, Reported, and to be ingrossed, 27 Mar.

Devon County, 1656, Petition of well-affected Gentlemen, Ministers, & c. read, 18 Dec. Vide Quakers.-Petition of Inhabitants to be read, 9 & 11 Feb. Read. Vide Chadwick, Mr.

Dick, Sir William, 1656, Petition of his Creditors and distressed Family, to be read, 7 Feb. Read, and referred to a Committee.
-, - 1657, Another Committee to offer some Expedient for their Relief till the Parliament sit again, 15 June. Report; Protector to be desired to issue his Warrant to the Commissioners of the Treasury to pay his Son additional 40s. per Week-Order for suspending all Declaratories and Process in Scotland against his Estate-Council of State there to state and close the Account of public Debts due to him; Protection granted him.

Divorces and Alimony, 1656, a Committee to prepare Bill concerning them, 19 Jan.

Dowdale, Edward, 1657. Vide Privileges.

Downes, John, 1656, Petition reported; Resolution that he is a fit Object of Mercy, and that he stand reprieved, 21 Oct.

Drapery. Vide Cloth.

Dumfreeze, Sanclare, Lockmaben, Annand, Wigton, Kirkobright, Whithorne, and Galloway, 1656, new Writ, 2 Oct.

Dunbar. Vide Pebles.

Dunwich, and Southwold, 1656, a Committee to consider a Petition from thence, and prepare a Bill for imposing a Rate on Goods imported or exported, for maintaining and repairing the Haven, 13 Mar. Committees added.

Durham County, 1656, Petition of well-affected Ministers, read, 18 Dec. Vide Quakers..
-, - 1657, Bill of Grant and Confirmation of Liberties, Privileges, and Jurisdictions formerly used therein, read, 25 Mar.
-, -Committed, 23 May; Committees added.

A. 1658 & 1659.

DANVERS, alias Villiers, Robert, Information that he had been a Papist, and in Arms against the Parliament; heard thereupon; withdraws; Witness heard; Mr. Danvers makes Answer again, and withdraws; expelled, and disabled from sitting in any Parliament; Question for committing him to the Tower, Neg. 12 Feb.

Darnall, Ralph, appointed Clerk Assistant, 27 Jan. Vide Clerk Assistant.

Dartmouth Election, and double Return; Report, recommitted, 23 Mar.

Debentures, a Committee to examine Abuses by fraudulent Bills and Debentures, and Bills and Bonds for the Public Faith; no Person concerned to be of the Committee; Committees named; those present satisfy the House they are no ways concerned; Auditors, & c. to attend them; Protection to be granted to Persons they shall desire to attend-No Bonds or Bills for Debentures to be given till further Order, 9 Apr.

Dick, Sir Andrew, Petition read, and referred to a Committee, 13 Apr.

Drew, Joseph. Vide Privileges.

Durham, County, Petition of Justices of Peace, & c. read; referred to a Committee to prepare Bill for equal Representatives for the County and City, 31 Mar.


DANTZICK, Letters of Credence to that Commonwealth, read, and agreed to-To be passed under the Seal of the Council of State, and signed by Speaker, 28 June.

Darnall, Ralph. Vide Clerk Assistant-His Petition read, and referred to a Committee; Order for paying the Arrears of his Salary, 24 Aug.

Day, Cornet, Information that he is in his Captain's Custody for dangerous Words; his Commitment approved; Order for delivering him over to the Serjeant attending the Council of State, 28 July.

Deal, Lower, Petition of Pilots, Seamen, & c. read, and referred to a Committee, 28 May.

Deane Forest, Information of Tumults and riotous Meetings there; Sheriff and Justices of Peace to suppress them-A Committee to take Care of the Preservation of Timber therein, 11 May-Petition of Commissioners, Miners, and others, read, and referred, 1 June-The Committee to proceed with Power to examine upon Oath, 9 July. Revived; Order for their meeting; Commissioners of the Admiralty to attend them-Council of State to preserve the Peace therein, and the Woods as inclosed on 7th May last, 9 July.

Debtors, Insolvent, Petition read, and referred to a Committee, 18 July; Quorum appointed-Bill for Relief of them and Creditors, read, 7 Oct.

Debts, Bill for Payment thereof, ordered, 10 May.

Delinquents, a Committee upon Conference with Trustees for Sale of their Lands, to prepare Bill for giving Power to sell any of them unsold, or obstructed in the Sale, 8 June- Another Committee to examine touching the second Moieties in Arrear, and prepare Bill to compel the Payment thereof with Damages, 11 July. Committees added; Committee impowered to receive Propositions touching raising Monies for the Commonwealth. Report; Bill for compelling the Payment of the second Moieties with Interest, read twice, and committed; the Committee to consider of retrenching the Charge of Officers and Salaries-To consider touching the second Moieties of the Marquis of Winchester's Lands. Bill reported, and to be ingrossed, 11 Aug. Read third time; Third Register Accountant added; Quorum of them; Bill passed; a Committee to peruse it before it is printed; no Money to be paid thereupon without Order of Parliament or Council; Order for a Sum in Gross instead of Salaries. Act amended.-Bill for nominating and appointing Commissioners to put in execution all Powers heretofore given to any Committee or Commissioners to compound with Delinquents, ordered, 29 July.-Read twice; Instructions for them, read twice, and with the Bill committed, 1 Aug. Reported, passed, and to be printed; the Committee of Inspection to acquaint the Commissioners therewith-Bill for encouraging Tenants to malignant Landlords to be faithful to the Parliament, read twice, and committed. Reported; Debate thereon, adjourned-Petition of several Persons who have made Discoveries, read-Additional Act, appointing Sequestrators, read twice, and committed-A Committee to withdraw and prepare Order for sequestering Estates; Order reported, read, and referred to another Committee, with Power to prepare Bill and Instructions to the Commissioners touching this Business. Bill for sequestering, the Estates of Persons in the last Rebellion, read twice, and committed; Commissioners appointed. Bill reported; Time for sequestering Persons that aided Charles Stewart; a Committee to withdraw, and prepare Clause to that Purpose; Clause reported, read twice, and agreed to; Bill to be ingrossed, Read Third time; a Committee to withdraw, and consider of Amendments upon the Debate, Amendments reported, and agreed to; Bill passed, and to be printed; Council of State to take Care it be forthwith sent into the several Counties.-Additional Bill for Sequestrations, read, 1 Oct. Committed. Reported; Quorum of Commissioners; Allowances and Salaries; Comptroller appointed; Bill to be ingrossed-Passed, and to be printed, 7 Feb. -Bill impowering the Committee or Sub-commissioners to examine upon Oath, read thrice, and passed; Quorum appointed, 3 Sept.-A Committee to prepare Bill for Sale of Estates of Delinquents in the late Rebellion with Sir George Booth; the Committee to confer with Commissioners for Sequestrations, and send for a List of Persons sequestered, 9 Jan. List and other Papers reported, and read; Committee added.-Proposal of a Discovery reported, and agreed to; Order for a Warrant to the Discoverers, and for Security from them to make good all Damages, 16 Feb.-Bill for Repeal of Two Acts of Sequestrations, read twice, and committed, 1 Mar. Reported and passed.-Bill for bringing the Rents of Delinquents and Recusants Estates, read twice, and passed.

Denbigh, County, Commissioners for the Militia, added, 8 Aug.

Denmark. Vide Sound.

Derby County. Vide Nottingham County-Commissioners for the Militia, added, 1. 8, 9 & 16 Aug.-Order for seizing the Arms and Ammunition of Persons who did not assist in suppressing the last Rebellion-High Sheriff appointed, 10 Feb.-Commissioners for the Assessment added, 15 Mar.
-, - Earl of, Previous Question, for giving 20£. to the Person who took him, Neg.-Resolution for giving him 10£. 24 Aug.

Deverox, Nicolas, Petition read, and referred to the Commissioners for Irish Affairs, 18 July.

Devon County, Commissioners for the Militia added, 5 & 6 Aug.-High Sheriff discharged, 5 Mar.-Another appointed.

Diamond, Tristram, to be put into the Commission of Peace, 9 Sept.

Dick, Sir Andrew, Petition read, and referred to a Committee; Protection granted him for six Months-Order for continuing his Pension, and paying the Arrears due from 7th May last, 11 Aug.-For continuing his Protection six Months longer, 8 Feb.-Bill for granting him a Protection, and continuing his Pension, read-Council of State to consider of some Employment for him in Scotland, 3 Mar.

Dimes, Mark, ordered into Custody as a Delinquent and Debtor to the State, 21 Sept. Commissioners for bringing in the Arrears to send for and treat with him.

Disborow, Colonel, appointed One of the Council of State, and a Commissioner for nominating Officers, 13 May. Council of State to present a Commission for him, with a Blank for, the Continuance-List of Officers in his Regiment, reported, read, and approved, 4 July; Their Commissions delivered-Order for discharging him from all military Employments; Serjeant to carry it to him; Name of the next superior Officer in his Regiment to be presented, 12 Oct. -Order for confining him to his House farthest distant from London, 9 Jan. Council of State to secure him, if he disobeys it.

Dixwell, Colonel, appointed One of the Council of State, 14 May.-31 Dec.

Dodson, William, ordered into Custody as a Delinquent and Debtor to the State, 21 Sept. Commissioners for bringing in the Arrears to send for and treat with him-His Propositions reported and agreed to; Order for his Discharge, upon Security to render himself to Serjeant when required, 7 Oct.

Doores, Thomas, Judges Certificate on his Behalf to be considered, 15 July.

Dorset County, Commissioners for the Militia added, 6 Aug.- List of Officers for the Militia read and approved; Order for Commissions to them-Commissioners for the Assessment added, 2 Mar.-Custos Rotulorum appointed.

Dover, List of a Governor and Officers for the Garison, reported, 9 July. Read and approved.

Downeham, Francis, ordered into Custody as a Delinquent and Debtor to the State, 21 Sept. Commissioners for bringing in the Arrears to send for and treat with him.

Downes, Colonel, appointed One of the Council of State, 14 May.

Downing, Mr. appointed Agent to the States General, 30 June -His Letter reported and read, 12 Aug.-Credentials for him as Envoy Extraordinary, reported, read, and approved; Speaker to sign and seal them, 18 Jan.

Drew, Joseph. Vide Privileges.

Duckenfield, Lieutenant Colonel, Order for giving him 250£. 27 Aug.

Dunkirk, Report from the Committee of Safety touching the Garison, 18 May-Narrative of the State thereof; Council of State to provide Money for their Supply, 28 June- To prepare Instructions for ordering the Receipts of the Revenue there, and to authorize Persons to take Care thereof-Addresses of several Regiments there, read; Letter of Thanks ordered; Speaker to sign it-Council to prepare a Settlement and Establishment for the Garison, and consider the Messenger's Charges in coming over, 27 July-Speaker to sign and send Commissions to such of the Regiments as the Council of State shall approve, 16 Aug.-Commissioners for the Army to take Care for recruiting the Garison, 28 Dec. -Governor's Letter read; Council of State to provide Shoes and other Necessaries for them; Order for Letter of Thanks to him and the Soldiery; Speaker to sign it, 3 Jan. -State of the Case touching the Payment of 12£. per Week for Subsistence of the Garison, reported; Order for paying it for a Month, 6 Mar.

Dunklyn, John, ordered into Custody as a Delinquent and Debtor to the State, 21 Sept. Commissioners for bringing in the Arrears, to send for and treat with him.

Durham County, Petition of Knights, Justices of Peace, & c. read, and referred to a Committee to prepare Bill for equal Representatives for the County and City, 31 May-Bill for enabling Judges to hold Assizes there, to be read, 2 July. Committed. Reported and passed; Act to be ingrossed. To be printed.-Commissioners for the Militia added, 8 Aug.

A. 1651, 1652, & 1653.

EAST INDIA Company, 1651, Leave given them to transport 20,000£. in foreign Coin and Bullion, 14 Jan.
-, - 1652, Petition of Governor, & c. read; Debate thereon adjourned, 15 July.

Eastland Merchants, 1651, Petition read, 4 Nov.-Another read, and referred to Council of State, 30 Dec.-State of their Case reported; Order for restoring the Ship and Lading free from any Seizure or Confiscation, 9 Jan.
-, - 1652, Petition of those residing at Dantzick, read, 16 Apr.

Eastlander, Rebecca, 1651, Petition and Case referred to the Committee of the Army, 20 Nov.

Edwards, Richard, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 Nov.

Egerton, Richard, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 26 Oct.

Egmont, Catharine, 1651, Petition and Case referred to the Committee of the Navy, 20 Nov.

Eleazar, and Abraham, converted Jews, 1652, Petition read; Order for bestowing 20£. on each of them, 7 Dec.

Elections, 1651, Debate touching an equal Representative in Parliament, to be resumed, 16 Sept. Resumed; Order for making Report. Report; Debate thereon adjourned. Resumed; a Committee to prepare Bill for settling Time for the sitting of this Parliament, and calling a new one. Committees added; all that come to have Voices. Order for Meeting of the Committee, and sitting de Die in Diem for a Fortnight, except one Day, 10 Oct. Committee fits, 14. 16, 17, 18. 22, 23 & 28 Oct.-4. 6, 7. 11, 12 & 13 Nov. Motion from them for House to appoint a Day for debating whether it be now a convenient Time to declare a certain Time for the Continuance of this Parliament, beyond which it shall not fit; agreed to. Business debated; Previous and main Questions that now is a convenient Time, severally Affirmative. Time agreed on.
-, - 1652, the Committee on the Bill revived, 7 May. Sits. State of their Proceedings reported; Previous and main Questions for dissolving them, and committing the Bill to a select Committee, severally Affirmative; all that come to have Voices; Committee impowered to send for and advise with any Persons, 14 Sept.-Order for their Meeting; Referred to them to consider the Number of Members for Scotland, 15 Dec.-Bill to be reported, 16 Feb. Reported; Debate thereon adjourned. Resumed; Previous Questions that the Blanks for Scotland and Ireland be filled up with Thirty-seven, severally Neg. Order for filling them up with Thirty, 2 Mar. Proportions of Members for several Counties, Cities and Boroughs.
-, - 1653, Qualification of Electors, 30 Mar.-Proceedings on the Report, 13 Apr.

Ellers, Barnard, 1651, his Case referred to the Council of State, with Power to hear and determine it, and dispense with any Forfeiture or Confiscation, 17 Feb.

Ellis, Robert, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 27 Oct.
-, -William, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 Nov.
-, -Edward, 1652, Commissioners for compounding impowered to hear and determine his Appeal, 3 Nov.

Elsliott, Thomas, 1651, Serjeant to deliver him to Newgate, 9 Jan.

Eltonhead, Richard, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 July.

Elwyns, Edward, 1651, Petition read and referred to the Committee for Sufferers at Worcester, 9 Mar.

Emden, 1652, Translate of a Letter from the Consul and Senate, read and referred to the Council of State, with Power to hear the Messenger, and prepare an Answer, 8 Feb.

Emery, Mr. 1653, Petition to be read, 13 Apr.

Emmerson, Robert, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 1 July.

Emmiston, John Unwin, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 Nov.

Empson, Thomas, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 Nov.

Enderly, George, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 13 July.

Enfield Chace. Vide King.

Engagement, 1651, to be fair written, and set up in the House, with the Names of Members who have subscribed it, 18 Sept.

Englefield, Henry, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 Nov.

Ensor, Jane, 1651, Petition and Case referred to the Committee of the Army, 20 Nov.

Enticott, Robert, 1652, Question for pardoning him, Neg. 9 Mar.

Errington, John, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 1 July.
-, - Mark, Lancelot, Nicolas, and Henry, 1652, their Names to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 14 July.

Essex County, 1651, Committees Letter read, 1 Sept.- Order appointing High Sheriff, and for a Commission under the Great Seal, 4 Nov.-Commissioners for the Assessments added, 19 Dec.-14 Jan.
-, - 1652, Order appointing High Sheriff, and for a Commission under the Great Seal, 12 Nov.

Evans, John, 1652, Question for inserting his Name in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, Neg. 13 July.
-, -Margaret. Vide Thracey, Frances.

Ewre, Lord, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 Nov.

Exeter, 1651, Upon Report from Council of State touching the Forces in the Castle, Question for adding 40 Men, Neg. Order for putting in a sufficient Number out of the Devonshire Militia, 28 Aug.

Excise, 1651, Certificate from the Commissioners touching the Payment of 36,361£. 18s. 8d. with Interest, to Persons who advanced Money upon the Credit of the first Ordinance for 400,000£. referred to the Council of State; Commissioners to forbear Payment in the mean Time, 16 Aug.- Report; Order touching the Payment, 1 Oct.-Information that Persons who have paid their Excise to the Office are called to an account for it, referred to the Commissioners, 2 Sept.-Surviving Commissioners to carry on the whole Business for this Year, 21 Oct.-Commissioner appointed in the Room of One deceased, 6 Jan.
-, - 1652, Like Appointment, 8 Apr.-The Committee of Excise to consider the State thereof.-Report, 9 Nov. -Commissioners to permit each County to farm the Excise, 4 Dec.-Resolution for continuing the Excise, from September next for two Years; Act for that Purpose ordered.

Exton, Dr. John, 1651, appointed One of the Judges of the Admiralty, 28 Nov.

Eyves, Richard, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 July.

A. 1653.

EDINBURGH. Vide Scotland.

Edwards, David, Order for reprieving him till next Summer Assizes; Sheriff to forbear Execution in the mean Time, 12 Sept.

Egerton, Peter, Petition read, 22 Aug. Vide Idiots.

Elizabeth, Frigate, Council of State to give Encouragement to the Captain, and Children of the Master who was slain, 6 Oct.

Emanuel College. Vide Preston.

Embargo, Council of State impowered to lay an Embargo, 3 Oct.

Engagement, a Committee to consider Acts touching it, and what is fit to be done therein, 9 July.-Bill for taking it away, read; Question for Second reading, Neg.-Bill for Redress of the Abuse of pleading the Engagement in Bar of Suits, ordered, 20 Oct.-Act for repealing Part of an Act for subscribing the Engagement, read twice; Blanks filled up; Question for Ingrossment, Neg, Act passed and to be printed, 4 Nov.

Essex County, Petition of well-affected Persons read, and referred to a Committee; Speaker's Answer, 27 July- Order appointing High Sheriff, and for a Commission under the Great Seal, 10 Nov.-Commissioner for the Assessments added.

Ewre, Lord, appointed One of the Council of State, 1 Nov.

Excise. Vide Supply-A Committee to consider of bringing in the Arrears, and of Redress of Grievances in the Management thereof, 1 Aug. Report touching the Arrears; Bill for bringing them in, ordered. Read twice and committed; reported, and to be ingrossed. Passed, and to be printed-Commissioners and Sub-commissioners to be called to Account for Fines received by them, 5 Sept.-The Committee for Inspections to examine what Fines have been received in the several Counties; Bill for that Purpose ordered-Order for Farming the Excise-Votes for taking away some Offices, and reducing the Salaries, of others, 1 & 4 Oct.-Commissioners continued-The Committee of Inspections impowered to give the Comptroller an Oath.
-, - List of the Rates of Excise on Commodities of inland Making or Growth, reported, 25 Nov. Considered.

Exeter, Petition of the Church there, read, 26 Aug. Vide Religion-Commissioners for the Assessments, added, 24 Nov.

A. 1654.

ELECTIONS and Privileges, Committee appointed, 5 Sept. Revived; Order for sitting, 15 Sept.-7 Dec.- Committees added, 5 Oct.-14 Dec.-The Committee to proceed upon Elections in Ireland as they do upon Elections in England-Controverted; Reports, viz. Yarmouth and Caterlaugh-Petitions to be presented to the Committee within Three Weeks-Double Returns to be considered in the first Place, 5 Oct.-Members make Election, 4, 5, & 6 Oct.-3 Nov.-The Committee to consider the Business of a Person in Holy Orders returned, and all Cases of the like Nature, 9 Oct.-Information that the Clerk of the Commonwealth refuses to certify a Person to the Clerk of the House, till approved by Protector's Council; Resolution that Persons returned shall be admitted without any other Approbation, than that of the Parliament; such Persons to be certified to the Clerk of the House, 2 Dec.-Methods of making Elections, and Qualifications of Persons to be chosen, and of Electors.

Ely, Isle of, Petition of Owners of Fen Lands read, and referred to a Committee, 15 Dec. Vide Fens.

Excise, A Committee to consider the Amount of Moneys charged thereupon, 18 Jan.

A. 1656, & 1657.

EDWARDS, Antony, 1656, additional Bill for ascertaining and setting out Lands in Ireland to be settled on him, and other well-affected Inhabitants of Gloucester, read, 17 Feb. Committed-To be reported, 20 Mar.
-, - 1657, Like order, 26 Mar. Bill reported, and to be ingrossed-Proviso added; Bill passed; Protector's Consent to be desired, 5 May-Protector's Consent, 9 June.

Elections and Privileges, 1656, Committee appointed, and to sit de die in diem, with Power to receive Petitions touching Elections, 18 Sept.-Day appointed for their sitting, 4 Oct. Controverted, viz. Lynn-Petitions touching Elections in England, to be within 14 Days-Touching Elections in Scotland and Ireland within 20 Days-Letter to Speaker from Persons returned touching their being kept out of the House by Soldiers at the Lobby Door, read by him privately; Subscribers Names and Letter read to the House; Clerk of the Commonwealth to attend with the Returns, 18 Sept. Vide Members.-Persons returned for two or more Places to make Election within Eight Days, 25 Sept-1, 2. 4 & 21 Oct.-28 Nov.-House appoints what Place a Member shall serve for, he not having made his Election within the Time limited, 22 Oct.-Speaker during this Session, to issue new Writs in Case of Death or double Returns where the Member makes his Choice in the House, 25 Sept.
-, - 1657, Committees added, 21 Jan.-Petitions to be presented within Two Months-The Committee to receive them and sit from Day to Day; Order to be set up without the House Door, 25 Jan.-Persons returned for two or more Places, not to sit till the Return is determined-The Committee to determine double Returns in the first Place- Clerk to set up the Names and Places where there are double Returns, at the Door, 1 Feb.

Elford, William, 1656, Petition read, 27 Jan. Vide Levant Company.

Elgin and Narnes, 1656, new Writ, 23 Oct.

Ely, Isle of, 1656, Bill for Grant and Confirmation of Liberties and Privileges therein, read, 21 Nov. Committed. Committees added-Bill reported, and to be ingrossed, 23 Dec.

Emanuel College. Vide Johnson, Samuel.

Emerton, William, 1656, Order for bestowing Part of the last Collection on him, 7 Mar.

England, Christian, 1657, Protector to be desired to continue her Pension, 20 June.

Erbury, Dorcas, 1656, her Facts and Crimes referred to a Committee, 18 Dec.-Her Petition read; Lord Chief Justice of the upper Bench to receive Informations, and cause Proceedings against her-Order touching satisfying the Serjeant's Charge in keeping her-For Warrant to him, to deliver her to such Prison as Lord Chief Justice shall order, 14 Feb.- Lord Chief Justice to dispose of her according to Law, 21 Mar.

Euer, Mrs. Vide Privileges.

Excise, 1656, a Committee to consider the Arrears of Money, and confer with the Commissioners about bringing them in, 17 Sept.-Report of Excise due from several Merchants, read at large, then by Parts; Times for Payment thereof; Debate adjourned, 7 Nov.-A Committee to consider of putting the Excise and Customs into One Receipt, and how they may be improved, and the Charges of Officers retrenched, and how an exact Account of imported Commodities may be had, 21 Oct. Vide Supply.
-, - 1657, All Acts and Ordinances touching the Excise, to continue in Force till further Order, 29 Apr.

Exeter, 1656, Petition of well-affected Gentlemen, Ministers, & c. read, 18 Dec. Vide Quakers.-Bill for Maintenance of Ministers and Union of Parishes there, read, 24 Dec.- Order for second Reading, 2 & 27 Jan.-7 Feb. Bill committed. Committee impowered to send for Witnesses, & c.-Bill reported, and to be ingrossed, 7 Mar.
-, - 1657, Passed; Protector's Consent to be desired, 27 Mar.-Protector's Consent, 9 June.-Petition of Inhabitants read, 27 Mar.

Exmore Forest, 1657, Petition concerning it to be read, 1 Apr.

A. 1658 & 1659.

ELECTIONS, Committee appointed with Power to receive Petitions-To sit notwithstanding Adjournment of the House, 28 Jan.-Committee added, 19 Feb.-Petitions to be delivered within 28 Days-To be proceeded upon according to Priority-Double Returns to be considered first, 28 Jan.-Elections controverted; Reports; viz. Reading, Poole, Stockbridge, Oxford County, Horsham, Castle-rising, Petersfield, Malton, Carmarthen Borough, Tiverton, Colchester, Haslemere, Dartmouth, Hertford Borough, Taunton, and Bossiney-Right of Election determined, viz. Malton, Haslemere and Reading,-Persons returned upon double Returns, not to sit till Returns determined, 28 Jan.-Members make Election, 31 Jan.-11. 17. 23, 24 & 25 Feb. -10, 11. 17 & 30 Mar.-To make Election within Seven Days, or House to appoint the Place they shall serve for, 1 Mar. Appoints a Place-The Committee to examine a Clause left out in the Writs of Summons, 2 Mar.- Original Writs for the two last, and this present Parliament, read, and re-delivered to the Clerk of the Commonwealth.

Excise. Vide Accounts.-Bill for taking away all Laws, Statutes, and Ordinances concerning Excise and new Imposts, after Years; and concerning Customs, Tonage, and Poundage, after Months of Lord Protector's Death, read, 29 Mar. Read second Time; Debate thereon adjourned-Resumed, 1 Apr.

Eyre, Adam, Petition on Behalf of reduced Officers, under Ferdinando, Lord Fairfax, read, and referred to a Committee, 13 Apr.

A. 1659.

EAST INDIA Company, Bill for Re-payment of 15,000£. advanced by them, read twice, and passed, 30 June.

Easter Term. Vide Term.

Eaton, Captain, Commissioners for nominating Officers to exaamine the Matter of Fact touching him, 13 June.

Eden, Samuel, Pardon for him, and Judges Certificate read; Pardon agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 25 Feb.

Egerton, Colonel Randolph, voted a Rebel and Traitor, 9 Aug. Vide Booth, Sir George.

Elections, ingrossed Bill for a new Representative, to be delivered to the Clerk, 9 Aug.-Debate touching filling up the Parliament, adjourned, 1 Oct. Resumed; Previous and main Questions for referring it to a Committee, to consider the Distributions, Numbers and Qualifications of Persons to be elected, severally Affirmative-Previous and main Questions for issuing new Writs for electing Members in the Places of those deceased, and for appointing a Committee to bring in Qualifications, severally Affirmative, 3 Jan. Order for making Report. Bill disabling Persons to elect, or be elected, read twice, and committed; Committee to consider how this Parliament may be made so as to be a Foundation for all future Parliaments. Committees added. Bill to be reported. Order for Meeting of the Committee. Bill reported; Debate thereon, adjourned-Resumed, 3, 4, 5. 8. 11. 13 & 15 Feb. Bill to be ingrossed. Proceedings thereupon. Bill passed and to be printed; A Committee to see there be Coherence through the whole, and no Mis-writing-Resolution for summoning a new Parliament, on the 25th April, 1660. A Committee to prepare Qualifications of Members. Qualifications reported and read; Debate thereon adjourned. The Committee revived, and to consider of Qualifications of Electors.-Bill for calling and holding a Parliament at Westminster, on 25th April, 1660, read, 8 Mar. Information that the Qualifications formerly reported, are lost; Reporter produces a Copy thereof; Copy read; Bill and Qualifications committed; Question for committing them to a Committee of the whole House, Neg. 9. Chairman to inform the House of the Proceedings thereupon; House to resume the Business; Bill reported. Proceedings thereupon. Bill to be ingrossed. Passed, and to be printed.

Ely, Isle of. Vide Lancaster County.-Commission of Oyer and Terminer for the Isle to be issued, 9 July.

Emott, Lancelot, Order for paying Part of his Salary as Provost Marshal of London and Westminster, 10 Feb.-For paying the Arrears thereof, 15 Mar.

Enfield Chace, Justices of Peace to take bail for nine Soldiers committed to Newgate for a Riot there; Petitions of Purchasers of Part of the Chace, and of Proprietors and Commoners, severally read, and referred to the Committee for Deane Forest; Order of Reference to be read in Enfield and other adjacent Churches, 16 July. Another Petition of Purchasers read; Keeper of Newgate to deliver the Soldiers over to the Marshal General of the Army; Sheriffs of Middlesex and Justices to suppress all Riots there; Military Officers to assist them. Their Certificate and Account presented; Order for them to proceed in preserving the Peace.- Order for making Report, 8 Aug.

Engagement to be taken by Members, and the Militia, read thrice, and to be ingrossed, 3 Sept. Debate thereon referred to a Committee-Engagement to be taken by all Persons, read and agreed to, 15 Feb.-Discharged and to be taken off the File; Orders injoining the taking it, vacated; a Committee to see them expunged, 13 Mar.

English, Christian, Order for continuing her Pension, and paying the Arrears due from 7th May last, 11 Aug.

Essex County, Custos Rotulorum appointed, 25 June-3 Mar. -Commissioners for the Militia added, 1 Aug.-High Sheriff for the Remainder of the Year, appointed.

Excise. Vide Customs-Report touching the Payment of Salaries to the Officers, referred back to the Commissioners, 25 June-Bill for bringing the Revenue of the Excise into the Exchequer, read, 7 July-Letter to the Judges to require the Justices to assist the Sub-commissioners and Farmers in collecting it, read and agreed to, Speaker to sign it.

Exeter, Commissioners for the Militia added, 5 & 6 Aug.

Eyre, Colonel Adam, List of Officers in his Regiment reported and read; his Commission delivered, 18 Jan. List read again and approved; Several of his Officers Commissions delivered. Speaker to deliver others after the rising of the House; delivers them.

A. 1651, 1652, & 1653.

FAIREFAX, Lady Frances, 1651, Petition and Case referred to the Committee of the Army, 20 Nov.
-, -Lieutenant Colonel Francis, 1651, Petition and Case referred to the Committee of the Army, 20 Nov.

Faith, Public, 1651, Report touching the Payment of Moneys due thereupon, and the Qualifications of Persons to be paid agreed to, 13 Jan.-A Committee to prepare a Draught of a Commission to be sent into the several Counties for ascertaining the Public Faith, and Instructions touching it, and Qualifications of the Public Faith fit to be satisfied, and how it may be paid-Report agreed to, 12 Mar.
-, - 1652, The Committee impowered to receive Proposals, 27 Apr.-Their Report; Resolution, that such Persons as will take Satisfaction by Lands in Ireland, shall have satisfaction accordingly; the Committee to consider how this Vote may be made practicable, and prepare Bill for that Purpose- A Committee to consider touching pulling down Cathedrals, and applying them to the Payment of the Public Faith, 9 July-Bill for that Purpose to be presented, 11 Jan.- Act for Payment of the Public Faith out of Discoveries or Concealments not pardoned by the Act of Oblivion, ordered- A Committee to consider how Monies due may be ascertained, and what Time is fit to be fixed for making Claims, 26 Aug. - Bill for better Satisfaction of Monies due upon the Public Faith, read 30 Nov.-Bill touching satisfying the Public Faith of Persons that are not able to double, read-Bill for ascertaining Monies due thereupon, ordered, 18 Jan. Read-Committed; the Committee to present Names of Commissioners, 3 Feb.

Fanshaw, Thomas, and others, 1652, Petition read, and referred to a Committee, 20 May.
-, - Richard, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 28 Oct.

Farmery, Robert, 1652, to be admitted to his Composition, at One Third Part of his Omissions and Undervaluations, 3 Nov.

Farre, Ralph, 1651, Petition read; Order for pardoning him, and discharging his Sequestration, 30 Aug.
-, - John, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 28 Oct.

Farrington, William, 1652, Commissioners for compounding, impowered to discharge his Sequestration, if upon Enquiry they find he has paid his fine with Interest, 10 Nov.

Fast, 1651, Order for a Public Fast for a Blessing upon the Counsel and Forces of the Parliament, 20 Aug. Day deferred-Preachers appointed, 20 Aug.-17 Sept.- Thanked, 26 Aug.-23 Sept.-Resolution for keeping a Fast in the House, 17 Sept.
-, - 1652, Resolution for a Public Fast-Days appointed- A Committee to prepare Declaration of the Grounds and Reasons thereof-Lord Mayor to give Notice to the Ministers within the Lines, 1 June-Act appointing Days for the Fast, with the Grounds and Reasons, read twice; Question for Ingrossment, Neg. Act passed and to be printed- Preachers appointed, 1 June-27 Jan.-Thanked, 10 June-Paper of Grounds and Reasons for appointing a Day of public Prayer and Humiliation, read; Day appointed; a Committee to prepare Act for that Purpose, with the Grounds and Reasons thereof, 10 Aug. Act to be presented. Read twice and committed. Reported; Question for Ingrossment, Neg. Act passed, and to be printed; Commissioners of the Great Seal to take Care it be published- Ministers desired to assist in carrying on the Exercises of the Day, 1 Sept.-Resolution for a Fast in the House-For a Public Fast, 27 Jan.-Latter to be printed, published, and sent to the Sheriffs in the several Counties to be dispersed to the Ministers, 9 Feb. Council of State to take Care they be speedily sent-Fast kept in the House; a Committee to collect the Subscriptions of Members for Relief of Widows and Children of Persons slain, and of maimed Soldiers and Seamen in the late Engagement with the Dutch, 3 Mar.

Faucett, Samuel, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 28 Oct.

Fawney, Dorothy, 1651, Petition and Case referred to the Committee of the Army, 20 Nov.

Fee-farm Rents, 1651, Estimate touching those sold, and to be sold, reported; Additional Bill for Sale thereof, ordered, 8 Jan.-To be read, 3 Feb.-2 & 10 Mar. Read twice and committed-To be reported-Reported, and to be ingrossed-Purchasers to receive the Rents due 25th March next, provided they pay the Purchase Money within a Month, 23 Mar.
-, - 1652, Order for Third Reading of the Bill, 30 Apr. -Read; Question; that a Proviso stand, Neg. 4 May. -Question, that a Clause stand, Neg. Act passed, and to be printed, 3 June-Further additional Act for Sale thereof, read twice, 8 Sept. Reported; Question for Ingrossment, Neg. Act passed, and to be printed, 9.

Fell, Mr. 1651, his Letter read, 5 Sept.

Fens, 1651, Report touching them to be made, 13 Jan.- 16. 18 & 19 Mar.
-, - 1652, Made; Petition read; Debate adjourned, 26 Mar.-Resumed; Papers read; Previous Question for a Bill impowering certain Commissioners to view certain Fens, and examine how much has been drained, and by whom and what other Parts are fit to be drained, Neg. 9 Apr.

Fenwick, Colonel, 1651, his Letter read, 19 Aug.

Fernes, Henry, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 Nov.

Ferrers, Henry. Vide Fanshaw, Thomas.

Fetherstonhaugh, Sir Timothy, 1651, Resolution, that he is a fit Person to be brought to Trial-That he be tried by a Court Martial; Council of State to see the Vote put in Execution effectually and speedily, 11 Sept.-Letter, with Resolution of the Court upon him inclosed, read, 7 Oct.

Fielder, Colonel, 1651, Order for paying Monies formerly assigned him out of his Discoveries, 24 Mar.

Fincham, Thomas, 1651, his Case referred to Council of State, with Power to hear and determine it, and dispense with any Forfeiture or Confiscation, 17 Feb.

Fines, Norris, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 10 Nov.

Fines. Vide Recoveries-1652, Act for ascertaining arbitrary Fines upon Descent or Alienation of Copyhold of Inheritance, read twice and committed, 15 Apr.-Previous Questions that the Value be not above two full Years Value -Not above one Year and half Value, severally Neg. Previous and main Questions, that it be not above a full Year's Value, severally Affirmative; Bill to be ingrossed, 6 May. Question, that it be now read third Time, Neg. Day appointed for it.-Bill for taking away Fines upon Bills, Declarations, and Original Writs, read twice and committed; the Committee impowered to hear the Cursitors, and other Officers, 22 Apr.

Finners, Catharine, 1651, Petition and Case referred to the Committee of the Army, 20 Nov.

Fisher, Captain, 1652, Petition read, and referred to the Committee of Petitions, 27 Aug.
-, - Thomas, 1652, Petition on his Behalf read, and referred to the Committee of Petitions, 27 Aug.

Fishery, 1652, Council of State to prepare Declaration to assert the Right of this Commonwealth thereto, and to the Sovereignty of the Seas, 25 June.

Fitzpatrick, Colonel John, 1652, Declaration of the Nobility, Gentry, & c. of Lemster against him, read, 18 May.- His Articles, and Resolutions of the Irish Commissioners thereupon, reported, read, and agreed to, 18 Aug.

Fizakerley, Robert and Nicolas, 1652, their Names to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 July.

Fleetwood, Lieutenant General, 1651, appointed One of the Council of State, 24 Nov.-His Letters read, 25 Aug.- 1 Sept. Thanked for his great Services.
-, - 1652, Appointed Commander in Chief of the Forces in Ireland under Lord General, and a Commissioner for Civil Affairs, 9 July-Liberty given to discharge himself of such public Business, as is necessarily to be discharged before his going, 3 Aug.
-, - Sir Richard, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 July.
-, - Sir Gerard, 1652, Petition read, and referred to the Committee of Obstructions, 27 Aug.

Fleming, Sir Oliver, 1652, his Letter read, 10 Sept.
-, - William and John, their Names to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 Nov.

Fletcher, Elizabeth, 1651, Petition and Case referred to the Committee of the Army, 20 Nov.
-, - John, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 July.

Flintoft, William, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 Nov.

Flyer, William, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 28 Oct.

Forcer, John, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 1 July.

Forde, Robert, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 Nov.

Forests and Chaces, 1651, the Committee of the Navy to consider how those belonging to the Commonwealth may be improved, 12 Mar.
-, - 1652, Order against selling Lodges belonging thereto, 2 Sept.-The Committee of the Revenue to take Care Forests, Chaces and Parks be improved, and employed to the Uses intended, 15 Oct. To take Care to preserve the Wood and Timber, and appoint Officers, 18 Nov.-Information touching Wastes, referred, 3 Dec.-Act for Sale thereof, read twice and committed, 8 Jan.

Formerby, Richard, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 July.

Forrests, Humphrey, 1652, to be admitted to his Composition, at One Third Part of his Omissions and Undervaluations, 3 Nov.

Forster, Mr. 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 28 Oct.

Fountaine, John, 1652, Order for pardoning his Delinquency, 17 Mar.

Fowell, Henry, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 Nov.

Fowke, Alderman John, 1651, Report touching Reparation of his Sufferings in 3° Caroli-Bill for putting in Execution the Decree of Lords House between him and the East India Company read; Petition of the Company read; Bill read second Time and committed; Petition referred, 27 Feb.
-, - 1652, his Petition read; Debate thereon adjourned, 15 July. Resumed; Previous Question for reporting the Bill, Neg. The Committee to consider the Part of the Decree not executed, and hear both Parties with Power to examine upon Oath-Business concerning his Sufferings 3° Caroli, to be considered, 7 Sept. Former Report read; a Committee to hear him, and consider of a fit Sum for his Satisfaction.

Fowle, Robert, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 28 Oct.

Fox, Edward, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 13 July.
-, - Richard, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 Nov.

Foxwell, Margaret, 1652, Pardon for her read and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 20 July.

France, 1652, Upon Report from Council of State, previous and main Questions for opening a free Trade with such Ports there, and under such Restrictions, as the Parliament shall think fit, severally Affirmative; Council of State to consider of proper Ports and Restrictions, 24 Aug.-Letter from the King read; Master of the Ceremonies to acquaint his Minister with the Stile to be given in Addresses, and that this Letter being otherwise directed, the Parliament cannot take Notice of it, 14 Dec.-Copy of his Credentials read, Day appointed for giving him Audience; Master of the Ceremonies to acquaint him therewith; Serjeant to prepare all Things necessary-House informed that he attended; a Committee appointed to give him Audience; Report, that they had received the Original Letter from him. Letter of Credence, and Translate of his Speech read, and referred to the Council of State to prepare an Answer.-Another Letter from him read, and referred to them to prepare an Answer, with Power to treat with him, 5 Jan. Answer reported, read, and agreed to; Question, that the Speaker sign it, Neg. Clerk to sign it; Council of State to deliver it-His Desire for Liberty to transport 30 Horses to the King, agreed to, 1 Mar.

Francis, John, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 28 Oct.

Francklin, Deborah, 1651, Order for paying her 4£. per Week, and the Arrears thereof, 19 Nov.
-, - Richard, 1652, Pardon for him read and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 20 July.

Franke, Elizabeth, 1651, Petition and Case referred to the Committee of the Army, 20 Nov.
-, - Marmaduke, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 Nov.

Frankland, William, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 Nov.

Free Quarter. Vide Cromwell, Lord General.

Freeman, John, 1651, his Case referred to the Council of State, with Power to hear and determine it, and dispense with any Forfeiture and Confiscation, 17 Feb.
-, - Gabriel, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 Nov.
-, - Paul and Anne, Vide Nymbling, Richard.

Freere, Robert, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 Nov.

Frewen, Dr. Stephen, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 20 Oct.
-, - Margaret, 1651, Petition and Case referred to the Committee of the Army, 20 Nov.

Frost, Gualter, 1651, appointed Secretary to the Council of State, 28 Nov.
-, - 1652, Condition of his Family reported from them; Order for allowing his Wife and Children 1,000£. Council of State to give Order for the Payment and Distribution thereof, 30 Mar.

Fruesell, William, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 1 July.

A. 1653.

FAITH, Public, Petition of several Creditors thereupon, referred to the Committee of public Debts, 19 Sept.

Fee-farm Rents, additional Bill for Sale thereof, ordered, 3 Sept. Read twice; Blanks filled up; Bill to be ingrossed. Passed, and to be printed.

Fees, Bill for regulating them in Courts of Justice and elsewhere, ordered, 6 Oct. Read twice, and committed.

Ferneby, Philip, and Wife, Petition read, 22 July. Vide Ireland.

Fiddy, Thomas. Vide Scarborough.

Filewood, Roger. Vide Privileges.

Fines, Act for taking them away upon Bills, Declarations, and Original Writs, read twice, and committed, 22 July. Reported, and to be ingrossed, 1 Aug. Passed-Resolution, that the General Words therein, extend to Writs of Covenant, and Writs of Entry, 7 Nov.

Fitch, Colonel Thomas, Petition reported and read; Order for settling Lands in Scotland of 200£. per Annum on him and his Heirs; Commissioners there to set them out and settle them accordingly, 3 Oct.

Fleet Prison, State thereof reported, 23 Oct.

Fleetwood, Lieutenant General, his Contract for Sir Ralph Hopton's Estate referred to the Committee of Public Debts; Order for staying Proceedings thereupon, 10 Oct.
-, - Colonel George, appointed One of the Council of State, 1 Nov.

Flint County, Order, appointing High Sheriff, and for a Commission under the Great Seal, 10 Nov.

Forest Lands, a Committee to consider of the Sale thereof, 20 Sept. Propositions of the late Farmers of the Customs, reported and agreed to, with Amendments-A Committee to prepare Act for Sale of them-To consider Lady Leech's Desire of doubling upon them, 7 Oct. Bill read. Read second Time; Report for admitting her to double; disagreed to; Bill committed; Petition referred-Number of Trustees; the Committee to present Names of Officers, 9 Nov. Names presented; Quorum of Trustees; Bill to be ingrossed. Read Third Time; Trustees Salaries; Day of first Payment. Proviso added; Bill passed and to be printed.

Framlingham. Vide Hitcham.

Frazier, Michael, Petition reported and read, 3 Oct.

Frederick, Sir John, Petition read and referred to the Committee of Inspections, 7 Oct.

Frees, Mr. his Proposal to make a Discovery, reported; Council of State to give Directions for making it practicable, 19 Sept.-To allow him One fourth.

French and Walloon Churches, Petition of Strangers belonging thereto; previous Question for referring it to the Committee of Trade, Neg. Order for referring it to the Council of State, 2 Sept.

A. 1654.

FAITH, Public, Resolution that all Debts thereupon shall be paid, 15 Dec. Vide Government.

Fast, Resolution for a General Fast; a Committee to prepare Declaration of the Grounds thereof, 4 Sept. Declaration to be reported. Reported; read at large, then in Parts, and agreed to, with Amendments; Lord Protector's Concurrence to be desired. Signified; the Council of State to take Care it be speedily sent abroad-Preachers appointed, 4 & 14 Sept.-1 Nov.-Thanked, and to print their Sermons, 4 Sept.-7 Nov.-Persons desired to assist in carrying on the Work of Fasting in the House, 19 Sept.- Thanked, 12 Oct.

Fens, Petition of Participants, & c. in draining the Fens between Bourne, Boston, and Lincoln, read and referred to a Committee, 31 Oct.-Another referred, 15 Dec.

Fines. Vide Forfeitures.

Fleetwood, Lieutenant General, Previous and main Questions that he be approved for Deputy of Ireland, severally Affirmative, 24 Oct.

Forces. Vide Army.-A Committee to consider of disbanding the Supernumeraries, and what Money will be necessary for paying them till disbanded, and how it may be provided, 18 Jan.

Ford, Richard, and others, Petition read; Question for referring it to a Committee, Neg. 15 Dec.

Forfeitures, Bill for disposing of them, Fines, Confiscations and Amerciaments, ordered, 30 Dec.-Read, 15 Jan.

A. 1656 & 1657.

FAITH, Public, 1656, a Committee to consider Debts due thereupon, and Ways and Means for satisfying them, 10 Dec. Impowered to send for Persons, & c.-Committees added, 1 Jan.
-, - 1657, Committee revived; Order for their meeting and making Report; all that come to have Voices, 5 June.- Report agreed to, with Amendments. To be transmitted to Protector-Bill for ascertaining and settling Debts due upon the Public Faith, and providing Security for them ordered, 13 June. Read. Committed.

Fashions, indecent, 1656, Debate thereon referred to the Grand Committee of Trade, with Power to prepare a Bill for Redress thereof, 29 Sept.-A Committee to prepare a Bill for Redress of Evils by such Persons as live at very high Rates, and have no visible Estate, Profession or Calling suitable thereto, 16 Oct.
-, -1657, Bill read, 12 June. Committed; Committee impowered to fill up Blanks. Bill reported and to be ingrossed. Passed; Protector's Consent to be desired. Protector's Consent.

Fast, 1656, Resolution for a general Fast; a Committee to prepare Declaration of the Grounds thereof, 18 Sept. Declaration reported and read. Read again by Parts, and passed-A Committee to withdraw and prepare Clause to prohibit bodily Labours and Recreations on that Day; Clause reported and agreed to; a Committee to desire Protector's Consent to the Declaration. His Consent signified- Order for printing and dispersing them through the Three. Nations-Ministers desired to assist in carrying on the Work of Humiliation, 18 & 19 Sept.-1 Jan.-25 Feb. -Thanked, and to print their Sermons, 25 Sept.-31 Oct.-12 Jan.-28 Feb.-Resolution for keeping a Fast in the House, 1 Jan.-25 Feb.
-, - 1657, Like Vote, 20 Jan.-Order for a Collection-Ministers desired to assist in carrying on the Work of Humiliation, 20 Jan. Thanked, and to print their Sermons.

Faunt, George, 1656, Bill enabling him to sell Lands for Payment of Debts and Legacies, and for raising Portions for his younger Children, and for making a Jointure, read, 12 Feb. Committed.
-, -1657, Reported and to be ingrossed, 31 Mar.-Passed; Protector's Consent to be desired, 4 Apr.-Protector's Consent, 9 June.

Fees, 1657, Persons in Naturalization Bills to pay their Fees, or attend to answer their Neglect, 11 May.

Fens, 1656, Bill touching them to be read, 20 & 26 Nov.

Fenwick, Mr. 1657. Vide Privileges.

Fienes, Lord Commissioner, 1657, his Speech before Protector and Parliament, to be reported, 23 Jan. Reported.

Fines, 1656, Bill for ascertaining them upon Descent and Alienation of Copyholds of Inheritance, read, 29 Sept.-Order for second Reading, 1 Oct. Read and rejected on Account of Irregularity.

Fish, 1656, a Committee to prepare Bill for transporting them in foreign Bottoms, 8 Nov. Bill to be read. Read. Order for second Reading-Bill committed, 2 Jan.
-, -1657, Reported, and to be ingrossed, 27 Mar.- Passed; Protector's Consent to be desired, 30 May.-Protector's Consent, 9 June-A Committee to consider of Bonds given by Englishmen for Payment of the Duty appointed by the Act-No Process to issue out of the Exchequer for Non-payment in the mean Time, 28 Jan. Report; Resolution, that all Bonds and Recognizances be cancelled.

Fitzjames, Colonel John, 1657, Petition read; Commissioners of Accounts to state his Accounts, and give him Debentures for his Arrears; Trustees for Sale of late King's Land to give him Bonds thereupon, 31 Mar.

Fleetwood, Lieutenant General, 1657, Resolution for settling Lands in Ireland of 1,500£. per Annum on him and his Heirs; Bill for that Purpose ordered, 8 June.

Forests, 1656, a Committee to consider the State thereof, and how Fines due for Destruction of Wood and Timber may be collected, and what Fines are fit to be discharged, 23 Oct. -Bill for confirming the Returns of the Perambulation thereof, and touching the Forest Laws, ordered; Provision to be made therein for discharging Fines imposed by Justices in Eyre, & c. 14 Mar.
-, -1657, Ordinance for Sale of four Forests and Chaces, reserved for a collateral Security to the Soldiery, to be continued in Part-A Committee to prepare Bill how the several Proprietors and Commoners may make out their respective Interests and Rights, and for Disposal of the Forests, 29 Apr.-Instructions touching them to be read, 18 June. Read and agreed to, with Amendments-A Committee to consider of a Clause in the Ordinance for Sale thereof, 30 Apr.

Fornication. Vide Adultery.

Forrett, John, 1656, Petition and Appeal to be read, 26 May.

Fothergill, Colonel George, 1657, Petition read; Commissioners of Accounts to state his Accounts, and give him Debentures for his Arrears; Trustees for Sale of late King's Lands to give him Bonds thereupon, 1 May.

Frodsham, Humphrey, 1656, Petition reported; Previous and main Questions that he is a fit Object of Mercy and Pardon, severally Affirmative; Resolution for sending him into America, upon Security not to return; Protector to be moved for a Reprieve in the mean time, 30 Sept.

Fryar, John. Vide Lawrence, Henry, and Deane, John.

A. 1658 & 1659.

FAST, Resolution for keeping a Fast in the House, Minister desired to assist in carrying on the Work, 28 Jan.- Thanked, and to print his Sermon, 4 Feb.-Resolution for a general Fast, a Committee to prepare Declaration of the Grounds thereof, 30 Mar.-Declaration reported, and read in Parts; Debate thereon adjourned, 2 Apr. Resumed; Declaration agreed to with Amendments, and to be ingrossed.-Ingrossed Declaration read and agreed to with Amendments; Title read twice, and to be ingrossed; Ingrossed Title read third Time; Concurrence of the other House to be desired, 5 Apr. Messenger appointed; his Report.

Fish, Bill for transporting them in foreign Bottoms, read, 27 Jan.-All Bonds given and Recognizances entered into by English Merchants upon the Act for transporting them, & c. voted void, and to be cancelled, 9 Apr.

Foyle, Oxenbridge. Vide Rivers, Marcellus.

A. 1659.

FAGG, Colonel, House approves of what he has done; Thanks thereupon, 29 Dec.-Appointed One of the Council of State.

Fairfax, Lord, his Case referred to the Committee concerning the not sitting of Members who sat not since 1648, 9 May -Appointed One of the Council of State, 13 May- 2 Jan.-23 Feb.-His Case referred to the Committee touching absent Members, with Power to examine Witnesses, 5 Jan.-Letter from him and others read, and to be printed; Letter of Thanks ordered, Speaker to sign it.
-, -Colonel Charles, approved to be Colonel of a Regiment, 30 July-List of Officers therein, read and approved, 18 Aug. Their Commissions delivered.

Falkland, Lord, Order for restoring Pistols, & c. taken from him; Power given him to take them where he finds them, 6 Mar.

Fanshaw, Mr. Vide Northampton, Earl of-Order for suspending his Sequestration, 27 Feb.

Fast, Resolution for keeping a Fast in the House, 20 May- 26 July-29 Dec.-Ministers desired to assist in carrying on the Work, 20 May-26 July-29 Dec.-Thanked, 27 July-3 Aug.-4 Jan.-Resolutions for a general Fast through the Three Nations, 26 July.-16 Mar.- Votes to be printed, 26 July.

Fouconberg, Lord, Previous and main Questions for committing him to the Tower, severally Affirmative, 24 Sept. Council of State to see the Order put into execution, and have the same Power concerning him, as the rest committed by them.

Faunt, George to be sent for in safe Custody, 7 Feb. Order for his Discharge.

Fenton, Colonel John, Commissions delivered to him and his Officers, 27 July.

Fig-tree, a Ship of Amsterdam, Petition on Behalf of the Owners read, and referred to a Committee, with Power to release it 11 May.

Fincher, Mr. to be discharged from his Imprisonment, 21 Feb. -Votes and all Matters relating to them touching him, declared void, and to be obliterated, 2 Mar.

Fishermen, Petition read; Merchants transporting Fish in English Bottoms to pay no other Duties than those charged before 20th April 1653; Bonds entered into for any other Imposition, voted null, and to be cancelled, 20 Aug.

Fitch, Colonel Thomas, Previous and main Questions for appointing him Lieutenant of the Tower, severally Affirmative, 10 June. Vide Tower.-List of Officers in his Company reported, read, and approved, 9 July.-List of Officers in his Regiment reported and read, 20 Jan. Read again and approved. Speaker to deliver their Commissions after the rising of House; delivers them.

Flanders, Proceedings of the Council of State in sending for Three Regiments from thence, reported and approved, 16 Aug.

Fleetwood, Lieutenant General Charles, appointed Captain General and Commander in Chief of all the Forces in England and Scotland-To receive his Commission from the Parliament, 13 May-Appointed One of the Council of State-List of Officers in his Regiment read and approved- Council of State to present a Commission constituting him Commander in Chief of the Land Forces, with a Blank for the Continuance-Bill for that Purpose read twice and committed, 4 June. Reported, and to be ingrossed. Passed. Speaker delivers a Transcript of the Act to him at the Table-List of Officers in his Regiment reported, read, and approved, 9 July. Their Commissions delivered-Extract of a Letter to him read, 12 Aug.-Appointed One of the Commissioners for the Government of the Army, 12 Oct.-Serjeant to summon him to attend, 24 Jan.
-, -Colonel George, List of Officers in his Regiment reported and read, 27 Jan. Read again and approved, 1 Feb. Their Commissions delivered.

Flint County, Commissioners for the Militia added, 8 Aug.

Ford, Richard, the apprehending him approved, 9 Feb.

Foreign Affairs, Report from the Committee of Safety concerning them, 13 May.

Forests, a Committee to consider of the Preservation of Wood and Timber therein, 11 May. Revived; Order for their meeting; Committees added. Power given them to inquire touching Timber carried from the Lands of the Commonwealth since 25th April, 1653.-Another Committee to prepare Bill for Sale of Forests and Chaces belonging to the Commonwealth, 8 June.

France, Report touching a Declaration, communicated to the Ambassador, and his Answer by Word of Mouth; and that the annual Treaty with France was expired, 13 May-Ambassador's Letters of Credence; Order for giving him Audience; Master of the Ceremonies to give him Notice thereof, and take Care the House and Court of Wards be prepared for his Reception; Members to accompany him to his Audience; 24 June-Letters of Credence to another Ambassador read, 12 Aug.-Referred to the Council of State; Day appointed for giving him Audience; Members to accompany him thereto; the Council of State to give Order touching his Reception; Master of the Ceremonies to conduct him to his Audience; Order for appointing Guards, and preparing the inner Court of Wards for his Reception. Report, that he attends in the Court of Wards; Members sent with Serjeant to attend him to the House; Manner of receiving him; his Letters of Credence and Speech read; Council of State to hear what he has further to say; Master of the Ceremonies to give him Notice thereof.

Francis, David, recommended to the Commissioners for nominating Officers, to nominate him a Lieutenant in Ireland, 14 June.

Freberry, Mr. the Committee of Inspections to take Care Money in his Hands in the Right of a Delinquent be forthwith paid, 5 Oct.

Freeman, Edward, Petition read, 4 July.

Fryar, Thomas, the apprehending him approved, 9 Feb.

A. 1651, 1652, & 1653.

GAGE Mr. 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 28 Oct.

Gale, Robert, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 Nov.
-, - Captain, 1651, his Widow's Petition and Case referred to the Committee of the Army, 20 Nov.

Galloway, 1652. Vide Ireland.

Galthampton, Richard, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 27 Oct.

Gamull, Thomas, 1651, Report touching 500£. given by him for erecting a free School, which was paid to Sir William Brereton for the Use of the Commonwealth; Resolution for repaying the Money to his Executors, 1 Jan.
-, -Francis, 1652, Petition on Behalf of his Wife and 14 Children read; Order for inserting his Name in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 26 Oct.

Gardiner, William, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 27 Oct.

Garisons, 1651, List of them and the Forces therein, ordered, 9 Sept. Presented.-List of the Garisons in England and Wales, and Edinburgh, and Lythe, with their present Charge; and the Charge of them to which they are propounded to be reduced, reported, 2 Oct. Report in Part agreed to. Establishment for them ordered-Resolution for reducing several-The Committee of the Army to present an Establishment according to this Reducement-To give Order for Payment accordingly-Council of State to take Care those to be laid down be made untenable and slighted-Establishment of the several Garisons in England and Scotland reported and agreed to, 5 Dec.
-, -1652, Council of State, with Lord General and others, to consider the Garisons in England and Scotland, and how a Retrenchment may be made of the Public Charge, 2 June- Order for making Report, 2 July.

Garland, William, 1652, Petition read, with a Certificate from the Commissioners for compounding, 10 Nov.

Garman, Mr. 1651, Information touching some blasphemous Expressions of his, referred to the Committee of plundered Ministers, 28 Aug.-Power given them to examine Witnesses, 9 Sept.

Garnett, Antony, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 Nov.

Garrett, Colonel, 1651, Order for making Report concerning him, 26 Dec.

Gay, Richard, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 Nov.

Gaylard, William, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 Nov.

Gayler, William 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 27 Oct.

Gell, Colonel George, 1651, Order for making Report touching him; Book intituled, "Innocency further cleared, or, "The Case and Vindication of Colonel George Gell," referred to the same Committee, 30 Sept.-Order for making Report with their Opinion touching the Book, 9 Oct.-28 Jan.-Report; Colonel heard; Pardoned upon acknowledging his Offence; Order for allowing him Money brought in upon his former doubling, with Interest, 26 Feb.
-, -Sir John, 1651, Petition read; 31 Oct. Order for further Liberty from his Imprisonment, 31 Oct.-28 Jan.
-, -1652, Another Petition read; Order for his Discharge, 13 Apr.
-, -Thomas, 1652, Petition read; Previous Question that he be satisfied out of Lord Howard's Fine, Neg. 14 July- Another Petition read and referred to the Committee of Petitions, 27 Aug.
-, -Colonel John, 1652, Petition read; Order for pardoning his Fine and Delinquency, 5 Apr.

Gellibrand, Thomas, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 July.

General, Lord. Vide Cromwell.

Genoa, 1651, Letter from the State read, 22 Aug.-Copy of Letter of Credence to their Agent read; a Committee to be appointed to receive him; Day appointed; Master of the Ceremonies to give him Notice, 16 Sept. Other Days appointed. Question for appointing a Committee to give him Audience, Neg. Council of State to consider the Business relating to him, and look upon his Credentials.
-, -1652, Translate of a Letter from the State read, and referred to the Council of State, 23 Feb.

Gerard, Lieutenant Colonel Gilbert, 1651, Petition read; the Committee of Accounts to examine and state his Accounts, 1 Jan.
-, -Henry and Thomas, 1652, their Names to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 July.
-, -Charles and William, 1652, their Names to be inserted in Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 28 Oct.

Germany, 1652, the Committee of the Navy to consider the Obstructions of Trade from thence, 8 Sept.

Gernon, Mary, 1652, Petition read and referred to the Committee of Petitions, 27 Aug.

Gibbons, Mr. 1651, Debate touching him to be resumed, 15 &16 Aug. Resumed; Question for respiting his Execution, Neg. Vote to be sent to the High Court of Justice-Upon Report that he had endeavoured to escape, and for that Purpose bribed the Turnkey with 100£. in Hand, and a Bond for 100£. more; Order that the Turnkey keep the Money and Bonds.

Giffard, John, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 20 Oct.

Gilbert, Julyan, 1652, Pardon for him read and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 20 July.
-, -Julyan, 1651, his Widow's Petition and Case referred to the Committee of the Army, 20 Nov.

Gildar, Robert and Edward Dew, 1651, their Case touching a Lease granted by the Dean and Chapter of Westminster, reported; Lease declared good, 3 Sept.

Gilpin, Christopher 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 Nov.

Glamorgan, County, 1651, Order appointing High Sheriff, and for a Commission under the Great Seal, 4 Nov.
-, -1652, Like Order, 12 Nov.

Glasgow, 1652, Order for paying and distributing 1,000£. amongst the poor Sufferers, by Fire, 17 Sept.

Glencarne, Earl of, 1651. Vide Scotland.

Gloucester County, 1651, Order appointing High Sheriff, and for a Commission under the Great Seal, 4 Nov.-Commissioners for the Assessments added, 14 Jan.
-, -1652, Order appointing High Sheriff, and for a Commission under the Great Seal, 12 Nov.
-, -1651, Letters from the Mayor and others read; Order for Letter of Thanks, Speaker to sign it, 25 Aug.-Petition of Mayor, & c. read, and referred to the Committee touching the Sufferings of Worcester, 11 Dec.-Commissioner for the Assessments added.
-, - 1652, Report touching Satisfaction for the Losses of the Inhabitants, referred to the Committee on the Bill for planting Ireland, 4 Jan.

Goff, Colonel, 1652, Upon Report from Council of State that his Regiment has been recruited from 700 to 1,200 Men, Order for paying them for Three Months, 14 July.

Golden, Thomas, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 July.

Goodman, William, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 Nov.

Goodwin, Mr. 1651, desired to preach, 6 Sept.-Thanked, and to print his Sermon-Order for him to preach every Sunday at Oxford, 28 Oct.
-, - Robert, 1652, appointed One of the Council of State, 25 Nov.
-, -Richard, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 Nov.

Goodyer, Mary, 1651, Petition and Case referred to the Committee of the Army, 20 Nov.

Gore, Edward, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 28 Oct.

Gorges, Lady, 1652, Petition to be considered, 13 Apr. Considered; Previous Question that Sir William Allenson be desired to go to the Commissioners for compounding, to inform them what he knows touching her Title to the Office of Six-penny Writs in Chancery, Affirmative. Main Question, Neg. 15.

Gorsuch, James, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 July.

Goslin, Antony, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 Nov.

Gospel, 1651, Act for better Propagation thereof, to be reported, 1 & 8 Oct.-Order for meeting of the Committee, and sitting de die in diem. Act reported, and committed to a Committee of the whole House; Committee to fit for Ten Days, de die in diem-A Committee with certain Ministers, to consider such Proposals as shall be offered for the Propagation of the Gospel, 10 Feb.
-, - 1652, Order for their meeting, and sitting de die in diem, 6 May-8 Oct.-Proposals reported; House to consider what Duty lies upon the Magistrate for Propagation thereof, and how he ought to proceed, 11 Feb. Previous and main Questions that he has Power in Matters of Religion for the Propagation thereof, severally Affirmative; Proposals to be considered-First Proposal read and agreed to, with Amendments; Resolution that Persons of Godliness and Gifts, though not ordained, shall, if approved, receive the public Maintenance for Propagation thereof, 4 Mar. Second Proposal read; Resolution touching a Testimonial for Persons to be admitted to Approbation.
-, -1653, Third Proposal read; Resolution that a certain Number of Ministers and others fit in every County to examine, judge, and approve such as have received Testimonials, 1 Apr.

Gould, John, Vide Thorold, Charles.

Gouldney, Gabriel. Vide Sherwin, Richard.

Gowen, William, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 Nov.

Gradell, William, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 28 Oct.

Grandison, Lord, 1651, Report from the Council of State that he is a fit Person to be made an Example of, and tried by the High Court of Justice, 6 Nov.

Grant, Lieutenant Thomas, 1651, Committee of the Army to state his Accounts,-Order for allowing his Widow 3£. per Week in the mean time, 21 Nov.

Grantham, Richard, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 27 Oct.

Gray, Lord of Groby, 1651, Thanked for his good Service at Worcester, 30 Sept.-Report from the Committee appointed to consider his Services; Debate thereon; Report re-committed, 18 Dec.

Great Seal, 1651, Order for bringing in the new Great Seal; Lords Commissioners at the same Time to bring in the now Great Seal, 4 Dec. Order for their Attendance. Old Seal presented, and to be broken; Speaker delivers the new One to the Commissioners-Order touching paying their Salaries, and Arrears thereof, 3 Feb.
-, - 1652, Act for settling the Salaries of the Commissioners and the rest of the Judges upon a certain Revenue, and for due payment thereof, and for taking off Fees, ordered, 24 June-Order for bringing in the Seal, 30 Sept.

Green, Richard and James, 1652, their Names to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 July.
-, -William, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 28 Oct.
-, -Alexander, 1652, Petition read, 19 Jan. Vide Lenthall, John.

Greenhaulgh, John, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 28 Oct.-Petition of his Heir; Commissioners for compounding to certify the State of his Case, 17 Nov. Question that his Name stand in the Bill, Neg. 18.

Greenwich, House and Park. Vide King.
-, -1652, a Committee to consider the Waters and Water Courses from thence, and the Interest of the State therein, 31 Dec.

Gregson, John, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 28 Oct.

Grey, Ralph, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 27 Oct.

Griffith, Alice, 1651, Petition and Case referred to the Committee of the Army, 20 Nov.

Grimshaw, Thomas, Richard and Nicholas, 1652, their Names to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 28 Oct.

Guernsey, 1651, Paper from thence read, 1 Jan. Articles upon the Rendition of Castle Cornett, read, approved, and confirmed; Council of State to see them performed.

Gunpowder, 1651, Contract for 5,000 Barrels per Month approved; Council of State to perfect it, 10 Feb.

Gunter, Bodenham, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 Nov.

Gurdon, John, 1652, Appointed one of the Council of State, 24 Nov.

Gurney, Sir Richard, 1652, Order for levying Money due for his Fine, 3 Nov.-Question for appointing a Day to receive Report concerning him, Neg. 12-Order for making it, 16 Dec.-Report, 15 Mar.

Gutteridge, Elizabeth 1651, Petition and Case referred to the Committee of the Army, 20 Nov.

Guys, William, 1651, Order for paying him 200£. out of Sequestration Moneys, for Maintenance of his Children-Act for settling 100£. per Annum on them, ordered, 6 Sept.
-, -Thomas, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 28 Oct.

Gyles, Francis, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 16 Nov.

A. 1653.

GELDERS and Juliers, Duke of, Copies of Letters Credential to his Minister, referred to the Council of State, 2 Sept.

Gibson, Alexander, Petition to be read, 30 Aug. Read and referred to the Commissioners for Administration of Justice in Scotland.

Gifford, Colonel John, and other Officers, Petition read and referred to the Committee for Irish Affairs, 5 Aug. Report; Bill for stating their Accounts and paying their Arrears, ordered.

Glamorgan County, Order appointing High Sheriff, and for a Commission under the Great Seal, 10 Nov.

Gloucester County, Petition of Inhabitants concerning planting English Tobacco, read, 15 Aug. Vide Tobacco.-Petition of divers Churches and other well-affected Persons read. Vide Religion.-Order appointing High Sheriff, and for a Commission under the Great Seal, 10 Nov.-Commissioners for the Assessments added.

Godolphin, Dr. Question for appointing him One, of the Judges of the Admiralty, Neg. 22 July. Order for it.

Goff, Colonel, Upon Report from Council of State, Order for recruiting his Regiment to 1,000 Men.-For adding the Recruits to the Establishment, 8 Aug.-For continuing and paying them Three Months longer, 28 Oct.

Gooters, Charles. Vide Hullenberch.

Gospel, Previous and main Questions for appointing a Committee to remove all Laws and Ordinances that are a Hindrance to the Propagation thereof, severally Affirmative, 21 July.

Grace, John, Petition reported, read, and referred to the Committee for Irish Affairs, 18 Oct.

Graves, Captain Thomas, Upon Report from the Committee of the Navy, Order for allowing his Widow and Children 1,000£. for their Maintenance, 28 Oct.

Gresham Hospital, Master discharged; another appointed, 3 Oct:

Guernsey, Isle of, upon Report from Council of State, ordered that the Jurates execute the Office of Bailiff by Turns for One Month-State to elect Five Jurates in the Room of those dispensed with on Account of their Age, 29 Aug.

Guise, Elizabeth, Petition reported, and read; Member to prepare Bill for settling Lands on her and her Children, according to an Order for the late Parliament, 24 Oct.

Gunnery, Commissioners for the Admiralty and the Navy to set down the whole State of the Office, 21 July.

A. 1654.

GAMING. Vide Swearing.

Gewen, Thomas, Petition to be read, 2 Nov. Read and referred to a Committee.

Glemham, Sackvile and Peter. Vide Stirling, Countess of.

Gloucester City new Writ, 3 Nov.-Resolution touching the Proportion of Assessments thereupon; Commissioners for them appointed, 5 Dec.

Goodwyn, Dr. Thomas, desired to preach, 4 Sept.-Thanked, and to print his Sermons, 4 & 14 Sept.

Government, Previous and main Questions for considering the Matter thereof the first Business, severally Affirmative, 5 Sept. -Previous Question, that no Act or Ordinance declaring the Offences of Treason doth extend to Freedom of Speech in Parliament, Neg.-The Question, Whether the House shall approve the Government shall be in one single Person and a Parliament to be debated. Debated; Motion that House go into a Committee thereupon; agreed to. Committee sits, 7, 8, 9. 11. 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 & 30 Sept.-2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. 9, 10, 12, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21. 23, 24. 26, 27, 28 & 30 Oct.-1, 2. 4. 8. 13 & 17 Nov.-A Committee to withdraw, and prepare a Recognition of the Government by the Members; Recognition reported; Read several Times and passed-Declaratory Vote, that it includes only what concerns the Government by a single Person and successive Parliaments, to be printed and published 14 Sept.-Recognition to be subscribed by all Persons before they are admitted to fit in the House-Future Members to subscribe it in the Presence of two who have already subscribed it-Original Record of the Government of the Commonwealth to be presented, 14 Sept. Presented and read; Debate thereon adjourned,-Report of Resolutions, 7. 9 & 24 Nov.-Resolution that the supreme legislative Authority of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland, and the Dominions thereunto belonging, is and doth reside in one Person, and the People assembled in Parliament, and that all Bills shall be presented to him for his Consent; and if he does not consent within 20 Days, they shall pass into Laws without his Consent, provided they contain nothing contrary to such Matters wherein he and the Parliament shall declare a Negative to be in him, 11 Nov. -That if any Bill be tendered hereafter to alter the Foundation and Constitution of the Government, to such Bills the single Person shall have a Negative-Question for considering the Oath to be taken by him and Persons in Parliament, that they shall not consent to alter the Government, Neg. 14- Resolution that if any Bills shall be tendered hereafter for continuing a Parliament longer than six Months, they shall not become Laws without the Consent of the single Person- That the Style of such single Person shall be Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland, and the Dominions thereunto belonging-That Captain General Oliver Cromwell shall be Lord Protector for Life-That he shall by Consent of Parliament when they are sitting, dispose of all the Forces of the Commonwealth, for the Peace and Good thereof-That he shall be assisted by a Council- That the Forces, in the Intervals of Parliaments, shall be disposed of by him, with the Advice and Consent of that Council-That after his Death, in the Intervals of Parliaments, they shall be ordered and disposed of by the Council of State till the Parliament be assembled, and then they to have the Disposal of them-That no Law shall be altered or repealed, nor any new Law made, nor Tax imposed but by Consent of Parliament-That a Parliament be summoned to meet and fit on the Third Monday in October 1656, and on the Third Monday in October in every Third Year successively-That neither this nor any future Parliament shall, for six Months, be adjourned, prorogued, or dissolved, without their own Consent-That they shall not continue to sit above six Months, without Lord Protector's Consent, to be by Act of Parliament, and then not exceeding Three Months-That Lord Protector with the Advice of major Part of his Council may summon Parliaments to meet and fit at any other Time, for Three Months, if he shall see Cause, which Parliament shall not be adjourned, prorogued, or dissolved during that time, without their own Consent, nor fit longer without Lord Protector's Consent, to be by Act of Parliament, provided it shall be determined before the summoning of the Parliaments before appointed-That the Summons shall be by Writ under the Great Seal, according to Law; Writ read and agreed to, with Amendments-To be issued by the Chancellor, Keeper, or Commissioners of the Great Seal-That in Case Lord Protector shall not give Warrant for issuing the Writs, the Chancellor, & c. shall within Seven Days after the Times limited send them abroad-Manner and Time for making Elections-Time of making the Returns-Penalties on the Sheriffs and returning Officers for false Returns or Neglect of Duty-One Moiety thereof to Lord Protector, the other to Persons grieved, who shall sue for it in any Court of Record at Westminster; Suit to commence when the Parliament has adjudged it to be an Offence-Qualifications of Persons to be elected, and of Electors-Chancellor, & c. to be sworn to issue forth the Writs at the Time and in the Manner before expressed, and in case of Failure, they shall be guilty of High Treason-If they neglect to issue them 15 Days after the Times appointed, then the Sheriff or other Officer within Ten Days thereafter shall make Proclamation for electing Members, and within 20 Days proceed to Election, and upon Failure be guilty of High Treason- The Council of State to judge of Persons returned, as touching any Charge of Delinquency mentioned in the Qualifications, and to examine and certify the same to the Parliament -Like Resolution as to Papists returned-That the Persons so chosen, or sixty of them, shall be the Parliament-Resolution that the Manner of electing the Protector, sitting the Parliament, shall be as they think fit-In the Intervals of Parliaments the Council of State shall, after Notice given, being Thirteen at least present, and Eleven of them agreeing, chuse a Protector, and before their Departure declare the Successor; Manner of Election in all other Things to be as the Council of State shall think fit-Qualifications of the Person to be elected- Form of an Oath to be administered to the Council of State, read by Parts and agreed to-Persons who shall be of the Council of State to be nominated by Lord Protector and approved by Parliament, 2 Dec.-Number to be Twenty-one-Eleven of them to be a Council-No Person to continue above 40 Days after the Meeting of a Parliament, without their Approbation-Resolution that the standing Forces, both by Sea and Land, shall be no more than shall be agreed upon from Time to Time by Lord Protector and Parliament-That the Exercise of the Civil Magiferacy shall be in the Lord Protector, assisted with a Council, according to Laws and Limitations agreed upon by Parliament -That all Writs, & c. shall issue in his Name-That all Titles of Honour shall be conferred by him; none to be hereditary without Consent of Parliament-That he shall have Power of Pardon except in Cases of Murder or Treason-That he, by the Advice and Consent of his Council, shall direct concerning keeping and holding a good Correspondence with foreign States-That all Forfeitures, saving the Rights of others, shall belong to him, according to the Trust reposed in him by Law, and as shall be agreed upon by Parliament- That the Power of making War is only in him and the Parliament-That sitting the Parliament no Peace shall be concluded without their Consent; in the Intervals of Parliaments the Power of making Peace shall be in him and the Council of State, with such Limitations as the Parliament shall approve-That the Number of Persons to be chosen in England, Wales, and Berwick, to sit in Parliament, shall be 400-The Number in Scotland-The Number in Ireland-Distribution of Members for the several Counties and Places agreed to with Amendments-Resolution that the Office of Lord Protector shall be elective-Several great Officers in England, Scotland, and Ireland to be chosen by the Approbation of Parliament, and in Intervals of Parliaments, by Approbation of the Majority of the Council of State, to be afterwards approved by the Parliament-Resolution that the true reformed Protestant Christian Religion shall be asserted and maintained as the public Prosession of these Nations -That the present public Maintenance for godly Ministers shall not be taken away, or impeached-That to Bills touching tender Consciences, Lord Protector shall have a Negative, provided all Bills tendered to him requiring Ministers who receive the public Maintenance, to conform, or attend their Duties, shall pass into Laws within 20 Days after Presentation to him, though he shall not give his Consent- That without the Consent of Lord Protector and Parliament, no Laws shall be made for restraining such tender Consciences as shall not abuse the Liberty given them to the civil Injury of others, and the Disturbance of the public Peace, provided that Bills restraining Atheism, & c. or such as shall maintain Things contrary to the fundamental Principles of Doctrine in the public Profession, or do any Overt Act to the Disturbance thereof, shall pass into Laws within 20 Days after their presentation to him, though he shall not consent-That all Sale of late King's Lands, of Bishops, and of Deans and Chapters Lands, shall stand good-That all Securities for Monies shall stand good, and all Debts upon the Public Faith shall be satisfied, and all Articles given to the Enemy shall be confirmed, provided they are made good to the Persons concerned, and that all Appeals and Petitions from 16th July 1651, to 1st December last, for Relief concerning Bills for Sale of Delinquents Estates, may be heard and determined this Parliament-That the now Lord Protector and his Successors shall take an Oath for the due calling of Parliaments, and good Government of these Nations-That the Parliament sitting, the Oath shall be taken therein, and in the Intervals in such public Place and Manner as the Council of State shall appoint; Form of the Oath reported, read, and agreed to with Amendments; Resolution that it be administered to him-That immediately after the Death of any Lord Protector, if a Parliament be not sitting, or already summoned, a Parliament be summoned forthwith-That for maintaining 20,000 Foot and 10,000 Horse, and Dragooners, and a convenient Navy of Ships, a Revenue be raised to continue 40 Days after the Time appointed for the sitting of the next Parliament, unless the Protector and Parliament, or Protector and Council, in the Interval of Parliament, shall think fit to lessen them-That 200,000£. per Annum be settled on Lord Protector for defraying the necessary Charges for Administration of Justice and other Expences of the Government, to be paid out of the Exchequer, by Warrant from him and his Council, and not taken away or diminished without Consent of him and Parliament-That several of the late King's Palaces be kept unsold for the Use of him and his Successors, not to be aliened without Consent of Parliaments-That no Writs of Summons to Parliament, nor other Writs, & c. shall be made void by the Death of any Protector-That all Writs, & c. after a Successor shall be elected and sworn, shall issue in his Name, and be in full Force in Law-That between the Death of a Protector, and the Election of his Successor, the Council of State shall take Care of the Government -A Committee to prepare Bill appointing a Recognition of the Government to be subscribed by Members, 21 Sept. Bill read. Committed. Reported and re-committed-A Committee to prepare Bill upon the Votes passed touching the Government so far as is agreed upon, and of the rest as it shall from Time to Time be passed, 7 Dec. Same Committee to prepare Clause touching the summoning a Parliament upon the Death of a Protector-Clause reported and recommitted. Another Committee to prepare Clause for repealing all Laws contrary to the Government agreed upon by Parliament; Bill to be presented. Read. Committed. Committee fits. Bill reported; Report to be considered-Considered, 28, 29 & 30 Dec.-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. 15, 16 & 17 Jan. Title read and agreed to, 8 Jan.- Clause touching the Qualifications of Persons to be elected in Scotland, added-Question that a Conference be had with the Lord Protector concerning the Bill before Ingrossment, Neg. 10-Clause that nothing expressed or maintained in this Act shall be altered without the Consent of Lord Protector and Parliament, read twice and referred to a Committee. Reported and agreed to, with Amendments -A Committee to consider of a Revenue to be settled in this Act. Report; Resolution that 400,000£. per Annum be allowed for the Maintenance of a convenient Number of Ships and necessary Garisons, not to be altered without the Consent of Lord Protector and Parliament. Bill to be ingrossed in order to its Presentment to Lord Protector, and if he and the Parliament do not agree thereunto, and to every Article thereof, Bill to be void; a Committee to examine it with the Ingrossment. Bill read Third Time; Debate thereon adjourned. Resumed.

Great Seal, Lord Protector's Letter read; Commissioners approved, 24 Oct.-A Committee to consider of the Arrears of their Salaries, 19 Dec.

Gresham, Marmaduke, and John Holmden, Petition and Appeal read; Commissioners of the Great Seal to rehear the Cause without a Bill of Review upon Security to pay all Damages, 19 Dec.-Commissioners to proceed notwithstanding Gresham's Death, and appoint a Guardian for his Heir, 18 Jan.

Griffith, George, desired to assist in carrying on the Work of Fasting in the House, 19 Sept.-Thanked, 12 Oct.

A. 1656 & 1657.

GALLOWAY. Vide Dumfreeze.

Gaming, 1656, Bill against it to be read, 1 Dec.

Gelapsy, Mr. 1656, desired to assist in the Work of Thanksgiving, 19 Jan.-In the Work of Humiliation, 25 Feb.- Thanked and to print his Sermons.

George, John Dubose St. 1656, his Name to be inserted in a Naturalization Bill, 21 Feb.

Gilbert, Claudius, 1656, his Name to be inserted in a Naturalization Bill, 6 Oct. Vide Tanturier.

Gloucester City, 1656, New Writ, 25 Sept.
-, - 1656, Bill for Relief of several Inhabitants, read, 17 Feb. Vide Edwards-Bill for settling the Cathedral on the Mayor and Burgesses, and their Successors read, 18 Nov. Committed. Reported, and to be ingrossed. Passed; Protector's Consent to be desired, 5 Dec.
-, - 1657, Protector's Consent, 9 June.

Goodwyn, Thomas, 1656, desired to assist in carrying on the Work of Humiliation, 18 Sept.-Thanked, and to print his Sermon, 31 Oct.

Gore, Gerard and Hester, 1656, their Names to be inserted in a Naturalization Bill, 18 Oct.

Gorges, Thomas and John St. Aubin, 1652, Petition read; Commissioners of Accounts to state their Accounts, and give them Debentures for their Arrears; Trustees for Sale of the late King's Lands to give them Bonds thereupon, 23 May.

Goselin, Jacob, 1656, his Name to be inserted in a Naturalization Bill, 20 Mar.

Great Seal, 1656, Protector's Letter touching the Appointment of Commissioners, read; Appointment approved, 11 Oct.

Green, Robert, 1657. Vide Privileges.

Greenhill, Mr. 1656, desired to assist in carrying on the Work of Thanksgiving, 22 Oct.-Thanked, and to print his Sermon, 7 Nov.

Gregg, Ralph. Vide Privileges.

Gresham, Marmaduke, and John Holmden, 1656, Petition and Appeal to be read, 30 Jan. Read and referred to a Committee, with Power to examine upon Oath; Another Petition read and referred; Previous Question for staying Proceedings in the mean Time, Neg. 31-Committees added, 13 Feb.
-, - 1657, Order for making Report, 1 Apr.-Report; Petitions read; Decree voted erroneous, and with all Proceedings thereupon to be vacated; Commissioners of the Great Seal to see it done.

Grievances, 1656, Grand Committee appointed, with Power to receive Petitions, 18 Sept.

Griffith, George, desired to assist in carrying on the Work of Humiliation, 18 Sept 1656-20 Jan. 1657-Thanked, and to print his Sermons, 31 Oct. 1656-27 Jan. 1657.

Grimstone, Sir Harbottle, 1657, to have the sole printing of Lord Chief Justice Crooke's Reports, 9 June.

A. 1658 & 1659.

GERMANS, St. New Writs, 12 Feb.-17 Mar.

Grievances, Grand Committee appointed, with Power to receive Petitions, 2 Feb.-Leave given them to fit two Days in a Week, 8 Mar.

A. 1659.

GARDINER, Maurice, Petition to be read, 25 Aug.- Order for granting him 20s. per Week, 28 Sept.-For continuing it till further Order, 20 Jan.-For present Payment thereof, 8 Feb.-For paying him 100£. and his Pension with the Arrears thereof, 12 Mar.

Garisons, Council of State to consider what inland Garisons and Castles are fit to be demolished and made untenable, 27 Aug. -Order for Six Months Pay for the Garisons, 13 Feb.

Gatehouse at Lambeth appointed a Prison for Persons engaged in the late Design against the Commonwealth, 6 Aug.

George, Richard. Vide Privileges.

Gerard, Sir Gilbert, appointed One of the Council of State, 23 Feb.

Germany, Council of State to prepare Letters of Credence to the Emperor of, 28 June.

Gibbon, Colonel Robert, List of Officers in his Regiment reported and read, 25 June. Read again and agreed to. Their Commissions delivered, 26, 27, & 30 -Colonel to be put in the Commission of Peace, 9 Sept.

Glamorgan County, Commissioners for the Assessments added, 2 & 14 Mar.

Gloucester County, Commissioners for the Militia added, 5 & 6 Aug.
-, - City, House approves of raising and arming 300 Foot by the Inhabitants; Letter of Thanks ordered; Council of State to take Care that Pay be speedily provided for them, 30 July-Commissioners for the Militia added, 5 & 9 Aug. -List of Officers read and approved; Order for Commissions.

Godolphin, Dr. John, constituted a Judge of the Admiralty, 19 May.

Goodwin, Robert. Vide Corbett, Miles.

Government, A Committee to consider all Laws, Orders, Declarations and Establishments made in the Changes thereof, since 29th April, 1653 not repealed; with Power to bring in Act or Acts-Another Committee to consider what Debts have been contracted for the Public Service within the same Time 21 May-Government to be considered in a Committee of the whole House, 5 & 26 July-Committee sits, 4, 9. 16. 23. 27 & 30 Aug.-5 Sept. Motion from them that House would assume the Debate agreed to, 5 Sept. Debate assumed, referred to a Committee upon the whole Debate, and the Vote of 1648, to prepare something in Order to the Settlement of the Government of the Commonwealth, 8 Sept.-Order for meeting of the Committee, 3 & 12 Oct.-Another Committee to prepare Declaration for the Settlement of the Government, 21 Jan. Declaration reported; read at large, and then by Parts; Question for a further Addition, Neg. Declaration to be printed.

Great Seal, Order for preparing a new One and breaking the last, 9 May. Report that it will soon be ready; the Committee of Safety to present Names of fit Persons to be Commissioners. House informed that the Artificer has One by him made by an Order before 7th May last; Member to see it broke, and the Silver delivered to the Artificer. Last Seal presented and broke; New Seal presented; Bill for establishing it read twice and passed; Lord Keeper appointed for eight Days-Continued eight Days longer- Order for sequestering the Profits of the Office to the Use of the Commonwealth-Names of Persons to be Commissioners, reported; Number and Quorum; Commissioners appointed; Continuance of their Power; Member to desire them to attend to receive the Seal, 3 June. Bill constituting them Commissioners read twice; Proviso added; Bill passed -A Committee to prepare an Oath to be taken by them; Oath reported, read, and agreed to; Members to shew it them; the Readiness of two of them to take it reported; Speaker to administer it and deliver the Seal; two sworn; Seal delivered-Letter from the other Commissioner read; his Attendance during his Indisposition dispensed with- Order for him to attend and take the Oath; Another to attend with the Seal, 21 July. They take the Oath; Seal delivered to them-A Committee to present Names of fit Persons to be Commissioners, 9 Jan. Names presented and agreed to; Seal to be brought in to the House; Commissioners to attend and receive it; Speaker to deliver it. Quorum appointed; Seal delivered; their Salaries.

Greene, Richard, Pardon for him and Judges Certificate read; Pardon agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal -For transporting him, 25 Feb.

Griffith, Mr. desired to assist in carrying on the Work of Humiliation, 20 May. Thanked.

Grimstone, Sir Harbottle, appointed One of the Council of State, 23 Feb.

Guernsey. Vide Jersey-Name of a Governor reported and read, 8 Feb. Read again and approved.

Gumble, Mr. to be recommended to be a Fellow of Eton College, 26 Jan.

A. 1651, 1652 & 1653.

HAINES, Colonel, 1651, Order for advancing Three Months Pay to his Regiment, 16 Sept.-5 Dec.

Hall, Susan, 1651, Petition and Case referred to the Committee of the Army, 20 Nov.
-, - John, 1652, Upon Report from the Council of State that he was slain at Worcester, Order for paying his Widow, 40£. 7 Apr.
-, - William, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 1 July.
-, - John, 1653, Petition read, and referred to a Committee, with Power to examine upon Oath, 13 Apr.

Hamburgh, 1652, Letter from the Proconsul and Senate read; a Committee to give the public Minister from thence Audience; Day appointed; Master of the Ceremonies to give him Notice; Hamburgh Ships discharged by the Admiralty to have Liberty to unlade and sell their Goods, 27 Jan. House informed that he is in the Court of Wards; Committee appointed; his Letter of Credence and Speech reported and read; Letter referred to Council of State, with Power to hear and treat with him.
-, - 1653, Declaration and Letter from thence referred to Council of State; Declaration to be translated, 14 Apr.

Hamerton, Philip, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 Nov.

Hamilton, Duke, 1651, Resolution that he is a fit Person to be brought to Trial-That he be committed to the Tower, 11 Sept.
-, - Mary, 1651, Petition and Case referred to the Committee of the Army, 20 Nov.
-, - 1652, State of her Case with respect to her Husband's Services and Sufferings, and the Debt owing to him from Parliament reported; Council of State to consider the Debt, and how it may be satisfied, and how Reparation may be made to her and her Children for their Maintenance, 29 June-Report; Order for settling Lands in Scotland of 600£. per Annum on her and her Children, and their Heirs; Speaker to write to the Commissioners there to settle them, 9 Sept. Remainder of the Report considered; Previous and main Questions that she have 200£. forthwith for Support of herself and Children, and for sending them into Ireland, severally Affirmative.

Hamond, Lieutenant General, 1652, Order for settling Lands of 130£. per Annum on him and others in Discharge of a Contract made for the Hare Warren at Hampton Court; Order for setting them out, 31 Dec.

Hampton Court, 1652, Order for selling that and the Three Parks for ready Money, 27 Nov.-Question that it stand in a Bill for Sale of late King's Lands, Neg. 29 Dec.-Previous and main Questions for Leave to speak against the Vote, severally Affirmative; Order for its standing.
-, - 1653, Trustees to forbear the Sale thereof, 13 Apr.

Hans Towns, 1651, Letters of Credence from thence and Hamburgh read; Day appointed for giving their Resident Audience; Master of the Ceremonies to acquaint him therewith, 25 Feb. Committee appointed-His Letters of Credence and Speech reported and read; Council of State to give him Audience from Time to Time, with Power to hear and treat with him, 2 Mar.
-, - 1652, Letters to the Hans Towns and Hamburgh read and agreed to; Speaker to sign them, and put the Parliament Seal thereto, 13 Apr.

Harbin, Robert, 1652, Commissioners for compounding to hear and determine his Appeal, 3 Nov.

Hardcastle, Edward, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 Nov.

Hardwicke, Thomas, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 Nov.

Hardy, William, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 27 Oct.

Harpur, John, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 27 Oct.

Harrington, Sir James, appointed One of the Council of State, 24 Nov. 1651 & 1652.

Harris, Henry, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 July.
-, - Christopher, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 28 Oct.

Harrison, Major General, 1651, his Letter, with divers intercepted Letters read, 15 Aug.-Others from him read, 19 & c 23 Aug.-11 & 12 Sept.
-, - 1652, Order for settling Lands of 500£. per Annum on him and his Heirs; Trustees for Sale of Delinquents Estates to convey them, 23 Sept. Appointed One of the Council of State, 24 Nov.
-, - Thomas, 1651, Petition and Narrative annexed read, 25 Feb.
-, - 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 July.
-, - Richard, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 27 Oct.

Harwood, James, 1652, Question for inserting his Name in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, Neg. 2 Nov.

Haslerigg, Sir Arthur, 1651, his Letter read, 1 Sept.-Appointed One of the Council of State, 24 Nov.
-, - 1652, Like Appointment, 24 Nov. Previous and main Questions that he have Liberty to transport Six Geldings, paying the Customs, severally Affirmative, 16 Feb.

Hastings, Henry, 1652, Question for inserting his Name in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, Neg. 10 Nov.

Hatfield Chace, 1651, Petition of Participants for draining the Level thereof, read and referred to a Committee, with Power to examine upon Oath, 16 Jan.

Hatton, Peter, 1652, Certificate from the Commissioners read; his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 16 Nov.

Houghton, Lady Sarah, and others, 1651, Petition read; Question for granting them Pre-emption without Waste, Neg. 20 Nov.
-, - William and John, 1652, their Names to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 July.
-, - Gilbert, 1652 his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 28 Oct.

Hawkins, Peter, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 Nov.

Haworth, Richard, 1651, his Letter read, 12 Sept.

Hay, William, 1651, Appointed One of the Council of State, 25 Nov.

Hayton, Robert, 1652, Question for inserting his Name in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, Neg. 2 July.

Heaton-wood Green, 1651, Letter with List of Prisoners taken there, read, 12 Sept.

Heckington, Mary, 1652, Pardon for her read and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 9 Mar.

Heming, Henry, 1652, his Widow's Petition read; Order for inserting his Name in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 27 Oct.

Hemp, 1652, the Committee of the Navy to consider what Quantity they can take off yearly, at what Prices, and what Encouragement is fit to be given to serving it, and of a Declaration to encourage that Manufacture, 28 Dec.

Hemsworth, George, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 Nov.

Henley, Robert, 1652, to be dispensed with from serving the Office of Sheriff of London and Middlesex, 25 Aug.

Henrickson, James. Vide Johnson, Charles.

Herbert, Lord, of Ragland, 1651, Petition read, and referred to a Committee, 30 Oct.-Report; Resolution thereupon, 9 Jan.
-, -Henry, 1651, appointed One of the Council of State, 25 Nov.

Hereford, County, 1651, Order appointing High Sheriff, and for a Commission under the Great Seal, 4 Nov.
-, -1652, Like Order, 12 Nov.

Heresies. Vide Blasphemies.

Herne, Henry, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 July.

Hertford County, 1651, Order appointing High Sheriff, and for a Commission under the Great Seal, 4 Nov. Leave given him to stay in and about London-Commissioners for the Assessments added, 19 Dec.
-, -1652, Petition of well-affected Inhabitants read, 6 May -Order appointing High Sheriff, and for a Commission under the Great Seal, 12 Nov.

Hesketh, Hugh, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 July.
-, - William, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 28 Oct.

Hickman, Catharine, 1651, Petition and Case referred to the Committee of the Army, 20 Nov.

Hide, Lieutenant, 1651, his Widow's Petition and Case referred to the Committee of the Army, 20 Nov.

High Court of Justice, 1651, Act for continuing it till the last Day of December next read twice; Question for Ingrossment, Neg. Act passed and to be printed, 25 Sept.-Upon Report from Council of State, a Committee appointed to consider how such a Court may be erected, what Powers are fit to be committed to them, and what Persons fit to be of that Court, how it may be impowered to punish Perjury, Subornation of Perjury, and Forgery, and to prepare Act for that Purpose; Instruction to consider how the Charge thereof may be lessened, 1 Jan. Act to be presented.

Higham, Elizabeth, 1651, Petition and Case referred to the Committee of the Army, 20 Nov.

Highwaymen. Vide Thieves.

Highways, 1651, Act for repairing them to be read, 28 Aug.
-, - 1652, Like Order, 26 Mar.-Act read, 7 Apr. Order for Second Reading.

Hill, Robert, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 27 Oct.

Hilton, John, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 27 Oct.

Hippesley, Sir John, 1652, Question that the Estate he has in the Custody of Bushy Park for Life be changed, and that he have in lieu thereof an Estate for 21 Years, Neg. 22 Oct. Resolution for paying him 1,250£. in lieu thereof, 31 Dec.

Hitcham, Sir Robert, 1652, Bill touching settling his Estate to be presented, 11 Jan.

Hitchin, Thomas, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 Nov.

Hix, Philippa, 1651, her Petition and Case referred to the Committee of the Navy, 20 Nov.

Hoblin, Edward, 1652, Commissioners for compounding, to hear and determine his Appeal, 3 Nov.

Hodges, Luke, 1651, Previous and main Questions for appointing him a Commissioner of the Excise, severally Affirmative, 6 Jan.
-, - Luke, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 Nov.

Hodgkey, Thomas, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 27 Oct.

Hodgson, Robert, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 14 July.

Hogg, William, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 Nov.

Holgate, John, 1651, Report touching him, 31 Dec. Vide Belzees Manor.

Holland, 1651, States General's Letter read, 15 Oct.-Report from the Council of State touching Three Ambassadors coming from them, and the Order they had given for their Entertainment, 28 Nov.-Council of State to take Care for their Reception, 16 Dec.-Their Letter with Copy of their Letter of Credence read; Day appointed for giving them Audience; Master of the Ceremonies to acquaint them therewith; Arms over the Speaker's Chair to be taken down for the present; Order for providing all Necessaries for their Reception; Members appointed to attend them; to their Audience. Manner of receiving them; Letter of Credence presented, with a Paper containing what was spoken by One of them; Letter read; Members appointed to dine with them. Speech reported and read. Council of State to receive their Proposals. Vote to be communicated to them. Their Proceedings reported and read; Debate thereon to be taken up, 6 Jan. Council of State to treat with them; Copy of the Vote to be delivered to them-Letter from the States General read and referred. Copies of all Papers in the Clerk's Custody concerning the Low Countries to be delivered to Council of State-Paper from the Ambassadors read-Liberty given them to transport Twelve Horses, Custom-free, 10 Mar.
-, - 1652, Ambassadors Papers reported and read; Letters; Information and Certificates of a Fight between the English and Dutch read, and sent back to the Council of State, to make such Use of as Need shall require; Power given them vigorously to reinforce the Fleet, and prepare any other Forces, and to imbark any Ship or Ships at any Time, and in such Manner as they shall see Cause, 25 May-Other Papers reported from the Council of State; referred to them to prepare an Answer; Papers to be returned, 4 June. Answer, Narrative, and several other Papers read, and to be sent to the Ambassadors; Order for printing them-For sending Copies of the Answer and Narrative to the Fleet-Council of State to do as they shall think fit concerning the Ambassadors Guards-Copy of Letter of Credence to Lord Pawe, another Ambassador, reported and read; Day appointed for giving him Audience; Master of the Ceremonies to acquaint him therewith; Members appointed to attend him to his Audience. House informed that he is ready to present himself; Manner of receiving him; his Credentials and Speech presented, read, and referred to Council of State to hear and treat with him. Their Orders touching the Conference with him, and several Papers delivered to them reported and read; Council of State to send to Parliament all the Papers they have received from the Ambassadors, with Translations; Debate adjourned. All the Papers and Paper from Lord Pawe reported and read; Council of State to proceed with him according to former Directions; Papers to be returned. His Propositions reported; referred to Council of State to consider what Demands are fit to be made for Satisfaction and Security. Their Answer to his Proposals, and the Demand for Satisfaction, with Papers from him reported and read; Previous Question for agreeing to the Report, Neg. Report re-committed; Papers to be returned. Demands reported from Re-commitment and agreed to with Amendments; Council of State to demand a speedy and positive Answer, and propound such Sum as they shall think fit for Satisfaction. Lord Pawe's Letter read; Papers delivered by him and the Three other Ambassadors to the Council of State reported and read; Day appointed for giving them Audience; Master of the Ceremonies to acquaint them therewith-Order touching Civilities to them at their Departure -Passes and Safeconducts to be granted them-Proceedings of the Council of State with them approved-Order for printing the Papers that have passed between them and Lord Pawe-those reported this Day to be returned-Council of State to prepare Letters re-creditive to the States General. Manner of receiving them; Lord Pawe's Speech read and Englished by Clerk; Members appointed to attend them to Tower Wharf. Council of State to consider their Desire for another Ship to transport them-Declarations relating to the Affairs and Proceedings between this Commonwealth and the States General read, and committed to Members that are of the Council, 6 July. Reported, read and agreed to; Order for printing it, with all Papers to which it relates- For translating it into any Language the Council of State shall think fit-Report from Council of State touching several Dutch Ships in English Ports; Power given them to dispose of Ships, Ladings and Mariners-Act prohibiting all Commerce with the States General, and People of the United Provinces, read twice and committed, 9 Sept. Further Debate of the Business, what is fit further to be done in Reference to the Affairs between this Commonwealth and the States General adjourned 8. 10, 11, & 22 Mar.-Letter from the States of Holland and West Frieseland, referred to a Committee with Power to examine the Messenger; Order for translating it. Translate reported and read; Council of State to prepare Answer; Previous and main Questions that upon Occasion of this Letter they prepare a Letter to the States General, severally Affirmative.
-, -1653, Letters reported; read by Parts and agreed to with Amendments; Speaker to sign them and put the Parliament Seal thereto; Clerk to sign the Duplicates; Messenger to be acquainted that the Letters are answered, and to have a Pass-Council of State to put the Letters into Latin, and grant a Pass to the Messenger who is to carry them, 29 Mar.

Holland, Captain, 1651, his Widow's Petition and Case referred to the Committee of the Army, 20 Nov.
-, -Richard, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 July.
-, -Cornelius 1652, appointed One of the Council of State, 25 Nov.

Holloway, Thomas, 1651, Petition read and referred to the Council of State, 9 Oct.

Holme, Robert, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 July.

Holtby, Marmaduke, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 Nov.

Honours, pretended, 1651, Act for taking them away reported; Clause and Proviso rejected; Title read and agreed to; Act passed and to be printed, 4 Feb.-Form of a Writ to the several Sheriffs pursuant thereto, reported, read, and agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal-For sending it to Cities and Towns Counties of themselves; Day appointed for the Return of it.

Hoore, Matthew, 1652, Question for pardoning him, Neg. 9 Mar.

Hope, George, 1652, Certificate from the Commissioners for compounding, on his Behalf read; Order for inserting his Name in the Sale of Delinquents Estates, 27 Oct.

Hopkins, Thomas, 1652, Upon Report from the Committee of the Army that he was slain at Worcester, Order for paying his Widow 30£. 7 Apr.
-, -Thomas, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 Nov.

Hornby, George, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 28 Oct.

Horses, 1652, Order for making Report touching transporting them, 16 Feb.

Horsey, John, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 Nov.

Horton, Colonel, 1651, Persons appointed to whom the Lands to be settled on his Brigade may be conveyed, 6 Feb.

Hotham, Isabell and Son, 1651, Petition read and referred to Council of State, 25 Aug.
-, -Charles, 1652, Petition read and referred to the Committee of the Universities; Committee revived for this Purpose, 11 June.

House, 1651, Appoints Preachers, 20 Aug.-6 Sept.-30 Oct.-Thanks them, 26 Aug.-28 Oct.-6 Nov.- To dine at Whitehall on the Thanksgiving Day, 6 Sept. Order vacated-With Speaker to attend General Popham's Funeral, 16 Sept.-Order for setting up in the House the Arms of the State, and the Engagement with Names of Members who have subscribed it.
-, -1652, House appoints Preachers, 1 June-28 Oct. -27 Jan.-15 Mar.-Thanks them, 10 June.- To be called, 23 Sept.-Fast kept in the House, 31 Jan. -3 Mar.

Howard, Sir Robert, 1651, Time for Payment of his Composition Money enlarged, 19 Aug.-Act enabling him to sell Lands for the Payment thereof, and of his Debts, read twice; Question for Ingrossment, Neg. Act passed.
-, -1652, Bill for amending the Mistakes therein, ordered, 12 May.
-, -Lord, 1652, Previous and main Questions for appointing a Day to read his Petition, severally Affirmative, 18 June. -Petition read, 14 July.
-, -1653, Another read; Order for discharging his Fine, 5 Apr.
-, -Sir Francis, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 1 July.
-, -Ralph, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 July.
-, - Edward, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 28 Oct.
-, -Sir Charles, 1652, his Lady's Petition read; Order for inserting his Name in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 14 July.
-, - Henry, 1652, Previous Question that the Commissioners for compounding be impowered to admit his claim, notwithstanding the Lapse of Time, and to hear and determine it, Neg. 13 Jan.

Howden, John, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 Nov.

Hubbert, Thomas, 1652, Petition read, and referred to the Committee of Petitions, 27 Aug.

Huddlestone, Arthur, 1652, Petition read; Commissioners for compounding to expedite the Determination of his Business, 1 July-Order for inserting his Name in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 27 Oct.

Hull, 1651, Commissioner for the Assessments added, 27 Jan. -Petition of Merchants read; their Case referred to the Council of State, with Power to hear and determine it, and dispense with any Forfeiture and Confiscation, 17 Feb.
-, -1652, Council of State impowered to recruit the Three Regiments there to 120 Men each for Three Months; the Committee of the Army to pay them, 21 May-Order for continuing and paying them Three Months longer, 17 Sept. -Order for making Report touching the Accounts of the Garison, 17 Aug.-The Committee of the Army to consider how their Arrears may be satisfied, and confer with Lieutenant Colonel Salmon thereupon, 30 Sept.-Order for making Report, 13 Jan. Report; Commissioners for the Assessments to take, state, and register their Accounts, and return Duplicates thereof; Trustees for Sale of the late King's Lands to allow such Debentures and give out Bonds or Bills thereupon.
-, -1652, Mayor and Aldermen appointed without Prejudice to the Charter; Votes to be sent in a Letter signed by Speaker, 14 Sept.

Hullenberch, Philip, 1651, Tools and Frames at Mortlake touching the Tapestry Manufacture to be left in his Hands; Order to forbear selling them, 10 Oct.

Humfries, Colonel John, 1651, Order enabling him to execute all the public Employments his Father had in his Life-time, and enjoy all the Profits arising thereby, 19 Dec.
-, -John. Vide Ireton, John.

Hungate, Philip, 1652, his Petition read; Order for inserting his Name in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Lands, 21 July.

Hungerford, Sir Edward, 1652, Previous Question that 500£. for which he and another gave Counter Security, be paid out of Two Parts of Recusants Estates under Sequestration, Neg. Business referred to a Committee, with Power to consider like Cases, 18 Feb.

Hunter, Richard, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 Nov.

Huntingdon, County, 1651, Order appointing High Sheriff, and for a Commission under the Great Seal, 4 Nov.
-, - 1652, Like Order, 12 Nov. Certificate from the Commissioners for Assessments referred to the Committee on the Bill for ascertaining Moneys due on Public Faith; Committee impowered to order the Payment of Moneys due to Persons mentioned therein, 3 Feb.
-, - Lord, 1652, Act enabling him to sell Lands for Payment of Debts to be read, 23 & 27 Apr.-Read twice and committed, 15 Sept.

Hurst, Mary, 1651, Petition and Case referred to the Committee of the Army, 20 Nov.

Husbands, Diana, 1651, Petition and Case referred to the Committee of the Army, 20 Nov.

Hutchins, William, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 27 Oct.

Hyde Park, 1652, Order for selling it for ready Money, 27 Nov. Vide King-The Committee of the Revenue to examine the Business touching the Waters and Water Courses coming from thence, and the Interest of the State therein, 31 Dec.

Hyde, Antony, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 Nov.

A. 1653.

HACKNEY Coachmen, Petition reported, read, and referred to the Committee of Petitions, 31 Oct.

Hambleton, Petition of Inhabitants read; Question for referring it to the Committee of Petitions, Neg. Order for referring it to another Committee, 1 Oct.

Hamburgh, Letter from the Senate read; Council of State to prepare Answer, 14 Nov.

Hamilton, Duchess of, a Committee to hear and determine her Claim to Lands settled on General Moncke, 31 Oct.

Hamond, Colonel Robert, Report touching his Pension; Payment thereof to be suspended, 9 Sept.

Hampton Court, Vote enjoining the Trustees to forbear the Sale thereof, taken off, 23 Aug.-Order for offering it to Lord General in Exchange for Newhall; Trustees to forbear Sale, 20 Sept. His Answer reported.

Harrison, Major-General, Previous and main Questions for calling him to fit as a Member, severally Affirmative, 5 July- Appointed One of the Council of State, 8 July-1 Nov. -Mr. appointed Minister of Hereford, 16 Nov.

Hart, Stephen, Petition read; Order for reprieving him till 1 ft October next; Judge to certify the Matter of Fact; Sheriff to forbear Execution in the mean time, 30 July-Associates Certificate read; Order for reprieving him till next Assizes; Judge to certify the Matter of Fact; Sheriff to forbear Execution, 24 Sept.

Haverford West, the Committee of the Army to consider the Case of the poor Inhabitants, in reference to the Assessment and Arrears thereof, with Power to do as they shall think fit, 22 July.

Heane, Major, Motion from Council of State for settling Lands of 100£. per Annum on him and his Heirs, disagreed to, 1 Nov.

Hereford County, Order appointing High Sheriff, and for a Commission under the Great Seal, 10 Nov.-Commissioners for the Assessments added.

Hermdon, Thomas. Vide Privileges.

Hertford County, Order appointing High Sheriff, and for a Commission under the Great Seal, 10 Nov.

Hewson, Colonel, appointed One of the Council of State, 14 July.

Hicks, Richard, Petition reported and read; Trustees to proceed in the Sale of his Estate, 3 Oct.

High Court of Justice, Upon Report from Council of State, touching many Designs on Foot against the Commonwealth; Bill for erecting a Court, ordered, 10 Aug. Read twice and committed; Commissioners Names committed-Another Bill read twice; Blanks for Commissioners Names filled up; Continuance of the Act; Question for Ingrossment, Neg. Act passed, and to be printed. Other Acts therein mentioned to be printed and published with it.

Highwaymen. Vide Thieves.

Hingston, Mary, Petition read; Order for reprieving her, till her Case be certified; Judge to certify by the End of September next; Sheriff to forbear Execution in the mean Time, 28 July.

Hitcham, Serjeant, Bill for confirming the Manors of Framlingham and Saxtead, with the Appurtenances devised by him, to be read, 12 July. Read-Committed, 7 Oct. Reported and to be ingrossed, 15 Nov.

Holidays, a Committee to prepare Bill for taking them away, and Days not juridical, 1 Nov.

Hollistre, Mr. appointed One of the Council of State, 14 July -Exceptions taken to his words; he explains himself, 17 Oct.

Hope, Sir James, appointed one of the Council of State, 14 July.

House, meets, 5 July-Question for going on in seeking the Lord by Prayer, Neg. Day appointed for it-House debates the Title wherein all Addresses shall be made; Resolution that the Title of "Parliament" shall be given to this Assembly; Debate touching an Addition thereto, adjourned. Resumed; Resolution for adding "of the Commonwealth of "England"-Person called to the Chair to have the Title of "Speaker"-A Committee to see the Clerk makes Entry of the Meeting and Proceedings of the House-A Committee to prepare Declaration to invite godly People to seek the Lord for a Blessing upon the Councils and Proceedings of the Parliament. Declaration read by Parts and agreed to, with Amendments; Order for printing and publishing it,-A Committee to consider of the Number, Qualifications, Claims and Salaries of Officers of the House, 7 July. Report. Vide Birkhead-Further Report of Salaries with a Table of Fees; Clerk Assistant's Salary disagreed to-Votes for Serjeant's Fees amended, 12 Oct.-Order touching the payment of the Salaries, 12 Oct.-28 Nov.-House spends the Day in seeking the Lord, 11 July-Order for providing a Bible-Clerk to license the printing the Proceedings of the House-House appoints Preachers, 8 Aug. -1 Nov-To be called, 18 Aug.-16 Sept.- Called, 22 Aug.-20 Sept.-Meets at Margaret's Church, 25 Aug.-Resolves to pass two Hours the next Saturday in praying and hearing, 1 Nov.-Motion for the Parliament to resign their Powers to Lord General; agreed to; Speaker and a Majority of the Members to attend him at Whitehall, and resign them, 10 Dec.

Howard, Mr. appointed One of the Council of State, 14 July. -Captain, appointed One of the Council of State, 1 Nov.

Hullenberch, Philip and John, Bill for naturalizing them and others ordered, 28 Sept.-Names to be inserted, 3 & 10 Oct.

Hunkyn, Colonel Joseph, Petition read and referred to the Committee of the Army, 10 Oct.

Huntingdon, Lord, Question for appointing a Day to consider his Business, Neg. 18 Oct.-Bill enabling him to sell Lands for Payment of Debts to be read-Read, 1 Nov. Read Second Time; Question for Ingrossment, Neg. Act passed.

Hynde, Mr. Bill for settling his Gift to be read, 18 Nov.

A. 1654.

HABEAS Corpus. Vide Certiorari.

Harper, Edward, Petition read, 3 Nov. Vide Durham.

Harvey, John, Petition read and referred to a Committee, 18 Dec.

Healths, Bill against drinking them, and for imposing the same Penalties upon Drunkards, as are by the Act upon Swearers, ordered, 27 Nov.

Hemings, Mr. Information against him referred to a Committee, with Power to send for him, 15 Jan.

House, meets in the Abbey; after Sermon attends Lord Protector in the Painted Chamber; Purport of his Speech to them, 3 Sept.-Meets to go to the Abbey; after Sermon attends him again in the Painted Chamber; he makes Narration of the Grounds of their being called together, and the Weightiness of their Employment; desires them to exercise their own Liberty in chusing a Speaker-House appoints Preachers, 4 & 14 Sept.-1 Nov.-Thanks them, and Order for printing their Sermons, 4 Sept.-7 Nov.- Orders Prayers every Morning, 4 Sept.-To be called. Called. Goes to Church, 13 Sept.-11 Oct.-To keep a Fast in the House. Desires Persons to assist in carrying on the Work of Fasting, 14 & 19 Sept.-Thanks them, 12 Oct.-Resolves to fit Forenoon and Afternoon Three Days in every Week, 17 Nov.-Resolves to fit every Day all Day-With Speaker attends the Lord Protector in the Painted Chamber, 22 Jan.

A. 1656 & 1657.

HADDINGTON. Vide Pebles.

Halford, William, 1656, Bill for providing for his younger Children, and Payment of his Debts read, 6 Mar.
-, -1657, Committed, 27 Mar.-Committees added, 23 May.

Hall, Andrew, 1656, Petition read, 22 Dec.

Hallowes, Nathanael, 1656, Petition read and referred to a Committee, 15 Nov.

Hamilton, Dutches of, and Daughters, 1656, Petition read and referred to the Committee on General Moncke's Bill, with Power to settle an Agreement between the Parties concerned; Committees added, 2 Feb. Report; Proviso on their Behalf read and disagreed to.
-, - late Dukes of, 1656, Petition of their Creditors read, 2 Feb.

Hanslop, Manor, 1656, Petition of Tenants read and laid aside, 22 Dec.

Harvey, John, 1656, Petition to be read, 9 Dec. Read, and referred to a Committee.
-, -1657, Order for making Report, 1 Apr.
-, - Mr. 1657. Vide Privileges.

Hatton, Christopher, 1657, Petition read, and referred to the Committee on the Bill for Buildings, with Power to present a Proviso, 5 June.-Bill for Liberty to erect Buildings in Hatton Garden before 1660, read twice; Question for Commitment, Neg. Bill to be ingrossed. Clauses added; Bill passed; Protector's Consent to be desired. Protector's Consent.

Havering. Vide Hornchurch.

Havilland, Christopher. Vide Deane, John, and Wake, William.

Hayes, Colonel John, and others, 1656, Petition read and referred to the Committee of Trade, 2 Feb.

Henley, Robert, and James Cooper, 1657, Petition read and referred to the Committee on the Bill for Buildings, 23 May. Vide Buildings.

Hereford County, 1657, new Writ, 15 June.

Hickson, Thomas, and Thomas Wilson, 1657, Master of the Rolls to bring in the Writ of Error between them, with the Record of the Judgment thereupon annexed, 18 July.

Highwaymen, 1657, Clause for more effectual Discovery and Prosecution of them ordered, 16 June. Vide Northern Borders.

Highways, 1656, Bill for repairing them to be read, 29 Nov. -Read, 4 Dec.-Committed, 2 Jan.
-, -1657, reported and re-committed, 26 Jan.-Committees added, 4 Feb.

Hilary, Anthony. Vide Burton, Mr.

Hill, Major William, 1657, Protector's Letter on his Behalf read; recommended to Protector, and Council of State to settle the Business, 26 June.
-, -1656, George. Vide Privileges.

Hoffe, Theodore, 1656, his Name to be inserted in a Naturalization Bill, 6 Oct. Vide Tanturier.

Holidays, 1656, Bill for taking them away, read 25 Dec.

Holmden, John. Vide Gresham, Marmaduke.

Hops, 1656, Petition of Dealers reported; Question that it be now read, Neg. Day appointed for reading it, 15 Nov.

Hornchurch, 1656, Bill for dividing the Parish and Vicarage, and for endowing the Vicarages, and raising an additional Maintenance for the Vicars of Rumford and Havering, read, 19 Feb.-Committed, 2 Mar. Committees added.
-, -1657, Bill to be reported, 31 Mar.-Reported and to be ingrossed, 22 Jan.

Hospitals, 1656, Bill for better Distribution of the Revenues thereof read, 10 Oct.-Order for second Reading, 19 & 25 Nov.-2 Dec.-9 Jan.

House, 1656, meets in the Abbey, and after Sermon goes to the Painted Chamber, 17 Sept.-Ministers to be desired to pray with the House daily; Clerk to give them Notice-Resolution for rising every Day at 12 O'Clock, 18 Sept.-11 Mar.- House desires Ministers to assist in carrying on the Work of Humiliation, 18 Sept.-1 Jan.-In carrying on the Work of Thanksgiving, 2 & 22 Oct.-19 Jan.-Thanks them, and Order for printing their Sermons, 25 Sept.-9 & 31 Oct.-7 Nov.-12 Jan.-21, 25 & 28 Feb.-Order for repairing the House, 24 Oct.-Person to view the Room over it, and see what is necessary to be done as to removing the Records. His Report; Order for removing them-House to be called, 20 Dec. Called; Orders thereupon. Vide Members.-Resolution for keeping a Fast in the House, 1 Jan.-25 Feb.-For keeping it notwithstanding Speaker's Absence, 8 Jan.-For going into a Committee all the Week de die in diem, notwithstanding the Adjournment of the House-For sitting Eight Days Forenoon and Afternoon, 11 Mar.
-, -1657, House attends Protector at Whitehall, 31 Mar. -8 May-Appoints Preachers-Thanks them, and Order for printing their Sermons, 4 June-Resolution for sitting Eight Days Forenoon and Afternoon-For sitting a Week Forenoon and Afternoon-For sitting all next Week Forenoon and Afternoon-House adjourns to 20th January next-Meets; Resolution for keeping a Fast in the House; Ministers desired to assist in carrying on the Work, 20 Jan. Fast kept; Order for a Collection; Ministers thanked, and to print their Sermons-House to be called-Called; Orders thereupon, 1 Feb. Vide Members.

Howard, William, 1656, Petition read, and referred to a Committee, 14 May.

Hughes, John, 1657, Petition read, and referred to a Committee, 30 Mar.

Hull, 1656, Petition of Mayor, & c. read and referred to a Committee, 27 Dec.

Hull, William, 1656. Vide Privileges.

Huntingdon Town, 1657, Bill for uniting the Parishes and Maintenance of Ministers there read, 22 Jan. Committed-Committees added, 3 Feb.
-, - Earl of, 1656, Bill to confirm the Sale of Lands whereby he paid Debts, and for Sale of other Lands for payment of the Residue read, 4 Dec. Committed-To be reported. 7 & 9 Feb. Report offered; Countess Dowager's Petition read; Question for receiving the Report, Neg. Committee impowered to hear what she has to say.

A. 1658 & 1659.

HASLEMERE Election; Report; Right of Election determined; Return to be amended, 23 Mar. Amended.

Hatton, Sir Thomas, State of the Case of his Executors and others, reported; Resolution thereupon, 12 Apr.

Herbert, John, Petition to be read, 5, 8 & 10 Mar.

Hertford Town Election; Report; Return to be amended, 24 Mar. Amended.

Heydon new Writ, 25 Mar.

Heytesbury, new Writ, 12 Feb.

Higham Ferrers, House taking Notice that Two Burgesses were returned, when only One ought to be returned; One withdraws, 31 Jan.-Election; Report; Election declared void-New Writ ordered, 11 Feb.

House, meets-Resolves to keep a Fast-Desires a Minister to assist in carrying on the Work, 17 Jan.-Keeps the Fast; Thanks him, and Order for printing his Sermon, 4 Feb.-To be called, 18 Jan.-31 Mar.-Called-Desires a Minister to pray with them every Morning-Previous and main Questions that House will transact with Persons now sitting in the other House, as a House of Parliament, severally affirmative, 1 Mar. Debate thereon adjourned. Resumed.Question amended, 8 Mar. Debate thereon to be resumed. Resumed; Resolution for transacting with them during this Parliament, and that this shall not exclude Peers who have been faithful to the Parliament from their Privilege of being duly summoned to be Members of that House-Previous and main Questions for appointing a Committee to consider of the Manner of transacting with them, severally Affirmative; Previous and main Questions that in all Messages and Conferences, the like Respect be observed by Members of this House, as is observed by the Persons fitting in the other House, severally Affirmative, 6 Apr. Report; Resolution, that Messages sent from this House shall be carried by Members-That none shall be received from the other House unless brought by Members of their own Number.

Howard, William, a Committee to consider his Misdemeanors at several Elections, 8 Mar.

Huntingdon Town new Writ, 23 Feb.

A. 1659.

HABERDASHERS Hall. Vide Delinquents.

Hacker, Colonel, List of Officers in his Regiment reported, read and agreed to, 28 May-Their Commissions delivered, 8 and 24 June-Upon the Resignation of a Captain, Names of Persons for several Commands reported, 27 Sept.- Speaker acquaints the House with the Effect of a Letter from him; Commissioners for the Army to prepare Answer; Speaker to sign it, 2 Jan.-List of Officers in his Regiment reported and read. Read again and approved; their Commissions delivered.

Hadleigh, Commissioners for the Assessment added, 19 Feb.

Hake, Agnes, Pardon for her and Judges Certificate read; Pardon agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 25 Feb.

Hamburgh, Agent's Credentials read; a Committee to give him Audience, 14 June-Committee added-Master of the Ceremonies to attend him to his Audience. His Credentials and Speech reported; Council of State to hear what he has to say further, and appoint a Time and Place.

Hampton Court. Vide Whitehall-Order for preserving the House and Goods, 13 June-Discharged, 4 Oct.

Hanaper Office, a Committee to consider how the Title thereof stands, 27 Feb.-Clerk appointed, 13 Mar.

Hanse States, Letters to their Agent read, and referred to Council of State, 16 June.

Harley, Major, Report from Council of State touching his Refusal to discover the Author of dangerous and untrue Reports tending to Sedition; Order for bringing him to Bar; Brought; Examined thereupon; Matter referred to them back, 19 July -Votes and Matters relating to them, touching Major Harley's Reports declared void, and to be obliterated, 2 Mar.
-, -Colonel Edward, appointed One of the Council of Sate, 23 Feb.

Harrington, Sir James, appointed One of the Council of State, 14 May-31 Dec.

Harvey, Dr. Gideon, Report that he be Physician to the Army, agreed to, 25 July. His Commission delivered.
-, -Samuel, to be put in the Commission of Peace, 9 Sept.

Haslerigg, Sir Arthur, appointed One of the Council of State, 14 May-31 Dec.-Appointed a Commissioner for nominating Officers, 13 May-Council of State to present a Commission for him with Blank for the Continuance- List of Officers in his Regiment reported, read and agreed to, 9 July. Their Commissions delivered-Previous and main Questions for appointing him One of the Commissioners for the Government of the Army, severally Affirmative, 12 Oct.-List of Officers in his Regiment reported and read, 7 Jan. Read again and approved. Their Commissions delivered-Report from Council of State that his Name is mentioned in an Information sent to them; Order for his Attendance, 6 Mar. Several Examinations and Informations against him, reported; heard thereupon; Matter referred back. Letter to him read and referred.

Hatfield, Captain John, Upon Report from the Commissioners for nominating Officers, that they had received Satisfaction touching him; Order for delivering his Commission, 11 June.

Hawkins, William, ordered into Custody as a Delinquent and Debtor to the State, 21 Sept. Commissioners for bringing in the Arrears to send for and treat with him.

Hawthorne, Lieutenant, Commissioners for the Army to send for him and bring him to Bar, as a Delinquent, 27 Dec.

Hele, William, Pardon for him and Judges Certificate read; Pardon agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 25 Feb.

Hereford County, Commissioners for the Militia added, 6 Aug.
-, -City, List of Officers for the Garrison reported, read and agreed to, 16 July. Governor's Commission delivered-Deputy Governor's Letter touching Persons rising in the Country, and the taking some of them Prisoners, reported and read-Commissioners for the Militia added, 6 Aug.

Hertford County, Petition of divers Inhabitants who have adhered to the good old Cause, read; Petitioners thanked, 13 May-Another of Freeholders, & c. read; Petitioners thanked, 21 June-Commissioner for the Militia added, 15 Aug.-List of Officers for the Militia read and approved-High Sheriff appointed, 11 Feb.-10 Mar.

Hewson, Colonel John, List of Officers in his Regiment reported, read and approved, 13 June. Their Commissions delivered, 14 June-13 & 15 July-5 Aug.-Speaker informs House that he thanks them for their Favour in pardoning him, 6 Jan.

Hickson, Thomas, Record upon a Demurrer in a Cause between him and Thomas Wilson to be sent back to the Petty Bag, 9 July.

Higgs, Roger, ordered into Custody as a Delinquent and Debtor to the State, 21 Sept. Commissioners for bringing in the Arrears to send for and treat with him.

Hobson, Thomas. Vide Basnett, Thomas.

Holland, Ambassador's Letter to the Committee of Safety, with an Order of the States General reported and read, 14 May -His Address, desiring Audience, read; referred to a Committee to consider of his Reception, and how he may be brought into the House; Speaker to send for his Credeatials, and see whether they be addressed in the usual Style. Credentials presented and read; Members to accompany him to his Audience; Report that he attends in the Court of Wards; Manner of receiving him; his Speech and Credentials read; Council of State to hear what he has further to say; Master of the Ceremonies to acquaint him therewith. His Paper, a Treaty between this Commonwealth and the States General, and Propositions to be treated upon with him, severally reported and read; Proceedings of the Council of State approved; referred to them to proceed in managing the Treaty upon the Proposals presented-His Paper to 7th Instant; Council of State's Answer thereto, and Draught of a Declaration inhibiting the taking Commissions from foreign States reported, and to be considered, 10 June. Severally read: Answer and Declaration to be the Subject Matter upon which the Council of State shall treat with him. His Paper concerning the Ratification of the Treaty at the Hague reported, read and referred back. Answers of the Ambassador and Council of State reported; Form of the Ratification agreed to; to be signed by Speaker and passed under the Great Seal; Proceedings of the Council of State approved -Mr. Downing to have Credentials as to the Ratification of the Treaty; Speaker to sign them-Paper from him read and referred to the Council of State, 5 Aug.

Holland, Mr. Serjeant to summon him to attend, 24 Jan.
-, -Cornelius, Warrant for paying him Money out of the Exchequer upon Pretence of Arrears of a Pension, voted illegal; Order for him to repay it, 2 Feb.
-, -Sir John, appointed One of the Council of State, 23 Feb.
-, -Colonel, Order for discharging him from his Imprisonment, and suspending his Sequestration, 23 Feb.

Hollis, Denzill, appointed One of the Council of State, 23 Feb.
-, -Orders touching his Impeachment and Exclusion out of Parliament discharged, and to be obliterated, 2 Mar.

Holmes, Dr. desired to assist in carrying on the Work of Thanksgiving, 28 Sept.-Thanked, and to print his Sermon, 7 Oct.

Holstein, Duke of, Letters of Credence to his Envoy, read; Council of State to give him such Audience as they shall think fit, and hear what he has to say, 2 July.

Holt Forest. Vide Woolmer.

Holt, Nathanael, his Letter read, 10 Feb.

Honeywood, Sir Robert. Vide Sidney, Colonel.-Appointed One of the Council of State, 16 May.

Honours, a Committee to take Care that Persons, who have assumed Honours conferred by the late King since the Act for taking them away, do pay their Forfeitures, and to examine whether they have brought their Patents into Chancery, with Power to prepare Bill for strengthening the former Act, and taking away Honours conferred by his Son, or any other since the Time limited, 14 June.

Horse-races, Upon Report from Council of State, Proclamation for prohibiting them, Cock-fightings, Bull-baitings, Hurlings, Wrestlings, and other Meetings of the like Nature, ordered, 13 July.

Hospitals, a Committee to take a Catalogue of all Hospitals and the Revenues thereof; Masters to deliver them the respective Constitutions, and how and by what Authority the Profits have been disposed of-Order against granting or renewing Leases, to be printed and sent to the several Sheriffs to give Masters Notice thereof, 20 Sept.

House, meets on a Sunday to seek the Lord for a Blessing on their Proceedings; Minister desired to assist in carrying on the Duty of the Day, 7 May. Thanked, and to print his Sermon-Resolution for keeping Fast in the House, 26 July-Fast kept, 5 Aug.-House to be called, 5 & 24 Aug.-3 Sept. -Called; Orders thereupon, 8 Aug.-30 Sept. Vide Members.-Ministers desired to assist in carrying on the Work of Thanksgiving, 24 & 28 Sept.-29 Dec.-23 Feb. -Thanked, and to print their Sermons, 7 Oct.-4 Jan. -29 Feb.-House accepts the City's Invitation to Dinner, 1 Oct. Thanks them-Previous Question for appointing certain Ministers to pray by Turns every Morning, Neg. 29 Dec.-Order touching the Payment of Arrears due to the Officers of the House, 25 Feb.

Howard, Lady Mary, Letters discovering the Intention of the Enemies of the Commonwealth, reported and read; the apprehending and committing her and Mrs. Sumpner by Council of State, approved; Order for bringing them to a speedy Trial; a Committee to consider how they may be brought to it, 30 July-Council of State to consider how Lady Mary may be brought to speedy Trial, or bail her, 14 Sept.

Hoyle, Edmund, his Letter read, 4 Jan.

Hull, Representation and Petition of many who, through Grace, have been kept sensible of, and mourned for the late Apostacy from the good old Cause, to be presented, 20 June. Read; Petitioners thanked-Governor appointed, 9 July- His Letter read; Council of State to see the Garison provided for; Moneys taken from the Commissioners of Excise to supply them to be allowed upon Account, 2 Jan.-Order for a Month's Pay for them, 13 Feb.-Letters from thence, and a Declaration for the secluded Members or a free Parliament, with a Letter to General Moncke, read; Letters referred to the Council of State.

Hull, William, Order for paying him for Candles, & c. for the Service of the Parliament, 15 Mar.

Hunt, John, Pardon for him, and Judges Certificate read; Pardon agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal -For transporting him, 25 Feb.

Huntingford, John, ordered into Custody as a Delinquent and Debtor to the State, 21 Sept. Commissioners for bringing in the Arrears to send for and treat with him.

Hurlings. Vide Horse-races.

Hurst, Report that Colonel Eyre be Governor, read, 8 Feb. Read again and approved.

Hutckinson, Colonel, to be dispensed with as to his Attendance on the Office of Sheriff, and required to attend the House; Under Sheriff to execute the Office, 20 June.
-, -Daniel, Petition read, and referred to the Commissioners for Irish Affairs, 18 July.

A. 1651, 1652, & 1653.

JACK, Thomas, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 26 Oct.

Jackman, Joseph, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 28 Oct.

Jackson, Arthur, 1651, Petition read; Pardon for him agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal-For discharging him of his Imprisonment and Bail, and taking off his Sequestration, 15 Oct. Speaker to sign a Warrant for his Discharge.
-, - Lieutenant Colonel, 1651, Pardon for him agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal-For discharging him of his Imprisonment and Bail, and taking off his Sequestration, 15 Oct. Speaker to sign Warrant for his Discharge.
-, -Christopher, 1652, his Name to be inserted to the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 July.
-, -John and George, 1652, their Names to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 Nov.

Jacob, John, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 27 Oct.

Jacobson, Captain John, 1652, his Examination read, 5 Oct.
-, -Jacob, 1652, his Remonstrance read and referred to the Council of State, 1 Feb. Vide Lubeck.

James, Moses, 1651, Council of State to set him at Liberty if they think fit, 28 Nov.

James's Park, 1652, Order for stocking it with Deer out of other Parks appointed to be sold-Keepers of them to take Care the Deer be not imbezilled, 31 Dec.

Janien, George, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 July.

Jean, Joseph, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 20 Oct.

Jefferson, John and Philip, 1652, their Names to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 15 July.

Jekyll, Joseph, 1651, Order for pardoning him and discharging his Sequestration, 30 Aug.

Jenkins, Susan and Jane, 1651, Petitions and Cases referred to the Committee of the Army, 20 Nov.

Jenks, Anne, 1651, Petition and Case referred to the Committee of the Army, 20 Nov.

Jenkyn, William, 1651, Petition read; Pardon for him agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal-For discharging him of his Imprisonment and Bail, and taking off his Sequestration, 15 Oct. Speaker to sign Warrant for his Discharge.

Jersey, Isle of, 1651, Letter and Narrative of the taking it read; Order for Rewards to the Messengers-For a Thanksgiving, 30 Oct. Vide Thanksgiving-Letter touching the Surrender of Mount Orguile Castle; Articles approved; Letter of Thanks ordered; Speaker to sign it, 19 Nov.- Papers from thence to be read, 1 Jan. Letter with a Copy of the Articles upon the Surrender of Elizabeth Castle, and Inventory of Ammunition, & c. read; Articles approved; Order for Rewards to the Messengers-Council of State to consider of an Establishment for the Isle, and how the supernumerary Soldiers may be disposed of-Commissioners to be sent over to compound with Persons according to the Articles; Part of the Composition Moneys to be distributed among the Persons driven from thence, 2 Jan.-Letter from thence read, 6 Feb.
-, -1652, Proposals touching the Isle read, and referred to the Council of State, 22 Oct.

Jervoice, William, 1651, State of his Case reported and read; Order for discharging his Fine and Delinquency, 24 Mar.
-, -Thomas, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 27 Oct.

Jesson, Captain Nathanael, 1653, Upon Report that he was slain in the late Engagement with the Dutch, Order for paying his Widow 500£. 200£. for herself, 50£. for his Parents, and 250£. for his Children; Commissioners of the Admiralty to take Care of the Distribution of the Money, 15 Apr.

Jesuits, 1652, Proclamation commanding them, and all Seminary and other Priests to depart the Commonwealth; Day appointed for their Departure, Proclamation agreed to, and to be printed; Council of State to see it put in Execution, 5 Jan.

Jewell, Mary 1651, Petition and Case referred to the Committee of the Army, 20 Nov.

Indemnity, 1652, Previous and main Questions for dissolving the Committee of Indemnity, severally Affirmative; Bill for transferring their Powers to Commissioners, ordered, 21 Apr. Read twice and committed; Committee to consider the former Powers of the Committee; All that come to have Voices-Bill to be reported, 5 & 11 May-1 & 19 June. Reported; Commissioners for compounding to be the Commissioners named therein; Quorum appointed; Continuance of the Act; Act passed, and to be printed.

Ingoldsby, Colonel Richard, 1652, Resolution for settling Lands in Scotland of 500£. per Annum on him and his Heirs, reserving 100£. yearly to the State; Commissioners for Sequestrations there, to cause a Survey to be taken upon Oath, and set forth the Lands, 14 May-Order for recruiting his Regiment to 1,200 Men besides Officers, for Three Months-For paying them according to the Establishment-Upon Report from the Council of State that his Regiment has been recruited from 1,200 to 1,600 Men, Order for paying them for Three Months, 14 July.-Appointed One of the Council of State, 25 Nov.

Ingram, Robert and Thomas, 1651, their Narrative reported and read; Question for restoring their Ship and Lading free from Seizure and Confiscation, Neg. 3 Feb.-Order for it, 2 Mar.

John, Lord Chief Justice, St. 1651, appointed One of the Council of State, 24 Nov.
-, -1652, his personal Attendance in the Courts next Term to be dispensed with, 26 May.-Appointed one of the Council of State, 24 Nov.
-, -John, St. 1652, Petition read; Previous Questions for referring it to a Committee-For referring it to the Commissioners of the Great Seal, severally Neg. 26 Aug.
-, -Lord Charles, St. 1652, Petition read, and referred to the Committee of Petitions, 27 Aug.

Johnson, Charles, and James Henrickson, 1651, Petition read, and referred to Council of State, 30 Dec.
-, -James. Vide Burton, Major William.
-, -Jane, 1651, Petition and Case referred to the Committee of the Army, 20 Nov.
-, -John, 1652, his Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 28 Oct.

Joice, Lieutenant Colonel George, 1651, Resolution for settling Lands of 100£. per Annum on him and his Heirs; a Committee to find particular Lands, and prepare Bill for that Purpose, 1 Oct.

Jones, Mary, 1651, Upon Lord General's Certificate that her Husband was slain at Worcester, Order for paying her 200£. for her Subsistence, 16 Dec.
-, -John and William, 1652, their Names to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 13 July.
-, -Evan and Thomas, 1652, their Names to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 28 Oct.
-, -Nathanael and Hugh, 1652, their Name to be inserted in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, 2 Nov.

Ireland, 1651, Letter from the Parliament Commissioners read, and referred to Council of State; Order for issuing 20,000£. per Month for the Army, 1 Oct.-Another Letter from thence-Another read; Order for employing certain Composition Monies towards the present Supplies of Ireland, 6 Nov.-Touching strengthening their Forces.-Deputy General's Letter touching the Rendition of Limerick; Articles read; Previous and main Questions for approving them, severally Affirmative; Order for Reward to the Messenger -For a Letter of Thanks; Speaker to sign it-For a Thanksgiving. Vide Thanksgiving-For sending over two Physicians-Commissioners Letters read, 9 Dec. Business touching Ireland to be considered, 9 Dec.-6 Jan. Considered; Council of State to present the Name of a fit Person to command the Military Forces under the Lord Lieutenant. Name reported; Report to be considered. Considered; Major General Lambert appointed Deputy General; Lord General to be required to give him a Deputation; Council of State to give him Notice and require him to return with Speed from Scotland-Paper touching making up the Pay of the Army-Estimate of the Charge from 25th December 1651 to 25th June 1652; Resolution thereupon, 17 Dec. Vide Supply.-Order touching the Payment of the Commissioners Salaries-Letters from Limerick and Waterford read, 6 Jan.-Upon Report from Council of State, Order for constant Pay and Supply of the Forces, 3 Feb.-Commissioners Letter read; Order for sending Provisions- Letter from Dublin read, 12 Mar.
-, - 1652, Adventurers Petition read; Debate thereon adjourned, 6 Apr. Previous and main Questions for referring it to the Council of State to consider their Propositions, and prepare Act for their Security, severally Affirmative- Relation of the Affairs in Ireland; Order for a Reward to the Relater-Colonel Zankey's Letter, with Articles of Agreement between him and the Commander in Chief of the Irish Brigade; Order for Letter of Thanks; Speaker to sign it, 8 Apr. Vide Zankey, Colonel-Council of State to consider of the Qualifications formerly read-Qualifications reported; Clause agreed to; List of Names and other Papers, re-committed. Mr. Weaver to attend the Committee, 18 May-Council impowered to transport such of the Irish as they shall think fit, into foreign Countries, and transplant others from one Part of the Nation to another-Referred to them to provide for such Officers and Soldiers as shall be disbanded there, 20 Apr.-Letters touching the Rendition of Galloway; Articles made thereupon; and other Papers read, and referred to the Council of State-Commissioners Letter read and referred to them-Mr. Weaver's Relation of the State of Affairs there; thanked thereupon; his coming over to be dispensed with-Commissioners Letter and Resolutions upon the Articles of Galloway, with the Answer of Lord President's Commissioners to the Exceptions of the Parliament's Commissioners-Articles of Agreement between Colonel Venables and Thorlagh O Neal-Abstract of a few of the barbarous Massacres and Murders of the Protestants and English severally read, 18 May-Question that the Lieutenancy be continued longer than the Time already limited, Neg.-The Committee for Adventurers to consider of Encouragement to English Protestants to go and plant there, with Power to receive Proposals-To consider all Acts touching the Adventurers-Act for speedy and effectual Satisfaction of them, and of Arrears due to the Soldiery, and for Encouragement of Protestants to plant and inhabit there, read, 5 Aug. Committed; Petitions referred; the Committee to consider Acts touching Adventurers, and state their Case concerning Forfeitures for not paying in their Moneys-Commissioners Letter; Articles made with the Irish Forces in Lemster, and other Papers read, and to be considered, 25 May. Relation of the State of Affairs at the Time of making the Articles; Debate adjourned-Resumed; Clause read and in Part agreed to; Proviso added, 1 June- Annual Salaries to the Officers of the Committee for Irish Affairs discharged-Council of State to consider what may be offered as to carrying on the Irish Affairs. Report; Lord General declared Commander in Chief of all the Forces raised and to be raised in Ireland-To appoint a Commander in Chief under him and give him a Commission- Military Commissions to continue in Force till he give other Orders-Lord General to supply any Defects occasioned by this Vote, 6 July-Council of State with Lord General to consider of a fit Person to command the Forces under him, 17 June-Report; Lieutenant General Fleetwood appointed Commander and Commissioner for Civil Affairs, 9 July-Several Letters from Ireland read; Council of State to take Care for Supplies desired by One of them, 6 July- Referred to them to consider what Commission and Powers are fit to be given to them that shall have the Civil Power, and of Names of fit Persons to be Commissioners, 15 June -Instructions for them, with the Form of a Commission reported and read, 10 Aug. Instructions read-Commissioners Names reported. Instructions agreed to. Form of the Commission read; Commissioners Names to be inserted; Order for passing it under the Great Seal-Act for giving several Powers to several Persons constituted Commissioners for Irish Affairs, ordered. Read; Name to be added-Read second Time; Question for Ingrossment, Neg. Act passed; Order touching their Salaries, 2 Sept.-Commissioners Letter read, 3 Aug.-Act for ending and determining the Accounts of Officers and Soldiers that are or have been in the Parliament Service, read twice and committed; Register appointed; the Committee to present Names of Officers. Act to be reported. Reported; Commissioners appointed; Act re-committed. Reported; from Re-commitment; Question for Ingrossment, Neg. Act passed and to be printed-Bill for Settlement of Ireland, read, 10 Aug.-Read second Time; Names to stand in the Exception; Question for Commitment, Neg. Bill to be ingrossed. Passed, and to be printed. Order for printing 2.000 to be sent over.-Report from Council of State touching the Transportation of Commodities Custom-free-Touching the Power of granting military Commissions-Touching sending over Ministers-Touching the Providing a Great Seal, and other Seals for the Administration of Justice, 10 Aug.-Considered; Vote for Transportation agreed to; Order for printing, publishing and sending it to the several Ports-Resolution touching the granting of military Commissions-Council of State to send over godly Ministers-To consider of a Great Seal and other Seals-Letters from Kilkenny read, 26 Oct.-Persons thanked for their Services-Commissioners Letter, and Proposals of the Army read, and referred to the Committee for Adventurers, 11 Nov.-Report; Resolution touching the Manner of paying their Arrears, 4 Jan.-Officers Representations touching the Proposals-Touching the Commissioners, read; Debate thereon adjourned, 18 Feb. Resumed; Paper to be returned; Further Attendance of a Commissioner to be dispensed with-Charge of the Forces for 13 Months, reported, 2 Dec.-A Committee to consider what Proportion of Members for Ireland is fit to be added to the Number voted to serve in Parliament in England- Number agreed to, 2 Mar.-Letter from the Commander in Chief, and other Commissioners, read and referred to Council of State, 14 Dec.-Other Letters from them read; One touching the clipping Money referred to them-Letter with the Articles of Surrender of the Isles of Arran, read, 1 Feb.-Letter from the Commander in Chief and Commissioners with Articles upon the Surrender of Ennisbussin and other Islands read-Another, with Copies of Sir Phelim O Neile's Declaration, and late King's Commission, read, 15 Mar.-Letter from the Officers-Another from the Commander in Chief and the Commissioners, read.
-, -1653, Act for speedy and effectual satisfaction to the Adventurers, and of the Arrears to the Soldiery, and for Encouragement of Protestants to plant and inhabit in Ireland, reported; Days appointed for proceeding upon the Report; Petitions to be then read, 5 Apr. Quorum of Commissioners. Previous and main Questions that Officers and Soldiers be allowed two thirds in Proportion with the Adventurers, severally Affirmative; Member to word the Clause. Clause reported. Further Proceedings.
-, -1652, Petition of distressed Protestants read, 27 Aug.

Ireland, Margaret, 1652, Question for inserting her Name in the Bill for Sale of Delinquents Estates, Neg. 2 July.

Ireton, Henry, Deputy General of Ireland, 1651, Resolution for settling Lands in England of 2,000£. per Annum, on him and his Heirs; a Committee to consider of particular Lands, and prepare Act for that Purpose, 11 Sept.-Council of State to give Order for bringing his Corpse to London, and consider of an honourable Interment at the Charge of the State-Act for settling certain Manors, Lands and Tenements in Trust for his Widow and Children, read twice and committed, 9 Dec. To be reported. Reported; Question for Ingrossment, Neg. Act passed.
-, -John, 1652, Upon Report from the Committee of Obstructions, Previous Question for allowing him and John Humfries 286£. as reprize, Neg. Resolution for allowing them 90£. Trustees for Sale of Bishops Lands to reprize the same, 27 Aug.

Judges, 1651, Previous and main Questions that no Fee, Perquisite, or Reward, be taken by them or their Servants, except the Salary allowed by the State; Act for that purpose ordered, 23 Jan.-Order touching the Payment of their Salaries with the Arrears thereof, and of Money for the Circuits, 3 Feb.
-, -1652, Act touching Salaries for them ordered, 24 June -Act for settling competent Salaries upon them, and for easing People of paying Fees, read twice and committed, 12 Nov.

Judson, Rebecca, 1651, Petition and Case referred to the Committee of the Army, 20 Nov.

Ives, St. 1652, Petition of Inhabitants read and referred to a Committee, 20 May. Vide Markets.

A. 1653.

JAMES, Colonel, appointed One of the Council of State, 1 Nov.

Idiots, Petition on Behalf of them, Lunatics and Infants, read; Bill touching them ordered, 22 Aug.-Read twice and to be ingrossed, 3 Oct. Read third Time; Question that the Word Infants stand, Neg. Act passed, and to be printed.

Jersey, Isle of, Petition of divers well-affected Persons, reported, and referred to the Council of State, 22 Aug.-Referred to them to consider the Government of the Island.

Idemnity. Vide Delinquents-Bill for settling the Powers touching it in the several Counties, ordered, 29 Oct.

Ingoldsby, Colonel, Upon Report from Council of State, Order for recruiting his Regiment to 1,000 Men-For adding the Recruits to the Establishment, 8 Aug.-For continuing and paying them Three Months longer, 28 Oct.

John, Lord Charles St. Order for making Report touching him, 26 Oct.

John's, St. College, Cambridge, Previous and main Questions for putting a Person into the Sequestration of the Mastership, severaily Affirmative, 28 Nov.

Jones, Colonel Philip, appointed One of the Council of State, 8 July-1 Nov.
-, -Colonel Theophilus, Petition reported and read; Order for settling Lands in Ireland on him and his Heirs; Commissioners there to set them out and settle them accordingly, 28 Nov.

Ireland, a Committee to consider the Affairs thereof, 9 July.- Another appointed for that Purpose; Quorum-Commissioners Letter with a Petition inclosed, read; a Committee to prepare Bill for Redress of Grievances mentioned therein and in Cases of like Nature. Commissioners Letter and Papers referred; the Committee to perfect the Bill and make Provision for these Particulars-Bill for Restraint of Appeals from Courts of Justice in Ireland, to Courts of Justice in England, read twice and committed, 1 Aug.-Additional Act for stating and determining the Accounts of the Officers and Soldiers, read twice; Question for Ingrossment, Neg. Act passed and to be printed-Commissioners Letter read. Vide Leach.-Act for Satisfaction of the Adventurers, and of the Arrears of the Soldiery, and other Public Debts, and for Encouragement of Protestants to plant and inhabit in Ireland, read, 1 Sept. Read second Time; Report touching a Clause for taking away the Customs for Goods imported from England; Bill to be debated by Parts. Debated; Resolution for remitting the Quit Rents for five Years. Bill to be ingrossed. Act passed and to be printed. Order for printing several Papers with it-Commissioners Letter read and referred to the Committee for Irish Affairs, 2 Sept.-Report touching a Reducement of the Forces, agreed to-Touching an Establishment, agreed to with an Amendment-Certificate of Moneys received upon the Act for Relief of distressed Irish Protestants, with List of the Receipts and Disbursements, reported and read, 15 Oct.-Letter and Resolutions of the Commissioners and others, touching transplanting Irish into Connaught and Clare, read and referred to Council of State.

Jurors, Bill for electing them, read twice and committed, 29 Sept.

Justices of Peace, a Committee appointed for regulating them, 20 July-Commissioners of the Great Seal to issue Commissions only for Persons certified by them, 7 Sept.

A. 1654.

IDIOTS. Vide Lunatics.

Jephson, William, Petition read; Moneys remaining due to him by several Orders, to be paid with Interest, 18 Jan.

John, Theauro. Vide Privileges.

Joplyn, John, Petition read, and referred to a Committee 19 Jan.

Ireland, a Committee to consider the Affairs thereof, and prepare what they shall think fit for the Settlement and Good of the Nation; all that come to have Voices, 29 Sept.-Lord Protector's Letter read; Previous and main Questions for approving Commissioners of the Great Seal and Treasury, and Chief Justices there, severally Affirmative, 24 Oct.-A Committee to consider of a Bill for taking away the Court of Wards and Tenures in Capite-Bill read, 22 Dec.- Another Committee to consider how the Probate of Wills, granting Administrations, and recovering Legacies may be settled, 14 Dec.-Act for uniting Ireland to the Commonwealth of England, re-establishing the Courts of Judicature, and placing Judges therein, and making a Great Seal, and other seals, read, 15 Jan.

Judges. Vide Salters Hall-A Committee to consider of the Arrears of their Salaries, 19 Dec.

A. 1656 & 1657.

JACOBSON, Jacob, and others, 1657, Petition read, and referred to the Committee of Trade, 27 Mar.

Jago, Philip, 1656, his Name to be inserted in a Naturalization Bill, 6 Oct. Vide Tanturier.

James, John, 1656. Vide Privileges.

Idiots. Vide Lunatics.

Jeddart. Vide Pebles.

Jenkins, Mr. 1656, desired to assist in carrying on the Work, of Humiliation, 19 Sept. Thanked, and to print his Sermon.

Jervis, William, 1656, Petition read and avowed; a Committee to examine Matters complained of therein, with Power to examine the Accounts of Officers for Sale of the said Lands, 3 Oct.-State of the Matter of Fact reported; Report to be considered, 12 Feb.

Impropriations, 1656, a Committee to consider how the Trust in the Feoffees may be settled and carried on, 31 Oct.- Bill for enabling several Trustees to purchase them and other Revenues, for the Maintenance of Ministers and Lecturers in several Parishes, to be read, 11 Mar. Read.
-, -1657, Order for second Reading, 26 Mar. Bill committed-Committee revived; Order for their meeting; Committees added, 26 Jan.

Incumbrances. Vide Registers.

Indemnity, 1656, Bill for indemnifying persons who have acted in the Service of the Commonwealth, ordered, 10 Nov.- Another to the same Purport ordered, 20 Mar.
-, - 1637, Read, 27 Mar. Committed-Committee revived; Order for their Meeting, 15 June. Bill reported, and to be ingrossed. Proviso added; Bill passed; Protector's Consent to be desired. Protector's Consent.

Infants. Vide Marriages.

Inns of Court, 1657, to be recommended to Protector, with the Advice of the Judges, to take some effectual Care for the reforming the Government thereof, placing godly Ministers, and reviving the Readings there, 26 June.

John, Lord Charles St. 1656, Petition read, and referred to a Committee, 16 Mar.

John's, St. College, Cambridge. Vide Johnson, Samuel.

Johnson, Samuel, 1656, Bill for settling a Rent of 100£. per Annum out of his Lands for Maintenance of sixteen Scholars in the Colleges of Sidney, St. John's, Emanuel and Clare Hall, Cambridge, read, 17 Nov. Committed-Committee revived; Order for their Meeting, 10 Dec.-5 Feb.

Jones, Colonel Theophilus, 1656, Bill for establishing, confirming and settling Lands in Ireland on him for Satisfaction of his Arrears, read, 5 Jan.-Committed, 16 Feb.- Reported, and to be ingrossed, 6 Mar.-Passed, and Protector's Consent to be desired.
-, -1657, Protector's Consent, 9 June.
-, -Colonel John, 1656, Petition read, and referred to a Committee, 17 Feb.
-, -1657, Report; Resolution for satisfying his Arrears; the Committee to prepare Bill for that Purpose, 2 June.

Journals, 1657, a Committee to take an Inventory of them, & c. to consider of a convenient Place for keeping them, and see the Proceedings of the House truly entered, 26 Jan.- Report; Order amended-Further Report of a convenient Place agreed to, 1 Feb.

Ireland, 1656, a Committee appointed for the Affairs thereof, 23 Sept. Impowered to send for Persons, & c.-Committees added, 15 & 27 Oct.-29 Nov.-31 Dec.-A Committee to prepare Bill for taking away Wardships and Tenures there, 23 Sept.-Another Committee to prepare it, 29 Oct. Bill for uniting Ireland into one Commonwealth with England, ordered, 10 Nov. To be presented and read, Read. Committed to a Committee of the whole House; Committee sits-The Committee for Irish Affairs to consider of Obstructions to the planting Ireland, 22 Dec.-Petition of several Adventurers read, and referred to them-Another Committee to consider of Moneys due upon their Subscriptions, 13 Feb.-Bill for Attainder of Rebels there to be read, 12 & 20 Jan. Read-Order for second Reading, 6 Feb.
-, -1657, Bill committed, 30 Mar.-Reported; Debate thereon adjourned, 17 June. Resumed, Petition read; a Committee to bring in an ingrossed Proviso to be added-Order for third Reading. Provisoes added; Bill passed; Protector's Consent to be desired; Protector's Consent-Bill for settling and supplying the Adventurers to be read, 30 Mar.-Question that it be now read, Neg. 11 May. Order for reading it, 13, 14. 21, 22. 26 & 29 May-6 June. Read. Order for second Reading,-Report touching Lands given to several in Ireland; Order for granting them declared to stand in Force, and to be presented to Protector, 1 May-Bill for assuring, confirming, and settling Lands and Estates there to be read. Read. Order for second Reading. Bill committed. Reported, and to be ingrossed. Order for third Reading, 5 & 6 June. Bill passed; Protector's Consent to be desired. Protector's Consent-Protector's Letter, with Petition of Irish Officers, read; Petition referred to a Committee, 29 May-Another Letter from him, touching Officers and Soldiers who served before 1649, to be read, 8 June-Resolution for respiting the Four Counties. To be transmitted to Protector, Lord Deputy and Council in Ireland-Protector's Letter read; the Four Counties to be disposed of for Satisfaction of the Arrears of the Soldiers and Officers-Petition of the Committee for Adventurers read-Petition of Members for Ireland read and withdrawn- Leave given to speak concerning the Assessments, 12 June -Committees added to the Committee for Irish Affairs, 22 Jan.

Jurors. Vide Actions.

A. 1658 & 1659.

IMPEACHMENT. Vide Boteler, Major General. Indemnity, a Committee to prepare Bill to indemnify Persons that have served the Commonwealth, 18 Apr.

John, Lord Charles St. Petition read, and referred to a Committee, 11 Apr. Vide Coney.

Ireland, Matter concerning the sitting of the Irish Members, to be debated, 22 Mar. Previous and main Questions, that they continue to sit in this present Parliament, severally Affirmative-A Committee to consider the Affairs of Ireland; Persons concerned not to have Voices in Cases wherein they are concerned, 1 Apr.

A. 1659.

JACKMAN, Richard, Pardon for him and Judges Certificate read; Pardon agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 25 Feb.

Jackson, Lieutenant Colonel, the apprehending him approved, 9 Feb. Order for his Discharge.

Jamaica, Report concerning the Business thereof, referred to the Council of State; Petition of well-affected Officers and Soldiers read and referred; Power given to the Committee to consider how their Wives and Widows may be relieved, 30 July.

James's, St. Vide Whitehall.

Jenkins, Mr. desired to assist in carrying on the Work of Humiliation, 29 Dec.-Thanked, 4 Jan.

Jenner, Jonathan, his Case reported; Order for delivering up the Rectory of Richard's Castle to him, notwithstanding any Thing since 20th April 1653 to the contrary; Sheriff to put him into quiet Possession, 26 July.

Jermyn, Lady. Vide Long, Walter.

Jersey and Guernsey, Isles of, a Committee to consider how the Administration of Justice may be settled therein for a Time, 19 May.

Jesuits. Vide London and Recusants.

Ince, John. Vide Privileges.

Indemnity, a Committee to prepare Bill of Indemnity for what has been acted during the late Times, with Qualifications, to considered by Parliament, 14 May. Quorum reduced; Committees added. Bill read. Committed to a Committee of the whole House. Committee sits, 28 May-1, 2. 15. 17. 23, 24. 27, 28 & 29 June- 1 & 5 July-Order for Stay, of all Suits till the Bill is passed, 8 June-Bill to be reported, 5 July. Reported, and to be ingrossed. Read third Time; Proviso added. Another added; Bill passed and to be printed-Bill for indemnifying all Persons who have acted with the Parliament during the late Interruption, ordered, 1 Feb.

Inns. Vide Taverns.

Inverness, Report that Colonel Henry Smith be Governor thereof, 30 Aug.-His Commission delivered, 1 Sept.- List of Officers to be sent from thence to the Tower, and of others from the Tower to supply their Places, reported, read and approved-The Committee of Inspections to examine how Moneys ordered for Fortifications were disbursed, 27 Jan.

John, Lord Chief Justice St. appointed One of the Council of State, 14 May-31 Dec.-23 Feb.

Johnson, Sir Archibald, appointed One of the Council of State 16 May.
-, -Richard, Certificate on his Behalf read, and referred to the Commissioners for nominating Officers, 13 June. Report; approved to be an Officer.

Jones, Colonel John, appointed One of the Council of State, 14 May-Articles of Impeachment against him, Miles Corbett, Matthew Tomlinson, and Lieutenant General Edmund Ludlow, read; Order for them to attend at Bar to answer thereto; Sir Charles Coote to take Care it be prosecuted, 19 Jan.
-, - Colonel Philip, Petition and Articles against him, read, 18 May. Heard thereupon; Petition and Articles, at his Request, referred to a Committee, with Power to examine upon Oath. Committee revived; Order for their meeting, and fitting de die in diem; Quorum appointed. Committees added, 26 May-14 & 22 June.
-, -Gerard, his Letter read, 26 Aug.
-, -Winifrede, Pardon for her and Judges Certificate read; Pardon agreed to; Order for passing it under the Great Seal, 25 Feb.

Journals, Order for bringing in all Books and Records, from 30th January 1648, to 20th April 1653, 7 May-For bringing in all Books to the Parliament-A Committee to examine the Journals since the last Sitting of this House, and consider what is fit to be expunged.

Joyce, Lieutenant George, Petition read, and referred to the Committee of Inspections; Payment of his second Moiety for the Purchase of an Estate, to be respited, 9 Sept.

Ipswich, Commissioners for the Assessment added, 17 Feb.

Ireland, Letter touching the Concurrence of the Army there, with the Army in England, read, 9 May-Report from the Committee of Safety touching settling Lands on the Adventurers and Soldiers; Business referred to the Council of State-Colonel Henry Cromwell's Letter read, and referred back to them to consider what is fit to be done as to Ireland-Resolution that Administration of the Government shall be by Commissioners-That Colonel Cromwell be recalled; Number of the Commissioners; Time for their Continuance; Three nominated; the Council of State to nominate the other Two, 7 June. Nominated and approved; One of them at the Expiration of the Time to return and give an Account of the Management of Affairs there-Instructions for them reported, read and referred to a Committee. Committee revived; Order for their sitting de die in diem-Instructions reported, read and agreed to, with Amendments; Speaker to sign them, 1 July-Additional Instruction to prepare and send to the Parliament an Establishment for the Army and Garisons, ordered-Bill for giving several Powers to the Commissioners, read twice and committed; Paper touching taking Accounts of Moneys not accounted for, read, referred, and to be brought in with the Bill, 9 June-Bill reported; Commissioners Names to be inserted; Bill to be ingrossed, 1 July. Read third Time; Previous Question for an additional Commissioner, Neg. Bill passed-Commissioners Letter read; their Proceedings as to inlisting Persons and putting them into Troops and Companies, approved-Bill for continuing them Six Months, ordered, 20 Aug-Read thrice and passed, 3 Sept.-Letters to be sent to Gentlemen there, to take Care of the Affairs till the Commissioners can arrive, 14 June. Their Letter read.-Names of Officers to command in Ireland, reported from the Commissioners for nominating Officers, and read, 25 & 28 June. Several receive their Commissions- Further Report re-committed, 9 July. Others receive their Commissions. Judge Advocate's Commission delivered-A Committee to consider how they may be delivered to those in Ireland, 11 June-Report; Order for delivering them by the Commissioners for Irish Affairs, Person appointed to carry them over, 16 July.-Petitions of the Council of Officers-Of the Inhabitants of Dublin, severally read; Petitioners thanked-Commander in Chief appointed; Order for preparing his Commission, 4 July. Commission delivered to him; Leave given him to come over after he has put Affairs in good Order-Petition of Adventurers read, and referred to a Committee-Bill for settling the Estates of several Persons in such forfeited Lands set out in Satisfaction of Debts due to the Adventurers, and of Arrears of Pay to Soldiers, and other public Debts, read, 6 July. Committed. Committees revived; Order for their meeting, 9 July-15 Aug.-Bill to be reported. Reported; Debate thereon adjourned. Resumed, 20. 24 & 29 Aug.-7. 15 & 17 Sept. Bill to be ingrossed; a Committee to receive and examine Provisoes and Petitions, tendered this Day only-Other Petitions referred notwithstanding this Order; Bill to be read third Time, 5 Oct. -Upon Report from Council of State, the Commissioners impowered to give Warrants from Time to Time for issuing Monies for Pay of the Forces and incident Charges, 16 July -Forms of Commissions for Oyer and Terminer read and agreed to, with Amendments; Order for passing them under the Great Seal-A Committee to consider how the Adventurers may be put into Possession, and how they and their Creditors, who have had no Satisfaction, may be satisfied, 20 Aug. Order for their sitting and receiving Petitions and Matters offered to them, with Power to examine the Debts-Order for paying the just Debts due from the State to Officers and Soldiers cast away in their coming from Ireland -Council of State to consider the Necessities of their Wives and Children-Order for six Weeks Pay to those who assisted in suppressing the last Rebellion, 9 Sept.-For bringing in the Excise-Report touching the Commissioners Letter complaining of the Want of Courts of Justice; Council of State to consider what may be sit for settling them, and prepare Models for Seals-Resolutions touching the Arms and Superscriptions thereon, 5 Oct.-Bill for a Great Seal read twice, and passed-Council of State to take Care it be forthwith made, 7 Feb.-Commissioners Letter read, 11 Oct. -Other Letters, and a Declaration of the Officers of the Army, read, 4 Jan.-Letters to be written to Lieutenant General Ludlow, and the Commissioners, to attend the Parliament and give an Account of their Management-Speaker to sign and seal them-Proceedings of the Officers approved; Letter of Thanks ordered; Speaker to sign and seal it-Council of State to consider of fit Persons to be Commissioners for the Government of the Army. Names reported; Report to be considered-Letters from Ludlow and Corbett read, and referred to Council of State, with Power to present Names of Persons for the Government of Ireland, and Instructions for them. Powers to former Commissioners suspended; others appointed; Council of State to consider of Instructions for them-Officers give Account how the State of Affairs touching the Army, stands; Letters and other Papers brought by them, read; List of Officers referred to the Commissioners for the Army-Order for delivering up Duncannon and Corke-Letter to the Commissioners to encounrage the putting in Execution all Laws touching the Duties, ordered; Speaker to sign it-Petition of a Company of Foot in Duncannon, to be read, 1 Feb.-Lieutenant General Ludlow to give Account of the Affairs of Ireland-Letters and Dispatches from thence to be sent to Council of State, 2 Mar. Report; Time for collecting the Assessment, enlarged-Petition of Adventurers referred to the Council of State, with Power to settle the Business.

Ireton, Alderman John, Petition read, and referred to the Committee of Inspections, 28 Sept.

Judges, a Committee to present Names of sit Persons to fill the Courts at Westminster, 9 Jan. Order for making Report. Names reported, and agreed to; Order for Patents under the Great Seal. Their Salaries.

Juries, Vide Bailiffs.

Justice, a Committee to consider how the Administration thereof may be carried on by the Authority of Parliament, 7 May. House debates thereon; Debate adjourned. Resumed; Four Judges constituted till 30th June next; Order for Patents under the Great Seal. Their Compliance reported-Order for renewing their Patents till 20th November next, 16 June.

Justices, of Peace, Bill for enabling and constituting certain Persons to be Justices of Peace and Sheriffs, read twice, and committed; Committee to withdraw; Bill reported, and to be ingrossed, 10 May-Passed, and to be printed- Declaration that the Act does not extend to give Sheriffs in Scotland Power to determine civil Causes, read and agreed to; Order for printing and publishing it, 7 July-A Committee to nominate fit Persons to be Justices of Peace, and present their Names to the Commissioners of the Great Seal; they to grant Commissions, 16 June-A Committee to present Names of Persons to be Justices, 24 Jan.