House of Commons Journal Volume 9: 12 November 1667

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 9, 1667-1687. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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'House of Commons Journal Volume 9: 12 November 1667', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 9, 1667-1687( London, 1802), British History Online [accessed 22 October 2024].

'House of Commons Journal Volume 9: 12 November 1667', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 9, 1667-1687( London, 1802), British History Online, accessed October 22, 2024,

"House of Commons Journal Volume 9: 12 November 1667". Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 9, 1667-1687. (London, 1802), , British History Online. Web. 22 October 2024.


In this section

Die Martis, 12 Novemb. 1667.

Post Office.

ORDERED, That the Members following be added to the Committee touching the Post Office; viz. Mr. Seymour, Sir Edm. Pooley, Lord Vaughan, Sir George Downham, Mr. Weld, Sir Thomas Higgons, Sir Richard Oatley, Lord Fitzwilliams.

Hearth Money Tax.

Ordered, That these Members following be added to the Committee for Examination of Abuses in the levying of Hearth Money; viz. Sir Thomas Meeres, Mr. Pepis, Col. Kirby, Sir John Erott, Sir Wm. Hickman, Sir William Lewis, Sir John Strode, Sir Richard Franklin.

Restraints on Juries.

Ordered, That the Committee for examining of Abuses in Restraints upon Juries be adjourned till Friday next in the Afternoon; and that the Lord Chief Justice may then attend: And Thomas Tanner, Lancellet Monour, and Thomas Poynett, and all other Persons formerly summoned, are then also to attend.

Dr. Wharton's Estate.

A Bill to enable Jane and Henry Perkins to ensure Dr. Warton's Land, purchased in the County Palatine of Durham, was read the Second time.

Resolved, &c. That the Bill be committed to Dr. Burrell, Sir Thomas Gower, Col. Kirby, Sir John Strode, Sir Richard Oateley, Sir John Moreton, Mr. Kent, Sir Gilbert Talbott, Mr. Morrice, Mr. Rigby, Mr. Crouch, Sir Edmund Walpoole, Sir Soloman Swale, Mr. Pryn, Mr. Westphaling, Mr. Pepis, Sir Clifford Clifton, Sir Edward Masters, Col. Millward, Sir Henry Casar, Sir Thomas Tompkins, Sir Thomas Allen, Mr. Grey, and all the Members that serve for the Counties of Yorke and Lancaster: And they are to meet To-morrow at Two of the Clock in the Afternoon, in the Speaker's Chamber: And to send for Persons, Papers, and Records: And to take care, that Provision be made for the Infant.

A Petition of the Freeholders and Inhabitants, who claim a Right of Common in the Forest of Deane, was read.

And some of the Petitioners, viz. Mr. Coulchester, and Mr. Hall, being called in; and owned the Petition on the Behalf of themselves and the other Petitioners,

Resolved, &c. That this Petition be referred to the same Committee, to which the Petition of Sir John Wintour, was committed; to examine the Matter of the Petition, and the Injuries and Abuses therein complained of; and reported it, with their Opinions therein, to the House; And that these Members be added to the Committee; viz. Mr. Crouch, Sir John Moreton, Sir Jordan Crosseland, Sir Anth. Ierby, Sir Hum. Winch, Sir Tho. Allen, Mr. Towell, Mr. Westphaling, Sir Rich. Oateley, Sir Tho. Strickland, Mr. Barnaby, Sir Edw. Harlow, Sir John Earnley, Sir Tho. Tompkins, Sir Edward Masters.

Privilege- Freedom of Speech.

Mr. Vaughan reports from the Committee to which it was referred to examine and report the Matter of Speech in Parliament, that the Substance of the Information of 5° Car. I. in the King's Bench against Sir John Elliot Knight, Denzill Hollis, and Benjamine Vallentine, Esquires, and the Proceedings and Judgment thereupon, be reported to the House.

That the Resolves of the House of Commons upon the Question, in the Year 1641, concerning the Unlawfulness of the said Proceeding and Judgment, and other unlawful Proceedings against the said Elliot, Hollis, and Valentine, and other Members of Parliament in 3° Car. I. be reported to the House.

That a Petition of both Houses to the King, in the Year 1641, concerning Privilege of Parliament, be reported to the House.

That the Case published in the printed Reports of Sir George Crooke Knight, concerning the said Judgment, 5° Car. Imi, and the Causes of giving the same, as is published in the said Report, be reported to the House.

That the Act of Parliament in 4° Hen. VIII, commonly titled, An Act concerning Rich. Strowd; and Consequence of the said Judgment 5° Car. I. with relation to the said Act, be reported to the House.

That the said Act 4° Hen. VIII. commonly intituled, An Act concerning Richard Strowd, is a general Law, extending to indemnify all and every the Members of both Houses of Parliament, in all Parliaments, for and touching any Bill, speaking, reasoning, or declaring of any Matter or Matters in or concerning the Parliament, to be communed and treated of; and is a declaratory Law of the ancient and necessary Rights and Privileges of Parliament.

Resolved, &c. That the House do agree with the Committee, that the Act of Parliament in 4° Hen. VIII. commonly intituled, An Act concerning Rich. Strowd, is a general Law, extending to indemnify all and every the Members of both Houses of Parliament, in all Parliament, for and touching any Bills, speaking, reasoning, or declaring of any Matter or Matters in and concerning the Parliament, to be communed and treated of; and is a declaratory Law of the ancient and necessary Rights and Privileges of Parliament.

Resolved, &c. That the further Consideration of this Report be adjourned till Thursday Morning next.

Earl of Clarendon's Impeachment.

Ordered, That Mr. Edward Seymor do carry up an Impeachment to the Lords against the Earl of Clarendon, to the Effect following; viz.

My Lords,

The Commons assembled in Parliament, having received Information of divers traiterous Practices and Designs of a great Peer of this House, Edward Earl of Clarendon, have commanded me to impeach the said Earl of Clarendon of Treason, and other High Crimes and Misdemeanours: And I do here in their Names, and in the Names of all the Commons of England, impeach Edward Earl of Clarendon of Treason, and other High Crimes and Misdemeanors. I am further commanded by the House of Commons, to desire your Lordships, that the Earl of Clarendon may be sequestered from Parliament, and forthwith committed to safe Custody. They have further commanded me to acquaint your Lordships, that they will, within a convenient time, exhibit to your Lordships the Articles of the Charge against him.

Miscarriages of the War.

Ordered, That the Committee for Examination of Miscarriages do send for, and examine, Sir John Chichley, before his Departure out of England.

Earl of Clarendon's Impeachment.

Ordered, That it be referred to Mr. Pryn, Mr. Seymour, Sir Thomas Gower, Mr. Steward, Sir Thomas Lee, Mr. Vaughan, Sir Lancellott Lake, Sir John Birkenhead, or any Three of them, to see all the Proceedings relating to the Accusation against the Earl of Clarendon, regularly entered in the Journal of this House.

Monmouth Election.

A Petition of James Herbert Esquire, complaining of an undue Return of a Knight to serve for the County of Monmouth, was read.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee of Elections, to examine the Matter of the Petition; and whether the Return comes from the proper Office; and report it to the House.

Resolved, &c. That Sir Trevor Williams, being the Person returned, do sit, till the Election be determined.

Committee of Privileges.

Ordered, That these Members following be added to the Committee of Privileges and Elections; viz. Mr. George, Sir Edward Bower, Mr. William Mountague, Sir John Shaw.

And then the House adjourned till To-morrow Morning, Eight of the Clock.