House of Commons Journal Volume 9: 19 December 1667

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 9, 1667-1687. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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'House of Commons Journal Volume 9: 19 December 1667', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 9, 1667-1687( London, 1802), British History Online [accessed 23 October 2024].

'House of Commons Journal Volume 9: 19 December 1667', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 9, 1667-1687( London, 1802), British History Online, accessed October 23, 2024,

"House of Commons Journal Volume 9: 19 December 1667". Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 9, 1667-1687. (London, 1802), , British History Online. Web. 23 October 2024.


In this section

Die Jovis, 19 Decembris, 1667.

Money received for indigent Officers.

ORDERED, That the several Knights of the Shires, who serve for the Counties which are in Arrear for the Monies due to the indigent loyal Officers, do examine, how much of the said Monies are in Arrear; what is collected, and what is unpaid; and in whose Hands any of the Monies rests: And that such Officers and Collectors, as have any Money in their Hands, are to pay it before the next Meeting of the House; or, in Default thereof, the Serjeant at Arms, or his Deputy, are to take them into Custody: And if there be any Money received by Persons insolvent, and the same not to be recovered, then a Re-assessment is to be made, for raising such Monies, according to the Act in that Case.

Ordered, That Mr. Speaker be desired to send his Letter, with this Order inclosed, to the Knights of the Shire concerned, who are not in Town.

Ordered, That Mr. Musgrace, Sir Tho. Clergis, Sir Tho. Meeres, Sir John Coventry, Sir Cha. Harbord, Mr. Morrice, Sir Robert Carr, Sir Rich. Oateley, Sir Adam Browne, Sir Jona. Trelawney, Sir Tho. Gower, Sir Chr. Wray, Sir Jo. Birkenhead, Sir Fretchvile Hollis, Sir Tho. Heblethwaite, or any Three of them, be desired, during the Recess, to take the Account of Sir Jo. Bennett, Mr. Cooper, Major Baley, and the Lady Allington, or such Monies as are in their or any of their Hands, payable to the indigent loyal Officers.

Ordered, That Mr. Speaker be desired to send his Letter to the several Sheriffs, with the Order of this House inclosed, for the Members Attendance at the Meeting of the House after Christmas.

Prize Ships, &c.

A Message from the Lords, by Sir Justinian Lewen and Sir Jo. Coell;

Mr. Speaker, The Lords have sent us down to acquaint you, that they have agreed to the Bill for taking the Accompts of the several Sums of Money therein mentioned; and, to the Bill to make Prize Ships free for Trade; and to the Condition and Proviso, sent from this House, to the Bill concerning the Earl of Clarendon: And have commanded us to acquaint you, that they intend to sit this Afternoon; and desire this House would also sit.

Resolved, &c. That this House do sit this Afternoon:

And the Messengers being called in; Mr. Speaker did acquaint them therewith.

Prices of Wines, &c.

Ordered, That the Bill concerning Wines, sent from the Lords, be read this Afternoon.

Impeachment of P

The Articles of Impeachment against Peter Pett Gentleman were Twice read; and, upon the Second Reading, these Words, "and other Ships," were, on the Question, agreed; and inserted into the First Article: And the several Articles (except the Fourth Article, which, on the Question, passed in the Negative) were, upon the Question, severally, agreed; and are as followeth; viz.

1. That the said Peter Pett, being one of the Commissioners of the Navy, especially authorized and entrusted with the Charge and Care of his Majesty's Yard, Stores, and Provisions, and the Navy Royal, at Chatham; and, having received Orders from his Royal Highness the Duke of Yorke, Lord High Admiral of England, about the Twentysixth Day of March, requiring him, in pursuance of his Trust, to bring and moor his Majesty's Ship, called the Royal Charles, and other Ships; did, contrary to his Trust and Orders, wilfully neglect and refuse so to do: Whereby the said Ship, being one, of the most important Strength, of this Kingdom, became lost, and made a Prey to the Enemy.

2. That his Majesty having, upon the Eleventh of June last, appointed the Duke of Albemarle, Captain General of all his Majesty's Armies and Land Forces, to repair to Chatham, upon the Invasion of the Dutch, to secure his Majesty's Ships and Forts there; he the said Lord General did repair thither on the Eleventh of June: Where, finding the said Royal Charles not brought up, but lying below, in a Place of Danger, subject to be surprised by the Enemy, who had then invaded the Kingdom, and entered into the Rivers Thames and Medway, he the said Lord General gave present Orders to the said Mr. Pett, to cause the Ship to be immediately brought up as high as he could, into a Place of Safety: But he the said Pett altogether neglected the doing thereof.

3. That Captain Brookes, one of the Masters Attendants at Chatham, under the Care and Direction of the said Peter Pett, knowing, that the said Lord General had given express Orders, on the said Eleventh Day of June, to cause the said Royal Charles to be brought up, did prepare Anchors, and other Tackling, ready for the same; and desired the said Pett to give him Orders for his so doing: Which he refused so to do.

4. That his Royal Highness having given Orders to the said Peter Pett to provide, and make ready, Thirty Boats for the Defence of the said River, and Navy; he the said Peter Pett, contrary to his Trust, did not only himself misemploy some of the said Boats, for the carrying away of his own particular Goods; but suffered the rest to be, in the like Manner, misemployed and diverted; and did also seize, and take away, a Boat, particularly belonging to Sir Edward Sprague; so that, for want of the said Boats, many of his Majesty's Ships were lost, and the Defence and Security of the rest was hindered.

5. That the Commissioners of his Majesty's Navy having, by their Letter of the 4th of June, signified to him, the said Peter Pett, that the Dutch were out; and thereupon, gave him special Charge to command all Captains on Land to their Ships; and to be vigilant and careful in the rest of the Charge committed to him; but he the said Pett was so negligent therein, that, of Eight hundred Persons, or upwards, that were under his Care and Command in his Majesty's Pay, when the Lord General repaired thither the said Eleventh of June, there were not above Ten ready, upon the Invasion of the Enemy.

6. That the said Lord General having appointed Soldiers to raise Batteries for the Defence of his Majesty's Navy Royal, there being few of those in his Majesty's Pay in his Yards, to be employed; he the said Pett, to obstruct the Service, refused to give them the Number of Tools required for the Use aforesaid; notwithstanding that he had a sufficient Quantity in his Majesty's Stores; as it appeared, when, by Command of the said Lord General, the said Stores were broke open.

7. That the said Lord General having, about the said Eleventh Day of June, sent Orders to the said Peter Pett to send, out of his Majesty's Yards, some Oaken Planks, for the Platforms and Batteries, to oppose the Enemy; he the said Peter Pett sent only Deal Boards: Which were very prejudicial for the Service; for that, upon the Discharge of the Guns, the Carriages broke through the Planks; notwithstanding that there were, in his Majesty's Yard there, several Oaken Planks, fit for their Service.

Ordered, That the Title of the Articles be, Articles of Impeachment of several High Crimes and Misdemeanours, against Peter Pett Gentleman.

A Petition of Peter Pett Gentleman was read.

Ordered, That the Lieutenant of the Tower have Leave to repair to the Council; and acquaint them, that this House, upon reading the Petition of Peter Pett Gentleman, is content he should have his Liberty, on good Bail, if the Council think fit.

Post Meridiem.


COMPLAINT being made, that the Collectors of Hearth Money, in the County of Yorke, have issued Warrants, under their own Hands only, to many Constables, charging them, in his Majesty's Name, to appear before them, in Places remote, and out of their Constableries; and thereby to do and execute Commands and Orders of theirs, not at all justifiable by any Statute or Law; and also, that they have, with armed Soldiers, taken and imprisoned the Constable of Pickering, without any Colour of Authority; and in the same Manner, levied Distresses, and done other Violences and Abuses to the People to the great Disservice of his Majesty, and Grievance of his Subjects: And, it appearing, that Proof of the Premises hath been made before the Committee, to whom the Petition of the Blacksmiths was referred, with Power to inspect the several Acts concerning the Duty of Hearth Money, and to examine what Injuries and Abuses have been done to the People, in levying thereof;

Ordered, That Tobias Humphreys, * Pickard, William Moody, Thomas Drivers, and Wm. Robinson, be taken into Custody, by the Serjeant at Arms attending this House, or his Deputy; and that he have them ready, by the Sixth Day of February next, to answer their several respective Misdemeanours.

Trade with Scotland.

A Message from the Lords, by Sir Justin. Lewen, Sir Jo. Coell;

Mr. Speaker, The Lords have commanded us to acquaint you, that they have agreed with this House, in the Bill for settling the Freedom of Trade between England and Scotland.

Royal Assent to Bills.

A Message from the Lords, by Sir John Eyton, Usher of the Black Rod;

Mr. Speaker, The Commissioners authorized by his Majesty desire the Presence of this House in the House of Peers.

The House went up accordingly to the Lords: And, being returned, Mr. Speaker acquaints the House of the several Bills passed by Commission from his Majesty.

Message from the King for Adjournment.

Mr. Secretary Morrice delivered this Message from his Majesty: Which is as followeth;

Charles R

HIS Majesty having, by a former Message, acquainted you, that he intended an Adjournment to the Beginning of February; he doth conceive, that Thursday the Sixth of February is a convenient Day, to which such Adjournment may be made: And his Majesty is willing, that you may adjourn to that Time.

Given at Our Court at Whitehall, the 19th Day of December, in the 19th Year of Our Reign, 1667.

Then the House adjourned to the 6th of February next.