House of Commons Journal Volume 8: 8 June 1660

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 8, 1660-1667. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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'House of Commons Journal Volume 8: 8 June 1660', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 8, 1660-1667( London, 1802), British History Online [accessed 23 October 2024].

'House of Commons Journal Volume 8: 8 June 1660', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 8, 1660-1667( London, 1802), British History Online, accessed October 23, 2024,

"House of Commons Journal Volume 8: 8 June 1660". Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 8, 1660-1667. (London, 1802), , British History Online. Web. 23 October 2024.


In this section

Friday, 8th June, 1660.



ORDERED, That the Ordinance for Three Months Assessment be forthwith published.

Ordered, That the Act for putting in Execution the Powers in the Ordinance for Three Months Assessment, be forthwith printed and published, for the Use of the Members of this House.

Ordered, That the several Sums of Money charged by Order of this House upon the Ordinance for Three Months Assessment, commencing the Twenty-fourth of June next, for satisfying of so much advanced, and procured to be advanced, on the Credit of the said Ordinance, for the present Service of the King's Majesty, and of the Dukes of Yorke and Gloucester, and to be repaid out of the Monies which are, or shall be, advanced thereupon by the City of London, be paid and satisfied out of the said Money accordingly, by the Chamberlain of the City of London, who is appointed Receiver General of the said Assessments; that is to say, the Sum of Four thousand Five hundred Pounds to Sir John Robinson, Knight and Baronet, Alderman of the City of London; the further Sum of Ten thousand Pounds to the said Sir John Robinson; the Sum of Five-and-twenty thousand Pounds to Sir John Langham, Knight, the said Sir John Robinson, Sir Wm. Vincent, Knight, Thomas Rich, Esquire, and Sir Thomas Bloudworth, Knight, for so much delivered by them to Sir John Grinvill, by Letters of Credit, and payable at Amsterdam on Sight; and the Sum of Five thousand Pounds to the said Sir John Robinson; in the Method appointed by the Order of this House of the Seventeenth of May last: And that all and every other Sum and Sums of Money, charged on the said Ordinance by any particular Order of this House, be paid in Course out of the Money which is, or shall be, advanced thereupon, by the City of London, on the Credit of the said Ordinance, by the Chamberlain of the said City, according to the said Ordinance, and the several Orders whereby such Sums are respectively charged: And this Order, together with the Acquittance and Acquittances of the several and respective Persons who are appointed to receive the said Sums, shall be to * the Chamberlain of the City of London, for every Sum of Money he shall so pay, a sufficient Warrant and Discharge.

King appoints to be attended.

Mr. Hollis makes Report that, according to the Order of this House, his Majesty had been attended by himself, and some other Members of this House, with the Resolves of this House of Yesterday, declaring that their Laying hold of his Majesty's Grace and Favour, expressed in his Majesty's gracious Letters and Declaration; which Resolves were read unto his Majesty; and that his Majesty hath appointed to give a Meeting to this House in the Banquetting House at Whitehall, at Three of the Clock this Afternoon, concerning that Business.

Proclamation against Prosaneness.

Ordered, That Mr. Speaker be desired, when his Majesty shall be attended in the Afternoon by this House, to represent to his Majesty, in the Name of this House, and of all the Commons of England, the humble Thanks of this House, for his Majesty's most gracious, pious, and seasonable Proclamation for suppressing Profaneness; it tending so much to the Glory of God, as well as his Majesty's Honour, and more endearing his Majesty to the Hearts of his People.

Queen's Jointure.

Mr. Hollis reports the Substance of the Conference, had by this House with the Lords on Wednesday last, as followeth: That the Lord Chancellor took Notice that as the House of Peers, with the whole Kingdom, are full of Joy, for the great Mercy of God to the Nation, in restoring the King to his People; so they thought it their Duty to fill the Heart of his Majesty, and the rest of the Royal Family, with Joy, by letting them see the Care this House hath of the Queen their Mother: He took Notice that as the King had been long deprived of his Rights, so had the Queen too; and therefore their Lordships did earnestly recommend it to this House, that they would please to put it into a speedy Way, that the Queen may receive the Rents, and Dues, and Profits of her Jointure; and the rather, because it was a Thing established upon a publick Treaty betwixt the Two Crowns; and therefore this Nation (and the House especially) were bound, in Honour and Justice, to take care of it. "He did likewise desire, that you would take along with you the Care of the Purchasers; and then added, that you would take into your Thoughts what her Majesty had been deprived of so long, if you think fit: To which last Clause the Lord Chancellor did afterwards give to the Reporter this Explanation, that there will appear many Cases wherein both the State and the Queen have been cozened by the Detention of Monies in the Tenants Hands.

Resolved, That it be referred to a Committee, to consider of the State of the Queen's Majesty's Jointure; and to inform themselves, what Part thereof is sold, or otherwise disposed of, and what remains unsold, what Part of that which is sold, hath been forfeited since the Sale, and what not; and where any Part is not forfeited, what Consideration will be fit to be had of the respective Purchasers; what Deceits have been used in the purchasing of any Part thereof; what Rents remain in any of the Tenants Hands; and likewise to consider of a Sum of Money to be presently provided for the Queen's Majesty's present Support: And they are to confer with the Queen's Counsel herein: and have Power to send for Persons, Witnesses, Records, Surveys, and Papers, and whatever they shall find necessary to clear this Business, or conducing to the full Satisfaction of this House, touching the whole State of the Case.

Ordered, That Sir Wm. Lewis, Sir Geo. Booth, Mr. Skipwith, Serjeant Glyn, Mr. Annesley, Colonel King, Mr. Mallett, Mr. Hollis, Mr. Pierrepont, Sir Wm. Bowyer, Mr. Crew, Sir Dudly North, Serjeant Maynard, Sir Jo. Duncombe, Sir Capel Luckin, Sir Anth. Ashly Cooper, Lord Falkland, Mr. Swinfin, Mr. Calmady, Sir Walter Vincent, Sir Robert Binloss, Mr. Chafe, Mr. Knightley, Mr. Finch, Dr. Bosworth, Mr. Ravenscroft, Mr. Swale, Mr. Powell, Mr. Pryn, Sir Anth Irby, Sir John Temple, Mr. Ceasar, Mr. Wingfeild, Sir Gilb. Gerrard, Mr. Fra. Gerrard, Sir Walter Earle, Mr. North, Sir Wm. Wheeler, Colonel Howard, Colonel Birch, Sir George Reeve, Mr. Turner, Mr. Goodrick, Sir Jo. Evelyn of Wilts, Sir Lancelot Lake, Mr. Serjeant Browne, Mr. Recorder of London, Mr. Yong, Sir Henry Cholmeley, Colonel Ireland, Mr. Lowther, Mr. Bennett, Mr. Charlton, Sir John Carter, Mr. Milborne, Sir Henry Lee, Serjeant Terrill, or any Three of them, be the said Committee: And they are to meet in the Queen's Court To-morrow, at Two of the Clock in the Afternoon: And all the Gentlemen of the Long Robe are added to this Committee.

Duke of Gloucester's Answer.

Mr. Hollis and Mr. Annesley make Report, that they had attended the Duke of Gloucester with the Order of this House, for Thanks to his Highness for his affectionate Letter to this House; whereof the Duke declared his very kind Acceptance, giving Assurance of his constant Affection to this House, and of his Endeavours to shew it.

King's Revenue.

Ordered, That the Committee to whom it is referred to consider of a settled Revenue for his Majesty, do bring in their Report on Tuesday next.

Proceeding's against the Regicides.

Ordered, That Mr. Pryn, Mr. Annesley, Serj. Hales, Mr. Shapcott, Serj. Browne, Serj. Twisden, Mr. Turner, Mr. Charlton, Col. King, Serj. Glyn, Sir Wm. Wild, or any Three of them, be a Committee to withdraw, and prepare a Proviso upon the present Debate touching the Persons summoned by his Majesty's Proclamation, to render themselves within Fourteen Days.


Ordered, That Sir Thomas Clerges, Mr. Pryn, Col. King, Col. Jones, and Major Beake, do presently withdraw, and inform themselves, by perusing the Journal of the pretended High Court of Justice for Trial of the late King's Majesty, what Persons, not sitting at the said Trial on the Twenty-seventh of January 1648, did sit at the said Trial, in Westminster Hall, any the Days preceding: and to report the Names of such Persons to the House.


A Question being propounded, That the Number of Twenty, and no more, (other than those that are already excepted, or sat as Judges upon the late King's Majesty) shall be excepted out of the Act of general Pardon and Oblivion, for and in respect only of such Pains, Penalties, and Forfeitures, (not extending to Life) as shall be thought fit to be inflicted on them by another Act, intended to be hereafter passed for that purpose;

And it being put to the Question, Whether the Question shall be now put; that the Number of Twenty, and no more, be inserted in the Question;

The House was divided:

And the Noes went forth.

Mr. Shaw, Tellers for the Noes:
Col. Jones,
Sir George Booth, Tellers for the Yeas:
Sir Antho. Irby,

Who report,The Yeas, that stayed in, had 160.

The Noes, that went forth, 131.

And so the Question passed in the Affirmative.

And the main Question being put;

The House was divided.

And the Yeas went forth.

Mr. Hollis, Tellers for the Yeas.
Sir Wm. Lewis,
Sir Henry Yelverton, Tellers for the Noes.
Sir John Duncombe,

The Tellers report,

The Yeas, that went forth, had 153.

The Noes, that stayed in, had 135.

And so the Question passing in the Affirmative; it was

Resolved, That the Number of Twenty, and no more, (other than those that are already excepted, or who sat as Judges upon the late King's Majesty) shall be excepted out of the Act of general Pardon and Oblivion, for and in respect only of such Pains, Penalties, and Forfeitures, (not extending to Life) as shall be thought fit to be inflicted on them by another Act, intended to be hereafter passed for that purpose.

The House adjourns till Three of the Clock this Afternoon.