House of Commons Journal Volume 8: 22 June 1661

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 8, 1660-1667. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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'House of Commons Journal Volume 8: 22 June 1661', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 8, 1660-1667( London, 1802), British History Online [accessed 24 October 2024].

'House of Commons Journal Volume 8: 22 June 1661', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 8, 1660-1667( London, 1802), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024,

"House of Commons Journal Volume 8: 22 June 1661". Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 8, 1660-1667. (London, 1802), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024.


In this section

Sabbati, 22 Junii, 13° Car. Regis.

Gips' Estate.

A BILL to enable a Sale of Lands to pay the Debts, and provide for the Children, of Richard Gips, being a Lunatick, was this Day read the First time.

Resolved, That this Bill be read again, the Second time, on Tuesday next.

Dodson's Petition.

Ordered, That the Petition of Miles Dodson be referred to the Committee to whom the Bill of Doctor Peyton is committed.

Holford's Estate.

A Bill to enable Mr. John Holford to make Sale of Lands, to pay his Debts, was this Day read the Second time.

Resolved, That the same be committed to Mr. Shackerley, Mr. Griffin, Sir Geo. Reeve, Mr. Milward, Sir Wm. Doyley, Sir Edm. Peirse, Mr. Attorney of the Duchy, Sir Antho. Irby, Sir Robert Atkins, Mr. Lowther, Sir Jo. Covert, Colonel Gilby, Mr. Radcliff, Mr. Rigby, Mr. Whorewood, Mr. Chetwill, Mr. Appleton, Sir Hen. North, Mr. Spencer, Mr. Goodricke, Sir Adrian Scroope, Lord Ancram, Sir Roger Bradshaigh, Sir Rich. Lloyd, Mr. Street, Lord Brereton, Mr. Knight, Sir Robert Holt, Sir Francis Vincent, Sir Solomon Swale, Mr. Crouch, Sir Rich. Elverard, Colonel Lane, Mr. Lovelace, Mr. Flint, Mr. Musgrave, Mr. Wm. Sandis, Sir Tho. Leigh, Sir Jo. Brampston, Mr. Fane, Sir Edw. Moseley, Baron of Kinderton, Sir Gilbert Ireland, Sir Tho. Dolman, Mr. Stanley, Sir Lan. Lake, Sir Tho. Smith, and all other the Members of this House, who serve for Cheshire and Lancaster: And they are to meet this Day, at Two of the Clock in the Afternoon, in the Speaker's Chamber: And to send for Persons, Papers, Witnesses, and Records.

Sparke's Nat.

Peter Marke Sparke, Doctor of Physick, in order to his Naturalization, took the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy, before Mr. Speaker, at the Clerk's Table.

Prestwich's, &c. Estate.

A Bill for Confirmation of a Sale of Lands, made by Sir Thomas Prestwich, and others, to Sir Edward Moseley, was this Day read the Second time.

Resolved, That the same be committed to Mr. Goodrick, the Baron of Kinderton, Mr. Crooke, Sir Geo. Sandis, Mr. Griffin, Mr. Milward, Mr. Knight, Sir Hen. North, Sir Tho. Leigh, Sir Lanc. Lake, Mr. Newton, Mr. Att. of the Duchy, Mr. Manwaring, Colonel Fretchvill, Sir Anth. Cope, Mr. Smith, Mr. Cory, Mr. Crouch, Sir Rich. Oately, Sir Antho. Irby, Sir Wm. Doyley, Mr. Lowther, Sir Wm. Tredenham, Sir Jo. Talbot, Sir Edm. Peirce, Mr. Flint, Sir Robert Holt, Sir Allen Brodrick, Sir Solo. Swale, Mr. Puckering, Mr. Chetwind, Colonel Gilby, Mr. Wm. Sandis, Sir Jo. Goodricke, Mr. Prin, Sir Robert Atkins, Sir Edw. Walpoole, Mr. Lewis Palmer, Mr. Lovelace, Sir Hugh Bethell, Mr. Colins, Mr. Weld, and all the Members that serve for Lancashire: And they are to meet on Tuesday next, at Two of the Clock in the Exchequer Chamber: And to send for Persons, Papers, and Records: And all concerned are to have Notice.

Clarke's, &c. Estate.

A Bill, of Sir John Clarke, Baronet, to have a Deed, made by Sir Simon Clarke, make void; and a Sale of Lands, made to Fulwar Skipwith, Esquire, by the said Sir John Clarke, confirmed; was this Day read the Second time; and, upon the Question, committed to Mr. Francis Goodricke, Mr. Wm. Sandis, Sir Tho. Allen, Mr. Yorke, Sir Cha. Cornwallis, Sir Antho. Irby, Mr. Fane, Sir James Smith, Mr. Tompkins, Sir Hen. North, Mr. Pepis, Sir Jo. Talbot, Mr. Jennings, Mr. Hussey, Sir Court. Poole, Mr. Griffin, Mr. Spencer, Serjeant Keeling, Sir Tho. Leigh, Sir Lanc. Lake, Sir James Smith, Mr. Swanton, Sir Solo. Swale, Mr. Gawdy, Sir Clem. Fisher, Mr. George, Sir Geo. Reeve, Sir Robert Atkins, Sir Edw. Moseley, Sir John Hotham, Sir Rich. Francklin, Mr. Newton, Sir Tho. Doleman, Colonel Legg, Mr. Milward, Mr. Mountague, Mr. Attorney of the Duchy, Colonel Shackerley, Mr. Chetwind, Mr. Coriton, Mr. Crouch, Sir Jo. Goodrick, Mr. Knight, Mr. Lowther, Sir Edm. Peirse, Mr. Weld, Sir Wm. Doyley, Mr. Rigby, Sir Geo. Courtop, Mr. Musgrave, Colonel Gilby, and all the Members of this House that serve for Warwickshire: And they are to meet in the Exchequer Chamber on Tuesday next, at Two of the Clock in the Afternoon: And to send for Persons, Papers, Witnesses, and Records.

Great Level of Fens.

Ordered, That the Committee for the great Level of the Fens sit on Wednesday next.

Woollen Manufactures.

Ordered, That the Petitions of the Merchants, Clothiers, and others, concerned in the Manufactures of Wool within the City and County of Exon, be referred to the Committee of Trade.

Common Fields.

A Bill for making Orders and By Laws, for well ordering and governing of Common Fields, was this Day read the First time.

Resolved, That the same be read again, the Second time, on Tuesday next.

Confirming publick Acts.

A Bill for confirming the remaining publick Acts was this Day read the Second time.

Resolved, That the same be committed to the former Committee of publick Acts, that brought it in. And all the Members of this House, that shall be present, are to have Votes at the said Committee: And the Committee is to have Power to make Sub Committees, to consider of each particular Act thereby to be confirmed: And they are to meet in the Star Chamber, on Wednesday next, at Two of the Clock; and to receive Petitions: And to send for Persons, Papers, and Records.


Resolved, That Serjeant Charleton, Mr. Prin, and Mr. Yorke, or any one of them, do bring in a Bill against Plurality of Livings.

Letter from the King.

This Day Mr. Secretary Morrice delivered to Mr. Speaker a Letter from his Majesty: Which Mr. Speaker opened, and read; the Tenor whereof is as followeth:

Superscribed, "To Our Trusty and Well-beloved Sir Edward Turner, Knight, Speaker of Our House of Commons: To be communicated to the House."

Charly R

TRUSTY and Well-beloved, We greet you well. At the Opening Our Parliament, you were told, that We had a great Desire this Summer to make a Progress through some Parts of Our Kingdom; which We resolve to begin, in Devotion, to Our City of Worcester, that we may pour out our Thanks to God for Our Deliverance there; and the Season of the Year quickens Us in that Inclination, as We presume it disposes you to a Desire to withdraw from this City, and to visit your Countries: But you may remember, We told you then, that We had caused some Bills to be prepared for you, for Confirmation of what We enacted at Our last Meeting: And We said all We could to you, of the Value We set upon the Act of Indemnity, as We have great Reason to do; and if We could have used stronger Expressions to have conjured you speedily to have dispatched it, We assure you We would have done it. And We did think, what We said would have made an Impression in all, who profess a Desire to serve Us; and therefore We expected every Day, that the same Bill would have been presented to Us, for another Assent. We must confess, We hear, you have shewed great Affection to Us, since your coming together; and that you have already prepared and passed some very good Bills (for which We heartily thank you) that are ready for the Royal Assent: Yet We cannot but tell you, that though We are enough concerned to expedite those Bills, We have no mind to pass them, till the Act of Indemnity be likewise presented to Us; upon which (if you take Our Word) most of Our Quiet and Good depends; and in which, We are sure, Our Honour is concerned: Therefore We must again, and as earnestly as is possible, conjure you, to use all possible Expedition, in the Passing that Act, in the same Terms We already passed it; to which We take Ourselves obliged; and that you will, for the present, lay aside all private Business, that so, betaking yourselves only to the Publick, you may be ready to adjourn by the Middle of the next Month, which will best suit with all Our Occasions. And so, not doubting of your Readiness to comply with Us, in these Our just and necessary Desires, We bid you heartily Farewell.

Given at Our Court at Whitehall, the 21th Day of June 1661, in the Thirteenth Year of our Reign.

Will. Morice.

Confirming publick Acts.

Upon reading whereof, the Bill for confirming of publick Acts was immediately called for: And, upon solemn Debate thereof,

Resolved, That the said Bill, for confirming of publick Acts, do pass: And

Ordered, That such Members of this House, as are of his Majesty's Privy Council, do return the humble Thanks of this House to his Majesty, for his gracious Letter: And that they have Leave to acquaint his Majesty, that, upon the Reading of his Letter, the House have passed the Bill for confirming the Act of Indemnity, and other publick Acts: And they are also to desire his Majesty's Leave for printing of his Letter.

Private Bills.

Ordered, That no more private Bills be brought in, nor any new private Business be taken into Consideration, but as such as is already depending; and That to be speeded; except a Bill for some of the Inhabitants of the Town of Plymouth, which Mr. Samuell Trelawney hath Leave to bring in.


Ordered, That the Committee for Elections do sit in the Exchequer Chamber; and the Committee for the King's Revenue, in the House.


Sir John Bampston reported several Amendments to the Bill for well governing of Corporations: Which he read, with the Coherence, in his Place; and, afterwards, delivered in the same at the Clerk's Table: Which said Amendments, with the Coherence in the Bill, were afterwards read:

And the First Amendment, being an Addition to the Preface of the Bill, the same was twice read:

Resolved, upon the Question, That this House doth agree to the said Amendment.

And, upon reading of the First Paragraph of the enacting Part;

Resolved, That this House doth agree to the said Paragraph, reserving Liberty to insert the Names.

And the Second Paragraph being read;

Resolved, That the Word "Three," in the Third Line thereof, be made "Five."

Which said Amendment being twice read;

Resolved, That this House doth agree to the said Paragraph, with the said Amendment.

And upon reading of the * Paragraph;

Resolved, That after the Word "Places," insert the Words, "within the respective Counties," instead of "aforesaid within their Limits."

Which said Amendment being twice read;

Resolved, That this House doth agree to the said Paragraph, with the said Amendment.

Ordered, That the Matter of the Debate touching the Bill for well-governing of Corporations, be adjourned till Tuesday Morning at Nine of the Clock, the first publick Business: And the several Members of this House, of each County are, in the mean time, to consider and agree of Commissioners Names for their respective Counties; and do then present the same to this House.

And then the House adjourned till Seven a Clock on Tuesday Morning.