The Medieval Records of A London City Church St Mary At Hill, 1420-1559. Originally published by Trübner, London, 1905.
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'Lease of a house in Thames Street, 1507', in The Medieval Records of A London City Church St Mary At Hill, 1420-1559, ed. Henry Littlehales (London, 1905), British History Online [accessed 9 February 2025].
'Lease of a house in Thames Street, 1507', in The Medieval Records of A London City Church St Mary At Hill, 1420-1559. Edited by Henry Littlehales (London, 1905), British History Online, accessed February 9, 2025,
"Lease of a house in Thames Street, 1507". The Medieval Records of A London City Church St Mary At Hill, 1420-1559. Ed. Henry Littlehales (London, 1905), British History Online. Web. 9 February 2025.
(fn. 1) This ys a remembrance of a Indenture made the xiijth day of the monethe of Marche in ye yere of our lord god ml' vc and vij, and in the xxiijth yere of the Reigne of kyng herry the vijth; betwene Maistir William hatclyff, clerk, parson of ye parishe chirche of seint Mary att hyll' beside Byllyngesgaet of london, herry Edmond, Salter, and Ioh'n Russell', Skynner, Citeens of london, nowe wardayns of the godes, ornamentes, werkes, livelode and rentes of the same Chirch' on that one partie, And Andrewe Evyngar, Cytezen and Salter of london, Ellyn his wyff and Elysabeth ther naturall' doughter on that other partie, Witnessyth, that ye said parson and wardeyns by ye consent, wyll' and agrement of ye right worshipfull' parysshens of ye said paryshe haue graunted duuisid? and by this indentur to ferme, haue letyn and confermyd vnto ye said Andrewe, Ellyn and Elysabeth and to ye lenghest liver of them, all' that tenement of ye said parson, wardeyns and parysshens, with ye Appurtenaunces belongyng to ye said chirch', which' one Thomas hunt, draper, late dwellid in, set and lying in Thamysstret in ye paryshe aforsaid, yat is to witt, between ye tenement late in ye tenneur of one Robard howtyng, ffyshemongher, nowe in ye tenure of robard holdernes, merchaunt haberdasher, on ye west partie, and Ioh'n Collyns, ffyshemonger, on ye Est partie, and ye kynges highway ther on ye northe partie; To haue, occipy and hold ye forsaid tenement with thappurtenaunces vnto ye said Andrewe, Ellyn and Elysabeth and to ye lengyst liver of them and to ther assigners tenauntes of ye said tenement with thappurtenaunces for ye tyme beyng, from ye ffeast of ye Annunciacion of our lady seint Mary ye virgyn next comyng aftir ye date hereof, vnto ye ende (fn. 2) and terme of .l., fyfty, hole yeris than next folowyng and fully to be compleet, yeldyng and payng therfore yerly duryng ye said term vnto ye said parson and wardeyns and to their Successours parson of ye said chiche and wardeyns of ye godis, ornamentes, werkes, livelode and rentes of ye same chirch' or to theyr certeyn attorney or deputee, v mark sterlynges at iiij termys of ye yere, in ye Citie of london vsuell', by evyn porcions.
And where as the said tenement with thappurtenaunces ys nowe olde, febyll', ruinous, and at great decay fallyng down ye day of ye makyng hereoff, the said Andrewe Couennantith, and hym and his executours byndith' to ye said parson & wardeyns and to their successurs by yis presentes, that he, the sayd Andrewe, at his owne propre costes and charges, within ye first yere of ye said terme shall' take down ye said tenement with ye thappurtenaunces, and vpon ye grownde of ye same shall' do to be sett vpp, bildid and edified, a substaunciall' newe tenement with iij stories in ye stede of ye olde, with gode and substaunciall' newe tymbir, as large and as fer as ye said grownd will' stretche and suffyce to be made, with shopp, Solers, dores, wyndowis, steyres, particions, hawle, chambirs, parlour, Gutturs, kechyn, and all' other maner thynges necessary to such a tenement to be had, clenly and werkmanly to deuided and cast with all' maner tymbre werk, Irrn werk, lede werk and stoen werk conuenient and necessary to ye same tenement, to be fownd and made at ye propre cost and charge of ye said Andrewe Evyngar. To haue hold vnto ye said Andrewe, ellyn and elyabeth and to ye lenger liver of them after ye said edificacion and bildyng vnto thend and complesshement of ye said terme of fyfty yeris, yff they or eny of them so long live.
And it ys couenauntid, and agreed betwen ye said parties, and ye said Andrewe ellyn and elysabethe grantyn and them byndyn by this presentes yat they and lenger liver of them, at their own propre costes ye said tenement with thappurtenaunces aftir it ys newe bildyd and sett vpp in ye forme above said, well and sufficiently in euery part and parcell therof, from thensforth shall' kepe, repaire and mayntene, wynd tyght, water tyght, as often as shall' be nedefull', and ye pament of ye kynges high' way ther, afore the said tenement, competenly shall' do to be pavid and made. And ye sege or prevey therof shall' do to be voydid and made clene from tyme to tyme and as oftyn as nede shall' require duryng ye terme and space of xx yeris than next folowyng of ye said terme of fyfty yeris.
And Aftyr ye same terme of xx yeris fully endid and completyd ye said parson and wardeyns couenaunt, and them and their successours byndyn, by yis presentes, yat they & their successours, at theyre owne propre costes & charges, ye said tenement with ye appurtenauntes in euery part and parcell' theroff from thensforthe well' and sufficiently shall' kepe, repaire and mayntene, & ayenste wynde and reyn shall' make defensible, as often as nede shall' require, and ye pament in ye kynges high'way aforsaid afor ye said tenement, competenly shall' do to be paved & made, & ye sege or prevye theroff shall' do to be voided & made clene from tyme to tyme as it shall' be nedefull' vnto thend and accomplesshement of ye said terme of l yeris; yat is to sey, duryng ye terme and space of xxx yerys of ye same fyfty yeris aftir ye said first xx yeris fully endid & exspirid. And also yat ye said parson and wardeyns & their successours at their own propre costes well' & truly shall' bere, support and pay, all' maner quitrentes due & goyng owt of ye said tenement with thappurtenaunces. And the said Andrew, Ellyn & elyzabeth' & euery of them therof shall' yerly discharge duryng ye said terme of .1. yeris by this presentes.
And it ys ferthermore couenauntid, assentid, and fully agreed betwen ye said parties yat yff it so fortune as ye wyll' of god be full'fillid yat ye said andrew, ellyn & elyzabeth & euery of them passe & decease owt of this mortall' lyff afore thende and complesshement of ye said terme of fyfty yeris, yt than as moche and as many yeris of ye same terme as at ye tyme of ye last decesor of ye seid Andrew, ellyn and elyzabethe shall' than be therof for to com, shall' holy remayn and retorne to ye vse & behove of ye forsaid chirche of our lady; & that than, immediatly aftir ye last decessor, yt shall' be lefull' vnto ye said parson and wardeyns & to ther Successours, in to ye said tenement with thappurtenaunces to re-entre, and the same to resume, enioie, and possede, as in their former astat, this present lees and all thynges therin contened in eny wyse notwythstandyng. ffor the whiche Remaindre of ye resedu of ye said terme of .l. yeris which' at ye tyme of ye last decesser of ye said Andrew, Ellyn & elyzabeth shall' than be theroff for to com iff it so fortune as it ys aforesaid. And for ye possedyng ayein of ye said tenement with thappurtenauntes in ye forme aforesaid, ye said parson and wardeyns oblygien and bynden them and their Successours, by this presentes, that they their successours at their own propre costes and charges shall' kepe and do to be kept and song yerly, a solempny Obite within the chirche of our lady att hyll' aforesaid by ye prestes and clerkes of ye same same chirche for ye soules of ye said Andrew Evyngar, Ellyn his wyff and Elyzabeth their dowghter by naem, & generally for all' chisten sowles, on the day in whiche ye said last decesser shall so fortune to passe and decesse out of this mortall' liff, that ys to witt, on ye evyn of ye same day with placebo and dirige by note, and on ye morowe folowyng with masse of Requiem by noet, in all' thynges aftir ye vse custum and maner as it owythe to be doen for christen sowles, within the said chirche duryng ye terme and space than for to com of ye sayd .l. yeris aftir ye last decesser of ye said Andrew, ellyn & elyzabeth.
yff it so fortune yt eny of them decesse and passe out of this mortall' lyff before thend and accomplysshement of ye said .l. yeris, it shall' be lefull' vnto ye said parson and wardains & to their successours for ye tyme beyng into ye forsaid tenement with thappurtenaunces to entre & distrayn after ye lawe & costum of ye Citie of london, & yff it happ ye said yerly ferme of v marke after eny terme aboue said in which' it oweth, to be behynd in part or in all' by a monithe vnpaid, yff it be lawfully askid; yat than it shall' be leffull' vnto ye said parson & wardeins & to their successours for ye tyme beyng, into ye forsaid tenement with ye appurtenaunces to entre & distrayn aftir ye lawe & custom of ye citie of london. And yff it fortune ye sayd yerly ferme of v marke to be behynde in part or in all' after eny terme abouesaid in ye which' it owght to be paid by oon hole yere vnpaid, and sufficient distresse for ye arrerages of ye said yerly ferme ther can not be fownd, yat than it shall' be lefull vnto ye said parson & wardens and to their successours for ye tyme beyng, into ye forsaid tenement with thappurtenaunces holy to reentre, and ye same as in their former astate to retayn, enioy, & possede, and ye said Andrew, ellyn & elyzabeth & euery of them theroff vtterly to putt owt and amove, this present leese in any wise notwithstandyng. And ye said parson & wardeins & their Successours ye forsaid tenement with thappurtenaunces vnto ye said Andrew, ellyn & elyzabeth & to ye longer liver of them, for ye rent abouesaid & in all' maner & form above declaryd, ayenst all' maner pepyll' shall' warant, acquit & defende duryng ye forsaid terme of .l. yeris by this presentes.
Also ye said parson & wardeins couenaunten & [graunten ?] yat they or thier successours, In witnesse wheroff as well' ye sealys of ye said parson & wardeins as ye sealys of ye forsaid Andrew Evyngar, ellyn his wyff and Elysabethe their doughter, to this Indentures chaungeably been seett.
yeven ye day & yere above wrytyn Anno xv c vij.