House of Commons Journal Volume 8: 31 May 1660

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 8, 1660-1667. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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'House of Commons Journal Volume 8: 31 May 1660', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 8, 1660-1667(London, 1802), British History Online [accessed 8 February 2025].

'House of Commons Journal Volume 8: 31 May 1660', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 8, 1660-1667(London, 1802), British History Online, accessed February 8, 2025,

"House of Commons Journal Volume 8: 31 May 1660". Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 8, 1660-1667. (London, 1802), British History Online. Web. 8 February 2025.


In this section

Thursday, 31st May, 1660.


Proceedings against the Regicides.

THE House being informed, that James Puckle, Son-in law to Mr. Burton, one of the Bailiffs of Great Yarmouth, and Thomas Ellis, Servant of the said Mr. Burton, have, by hiring of a Vessel, and otherwise, assisted in the conveying away, into the Parts beyond the Seas, Mr. Miles Corbett, one of those, who satin Judgment upon the late King's Majesty, when the Sentence of Death was pronounced against him; by means whereof the said Mr. Corbett made his Escape; and that the Commissioners for the Militia, in those Parts, have, in respect thereof, seized and secured the Persons of the said James Puckle and Ellis; and have sent up several Examinations and Informations, relating to this Business:

Ordered, That this House doth approve of what the said Commissioners for the Militia have done, as aforesaid: And that the said James Puckle and Thomas Ellis be forthwith sent for, in safe Custody, by the Serjeant at Arms attending this House: And that the said Informations and Examinations be delivered to Mr. Pryn, and referred to the Committee of this House, to whom the Examination of Mr. Thurloe's Business is committed; who are to consider thereof, and examine the Truth of Fact, and report the same to this House.


The House being informed, that the Sheriff of the County of Durham hath seized some of the Goods of Mr. Blakiston, who sat in Judgment upon the late King's Majesty, when the Sentence of Death was pronounced against him;

Ordered, That an Inventory be made of the Goods of Mr. Blakeston; and that the Members of the House, of the late Council of State, do take care, that the same be inventoried, as also secured and disposed, so as to be forthcoming.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee touching Mr. Thurloe's Business, to examine what Timber hath been felled upon the Lands of the said Mr. Blakeston; and how much thereof hath been sold, bona fide, for valuable Consideration; and state Matter of Fact, and report it to this House.

Proceedings against the Regicides.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee, who prepared the former Proclamation against Popish Recusants, to draw up the Form of a Proclamation, to be presented to the King's Majesty, requiring the Persons, who sat in Judgment upon the late King, when Sentence of Death was pronounced against him, to render themselves by a Day; or else that they be excepted out of the Act of Oblivion, for Life and Estate.

Pardon and Oblivion.

Mr. Finch reports, Amendments to the Act of General Pardon, Indemnity, and Oblivion, which were twice read; and, upon several Questions, the several Amendments, to the Word, "Receiver," in the Twelfth Line of the Twelfth Folio, being read in Parts, one after the other, were agreed.

Ordered, That in the additional Clause, in the Twelfth Line of the Third Folio, a Clause be added to except all Arrearages of Rents, in the Hands of any Tenant or Tenants of any impropriate Rectory or Rectories, formerly belonging to any the late Bishops, Deans, Deans and Chapters, or any other Person.

Thanksgiving Day.

Mr. Finch reports, that, according to the Commands of this House, he carried to the Lords the Petition for setting apart a Day of publick Thanksgiving; and their Answer, "That that whole House doth unanimously concur, with this House, in that Petition to be presented to his Majesty:" The same being as followeth; viz.

To the King's most Excellent Majesty:

Humbly shew unto our Sovereign Lord the King, the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled:

That such is the inestimable Blessing of your Majesty's Restitution to your Royal Throne, which, at once, hath put a Period to the Calamities of Three Kingdoms, and to all the Sorrows and Sufferings of your Royal Person and Family, that we cannot but account it is an Entrance into that State of Joy and Happiness, which obligeth all your Subjects to render an everlasting Tribute of Praise and Thanksgiving to Almighty God, for these glorious Mercies, which he hath vouchsafed to his afflicted People.

And to the End that some solemn Time may be set apart for the publick Performance of this Duty, and that all your Majesty's Subjects in England and Wales, and the Town of Berwick upon Tweed, who equally share in the Joys of this Deliverance, may be united in those Devotions, which are offered for it;

We therefore humbly beseech your Majesty, that your Majesty will be pleased, by your Royal Proclamation, to set apart some such Day for a publick Thanksgiving, throughout all these your Majesty's Dominions, as to your Majesty's great Wisdom shall seem meet.

Pardon and Oblivion.

Ordered, That Mr. Turner, Mr. Serj. Glyn, Colonel White, Col. King, Mr. Hollis, Mr. Tho. Jones, Mr. Charleton, Mr. Annesley, Mr. Finch, Mr. Thomas, Sir Anth. Irby, Mr. Bromley, do withdraw, and prepare Clauses of Exception upon this present Debate, to be inserted into this Bill of General Pardon, Indemnity, and Oblivion.

Ordered, That the said Committee do also consider of a Proviso, to except, from Pardon, Monies in the Hands of any Treasurer, Receiver, or Collector, by Pretence or Colour of any Authority, for the Militia or Decimation.

Mr. Turner reports from the Committee, appointed to withdraw, several Clauses to be inserted into this Act; viz.

Provided also, that nothing herein contained shall extend to discharge any Person or Persons, who have been, by private Order or Instructions, employed and intrusted, or have undertaken the Employment, to receive any Sum or Sums of Money for the King's Majesty's Service or Supply, since the Year 1648, from making their Accompts for the same.

Provided also, that this Act, or any thing therein contained, shall not extend to pardon any Person or Persons, who, having been in Arms for, or in actual Service of, the late King Charles the First, or of his Majesty that now is, and during the Time that he, or they, have made Profession of his or their Affection to his Majesty's Service, have yet, since 1 December, 1648, underhand held Intelligence with any foreign Prince, or Princes, State, or States, or with any Person, or Persons, usurping supreme Authority in this Kingdom of England, or other his Majesty's Dominions, or with their or any of their Ministers, or Agents, and without his Majesty's Licence, and to the Intent to betray his Majesty's Person or Counsels; or have received any Sum or Sums of Monies, or Pension for such Intelligence or Treachery; any Thing herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding: So as such Person or Persons be outlawed; or otherwise legally convicted of such Offence or Offences, within the Space of Two Years, from the Twenty-fifth of April 1660.

Which Clauses were twice read; and, upon the Question, ordered to be added to this Bill of General Pardon and Oblivion.

Mr. Annesly also reports another Clause, to be added to this Bill, touching Monies received for the Militia, or Decimation: Which Clause was twice read; and was in these Words; viz.

Provided also, that this Act shall not extend to pardon, or discharge from Account to the King's Majesty, any Person or Persons, for any Sum or Sums of Money received for that illegal Tax of Decimation, or upon the Account of any Militia settled or acted in, since 1648, and not accounted for, or paid over, or discharged to, or by any, that had Authority, or pretended Authority, to discharge the respective Receivers of the same;

And, upon the Question, ordered to be Part of this Bill.


Col. White also reports a Calculation of the good Debts due to the Excise, all contracted since the Twentyninth of September, 1657; which was read; and was as followeth; viz.

A MEMORANDUM, touching the Excise. £. s. d.
Imprimis, There is owing, by the Brewers of London, 20,000 - -
By Merchants and Importers of London, upon their new Accounts, since the Twenty-ninth of September 1657, 150,000 - -
By Merchants upon their old Accounts, being the Sixth Part about Thirty thousand Pounds, which is very difficult to be recovered, therefore I reckon it not, - - -
By Merchants, &c. of the Out Ports, since the Twenty-ninth of September, 1657, upon their new Accounts, 20,000 - -
By several Brewers, Inn-keepers, Victuallers, &c. upon Inland Commodities in the Country, 20,000 - -
Total £.210,000 - -

Nota, This Calculation is made only of the good Debts, that are due to the Excise, which are all contracted since the 29th of September, 1657. The Reasons why this Debt hath thus increased, and grown into Arrear, are chiefly the often Changes and Revolutions in the Government, and for want of accompting with Merchants, and the short Continuance of the Laws of Excise, as from Three Months to Three Months, and once but for Two Months; which if it were once settled for any Term of Years, the aforesaid Debts would easily be recovered.

And the only Reason, why Merchants and Brewers in London, and elsewhere, clamour so much against the Excise, to have it down, is, because these Debts should be buried in Oblivion; and in Truth, should they obtain their Desire, it would be a very great Grievance or Oppression to the fair Trader, that hath, from Time to Time, paid his full Excise, and cleared his Accompts; for there is no one Thing in the Excise so burthensome, as that some Men pay all the Duty, and others pay little or none at all.

Issue of Writs.

Ordered, That Mr. Speaker do grant Warrants to the Clerk of the Crown in Chancery, to prepare Writs to be issued forth, for Election of Members to serve in this present Parliament, for all Places where Members are wanting: And that the said Writs be passed under the Great Seal of England, by any that have the present Custody thereof.

Morpeth Writ.

Ordered, That Mr. Speaker do grant a Warrant to the Clerk of the Crown in Chancery, to prepare a new Writ for Election of a Burgess to serve in this present Parliament, for the Borough of Morpeth in the County of Northumberland, in the Place of Thomas Widdrington Esquire, deceased: And that the said Writ be passed under the Great Seal of England accordingly.

Leave of Absence.

Ordered, That the Attendance of Col. Edward Harley on the Service of this House be, and is hereby dispensed with, in Regard of his publick Employment in his Majesty's Service, as Governor of Dunkirke, which he is now attending.