House of Commons Journal Volume 8: 28 December 1660

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 8, 1660-1667. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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'House of Commons Journal Volume 8: 28 December 1660', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 8, 1660-1667( London, 1802), British History Online [accessed 24 October 2024].

'House of Commons Journal Volume 8: 28 December 1660', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 8, 1660-1667( London, 1802), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024,

"House of Commons Journal Volume 8: 28 December 1660". Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 8, 1660-1667. (London, 1802), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024.


In this section

Friday, 28th December, 1660.


Sick and Wounded.

RESOLVED, That all such Monies which shall appear to be due in Arrear, at Dover, Harwich, and other Port Towns of this Kingdom, for the quartering, Attendance, and Cure of the sick and wounded Seamen and Soldiers, sent thither from aboard his Majesty's Ships, or from his Majesty's Garisons in Flanders, betwixt the First of June 1658, and the Fourteenth of March 1658, shall be charged on the Arrears of Excise, and paid upon Certificates, from the Auditors appointed for that Service; who are to examine, state, and certify the same accordingly.

Assessment on the City.

A Bill for raising Two Months Assessments in the City of London, to satisfy the Disbursements and Allowances about the Militia of that City, was this Day read the Second time.

The Question being put, That this Bill be committed;

The House was divided.

And the Yeas went forth.

Mr. Herbert, Tellers for the Yeas: 92.
Sir Hen. Crofts, With the Yeas,
Sir Wm. Doily, Tellers for the Noes: 104.
Sir Tho. Bludworth, With the Noes,

And so the Question passed in the Negative.

A List of the Names of the Commissioners to be inserted into this Bill was read; viz.

* * * *

Resolved, That the said Persons be the Commissioners to be inserted into the Bill; and that the Blank for Commissioners Names be filled up accordingly.

Resolved, That this Bill be ingrossed.

Covent Garden Precinct.

A Message from the Lords, by Mr. Child and Mr. Glascocke, Two of the Masters of Chancery;

Mr. Speaker, The Lords have sent you a Bill, intituled, An Act for making the Precinct of Covent Garden parochial, with divers Alterations and Additions: To which they desire the Concurrence of this House.

Lords concur in Order.

Mr. Vowell reports, that, according to the Commands of this House, he had delivered to the Lords the Order for presenting Ten thousand Pounds to his Highness the Duke of Yorke, charged on the Excise; and that the Lords gave Answer, that they concurred therein.

Covent Garden Precinct.

The Amendments and Provisoes, sent from the Lords, to the Bill for Covent Garden, were read; and, on the Question, agreed; being as followeth;

1 Skin, Line 8, omit the Word "Government," being the First Word of the 8 Line; and, instead thereof, insert these Words "Conveniency of the Inhabitants."

Line 12, after the Word "Majesty," leave out these Words, "and by;" and, instead thereof, insert "with the Advice and Consent of."

Lines 25, 26, after the Words, "Name of," in the 25 Line, and before the Word "Covent," in the 26 Line, insert these Words, "the Parish of St. Paul;" and after the Word "Garden," in the same Line, omit the Word "Parish."

29 Line, after the Words "of the," and before the Word "Parish," insert the Word "said."

33 Line, after the Words "Parish of," and before the Word "Covent," insert the Words "St. Paul."

42, after the Words, "Church of," and before the Word "Covent," insert these Words "St. Paul."

2 Skin, Line 1, after the Word "Days," and before the Word "after," put in the Word "next."

Line 4, after the Words "Consent of," leave out all to these Words, "from time to time," in the 5 and 6 Line; and, instead thereof, put in these Words, "the Patron of the said Church of St. Paul Covent Garden."

Line 6, after the Word "able," omit the Word "Divine;" and, instead thereof, put in the Word "Minister."

Covent Garden Precinct.

Line 7, after the Word "Successors," leave out all to the Words, "And it is further Enacted," Line 60; and, instead thereof, insert these Words, "And, for the further Maintenance of the said Rector, and for Provision of the said Curate, and other Officers hereafter mentioned, belonging to the said Church; be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That on every Tuesday in Easter Week there shall be Three Churchwardens, and no more, named for the said Parish of St. Paul Covent Garden; one whereof shall be chosen by the said William Earl of Bedford, his Heirs and Assigns; another by the said Rector, and his Successors; and a Third by the Inhabitants, Householders, of the said Parish, or by the major Number of them; and that the yearly Sum of Two hundred and Fifty Pounds shall from thenceforth be charged upon the Houses of the Inhabitants of the said Parish of St. Paul Covent Garden, except the House commonly called Bedford House, with the Appurtenances; and shall, within Twenty-eight Days next after the said Tuesday in Easter Week, be assessed by the said Church Wardens, or any Two of them, after a Pound Rate, according to the improved Value of the yearly Rent of the respective Houses of such Inhabitants: Which said Assessments, shall be confirmed and allowed by the Two next Justices of Peace of and dwelling within the City of Westminster, and the Liberties thereof, under their Hands and Seals; and be collected by the Church wardens aforesaid, or by such Person or Persons whom they shall appoint, at the Four usual Feasts, or Times of Payment, above mentioned."

3 Skin, Line 2, after the Words "the said," put out all to the Word "shall," in the 3 Line; and, instead thereof, put these Words, Churchwardens, or any Two of them."

Line 7th, after these Words, "Name of the," and before the Word "wherein," leave out these Words, "Treasurer or Treasurers of the said Parish;" and, instead thereof, put in these Words, "said Churchwardens, or any Two of them."

Line 9, after the Word "said," and before the Words "of them," leave out these Words, "Governors, and their Successors, or any Seven, or more;" and, instead thereof, put in "Churchwardens, or any Two."

Line 12, 13, after the Word "Pounds," leave out all to the Words "at the Four," in the 13 Line; and, instead thereof, put in "the said Sums to be paid to the said Rector and Curate by even and equal Portions."

15 Line, after the Word "happen," and before the Word "of," leave out these Words, "after Demand, at the Place aforesaid."

16 Line, after the Words, "as aforesaid," leave out these Words, "at the Place aforesaid," before the Words "to be paid."

17 Line, instead of the Word "Governors," put in these Words, "Churchwardens for the Time being, or any Two of them."

18 Line, for the Word "Houses," put in the Word "House;" and, after the Words "of any," in the same Line, leave out these Words, "Two of the Governors aforesaid; and, instead thereof, put in these Words, "of the said Churchwardens for the Time being."

19 Line, 3 Skin, after the Words "that then," leave out all to the Word "shall," in the 20 Line; and, instead thereof, insert these Words, "the Two next Justices of the Peace of and dwelling within the said City of Westminster, and the Liberties thereof."

21 Line, after the Word "Act," and before the Word "and," put in these Words, "and shall or may cause the said Churchwardens, who shall fail to make Payment as aforesaid, to be imprisoned, till Payment be made of what shall be so behind."

22 Line, after the Word "be," and before the Word "raised," put in the Word "yearly."

23 Line, after the Word "of," and before the Word "Covent," insert these Words, "the said Parish of St. Paul;" and, in the same Line, after the Word "Pounds," and before the Word "be," put in the Word "shall;" and, in the same Line, after the Word "employed," and before the Word "for," put in these Words, "by the said Churchwardens, or any Two of them."

24 Line, after the Word "Salaries," leave out all to the Words "And be it further," in the 32 Line; and, instead thereof, insert these Words, "for a Clerk and Two Sextons to be yearly nominated by the aforesaid Earl of Bedford, his Heirs and Assigns, and by the said Rector for the Time being: Which said Sum of Fifty Pounds shall be distributed according to the Directions of him the said Earl, his Heirs and Assigns; and of the said Rector and his Successors. And it is further Enacted, by the Authority aforesaid, That if any Person or Persons have heretofore, by virtue of any Authority, or any pretended Authority, whatsoever, received any Sums of Money, heretofore assessed on any of the Inhabitants of the said Parish of St. Paul Covent Garden, or have, in his Hands, any such Sums not paid; that then it shall and may be lawful to and for any Two Justices of the Peace for the City and Liberty of Westminster, to call such Person and Persons to an Account: And, in case they shall refuse or neglect to pay such Monies as shall appear to the said Two Justices to be in the Hands of any such Person or Persons aforesaid, unaccounted for, and unpaid; then it shall and may be lawful to and for the said Two Justices to levy the same by Distress; and, in Default of a Distress to be taken, then to commit such Person or Persons to the common Gaol, without Bail or Mainprize: Which said Monies shall be disposed of for the respective Uses for which they were assessed. And be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforesaid, That the Sum of Three hundred and Twelve Pounds and Ten Shillings shall, in Manner and Form, and after the Proportions aforesaid, be assessed upon the said Inhabitants of St. Paul Covent Garden, by the Two next Justices of the Peace for the City and Liberty of Westminster; and be levied and collected by them, or any Person or Persons whom they shall appoint, for and towards and in full Satisfaction of a Salary for the Minister, Curate, Clerk, and Sextons, who have officiated in the said Precinct since St. Thomas Day 1659, or shall officiate there until Lady Day 1661; to be distributed after such Proportions as the said William Earl of Bedford shall direct."

3 Skin, Line 33, after the Word "said," leave out all to the Words "are hereby authorized," in the 35 Line; and, instead thereof, insert these Words, "Churchwardens, or any Two of them."

36 Line, after the Words "Parish of," and before the Word "Covent," insert these Words, "St. Paul," and, in the same Line, after the Word "Garden," and before the Word "for," leave out these Two Words, "as well."

37, 38, after the Word "for," leave out all to these Words, "the Payment," in the 38 Line.

40 Line, after the Word "be," and before the Word "and," put in these Words, "the said Rate and Assessment to be made and allowed in Manner as is before appointed, for the raising of the Two hundred Fifty Pounds a Year aforesaid."

41 Line, after the Word "the," and before the Word "Assessments," put in the Word "said."

43 Line, after the Word "said," put out these Words, "Governors for the Time being, or any Seven or more;" and, instead thereof, insert these Words, "Churehwardens, or any Two."

44 Line, after these Words "by them or any," leave out the Words, "Seven or more;" and, instead thereof, put in the Word "Two;" and after these Words, "of them," in the same Line, leave out "in the Vestry upon publick Warning assembled."

50 Line, leave out the Proviso to the End of the Bill; and put, instead thereof, the Proviso following: "Provided always, That it shall and may be lawful to and for the Overseers of the Poor, and Surveyors for the Highways of the said Parish of St. Martin's, and the Churchwardens of the Parish of St. Paul in Covent Garden, to assess and collect of the Inhabitants of the Parish of St. Paul Covent Garden, for Relief of the Poor, and Reparation of Highways, all such Rates and Taxes, as the Overseers for the Poor, and Surveyors for the Highways, of St. Martin's Parish, might have done before the making of this Act; any thing in this Act to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding. Provided also, and be it Enacted, That neither this Act, nor any thing therein contained, shall extend to invalidate or avoid any Ecclesiastical Law or Constitution of the Church of England; nor to destroy any of the Rights or Powers belonging to the Bishop of London, or his Successors; but that he and they may now, and at all Times hereafter, visit, institute, and exercise Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction, in the said Parish of St. Paul Covent Garden, as amply as he or they may in other Parishes within the Diocese of London."

The Messengers being called in, Mr. Speaker gave them Answer;

The House have considered of your Message; and of the Amendments to the Bill for Covent Garden; and do concur therein.

Wine Licences.

Mr. Bodarda reports, that, according to the Order of this House, he delivered to the Lords House, Yesterday, the Bill concerning Wine Licences.


Mr. Brampston reports, that, according to the Order of this House, he delivered to the House of Peers the Bill for Encouragement of the Fishing Trade.

Supply by Assessment.

An ingrossed Bill for granting to the King's Majesty One Month's Assessment, commencing the Day of next, was this Day read the Third time; and, on the Question, passed.

Resolved, That the Title of this Bill be, An Act for the raising of Seventy thousand Pounds for the further Supply of his Majesty.

Ordered, That this Bill be carried to the Lords: And Sir Wm. Lewes is to carry it to the Lords: And he is desired to put the Lords in mind of the Bill to restrain the Exportation of Wool; and That for endowing Vicarages.

Disbanding the Army.

Amendments, sent down from the Lords, to the Act for Provision of Monies for the disbanding and paying off the Forces of this Kingdom both by Land and Sea, was read first at large; and after read with the Coherence; the Amendments being as followeth:

1 Skin, 16 Line, after the Word "Exemption," leave out the Words "by Privilege."

17 Line, after the Word "Servants," and before the Word "to," leave out the Words "or otherwise."

27 Line, instead of the first Word "Two," read "Three."

40 Line, instead of the Word "Two," read "Three.

49 Line, after the Word "have," and before the Word "been," put in these Words, "before the Sitting of this Parliament."

51 Line, leave out the Interlineation "whether Peers or Commons."

68 Line, instead of the Word "Two," read "Three."

2 Skin, 21 Line, instead of the Word "Two," read "Three."

23 Line, leave out the Interlineation "other than the Peers of this Realm."

49 Line, to leave out the Proviso concerning the Peers; to add the Addition instead thereof.

The 1st and 2d Amendment, 1 Skin, 16 Line and 17 Line were read;

Resolved, That this House doth adhere to the Bill, as formerly it was, without the Amendments.

The Amendments in the 27, 40, and 49 Lines were read; and, being severally put to the Question, were agreed unto.

The Amendment in the 51 Line was read:

Resolved, That this House doth adhere to the Bill as it was formerly sent to the Lords without this Amendment.

The Amendments in the 68 Line, and 2 Skin, 21 Line, were read; and, on the Question, agreed unto.

The Amendment in the 23 Line was read;

Resolved, That this House doth adhere to the Bill as it was formerly sent to the Lords, without this Amendment.

The Amendment 49 Line was read:

Resolved, That this House doth adhere to the Bill as it went from this House to the Lords, without this Amendment.

The Proviso, sent down from the Lords, was read:

The Question being put, To agree to the Proviso sent down by the Lords;

It passed in the Negative.

Resolved, That a Conference be desired with the Lords upon the Amendments to the said Bill: And Mr. Yong is to carry this Message to the Lords: And also to desire their Lordships, from this House, to sit in the Afternoon.

Ordered, That the Lord Valentia, Mr. Yonge, Mr. Bampfeild, Sir Henage Finch, Sir John Temple, Serjeant Glyn, Sir Tho. Widdrington, Mr. Bulkley, Mr. Swinfen, Mr. Hollis, Sir Edw. Turner, Serjeant Charlton, be the Committee to manage the said Conference.

A Message from the Lords, by Mr. Child and Mr. Glascocke, Two of the Masters of Chancery;

Preston Rectory.

Mr. Speaker, The Lords have sent you a Bill, intituled, An Act for the disappropriating of the Rectory appropriate of Preston, and uniting and consolidating of the said Rectory, and of the Vicarage of the Church of Preston; and for the assuring the Advowson and Right of Patronage of the same unto the Master, Fellows, and Scholars, of Emanuell College in Cambridge, and their Successors; together with several Additions and Alterations: To which they do desire the Concurrence of this House.

Earl of Cleveland.

They likewise signify, that they agree with this House in the Bill concerning the Earl of Cleveland, as it was amended by this House.

Wine Licences.

They do also agree with this House, in the Bill concerning Wine Licences.

Supply Bill.

Sir William Lewes carried to the Lords the Bill for raising Seventy thousand Pounds, for further Supply of his Majesty.

Wine Licences.

Ordered, That Sir William Lewes be desired to put the Lords in mind of returning back to this House the Bill concerning Wine Licences.

Preston Rectory.

The Amendments, sent from the Lords, to the Bill concerning the Rectory of Preston, in the County of Suffolk, were read: and, on the Question, agreed; being as followeth:

3 Skin, Line 15, after the Word "that," and before the Word "the," leave out "William Munnings;" and after the Word "now," in the same Line, and before the Word "Incumbent," add "true and lawful."

22 Line, instead of "William Munnings;" read "lawful Incumbent."

4 Skin, 12 Line, instead of "William Munnings," read "lawful Incumbent."

5 Skin, 16, 17 Lines, leave out, "William Munnings the;" and after the Word "now," and before the Word "Incumbent," put in the Word "lawful."

Last Skin, 19 Line, after the Word "to," and before the Word "all," add these Words, "the King's most Excellent Majesty, his Heirs and Successors, and to."

The Messengers being called in, Mr. Speaker gave them this Answer;

The House have considered of your Message; and of the Amendments to the Bill concerning Preston; and do concur with the Lords therein.

Poll Money.

Mr. Yong makes Report, that he had attended the Lords with the Message from this House, and the Lords Answer; That they will give a present Conference with this House in the Painted Chamber, upon the Bill for supplying the Defects of the Bill for Poll Money: And, also, that they will sit in the Afternoon.

Lords concur in Order.

Sir Tho. Meeres reports, that, according to the Command of this House, he had delivered to the Lords the Order for presenting Ten thousand Pounds to the Queen of Bohemia; and that their Lordships answered, by the Lord Chancellor, that they concurred therein.

The House adjourns till Two of the Clock in the Afternoon.

Post Meridiem.


A LETTER to the Clerk of this House from the Commissioners for the Excise, dated this present Day, was read.

Two Lists, which were inclosed in the said Letter; one intituled, An Account of Monies charged by this Parliament upon the Receipts of Excise, which are paid; the other intituled, An Account of Monies remaining still charged upon the Excise by this Parliament, which are not paid; were also read.


A List of the Debts charged on the Excise by Orders of this House, in the Method wherein they were charged, with some other Sums mentioned in the List from the Commissioners of Excise, was read; being as followeth:

£. s. d.
To his Highness the Duke of Yorke, or his Assign, in full of Ten thousand Pounds, together with Interest 2,157 2 11
To the Executors of his late Highness Henry Duke of Gloucester, together with Interest 7,000 - -
To * Denham Esquire, his Majesty's Surveyor, together with Interest; which Sum was advanced by Alderman Ed. Backwell 5,000 - -
To the Executors of her late Highness the Princess Royal, together with Interest; being advanced by Alderman Ed. Backwell 10,000 - -
To her Majesty the Queen of Bohemia, together with Interest; being advanced by Alderman Edw. Backwell 10,000 - -
To her Highness the Princess Henrietta Maria, together with Interest 10,000 - -
To Sir Tho. Viner, for the distressed Protestants of Piedmont and Poland, the Remainder of 7,978£. 8s. 9d. the Sum of 5,978 8 9
To Henry Pecke Esquire 3,443 12
To Sir Thomas Dacres Knight 250 - -
To Colonel Anthony Buller 3,436 16 10
To Rowland Langhorne Esquire 3,000 - -
To Tho. Lodington; being advanced by Alderman Edw. Backwell 3,450 - -
To Henry Symball 1,387 18 10
To Wm. Allott and Robert Swayle, by Bills of Exchange, drawn by Sir Robert Honywood, together with Interest 2,200 - -
To Colonel John Strettor and John Macocke, Printers 528 13 3
To Francis Windham Esquire 1,000 - -
To Mr. Wm. Ashby, Treasurer for the Hospitals of the Savoy and Ely House 1,400 - -
To Mrs. Dorathy Seymour 3,571 - -
To Sir Edward Massey Knight 3,000 - -
To Sylas Tytus Esquire 3,000 - -
To Mrs. Jane Lane 1,000 - -
To his Highness the Duke of Yorke 10,000 - -
To her Majesty the Queen of Bohemia 10,000 - -
To Denzill Hollis Esquire, Sir Wm. Lewes Knight, and Tho. Povey Esquire, or their Assigns, for the Use of the Children of Henry Elsing Esquire, deceased 500 - -
To Colonel Edward Harley, Governor of Donkirk, the Remainder of 8,400£. for the Use of that Garison 7,200 - -

To the several Persons to whom any Sums of Money shall appear to be due for the Quartering, Cure, and Attendance, of sick and wounded Seamen and Soldiers, sent from aboard his Majesty's Ships, or from his Majesty's Garisons in Flanders, to Dover, Harwich, or other Port Towns of this Kingdom, such several and respective Sums as shall be stated and certified by the Auditors to whom the stating of Accompts of that Nature is referred, to have incurred and become due from and after the First of June 1658; and to or before the 14 of March1658.

Resolved, That the Sums mentioned in the said List be charged on the Arrears of Excise, in Course, and inserted into the Bill for levying the said Arrears.

Resolved, That, To-morrow Morning, a List be brought in of such of the Debts, reported 16 May last, from the late Council of State, to be by them charged on several Treasuries, and allowed by this House, as do still remain unsatisfied; and that the Debt, so remaining unpaid, shall be charged on the Arrears of Excise.

Lords desire a Conference.

A Message from the Lords, by Mr. Child and Mr. * *, Two Masters of Chancery;

Mr. Speaker, The Lords desire a present free Conference with the Members of this House, in the Painted Chamber, upon the Matter of the last Conference.

Resolved, That a free Conference be granted, as is desired.

The Messengers being called in again, Mr. Speaker gave them this Answer;

The House have considered of your Message; and do agree to a present free Conference, as is desired.

Resolved, That the Committee who managed the former Conference do manage this Conference.