Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 9, 1667-1687. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.
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'Index: B', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 9, 1667-1687(London, 1802), British History Online [accessed 17 February 2025].
'Index: B', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 9, 1667-1687(London, 1802), British History Online, accessed February 17, 2025,
"Index: B". Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 9, 1667-1687. (London, 1802), British History Online. Web. 17 February 2025.
19° & 20° Car. II. Parl. 2. Sess. 7. A. 1667, & 1668.
BARKER, and others Petition, Petitioners own it, 31 Oct. Vide Ireland.
Barnstaple, new Writ, 7 Nov.
Baron, Lord Chief, to be desired to expedite Tryal touching Dean Forest, 11 Feb.
Bateman. Vide Privileges.
Battell. Vide Privileges.
Baughton Hill. Vide Highways.
Bayley. Vide Privileges.
Beckham, John, Bill to sell Lands for Payment of Debts and Portions, read, 20 Nov. Committed; Instruction, 25. To be reported, 29 Feb. Reported, and to be ingrossed, 2 Mar. Order for Third reading, 10. Passed, 18.
Bedford Level, Bill for taxing certain Lands therein, read, 22
Oct. Committed; Petition presented, and referred, 24.
Committees added, 30 & 31. Bill reported, and to be ingrossed; same Petition referred to former Committee; Committee revived, 4 Nov. Bill passed, 7. Returned from Lords,
with Amendments, 3 Mar. Amendments read twice, and to
be inserted in Bill, 5. Agreed to, 13. Conference, desired by
Lords, to rectify Mistakes in their Amendments, agreed to;
Managers appointed; Conference held, and reported; Mistakes
amended, 3 Apr.
-, -Petition for Bill to explain a former Act, touching draining thereof, Bill ordered, 5 Mar. Read, 7. Committed, 12
Committees added, 16. Committee revived, and Order for
sitting, 2 Apr. All that come to have Voices, 4.
Best, Petition, 18 Feb. Vide London.
Bills, formerly depending, Committee to consider them, 15 Oct. Revived; Instruction to report Business still depending by Petition or Bill; Committees added, 10 Feb.-laid aside on account of Interlineations and Erasements, 23 Oct.-ingrossed, not to be read till examined by Chairman and Clerk, 26.-recommended to the Care of one Member, 7 Nov. 12 & 19 Feb. Of Five Members, 27.-to be ingrossed, without Commitment, 2 Dec.-Publick, List of those under Commitment, to be made out by Clerk, 6.-House put Lords in mind of Bills, 7 Dec. 30 Mar. 25 Apr. & 4 May,-passed by Commission, 19 Dec. -withdrawn, 18 Feb.-Committee to see Bill and Amendments cohere, and be rightly ingrossed, 31 Mar. Lords put House in mind of Bills, 3 Ap.-to be read in Priority, 11 & 21.
Bishop, Sir Cecil. Vide Privileges.
Blagg. Vide Privileges.
Boteler. Vide Taylor.
Bourchier. Vide America.
Bowles, and others, Petition, 14 Dec. Vide Silk-throwers.
Brandy. Vide Supply.
Brecknock County. Vide Cloathing Trade.
Brookes, Sir Robert. Vide Privileges.
Brunkard, Mr. a Member, heard touching Miscarriages in the War. His Request for further Time to answer, assented to, 17 Apr. Expelled for not giving in his further Answer; Resolutions relating to him; Committee to prepare an Impeachment against him, 21. Order for presenting, 4 May. Articles read; Debate thereon; Committee to prepare Articles amended, pursuant to Debate, 7. Report, 8.
Bulkley, and others, Petition, Petitioners own it, 31 Oct. Vide Ireland.
Butler. Vide Privileges.
Butter, Committee to consider abuses in packing and trying it, 26 Mar.
21° Car. II. Parl. 2. Sess. 8. A. 1669.
BAINES. Vide Privileges.
Ball. Vide Agmondesham.
Banks, Sir Ralph, Bill for confirming his Estate, read, 30 Oct. Committed, 6 Nov. Committees added, 20. Bill reported, and to be ingrossed, 24. Passed 6 Dec.
Bath, new Writs, 3 & 17 Nov.
Beckham, John, Bill to sell Lands for Payment of Debts and Portions, read 22 Nov. Committed 24. Committees added, 2 Dec. Bill reported, and to be ingrossed, 4. Passed, 9.
Bills, publick, depending last Session, Committee to peruse them; Instruction relating to Laws expired, 21 Oct.-Recommended to Care of Two Members, 25 Oct. Of one Member, 18 & 29 Nov.-Rejected, 25.-withdrawn, 1 Dec.
Boston, Petition from, 24 Nov. Vide Fees.
Bradley, and others, Petition, Petitioner owns it, 17 Nov. Vide Gravesend.
Brandy, Petition of Merchants dealing therein, 9 Nov. Vide Supply.
Brecknock. Vide Frizes.
Bridgwater, new Writ, 19 Oct. Order for hearing, 13 & 29 Nov. Report to be made, 3 Dec. Made; Debate thereon, 7. Return amended, 8.
Brunkard. Vide Privileges.
Buxton. Vide Privileges.
22° 25° & 24° Car. II. Parl. 2. Sess. 9. A. 1669, 1670, 1671, & 1672.
BANGOR and St. Asaph, Bishops of, Bill, from Lords, for letting Lead-mines for 21 Years, 13 Feb. Read, 17. Committed, 27. Reported, 4 Mar.
Banks. Vide Privileges.
-, -Sir Ralph, Bill for confirming his Estate, read, 23 Feb.
Committed, 26. Reported, and to be ingrossed, 28. Passed,
1 Mar. Agreed to by Lords, 12.
Barrett. Vide Privileges.
Bartie, Mr. Vide Privileges.
Beadle. Vide Privileges.
Beckham, Richard, Bill, from Lords, to sell Lands for Payment of Debts, read, 21 Mar. Read Second time, 23. Passed, 29.
Beer, Ale, and Mum, Committee to prepare Bill for exporting them, 14 Mar. Bill read, 23. Committed, 30. Committee revived, 2 Apr. Have Leave to sit, 4. Committees added, 4 Apr. 26 Nov. 6 & 16 Dec. Bill reported; Question for Re-commitment, Neg. Bill to be ingrossed, 20. Passed, 24 Jan. Returned from Lords, with Amendments, 9 Mar. Amendments agreed to, 11.
Bellasysse, Lady Susan, Bill, from Lords, to settle her Estate, 18 Mar. Read, 19. Committed, 22. Reported, and passed, with Amendments, 29.
Bennett, Sir John, Petition, 15 Mar. Vide Officers.
Bill, John, Bill, from Lords, to sell Lands, read 21 Mar. Committed, 23. Reported 26. Passed, 29.
-, -Another Bill, from Lords, to rectify Mistakes in former,
3 Dec. Read, 8. Committed 12. Reported, 17. Passed,
13 Feb.
Bills, publick, depending last Session, Committee to inspect them, 17 Feb. Report; one to be read every Day, 26.-All to be dispatched in Priority, 5 Mar.-Days appointed for reading Bills, 11, 12, 15. & 22 Mar.-Recommended to Care of one Member, 15 Mar. 10 Jan. & 6 Feb. Of Three Members. 20 Jan.-Committee to inquire after Bill lost, 21 Mar. -from Lords, passed without Commitment, 23 & 31 Mar. 11 & 20 Apr.-House puts Lords in mind of Bills, 9 Apr. 18. Nov. 23 Jan. & 11 Mar.-depending last Session, Committee to inspect them, and bring in a List, 27 Oct. Order for sitting, 3 Nov.-Days appointed for sitting of Committees on publick Bills, 15.-To be amended by Chairman, according to Votes, 19 Mar.-No other Business to be proceeded on while a Bill is passing, 10 Jan.-withdrawn, 28 Jan. 17 Feb. & 31 Mar.- laid aside, on account of Amendments from Lords, imposing a Tax, 24 Mar.-to be read between Hours appointed, 5 Apr. -Agreements, instead of Amendments, to be reported, 14.
Booth, Henry; Bill, from Lords, to levy Fines, and suffer Recoveries, read, 10 Mar. Committed, 11: Committees added, 13. Bill passed, 11.
Boston, Petition from, tendered, 21 Feb. Read, 25. Vide Fees.
-Bill to improve Navigation between Boston and Trent,
read-new Bill ordered, 3 Nov. Read, 4. Committed, 10.
Committees added, 16. Bill reported, and to be ingrossed,
18. Passed, 19. Returned from Lords, with Amendments,
17 Dec. Amendments considered, and in part disagreed to,
19. Conference to be desired with Lords thereupon, Committee to assign Reasons, 20. Lords Concurrence to Bill signified, 14 Mar.
-, -Bill to preserve the Port thereof, ordered, 21 Nov. Read,
22. Committed; Instruction, 23. All that come to have
Voices, 2 Dec. Committee revived, and Order for sitting,
21 Jan.
Bowtell. Vide Privileges.
Bradshaigh, Sir Roger. Vide Privileges.
Brandy, Petitions concerning it, 26 Feb. Vide Supply.
-, -Bill for ascertaining Duty thereon, ordered, 21 Mar.
Read, 23. Committed, 26. Reported, and to be ingrossed,
28. Passed, 29. Returned from Lords, with a Proviso; Proviso agreed to, 8 Apr.
Brandon and Weavney Rivers, Bill to make them navigable, to be read, 1 Mar. Read, 2. Committed, 3. Reported, and to be ingrossed; ingrossed; Proviso for Passages and Bridges ordered, 12. Bill passed, 17. Returned from Lords, with Amendments, 28. Amendments agreed to, 29.
Breton. Vide Bulkley, infra.
Bridges. Vide Highways.
Bromley, George, Bill to sell Lands for Payment of Debts and Portions, to be read, 28 Feb. & 1 Mar. Read, 2. Order for Second Reading, 5. Committed, 7. Committees added, 8 & 10 Mar. & 17 Dec. Bill to be reported, 11 Mar. Withdrawn, 13.
Broxham. Vide Privileges.
Bucknall, Alderman, to attend, 3 Mar. Vide Supply.
Bulkley, and others, Petition, referred to Committee, 28 Nov. Committees added, 2 Dec. Report; Order thereupon, 17. Vide Address.
Burgess. Vide Privileges.
Burton. Vide Privileges.
Byron, James, Adam, and John, Bill to enable their Guardians to make Leases, read, 14 Nov.
25° Car. II. Parl. 2. Sess. 10. A. 1672, & 1673.
BALL. Vide Privileges.
Banks, Sir Ralph, and others, Bill, from Lords, to confirm an Agreement between them, 26 Feb. Read, 27. Committed, 1 Mar. Reported, 6. Passed, 12.
Bedwin, new Writ, 6 Feb.
Bethell. Vide Banks, supra.
Bellamy, Robert, Bill from Lords, to sell Lands for Payment of Debts, 12 Mar. Read, 19. Committed; Instruction, 25. Reported, and passed, 27.
Bennett. Vide Privileges.
Berkley, Lord. Vide Bristol, infra.
-, -Sir Robert, Bill, from Lords, for transferring a Term of
Years in Lands, and for Payment of Portions, 5 Mar. Read,
6. Committed, 10. Reported, 14.
Bewdley, new Writ, 20 Oct.
Bill recommended to Care of one Member, 27 Feb.-Lords Amendments to Bill considered in Committee of whole House, -House put Lords in mind of Bill, 24 Mar.-from Lords, read twice, and committed, 26.
Bossiney, new Writ, 6 Feb.
Brandy, Committee to prepare Bill to prevent Importation thereof, 8 Feb.
Bristol, Dean and Chapter of, Bill, from Lords, for exchanging a Vicarage, read, 7 Mar. Committed, 11. Reported, and passed, 15.
Buckell. Vide Privileges.
Burroughbridge, new Writ, 20 Oct.
Bury St. Edmunds, new Writ, 6 Feb.
Butlerage and Prizage, Bill to exempt Freemen of London therefrom, read; Question for Second Reading, Neg. 20 Mar.
25° Car. II. Parl. 2. Sess. 11. A. 1673.
BEWDLEY, new Writ, 27 Oct.
Bill withdrawn, 3 Nov.
Burroughbridge, new Writ, 27 Oct.
25° & 26° Car. II. Parl. 2. Sess. 12. A. 1673, & 1674.
BARON, Lord Chief. Vide Officers.
Barrell. Vide Privileges.
Bennett, Sir John. Vide Officers.
Bewdley Election, Petition, 15 Jan.
Bide, Sir Thomas, Members of Green Cloth Office to give a Account of detaining him and Servants, and exacting Money for their Release, 29 Jan. Debate thereon, and on other Matters, referred to Committee, 3 Feb.
Bills not passed last Session, Committee to view them-recommended to Care of one Member, 21 Jan. Of Two Members, 23 Jan. & 7 Feb. Of Three Members, 29 Jan.-withdrawn, 22.-Proviso cut off from a Bill after Third Reading, 7 Feb. -not to be brought in till after Ten O'Clock, 11.-Ingrossment of a Bill recommended to Care of one Member, 17.- Opening of a Bill, no Brief being ready, adjourned after Third Reading, 23.
Borders, Northern, Bill to continue Acts for preventing Theft and Rapine thereon, read 21 Jan. Committed, 24. Reported, and to be ingrossed, 13 Feb.
Brandy, Petition of Brewers and Distillers, Bill to prevent importing it, ordered, 24 Feb.
Buckingham, Duke of, Debate concerning him; his Letter to Speaker read; Duke heard; Debate adjourned, 13 Jan. Resumed; heard again upon Questions agreed to be proposed to him; Resolution thereupon, 14. Vide Address.
Bucks, Petition from, 14 Feb. Vide Aulnage.
Buildings, new, Committee to prepare Bill to restrain them within Bills of Mortality, except London, and Liberties thereof, 23 Jan.
Bullon. Vide Privileges.
Burchett. Vide Privileges.
Burroughbridge Election, Petitions, 7 Jan.
27° Car. II. Parl. 2. Sess. 13. A. 1675
BAGALEY. Vide Privileges.
Barrett. Vide Privileges.
Bassett, Sir Wm. Vide Privileges.
Bath, new Writ, 13 Apr.
Bell, Petition, 10 May. Vide Newark.
Beverton. Vide Privileges.
Billingsley. Vide Privileges.
Bills. Vide Debts.
-, - not passed last Session, to be inspected by a Committee,
14 Apr. Report touching Bill for Recovery of small Tythes,
and Repair of Churches, 16.-withdrawn, 20.-recommended
to Care of Three Members, 21.-rejected, 4 Apr. 4 & 15 Feb.
Question, that no new Bill be brought in, or received, except
those ordered, or sent from Lords, till after Recess; Question
for an Amendment thereto, Neg. 17 May.
Berd. Vide Privileges.
Blackett, Sir Wm. Vide Privileges.
Bonds. Vide Debts.
Borders, northern, Bill to prevent Theft and Rapine thereon, read, 5 May. Order for Second Reading, 26. Committed, 31.
Building Inmates and Inclosures near London and Westminster, Bill to restrain them, read, and withdrawn-New Bill to be prepared by Committee, 20 Apr. Committees added; Instruction relating to building Churches; all that come to have Voices, 17 May.
27° Car. II. Parl. 2. Sess. 14. A. 1675.
BARBER. Vide Privileges.
Bath Election, Petition, 27 Oct.
Berkley, Tho. Bill for Sale of Lands, read, 4 Nov. Committed; Instruction, 13. Committees added, 16.
Bill, prepared last Session, to be brought in-recommended to Care of Four Members, 20 Oct.
Blasphemy. Vide Sunday.
Borders, northern, Bill to prevent Theft and Rapine thereon, ordered, 26 Oct. Read, 11 Nov. Committed, 20.
Brailesford. Vide Privileges.
Bridport, new Writ, 20 Nov.
Burroughbridge, new Writ, 13 Oct.
28° 29° & 30° Car. II. Parl. 2. Sess. 15. A. 1676, 1677, & 1678.
BANKRUPTS. Vide Thompson.
Banks, Sir Ralph, Bill, from Lords, to sell Lands for Payment of Debts, 1 Mar. Read, 2. Committed, 4. Reported,
and read Third time; Petitions read, and referred; Committee revived; Committee added, 4 May. Report touching
Petitions, Order thereupon; Bill passed, with Amendments,
7. Amendments agreed to by Lords, 11.
-, -John, Petition to lie on the Table for future Consideration, 23 Mar. Read; another presented, and read; Person
attests the signing thereof, 4 May. Vide Banks, supra.
Baptism and Catechizing, Bill, from Lords, concerning them, 31 Jan. Read, 18 Feb.
Barnstaple, new Writ, 16 Feb.
Beach. Vide Privileges.
Bedell, Edward, Bill, from Lords, to sell Lands, for Payment of Debts and Portions, 22 Mar. Read, 2 Apr. Committed; Instruction, 4. Reported, and passed, 31 Jan. Sent to Lords, 11 Feb.
Beer. Vide Coal.
Berkley, Tho. Bill to sell Lands for Payment of Debts, read, 21 Feb. Committed; Instruction, 26. Reported, and to be ingrossed, 31 Mar. Agreed to by Lords, 11 Apr.
Berks, new Writ, 16 Feb.
Bermudas Company, Petition tendered, and to be considered, 7 Mar. Read, owned, and referred to Committee, 8. Committees added, 16.
Bertie, Mr. Vide Privileges.
Berwick upon Tweed, Election, Petition, 16 Mar.
Bewdley Election, Report; Return to be amended, 10 Mar. Amended, 15.
Bills, publick, not passed last Session, Committee to peruse them, 19 Feb. Report of several fit to be proceeded in, 22.-To be ingrossed without Commitment, 27.-To lie on the Table Three or Four Days after Third Reading, before debated, 23 Mar.-Recommended to Care of one Member, 24 Mar. & 1 Apr.-Days appointed for Dispatch of private Bills, 30 & 31 Mar.-Order against taking any Bill or Brief from Table fitting the House, or Committee thereof, 3 Apr.-Rejected, 4 Apr. 4 Feb. 2. 5. & 20 Mar.-Delivered to Speaker, 14 Apr. -From Lords, passed without Commitment, 16.-House put Lords in mind of Bill, 15 Feb. & 8 Mar.-Lords put House in mind of Bill, 22 Feb.-Bill, taken out of House, to be inquired after by Clerk, 18. Ways for finding it considered; Resolulution thereupon; Form of Protestation to be taken by Members; Clerk to prepare Skin of Parchment for them to subscribe it, 23.-withdrawn, 14 Mar.-Publick, and those sent to Lords, List of them to be prepared by Clerk, 3 May. Amended after Third Reading, 7.
Bish, Sir Edward. Vide Privileges.
Blasphemy. Vide Atheism.
Boats. Vide Keels.
Books and Pamphlets unlicensed, Bill, from Lords, for suppressing them, 13 Apr.
Borders, northern, Bill for Continuance of Two Acts to prevent Theft and Rapine thereon, ordered, 23 Mar. Read; former Acts, if necessary, to be read when this is read Second time, 30. Bill committed, 7 Feb. Reported, and to be ingrossed, 15. Passed, 19.
Brend, Francis, Bill to sell Lands for Payment of Portions, read, 16 Mar. Committed, 2 Apr. Reported, and to be ingrossed, 8 Feb. Passed, 15. Returned from Lords, with Amendments, 14 Mar. Amendments agreed to, 18.
Brenn. Vide Privileges.
Brewers, Petition, 12 Mar. Vide Supply.
Bridport, new Writ, 16 Feb. Election; Report, 12.
Bristol, new Writ, 28 Jan.
Brooks, Petition, 7 Mar. Vide Cattle.
Buildings, new. Vide Supply.
30° Car. II. Parl. 2. Sess. 16. A. 1678.
BANKRUPTS, Committee to prepare Bill for better Discovery of their Estates, 27 May. Bill read, 4 June.
Barber. Vide Privileges.
Beaumont and Mose Churches, Bill from Lords, for uniting them, 13 June. Read, 19. Committed, 22. Reported, and passed, 28.
Berks, new Writ, 13 July.
Bernard. Vide Privileges.
Berwick upon Tweed Election, Petition, 31 May.
Bills rejected, 14 June, & 12 July.-House put Lords in mind of Bills, 20 June, 8 & 9 July.-To be presented with Speed, 26 June.-Conference, desired by Lords, about Method of passing Bills between Two Houses, agreed to; Managers appointed; Conference held, and reported; Committee to assign Reasons to be offered at another Conference, 13.
Blackwell. Vide Privileges.
Boats. Vide Keels.
Buildings, new. Vide Supply.
Bunsted. Vide Privileges.
Burglaries, and robbing of Houses, Bill to prevent them in London and Out-parishes, read, 13 June. Committed; Petition presented, and referred, 17.
Bushby. Vide Privileges.
Butter and Cheese, Bill, from Lords, for Encouragement of Dealers therein, 8 June. Read, 14. Committed; Petition read, and referred, 18. Committees added, 24.
30° Car. II. Parl. 2. Sess. 17. A. 1678.
BARRON, Petition, 27 Dec.
Beddingfield. Vide Address.
Bedloe, Mr. Vide Plot.
Bedloe, House informed, he is not satisfied his Pardon is full enough, Committee to examine it, 21 Nov. Report; Resolution thereupon, 22.
Bellasis, Lord, impeached of Treason; Impeachment sent to Lords Committee to prepare Articles; Oates and Bedloe's Informations to be delivered to them, 5 Dec.
Bennyfield, Letters, directed to him, sent to Attorney-general, 17 Dec.
Berks Election, and double Return, Petition, 21 Oct.
Bills, House put Lords in mind of Bill, 7 Nov. With special Recommendation, 11 & 16.-Committee to inspect Precedents touching Methods of passing Bills, 4 Dec.-Lords put House in mind of Bill, with special Recommendation, 5 & 12 Dec.
Blakestone. Vide Privileges.
Bradshaw, Sir Roger. Vide Privileges.
Brunell. Vide Privileges.
31° Car. II. Parl. 3. Sess. 1. A. 1678, & 1679.
BAMBRIDGE, and others, Petition, 16 May. Vide Excise.
Bankrupts, Bill for Recovery of Debts against them, ordered, May. Read, 7. Committed, 16.
Barnardiston, Sir Samuel. Vide Elections.
Beckwith, Mr. Vide Privileges.
Bedloe, Mr. to attend, 20 Mar. Vide Plot, Address.
Bellasis, Lord. Vide Powys.
Bertie, Charles, to attend, 9 May. Examined; his Answers not satisfactory; House informed of Money paid him for secret Service; ordered into Custody, 10.
Berwickupon Tweed Election, Petition, 19 Mar.
Bewdley Election, Petition, 19 Mar. Order for hearing, 14 Apr. Report; Right of Election determined, 27 May.
Bills rejected, 27 Mar.-Committee have Liberty to divide a Bill into several, 5 Apr.-Recommended to Care of one Member, 24 & 30 Apr. 1 & 5 May.-House put Lords in mind of Bill, 8 May.-From Lords, passed without Commitment, 9.- Committee to search Precedents touching carrying up Bills, and what previous Intimation ought to be given of King's Intention to pass them, and whether House may debate after Message to attend King in House of Peers, 9.-Lords put House in mind of Bills, 12.
Blackett, Sir Wm. Vide Privileges.
Blyth. Vide Privileges.
Boston, new Writ, 7 May.
Brecon, Borough, Election, and double Return, Petition, 19 Mar. Report, 1 Apr.
Brent, Robert, ordered into Custody, 4 Apr. His Petition referred to Committee of Secrecy, 30. Report; Order for his Discharge, on his own Security, 5 May.
Bridgnorth Election, Petition, 28 Mar.
Bridgewater Election, and double Return, Petitions, 20. 27. & 28 Mar. Matter, touching the Return, referred to Committee of Elections; Order for hearing, 21. Another Petition, for hearing the Merits of the Election with the Merits of the Return, referred; another Petition referred; Committee to make a special Report thereupon, 28. Information given, that Sir Haswell Tynte is returned by Two Indentures, Committee to examine the Matter, 29. Report Sir Haswell duly returned; Return amended, 1 Apr.
Buckingham, Borough, Election, and double Return, Petition, 19 Mar. Report; Return to be amended, 21. Amended, 22.
Bury St. Edmund's Election, Petition, 26 Mar.
31° & 32° Car. II. Parl. 4. Sess. 1. A. 1679, & 1680.
BALDWYN, Charles, Petition referred to Committee of Privileges and Elections, 25 Oct.
Balron, Robert, Petition for Leave to print Papists Oath of Secrecy, and Litany for Intercession for England; Leave granted, 16 Dec.
Bankrupts, Bill to supply Laws against them, ordered, 24 Nov. To be read, 11 Dec. Read, 15.
Barnstaple Election, Petition, 25 Oct. Report; Mayor ordered into Custody, 24 Dec. Return amended, 30. Mayor's Petition, and Order for bringing him to Bar, 3 Jan.
Barrels. Vide Vessels.
Bedloe, Mrs. Papers in her Custody, relating to the Plot, ordered, 27 Oct. Her Petition; Resolution thereupon, 23 Nov. Vide Address.
Beer. Vide Tobacco.
Bell. Vide Privileges.
Bellasis, Lord. Vide Powys.
Bexhill and Cowding, Bill for securing and paying an Annuity out of the Manors and Farms thereof to the Use of several Parishes, presented, 29 Nov. To be read, 1 Dec. Committed, 20.
Bills, Two to be reduced into one, or put into more, 22 Nov.- to be ingrossed without Commitment, 24.-rejected, 31 Dec. -House put Lords in mind of Bill, 3 Jan.
Birch. Vide Privileges.
Blasphemy. Vide Atheism.
Blundell, Mr. to attend, 24 Dec. Vide Plot.
Bourck, Mr. Vide Address, Ireland.
Bowyer. Vide Lords.
Bradwell. Vide Privileges.
Brereton, Edward, Petition referred to Committee of Privileges and Elections, 26 Oct.
Brett. Vide Privileges.
Brewers, Bill to prevent their being Justices of Peace, read, 7 Jan.
Bristol Election, Petition, 25 Oct. Report; Election declared void; Mayor and Sheriffs ordered into Custody-new Writ, 20 Dec.
Brooks, Joshua, and others, Petition read, 10 Dec. Avowed, 11. Vide African Company.
Brown, Joseph, Vote, that he ought to be restored to all Places taken from him by a Judgment in King's Bench, 23 Dec.
Bubb. Vide Privileges.
Burlace, Humph. Petition referred to Committee of Privileges and Elections, 25 Oct.
Burnett, Dr. desired to preach, 7 Dec. Thanked for his Sermon, and History of the Reformation, 23. Desired to proceed in the History, 5 Jan.
Bury St. Edmund Election, Report to be made, 16. 21 & 23 Dec. Made, 24.
33° Car. II. Parl. 5. Sess. 1. A. 1680, & 1681.
BANBURY Election, Petition, 25 Mar.
Bills, House to consider by what means, Bill, passed last Parliament, was not presented for Royal Assent, 24 Mar. Considered; Resolution thereupon; Conference to be desired with Lords; Committee to prepare Subject matter, 25. Report; Conference desired, 26.
Bridport Election, Petition, 24 Mar.
Bristol Election, Petitions to be heard at Bar, 24 Mar.
Buckingham, Borough, Election, Petition, 24 Mar.
1° 2° & 3° Jac. II. Parl. 1. Sess. 1. A. 1685, 1686. & 1687.
BAND-STRINGS. Vide Bonelace infra.
Bangor. Vide Worthenbury.
-, -Bill, from Lords, for repairing Cathedral, &c. 26 June.
Read, 27. Committed, 29. Reported, and passed, 30.
Bankrupts, Bill to supply Defects of Laws against them, ordered, 6 June. Read, 19. Committed; Instruction, 22. Petition presented, and referred; Committee revived, and Order for sitting, 19 Nov.
Barbone, Dr. Petition to be road, 16 June. Read, 17. Vide Hackney Coaches.
Barnstable Election, Petition, 23 May. Order for hearing by Committee, 29 June.
Barwell, Henry and Susan, Petition, 25 June. Vide Army.
Bedford Level, Bill for repealing Clause in the Act for draining it, ordered, 4 June. Read, 6. Committed, 11. Reported, and to be ingrossed, 12. Passed, 15. Agreed to by Lords, 25.
Beer, Ale, and Mum, Bill to revive Act for exporting them, ordered, 22 June.
Berks Election, Petition, 23 May. Report; Petition dismissed, 20 June.
Beverly Election, Petition, 1 June.
Bills, private, not to be brought in, but upon Petitions signed by Suitors, 26 May.-Days appointed for reading Bills, 4 June. -Recommended to Care of one Member, 13. 18. & 29 June.-read thrice, and passed, 15.-Lords put House in mind of Bill, 26.-House put Lords in mind of Bill, 26 & 30. -To be reduced into one, 1 July.
Blackett, Wm. Petition; Sir Nath. Johnson to attend in his Place, 1 July. Petition read; Debate thereon, 2.
Bone Lace, Petition of Traders therein, 15 June. Vide Buttons,
-, -Needlework, Fringe, Cutwork, Embroidery, and Bandstrings, Committee to prepare Bill to prohibit Importation of
them, 1 July. Bill presented, 19 Nov.
Borders, northern, Bill to prevent Theft and Rapine therein, ordered, 1 June. Read, 2. Committed, 6. Reported, and to be ingrossed, 16. Passed, 22. Agreed to by Lords, 25.
Boroughs, Debate, touching Charters granted to several, adjourned, 27 May.
Bossiney Election, Petition, 1 June.
Brandy. Vide Supply.
Brecon, County, new Writ, 12 June.
-, - Borough, new Writ, 12 June.
Brewers, Bill to prevent their being Justices of Peace, read, 22 May.
Bridport Election, Petition, 23 May.
Bristol, new Writ, 9 Nov.
Bruce, Lord, Petition for Bill to make Leases for Payment of Debts; Bill ordered, 4 June. Read, 5. Order for Second Reading, 6. 11. & 13. Counsel to be heard at Bar, 11.
Buckingham, Borough, Election, Petition, 23 May. Petition
to be dismissed, unless presented within Fourteen Days, 19
-, -County; Election, Petition; Question for hearing it at
Bar, Neg. 23 May. Report; Petition dismissed, 19 Nov.
-, -Bill for building Gaol therein, ordered, 1 July.
Buildings, new. Vide Supply.
Burnaby, Eustace, Petition, 22 June. Vide Paper.
Buttons, foreign, Petition for Bill to prohibit the Importation of them; Bill ordered, 5 June. Read, 11. Committed, 13. Petitions presented, and referred, 15. 22 & 23. Committee revived, and Order for sitting, 23. Bill reported; Debate thereon; new Bill to be prepared by same Committee, 1 July.