House of Commons Journal Volume 7: 26 December 1651

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 7, 1651-1660. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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'House of Commons Journal Volume 7: 26 December 1651', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 7, 1651-1660( London, 1802), British History Online [accessed 23 October 2024].

'House of Commons Journal Volume 7: 26 December 1651', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 7, 1651-1660( London, 1802), British History Online, accessed October 23, 2024,

"House of Commons Journal Volume 7: 26 December 1651". Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 7, 1651-1660. (London, 1802), , British History Online. Web. 23 October 2024.


In this section

Friday, the 26th> of December, 1651.


Ambassadors from Holland.

RESOLVED, That Sir Oliver Fleming, Master of the Ceremonies, do attend the Lords Ambassadors Extraordinary, from the High and Mighty Lords the States General of the United Provinces, and communicate unto their Lordships the Vote of the Parliament, Yesterday passed concerning them.

Col. Downes.

Resolved, That Mr. Say do, on Wednesday next, make his Report concerning Colonel Downes, the first Business.


Resolved, That on Thursday next the Cheshire Business be taken into Consideration.

Col. Garrett.

Resolved, That Mr. Lister do make Report concerning Lieutenant Colonel Garrett, on Thursday next.

Army, &c. Committee.

Colonel Downes reports from the Committee of the Army, a Bill for a Committee of the Army and Treasurers at War: Which was this Day read the First and Second time.

The humble Petition of Sir John Wollaston, Thomas Andrewes, John Dethick, and Francis Allein, Treasurers at Wars, was this Day read.

Resolved, That this Bill, together with the said Petition, be committed to Colonel Downes, Mr. * Edwards, Sir Henry Mildmay, Mr. Leman, Sir Peter Wentworth, Colonel Marten, Sir Henry Vane, Colonel Pyne, Sir Henry Heyman, Mr. Garland, Mr. Lechmere, Mr. James Challoner, Mr. Tho. Challoner, Captain Smith, Mr. * Darley, Mr. Dormer, Colonel Lassells, Sir Wm. Masham, Mr. Strickland, Sir John Bourchier, Mr. Bond, Mr. Moyle, Mr. Long, Mr. Dove, Mr. Sey, Colonel Temple, Colonel Norton, Colonel Sidney, Colonel Fielder, Mr. Hodges, Sir Wm. Allenson, Mr. Pury, Mr. Aldworth, Lord Chief Baron, Major-General Harrison, Mr. Nelthorp, Alderman Pennyngton, Mr. Clement, Mr. Christofer Marten, Colonel Bennett, Mr. Blagrave, Mr. Masham, or any Five of them; and all that come to have Voices: And this Committee are to meet this Afternoon, at Two of the Clock, in the Committee of the Army Chamber; and so de die in diem: And to bring it in on Tuesday Morning, the first Business; and Colonel Downes is to take Care hereof.

Regulating the Law.

Resolved, That it be referred to Persons out of the House, to take into Consideration what Inconveniences there are in the Law, and how the Mischiefs that grow from the Delays, the Chargeableness, and the Irregularities in the Proceedings in the Law, may be prevented, and the speediest Way to reform the same; and to present their Opinions to such Committee, as the Parliament shall appoint.

Resolved, That a Committee be appointed to consider of, and present to the House, the Names of fit Persons to be employed in this Work; and also, to receive from them, such Things as shall be prepared by them, in pursuance of the former Vote; viz. to Lord General, Mr. Carew, Lieutenant General Fleetwood, Major General Harrison, Mr. Westrow, Alderman Allein, Colonel Sidney, Lord Commissioner Whitelock, Lord Commissioner Lisle, Lord Chief Baron, Mr. Ralegh, Colonel Bennet, Mr. Strickland, Mr. Garland, Mr. Dove, Mr. Corbett, Sir Henry Heyman, Mr. Dormer, Mr. Bond, Sir Gilbert Pickering, Colonel Jones, Sir Henry Mildmay, Colonel Fielder, Colonel Rich, Sir Arthure Hesilrig, Colonel Norton, Mr. Attorney, or any Five of them: And this Committee are to meet on Monday next at Two of the Clock, in the Afternoon, in the Speaker's Chamber; and that the Lord General and Lord Commissioner Whitelock, and Lord Commissioner Lisle, do take Care of it.


Colonel Downs reports from the Committee of the Army, a Draught of a Letter to be sent into the several Counties; and to be signed by Mr. Speaker: Which was read; and, upon the Question, agreed.

Ordered, That a like Number of the said Letters be written, as formerly, to be sent into the several Counties; and that Mr. Speaker do sign the same.

The House, according to former Order, adjourned itself to Tuesday Morning next, Eight of Clock.


THE Parliament have, by their Act herewith sent you, appointed an Assessment, towards the Maintenance of the Armies in England, Ireland, and Scotland, to commence the 25th of December Instant, and to continue for Six Months, at the Rate of 90,000£. a Month: And, to the End the same may be in Readiness to answer the Necessities of the several Forces, who all depend thereupon for Supplies, the whole Six Months is appointed to be at once assessed; and the Payment thereof to be so ordered by you, that three Months thereof may be in Readiness to be paid to the Treasurers at Wars by the 26th of January next; and the other Three Months to be, in like manner, in Readiness to be paid to the said Treasurers, by the 19th of April next, at the farthest. And, forasmuch, as the Disbanding of the Forces lately on Foot, whose constant Pay far exceeded the Assessment at the highest, and reducing them to the Number at present established, did occasion the Expence of more Monies, than the Payment of them till this Time would have required; and also, that the Number of Forces yet necessarily continued, cannot, by much, be constantly provided for out of the Assessments, for the whole Time the Assessments are appointed to continue; nor can, for several Months yet to come, receive any Assistance from any other publick Receipts: And that the Parliament have also, in their Provision made against the Soldiers compelling Quarter in any Houses except Inns, Taverns, Victualling-houses, and Ale-houses, as much as in them lies, endeavoured to remove and prevent all unnecessary Burthens and Inconveniences: In all which, without a constant and timely Supply of the Soldiers with Monies, to prevent their being put upon any Extremities, their Endeavours will be rendered ineffectual; especially as to the Places failing in the Payment of their Assessments, by the Times appointed; It is therefore expected by the Parliament, that for the Reasons before expressed, and the Security of yourselves and Country from free Quarter, their Order for the Collection and Payment of the Assessment, by the Times herein before appointed, for so much as concerns your County, according to the Sums charged thereupon, be duly and punctually observed: And also, that whatsoever remains unpaid into the Treasurers at Wars, of former Assessments charged on your County, may be provided, and paid unto them, at, or before, the 26th Day of January next, being the Time appointed for the Payment of the first Three of the present Six Months Assessment. This, by the Appointment and Order of Parliament, I am commanded to signify, and especially recommend unto your Care; and remain,

Your very loving Friend.