House of Commons Journal Volume 8: 25 February 1662

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 8, 1660-1667. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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'House of Commons Journal Volume 8: 25 February 1662', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 8, 1660-1667( London, 1802), British History Online [accessed 24 October 2024].

'House of Commons Journal Volume 8: 25 February 1662', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 8, 1660-1667( London, 1802), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024,

"House of Commons Journal Volume 8: 25 February 1662". Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 8, 1660-1667. (London, 1802), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024.


In this section

Martis, 25 Februarii, 14 Car.



A BILL for the Regulation and Encouragement of such as lawfully use the Trade of Handicraft Skinners was this Day read the Second time.

Resolved, That the same be committed to Lord Angier, Sir Lancelot Lake, Sir Roger Bradshaigh, Sir Tho. Gower, Sir Tho. Leigh, Sir Hen North, Sir Rich. Everard, Mr. Goodrick, Mr. Waller, Mr. George, Mr. Chetwind, Sir Clifford Clifton, Mr. Attorney of the Dutchy, Mr. Morton, Mr. Steward, Dr. Birkenhead, Sir Phil. Musgrave, Sir Benjamin Ayloff, Mr. John Churchill, Colonel Windham, Mr. John Jones, Mr. Dalston, Sir Bainham Throckmorton, Colonel Kirkby, Colonel Robert Phillips, Mr. Jay, Mr. Street, Sir Edm. Pooley, Sir Cha. Hussey, Sir Tho. Allen, Sir Gilbert Gerrard, Mr. Dowsdwell, Sir Rowland Berkley, Mr. Crouch, Sir Robert Holt, Colonel Robinson, Mr. Phillips, Sir Wm. Lowther, Mr. Westphaling, Sir Adrian Seroope, Mr. Lewis, Sir James Smith, Mr. Waller, Mr. John Goodrick, Mr. Geo. Clarke, Mr. Tanner, Sir Tho. Meres, Mr. Palmer, and all the Members of this House that serve for the City of London: And they are to meet in the Speaker's Chamber, this Afternoon, at Two of the Clock: And to send for Persons, Papers, and Records.

Somerset Writ.

Ordered, That Mr. Speaker do issue a Warrant to the Clerk of the Crown, to make out a Writ, for Election of a Knight for the County of Somerset, in the Place of Sir John Stowell, who is lately dead.

Thomas' Dramage.

Ordered, That the Committee for Lindsey Level, to which the Bill concerning the Lands drained by Sir Anthony Thomas was formerly committed, be joined to the Committee to which the said Bill was last committed: And they are to meet this Afternoon at Two of the Clock, at the Place where the Committee formerly sat on the Bill for the Level of Ancolne.

King's Lynn Ministers.

A Bill for the raising of Monies for the Maintenance of Ministers within the Town of King's Lynn, was this Day read the First time.

Ordered, That this Bill be read the Second time, on Thursday next.

Morley's Estate.

Ordered, That the Bill for vesting the Lands and Tenements, of Cuthbert Morley, in Lackenby, in Richard Barret, Catherine and Arthur Ingram, their Heirs and Assigns, till they have received certain Monies due unto them, be read the First time To-morrow Morning.

Phillips' Case.

Mr. Heath made Report from the Committee to which the Examination of the Business touching Mr. James Phillips was referred; and stated the Matter of Fact upon the Evidence: And that the Committee left it to the Judgment of the House.

The Question being put, Whether, upon the Evidence now heard, the House were satisfied, that Mr. James Phillips did give Sentence of Death on Colonel John Gerrard, in the illegal High Court of Justice, by which he was sentenced to Death; or did sign the Warrant for his Execution;

The House was divided.

The Yeas went out.

Sir Edm. Peirse, Tellers for the Yeas: 85.
Sir Gilbert Gerrard, With the Yeas,
Lord Angier, Tellers for the Noes: 134.
Sir James Smith, With the Noes,

And so it passed in the Negative.

Ordered, That the Order for suspending the Hearing of the said Mr. Phillips his Case, upon his Election at the Committee of Privileges and Elections, be discharged; and also the Order for Suspension of his Sitting in the House, if any be: And that Mr. Arthur Owen be discharged of his Engagement for Mr. Phillips his Appearance.


This House being informed, that Robert Stewart Esquire, one of the Members of this House, was served with a Citation, out of the Prerogative Court, at the Suit of Elizabeth Cross Widow, (concerning the Estate of Erasmus Amy, not adminstred by Anne Amy Widow, deceased,) by one John Tassell, in Breach of the Privilege of this House;

Ordered, That the Serjeant at Arms, attending this House, or his Deputy, do apprehend, and take into Custody, the said Elizabeth Cross and John Tassell, to answer their said Breach of Privilege.

Receivers of Prizes.

A Bill for calling Persons to an Account, that have any Monies in their Hands which they received upon Prizes, was this Day read the Second time.

Resolved, That the same be committed to Mr. Ashburnham, Mr. Wm. Coventry, Sir Baynham Throckmorton, Sir Cha. Harbord, Mr. Secretary Morris, Mr. Vice Chamberlain, Sir Solomen Swale, Dr. Birkinhead, Sir Wm. Fleetwood, Mr. Prinn, Mr. Attorney of the Dutchy, Sir Lancelot Lake, Mr. Solicitor General, Serjeant Charleton, Lord Fanshaw, Mr. Crouch, Mr. Winston Churchill, Mr. Phillips, Sir John Goodrick, Mr. Edw. Seymour, Mr. John Churchill, Mr. Clifford, Mr. Vaughan, Mr. Fowell, Sir Tho. Cary, Lord Brereton, Earl of Ancram, Mr. Lewes, Mr. Newton, Mr. Milward, Dr. Burwell, Mr. Jones, Mr. Morton, Mr. Robinson, Sir Edm. Peirse, Mr. Chichley, Sir Hen. North, Mr. Aldworth, Mr. Harbord, Colonel Fretchvile, Sir Henry Bennet, Mr. Henry Seymour, Mr. Jones, Sir Allan Apsley, Sir Allen Broderick, Mr. Crook, Mr. Wm. Sandis, Sir Tho. Meres, Sir Wm. Lewis, Sir John Dawney, Sir Wm. Stroud, Sir Geo. Ryve, Sir Courtney Poole, Mr. Palmer, Sir John Robinson, Sir Tho. Lee, Mr. Chetwind, Sir Robert Holt, Sir Wm. Whitmore, and Mr. Finch: And they are to meet in the Speaker's Chamber, Tomorrow in the Afternoon, at Two of the Clock: And to send for Persons, Papers, and Records.

Earl of Derby's Estate.

This House, according to the Orders of the One-andtwentieth and Two-and-twentieth of February instant, taking into Consideration the Matter upon the Bill sent from the Lords, for restoring of the Right honourable Charles Earl of Derby to the Manors of Hope and Hopesdale, Hould and Mouldsdale, in the County of Flint;

The Counsel on both Sides attended.

And the Earl of Derby sitting covered, in a Chair, within the Bar;

And his Counsel having stated his Case; the Lord Chief Justice Bridgman, being admitted within the Bar, delivered his Testimony in the Case.

And the Purchasers alledging, that the principal Counsel upon whom they depended, was so engaged at Guildhall, at this time, that he could not attend;

Resolved, upon the Question, That the further Hearing of this Cause be adjourned till Friday next; at which time all Parties are to attend: And Mr. Speaker is to grant his Warrants to any of the Parties that shall desire the same, for the Summoning of such Witnesses as they shall think fit to produce then to appear, for to give their Testimony in this Case.


The House being this Day informed, that one James Procender, in the Name of one Keen, as his supposed Lessee, by one Robert Morse, as his Attorney, had brought an Action of Trespass and Ejectment against one Robert Tayler, the Tenant in Possession of certain Lands in the Parish of Mintee in the County of Glocester, leased unto him by Mr. George, one of the Members of this House; to which Action the said Mr. George is enforced to become Defendant, to prevent Judgment, which would otherwise have passed against his said Tenant, to his Damage; and now presseth on to go to Tryal, against, the said Robert Tayler; whereby the Title of the said Mr. George will be concerned; in Breach of the Privilege of this House;

Resolved, upon the Question, That the said Provender and Morse be summoned to attend the Committee of Privileges, to whom it is referred to examine the Breach of Privileges against them; and make Report thereof to this House: And that the Speaker of this House do desire the Lord High Chancellor of England to direct a Writ of Supersedeas to issue out, to supersede the said Action, and Proceedings thereupon: And that the said James Provender his Attorney, Agents, and Solicitors, do stay all further Proceedings in the said Action.

Richier's, &c. Nat.

Ordered, That Peter Richier, of the Bayle of Lincolne, Doctor of Physick, born at Marennes in the Province of Saintonge, and Kingdom of France, eldest Son of Peter Richier Esquire, Sieur De Wandelaincourt, and Doctor in Divinity, be inserted into the ingrossed Bill for Naturalization.

And then the House adjourned till To-morrow Morning, at Eight of the Clock.