House of Commons Journal Volume 8: 3 April 1662

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 8, 1660-1667. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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'House of Commons Journal Volume 8: 3 April 1662', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 8, 1660-1667( London, 1802), British History Online [accessed 24 October 2024].

'House of Commons Journal Volume 8: 3 April 1662', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 8, 1660-1667( London, 1802), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024,

"House of Commons Journal Volume 8: 3 April 1662". Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 8, 1660-1667. (London, 1802), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024.


In this section

Jovis, 3 April. 14 Car.


Morley's Estate.

A BILL for vesting certain Lands and Tenements of Cuthbert Morley in Lackenby in the County of Yorke, in Richard Barrett, Katherine Leonard, and Arthur Ingram, their Heirs and Assigns, for Satisfaction of certain Monies due to them, was this Day read the Second time.

Resolved, upon the Question, That the said Bill be committed to Sir Tho. Gower, Mr. Graham, Sir Edm. Peirse, Sir Rich. Mauleverer, Mr. Pryn, Sir Solomon Swale, Colonel Gilby, Sir John Coryton, Sir Jordon Crosland, Sir Gilbert Gerrard, Mr. Hungerford, Mr. Mervill, Mr. Crouch, Mr. Dalston, Sir Wm. Doyley, Sir Rich. Onslow, Mr. Chetwind, Mr. Onslow, Sir Robert Holt, Sir Phil. Musgrave, Mr. Wm. Coventry, Sir John Brampston, Sir Tho. Meres, Sir Henry Widdrington Sir Francis Goodrick, Mr. King, Colonel Reymes, Mr. Westphaling, Dr. Birkinhead, Mr. Wandesford, Mr. Musgrave, Sir Bainh. Throckmorton, Mr. Clifford, Colonel Kirkby, Dr. Burwell, Sir Tho. Strickland, Sir Tho. Wendy, and all the Members of this House that serve for the County of Yorke: And they are to meet To-morrow, at Two of the Clock in the Afternoon, in the Speaker's Chamber: And to send for Persons, Papers, and Records: And to hear all Parties concerned.

Captives at Algiers, &c.

Sir John Coryton reports from the Committee to which the Petition of such as had been taken Captives by the Pirates of Tunis and Algiers, was referred, That they had made strict Inquiry for Discovery of such Monies as had been received for Redemption of the said Captives, and had not been accounted for or satisfied: That it did appear to the Committee, that the Sum of Four thousand Six hundred Forty-nine Pounds Seven Shillings and Nine-pence was due to the said Captives, from Mr. John Langley Merchant, and yet unpaid: Which did appear to be so, by Two several Letters, and the Books of the Committees of the late usurped Powers, and the several Orders therein touching the said Mr. Langley; whereby the said Mr. Langley is charged with so much Money: And that he could not offer any Reason or Evidence to induce the Committee to discharge him thereof; but alledged, that he was accountable for the same in the Exchequer: And that the Petitioners did produce a Grant thereof from his Majesty, under the Privy Signet.

And the Reporter did further Report, That, upon Examination of the Matter as to one Mr. Harrington, who likewise stood charged with the Receipt of Money due to the said Captives, there was the Sum of Two hundred Forty-six Pounds found to be in his Hands, which was due to the said Captives; but that he was accountable for the same to some other Merchants, that were chargeable therewith: And that the Committee was of Opinion, that he ought to account to them, and to be discharged from giving any Account to the Committee.

And also reported, that the Committee had received another Petition from such as were of late time taken into Captivity; and referred it to the Consideration of this House. Which Petition was read.

Resolved, That this House doth agree with the Committee; and doth declare, That there is the Sum of Four thousand Six hundred Forty-nine Pounds Seven Shillings and Nine-pence, in the Hands of the said Mr. Langley, due and payable to the Use of such Persons as have been taken Captives by the Pirates of Algiers and Tunis.

Ordered, That an Address be made to his Majesty, from this House; to inform him, That, upon Examination of the Matter depending upon the Petition of the poor Captives taken by the Pirates of Tunis and Algiers, they find, that there is the Sum of Four thousand Six hundred Forty-nine Pounds Seven Shillings and Nine-pence resting in the Hands of Mr. Langley Merchant, which of Right, ought to be applied for the Use of the said Captives; and to desire his Majesty to give Direction to his Attorney General for the Prosecution and Recovery of the said Money; and that the same may be paid and employed for the Use and Advantage of the poor Captives, as it was originally intended: And Sir John Coryton, the Lord Bruce, Mr. Pryn, Mr. Wm. Coventry, and Dr. Birkinhead, are to attend his Majesty, to present unto him this Address of the House.

Resolved, That this House doth agree with the Committee, That the said Mr. Harrington do account for and pay the said Two hundred Forty-six Pounds to the Merchants to whom he is to be accountable: And that, thereupon, he be discharged.

Bishop of London's Estate.

A Bill to enable the Reverend Father in God Gilbert Lord Bishop of London, to lease out the Tenements newbuilt upon the Scite of his Palace in London, was this Day read the Second time.

Resolved, That the said Bill be committed to Sir Hen. North, Mr. Smith, Mr. Wm. Mountague, Sir Phil. Warwick, Mr. Clifford, Sir Bainham Throckmorton, Mr. Newport, Sir Solomon Swale, Sir Robert Holt, Mr. Pryn, Sir Wm. Compton, Sir Jordon Crosland, Sir Tho. Gower, Sir Allen Broderick, Sir John Duncombe, Sir Tho. Ingram, Mr. Chetwind, Serjeant Charlton, Sir Tho. Bludworth, Mr. Lucy, Mr. Progers, Mr. Moore, Sir Wm. Doyley, Lord Fanshaw, Sir Charles Harbord, Sir Tho. Meres, Sir Edm. Bowyer, Mr. Hen. Coventry, Sir Edm. Peitse, Sir Clifford Clifton, Sir Robert Atkyns, Mr. Wm. Coventry, Mr. Reames, Sir Tho. Strickland, Lord Brereton, Sir Rich. Ford, Mr. Crouch, Dr. Birkinhead, Colonel Windham, Sir Wm. Fleetwood, Mr. Jones, Sir Hen. Newton alias Puckering, Mr. Graham, Sir John Brampston, Sir Edm. Pye, and all the Members of this House that serve for the Counties of Middlesex and Essex, and the Cities of London and Westminster: And they are to meet, at Two of the Clock this Afternoon, in the Speaker's Chamber: And to send for Persons, Papers, and Records.


An ingrossed Bill for the better regulating the Trade of Silk-throwing, was this Day read the Third time.

Resolved, That the said Bill do pass: And that the Title shall be, An Act for the better regulating the Trade of Silk-throwing.

And Sir John Brampston is to carry up this Bill to the Lords.

Duke of Albemarle's Patent.

A Message from the Lords, by Mr. Justice Mallett and Mr. Justice Tirrell;

Mr. Speaker, The Lords have returned you a Bill, intituled, An Act for Confirmation of certain Letters Patents made, and to be made, to the Right Noble Lord George Duke of Albemarle, of several Honours, Manors, and Hereditaments, granted to him by his Majesty; with some Amendments: To which they desire your Concurrence.

Packing Butter.

An ingrossed Bill for Reforming of Abuses committed in the Weight and false Packing of Butter, was this Day read the Third time.

Resolved, That the said Bill do pass: And that the Title shall be, An Act for Reforming of Abuses committed in the Weight and false Packing of Butter.

And Sir John Brampston is to carry up this Bill to the Lords.

Bonelace, &c.

An ingrossed Bill for preventing the Importation of Foreign Bonelace, Needlework, Embroidery, Fringe, Band-strings, and Buttons, was this Day read the Third time.

Resolved, That the Proviso following be inserted at the End of the said Bill; viz.

"Provided always, and be it hereby Enacted and Declared, That all Informations, Actions, and Suits, that shall be commenced for any Offence committed against this Act, shall be brought and commenced within Twelve Months after the Discovery of such Offence; any former Law, or Act, to the contrary notwithstanding."

And the said Proviso being accordingly ingrossed, and made Part of the Bill; and thrice read; and, upon the Question, agreed to;

Resolved, That the said Bill, with the Proviso agreed to, do pass: And that the Title shall be, An Act for preventing the Importation of Foreign Bonelace, Needle-work, Embroidery, Fringe, Band-strings, and Buttons.

And Sir Richard Temple is to carry up the said Bill to the Lords.

Lord Campden's Estate.

An ingrossed Bill for settling a capital Messuage, or Mansion House, with the Appurtenances, in Kensington in the County of Middlesex, upon Baptist Viscount Campden, and his Heirs, was this Day read the First time.

Resolved, That the said Bill be read the Second time To-morrow.

Triennial Parliaments.

Ordered, That a Bill be prepared and brought in to repeal the Act for a Triennial Parliament: And Sir John Brampston, Mr. Mountague, and Sir Edm. Peirse, are to prepare and bring in the said Bill.

Regulating Elections.

Ordered, That the Committee to which the Bill for regulating Elections was committed, be revived; and do sit this Afternoon.

Lindsey Level.

Ordered, That the Committee to which the Bill concerning Lindsey Level was committed, be revived; and do sit To-morrow, at Two of the Clock in the Afternoon, in the Place formerly appointed: And that they do sit Three Days in every Week for Dispatch of that Business.

Thanks to the King for apprehending a Person.

Ordered, That the Thanks of this House be returned to his Majesty for his Grace and Favour, in causing George Withers to be apprehended, and detained in Custody, for the seditious and infamous Libel by him contrived against the Members of this House.

And the Lord Falkland is to attend his Majesty, and to present unto him the Thanks of this House.

Bills from Lords.

A Message from the Lords, by Sir Justinian Lewen and Sir Nathaniell Hubart;

Mr. Speaker, The Lords have sent you down Two Bills; one intituled, An Act for making Rivers navigable in the Kingdom of England and Dominion of Wales; and the other intituled, An Act to enable William Lord Widdrington to sell some Lands, for the paying his Brothers and Sisters Portions, and providing for his younger Children: To which they desire your Concurrence.

And they have returned you Three Bills, one intituled, An Act to enable the Sale of some of the Lands of William Milward Esquire, for Payment of some of his Debts; another intituled, An Act for settling certain Manors and Lands late of Sir James Enyons Baronet, on Sir Henry Puckering alias Newton Baronet, and Sir Charles Aderley Knight, his surviving Trustees, to sell for Payment of his Debts; and the other intituled, An Act directing the Prosecution of such as are accountable for Prize Goods, with some Amendments: To which they likewise desire your Concurrence.

Leather Trade.

Ordered, That the Committee to which the Bill touching Leather was committed, be revived; and do sit this Afternoon, at Three of the Clock, in the Place formerly appointed.


Ordered, That all Committees that are not already adjourned to a certain Day, be revived; and do sit this Afternoon, at Two of the Clock, in the several Places formerly appointed.

Ministers Maintenance.

Mr. Crouch reports from the Committee to whom the Bill for increasing the Maintenance of Ministers is referred, the Opinion of the Committee, That the best Way to effect what is desired in the Bill is, that the Knights, Citizens, and Burgesses, do inquire the Value of all Livings in their several Precincts contained in the Bill; and that they consider of the best Expedients for the better Maintenance of the Ministers therein; and to inform the Committee thereof, at their next Meeting after their Recess: And that they be desired to take Copies of the Bill, whereby they may inform themselves, what is fully intended thereby; and the better to represent how the Maintenance of the said Ministers may be increased with the greatest Ease to the People; and the Inconveniences which would arise from the Difference of Cases, may be avoided: And likewise to inform themselves of the Value of other Livings out of Corporations, where the Revenue is too small for the Support of able Ministers; and to offer some Expedients for the better providing for them.

Resolved, That this House doth agree with the Opinion of the Committee, That the best Way to effect what is desired in the Bill is, that the Knights, Citizens, and Burgesses, do inquire the Value of all Livings in their several Precincts contained in the Bill: And that they consider of the best Expedients for the better Maintenance of the Ministers therein; and to inform the Committee thereof, at their next Meeting after their Recess: And they are desired to take Copies of the Bill, whereby they may inform themselves what is fully intended thereby; and the better to represent how the Maintenance of the said Ministers may be increased with the greatest Ease to the People; and the Inconveniences which would arise from the Difference of Cases, may be avoided: And likewise to inform themselves of the Value of other Livings out of Corporations, where the Revenue is too small for the Support of able Ministers; and to offer some Expedients for the better providing for them.

Pilchard Fishing.

A Bill to regulate the Pilchard Fishing in the West of England, was this Day read the First time.

Resolved, That the said Bill be read the Second time To-morrow Morning.

Moss Troopers.

A Bill against Moss Troopers was this Day read the First time.

Resolved, That the said Bill be read the Second time To-morrow Morning.

And than the House adjourned till To-morrow Morning, Eight of the Clock.