House of Commons Journal Volume 9: 11 December 1667

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 9, 1667-1687. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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'House of Commons Journal Volume 9: 11 December 1667', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 9, 1667-1687( London, 1802), British History Online [accessed 23 October 2024].

'House of Commons Journal Volume 9: 11 December 1667', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 9, 1667-1687( London, 1802), British History Online, accessed October 23, 2024,

"House of Commons Journal Volume 9: 11 December 1667". Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 9, 1667-1687. (London, 1802), , British History Online. Web. 23 October 2024.


In this section

Die Mercurii, 11 die Decembris, 1667.


ORDERED, That Thomas Styles, the Servant of one Mr. Anthony Gawdy, be sent for into Custody, by the Serjeant at Arms attending this House, or his Deputy, for causing the Oxen or Cattle of Sir Henry Felton, a Member of this House, to be distrained, in Breach of the Privilege of this House: And that the said Oxen or Cattle be restored to the said Sir Henry Felton.

Earl of Clare's Estate.

The ingrossed Bill, sent down from the Lords, concerning the Earl of Clare, was read the First time.

Ordered, That the said Bill be read the Second time To-morrow Morning.

Cloathing Trade.

Ordered, That the Committee for regulating the Cloathing, be revived: And they are to meet To-morrow at Two of the Clock in the Afternoon, in the Speaker's Chamber.

Prize Ships.

Sir Phillip Warwick reports from the Committee appointed to prepare a Bill for making use of Foreign Prize Ships, as English built.

A Bill for that Purpose; . . was read the First time.

Resolved, &c. That the said Bill be read the Second time To-morrow Morning.

Money received for indigent Officers.

A Petition, intituled, The humble Petition of the truly loyal, deep-suffering, Commission Officers, was read.

Resolved, &c. That it be referred to a Committee, to take and examine the Accompts of the Treasurer of the Monies received for the truly loyal indigent Commission Officers; and of the like Monies received by Mr. Cooper, or any others; and to examine what is unpaid; and in whose Hands the same is; and also to examine all Frauds in the Disposure, Payment, and the Non Payment of the said Money; and, if they see Cause, to bring in a Bill for that Purpose; viz. Sir Adam Browne, Major General Edgerton, Sir Edmund Wyndham, Sir George Reeves, Sir Hugh Wyndham, Sir Wm. Lowther, Sir Robert Carr, Sir Cha. Wheeler, Sir Richard Braham, Sir Edmund Wallpoole, Sir Thomas Clergis, Mr. King, Sir Antho. Irby, Col. Kirby, Sir John Birkenhead, Col. Whitley, Col. Sandys, Sir Solomon Swale, Mr. Geo. Weld, Sir Jo. Coryton, Sir Jona. Trelawny, Mr. Morrice, Lord Fanshaw, Sir Gilb. Talbott, Col. Wyndham, Col. Birch; or any Five of them: And they are to meet this Afternoon at Two of the Clock, in the Speaker's Chamber: And to send for Persons, Papers, and Records.

Prices of Wines, &c.

A Message from the Lords, by Mr. Proctor and Dr. Crofts;

Mr. Speaker, The Lords have sent you down a Bill, intituied, An Act for the better Execution of the Laws concerning the Prices of Wines; and for the Prevention of the Sophistication of them: To which they desire the Concurrence of this House.

Restraints on Juries.

The House resumed the Hearing of the rest of the Report touching the Matter of Restraints upon Juries; and That upon the Examination of divers Witnesses in several Causes, of Restraints put upon Juries by the Lord Chief Justice Keeling: Whereupon the Committee made their Resolutions. * * * *

The Resolutions of the Committee are as followeth; viz.

That the Proceedings of the Lord Chief Justice, in Cases now reported, are Innovations in the Trial of Men for their Lives and Liberties; and that he hath used an arbitrary and illegal Power, which is of dangerous Consequences to the Lives and Liberties of the People of England; and tends to the introducing of an arbitrary Government.

That, in the Place of Judicature, the Lord Chief Justice hath undervalued, vilified, and contemned, Magna Charta, the great Preserver of our Lives, Freedoms, and Property.

That he be brought to Trial, in order to condign Punishment, in such manner as the House shall judge most fit and requisite.

Lord Chief Justice desires to be heard.

The House being informed that the Lord Chief Justice desired to be heard, at the Bar of this House, to make his Defence;

Resolved, &c. That the Lord Chief Justice Keeling have Liberty to be heard, at the Bar of this House, to make his Defence to the Matter charged against him, on Friday Morning next.

Ordered, That a Copy of the Heads of the Report concerning the Lord Chief Justice Keeling be delivered to his Lordship.

Impeachment of Pett.

Ordered, That the Articles against Mr. Pett be read To-morrow Morning.

Exporting Leather.

Ordered, That the Report of the Amendments to the Bill for exporting of tanned Leather, be heard To-morrow Morning.

And then the House adjourned till To-morrow Morning, Eight of the Clock.