House of Commons Journal Volume 9: 17 December 1667

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 9, 1667-1687. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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'House of Commons Journal Volume 9: 17 December 1667', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 9, 1667-1687( London, 1802), British History Online [accessed 22 October 2024].

'House of Commons Journal Volume 9: 17 December 1667', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 9, 1667-1687( London, 1802), British History Online, accessed October 22, 2024,

"House of Commons Journal Volume 9: 17 December 1667". Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 9, 1667-1687. (London, 1802), , British History Online. Web. 22 October 2024.


In this section

Die Martis, 17 Decembris, 1667.

Carr's Petition.

A PETITION of Wm. Carr, complaining against the Lord Gerrard, was read:

Mr. Carre, being called in, did own the Petition, and his Name subscribed to it: And one of the printed Papers, dispersed at the Door, being shewed to him, he did own, that they were delivered by his Direction; but did not know, who printed it.

The Question being put, That the Petition of Wm. Carre be committed;

The House was divided.

The Noes went out.

Sir Nicho. Carew, for the Yeas, 76.
Sir Tho. Thompkins,
Sir Robert Holt, for the Noes, 81.
Sir Tho. Doleman,

So it passed in the Negative.

Message deferring Adjournment.

Mr. Secretary Morrice acquaints the House, that his Majesty, taking notice, that some Bills, necessary to receive a speedy Dispatch, did yet lie before the House, not quite finished, was pleased, the House should continue their Sitting till Thursday next.

Trade with Scotland.

A Bill for settling the Balance of Trade between England and Scotland, was read the Second time.

Resolved, &c. That the Bill be committed to Sir Phill. Warwick, Mr. Jolly, Sir Wm. Lowther, Sir Tho. Gower, Sir Lanc. Lake, Sir Solomon Swale, Col. Birch, Sir Henry Capell, Sir Jo. Knight, Sir Henry Cæsar, Mr. King, Sir John Talbott, Sir Geo. Downing, Mr. Crouch, Sir James Thynn, Mr. Love, Sir Tho. Meeres, Sir Antho. Irby, Mr. Musgrave, Sir Tho. Strickland, Sir Cha. Harbord, Sir Wm. Thompson, Mr. Comptroller, Sir Edm. Wallpoole, Sir Jo. Fredericke, Sir Walter Young, Sir Tho. Osborne, Sir Wm. Coventry, Sir Allen Brodericke, Sir John Heath, Sir Jo. Moreton, Sir Geo. Reeves, Mr. Howe, Mr. Jones, Sir Tho. Allen, Sir Rich. Foord, Mr. Grey, Mr. Bulteele, Sir Humphrey Winch: And they are to meet this Afternoon at Two of the Clock, in the Speaker's Chamber: And to send for Persons, Papers, and Records.

Trade between England and Ireland.

That the House will, at their next Meeting after Christmas, take into Consideration the Matter of Trade between England and Ireland.

Wiseman's Estate.

A Message from the Lords, by Sir Mundeford Brampston and Dr. Crofts;

Mr. Speaker, The Lords have returned you the Bill for settling the Lands therein mentioned upon Sir Richard Wiseman, and John Plott, and their Heirs, to enable them the better to perform a Trust; with some Amendments: To which they desire the Concurrence of this House.

Which Amendments were Twice read: and, on the Question, agreed; and inserted in the Bill; and read a Third time.

Ordered, That the Bill be returned to the Lords.

Prize Ships.

Sir John Knight reports from the Committee, to which the Bill for Encouragement of Trade, was committed, several Amendments agreed by the Committee to be made to the Bill: Which he read in his Place; and afterwards delivered in the same at the Clerk's Table: Which being Twice read; and severally agreed to;

Resolved, &c. That the Bill, with the Amendments agreed to, be ingrossed.

Publick Accompts.

The ingrossed Bill for taking the Accompts of the several Sums of Money, therein mentioned, was read.

Resolved, &c. That the Blank in the Body of the Bill, where the Oath is, (to be taken by the Commissioners) be filled up with these Words; viz. An Act for taking the Accounts of the several Sums of Money therein mentioned: Which was done; and some other Blanks filled up.

Ordered, That Mr. Love, Sir Fretchvile Hollis, Sir Robert Howard, Mr. Head, or any Two of them, have Leave to prepare and bring in an ingrossed Proviso (upon the present Debate) to be added to the said Bill, against To-morrow Morning.


Mr. Comptroller having delivered in a Paper of Duplicates, of such Counties in England and Wales, as are wanting in the Poll-money;

Ordered, That the Members of the several Counties do take Copies of the said Paper; and take care to see the Duplicates returned according to the Act; and give an Account thereof to the House, at the next Sitting after the Recess.

Dover Pier.

Ordered, That the Committee appointed to look into the Act for repairing of Dover Pier, be revived; and do sit this Afternoon at Two of the Clock, in the Place formerly appointed: And they are to send to the Trinity House, if they see Cause.