House of Commons Journal Volume 8: 30 April 1662

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 8, 1660-1667. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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'House of Commons Journal Volume 8: 30 April 1662', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 8, 1660-1667( London, 1802), British History Online [accessed 24 October 2024].

'House of Commons Journal Volume 8: 30 April 1662', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 8, 1660-1667( London, 1802), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024,

"House of Commons Journal Volume 8: 30 April 1662". Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 8, 1660-1667. (London, 1802), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024.


In this section

Mercurii, 30 Aprilis, 14° Car.


Leave of Absence.

ORDERED, That Sir Edward Harley, who hath constantly attended the Service of this House, have Leave to go into the Country.

Boston Election.

Ordered, That the Report of the Election for the Town of Boston be heard on Tuesday next.

Ly. Wandesford's Estate.

Mr. Bunckley reports from the Committee to which the Bill concerning the Lady Wandesford, for confirming Letters Patents, granted by his Majesty, for draining of certain ouzy Grounds, was committed, That the whole Body of the Bill was so altered and amended by the Committee, and so many Provisoes and Additions to be made thereto, that it was not possible to insert the Amendments into the old Bill: And therefore the Committee having made some Alterations and Additions in the Preamble, had caused the Body of the Bill, with the Alterations and Additions, to be new writ: Which he delivered in at the Clerk's Table.

And the same was there read the First time.

Ordered, That the said Bill, with the Alterations and Amendments returned from the Committee, be read the Second time on Monday next.

Cardigan Election.

Serjeant Charlton reports from the Committee of Privileges and Elections, touching the Election for the Town of Cardigan in Wales, between Mr. Phillips and Sir Francis Lloyd, That the Question did arise upon the Statute of the Thirty-fifth of Henry the VIIIth, as to the Notice to be given of the Election for Members to serve for Shire Towns in Wales: And the Committee was of Opinion, that Notice of all Elections of Members for Shire Towns ought, by the Intent of the said Act, to be given to the Out Corporations and Boroughs which do not send Burgesses themselves: And that no such Notice being given, therefore the Election of the said Mr. Phillips was void.

Resolved, That this House doth agree with the Committee, That the Election of Mr. Phillips, to serve for the Shire Town of Cardigan, is void; because due Notice was not given of the said Election.

Resolved, That this House doth agree with the Committee, That Notice of all Elections of Members, to serve for Shire Towns in Wales, ought to be given to the Out Corporations and Boroughs in such Shire.

Uniformity of Worship.

Serjeant Charlton reports from the Committee which were appointed to peruse the Amendments, made by this House to the Amendments and Provisoes sent from the Lords to the Bill of Uniformity; and to draw up Instructions and Reasons, to be insisted on at the Conference to be had with the Lords upon the said Amendments; the several Reasons which were agreed by the Committee to be insisted on, which were allowed by this House.

Ordered, That Mr. Herbert do go up to the Lords, to desire a Conference upon the Amendments to the Bill of Uniformity.

Mr. Herbert reports from the Lords, That they had consented to a present Conference, in the Painted Chamber, upon the Amendments to the Bill of Uniformity.

Lord's Day.

Ordered, That Sir Robert Holt, Sir Francis Goodrick, Mr. York, and Mr. Pryn, do peruse the old Laws touching the Observation of the Lord's Day; and bring in a new Bill to supply any Defects therein; and to provide for the better observing thereof: And that no Arrests be made on that Day, but Penalties imposed on such as shall presume to do it.

Lyndsey Level.

Ordered, That the Matter concerning Lyndsey Level be heard on Friday Morning at Nine of the Clock.


Ordered, That the Business of the Militia be taken into Consideration on Saturday Morning.

Committee of Trade.

Ordered, That the Committee of Trade do sit this Afternoon.


Ordered, That John Awood senior, Richard Sanders junior, John Pardo junior, John Hall, John Randall, Phillip Portman, John Amphlet, and Samuell Hamby, being sent for, and taken into Custody, for a Breach of Privilege, in seizing the Goods of Colonel Sandys, they having submitted themselves, be discharged of their Commitment, paying their Fees.

House not to sit.

The Question being put, That the House do sit Tomorrow;

It passed in the Negative.

And so the House adjourned till Friday Morning next, Eight of the Clock.