Extracts from the Records: 1508

Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1403-1528. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Edinburgh, 1869.

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'Extracts from the Records: 1508', in Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1403-1528, ed. J D Marwick (Edinburgh, 1869), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/edinburgh-burgh-records/1403-1528/pp112-122 [accessed 19 February 2025].

'Extracts from the Records: 1508', in Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1403-1528. Edited by J D Marwick (Edinburgh, 1869), British History Online, accessed February 19, 2025, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/edinburgh-burgh-records/1403-1528/pp112-122.

"Extracts from the Records: 1508". Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1403-1528. Ed. J D Marwick (Edinburgh, 1869), British History Online. Web. 19 February 2025. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/edinburgh-burgh-records/1403-1528/pp112-122.


23 March 1507–8.

Prima Gilde tenta coram Alexandro Lawdir preposito et Willelmo Foular decano gilde burgi de Edynburgh et consulibus ejusdem xxiij° die mensis Martij anno domini jm vc septimo.

[The first Gild held before Alexander Lauder, Provost, and William Fowlar, Dean of Guild of the Burgh of Edinburgh, and the Councillors of the same, on the 23rd day of the month of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand five hundred and seven.]

Statutum [ ] burgensis et confratrum gilde.

The quhilk day it is statut and ordanit that in tyme cuming the priuilegis of burges barnis be obseruit and kepit in this wis, that the burges eldest son sal pay enterand as air to his fader sal pay for his burgesry vj s. viij d., and for gildry enterand be his fader brother of the gild xiij s. iiij d.; and for the secund son his burgesry xiij s. iiij d., and for his gildry xx s., and siclike the burges doichteris lauchfulle gottin to haue the priuilege of the secund son, viz, for the burgesry lxiij s. iiij d., and for the gildry xxu s.

Item, of the vnfremen enterand for his burgesry thre li., and for his gildry five li., with the clerkis fee and the vtheris that accordis.

29 March 1508.

Statute vpoun the coloring of vnfremenis guildis.

Statutum super libertate facultatum burgensis et confraternitis gilde huiusmodi burgi de Edinburgh atque super colorationem bonorum alienorum editum antepenultimo die mensis Martij anno domini jmvcviiij°per prepositum baliuos consules et fratris gilde eiusdem burgi.

[Statute upon the liberty and faculty of burgesses and bretheren of the gild of this Burgh of Edinburgh, and upon the colouring of strangers goods, made the 29th day of the month of March, in the year of our Lord 1508, by the Provost, Bailies, Councillors, and gild brethren of the same Burgh.]

The qubilk day it is statute and ordanit be the provest baillies counsale and brether of the confrarie of the gild within this burgh of Edinburgh that na fremen of the samyn, burges nor bruther of the gilde, consele nor colour vnder the colour of his awin ony vnfremenis guidis outher pertenyng to burgesry or gildry in ony tyme to cum, vnder the pane quhaireuer the contrare heirof may be notourlye knawin or ourtane of depriuation of that persoun quhatevir he be fra his facultie and priuilege of burgesry or gildry quther sa evir it be, and of baith gif it hapinis, and nocht to be gottin nor obtenit agane be that persoun trespassand without he by the saymn agane at the vttir poynt, besyde the violatione of his aith, becaus he is suorne in the contrare the tyme of his first creacione, and this statute is diuisit maid and ordanit for the obseruing and keiping of the honour faith and priuelege of the saidis facultes of burgesry and gildry within burgh efter the forme of the auld gud statuttis and rewlis thairof.

10 April 1508.

The toun in vse of the clanging of thair havin, etc.

It is appointit and concordit betuix Robert Rynd [and] Patrik Richartsoun thesaurare, in name of the provest and counsale of the toun, on the ane pairt, and Duncane Donaldsoun and James Jhonstoun on the vther pairt, in this wys, that the said Duncane and James sall serche and tak furth of the bavin of Leith all the lows stanis extending fra the bulwark inwart towart the west, incontinent as the wedder requiris, for the quhilkis the said thesaurar he bocht and deliuerit deliuerit to thame ij bollis ry.

5 May 1508.


The quhilk day it is statute and ordanit be the provest baillies and counsale of this burgh of Edinburgh, with the avyse of the kirkmaister and heidismen of the flescheour craft within this burgh, for the honesty and guid rewle of the samyn, viz. Adame Edzear, David Maitland, James Quhitrig, Robert Dalrumpill, Dauid Gulde, Thome Greg, Symon Law, Jhone of Kirk, Michaell Inche, Stevin Law, William burn, Duncan Wilsoun, James Bissett, Watt Constabill, Johne of Fyfe, George Crystesoun, Adame Steruinsoun, Jhone Steuinsoun, Will Twedy, Jhone Blak, Sande Donaldsoun, Jhone Con, Jame Scott, Jhonn Home, Edward vr, Richie Crystie, Will Lowsone, Henry Grahame and Johne Hairt, in thair awin names and in the behalf of the haill craft, that in tyme to cum thai sall haif thair stall and standis weill tentit with fair canves, and thair flesche thair offerit to sell to be converit with fair lynning clayths for the honest handling of thair said stufe and at the sellaris thairof be honestlie habilleit according to thair facultie with honest apronis convenient thairfore, and at thai sell nocht oppinly in the merket thair nolt heids nowmyllis nor interallis of thair flesche bot quyetlie in private places, and at all thair stokis be of ane lenth, viz., ten fute of lenth, and nocht ane langer than ane vther, and honestly and proffeit of thame sellares of the said stufe and fkesche, and quhilk of thame that failyes heirinto sall pay to the kirk wark xl s. till ane vnlaw als oft as it happinis but favouris, and this till indure quhill ane vther convenient way be considderit for the said flesheouris.

Fische mercat.

It is ordanit that the fische mercat be halden downe besyde the dyke of the Trinity College, and at nane be sawld in ony vther place on the hie gaitt bott allanerly thairabout the said dyke and place vnder the payne of xl 8., and at the sellares and brekkaris of the greit fische haif thair stoks and grayth thairdone for that intent weill and honestly put at poynt as accordis vnder the same payne. (In the convict buik begynnand in July 1505.—Tr.)

8 June1508.

Pro Willelmo Ker.

In Dei nomine Amen: Per hoc presens publicum [instrumentum] cunctis pateat euidenter quod anno incarnacionis Dominice jm vc viij°, mensis vero Junii die octavo, indictione xia, pontificatus sanctissimi in Cristo patris ac domini nostri domini Julii diuina prouidencia Pape secundi anno quinto. In honorabilis viri Willelmi Goldsmyth aque balliui ville et portus de Letih pertinentis jurisdictioni burgi de Edinburgh, infra regnum Scotie, pro trilbunali sedentis, meique notarii publici et testium subscriptorum presencia personaliter comparuerunt in judicio Thomas Winter actor ab vna, et Willelmus Ker reus partibus ab altera. Quiquidem Thomas vindicabat ipsum Willelmum super injusta detentione a se decem lastarum salis ville de Tralsound quas ab ipso emebat in dicta villa de Tralsound fore deliberatarum huc infra regnum Scotie, xii barellos pre quaque lasta pure salis plenos libere a solucione cuiuscunque freti expensarum omniumque aliorum costagiorum quorumcunque, idem Thomas soluendo sibi pro vnoquoque barello duodecim solidos monete Scotie. et super huiusmodi contractu ipse Thomas premanibus deliberauit in partem solucionis eidem Willelmo vnum scutum gallicanum extendentem in valorem ad xiiii solidos monete Scotie vt asseritur. In quaquid causa sic vendicare antedictus Willelmus offererbat se ibidem rite et juridice respondere et defensare vt equitati congruebat. Tandem inter ipsas partes concordatum fuit appetitu et desiderio dicti Thomas Winter actoris quod huiusmodi causa comparueret et sortiretur effectum coram judicibus et legislatoribus dicte ville de Tralsound tantum, ad quod idem Willelmus Ker voluntarie et gratanter annuebat et concedebat. Super quibus omnibus et singulis premissis pretactus Willelmus Ker a me notario publico subscripto sibi fieri petiit presens publicum instrumentum. Acta erant hec apud predictam villam de Leith, hora quasi vndecima ante merediem, sub anno mense die indictione et pontificatu quibus supra, presentibus ibidem magistro Roberto Pringill rectore de Morem, magistro Thoma Strathauchin vicario de Boncle, Alexandro creichtone et Johanne Leggait cum diuersis aliis testibus ad premissa vocatis specialiter et rogatis.

[In the name of God, amen: Be it manifestly known to all men by this present public instrument, that in the year of the incarnation ofour Lord one thousand five hundred and eight, on the eighth day of the month of June, in the eleventh Indication, and fifth year of the pontificate of the most holy Father in Christ and our Lord by divine providence Pope Julius the Second, In presence of an honourable man William Goldsmith, water bailie of the town and port of Leith, belonging to the jurisdiction of the Burgh of Edinburgh, within the Kingdom of Scotland, sitting in judgement, in presence of me notary-public, and of the witness subscribing, personally compeared in judgment Thomas Winter, pursuer on the one Part, and William Kerr, defender on the other part, The said Thomas sued the said William for the unjust detention from him of ten lasts of salt of the town of Tralsound [Stralsund], which he bought from him in the said town of Tralsoun, to be delivered here, within the kingdom of Scotlant, twelve barrels full of pure salt for each last, free from payment of all edpenses of freight and of all other costs whateve, the said Thomas paying for each barrel twelve shilligns fos Scotch money. And in respect of such contract, the said Thomas publicly delivered to the said William, in Part payment, one French crown, amounting in value to foruteen shilligns of Scotch money, as is asscrted. In which case the foresaid william made offer that he would duley and legally answer and defend as accords with justice. At length it was agreed between the parties, by desire of the said Thomas Winter, pursuer, that the said cuse should be heard and brought to end before the judges and legislators of the town of Tralsound only, to which all and sundry the premises the said William Kerr asked the present public instrument to be make for him by me, notary public, subsribing. These things were done at the foresaid town of Leith about the eleventh hour of the forenoon, in the year, month, day, and pontificate above written, in presence of Mr Robert Pringle rector of Morham; Mr Thomas Strachan vicar of Boncle;Alexander Crichton, and Jhon Leggat, with divers other witnesse to the premises specially called and required.]

18 July 1508.

Vnfremen. Flesheour craft.

The qhhilk day, anent the sullicatioun maid be Thomas Greg kirkmaister of the flescheour craft and the laif of the masteris of the samyn, that thir persionis vnder written viz. Thomas Harvye, Jhone Glen, Dauid M'Kilwarrand, Will cristewoun, James Gilry, Jhone Mores, Thomas Robesou, Jhone Alanesoun, vnfremen of this burgh, Robert Law, Patrik Govanelokis and Johen Naper fre burges, that the vnfemen occupit the fredome of thair craft nother havad the fredome fo the burgh nor of thair craft, and als that the fremen war nocht vncorporat in thair facultie and fredome, it wes ordanit and deliverit be the provest baillies and counsale that the said vnfremen be dischairgit fra the operatioun of the flescheour craft expect the fre market dayis Sounday and Monanday quhill thai obtene thair fredome, and the provest and counsale be forther avisit, and as for the said fremen thai ar submittit with consent of pairtie to be examit be Thomas Greg, Symon Law, Michael Inche and Jhone of Fyfe, sworne thairto in jugement, quhether thai be abile and wirthye be thair practice to be admittit to the occupatioun of the said craft or nocht, and as for thair contributioun of thair vpset the provest and counsall till auys thairvpoun baith for the honour of thair altar the proffeit of the toun and honestie of the craft, and as the said maisteris fyndis in the said examinatioun to schaw the samyn to the toun.

9 September 1508.

Deling of aill for insufficientnes.

The provest and counsale ordanis the baillies and officeris to searche and seik quhair the proclamatioun and statute of the aill was laitlie maid [and] proclamit is broken be ony persoun within this burgh, and quhair thai fynd it brokin that thai tak thair aill and dele the samyn.

30 September 1508.

The last rufe put on the Hospital of Sant Marie Wynd.

It is appintit betuix the toun on the ane pairt and Patrik Brig wricht on the vther pairt, in this wys, that the said Patrik sall mak and perfurnis to thair hospital in Sanct Marie Wynd ane compleit ruf all of akin tymer new and setting of the cuppillis sall be of the thiknes that euerye thre cuppillis sall tak the lenth of a windeous pipe staf and the laging of thame strikin of, and to be of sufficient stuf and tymmer and werkmanschip at the sicht of the provest baillies and counsall, and to be of lenth the ruf sparris according to the widnes of the hous, and this werk to be completit betuix this and Martymes nixt to cum, for the quhilk thai sall content and pay to him ten li. and thairof payit to him in hand vj li. and the vther iiij li., to be payit at the compleiting ending and vpsetting of the said ruf, and he to perfurnis the said wark and vpsetting as said is all on his expensis and vpoun his gude warkmaneschip and gyding thai skynk him the tymmer of the auld ruf. Testibus, Willelmo Hopper Jhone Levingtoun, baillies, Willelmo Lokkart, Willelme Goldsmyth et multis alijs.

30 October 1508.


It is statute and ordanit be the provest baillies and counsale that all stabulares within this burgh haif thair stabillis weill and sufficientlie furnist with hek [and] manynger, sufficient lokkis and catbandis for thair duris, for the sure keping of the hors that stabillis with thame, and sall sell the best corne for iiijd. and the furallar and secundare for iij d. the pek, and the stane of hay for iiij d. guid stufe and fresche, and at thai haif convenient ballands and wechts thairfore, and at thai bewar with thair candill in thair hay hous that na skayth nor daynger cum thairthrow, vnder the payne of the awld statutes maid thairvpoun of before.

Candel. makeris.

Ibid. It is statute and ordanit that all persouns that makis candill to sell within this burgh that thai make thair candill of guid and sufficient stufe bayth weik and talloun and sufficient werkmanschip, and that thai sell the pund na derare than for iij d., and at thai haif their wechtis les and mair convenient thairfore, and als that na talloun be meltit on the foregaitt in hous vnder the payne of the awld statutes maid thairvpoun.


Ibidem. It is statute and ordanit that na furrouris dwelland within this burgh steip thair skynis in forehous nor hing thame in forestaris nor yitt ding thame on the hiegaitt vnder the payne of the awld statutes maid thairvpoun.


Ibidem. It is statute and ordanit that na maner of walkeris dwelland within this burgh hing thair claythis in forestairis nor wesche thame in forehoussis vnder the said paynis to be raisit to the kirk werks. (In the convict buik begynand in July 1508 is contenit, penultum Octobris, quhat yeir vncertane, but be ordour of the buik apperis to be 1507 or 1508.—Tr.)

29 November 1508.

Anent the mesouris of victuallis.

The quhilk day, (it is diuisit and ordanit be) the provest ballies and hale counsale ordanis the thesaurare to mak certane watter mesouris to serve our Soverane Lordis liegis and all vtheris equalie, and that the wattir hale boll to contene lxxxxvj pyntis, the half boll xlviij pynttis and the firlott xxiiij pyntis, and that thir mesouris serve till quheit beir and ry and all vther victuallis, and that the fermoraris of the dewteis of the toun vs nor len na mesouris bot of the quantitie aboue writtin as thai will answer to the Kingis hienes thairvpoun, swa that the chalder be the watter met contene xviij bollis land mett.

Vills. Craftis. Offices.

The quhilk day, the provest baillies and greit counsale and ane pairt of the craftismen of the toun ansueris and deliueris anent the petitionis askit and desyrit be ane vther pairt of the said craftismen of the samyn be thair foirspeker Thomas Hathowye, viz., that vj or viij or thame mycht be on the daylie counsale of the toun, and ane pairt of thame to vs the office of bailyerie and vtheris officis, that considering thair is actis of our Souerane Lordis parliament made vpoun the chesing of all officiaris and counsale within burgh, the quhilkis thai dar nocht nor will nocht brek nor vsurpe in na pairt aganis the samyn, nor yit mak alteratioun nor innouatioun thairvpoun but avise of the KIngis hienes and his parliament. And as for the adis craftismen it is consentit that thai haue keipit to thame all priuilegis in tyme tocum siclyke as thai adn thair predicessouris hes had in wont and vs in tymes bygane in sa far as thai concerne the commoun weill and proffeit, and at the nixt parliament thai sal avise with the kingis grace and his lordis thairof tuiching the said mater.

The quhilk day, in presens of the provest bailies and counsall, Thomas Hathowye allegit that he in name of the craftismen had gewin thair intentis in writt in before to thame and dedyrit thair ansuer thairvponn, and than ansuerti the provest sayand the toun had put thair ansuer in writt to be gevin to thame.

3 December 1508.

Ordour for buying of winis.

The quhilk day, it is statute and ordanit be the provest baillies counsall and haill brether of the confrarie of Sant Anthone, for the commoun weill and proffeit of all our Souerane Lordis liegis and of this burgh, that fra this tyme furth quhance ony strangeris cummys with wyne of thair awin eventour that the vintenaris sall cheis iiii or vj personis of thair facultie to bey tha hale hoip fo wynis and mak competent pryce thairof, and that evinlie to be deuidit betwix the hale tavernaris of the samyn pryces, the Kingis hienes being first seruit, and that na persoun interpone thame to haue ony entres in taking of the said hous in that kynde, nor yit done our seruice thairin as efferit, bot past his way in fer partis of our realme nocht makand residence nor furnished the said wyne bot he that is bruther of the said facultir and he payit and payis him dewyte to the altar and craft as efferis; and quhat personis that beis foundin doad the contraire heirof sall pay fyve pundis to Sanct Gelis kirkwark and xI s. to the reparaioun of thair said altar als oft as happinis but favouris; and nane by ony of the said wynis withour it be entert in the tounis buikis vnder the said panys.

6 December 1508.

Litera marque. Bartoun.

Vniuersis et singulis ad quorum notitial presentes litere perueneritn prepositus balliui et consules burgi de Edinburgh infra regnum Scotie, salutem in omnium saluatore. Vestra nouerit vniuersitas quod die date presentium coram nobis quedam littere reprisalis seu marque exclllntissimi et serenissimim principis as domini nostri domini Jacoi quarti Dei gratia Scotorum Regis invictis simi, sub secreto sigillo suo, pargameno scripta, cera rubea albe impressa sigillata, pro parte et nomine Roberti Bartoun fuit presentata et producta cuius tenor de verbo in verbum sequitur et est talis:—Jacobus Dei gratia Rex Scotorum dilectis seruitoribus nostris Johanni Bartoun et Roberto Bartoun filiis quondam dilecti seruitoris nostri Johannis Bartoun naucleri, ceterisque liegis et subditis nostris naucleris, et aliis in comitiua cum dictis Johanne et Roberto pro tempore existentibus, inuaserant alias quandam nauim progenitoris nostri inclytissimi pirate aliquot nationis Portugalie quam sub Deo dictus quondam Johannes gubernauit et illam nauium classis multitudine in deditionem subegere mercesque preciosas summi precij subtraxerant et instrumentis bellicis spoliarunt nauim. Cuius occasione pater noster serenissimus equitati et justitiae satisfaciens regi Portugalie querelam suam transmisit requisiuitque eundem vt rapta faceret bona prout equitati congruit resarciri, ea tamen sue requisitionis virtute minime extant restituta, qua in re dictus noster progenitor in vim denegate justitie literas represalis et marque contra quoscunque nationis Portugalie juxta juris exigentiam decreuit, nos vero illius nostri charissimi progenitoris vestigia imitantes et litteras hujusmodi justas et decernentes vobis Johanni et Roberto predictis ceterisque legeis et subditis nostris vobiscum in comitiua pro tempore existentibus reprisalis seu marque literas nostras pariformiter damus et concedimus per presentes vt a quibuscunque nationis Portugalie viris ob causam denegate justitie predictam ad valorem summe trium mille coronarum monete Francie recipiatis et ad nos reportetis. Sic tamen vt illi Portugalenses quibus literas speciales licentie et immunitatis prius dictus pater noster serenissimus aut nos donauimus cum suis nauibus et mercibus ille si permaneant, et has reprisalis et marque literas nolumus aliquo pacto ad eosdem sub nostra protectione extendi. Datum sub nostro secreto sigillo apud burgum nostrum de Edinburgh vigesimo quinto die mensis Junij anno domini jm quadragentesimo nonagesimo quarto, et regni nostri septimo.

Et quia post hujusmodi litere originalis reprisalie seu marque prelecturam et eiusdem cum presenti exemplari siue transumpto debitam collationem fideliter eos concordare in vicem comperimus; igitur nos dicti prepositus balliui et consules decreuimus ut huic presenti transumpto plena fides vbique locorum adhibeatur sicut principalibus literis origionalibus si in medio producerentur, In quorum omnium et singulorum fidem et testimonium premissorum sigillum nostrum hujusmodi burgi ad causas presentibus appendi jussimus apud eundem sexto die mensis Decembris anno domini jmvcviij°.

[To all and sundry to whose notice the present letters shall come, the Provost, Bailies, and Councillors of the Burgh of Edinburgh, within the Kingdom of Scotland, greeting in the Saviour of all,—Know you all that before us, on the day of the date of these presents, a letter of reprisal or marque of the most excellent and serene prince and our lord James IV., by the grace of God the most invincible King of Scots, given under his privy seal, written on parchment, sealed with red wax impressed on a white ground, was on behalf and in name of Robert Barton, presented and produced, of which the tenor, word for word, follows and runs thus:—JAMES, by the grace of God King of Scots, to our beloved servants John Barton and Robert Barton, sons of our late beloved servant John Barton, shipmaster, and other shipmasters, our lieges and subjects, and others in the company of the said John and Robert for the time [greeting]: Some pirates of the nation of Portugal attacked a ship of our late most illustrious ancestor, which, under God, the late John commanded, and with a fleet of many ships compelled it to surrender, and robbed it of merchandise of very great value, and stripped it of its armament. On account of which our most serene father, in satisfaction of equity and justice, transmitted his complaint to the King of Portugal, and required him to cause the goods which had been seized to be restored as accorded of justice. Those goods, accordingly, which were extant, were restored in virtue of his demand. In which transaction our said ancestor, being denied justice in full, decreed letters of marque and reprisal against all of the nation of Portugal, as accords of justice. We, moreover, following the footsteps of our late most dearly beloved ancestor, and declaring such letters just, in like manner grant and concede by these presents to you, John and Robert aforesaid, and our other lieges and subjects who shall be in your company for the time, our letters of marque or reprisal, that you may receive and bring back to us from any men whomsoever of the nation of Portugal, on account of the justice aforesaid being denied, to the extent of three thousand crowns of money of France. So however that those Portuguese to whom our said most serene father or we formerly granted special letters of licence and immunity shall remain with their ships and merchandise uninjured; and we forbid that these letters of marque and reprisal be on any pretence extended to the same, being under our protection. Given under our Privy seal at our Burgh of Edinburgh, the twenty-fifth day of the month of June, in the year of our Lord one thousand four hundred and ninety-four, and in the seventh of our reign:

And as after reading said original letter of reprisal or marque, and due comparison with the present copy and transumpt, we have found them faithfully to agreo with each other, therefore, we the said Provost, Bailies, and Councillors decree that full faith may henceforth be everywhere accorded to the present transumpt as to the original principal letters, if they shall be produced in court. In faith and testimony of all and sundry the premises, we have ordered the seal of cause of our said Burgh to be affixed to these presents, at the said Burgh, the sixth day of the month of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand five hundred and eight.]