House of Commons Journal Volume 7: 20 August 1659

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 7, 1651-1660. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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'House of Commons Journal Volume 7: 20 August 1659', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 7, 1651-1660( London, 1802), British History Online [accessed 24 October 2024].

'House of Commons Journal Volume 7: 20 August 1659', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 7, 1651-1660( London, 1802), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024,

"House of Commons Journal Volume 7: 20 August 1659". Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 7, 1651-1660. (London, 1802), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024.


In this section

Saturday, August 20th, 1659.

Clement's Market.

ORDERED, That Mr. Piggot, Colonel White, Mr. John Goodwin, Mr. Brewster, Colonel Hutchinson, Mr. Nelthrope, Colonel Feilder, Mr. Strickland, Sir John Trevor, Mr. Ralegh, and Mr. Say, be added to the Committee to whom the Act for setting up a free Market in Clement's-Inn-Fields is referred.

Fishing Trade.

The humble Petition of the Merchants trading in Fish in and from England and Ireland, in Behalf of themselves, and many Thousands, Seamen and Fishermen, was read.

Ordered, That English Merchants, who trade in Fish and transport the same in English Bottoms beyond the Sea, shall pay the same Duties, and none other than were paid by them on or before the Twentieth of April 1653.

Resolved, &c. That all Bonds entered into for or by reason of any other Charge, Imposition, or Custom, laid upon the Fishery since the Twentieth of April 1653, are null and void; and shall be delivered up, and cancelled.

Worcester House.

Ordered, That the Sum of Six Pounds by the Week shall be paid unto Margarett Countess of Worcester, or her Assigns, so long as Worcester-House shall be made use of by the Commonwealth; to be paid to her, or her Assigns, out of the Contingencies of the Council of State: And the Acquittance of the said Margarett Countess of Worcester, testifying the Receipt thereof, shall be a sufficient Discharge in that Behalf.

Ordered, That the Commissioners for removing of Obstructions, Trustees, Contractors, and other Officers, at Worcester-House, do quit the said House, as soon as they can conveniently, without Prejudice to the Service of the Commonwealth: And that when the said House shall be quitted, that the same shall be settled upon the Countess of Worcester, or upon Trustees to her Use, during the Life of Edward Earl of Worcester: And it is

Ordered, That it be referred to a Committee, to set out some Rooms in Worcester-House, for the Use of the said Countess of Worcester in the mean time: And it is further

Ordered, That the said Committee do also examine, Whether it be necessary for the Commonwealth to continue to make use of Worcester-House for the Service of the Commonwealth; or whether it be best to take some other Course for the Accommodation of the said Commissioners for removing of Obstructions, Trustees, Contractors, and other Officers, at Worcester-House, and for keeping of the Records there; or whether it be fit to put that Business, or the Power of the Commissioners for removing of Obstructions, in any other Way; and report their Opinion therein to this House: Viz. unto Mr. Ralegh, Colonel White, Colonel Feilder, Lord Monson, Mr. Say, Mr. Trenchard, Mr. Dormer, Sir John Trevor, Sir Richard Lucy, Mr. Leman, Mr. John Goodwin, Mr. Robinson, Mr. Garland, Mr. Solicitor Reynolds, Colonel Marten, Colonel James Temple, Mr. Walter Strickland, Mr. Nutt; or any Three of them: And are to meet on Monday in the Afternoon, at Two of the Clock, in the Exchequer-Chamber: And that Mr. Robinson do take care hereof.

Irish Adventurers.

According to former Order, this House resumed the Debate upon the Amendments to the Bill for settling Lands upon the Adventurers and Soldiers in Ireland.

Resolved, That this House doth agree to the Paper of Amendments reported.

The Proviso, "That no Disposition be made of the Counties of Waterford, Lymerick, &c. until the Adventurers be satisfied," being put to the Question, was agreed unto.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee to whom this Bill was referred, to consider, How the Adventurers may be speedily satisfied, and put into Possession; and how the Adventurers and Creditors, that have had no Satisfaction, may be satisfied; and report their Opinion therein to this House.

Ordered, That the Lord Whitlock, Mr. Holland, and Sir John Trevor, be added to that Committee.

Ordered, That the Debate upon these Amendments be adjourned until Wednesday next, the first Business; nothing to intervene.

Irish Commissioners.

A Letter from the Commissioners for the Government of Ireland, of the 9th of August 1659, from Dublyn, was this Day read.

Ordered, That an Act be brought in, for Continuance of the Commissioners for Managing of the Affairs for Ireland, for Six Months: And Mr. Solicitor Reynolds is to bring in this Act.

Resolved, That this Letter be referred to the Council of State, to consider, What is fit to be done therein.

Resolved, That this House doth approve of what the Commissioners for the Government of Ireland have done, as to the inlisting Persons, and putting them into Troops and Companies, for Defence of the Publick Peace there.

Another Letter from the Commissioners for Management of the Government of Ireland, from Dublyn, of the 9th of August 1659, was read.

The Forms of several Commissions of Oyer, Terminer, Gaol-Delivery, and to determine Civil Causes, inclosed in the said Letter, were read: And, after some Amendments,

Resolved, That this shall be the Form of the Commissions of Oyer, Terminer, Gaol-Delivery, and to determine Civil Causes in Ireland: And that Commissions be made forth accordingly: And that Mr. Speaker do sign Dockets to pass the said Commissions under the Great Seal: And that the Commissioners for Custody of the Great Seal do pass the same under the Great Seal accordingly.

Letters read.

Sir Arthur Hesilrig reports from the Council of State, A Letter from Major-General Lambert, from Namptwich, of the 17th of August, Twelve at Night, 1659; with a Letter therein inclosed, from Sir George Booth, and Sir Thomas Middleton, dated at Chester, the 16th of August 1659; with the Answer of Major-General Lambert to the said Letter: Which were read.

Resolved, That this House doth approve of what Major-General Lambert hath done, in answering the Letter of Sir George Booth and Sir Thomas Middleton: And that it be referred to the Council of State, to give him Notice hereof.

Army Pay.

Sir Arthur Hesilrig reports from the Council of State, That it be humbly offered to the Parliament, That they will please to give Order, That the Committee for the Army do give their Warrant to the Treasurers at War, for the Sending of Fourteen thousand Pounds, by Waggons to West-Chester, or where else Major-General Lambert shall appoint, to be there issued out, by Warrant of the said Major-General Lambert, upon Account, to such Persons as he shall think fit, for Pay of a Month's Pay, as well for the Regiments, Troops, and Companies, of Horse, Foot, and Dragoons, raised by the Commissioners of the Militia of the Counties, or otherwise, as of the Forces of the Standing-Army under his Command in the present Expedition; and to issue out the same, either upon Musters, or the Attestation of Two or more Commission-Officers of each Troop, Company, or Train of Artillery; as also for the Payment of such contingent Charges as Major-General Lambert shall direct.

That the Committee for the Army do give Order for the Buying or Hire of Waggons, Horses, and Drivers, with necessary Furniture; and for making Allowances to the Treasurers at War of the Monies that shall be disbused for the same, and other Charges occasioned by this Service.

Resolved, That the Committee for the Army do give their Warrants to the Treasurers at War, for the Sending of Fourteen thousand Pounds, by Waggons, to WestChester, or where else Major-General Lambert shall appoint; to be there issued out, by Warrant of the said Major-General Lambert, upon Account, to such Persons as he shall think fit, for Pay of a Month's Pay, as well for the Regiments, Troops, and Companies, of Horse, Foot, and Dragoons, raised by the Commissioners of the Militia of the Counties, or otherwise, as of the Forces of the Standing-Army under his Command in the present Expedition; and to issue out the same, either upon Musters or the Attestation of Two or more Commission Officers of each Troop, Company, or Train of Artillery; as also for the Payment of such contingent Charges, as Major-General Lambert shall direct.

Resolved, That the Committee for the Army do give Order for the Buying or Hire of Waggons, Horses, and Drivers, with necessary Furniture; and for making Allowances to the Treasurers at War, of the Monies that shall be disbursed for the same, and other Charges occasioned by the Service.

Earl of Northampton, &c.

A Letter from Noell Butler, from Hartford, August the 19th, 1659, was read.

Ordered, That it be referred to a Committee, to prepare a Proclamation against the Earl of Northampton, Earl of Litchfeild, Major-General Browne, Sir Thomas Leventhorpe, Sir Wm. Crompton, and * Fanshaw, Esquire: Viz. Mr. Scott, Mr. Solicitor Reynolds, Major Salwey, Mr. Robinson, Lord Whitlock, Lord St. John, Colonel Thompson, Sir Henry Mildmay, Sir Arthur Hesilrig; or any Three of them: And are to meet, at Three of the Clock, in the Speaker's Chamber.

The House adjourns till Three a Clock in the Afternoon.

Saturday, August 20th, 1659. Afternoon.

Leave of Absence.

ORDERED, That Mr. Lenthall have Leave to go into the Country for Fourteen Days, after the End of next Week.

Taverns, Inns, &c.

Mr. Lister reports from the Committee of Inspections, A Letter to be sent to the Justices of Peace in the respective Counties within England and Wales, to certify the Number of Inns, Alehouses, &c.; and what they have vended at any time within Twelve Months before the Twenty-fifth of March last: Which was read; and, after some Amendments at the Table, agreed upon.

Ordered, That the Committee for Inspections prepare these Letters to be sent to the Justices of Peace in the respective Counties: And that Mr. Speaker do sign the said several Letters: And that the Council of State do take care, that the same be sent to the respective Justices accordingly.

Mr. Lister also reports, Another Letter to be sent to the Sheriffs of the several Counties, to communicate the aforesaid several Letters to the respective Justices: Which was read; and, upon the Question, agreed unto.

Ordered, That the Committee of Inspections do prepare the Letters to be sent to the said respective Sheriffs: And that Mr. Speaker do sign the said Letters.

Information against Longavile.

Mr. Scot reports from the Council of State, The Information of John Andrewes, and John Leasin, Soldiers in Captain Brockhurst his Company, in Colonel Sydenham's Regiment, the 20th August 1659: And the Examination of Mr. Longavile, concerning his Carriage the last Night towards one of the Soldiers upon Centinel belonging to the Guard at Somersett-House; and the Discourse that passed between them the said Longavile, and the Two Soldiers belonging to the said Guard, that were last Night with him, tending to seduce the said Soldiers from their Duty to the Parliament, and to engage them for Charles Stuart: Which were read.

Resolved, That Mr. Tho. Longavile be tried by a Commission of Oyer and Terminer: And that the Commissioners for Custody of the Great Seal do issue forth a Commission of Oyer and Terminer, for the Trial of him, accordingly.

London Militia.

Sir Arthur Hesilrig reports from the Council of State, A Proposal from the Committee for the Militia of London: Which was read.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Council of State, to consider of the said Proposal; and present their Opinion to this House, What they think fit to be done therein, on Monday Morning next.

Army Pay.

Colonel Walton reports from the Council of State, That the Committee for the Army do give their Warrants to the Treasurers at War, for the Payment of Two thousand Pounds, Part of the Fourteen thousand Pounds this Day appointed to be sent down for the Army and Militia Forces under Major-General Lambert, to the said Major-General Lambert, or whom he shall appoint, to be by him, or his Warrant, issued forth towards the Payment, and for the contingent Charges, of the said Forces: And that the Committee do assign the said Warrants to be paid out of the present Twelve Months Assessments of Thirty-five thousand Pounds by the Month; due from the Counties of Salop, Chester, or Stafford, or either of them, though otherwise formerly assigned.

Ordered, That the Committee of the Army do give their Warrants to the Treasurers at War, for Payment of Two thousand Pounds, Part of the Fourteen thousand Pounds this Day appointed to be set down for the Army and Militia-Forces under Major-General Lambert, to the said Major-General Lambert, or whom he shall appoint, to be by him or his Warrant, issued forth towards the Payment, and for the contingent Charges, of the said Forces: And that the Committee do assign the said Warrants to be paid out of the present Twelve Months Assessments of Thirty-five thousand Pounds the Month, due from the Counties of Salop, Chester, and Stafford, or either of them; though otherwise formerly assigned.

Army Commissions.

The House being informed that divers Officers of the Army were at the Door;

They were called in: And, being come up to the Clerk's Table, Mr. Speaker acquainted them with the great Trust reposed in them by the Parliament; and that the Parliament expected Faithfulness from them to the Parliament and Commonwealth: And thereupon delivered them their Commissions; viz.

To Lieutenant John Johnson, his Commission to be Lieutenant of a Company in Colonel Fairfax his Regiment:

To Ensign John Rigden, to Ensign John Goffe, their Commissions to be Ensigns of Companies in the same Regiment:

To Captain Francis Aldersey, to Captain Richard Williams, to Captain James Thompson, their Commissions to be Captains of Companies in Colonel Peirson's Regiment:

To Lieutenant Joseph Belbin, his Commission to be Lieutenant of a Company in the same Regiment:

To Lawrence Wise, his Commission to be Chaplain to the said Regiment:

To Ensign Tho. Baxter, to Ensign Tho. Chester, to Ensign Geo. Austin, their Commissions to be Ensigns of Companies in the said Regiment.

Success in Cheshire.

Mr. Baker, one of the Messengers of the Council, being sent from the Lord Lambert, gave a Relation to the House of the Success that the Lord had given to our Forces in Cheshire, in giving a total Rout to the Enemy.

Ordered, That the Council of State do give unto the said Mr. Baker the Messenger the Sum of Ten Pounds over and above his Pay.