House of Commons Journal Volume 8: 7 March 1662

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 8, 1660-1667. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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'House of Commons Journal Volume 8: 7 March 1662', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 8, 1660-1667( London, 1802), British History Online [accessed 24 October 2024].

'House of Commons Journal Volume 8: 7 March 1662', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 8, 1660-1667( London, 1802), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024,

"House of Commons Journal Volume 8: 7 March 1662". Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 8, 1660-1667. (London, 1802), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024.


In this section

Veneris, 7 Martii, 14 Car.


Duke of Richmond's Estate.

A BILL, sent from the Lords, for settling the Estate of James Duke of Richmond and Lenox, according to Agreement of Charles Duke of Richmond and Lenox, and Mary Duchess Dowager of Richmond and Lenox, and the Lady Mary her Daughter, and the Trustees of the said Duchess, was this Day read the First time.

Resolved, That this Bill be read the Second time on Monday next.

Lee's Estate.

Ordered, That the Bill for enabling Sir Thomas Lee Baronet to exchange the Lands settled upon his Wife's Marriage, be read First To-morrow Morning.


Upon Information to this House, That there being an Order of the Twentieth of February last, for Mr. Speaker to desire the Lord High Chancellor to direct Writs of Supersedeas, to stay all further Proceedings at Law in several Actions of Ejectment, brought by Robert Allingham, upon the Demise of Anna Samuell, and another by Francis Wall, on the Demise of Edw. Capell, against seigned Ejectors, to evict the Possession of the Manor of Ey, and other Lands in Ey and Peterborough in the County of Northampton, from Henry Williams Esquire, a Member of this House; the said Edward Capell hath, nevertheless, in Contempt of the said Order, and in further Breach of the Privilege of this House, proceeded against his own Ejector, and obtained Judgment in the said Action, and taken out Execution thereupon, and caused the Tenants of the Premises to attorn and pay their Rents to him;

Ordered, That the Serjeant at Arms attending this House do apprehend the said Edward Capell; to answer his Misdemeanor, and Breach of Privilege.

Enyon's Estate.

Sir John Goodrick reports from the Committee to which the Bill for settling certain Lands of Sir James Enyon, in Trustees, to sell for Payment of his Debts, was committed, several Amendments to the said Bill: Which he read, with the Coherence, in his Place; and after, delivered in at the Clerk's Table. And the said Amendments, being twice read, were, upon the Question, severally agreed unto.

Resolved, That the said Bill, with the Amendments agreed to, be ingrossed.

Confirming Acts.

An ingrossed Bill for confirming several Acts therein mentioned, was this Day read the Third time.

Resolved, That the said Bill do pass: And that the Title shall be, An Act for confirming several Acts therein mentioned.

And the Lord Angier is to carry up this Bill to the Lords.

Receivers of Prizes.

An ingrossed Bill directing the Prosecution of such as are accountable for Prize Goods, was this Day read the Third time.

Resolved, That the said Bill do pass: And that the Title shall be, An Act directing the Prosecution of such as are accountable for Prize Goods.

And Mr. Ashburnham is to carry up this Bill to the Lords.

Exportation of Wool.

A Bill against exporting Wool and Woolfells, Mortlings, Shorlings, Yarn made of Wool, Wool-flocks Fullers Earth, and Fulling Clay, was this Day read the Second time.

Resolved, That the same be committed to Mr. Treasurer, Serjeant Charlton, Sir Nicholac Crispe, Sir John Shaw, Sir Rich. Ford, Sir Wm. Lowther, Sir John Goodrick, Sir Tho. Allen, Sir Lanc. Lake, Sir Clifford Clifton, Mr. Churchill, Mr. Clifford, Sir John Jones, Mr. Smith, Sir John Brampston, Mr. Geo. Clarke, Colonel Windham, Lord Brereton, Sir Roger Bradshaigh, Sir Charles Harbord, Sir Edw. Masters, Sir Anth. Irby, Sir John Rouse, Mr. Birch, Sir Tho. Meres, Mr. Biscowen, Sir John Burlase, Mr. Daniell, Sir Ralph Banks, Mr. Solicitor General, Sir Phil. Warwick, Mr. Bunkley, Mr. Knight, Sir John Strangwayes, Mr. Ashburnham, Colonel Reames, Sir Tho. Leigh, Sir Hen. Herbert, Sir Courtney Poole, Colonel Sam. Sandys, Sir Bainham Throckmorton, Mr. Robert Crooke, Mr. Mountague, Mr. Clarke, Colonel Gawdy, Colonel Phillips, Sir Hen. North, Sir John Harrison, Sir Benjamin Ayloff, Mr. Chetwind, Sir John Rolls, Sir Tho. Gowre, Sir John Holland, Dr. Birkinhead, Mr. Ernley, Sir Wm. Lewis, Mr. Pitt, Sir Rich. Onslow, Colonel Strangwaies, Mr. Cornwallis, Sir Fra. Clarke, Sir Fra. Goodrick, Sir John Coryton, Sir Rich. Browne, Colonel Bishop, Sir Tho. Bludworth, Sir James Smith, Sir Phil. Musgrave, Sir Adrian Scroope, Sir Solomon Swale, Sir Robert Holt, Mr. Crouch, Sir Rich. Temple, Sir Edm. Pooley, Mr. Jay, Sir John Dawney, Mr. Mountague, Mr. Newton, Mr. Strangwaies, Colonel Phillips, Mr. How, Mr. Kent, Sir William Batten, Mr. Gold, Lord Richardson, Mr. Coventry, Colonel Robinson, Mr. Graham, Sir Edm. Peirse, Mr. Tanner, Mr. Culleford, Dr. Burwell, Mr. Pryn, Sir Tho. Littleton, Sir Geo. Sandys, Mr. Tayler, Colonel Gilby, Sir Rich. Oately, Mr. Bishop: And all the Members of this House, that come to the said Committee, are to have Voices thereat: And they are to meet, in the Exchequer Chamber, To-morrow, at Two of the Clock in the Afternoon: And to send for Persons, Papers, and Records: And they are to consider of a Provision to be made in the Bill, to restrain the bringing or lodging of Wool, at too near Distances to navigable Rivers, except it be of the Growth of the Places within that Distance.


Sir Heneage Finch, his Majesty's Solicitor General, reports from the Committee of the whole House, several Amendments and Additions to the Bill for ordering the Forces in the several Counties of this Kingdom: Which he read, with the Coherence, in his Place; and some Provisoes to be added to the said Bill: Which said Amendments, Additions, and Provisoes, he delivered in at the Clerk's Table. And the said Amendments, Additions, and Provisoes, being twice read; and some Alterations and Additions being made to some of them, at the Table; were, upon the Question, agreed unto.

And a Proviso, for the Militia of London, being tendered to be added to the said Bill; the same was also twice read; and, upon the Question, agreed unto.

And another Proviso, for other Cities, Boroughs, or Towns Corporate, being a County of itself, or to any other Corporation, or Port Town, who have used and accustomed to be mustered only within their own Precincts, being also tendered to be added to the said Bill; the same was also twice read; and, upon the Question, agreed unto.

Resolved, upon the Question, That the said Bill, with the said Amendments, Additions, and Provisoes, so agreed unto, be ingrossed.

And then the House adjourned till To-morrow Morning, Seven a Clock.