House of Commons Journal Volume 8: 19 December 1660

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 8, 1660-1667. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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'House of Commons Journal Volume 8: 19 December 1660', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 8, 1660-1667( London, 1802), British History Online [accessed 24 October 2024].

'House of Commons Journal Volume 8: 19 December 1660', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 8, 1660-1667( London, 1802), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024,

"House of Commons Journal Volume 8: 19 December 1660". Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 8, 1660-1667. (London, 1802), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024.


In this section

Wednesday, 19th December, 1660.


Money due to Massey.

THE humble Petition of Sir Edward Massey Knight, was this Day read.

Resolved, by the and Commons, in Parliament assembled, That, in Consideration of the eminent and faithful Services performed by Sir Edward Massey, as well to his late Majesty, as to the King's Majesty that now is, and of the great Debt owing to him, and his Charges abroad, during his Expulsion from this Kingdom for his Faithfulness to his Trust; the Sum of Three thousand Pounds be and hereby stands charged on the Arrears of the Grand Excise, and paid out of the same to him, or his Assigns, in Course, after the other Sums shall be satisfied, which are charged on the Grand Excise, by former Orders of this Parliament: And the Commissioners of Excise, for the Time being, are hereby impowered and required to satisfy and pay the same accordingly: And this Order, together with the Acquittance of the said Sir Edward Massey, or his Assigns, testifying his Receipt thereof, shall be, to the said Commissioners, a sufficient Warrant and Discharge.

Money due to Tytus.

Resolved, by the and Commons, in Parliament assembled, That, in Consideration of the eminent and faithful Services performed by Captain Sylas Titus to his Majesty and the Kingdom, the Debt owing him, and his Charges abroad, when he was banished this Kingdom for his Adherence to his Trust, the Sum of Three thousand Pounds be and hereby stands charged on the Arrears of the Grand Excise, and paid out of the same to him, or his Assigns, in Course, after the other Sums shall be satisfied, which are charged on the Grand Excise, by former Orders of this Parliament: And the Commissioners of the Excise, for the Time being, are hereby impowered and required to satisfy the same accordingly: And this Order, together with the Acquittance of the said Captain Tytus, or his Assigns, testifying the Receipt thereof, shall be to the said Commissioners of Excise, a sufficient Warrant and Discharge.

Ordered, That the Lords Concurrence be desired in both these Orders: And Mr. Trelawny is to carry them to the Lords.

Grant to Lane.

The Question being propounded, That, as a Mark of Respect to Mrs. Lane, and in Testimony of the high Resentment and Value of her Service, in being so signally instrumental to the Preservation and Security of the Person of his Royal Majesty, there be conferred upon the said Mrs. Lane the Sum of One Thousand Pounds, to buy her a Jewel; and that the same be and hereby stands charged on the Arrears of the Grand Excise, and paid to her, or her Assigns, in Course, after the other Sums shall be satisfied, which are charged on the Grand Excise by former Orders of this Parliament: And the Commissioners of the Excise, for the Time being, are hereby impowered, and required to satisfy and pay the same accordingly: And this Order, together with the Acquittance of the said Mrs. Lane, or her Assigns, shall be, to the said Commissioners, a sufficient Warrant and Discharge:

And the Question being put, That this Question be now put;

It passed in the Affirmative:

And the main Question being put;

Resolved, That, as a Mark of Respect to Mrs. Lane, and in Testimony of the high Resentment and Value of her Service, in being so signally instrumental to the Preservation and Security of the Person of his Royal Majesty, there be conferred upon the said Mrs. Lane the Sum of One thousand Pounds, to buy her a Jewel; and that the same be and hereby stands charged on the Arrears of the Grand Excise; and paid to her or her Assigns, in Course, after the other Sums shall be satisfied, which are charged on the Grand Excise, by former Orders of this Parliament: And the Commissioners of the Excise, for the Time being, are hereby impowered and required, to satisfy and pay the same accordingly: And this Order, together with the Acquittance of the said Mrs. Lane, or her Assigns, testifying the Receipt thereof, shall be to the Commissioners of Excise, a sufficient Warrant and Discharge.

The Lords Concurrence is desired herein: And Sir Clement Throgmorton is to carry it to the Lords.

Relief of Soldiers.

Ordered, That the Lords Concurrence be desired to the Order of Yesterday, concerning the One thousand Four hundred Pounds, for the Hospitals of the Savoy and Ely House.

College Leases.

A Message from the Lords, by Mr. Hubart and * *;

The Lords have returned the Bill for Confirmation of Leases, from Colleges and Hospitals, with some Alterations and Amendments: To which they desire the Concurrence of this House.

Resolved, That the Messengers be forthwith called in again.

The Messengers being called in again, Mr. Speaker gave them this Answer;

The House have considered of your Message; and will return Answer by Messengers of their own.

Resolved, That this House do take the said Alterations and Amendments into Consideration, the first Business in the Afternoon.


The House resumed the Consideration of the Report of Amendments to the Bill for Six Months Assessments: Which Amendments were read the Second time; and the Rules, Orders, and Instructions, for the discharging and paying off the Navy, and other Debts relating thereunto, (being annexed to the said Amendments) were read the First and Second time; and afterwards, the said Rules, Orders, and Instructions:

And the First Instruction being read, was, on the Question, agreed.

Resolved, That this Clause following; viz. "And if any further Arrears shall be claimed, and appear to be due to any such Commanders, Officers, or Mariners, in Service as aforesaid, for Service at Sea, from or after the Fourteenth of March 1657, and to or before the Fourteenth of March 1658; that, in such Case, the Auditors hereby appointed shall examine all such Arrears, and draw up a State thereof, to be presented to the next Parliament, in order to their Satisfaction," be inserted as an additional Clause, to the said Second Instruction.

That this Debate be adjourned till the Afternoon.

This House adjourns to Two of the Clock in the Afternoon.

Post Meridiem.

Orders carried to Lords.

MR. Trelawny reports, that he carried to the Lords the several Orders of this House, concerning Mrs. Seymour, Sir Edw. Massey, and Mr. Tytus; and that the Lords gave Answer, that they agreed thereto.

Crimes' Estate.

An ingrossed Bill, sent from the Lords, for restoring Sir Thomas Crimes Baronet to his Estate, was this Day read the Second time.

Resolved, That this Bill be now read the Third time.

And it was accordingly read the Third time; and, on the Question, passed.

Ordered, That the Lord Herbert do carry this Bill back to the Lords.

Waughter's Nat.

Ordered, That the Bill for naturalizing Mr. Waughter, sent from the Lords, be read To-morrow Morning.


Resolved, That this House do proceed To-morrow Morning upon the Report on the Bill for Six Months Assessments, and the Instructions relating thereunto.

Wine Licences.

Ordered, That next after the Report on the Bill for Six Months Assessments, is dispatched, the Bill for Wine Licences be read the Second time.

College Leases.

Ordered, That, next after the Bill for Wine Licences, Consideration be had of the Amendments and Provisoes, sent from the Lords, to the Bill for confirming College and Hospital Leases.