House of Commons Journal Volume 7: 18 August 1659

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 7, 1651-1660. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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'House of Commons Journal Volume 7: 18 August 1659', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 7, 1651-1660( London, 1802), British History Online [accessed 24 October 2024].

'House of Commons Journal Volume 7: 18 August 1659', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 7, 1651-1660( London, 1802), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024,

"House of Commons Journal Volume 7: 18 August 1659". Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 7, 1651-1660. (London, 1802), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024.


In this section

Thursday, the 18th of August, 1659.

Safety of Northern Counties.

ORDERED, That it be referred to the Council of State, to take care of the Safety of the Northern Counties, and for the due Encouragement of the wellaffected there.

Raising Money.

The House this Day resumed the Debate adjourned Yesterday, touching the present raising Money for carrying on the Affairs of the Commonwealth.

Resolved, That an Assessment, after the Rate of One hundred and twenty thousand Pounds per mensem, for One Year, be laid upon the Nations, to be paid at such Time, and in such Manner, and by such Ways, as this House shall appoint.

Ordered, That it be referred to a Committee, to prepare a Bill, in pursuance of the former Vote: Viz.

Mr. Solicitor Reynolds, Mr. Love, Lord St. John, Major Salwey, Colonel Harvey, Mr. Robinson, Mr. Say, Sir Henry Vane, Sir Arthur Hesilrig, Lord Whitlock, Colonel Morley, Colonel Hutchinson, Mr. Millington, Sir Henry Mildmay, Colonel Thompson, Mr. Richard Darley, Colonel Downes, Sir James Harrington, or any Three of them: And are to meet this Afternoon, at Three of the Clock, in the Speaker's Chamber: And that Mr. Say and Colonel Harvey take care of it.


Resolved, That this House do, in the Afternoon, take into Consideration, how the Militia and Forces newly raised may be managed in a more advantageous Way; and for the Ease of Charge, and Benefit of the Commonwealth.

Acts and Ordinances.

Ordered, That the Quorum of the Committee to whom it is referred to consider of Acts and Ordinances, be reduced to Five.

The House adjourns itself till Three of Clock in the Afternoon.

Thursday, August 18th, 1659. Afternoon.

Plundered Ministers.

ORDERED, That the Committee for plundered Ministers are hereby impowered and authorized to sit To-morrow in the Afternoon, for Dispatch of Business depending before that Committee.

Militia Appointments.

A List of Names of some Commission Officers for the Militia in the County of Hertford were read: Viz.

Captain Wm. Disher; Wm. Gold, his Lieutenant; Edward Brayford, his Cornet; and James Abrathwaite, his Quarter-master.

Resolved, That this House doth approve of Wm. Disher to be Captain; and of Wm. Gold to be his Lieutenant; and of Edward Brayford to be his Cornet; and of James Abrathwaite to be his Quarter-master.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Council of State, to consider of the several Militia Forces, the Volunteers, and Auxiliary Troops, in every County; and to make Choice of the best and fittest for publick Service; and what Number of Horse, Foot, and Dragoons, are fit to be kept up in every County; and what Officers; and how they may be ordered, maintained, and kept, with the greatest Ease and Safety of each County, and of the Commonwealth: And to confer therein with the Members of this House, of the several Counties; and report their Opinion therein to this House.

Militia Commission.

The House being informed, that an Officer of the Militia of the City of London was at the Door;

He was called in: And, coming up to the Clerk's Table, Mr. Speaker acquainted him with the great Trust reposed in him; and that the Parliament expected Faithfulness from him: And thereupon delivered Joshua Lusher his Commission to be Lieutenant of a Troop in Colonel Ireton's Regiment.

Letter read.

A Letter from the Ambassador Lockhart, of the 11th of August, was read.

Embassy from France.

Resolved, That the Letter of the Lord Ambassador of the King of France, Monsieur de Burdeaux, to Mr. Speaker, be referred to the Council; to consider, what is fit to be presented to this House, as to the Audience of the said Ambassador.

Resolved, That Audience be given to the Lord Bourdeaux, Lord Ambassador from the King of France, on Monday next: And that Lieutenant General Lord Fleetwood, the Earl of Salisbury, and Sir Henry Vane, do accompany the Lord Ambassador to his Audience.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Council of State, to give their Order concerning the Reception of the Lord Ambassador from the King of France.

That Sir Oliver Fleming, Knight, Master of the Ceremonies, do conduct him to his Audience:

That fitting Guards of Soldiers be appointed; and the Inner Court of Wards prepared for his Reception.

Militia Appointments.

A List of Names of Commission Officers of the Regiment of Horse, raised by the Commissioners of the Militia of London, was read and approved; viz.

Geo. Debenham, Cornet, John Morgan, Quarter-master to Major John Child:

Talbot Adams, Quarter-master to Captain Hugh Mason:

Henry Raddle, Quarter-master to Captain Stephen Henbury:

Hen. Lawson, Quarter-master to Captain Wm. Meade:

Wm. Feild, Quarter-master to Captain Nicholas Roberts's Foot Regiment:

Daniell Granford, Lieutenant to Lieutenant-Colonel William Blenner Hasset, Lieutenant-Colonel to Colonel John Fenton.

Army Appointments.

A List of the Names of Persons to be Commission Officers in Colonel John Peirson's Regiment were read and approved; viz.

Edward Bathoe to be Captain-Lieutenant, in that Regiment, to Colonel John Pearson; John Page, Ensign.

Tho. Brookes, Lieutenant to Lieutenant-Colonel Clement Keane; James Winterbotham, Ensign.

Richard Birchall, Lieutenant to Major Nicholas Kell; Tho. Baxter, Ensign.

Francis Alderseye, Captain; Roger Delves, Lieutenant; Tho. Chester, Ensign.

Joseph Witter, Captain; Tho. Marsh, Lieutenant; John Barsley, Ensign.

Edward Fryer, Captain; Henry Pearson, Lieutenant; Richard Bennet, Ensign.

James Thompson Captain; Richard Heafeild, Lieutenant; Geo. Austin, Ensign.

Robert Heath, Captain; Joseph Belbin, Lieutenant; Tho. Totty, Ensign.

Joseph Hale, Captain; Edward Bonner, Lieutenant; Wm. Atkinson, Ensign.

Richard Williams, Captain; Marke Mould, Lieutenant; James Coleman, Ensign.

Mr. Lawrence Wise, Chaplain; Tho. Stanford, Surgeon; Ralph Drinkwater, Quarter-master and Marshal.

A List of Names of Persons to be CommissionOfficers; viz.

Lieutenant-Colonel Marke Grimes to be Governor of the Garison of Cardiffe; and others: Which Names were read, and approved of; viz.

That Henry Griffith be Lieutenant; John Woolcock, Gunner and Storekeeper:

That Colonel John Disbrow be nominated, and humbly presented, to the Parliament for their Approbation, to be Governor of the Fort and Island of Plymouth:

That Sampson Larke be Captain of a Company of Foot in that Garison; Richard Burthogg to be Lieutenant; * Pate to be Ensign:

That Thomas Rea be Captain of the other Company of Foot in that Garison, Tho. Upton to be Lieutenant; Fardinando Reepe to be Ensign; John Galpin to be Master-Gunner.

Army Appointments.

A List of Names of Commission-Officers of Colonel Charles Fairfax' Regiment of Foot was read: And the said Officers, upon the Question, approved; viz.

Wm. Fulthrop, Captain-Lieutenant to Colonel Charles Fairfax; John Rigden, Ensign.

John Johnson, Lieutenant to Lieutenant-Colonel Lagoe; Evan Jones, Ensign.

Tho. Grey, Lieutenant to Major Davison; Wm. Cowell, Ensign.

Tho. Sutton, Captain; Francis Serjeant, Lieutenant; John Adlington, Ensign.

Reve Bayly, Captain; Phillip Bower, Lieutenant; John Goffe, Ensign.

John Rogers, Captain; Wm. Midwinter, Lieutenant; James Topham, Ensign.

John Pyme, Captain; Richard Franck, Lieutenant; Wm. Pyme, Ensign.

Samuel Poole, Captain; Robert Dively, Lieutenant; * Ryley, Ensign.

Francis Hartley, Captain; Peter Evans, Lieutenant; John Jackson, Ensign.

Wm. Wilkinson, Captain; * Ambler, Lieutenant; * Thornton, Ensign.