House of Commons Journal Volume 8: 13 June 1661

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 8, 1660-1667. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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'House of Commons Journal Volume 8: 13 June 1661', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 8, 1660-1667( London, 1802), British History Online [accessed 24 October 2024].

'House of Commons Journal Volume 8: 13 June 1661', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 8, 1660-1667( London, 1802), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024,

"House of Commons Journal Volume 8: 13 June 1661". Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 8, 1660-1667. (London, 1802), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024.


In this section

Jovis, 13 Junii, 13° Car. Regis.


Mr. David Collevo, in order to his Naturalizing, did this Day take the Oaths of Supremacy and Allegiance, before Mr. Speaker, at the Clerk's Table.

Browne's Estate.

Mr. Shaw made Report of several Amendments of the Bill for enabling Sir Anthony Browne to sell Land, for Payment of his Debts: Which he read, with the Coherence, in his Place; and then delivered in the same at the Table: Which said Amendments being severally twice read;

Resolved, That this House doth agree with the said Committee in the said several Amendments: And

Resolved further, upon the Question, That the said Bill, with the said Amendments, be ingrossed.

Countess of Dorsett's Jointure.

A Bill for the Relief of Anne Countess Dowager of Dorsett, Pembrooke, and Mountgomery, touching a Mis-recital of the Dates of her Deeds of Jointure, was this Day read the Second time.

Resolved, upon the Question, That the same be committed to Mr. Comptroller, Mr. Higgens, Sir Phillip Musgrave, Mr. Goodricke, Mr. Biscawen, Sir Solomon Swale, Sir Robert Atkins, Sir Tho. Meres, Mr. Clifford, Mr. Lowther, Sir Tho. Strickland, Sir Tho. Ingram, Mr. Pepis, Sir Heneage Finch, Mr. Yorke, Sir George Sandys, Sir John Dawney, Sir Rich. Maiverer, Mr. Musgrave, Sir George Reeve, Sir Tho. Widdrington, Sir Patricius Curwen, Sir George Fletcher, Sir Phillip Warwick, Sir Henry Harbert, Master of the Rolls, Sir Henry Capell, Mr. Attorney of the Duchy, Mr. Ashburnham, Mr. Mountague, Mr. Elliot, Mr. Orme, Sir Henry North, Sir Phillip Howard, Sir Cha. Berkley, Mr. Phinees Andrewes, Sir Lancelot Lake, Mr. Fane, Sir Jorden Crossland, Lord St. John, Mr. Goring, Mr. Shaw, Mr. Cliffton, Sir John Goodrick, Sir Benja. Ayloff, Mr. Robert Phillips, Mr. Edward Phillips, Mr. Chichley, Mr. Lewes Palmer, Mr. Jeffory Palmer, Sir Charles Harbord, Sir Tho. Leigh, and all the Members of this House who serve for the Counties of Sussex and Surrey, and the City of London: And they are to meet in the Speaker's Chamber, To-morrow at Two of the Clock: And the Earl of Dorsett is in particular to have Notice: And they are to send for all Persons concerned, Witnesses, Papers, and Records.

Masters in Chancery.

A Bill for ascertaining and establishing the Fees of the Masters of the Chancery in Ordinary, was this Day read the Second time.

Resolved, upon the Question, That the same be committed to Master of the Rolls, Mr. Knight, Mr. Edw. Smith, Sir Robert Atkins, Sir William Smith, Mr. Pryn, Sir Henry Worsley, Mr. George, Sir Solomon Swale, Mr. Attorney of the Duchy, Mr. Peckham, Mr. Lowther, Serjeant Charleton, Sir Heneag Finch, Mr. Corey, Sir John Brampston, Sir John Lowe, Sir John Strangwaies, Sir Lancclot Lake, Mr. Collins, Sir Tho. Strickland, Sir Justin. Isam, Sir George Howe, Mr. Carew, Mr. Colliford, Mr. Tomkins, Sir Phillip Musgrave, Mr. Hide, Mr. Lewes Palmer, Mr. Jeffrey Palmer, Mr. Milward, Mr. Chetwind, Sir Anth. Irby, Mr. Potter, Mr. Buckhurst, Sir Tho. Leigh, Dr. Craddock, Mr. Yorke, Mr. Goodricke, Dr. Burrel, Mr. Swanton, Mr. Shaw, Sir Tho. Ingram, Mr. Crouch, Mr. Street, Mr. Phineas Andrews, Mr. Dennis, Mr. Lovelace, Sir Tho. Widdrington, Sir Rich. Everard, Sir Maurice Berkley, Mr. Herle, Colonel Lane, Sir Henry Herbert, Sir Phillip Warwick, Mr. Ashburnham, Sir Bain. Throckmorton, Mr. Flint, Sir Tho. Smith, Mr. Elliot, Mr. Bulteel, Mr. Edw. Seymour, Sir Henry Newton, Sir Tho. Allen, Sir Hump. Bennett, Mr. Wm. Coventry, Mr. Bulkley, Lord Bruce, Sir John Goodrick, Sir George Reeve, Sir Wm. Doylee, Mr. Mountagu, Sir Henry North, Sir John Talbot, Mr. Winston Churchill, Sir Robert Howard, Mr. Glascock, Sir Henry Capell, Mr. Orme, Sir Tho. Fanshaw, Mr. Puckering alias Newton, Sir Tho. Peyton, Mr. Henry Coventry, Mr. Tho. Coventry, Lord Richardson, Sir Edmund Bowyer, Sir Charles Cornwallis, Serjeant Maynard, Sir Benja. Ayloff, Sir Charles Harbord, Mr. Steward, Mr. Robert Phillips, Mr. John Churchill, Mr. Wren, Mr. Manwaring: And they are to meet To-morrow, at Two of the Clock in the Afternoon, in the Court of Wards: And to send for Persons, Witnesses, and Records: And to examine in particular what anciently belonged to the Masters of Chancery in Ordinary, and what is become thereof.

Leave of Absence.

Ordered, That Doctor Craddock, one of the Members of this House, have Leave to go into the Country to visit his Son, being very sick.

Leave to petition Lords.

Ordered, That Mr. Gilby, one of the Members of this House, have the Leave of this House to petition to the Lords, in a Matter relating to his own Particular.

Radcliffe's Estate.

A Bill for restoring Mr. Thomas Radcliff to his Lands and Possessions in England and Ireland, was this Day read the First time.

Resolved, That the same be read again the Second time on this Day Sevennight.

Marq. of Winchester's Claims.

A Bill towards the Reparation of the Marquis of Winchester, out of the Manors and Lands of Robert Wallop Esquire, for Ten thousand Pounds granted to him in way of a Donative out of the Marquis's Estate, was this Day read the First time.

Resolved, That the same be read again the Second time on Monday next.

Wrotham Parish.

Ordered, That the Bill for dividing the Parish of Wrotham, in the County of Kent, be read To-morrow Morning.

Hull Churches.

Ordered, That the Bill for dividing Trinity Church in Kingston upon Hull from Hasle, be read To-morrow Morning.

Northampton Election.

Mr. Serjeant Charleton makes Report from the Committee of Privileges and Elections, touching the Returns made for Sir John Norwich and Sir James Langham by one Indenture, and Sir James Langham and Mr. Francis Harvey by another Indenture, as Burgesses for the Town of Northampton; and the Opinion of the Committee, that, upon the whole Evidence, all the Elections are void.

And the Question being put, That this House doth agree with the said Committee, that the Elections for the said Borough of Northampton are void;

The House was divided:

And the Noes went forth.

Lord Bruce, Tellers for the Yeas: 185.
Sir Charles Harbord, With the Yeas,
Sir John Talbot, Tellers for the Noes: 127.
Mr. Edward Seymour, With the Noes,

So it passed in the Affirmative: And

Ordered, That Mr. Speaker make a Warrant to the Clerk of the Crown, to issue out a Writ for a new Election of Burgesses for the said Town of Northampton.

And the said Mr. Serjeant Charleton further making Report, from the said Committee of divers Miscarriages by the Mayor of Northampton, touching the said Elections; and, particular, that he had used Menaces to such as would not give their Votes to Mr. Harvey; and had fraudulently, in the Morning when the Election was, made Infants free, to the end they might vote as he pleased; and had caused several Persons to be put by, that would not vote as he desired; and had released Quakers out of Prison, and put Halberts in their Hands, to keep back and discourage such as would have voted contrary to his Intention; and adjourned the taking of the Poll into the Church; and got upon the Communion Table, and there behaved himself in a very profane and indecent Manner; and declared beforehand, that Serjeant Rensford should not be elected, because he had given a Charge for the Book of Common Prayer; and that the said Mayor had other . . . misbehaved himself;

Ordered, That the Mayor of the Town of Northampton, for his Miscarriages in the Election of Members to serve for that Town, and for his irreverent and rude Carriage in the Church, and at the Communion Table, be committed to the Custody of the Serjeant at Arms attending this House; and that the Serjeant do apprehend and take him into Custody, to answer his said Miscarriages.

Leave of Absence.

Ordered, That Sir Francis Drake, one of the Members of this House, have Leave to go into the Country.

Preachers thanked.

Ordered, That the Thanks of this House be returned to Dr. Earle, Dean of Westminster, and Mr. Greenvil, Chaplain to the Society of Lincoln's Inn, for the Sermons they preached Yesterday; and that they be desired to print their Sermons: And Mr. Smith is to return the Thanks to Mr. Dean Earle; and Mr. Pryn to Mr. Greenvil.

Grant to the King.

A Bill for a free and voluntary Present to his Majesty, being ingrossed, was this Day read the Third time.

Resolved, That the said Bill should pass.

And the Question being put, That the Title of the said Bill should be, An Act for a free and voluntary Present to his Majesty;

The same passed in the Affirmative, That this should be the Title of the said Bill.

Clergy's temporal Jurisdiction.

A Bill for the Repeal of an Act of Parliament, intituled, An Act for disenabling all Persons in Holy Orders to exercise any temporal Jurisdiction or Authority, being ingrossed, was this Day read the Third time.

Resolved, That the said Bill should pass.

And the Question being put, That the Title of the said Bill should be, An Act for Repeal of an Act of Parliament, intituled, An Act for disenabling all Persons in Holy Orders to exercise any temporal Jurisdiction or Authority;

The same passed in the Affirmative, That this should be the Title of the said Bill.

Ordered, That the Lord Cornburey do carry up both the said Bills to the Lords for their Concurrence.

Members receiving Sacrament.

Ordered, That the Members of this House, who were desired to take notice of all such as should receive the Sacrament, according to the Order of the Thirteenth of May last, do make Report thereof to this House, on Monday Morning next.

Members taking Oaths.

Ordered, That the Members of this House, who were appointed Commissioners by the Lord High Steward to administer the Oaths of Supremacy and Allegiance, or any Two or more of them, do meet in the Speaker's Chamber, To-morrow, at Two of the Clock in the Afternoon, to perfect the Examination thereof; and make Report thereof to this House, with all convenient Speed.

Confirming publick Acts.

Ordered, That the Bill for Confirmation of publick Acts, being now ingrossed, be read To-morrow Morning, at Nine of the Clock.

King's Revenue.

Ordered, That Sir Rhillip Warwick do report unto this House, on Thursday Morning next, the State of the Particulars appointed to make up the Twelve hundred thousand Pounds a Year, designed for his Majesty's constant Revenue; to the end this House may then take into Consideration the Supply thereof, in case the same be found defective.

And then the House adjourned till Seven of the Clock To-morrow Morning.