House of Commons Journal Volume 8: 22 February 1665

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 8, 1660-1667. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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'House of Commons Journal Volume 8: 22 February 1665', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 8, 1660-1667( London, 1802), British History Online [accessed 24 October 2024].

'House of Commons Journal Volume 8: 22 February 1665', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 8, 1660-1667( London, 1802), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024,

"House of Commons Journal Volume 8: 22 February 1665". Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 8, 1660-1667. (London, 1802), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024.


In this section

Mercurii, 22 die Februarii, 17 Car. IIdi.

Courts of Equity.

A BILL for regulating some Proceedings in Courts of Equity, was read the Second time.

And no Exception being taken thereto;

Resolved, &c. That the said Bill be ingrossed.

London, &c. Streets.

An additional Bill for the better repairing, cleansing, and maintaining the Highways, Streets, and Sewers, in and near the Cities of London and Westminster, was read the Second time.

A Petition of the Farmers of Middlesex was read.

Resolved, &c. That the said Bill be committed to Mr. Treasurer, Sir Tho. Littleton, Sir Tho. Allan, Sir Phillip Warwick, Mr. John Vaughan, Sir Geo. Ryve, Sir Hen. Herbert, Sir Tho. Gower, Sir Wm. Killigrew, Sir Edm. Bowyer, Sir Rich. Temple, Mr. Milward, Sir Lanc. Lake, Sir Cha. Harbord, Sir Winston Churchill, Mr. Hide, Sir Solo. Swale, Mr. Onslow, Colonel Sandys, Mr. Fox, Sir Cliff. Clifton, Mr. Pryn, Sir John Bennett, Sir Robert Atkins, Sir Hen. Capell, Sir Rich. Francklyn, Sir Theop. Biddolph, Sir Thomas Carew, Lord Richardson, Sir John Talbott, Mr. Coventry, Mr. Harbord, Colonel Windham, Sir Jo. Knight, Mr. Graham, Mr. Hardes, Mr. Whorwood: And they are to meet To-morrow, at Two of the Clock in the Afternoon, in the Speaker's Chamber: And to take into Consideration the Petition of the Farmers of Middlesex; and also the Petition of the Hackney Coachmen: And to send for Persons, Papers, and Records.

Sutton Marsh.

An ingrossed Bill, to secure the Improvement of Sutton Marsh in the County of Lincolne, was read.

Resolved, &c. That these Words, "now Wife of David Walter Esquire," be added in the Proviso for saving the Right of the Lady Dacres: And that the Words "or Trustees" be added, after the Word "Assigns," in the Proviso.

Ordered, That these Words, "and also to all other Persons," be added, after the Word "Trustees," in the Proviso.

Which was done.

Resolved, &c. That the Bill do pass: And that the Title shall be, An Act to secure the Improvement of Sutton Marsh in the County of Lincolne.

And the Lord Ancram is to carry up the Bill to the Lords.

Interest on Loans.

Sir Job Charleton reports from the Committee to which the Bill for permitting such Persons, as shall lend Money for supply of his Majesty's Occasions to take above Six Pounds per Cent. Interest, That the Committee had agreed some Amendments to be made, and Clauses to be added, to the Bill: Which he read, with the Coherence, in his Place; and after, delivered the same in at the Clerk's Table: Which Amendments were read; and, upon the Question, agreed to.

A Proviso tendered, to be added to the Bill, was read.

The Question being put, That the Proviso be read a Second time;

The House was divided.

The Yeas went out.

Sir Rich. Temple, Tellers for the Yeas: 65.
Sir Winst. Churchill, With the Yeas,
Sir Rich. Vivian, Tellers for the Noes: 76.
Sir John Knight, With the Noes,

And so it passed in the Negative.

The Question being put, That the Bill, with the Amendments agreed to, be ingrossed;

The House was divided.

The Yeas went out.

Sir Allan Broderick, Tellers for the Yeas, 67.
Mr. Whorwood, With the Yeas,
Sir Winst. Churchill, Tellers for the Noes: 82.
Sir Lanc. Lake, With the Noes,

And so it passed in the Negative.

Post Meridiem.

Bricks and Tiles.

AN ingrossed Bill, for the true and well making of Brick and Tile, was read.

A Proviso, to make the Bill temporary, was thrice read.

Resolved, &c. That the said Proviso be agreed to, and made Part of the Bill.

Resolved, &c. That the said Bill do pass: And that the Title shall be, An Act for the true and well making of Brick and Tile.

Navigable Rivers.

An ingrossed Bill, sent from the Lords, for making divers Rivers navigable, or otherwise passable for Boats, Barges, and other Vessels, with Amendments and Provisoes made by this House, was read the Third time.

Resolved, &c. That these Words, "or from any other Profit arising from any Part thereof," be left out, in the Tenth Line of the Sixth Press, after the Word, "Wharf Houses."

Resolved, &c. That these Words, "or Wears, Mills, or other Profits whatsoever," be added in the Twentythird Line of the Third Press, after the Word "Hereditaments."

A Proviso, on the Behalf of the City of London, was thrice read; and agreed to.

Resolved, &c. That the Bill, with the Amendments agreed to, do pass: And that the same be returned back to the Lords for their Concurrence.


A Bill to explain a former Act touching the Excise was read the First and Second time.

Resolved, &c. That the said Bill be committed to Colonel Birch, Sir Phil. Warwicke, Sir Robert Atkins, Sir Job Charleton, Sir Tho. Gower, Sir Tho. Meres, Sir Solo. Swale, Sir Tho. Higgons, Sir Jo. Goodrick, Sir John Birkenhead, Sir Lanc. Lake, Sir Thomas Allen, Sir Edm. Bowyer, Sir John Knight, Sir Fra. Goodrick, Mr. Milward, Mr. Finch, Mr. Scawen, Mr. Pryn, Mr. Jones, Mr. Musgrave, Colonel Bisshop, Mr. Vaughan, Sir Nicholas Carey, Colonel Robinson, Sir Jo. Talbott, Sir Rich. Oately, Mr. Whorwood: And all the Members of this House that shall come to the Committee, are to have Voices: And they are to meet To-morrow at Two of the Clock in the Afternoon, in the Speaker's Chamber: And to send for Persons, Papers, and Records.