Churchwardens' accounts: 1549-50

The Medieval Records of A London City Church St Mary At Hill, 1420-1559. Originally published by Trübner, London, 1905.

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'Churchwardens' accounts: 1549-50', in The Medieval Records of A London City Church St Mary At Hill, 1420-1559, ed. Henry Littlehales (London, 1905), British History Online [accessed 17 February 2025].

'Churchwardens' accounts: 1549-50', in The Medieval Records of A London City Church St Mary At Hill, 1420-1559. Edited by Henry Littlehales (London, 1905), British History Online, accessed February 17, 2025,

"Churchwardens' accounts: 1549-50". The Medieval Records of A London City Church St Mary At Hill, 1420-1559. Ed. Henry Littlehales (London, 1905), British History Online. Web. 17 February 2025.

[a.d. 1549–50.

William Steven Wardens.
Thomas Lucas

Michaelmas to Michaelmas.]

(fn. 1) The Charges and Receites.

Receyued for one hole yeris rent for the bell at the towre hill xl s
Receyued for bokes sold within the tyme of this accompt xlvj s viij d
Receyued for xij ounces of siluer, beyng claspes of bokes and the busshops myter, at v s viij d the o iij l'i viij s
Receyued for a bell of Siluer wayeng ix ounces and half, at v s the o xlvij s vj d
Receyued for a gilt chalis and a pax, weyng xxiij ounces, at v s xj d the o vj l'i xvj s j d
Receyued of certen of the parishe, as apperith by a bill of particulers, of the gift of master parson xv l'i
Receyued of the Clarkes wages, as apperith by a bill of particulers x l'i viij s
Receyued of Monnox wif for hir husbondes pyt vj s viij d
Receyued of William Patten for hir wifes pyt vj s viij d
Receyued of William Stevyn for his wifes pyt and knyll xiij s iiij d
(fn. 2) Receyued of Mr Cleyton for the pit and knyll for his wif xvj s viij d
Receyued for the pytt for the goodwif Sampson vj s viij d
Receyued of Iohn Morton for his wif pytt vj s viij d
Receyued for the beryeng cloth for the good wif Sampson and Mortons wif ij s
Receyued for a table that stode vpon the Alter, sold within the tyme of this Accompt iiij s viij d
Receyued for one of the Alter stones that lyeth on the good wif Sampsons pyt iij s iiij d
Receyued of ffraunces Semper toward the Costes of the Sute for the house in the Church yarde v l'i
Summa totalis of the receites, l l'i v s vij d.

(fn. 3) The discharge.

Paid to sir Iohn Shorpyn for his hole yeris wages iij l'i xiij s iiij d
Paid to William Mundye for his yeris wages v l'i vj s viij d
Paid to William Davy for his yeris wages vj l'i
Paid to William Man for one quarter xxx s
Paid to Thomas Wharlton, conduct, for one quarter endid at our lady day xxx s
Paid to Thomas Bettes, conduct, for half a yere liij s iiij d
Paid to Robert Golder, conduct, for half a yere iij l'i vj s viij d
Paid to Thomas Blakden, conduct, for half a yere iij l'i
Paid to Thomas May, conduct, for one quarter xx s
Paid to Thomas Mundy, Sexten, for his yeris wages iiij l'i
Paid to sir Story for syngyng all Crystmas iij s iiij d
Paid for wasshing of the church clothes for one hole yere viij s
Paid to the raker for one hole yere xvj d
Paid for holly and Ivie at Crystmas; and a fyer iron ix d
Paid for bread, ale and wyne in vestre for the quere xxij d
Paid to the Organ maker for his fee xij d
Paid for mending of the new Organs v s
Paid for ryngyng of two knyllis, the one for mystris Cleyton and the other for William Stevyns wif xx d
(fn. 4) paid for brome and birche this yere x d
paid for mendyng of the litill bell clapper and for makyng of thre bawdrikes for the bellis vij s vj d
paid to laborers for vj dayes for takyng downe the Alters, at vij d a day iij s vj d
paid for mending of the dore commyng in at seynt Mary hill lane ij s iiij d
Paid for vj pounde of candell x d ob.
Paid to a pavier for paving of xij yardes of pavement in Love Lane ij s
Paid for a great lode of gravell xij d
paid to Lusheby for takyng downe of the high Alter and for pavyng of the quere and church xxij s vj d
Paid to Mr Chibbourne for subsedy due to the kynges Maiestie for the parson iij l'i vj s iiij d
Paid to the kynges Maiesties vse for the South ile x s
Summa, v l'i xvj s x d ob.

(fn. 5) Costes and Charges spent and layed out for the recovery of the howse in the Chvrch yard.

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  • 1. leaf 696.
  • 2. leaf 696, back.
  • 3. leaf 697.
  • 4. leaf 697, back.
  • 5. leaf 698.