House of Commons Journal Volume 7: 15 April 1653

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 7, 1651-1660. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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'House of Commons Journal Volume 7: 15 April 1653', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 7, 1651-1660( London, 1802), British History Online [accessed 24 October 2024].

'House of Commons Journal Volume 7: 15 April 1653', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 7, 1651-1660( London, 1802), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024,

"House of Commons Journal Volume 7: 15 April 1653". Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 7, 1651-1660. (London, 1802), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024.


In this section

Friday, the 15th of April, 1653.


Hampton Court.

RESOLVED, by the Parliament, That the House called Hampton-Court, with the Appurtenances, and the Three Parks thereunto belonging, and what is contained in the Survey, be staid from Sale, until the Parliament take further Order: And that the Trustees and Contractors be enjoined to forbear to make Sale thereof, accordingly.

Bennett pardoned.

A Certificate from George Smyth, John Marsh, Ant. Owen, and Edward Mosely, from Edenburgh, of the 29th of January 1652, touching Ephraim Bennett, condemned for Coining, was this Day read.

The Question being propounded, That Ephraim Bennett be pardoned for this Offence;

And the Question being put, That this Question be now put;

It passed with the Affirmative.

And the Question being put; It was

Resolved, by the Parliament, That Ephraim Bennett be pardoned for this Offence: And that the Attorney-General do prepare a Pardon for him: And the Lords Commissioners are hereby authorized and required to pass the same under the Great Seal of England, accordingly.

Clipping Money.

Ordered, That the Council of State do make the Report, touching preventing Clipping of Money, on Thursday Morning next.

Exporting Bullion.

Ordered, That the Act touching Transporting Coin and Bullion, be reported on Thursday Morning next.

Adventurers for Ireland.

The House this Day resumed the Debate upon the Amendments to the Bill for the speedy and effectual Satisfaction of the Adventurers for Lands in Ireland; and of the Arrears due to the Soldiery; and for the Encouragement of Protestants to plant and inhabit Ireland.

Col. Sidney reports, An Amendment touching the Proportions to be allowed to the Officers and Soldiers in Ireland, according to the Order of the 14th of April 1653; viz. Ulster, Two hundred Sixty-six Pounds Thirteen Shillings and Four-pence for One thousand Acres; Connaught, Four hundred Pounds for One thousand Acres; Munster, Six hundred Pounds for One thousand Acres; Lemster Eight hundred Pounds for One thousand Acres; Which was twice read.

The Question being put, To agree to the said Amendment;

It passed with the Negative.

Resolved, That the said Amendment be re-committed: And that the Committee do bring in the Amendment, according to the Vote made Yesterday: And it is further Ordered, That Mr. Weaver, Mr. Trenchard, Col. Marten, Sir Peter Wentworth, Mr. Hallowes, Sir James Harrington, Mr. Nutt, be added to the said Committee.

The Question being put, That these Words; viz. "other than Papists," do stand in the Saving, in the Amendments;

It passed with the Negative.

Resolved, That these Words; viz. "in pursuance of the Powers to them given by Parliament," be added in the Sixth Folio of the Amendments.

The Question being put, That these Words; viz. "or by Authority derived from them," do stand;

It passed with the Affirmative.

Mr. Nutt reports, An Amendment touching the Proportions to be allowed to the Officers and Soldiers in Ireland, according to the Order of the 14th of April 1653; viz.

In Ulster, Three hundred Pounds for One thousand Acres; in Munster, Six hundred Seventy-five Pounds for One thousand Acres; in Lemster, Nine hundred Pounds for One thousand Acres.

Which Colonel Thompson reports.

Officers Widows, &c.

By the Commissioners for Ordering and Managing the Affairs of the Admiralty and Navy:

IN pursuance of an Order of Parliament of the 22d of February 1652; whereby it is referred to the said Commissioners, to consider of the Persons slain in the late Engagement with the Dutch; and to present to the Parliament what they shall think fit to be done therein;

The said Commissioners, upon Examination, do find, that there were Seven Captains slain in the said Engagement, who behaved themselves very valiantly in the Service: And, upon Consideration of the sad Condition of their respective Widows and Children, do humbly offer,

That the Parliament will be pleased to allow unto them, for the Maintenance and Relief of the said Widows and Children, the several Sums of Money here under-mentioned; viz.

1. To the Widow of Captain Andrew Ball, late Captain of the Triumph, who hath Eight Children, the youngest being about Three Years old, the Sum of Twelve hundred Pounds; whereof One Third to herself, and the other Two Thirds to her Children.

2. To the Widow of Captain John Mildmay, late Captain of the Vantgard, who hath Two Sons, the eldest not Six Years old, the other very sickly, the Sum of One thousand Pounds: the One Half to herself, the other to her Children.

3. To the Widow of Captain Holding, Captain of the Ruby, who hath Four Children, the Sum of Six hundred Pounds; One Third thereof to herself, and the other Two Thirds to her Children.

4. To the Widow of Captain Tatnell, Captain of the Fortune, the Number of whose Children is not yet known unto us, the Sum of Five hundred Pounds.

5. To the Widow of Captain Barker, Captain of the Prosperous, who hath Two Children, a Son and Daughter, her Son being wounded, and thereby lost the Use of One of his Arms, in the Service, the Sum of Four hundred Pounds; One Half thereof to herself, the other Half to the Son of the said Captain, his Daughter being already disposed of.

6. To the Widow of Captain Nathaniell Jesson, late Captain of the William and John, who hath Three small Children, and is now big with Child, besides the Captain's Father and Mother, who are very aged, and had their sole Dependence upon him, the Sum of Five hundred Pounds; whereof Two hundred to herself, Fifty Pounds to the Captain's Parents, and Two hundred and Fifty Pounds for the Benefit of her Children.

7. To the Widow of Captain Edmond Button, late Captain of the Samson Prize, who hath Four Children, the eldest not Nine Years, the Sum of Four hundred Pounds; the One Half thereof to herself, and the other Half to her Children.

And that the Allowances, which the Parliament shall be pleased to make in the several Cases before-mentioned, may be paid out of the Treasury of the Navy, by Warrant from the Commissioners of the Navy: And the said Commissioners to have the Care of securing the Monies to be allotted to the Children, and of making a Distribution thereof.

As for all other Officers of the Fleet, under the Degree of Captains, that were slain in the said Engagement; the said Commissioners humbly certify, That Care is taken of their Relations, as they come to them, in pursuance of the Orders of Parliament given in that Behalf.

Which was read.

Gratuity to Ball.

Resolved, by the Parliament, That the Sum of Twelve hundred Pounds be given, as a Gratuity, to the Widow of Captain Andrew Ball, late Captain of the Triumph, and his Eight Children; to be paid out of the Monies arising by Prize Good; One Third Part thereof to herself, and the other Two Thirds to her Children.

Resolved, by the Parliament, That the Sum of One thousand Pounds be given, as a Gratuity to the Widow of Captain John Mildmay, late Captain of the Vantguard, and her Children; to be paid out of the Monies arising by Prize Goods; the One Half thereof to herself, the other to her Children.

Resolved, That the Sum of Six hundred Pounds be given, as a Gratuity to the Widow of Captain Holding, late Captain of the Ruby, and her Children; to be paid out of the Monies arising by Prize Goods; One Third Part thereof to herself, and the other Two Thirds to her Children.

Resolved, That the Sum of Five hundred Pounds be given, as a Gratuity, to the Widow of Captain Tatnell, late Captain of the Fortune, and the Children of the said Captain; to be paid out of the Monies arising by Prize Goods.

Resolved, That the Sum of Four hundred Pounds be given as a Gratuity, to the Widow of Captain Barker, Captain of the Prosperous, and the Son of the said Captain; to be paid out of the Monies arising by Prize Goods; viz. One Half thereof to the said Widow, the other Half to the Son of the said Captain.

Resolved, That the Sum of Five hundred Pounds be given, as a Gratuity, to the Widow of Captain Nathaniel Jesson, late Captain of the William and John, and to his Parents and Children; to be paid out of the Monies arising by Prize Goods; viz. Two hundred Pounds thereof to herself, Fifty Pounds to the Parents of the said Captain, and Two hundred and Fifty Pounds for the Benefit of her Children.

Resolved, That the Sum of Four hundred Pounds be given, as a Gratuity, to the Widow of Captain Edmond Button, late Captain of the Samson Prize and her Children; to be paid out of the Monies arising by Prize Goods; viz. One Half thereof to the said Widow, and the other Half thereof to her Children.

Ordered, That the said several Gratuities be paid out of the Monies arising upon Sale of the Prize Goods, by Warrant from the Commissioners of the Navy, in such Sort as the Commissioners of the Admiralty shall direct.

Resolved, That it be referred to the Commissioners of the Admiralty, to take care of the Distribution of the Monies allotted to the Children, out of the Gratuities aforesaid; and to use their Endeavours to see the same secured, for the Benefit and Use of the said respective Children.

Probates of Wills.

Ordered, That the Fees wich have been usually taken, for divers Years last passed, by the Judge, Register, and other Officers, for the Probate of Wills, and granting Administrations, and contained in the Table of Fees in that Office, be continued and received, until the Parliament take further Order.

Correspondence with Switzerland.

Mr. Speaker, by way of Report, acquaints the House, That he had received a Letter from the Consul Sculteti Landamen, and Senators of the Evangelical Cantons of Switzerland, dated the 16th of February, S. V. Anno 1653, by the Hands of Johannes Jacobus Stockarus; together with a Paper in Latin, and a Translation thereof, intituled, The Proposition of Joh. Jacobus Stockarus, late Governor of the Italian Province Locarne, and Senator in his native Country: Which were all this Day read.

Ordered, That this Letter and Papers be referred to the Council of State; and likewise the former Draught of a Letter to be sent to the Switzers re-committed to them: And that they prepare an Answer to be returned to this and the former Letters; and report the same to the Parliament.

Ordered, That the Council of State be authorized to give Reception to the noble Johannes Jacobus Stockarus, if he shall desire the same; and to hear what he shall further offer unto them, in such manner as they shall think fit: And that they make Report thereof to the Parliament.

The House, according to former Order, adjourned itself to Tuesday Morning next, Eight of Clock.