House of Commons Journal Volume 8: 26 April 1660

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 8, 1660-1667. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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'House of Commons Journal Volume 8: 26 April 1660', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 8, 1660-1667( London, 1802), British History Online [accessed 22 October 2024].

'House of Commons Journal Volume 8: 26 April 1660', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 8, 1660-1667( London, 1802), British History Online, accessed October 22, 2024,

"House of Commons Journal Volume 8: 26 April 1660". Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 8, 1660-1667. (London, 1802), , British History Online. Web. 22 October 2024.


In this section

Thursday, 26th April, 1660.


Resolved, &c.

Double Returns.

THAT all Members upon double Returns do forbear to sit, until the Point of the double Return be determined; unless they be returned in the several Indentures; and that such who are returned in the several Indentures, may sit.

Committee of Privileges.

Ordered, That a Committee for Privileges and Elections be appointed, viz. Sir Walter Earle, Sir Tho. Wroth, Lord Commissioner Widdrington, Sir Wm. Waller, Mr. Pryn, Sir Gilbert Gerrard, Sir Richard Onslow, Sir Henry Felton, Sir George Booth, Lord Faulkland, Mr. Egioke, Sir Dudley North, General Monck, Doctor Clarges, Mr. John Gray, Mr. Talbot, Mr. John Goodwin, Mr. Holles, Sir Anthony Ashley Cooper, Mr. Turner, Mr. Atkins, Mr. Foxwist, Col. Tho. Hatcher, Sir Horatio Townesend, Lord Richardson, Sir John Evelyn of Surry, Mr. Bulkley, Sir John Evelyn of Wilts, Col. Lloyd, Sir Trevor Williams, Sir Edward Mansell, Mr. Recorder of London, Mr. Boderda, Mr. Darcy, Mr. Goodrick, Mr. Peckham, Mr. Stapleton, Mr. Grove, Mr. Hobby, Mr. Gerrard, Sir John Northcot, Lord Howard, Mr. Rowse, Mr. Dormer, Mr. Wm. Morgan, Mr. Bamfeild, Serjeant Glyn, Mr. Finch, Alderman Robinson, Lord Buckley, Mr. Harvey, Mr. Thomas Jones, Mr. Hall, Mr. Skipwith, Mr. Rant, Major Beake, Sir Wm. Wheeler, Mr. Onslow, Col. Morley, Mr. Tolson, Mr. Carleton, Mr. Swaile, Mr. Henry Eyres, Mr. Tucker, Sir John Holland, Sir Phillip Woodhouse, Sir John Lenthall, Col. Harley, Sir John Carter, Sir Anthony Irby, Sir Wm. Lewis, Sir Norton Knatchbull, Mr. Serjeant Twisden, Major General Browne, Mr. Thurland, Mr. Robert Browne, Mr. Heale, Col. Fagg, Mr. Rainsford, Mr. Henry Hungerford, Lord Commissioner Tyrrill, Sir Henry North, Mr. Allen Brodrick, Col. Bowyer, Mr. Francis Bacon, Mr. Danyell, Sir Tho. Willis, Mr. Babington, Sir Wilfrid Lawson, Col. Knight, Mr. Henry Bethell, Lord Angier, Sir Richard Temple, Mr. Cornewallis, Mr. Swinfin, Col. Birch, Sir Henry Cholmley, Mr. Ellison, Mr. North, Mr. Gott, * Ellis, Mr. Courtop, Col. Massy, Mr. Gorges, Mr. Bancks, Mr. Clapham, Serjeant Littleton, Mr. Henley, Mr. Stapleton, Mr. Merrick, Mr. John Stephens, Mr. Meres, Sir Walter Devereax, Mr. Earnley, Dr. Mills, Mr. Packer, Sir Charles Wolsley, Mr. Henry Powell, Lord Fairfax, Mr. Arthington, Mr. Burlace, Mr. Munson, Lord Bruce, Sir Henry Yelverton, Sir Robert Pye, Mr. Reeves, Mr. Peckham, Sir Thomas Dyke, Sir John Pelham, Mr. Barnard, Mr. Goring, Mr. Arthur Stanhop, Mr. Weston, Mr. Lucy, Sir Ralph Hare, Sir Edward Deering, Mr. Paston, Mr. Harvey, Mr. Doynley, Lord Bulkley, Mr. Hopkins, Earl Kildare, Mr. Foley, * Sherrard, Mr. Streete, Mr. Serjeant Hales, Sir Christopher Wivell, Mr. Tregonell, Sir Samuell Luke, Mr. Metcalfe Robinson, Sir Henry Lee, Mr. Herbert, Mr. Yong, Mr. Richard Powell, Mr. Crew, Mr. Pym, Mr. How.

Resolved, &c. That no more be named until those already named be read:

The Names were read accordingly.

Resolved, &c. That this Committee have Power to examine and consider all Questions, which shall grow and arise this Parliament, about Elections, Returns, and other Privileges; and to acquaint the House with their Proceedings from time to time; and that all the double Returns be first taken into Consideration, and reported to the House; and they are to meet in the Exchequer Chamber this Afternoon at Two of the Clock, and every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, in the Afternoon; with Power to send for Persons, Papers, Writings, Records, and what else may conduce to the Business.

Resolved, &c. That all Persons who will question Elections now returned, do it within Fourteen Days, and so within Fourteen Days after any new Return.


A Bill intituled, An Act against Vagrants, and wandering idle dissolute Persons, was this Day read the First time.

Ordered, &c. That this Bill be read the Second time on this Day Fortnight

Thanksgiving Day.

Resolved, &c. That this Day Fortnight be set apart, for a Day of Thanksgiving to the Lord, for raising up his Excellency the Lord General, and other eminent Persons, who have been instrumental in Delivery of this Nation from Thraldom and Misery.

Resolved, &c. That this Day Fortnight be set apart for a Day of Thanksgiving, for this House, the Cities of London and Westminster, and late Lines of Communication; and this Day Month, for the whole Nation.

Resolved, &c. That the Lords Concurrence be desired herein; and that Mr. Herbert be sent up with this Message to the Lords.

Preachers appointed.

Resolved, &c. That Mr. Price, the Lord General's Chaplain, be desired to preach, and carry on the Work of Thanksgiving before this House at Margarett's, Westminster, on this Day Fortnight; and that Dr Clarges do give him Notice thereof.

Birkhead's Petition.

Ordered, That Mr. Serjeant Birkhead's Petition be read, the first Business, To-morrow Morning.

Lords concur in Thanksgiving Days.

Mr. Herbert reports, That, according to the Command of this House, he had attended the Lords with their Message, for Days of Thanksgiving; and that they do fully agree with this House therein, and in the Days men tioned to be set apart for that Purpose.

Gen. Monck thanked.

Resolved, &c. That his Excellency the Lord General George Monck have the Recognition, Acknowledgment, and hearty Thanks, of this House, for his eminent and unparalleled Services done for these Nations.

Mr. Speaker did accordingly give the Thanks of this House unto his Excellency the Lord General Monck, standing in his Place, to the Effect following:

That he is commanded by this House to take Notice of his eminent Services; his Wisdom being such, and God having so blessed him in his great Affairs, that he hath made a Conquest of those who are Enemies and disaffected to the Government, Happiness, and Welfare of this Church and State, without a bloody Nose; that That hath much advanced the Honour of his Services, having been effected without the Expence of Blood or Treasure, of both which the Nation had been so much exhausted, that nothing but a Necessity could rationally have satisfied any Man to draw out more; that his Lordship hath been our Physician, and hath cured us with his Lenitives; that Statues have been heretofore set up for Persons meriting much of their Country; but his Lordship hath a Statue set up higher, and in another Place, as high as may be, in the Hearts of all Wellwishers to the Good of this Nation, and a Crown of Glory, he doubts not, laid up for him in Heaven; that God hath made him instrumental, by his helping Hand, to keep the Nation from sinking, when no Way was represented to our Understanding whence Deliverance should arise; so that God's raising him up, accompanying, blessing, and assisting, him in his Counsels, in such Sort as to accomplish his Work to that Height, cannot be otherwise owned by those that look upon him, and his Actions, than as a Miracle; and therefore, in the Name of the House, he returns to his Lordship the hearty Thanks of this House; adding, He is sure his Lordship would believe it, if he had not said so.

Colonel Ingoldsby thanked.

Resolved, &c. That the Thanks of this House be given to Colonel Ingoldsby, for his former and late great and eminent Services done for this Nation.

Mr. Speaker did accordingly give the Thanks of this House to Colonel Richard Ingoldsby, to the Effect following:

That he is commanded by the House to take notice of his former Services, and of his late Action, wherein God hath made him instrumental to do so great and eminent a Service to the Nation, (for which he returns him their hearty Thanks) having made him as high in Favour, as he is in his own Merit, for adventuring himself so far in the publick Cause; and that the House's good Acceptance thereof is the more valuable, being taken Notice of on the same Day with the great Services performed for the Nation by his Excellency the Lord General.