House of Commons Journal Volume 9: 10 May 1678

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 9, 1667-1687. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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'House of Commons Journal Volume 9: 10 May 1678', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 9, 1667-1687( London, 1802), British History Online [accessed 27 July 2024].

'House of Commons Journal Volume 9: 10 May 1678', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 9, 1667-1687( London, 1802), British History Online, accessed July 27, 2024,

"House of Commons Journal Volume 9: 10 May 1678". Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 9, 1667-1687. (London, 1802), , British History Online. Web. 27 July 2024.


In this section

Veneris, 10 die Maii, 1678.

Thompson's, &c. Estates.

ORDERED, That the Committee to whom the Bill concerning Thompson, Nelthrop, and others, Bankrupts, is committed, be revived; and do sit this Afternoon, in the Place formerly appointed.

Purying in Woolen.

The Amendments, sent from the Lords, to the Bill for burying in Woolen, were twice read; and all of them, upon the Question, agreed, except those which relate to the Distribution of the Forfeitures; in which the House did not agree.

Ordered, That Reasons be drawn up, to be offered at a Conterence to be had with the Lords, for not agreeing with the Lords in the said Amendments.

And it is referred to Colonel Birch, Mr. Buscawen, Sir Wm. Coventry, Sir John Knight, Sir Geo. Downing, Sir Eliab Harvey, Mr. Weld, Mr. Hamden, Colonel Titus, Sir Hen. Ford, Mr. Vaughan, Sir Tho. Lee, Mr. Harbord, Mr. Powle, Sir Trevor Williams, Sir Tho. Meeres, Sir Tho. Clerges, Mr. Goreing, or any Three of them, to prepare and draw up the said Reasons.


A Bill for repealing of a Clause in the Act concerning Highways, was read the Second time.

Resolved, &c. That the Bill be committed to Sir Lan. Lake, Sir John Mallet, Sir Couxt. Poole, Mr. Swinfen, Sir John Bennet, Sir Hen. Puckering, Mr. Hunt, Sir John Holman, Sir Robert Howard, Sir Robert Cann, Sir Tho. Lee, Sir John Covert, Sir Edw. Masters, Mr. Buscawen, Col. Birch, Colonel Titus, Serjeant Gregory, Mr. Pleydall, Sir Coplest. Bampfeild, Sir Hen. Ford, Lord O Brien, Sir Robert Barnham, Mr. Mallet, Sir Nich. Slaning, Sir Fr. Russell, Mr. Westphaling, Sir Anth. Irby, Mr. Crouch, Mr. Duncomb, Mr. Browne, Mr. Goreing, Sir Trevor Williams: And all that come are to have Voices: And they are to meet To-morrow at Two of the Clock in the Afternoon, in the Speaker's Chamber.

Stage Coaches.

Ordered, That this Day Sevennight be appointed to take into Consideration the Debate concerning the Suppressing Stage Coaches.

Address for removing Advisers, &c.

Mr. Powle reports from the Committee appointed to draw up an Address to be presented to his Majesty, An Address agreed upon by the Committee: Which he read in his Place; and afterwards delivered the same in at the Clerk's Table: Where the same was read.

And the First Paragraph being read a Second time;

The Question being put, That the House will now proceed upon the Address.

The House divide.

The Noes go forth.

Tellers, Sir Rob. Holmes, for the Noes, 174.
Mr. Windham,
Tellers, Mr. Harbord, for the Yeas, 176.
Mr. Bennet,

And so it was resolved in the Affirmative.

The Three first Paragraphs being read a Second time, were, upon the Question, severally agreed to.

The Fourth Paragraph was read the Second time:

The Question being put, To agree to that Paragraph;

The House divide.

The Noes go forth.

Tellers, Sir Wm. Hickman, for the Yeas, 170.
Sir Sam. Bernardiston,
Tellers, Sir John Fenwick, for the Noes, 167.
Sir John Hanmer,

And so it was resolved in the Affirmative.

The Fifth Paragraph was read the Second time; and, upon the Question, agreed.

The Sixth Paragraph being read a Second time;

The Question being put, To agree to that Paragraph;

The House divide.

The Noes go forth.

Tellers, Sir Tho. Doleman, for the Noes, 166.
Sir Wm. Haward,
Tellers, Mr. Buller, for the Yeas, 169.
Mr. Mann,

And so it was resolved in the Affirmative.

The last Paragraph being read a Second time; it was, upon the Question, agreed.

The Address is as followeth.

WE, Your Majesty's most humble and loyal Subjects, the Commons in this present Parliament assembled, do, in all Duty and Thankfulness, humbly acknowledge, Your Majesty's great Grace and Favour in demanding our Advice upon the State of Your Affairs in this present Juncture, wherein Your Majesty's Honour and the Safety of this Kingdom is so nearly concerned: According to which Command of Your Majesty's we did immediately enter upon Consideration of what was imparted to us by Your Majesty's Order; and after serious Examination and Weighing of the Matter, we did resolve upon an Advice; which, because of the Urgency of Affairs, and the Expedition they require, we did present in that Form as was not usual in a Matter of so great Importance; and which we then directed to excuse to Your Majesty, upon that Consideration. And because we apprehended the Dangers were so imminent, that the Delay of the least Time might be of great Prejudice to Your Majesty's Service, and the Safety of Your Kingdom, after so much Time already lost, we thought it necessary to apply immediately to Your Majesty by ourselves; which in Matters of this Nature is wholly in the Choice of this House, and hath been frequently practised by us. And because these Occasions are so pressing upon Your Majesty, and the whole Kingdom so deeply sensible thereof; we most earnestly beseech Your Majesty to communicate to us the Resolutions Your Majesty hath taken upon our said Advice, that thereby these imminent Dangers may be timely prevented.

And whereas the Commons conceive, that the present Inconveniencies and Dangers under which the Kingdom now lies, might either totally, or in a great measure, have been prevented, if Your Majesty had accepted of that Advice, which in all Humility and Faithfulness we presented to Your Majesty upon the Twenty-sixth of May last; and which we reiterated to Your Majesty upon the Oneand-thirtieth of January ensuing: The Refusing of which Advice, and dismissing of the Parliament in May last, was the Occasion of those ill Consequences, which have since succeeded both at Home and Abroad; all which hath arisen from those Misrepresentations of our Proceedings, which have been suggested to Your Majesty, by some particular Persons, in a clandestine Way, without the Participation and Advice, as we conceive, of Your Council Board; as though we had invaded Your Majesty's Prerogative of making Peace and War; whereas we did only offer our humble Advice in Matters wherein the Safety of the Kingdom was concerned: Which is a Right was never yet questioned in the Times of Your Royal Predecessors, and without which Your Majesty can never be safe: Upon which Grounds Your Majesty was induced to give us such Answers to those Two Addresses, rejecting our Advice; as thereby Your Majesty's good Subjects have been infinitely discouraged, and the State of Your Majesty's Affairs reduced to a most deplorable Condition: We do therefore most humble desire, That for the Good and Safety of this Kingdom, and the Satisfaction of Your Subjects, Your Majesty would graciously be pleased to remove those Counsellors who advised the Answers to our Addresses of the Six-and-twentieth of May, and the One-and-thirtieth of January last, or either of them.

And we do further most humbly desire Your Majesty, favourably to accept this our humble Petition and Address, as proceeding from Hearts intirely devoted to Your Majesty's Service; and that as we have never yet failed of giving Testimonies of our Affections and Loyalty to Your Majesty's Person and Government; so Your Majesty may rest confidently assured, that we shall never be wanting to support Your Majesty's Greatness and Interest, whilst Your Majesty relies upon our Councils; which can have no other end than what sincerely tends thereunto, notwithstanding any sinister or self-interested Endeavours to make impressions in Your Majesty to the contrary.

Time for receiving Address, &c.

Ordered, That those Members of this House, that are of his Majesty's Privy Council, do desire to know his Majesty's Pleasure, when this House may attend his Majesty with the Address.

The Question being put, That the House do now adjourn;

The House divide.

The Yeas go forth.

Tellers, Sir John Fagg, for the Noes, 158.
Mr. Harbord,
Tellers, Lord Ancram, for the Yeas, 150.
Mr. Dalmahoy,

And so it passed in the Negative.

Address for removing Duke of Lauderdale.

A Motion being made, That the Matter of the Address concerning the Duke of Lauderdale, may be added to the Address this Day agreed;

Resolved, That the Matter of the Address concerning the Duke of Lauderdale be added to the Address this Day agreed; in these Words following:

"And we further humbly beseech Your Majesty, That the Duke of Lauderdale may be removed from Your Councils and Presence."

House interpose in a Quarrel.

The House being informed, That upon a Division of the House, a Quarrel had happened between the Lord O Brien and Sir Tho. Chicheley; and that Blows were given;

And Sir Thomas Chichely being present;

Ordered, That Sir Thomas Chichely be committed to the Custody of the Serjeant at Arms.

Ordered, That the Serjeant at Arms do take the Lord O Brien into Custody.

And then the House adjourned till To-morrow Morning, Eight of the Clock.