House of Commons Journal Volume 7: 1 October 1651

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 7, 1651-1660. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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'House of Commons Journal Volume 7: 1 October 1651', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 7, 1651-1660( London, 1802), British History Online [accessed 23 October 2024].

'House of Commons Journal Volume 7: 1 October 1651', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 7, 1651-1660( London, 1802), British History Online, accessed October 23, 2024,

"House of Commons Journal Volume 7: 1 October 1651". Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 7, 1651-1660. (London, 1802), , British History Online. Web. 23 October 2024.


In this section

Wednesday, the 1st of October, 1651.


Irish Affairs.

A LETTER from the Commissioners of the Parliament in Ireland, of the Seventeenth Day of September 1651, was this Day read.

Resolved, That this Letter be referred to the Council of State to take into Consideration, and give an Account to the House, of what they have received from Ireland; and, likewise, what they think fit to be done.

Resolved, That the Council of State do return their Report to the House, touching the Qualifications for Ireland, on Friday next.

Bishops Lands.

Resolved, That a Bill be brought in for Confirmation of the Sale of the Bishops and Dean and Chapters Lands, to the several Purchasers: And that Mr. Hill, and Mr. John Corbett, do prepare, and bring in, one or more Bills, accordingly.

Mr. Pelham.

Resolved, That the Sum of One hundred Pounds only, be disposed of, for defraying the Charges of the Funeral of Mr. Pelham, late a Member of Parliament, out of the Five hundred Pounds formerly ordered: And that the Residue be disposed of for the Good of his Children.

Resolved, That the said Sum of One hundred Pounds be paid to the Lady Vanlore, late Wife of the said Mr. Pelham, towards the Discharge of the said Funeral Charges.

Army in Ireland.

Resolved, That the Committee of the Army do take Care for issuing Twenty thousand Pounds a Month, out of the Assessment of One hundred-and-twenty thousand Pounds a Month, for the next Three Months, ending the Twenty-fifth of December next, for Maintenance of the Army in Ireland; according to such Order, as they shall receive from the Council of State.


Colonel Thompson reports, from the Council of State, Matter of Fact, stated in Pursuance of an Order of Parliament, of the Sixteenth of August 1651, upon the Representation of the Commissioners of the Excise.

Bishops Lands.

IT appears, by the Act of Parliament bearing Date the Twenty-eighth of August 1649, That, from the Beginning of the Sitting of the Contractors for the Sale of Bishops Lands, to the Twenty-fifth of July 1649 exclusive, there was paid, and to be paid, in ready Money, and the 400,000£. of Goldsmiths-Hall Bill, upon the several Contracts for Bishops Lands, made by them within the Time aforesaid, the full Sum of 423,766£. 14s. 10d. Whereupon it was enacted by Parliament, that all Persons, who have made, or shall make, from and after the Twenty-fourth of July 1649 inclusive, any Contract for Bishops Lands, shall be admitted to pay all or any Part of their Purchase Monies, due or to be due upon such Contracts, either in ready Money, or Weavers-Hall Bills.

By the State of the Accompt of the late Bishops Lands, bearing Date the Fourth of March 1650, delivered into the Parliament, it appears, that of the said 400,000£. there was then discharged, and to be discharged, by Purchases made before that Time, to be paid for in ready Money and Goldsmiths-Hall Bills, the Sum of 371,669£. 8s. 7d.

£. s. d.
And that there rested to be satisfied to the Lenders of the said 400,000£. out of the Excise 28,330 11 5
In the same Accompt, it appears, that the Land remaining unsold, was, by Estimation, to the Value of 13,037 1 8
Also, that there were Lands contracted for, but the Contracts not certified by the Contractors, to the Value of 21,507 - 2
That there were Lands contracted for, the Certificates for which were remaining in the Hands of the Register Accomptant, but not passed to Accompt, to the Value of 4,593 19

Which said Lands, together with the Lands unsold, if, by reason of the Purchasers Elapses, they shall be thought fit to be sold for Goldsmiths-Hall Bills, will discharge the aforementioned Sum of 28,330£. 11s. 5d. resting to be satisfied to the Lenders of the first 400,000£. And then, there will remain Lands, to the Value of 10,807£. 9s. 4¼d. towards farther Satisfaction of the Remainder of the latter 400,000£.

Ordered, That the Commissioners for the Grand Excise, be authorized and required, to pay over unto the Treasurers at War, the Sum of 28,330£. the Remainder of the first 400,000£. upon the Excise and Bishops Lands, without any Fees: And, that the Treasurers at War be authorized and injoined to repay, without any Fees, the said 28,330£. to the said Commissioners of the Excise, before the last Day of January 1651, out of the 20,000£. a Month for the Maintenance of the Army in Ireland, to come in upon the Assessment of 120,000£. a Month, for Three Months, ending the Twenty-fifth of December 1651, to remain in the Commissioners Hands upon the same Terms it now doth.

Resolved, That it be referred to the Committee for removing the Obstructions in the Sale of Bishops Lands, to consider of the State of Matter of Fact now reported, and to consider where the Failures have been, that the Sales have not been perfected; and to take care for the putting in Execution, the Acts, Orders, Ordinances, and Penalties for the Sale of the said Lands; and to report to the House, if there be any Thing wanting to carry on the speedy Sale of the Remainder: And, that the Commissioners for Compounding, be authorized and injoined to put in Execution the Penalties mentioned in an Ordinance of the Three-and-twentieth of March 1647, intituled, An Additional Ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, for Explanation and better Execution of former Ordinances, for the Sale of the Lands and Possessions of the late Archbishops and Bishops within the Realm of England, and Dominion of Wales, as shall be directed by the Committee of Obstructions for Sale of the said Lands.

Ordered, That John Nutt, John Dove, and John Lenthall, Esquires, be added to the Committee of Obstructions, for the Sale of Estates forfeited for Treason; and that they be, and are hereby, impowered to sit and act accordingly.

Propagating the Gospel.

Ordered, That the Act for the Propagation of the Gospel, be brought in on this Day Seven-night.

Suppressing Popery.

Ordered, That the Act for suppressing of Popery, be brought in on this Day Seven-night.

Sitting of this Parliament.

Ordered, That the Bill for setting a Time certain for Sitting of this Parliament, and for Calling a new Parliament, be brought in this Day Seven-night, the first Business: And that the Committee do sit this Afternoon, at Two of Clock, in the Speaker's Chamber; and so de die in diem.

Ld. Broughill's Estate.

An Act for settling certain Lands and Tenements upon Roger Lord Boyle, Baron of Broughill, in Ireland, and his Heirs, was this Day read the First time: And upon the Question, ordered to be now read again the second time.

The said Act was now read the second time, accordingly; and, upon the Question, committed unto Col. Bossevile, Col. Purefoy, Col. Sidney, Sir Wm. Brereton, Alderman Pennyngton, Mr. Garland, Sir Henry Vane, Mr. Oldesworth, Mr. James Challoner, Mr. Robert Goodwyn, Col. Fielder, Col. Morley, Mr. Scott, Mr. Long, Sir Wm. Allanson, Sir John Trevor, Mr. Say, Sir John Davers, Mr. John Corbett, or any Five of them: And they are to meet this Afternoon in the Speaker's Chamber; and so de die in diem. And the particular Care thereof is referred to Mr. John Corbett.

Cheshire Business.

Ordered, That Sir Wm. Brereton do make the Report in his Hand, touching the Cheshire Business, To-morrow Morning.

Grant to Col. Joice.

Ordered, That Lands of the Value of a Hundred Pounds per Ann. be settled upon Lieutenant Colonel George Joice, and his Heirs: And that it be referred to the Committee, to whom the Business touching Lieutenant Colonel Cobbett is referred, to find out Lands of that Value; and to bring in a Bill for settling the said Lands upon him, and his Heirs, accordingly.