The Medieval Records of A London City Church St Mary At Hill, 1420-1559. Originally published by Trübner, London, 1905.
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'Churchwardens' accounts: 1493-4', in The Medieval Records of A London City Church St Mary At Hill, 1420-1559, ed. Henry Littlehales (London, 1905), British History Online [accessed 10 February 2025].
'Churchwardens' accounts: 1493-4', in The Medieval Records of A London City Church St Mary At Hill, 1420-1559. Edited by Henry Littlehales (London, 1905), British History Online, accessed February 10, 2025,
"Churchwardens' accounts: 1493-4". The Medieval Records of A London City Church St Mary At Hill, 1420-1559. Ed. Henry Littlehales (London, 1905), British History Online. Web. 10 February 2025.
[a.d. 1493–4.]
(fn. 1) Robartt howtyng | Anno ml' iiijc lxxxxiiij. | |
Wylliam Overay |
(fn. 2) Thys ys the Accountte of vs, Robartt howtyng and Wylliam Overay, wardens of the goodys and Renttes belongeyng vnto the cherch of sentt mary at hyll' in london, for an hole yere, from Myhelmas Anno 1493 to Myhelmas Anno 1494.
ffyrste, we charge vs wythe the olde dettes that we have Resseuid within thys yere of owre accountte.
Item, we charge vs as well'e wythe the chyrch Renttes as wythe the Renttes belongyng to þe chauntres.
Item, we charge ws wythe the clarke ys wagys and wythe sartayne mony Resseuid for the bemelyght within the sayde yere Resseuid be iiij quarters of the yere. Summa | vj l'i | vij s | x d |
Summa, iiijxx li. & x l'i xix s. | |||
(fn. 3) Item, we charge vs wythe the mony that we Resseuid at (fn. 4) estyr ffor the paschall'. Summa | x s | v d | |
Item, we charge vs wythe sartayne Casseweltes Resseuid wythe in thys sayd yere of owre Accountte. | |||
In primys, Resseuid for berying of a man of dartemowthe that dyide in Wylliam olyuere ys howse | iij s | iiij d | |
Item, of Maskall' for berying of a breten | iij s | iiij d | |
Item, Resseuid of Mastyr Ioh'n Redy at dyuers tymys | x d | ||
Item, Resseuid of Mastyr smarte for þe waste of ij Tapers for hys wyffe ys mynde | iiij d | ||
Item, for berying of a stranger þat dyid at dannys | xij d | ||
Item, for the berying of Wylliam graye | xiij s | iiij d | |
Item, ffor the berying of Ioh'n Condall'es wyffe | xiij s | iiij d | |
Item, ffor the berying of Thomas Andrewys wyffe | ij s | ||
Item, Resseuid of mastyr smarte in mony the he ffownde in þe chyrch | iiij d | ||
Item, Resseuid of Robartt debenam in mony the he fownd in þe chyrch', with a peny þat Robartt howtyng fownde | v d | ||
Item, Resseuid for þe berying of harry kellowe | xiij s | iiij d | |
Item, Resseuid for hys knylle | iij s | iiij d | |
Summa, iij l'i v s iiij d. | |||
Summa of all' þe hoole Chargeys thys yere ys iiijxx xiiij li. iiij s iiij d. |
(fn. 5) The dyssecharge.
Here ffolowythe The paymenttes as welle of that belongyth' to þe chyrch' as to þe chauntres.
ffyrste, payd to þe Abbott of Waltham for a quyte Rente goynge [owte] of (fn. 6) þe tenementt of Ioh'n Weston for a hole yere at myhelmas laste passed | xxxviij s | |
Item, payd to Robartt ffyherbard and Godffraye oxinbryge, wardens of þe parysshe of sentt Gorgys in botolffe lane, in london, for a quite Rentt goyng owte of þe tenementt (fn. 7) of Ioh'n Weston, for a hole yere at myhelmas | xx s | |
Item, payd to the pryor of crychyrche, in london, for a quite Rentt goyng owte of þe tenementt of Ioh'n Weston for ij yere at þe viij day of July laste passed. Summa | xvj s |
Obbettes kepte at the Costes of the chyrch'.
(fn. 8) The Costys of þe clarkes wagys and the morwe masse.
Costes done in the quere and othyr nessesaryis done in the chyrche.
(fn. 9) Item, payd for beryng of iiij torchys þe same day, viij d. | ||
Item, for Roose garlondys on sentt barnabyis day, ij s j d. | ||
Item, for brede, ale & wyne þe same day, xx d. | ||
Item, payd to bowyer and pye, for a Reward, iij s iiij d. | ||
Item, payd to anothyr synger that cam with them, for a Reward, viij d. | ||
Item, payd for byrche at mydsomer, iiij d. | ||
Item, payd for ij burdens of Russhys for þe newe pewys, iij d. | ||
Item, payd for vndyrpynyng of Mastres Atclyffe ys pewe, vj d. | ||
Item, to parys and Wylliam ellmys for makyng clene of þe same pewe, iiij d. | ||
Item, to parys & anothyr mane for makyng clene of þe chychyarde, and settyng vpe of þe frame owyr þe porch on palmesan eve, vj d. | ||
Item, payd to Wylliam parys for ij hyngys for þe tabyll' as ye go in to þe Roode lofte, iiij d. | ||
Item, payd for a matte for þe shrevyng pewe, iij d. | ||
Item, payd to Rychard welles, mason, for vndyrpynnyg of þe newe pewys, and closyng of þe ffuntt, and for makyng vpe of þe Autyr and walle ouer mastyr Ryvelles ys Tombe, for x dayis for hyme and hys laborar, x s x d. | ||
Item, payd to Wylliam horne and hys man for vj dayis labor in makyng of the stepys and levelyng of þe grownde, and pavyng of þe same grownde in sentt stevyn ys chapell', vj s vj d. | ||
Item, (fn. 10) payd to þe soffrycan of london for halowyng of sentt stevyn ys autyr, x s iiij d. | ||
Item, for a ml' bryke for sentt stevyn ys autyr, and for þe wall' ouer mastyr Ryvelles tombe, v s. | ||
Item, payd to the kynges Amener for ffaught of Ryngyng off þe belles agenste þe kynge, iiij s x d. | ||
Item, for makyng of the crossys on þe superaltarys, iiij d. | ||
Item, payd for naylys, iiij d. | ||
Item, payd for iiijxx pavyngtylys, xviij d. | ||
Item, spentt att (fn. 11) The Cuttyng owte of the westmenttes that mastyr marowe made, viij d. | ||
Item, payd to þe women that made þe orforas whane mastyr Remyngton was there with sartayne of the parysshe with hyme, viij d. | ||
Item, payd to mascall' for xxviij pavyngtylys, viij d. | ||
Item, payd for iij dosen candyll', iij s. | ||
Item, payd to Russell' for naylys, v d. | ||
Item, payd to mastyr parson for halowyng of the westementes, xij d. | ||
Item, payd to Robartt Clarke ffor mendyng of þe westementtes and Copys att dyuers tymys within thys yere, vj s iiij d. | ||
Item, payd to hewe materson, ssmyth, for sartayne thynges done in þe chyrch, and chyrch Renttes as yt aperyth by hys bylles, xvj s ix d. | ||
Item, payd to Constantyne þe carpenter for makyng of all' þe new pewys and for closyng in off þe ffovntte, vj l'i xiij s vij d. | ||
Item, payd for naylys, xiij d. | ||
Item, payd to mastyr smartt for a ffothyr and a halfe of lede that þe chyrch owte hyme, v l'i xix s. | ||
Item, payd to mastyr Remyngton for a pece of lyne of the sanctes bell', pris xij d. | ||
Item, payd to Thomas mondes for naylys, xix d. | ||
Item, payd to þe Raker for havyng away of þe Rubbis, xij d. | ||
Summa, xiiij l'i vj s x d. |
Expensys in wax to þe waxe chaundelar.
Item, payd to Roger Mydylton for strekyng of vijxx x ll' of waxe, and for makyng of þe pascall', and dressyng of iiij torchys at corpus christi tyde, and for waste of ij tapers at an obbett, x s viij d. | ||
Item, payd to water develyn for quarter of waxe þe xxij day of marche, pris þe ll' vj d. Summa, xiiij s. | ||
Item, payd to Ioh'n derham þe xxix day of marche for quarter waxe, pris xvj s. | ||
Summa, xxx s. | ||
Summa, xl s viij d. | ||
Summa totalis, xvj l'i vij s v d. (fn. 12) |
(fn. 13) Reparacionys of the chyrch Renttes.
(fn. 14) The Costes and paymenttes of (fn. 15) Nasyng ys Chaunttre.
The Costys and paymenttes of Rose Wryttyll' and Ioh'n Weston ys chaunttre.
Item, payd To syr Robartt hall', preste, to synge for the sayd Rose Wryttyll' and Ioh'n weston for iij quarters of a yere at mydsomer last passyd | v li | |
Summa, xiij l'i xj s ix d ob.. |
(fn. 16) The Costys and paymenttes of Rychard Gosselyn ys chaunttre.
(fn. 17) The Costes and paymenttes of Ioh'n Causton ys Chaunttre.
Item, that we alowyd to ffysshes wyffe a quartyr Rentt for þe glase in hare halle and parler and chapell', and for þe selyng in þe parlar and for þe chapell' in here chambyr. Summa | xxx s |
towre hyll'.
(fn. 18) The Vacacionys of Causton ys Renttes.
Costes spentt in the lawe ayenste þe priores of sentt Elynys for the chauntre of Ioh'n Causton.
Item, spentt Goyinge to westemynstyr at dyuers tymys | viij d | |
Item, payd to mastyr ffenowys sargantt | iij s | iiij d |
Item, payd for owre parte of iiij dysshes of mete þat was sentt to my lorde hussy and my lorde bryan | ij s | viij d |
Item, payd to mastyr mordavntt and mastyr marowe the xxviij day of Ianyuere | vj s | viij d |
Item, payd the same daye for bote hyre to Westmynstyr and othyr expences | viij d | |
Item, payd for our parte of a messe of mete sentt to (fn. 19) my lorde hussy and my lorde bryan on sentt Markes day | ij s | v d |
Item, payd for brede and wyne at sentt Ioh'n ys hede | ix d | |
Item, payd to mastyr marow | iij s | iiij d |
Item, to hys clarke for settyng of þe bylles to my lorde hussyis | ij d | |
Item, payd for bote hyre and othyr expences in apryll' | xvj d | |
Item, payd þe ffyrste day of maye to my lorde hussy and my lorde bryang for a Rewarde for owre parte | xx s | |
Item, payd to hys Clarke | iiij d | |
Item, payd to mastyr marowe the same day | iij s | iiij d |
Item, spentt þe x day of Iuly in bote hyre and othyr expences at Westmynstyr whane we yede to speke with my lorde hussys and my lorde bryan | vj d (fn. 20) | |
Summa, iij l'i ij s x d. |
(fn. 21) The Costes and paymenttes of Ioh'n Bedham ys chauntre.
Item, payd to syr Ioh'n plomer, prest, to syng for the sayd Ioh'n bedham, for an hole yere at myhelmas laste passyd | vj l'i | xiij s | iiij d |
Item, payd for The obbett of þe sayd Ioh'n bedham, kepte þe xvj day of maye last passed, to prestes and clarkys (fn. 22) and pore pepyll and to þe chyrch' wardenys | xiij s | iiij d | |
Item, payd to Gabryell' de vrs toward hys Reparacion of the grete plase in sentt buttolles lane, for a hole yere at myhelmas laste passyd | liij s | iiij d | |
Item, payd to iij pore men of thys parysshe, that ys to wete, Wylliam parys, Raynolde bull' and Ioh'n toplady, euery sonday in þe yere, xij d. Summa | lij s | ||
Item, payd to Ioh'n derham, grocer, for x galonys of oyle spentt in the lampe within thys yere of owre accountte, pris þe galon, x d. Summa | viij s | iiij d | |
Summa, xiij l'i iiij d. |
(fn. 23) The Costes and paymenttes of Mastyr Wylliam cambryge ys chauntre.
Item, payd to syr Thomas Assheborne, preste, to synge for (fn. 24) the sayde mastyr Wylliam Cambryge, for an hole yere at Myhelmas last passyd | vj l'i | xiij s | iiij d |
Item, payd for The obbett of þe sayd mastyr Wylliam Cambryge, kepte þe xix day of auguste, to prestes and Clarkys and for Ryngynge | iiij s | viiij d | |
Item, payd for brede, ale, wyne and chese to the pore pepyll' and to all þe parysshonys | viij s | viij d | |
Item, payd to þe mayre and to þe ij sheryves and þe swerde berar at þe same obett | xv s | ||
Summa, xxviijs iiij d. |
Item, payd ffor Reparacion in Irithes howse and in þe othyr tenantryis done at dyuers tymys | iij s | iij d |
Item, for the vacacione of the howse that Wylliam Raynysford dwellyd in, for j quartyr | vj s | viij d |
Summa, viij l'i xj s vij d. |
(fn. 25) Potacionys.
Summa of all' the dysscharge payd within thys yere of owre accounte ys iiijxx ix li. xviij s vij d ob..
Reste due to the Chyrch' in owre hondys iiij l'i v s viij d ob..
Whereof ther ys owyng thys yere in detters handys Thes parcellys ffolowyng:—
So ther Restyth' in mony of thys accountte in owre hondys xlviij s x d ob. Wherof is allowed for syr Thomas Ashbournes chamber vj s viij d. And so he owith clearly vpon this yeres ende xlij s.
(fn. 26) + Ihesus.
Paide by me, William overeye, in the presence of Mr Remyngton, Aldreman, & Mr William Atclyffe, Ioh'n dooklyng, Ioh'n Milton, Richard cloce & Ioh'n deraham. Summa, xlij s ij d ob.: which was delyvered to Ioh'n mascalde, with ij s vj d of the rest of Robert howtynges accoumpte, besyde all' the dettes that er to be Resseyuid.
(fn. 27) Robert owtyng | Ao ml' cccc iiijxx xiiij | |
Wylliam overey |